11389 Repositories
Python Image-Smoothing-and-Blurring-Using-OpenCV Libraries
Panel Competition Image Generator
Panel Competition Image Generator This project was build by a member of the NFH community and is open for everyone who wants to try it. Relevant links
Scraping comments from the political section of popular Nigerian blog (Nairaland), and saving in a CSV file.
Scraping_Nairaland This project scraped comments from the political section of popular Nigerian blog www.nairaland.com using the Python BeautifulSoup
A simple Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) API created using Flask and running in a Docker container.
emovoz Introduction A simple Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) API created using Flask and running in a Docker container. The SER system was built with
TensorFlow 2 implementation of the Yahoo Open-NSFW model
TensorFlow 2 implementation of the Yahoo Open-NSFW model
cottonformation is a Python tool providing best development experience and highest productivity
Welcome to cottonformation Documentation Full Documentatioin Here cottonformation is a Python tool providing best development experience and highest p
Pipetools enables function composition similar to using Unix pipes.
Pipetools Complete documentation pipetools enables function composition similar to using Unix pipes. It allows forward-composition and piping of arbit
A python package containing all the basic functions and classes for python. From simple addition to advanced file encryption.
A python package containing all the basic functions and classes for python. From simple addition to advanced file encryption.
Chess bot can play automatically as white or black on lichess.com, chess.com and any website using drag and drop to move pieces
Chessbot "Why create another chessbot ?" The explanation is simple : I did not find a free bot I liked online : all the bots I saw on internet are par
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
Checkers Project Built Using Python
Checkers Project Built Using Python
Rates how pog a word or user is. Not random and does have *some* kind of algorithm to it.
PogRater :D Rates how pogchamp a word is :D A fun project coded by JBYT27 using Python3 Have you ever wondered how pog a word is? Well, congrats, you
Proof-Of-Concept Piano-Drums Music AI Model/Implementation
Rock Piano "When all is one and one is all, that's what it is to be a rock and not to roll." ---Led Zeppelin, "Stairway To Heaven" Proof-Of-Concept Pi
A terminal utility to sort image files based on their characteristics.
About A terminal utility to sort image files based on their characteristics. Motivation This program was developed after I've realized that I had too
Dependency Combobulator is an Open-Source, modular and extensible framework to detect and prevent dependency confusion leakage and potential attacks.
Dependency Combobulator Dependency Combobulator is an Open-Source, modular and extensible framework to detect and prevent dependency confusion leakage
Penguins species predictor app is used to classify penguins species created using python's scikit-learn, fastapi, numpy and joblib packages.
Penguins Classification App Penguins species predictor app is used to classify penguins species using their island, sex, bill length (mm), bill depth
Underwater image enhancement
LANet Our work proposes an adaptive learning attention network (LANet) to solve the problem of color casts and low illumination in underwater images.
A person does not exist image bot
A person does not exist image bot
Editing tool (read/write) .sc files (*_tes.sc , *.sc, *_dl.sc ) from Supercell games (Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, Clash of Clans and others).
SupercellSWF Version About Editing tool (read/write) .sc files (*_tes.sc , *.sc, *_dl.sc ) from Supercell games (Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, Cl
A simple bot that will help you in your learning and make it more fun.
hyperskill-SimpleChattyBot-python A simple bot that will help you in your learning and make it more fun. Syntax bot.py Stages Stage #1: Zuhura Bot we
An IoT Trivia app that shows you how to take a JSON web API such as the opentdb.com API and stream and display it on a FeatherS2 in an OLED display.
