1583 Repositories
Python Microsoft_Exchange_Server_SSRF_CVE-2021-26855_4 Libraries
Official implementation of "Path Planning using Neural A* Search" (ICML-21)
Path Planning using Neural A* Search (ICML 2021) This is a repository for the following paper: Ryo Yonetani*, Tatsunori Taniai*, Mohammadamin Barekata
Practical and Real-world applications of ML based on the homework of Hung-yi Lee Machine Learning Course 2021
Machine Learning Theory and Application Overview This repository is inspired by the Hung-yi Lee Machine Learning Course 2021. In that course, professo
Data stream analytics: Implement online learning methods to address concept drift in data streams using the River library. Code for the paper entitled "PWPAE: An Ensemble Framework for Concept Drift Adaptation in IoT Data Streams" accepted in IEEE GlobeCom 2021.
PWPAE-Concept-Drift-Detection-and-Adaptation This is the code for the paper entitled "PWPAE: An Ensemble Framework for Concept Drift Adaptation in IoT
For IBM Quantum Challenge 2021 (May 20 - 26)
IBM Quantum Challenge 2021 Introduction Commemorating the 40-year anniversary of the Physics of Computation conference, and 5-year anniversary of IBM
Hello, Welcome to this repo. don't forget to read guidelines in readme.md
Hacktoberfest_2021 If you looking for your first contribution, we are here to help. Just create a simple program using any language you like in our fo
GitHub repository for the ICLR Computational Geometry & Topology Challenge 2021
ICLR Computational Geometry & Topology Challenge 2022 Welcome to the ICLR 2022 Computational Geometry & Topology challenge 2022 --- by the ICLR 2022 W
My course projects for the 2021 Spring Machine Learning course at the National Taiwan University (NTU)
ML2021Spring There are my projects for the 2021 Spring Machine Learning course at the National Taiwan University (NTU) Course Web : https://speech.ee.
Official implementation of NeurIPS'2021 paper TransformerFusion
TransformerFusion: Monocular RGB Scene Reconstruction using Transformers Project Page | Paper | Video TransformerFusion: Monocular RGB Scene Reconstru
Repositório da disciplina no semestre 2021-2
Avisos! Nenhum aviso! Compiladores 1 Este é o Git da disciplina Compiladores 1. Aqui ficará o material produzido em sala de aula assim como tarefas, w
An official repository for tutorials of Probabilistic Modelling and Reasoning (2021/2022) - a University of Edinburgh master's course.
PMR computer tutorials on HMMs (2021-2022) This is a repository for computer tutorials of Probabilistic Modelling and Reasoning (2021/2022) - a Univer
This tutorial aims to learn the basics of deep learning by hands, and master the basics through combination of lectures and exercises
2021-Deep-learning This tutorial aims to learn the basics of deep learning by hands, and master the basics through combination of paper and exercises.
Official code for "Distributed Deep Learning in Open Collaborations" (NeurIPS 2021)
Distributed Deep Learning in Open Collaborations This repository contains the code for the NeurIPS 2021 paper "Distributed Deep Learning in Open Colla
This repo created to complete the task HACKTOBER 2021, contribute now and get your special T-Shirt & Sticker. TO SUPPORT OWNER PLEASE PRESS STAR BUTTON
❤ THIS REPO WILL CLOSED IN 31 OCT 00:00 ❤ This repository will automatically assign the hacktoberfest and hacktoberfest-accepted labels to all submitt
You can submit any PR and have SWAGS. Happy Hacktoberfest !
Excluded project Repository 🔴 🔴 🔴 - PR limit is reached. Please use another Repository Hacktoberfest 2021 🎉 🗣 Hacktoberfest encourages participat
🐍 Material for PyData Global 2021 Presentation: Effective Testing for Machine Learning Projects
Effective Testing for Machine Learning Projects Code for PyData Global 2021 Presentation by @edublancas. Slides available here. The project is develop
Repositorio oficial del curso IIC2233 Programación Avanzada 🚀✨
IIC2233 - Programación Avanzada Evaluación Las evaluaciones serán efectuadas por medio de actividades prácticas en clases y tareas. Se calculará la no
Contenido del curso Bases de datos del DCC PUC versión 2021-2
IIC2413 - Bases de Datos Tabla de contenidos Equipo Profesores Ayudantes Contenidos Calendario Evaluaciones Resumen de notas Foro Política de integrid
Desafio 1 ~ Bantotal
Challenge 01 | Bantotal Please read the instructions for the challenge by selecting your preferred language below: Español Português License Copyright
The implementation our EMNLP 2021 paper "Enhanced Language Representation with Label Knowledge for Span Extraction".