CircuitPython IoT Trivia ESP32-S2 OLED Version An IoT Trivia app that shows you how to take a JSON web API such as the opentdb.com API and stream and
A python implementation of Yolov5 to detect fire or smoke in the wild in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano
yolov5-fire-smoke-detect-python A python implementation of Yolov5 to detect fire or smoke in the wild in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano You can see
Purge all transformation orientations addon for Blender 2.8 and newer versions
CTO Purge This add-on adds a new button to Blender's Transformation Orientation panel which empowers the user to purge all of his/her custom transform
A not exist person image generator python module
A not exist person image generator python module
Classification of EEG data using Deep Learning
Graduation-Project Classification of EEG data using Deep Learning Epilepsy is the most common neurological disease in the world. Epilepsy occurs as a
Collision risk estimation using stochastic motion models
collision_risk_estimation Collision risk estimation using stochastic motion models. This is a new approach, based on stochastic models, to predict the
Project for music generation system based on object tracking and CGAN
Project for music generation system based on object tracking and CGAN The project was inspired by MIDINet: A Convolutional Generative Adversarial Netw
Efficient electromagnetic solver based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis for 3D and 2D multi-layered structures with in-plane periodicity
Efficient electromagnetic solver based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis for 3D and 2D multi-layered structures with in-plane periodicity, such as gratings, photonic-crystal slabs, metasurfaces, surface-emitting lasers, nano-antennas, and more.
Subnet calculator script using python
subnetCalculator Subnet calculator script using python3 Interactive Version Define the subnet variable interactively Use: subnetDict = subnetCalculato
A simple program which gets a file(CSV/Excel) with tasks and creates different variants
TestMakerProject A simple program which gets a file(CSV/Excel) with tasks and creates different variants The main program is QTengine.py You only have
FastAPI with async for generating QR codes and bolt11 for Lightning Addresses
sendsats An API for getting QR codes and Bolt11 Invoices from Lightning Addresses. Share anywhere; as a link for tips on a twitter profile, or via mes
Daily social mapping project in November 2021. Maps made using PyGMT whenever possible.
Daily social mapping project in November 2021. Maps made using PyGMT whenever possible.
A chain of stores, 10 different stores and 50 different requests a 3-month demand forecast for its product.
Demand-Forecasting Business Problem A chain of stores, 10 different stores and 50 different requests a 3-month demand forecast for its product.
Implementation of Hourglass Transformer, in Pytorch, from Google and OpenAI
Hourglass Transformer - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of Hourglass Transformer, in Pytorch. It will also contain some of my own ideas about how to make
Same as json.dumps or json.loads, feapson support feapson.dumps and feapson.loads
Same as json.dumps or json.loads, feapson support feapson.dumps and feapson.loads
NanoChat - nano chat server and client
NanoChat This is a work in progress! NanoChat is an application for connecting with your friends using Python that uses ONLY default Python libraries.
Signin/Signup GUI form using tkinter in python
SignIn-SignUpFormRepo Hello there, I am Shahid and this is the Signin/Signup GUI form using tkinter in python if you want to use avatar images then pa
AssistScraper - program for /r/nba to use to find list of all players a player assisted and how many assists each player recieved
AssistScraper - program for /r/nba to use to find list of all players a player assisted and how many assists each player recieved
This repository details the steps in creating a Part of Speech tagger using Trigram Hidden Markov Models and the Viterbi Algorithm without using external libraries.
POS-Tagger This repository details the creation of a Part-of-Speech tagger using Trigram Hidden Markov Models to predict word tags in a word sequence.
This code is a near-infrared spectrum modeling method based on PCA and pls
Nirs-Pls-Corn This code is a near-infrared spectrum modeling method based on PCA and pls 近红外光谱分析技术属于交叉领域,需要化学、计算机科学、生物科学等多领域的合作。为此,在(北邮邮电大学杨辉华老师团队)指导下
A useful and easy to use Terminal Timer made with Python.
Terminal SpeedCubeTimer Installation ¡No requirements! Just Download and play Usage Starts timer.py and you will see this. python timer.py Scramble
Python script using Twitter API to change user banner to see 100DaysOfCode process.
100DaysOfCode - Automatic Banners 👩💻 Adds a number to your twitter banner indicating the number of days you have in the #100DaysOfCode challenge Se
VSCode extension to sort and refactor python imports using reorder-python-imports.
reorder-python-imports VSCode extension to sort and refactor python imports using reorder-python-imports. Unlike other import organizers, reorder-pyth
4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit
4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit 4CAT is a research tool that can be used to analyse and process data from online social platforms. Its goal is to m
This Python script can enumerate all URLs present in robots.txt files, and test whether they can be accessed or not.
Robots.txt tester With this script, you can enumerate all URLs present in robots.txt files, and test whether you can access them or not. Setup Clone t
orfipy is a tool written in python/cython to extract ORFs in an extremely and fast and flexible manner
Introduction orfipy is a tool written in python/cython to extract ORFs in an extremely and fast and flexible manner. Other popular ORF searching tools
Simple tools for the Horse Reality webgame
Realtools (Web Tools for Horse Reality) These tools were made on request from a close friend of mine who plays this game. A live instance can be found
Start-to-finish tutorial for interactive music co-creation in PyTorch and Tensorflow.js
Start-to-finish tutorial for interactive music co-creation in PyTorch and Tensorflow.js
Introduction to image processing, most used and popular functions of OpenCV
👀 OpenCV 101 Introduction to image processing, most used and popular functions of OpenCV go here.
A telegram bot help you to get stylish fonts and text
Stylish Font Bot 🐿 This is a telegram bot help you to get stylish fonts and text. Config Vars 🤖 API_HASH: Get this value from my.telegram.org. API_K
The most versatile torrent leecher and youtube-dl bot for telegram
TorToolkit Telegram So basically Tortoolkit is aimed to be the most versatile torrent leecher and youtube-dl bot for telegram. This bot is highly cust
ViDT: An Efficient and Effective Fully Transformer-based Object Detector
ViDT: An Efficient and Effective Fully Transformer-based Object Detector by Hwanjun Song1, Deqing Sun2, Sanghyuk Chun1, Varun Jampani2, Dongyoon Han1,
QuizGame is a quiz with different topics. You can choose a topic and take the quiz
QuizGame is a quiz with different topics. You can choose a topic and take the quiz. In the end you will get your result. The program is under active development, so there may be errors or flaws in it.
This is a tool for speculation of ancestral allel, calculation of sfs and drawing its bar plot.
superSFS This is a tool for speculation of ancestral allel, calculation of sfs and drawing its bar plot. It is easy-to-use and runing fast. What you s
This is python to scrape overview and reviews of companies from Glassdoor.
Data Scraping for Glassdoor This is python to scrape overview and reviews of companies from Glassdoor. Please use it carefully and follow the Terms of
A Advanced Powerful, Smart And Intelligent Group Management Bot With New And Powerful Features
Vegeta Robot A Advanced Powerful, Smart And Intelligent Group Management Bot With New And Powerful Features ... Written with Pyrogram and Telethon...
[ICCV 2021 Oral] Just Ask: Learning to Answer Questions from Millions of Narrated Videos
Just Ask: Learning to Answer Questions from Millions of Narrated Videos Webpage • Demo • Paper This repository provides the code for our paper, includ
A collection of differentiable SVD methods and also the official implementation of the ICCV21 paper "Why Approximate Matrix Square Root Outperforms Accurate SVD in Global Covariance Pooling?"
Differentiable SVD Introduction This repository contains: The official Pytorch implementation of ICCV21 paper Why Approximate Matrix Square Root Outpe
Repo for Photon-Starved Scene Inference using Single Photon Cameras, ICCV 2021
Photon-Starved Scene Inference using Single Photon Cameras ICCV 2021 Arxiv Project Video Bhavya Goyal, Mohit Gupta University of Wisconsin-Madison Abs
Dataset VSD4K includes 6 popular categories: game, sport, dance, vlog, interview and city.
CaFM-pytorch ICCV ACCEPT Introduction of dataset VSD4K Our dataset VSD4K includes 6 popular categories: game, sport, dance, vlog, interview and city.
A map update dataset and benchmark
MUNO21 MUNO21 is a dataset and benchmark for machine learning methods that automatically update and maintain digital street map datasets. Previous dat
RINDNet: Edge Detection for Discontinuity in Reflectance, Illumination, Normal and Depth, in ICCV 2021 (oral)
RINDNet RINDNet: Edge Detection for Discontinuity in Reflectance, Illumination, Normal and Depth Mengyang Pu, Yaping Huang, Qingji Guan and Haibin Lin
PaddlePaddle GAN library, including lots of interesting applications like First-Order motion transfer, wav2lip, picture repair, image editing, photo2cartoon, image style transfer, and so on.