LEAR The implementation our EMNLP 2021 paper "Enhanced Language Representation with Label Knowledge for Span Extraction". See below for an overview of
Repo for the Tutorials of Day1-Day3 of the Nordic Probabilistic AI School 2021 (https://probabilistic.ai/)
ProbAI 2021 - Probabilistic Programming and Variational Inference Tutorial with Pryo Day 1 (June 14) Slides Notebook: students_PPLs_Intro Notebook: so
My coursework for Machine Learning (2021 Spring) at National Taiwan University (NTU)
Machine Learning 2021 Machine Learning (NTU EE 5184, Spring 2021) Instructor: Hung-yi Lee Course Website : (https://speech.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~hylee/ml/202
For IBM Quantum Challenge Africa 2021, 9 September (07:00 UTC) - 20 September (23:00 UTC).
IBM Quantum Challenge Africa 2021 To ensure Africa is able to apply quantum computing to solve problems relevant to the continent, the IBM Research La
Data, notebooks, and articles associated with the RSNA AI Deep Learning Lab at RSNA 2021
RSNA AI Deep Learning Lab 2021 Intro Welcome Deep Learners! This document provides all the information you need to participate in the RSNA AI Deep Lea
Hacktoberfest 2021 contribution repository✨
🎃 HacktoberFest-2021 🎃 Repository for Hacktoberfest Note: Although, We are actively focusing on Machine Learning, Data Science and Tricky Python pro
Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopathology (LMRL Workshop, NeurIPS 2021)
Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopathology Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopatholog
As we all know the BGMI Loot Crate comes with so many resources for the gamers, this ML Crate will be the hub of various ML projects which will be the resources for the ML enthusiasts! Open Source Program: SWOC 2021 and JWOC 2022.
Machine Learning Loot Crate 💻 🧰 🔴 Welcome contributors! As we all know the BGMI Loot Crate comes with so many resources for the gamers, this ML Cra
All kinds of programs are accepted here, raise a genuine PR, and claim a PR, Make 4 successful PR's and get the Stickers and T-Shirt from hacktoberfest 2021
this repository is excluded from hacktoberfest Hacktoberfest-2021 This repository aims to help code beginners with their first successful pull request
Official Repository for Machine Learning class - Physics Without Frontiers 2021
PWF 2021 Física Sin Fronteras es un proyecto del Centro Internacional de Física Teórica (ICTP) en Trieste Italia. El ICTP es un centro dedicado a fome
Data and code to support "Applied Natural Language Processing" (INFO 256, Fall 2021, UC Berkeley)
anlp21 Course materials for "Applied Natural Language Processing" (INFO 256, Fall 2021, UC Berkeley) Syllabus: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~dba
Beginner-friendly repository for Hacktober Fest 2021. Start your contribution to open source through baby steps. 💜
Hacktober Fest 2021 🎉 Open source is changing the world – one contribution at a time! 🎉 This repository is made for beginners who are unfamiliar wit
S2-062 (CVE-2021-31805) / S2-061 / S2-059 RCE
CVE-2021-31805 Remote code execution S2-062 (CVE-2021-31805) Due to Apache Struts2's incomplete fix for S2-061 (CVE-2020-17530), some tag attributes c
Laravel RCE (CVE-2021-3129)
CVE-2021-3129 - Laravel RCE About The script has been made for exploiting the Laravel RCE (CVE-2021-3129) vulnerability. This script allows you to wri
pwncat module that automatically exploits CVE-2021-4034 (pwnkit)
pwncat_pwnkit Introduction The purpose of this module is to attempt to exploit CVE-2021-4034 (pwnkit) on a target when using pwncat. There is no need
Course materials for Fall 2021 "CIS6930 Topics in Computing for Data Science" at New College of Florida
Fall 2021 CIS6930 Topics in Computing for Data Science This repository hosts course materials used for a 13-week course "CIS6930 Topics in Computing f
Official code release for 3DV 2021 paper Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video in the Wild.