English | 简体中文 PaddleGAN PaddleGAN provides developers with high-performance implementation of classic and SOTA Generative Adversarial Networks, and s
Datasets and source code for our paper Webly Supervised Fine-Grained Recognition: Benchmark Datasets and An Approach
Introduction Datasets and source code for our paper Webly Supervised Fine-Grained Recognition: Benchmark Datasets and An Approach Datasets: WebFG-496
[ICCV 2021] Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for All Day Images using Domain Separation
ADDS-DepthNet This is the official implementation of the paper Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for All Day Images using Domain Separation I
Code and models for "Rethinking Deep Image Prior for Denoising" (ICCV 2021)
DIP-denosing This is a code repo for Rethinking Deep Image Prior for Denoising (ICCV 2021). Addressing the relationship between Deep image prior and e
Dataset and Code for ICCV 2021 paper "Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme"
Dataset and Code for RealVSR Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme Xi Yang, Wangmeng Xiang,
This is the code related to "Sparse-to-dense Feature Matching: Intra and Inter domain Cross-modal Learning in Domain Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation" (ICCV 2021).
Sparse-to-dense Feature Matching: Intra and Inter domain Cross-modal Learning in Domain Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation This is the code relat
Dataset and Code for the paper "DepthTrack: Unveiling the Power of RGBD Tracking" (ICCV2021), and "Depth-only Object Tracking" (BMVC2021)
DeT and DOT Code and datasets for "DepthTrack: Unveiling the Power of RGBD Tracking" (ICCV2021) "Depth-only Object Tracking" (BMVC2021) @InProceedings
Single object tracking and segmentation.
Single/Multiple Object Tracking and Segmentation Codes and comparison of recent single/multiple object tracking and segmentation. News 💥 AutoMatch is
Code for Recurrent Mask Refinement for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation (ICCV 2021).
Recurrent Mask Refinement for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation Steps Install any missing packages using pip or conda Preprocess each dataset using
Code for the ICCV2021 paper "Personalized Image Semantic Segmentation"
PSS: Personalized Image Semantic Segmentation Paper PSS: Personalized Image Semantic Segmentation Yu Zhang, Chang-Bin Zhang, Peng-Tao Jiang, Ming-Ming
VLGrammar: Grounded Grammar Induction of Vision and Language
VLGrammar: Grounded Grammar Induction of Vision and Language
Parametric Contrastive Learning (ICCV2021)
Parametric-Contrastive-Learning This repository contains the implementation code for ICCV2021 paper: Parametric Contrastive Learning (https://arxiv.or
Official implementation of Few-Shot and Continual Learning with Attentive Independent Mechanisms
Few-Shot and Continual Learning with Attentive Independent Mechanisms This repository is the official implementation of Few-Shot and Continual Learnin
[ICCV 2021] FaPN: Feature-aligned Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction
FaPN: Feature-aligned Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction [arXiv] [Project Page] @inproceedings{ huang2021fapn, title={{FaPN}: Feature-alig
Official code and pretrained models for CTRL-C (Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification).
CTRL-C: Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification This repository contains the official code and pretrained models for CTRL-C (Camera ca
SMCA replication There are no extra compiled components in SMCA DETR and package dependencies are minimal
Usage There are no extra compiled components in SMCA DETR and package dependencies are minimal, so the code is very simple to use. We provide instruct
Zen-NAS: A Zero-Shot NAS for High-Performance Deep Image Recognition
Zen-NAS: A Zero-Shot NAS for High-Performance Deep Image Recognition How Fast Compare to Other Zero-Shot NAS Proxies on CIFAR-10/100 Pre-trained Model
MicroNet: Improving Image Recognition with Extremely Low FLOPs (ICCV 2021)
MicroNet: Improving Image Recognition with Extremely Low FLOPs (ICCV 2021) A pytorch implementation of MicroNet. If you use this code in your research
This is a collection of our NAS and Vision Transformer work.
AutoML - Neural Architecture Search This is a collection of our AutoML-NAS work iRPE (NEW): Rethinking and Improving Relative Position Encoding for Vi
Add your new words to a text file and get them randomly.
Memorize-New-Words In this very very very little project, I've wrote a code to memorize new english words. Therefore you can add the words and their m
An example Music Bot written in Disnake and uses slash commands to operate.
Music Bot An example music bot that is written in Disnake [Maintained discord.py Fork] Disnake Disnake is a maintained and updated fork of discord.py.
pikepdf is a Python library for reading and writing PDF files.
A Python library for reading and writing PDF, powered by qpdf
Cryptocurrency price prediction and exceptions in python
Cryptocurrency price prediction and exceptions in python This is a coursework on foundations of computing module Through this coursework i worked on m
PyCrypter , A Tool To Encrypt/Decrypt Text/Code With Ease And Safe Using Password !
PyCrypter PyCrypter , A Tool To Encrypt/Decrypt Text/Code With Ease And Safe Using Password ! Requirements pyfiglet And colorama Usage First Clone The
SecurAID securely connects aid organizations directly with individuals in dangerous situations to allow them to discreetly and effectively get the assistance they need.
SecurAID securely connects aid organizations directly with individuals in dangerous situations to allow them to discreetly and effec
Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process Intensity Modeling and Estimation using Measure Transport
Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process Intensity Modeling and Estimation using Measure Transport This GitHub page provides code for reproducing the results i
Tools to extract questionaire of finalexam.eu and provide interactive questionaire with summary
AskMe This script is completely terminal based. No user interface is added. You can get the command line options by using the --help argument. Make su
Python script to download entire campaign images and navigation.
Squidle campaign downloader Python script to download entire campaign images and navigation. usage: squidle_campaign_downloader.py [-h] [--api-token A
Getting started with Python, Dash and Plot.ly for the Data Dashboards team
data_dashboards Getting started with Python, Dash and Plot.ly for the Data Dashboards team Getting started MacOS users: # Install the pyenv version ma
ChairBot is designed to be reliable, easy to use, and lightweight for every user, and easliy to code add-ons for ChairBot.
ChairBot is designed to be reliable, easy to use, and lightweight for every user, and easliy to code add-ons for ChairBot. Ready to see whats possible with ChairBot?
A simple code to fetch comments below an Instagram post and save them to a csv file
fetch_comments A simple code to fetch comments below an Instagram post and save them to a csv file usage First you have to enter your username and pas
Sample data for the napari image viewer.
napari-demo-data Sample data for the napari image viewer. This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiecutter-napari-plugi
A simple language translator with python and google translate api
Language translator with python A simple language translator with python and google translate api Install pip and python 3.9. All the required depende
It helps user to learn Pick-up lines and share if he has a better one
Pick-up-Lines-Generator(Open Source) It helps user to learn Pick-up lines Share and Add one or many to the DataBase Unique SQLite DataBase AI Undercon
Console to handle object storage using JSON serialization and deserealization.
Console to handle object storage using JSON serialization and deserealization. This is a team project to develop a Python3 console that emulates the AirBnb object management.
This is a GUI program which consist of 4 OpenCV projects
Tkinter-OpenCV Project Using Tkinter, Opencv, Mediapipe This is a python GUI program using Tkinter which consist of 4 OpenCV projects 1. Finger Counte
RSC-Net: 3D Human Pose, Shape and Texture from Low-Resolution Images and Videos
RSC-Net: 3D Human Pose, Shape and Texture from Low-Resolution Images and Videos Implementation for "3D Human Pose, Shape and Texture from Low-Resoluti
Styled text-to-drawing synthesis method. Featured at the 2021 NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design
Styled text-to-drawing synthesis method. Featured at the 2021 NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design
An open-source NLP library: fast text cleaning and preprocessing.
An open-source NLP library: fast text cleaning and preprocessing