Official code release for 3DV 2021 paper Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video in the Wild.
Pytorch implementation of TailCalibX : Feature Generation for Long-tail Classification
TailCalibX : Feature Generation for Long-tail Classification by Rahul Vigneswaran, Marc T. Law, Vineeth N. Balasubramanian, Makarand Tapaswi [arXiv] [
Official PyTorch implementation of the NeurIPS 2021 paper StyleGAN3
Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks (StyleGAN3) Official PyTorch implementation of the NeurIPS 2021 paper Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Net
IADS 2021-22 Algorithm and Data structure collection
A collection of algorithms and datastructures introduced during UoE's Introduction to Datastructures and Algorithms class.
PoC for CVE-2021-45897 aka SCRMBT-#180 - RCE via Email-Templates (Authenticated only) in SuiteCRM = 8.0.1
CVE-2021-45897 PoC for CVE-2021-45897 aka SCRMBT-#180 - RCE via Email-Templates (Authenticated only) in SuiteCRM = 8.0.1 This vulnerability was repor
PortSwigger Burp Plugin for the Log4j (CVE-2021-44228)
yLog4j This is Y-Sec's @PortSwigger Burp Plugin for the Log4j CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability. The focus of yLog4j is to support mass-scanning of the Log
This is the source code of the 1st place solution for segmentation task (with Dice 90.32%) in 2021 CCF BDCI challenge.
1st place solution in CCF BDCI 2021 ULSEG challenge This is the source code of the 1st place solution for ultrasound image angioma segmentation task (
My solutions for Stanford University course CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs Fall 2021 colabs (GNN, GAT, GraphSAGE, GCN)
machine-learning-with-graphs My solutions for Stanford University course CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs Fall 2021 colabs Course materials can be
CMSC320 - Introduction to Data Science - Fall 2021
CMSC320 - Introduction to Data Science - Fall 2021 Instructors: Elias Jonatan Gonzalez and José Manuel Calderón Trilla Lectures: MW 3:30-4:45 & 5:00-6
[ECE NTUA] 👁 Computer Vision - Lab Projects & Theoretical Problem Sets (2020-2021)
Computer Vision - NTUA (2020-2021) This repository hosts the lab projects and theoretical problem sets of the Computer Vision course held by ECE NTUA
Repositório da disciplina de APC, no segundo semestre de 2021
NOTAS FINAIS: https://github.com/fabiommendes/apc2018/blob/master/nota-final.pdf Algoritmos e Programação de Computadores Este é o Git da disciplina A
A large-scale benchmark for co-optimizing the design and control of soft robots, as seen in NeurIPS 2021.
Evolution Gym A large-scale benchmark for co-optimizing the design and control of soft robots. As seen in Evolution Gym: A Large-Scale Benchmark for E
An Empirical Investigation of Model-to-Model Distribution Shifts in Trained Convolutional Filters
CNN-Filter-DB An Empirical Investigation of Model-to-Model Distribution Shifts in Trained Convolutional Filters Paul Gavrikov, Janis Keuper Paper: htt
Predict the spans of toxic posts that were responsible for the toxic label of the posts
toxic-spans-detection An attempt at the SemEval 2021 Task 5: Toxic Spans Detection. The Toxic Spans Detection task of SemEval2021 required participant
In this repo we reproduce and extend results of Learning in High Dimension Always Amounts to Extrapolation by Balestriero et al. 2021
In this repo we reproduce and extend results of Learning in High Dimension Always Amounts to Extrapolation by Balestriero et al. 2021. Balestriero et
This is a simple PoC for the newly found Polkit error names PwnKit
A Python3 and a BASH PoC for CVE-2021-4034 by Kim Schulz
Python exploit code for CVE-2021-4034 (pwnkit)
Python3 code to exploit CVE-2021-4034 (PWNKIT). This was an exercise in "can I make this work in Python?", and not meant as a robust exploit. It Works
Cycle Self-Training for Domain Adaptation (NeurIPS 2021)
CST Code release for "Cycle Self-Training for Domain Adaptation" (NeurIPS 2021) Prerequisites torch=1.7.0 torchvision qpsolvers numpy prettytable tqd
"Structure-Augmented Text Representation Learning for Efficient Knowledge Graph Completion"(WWW 2021)
STAR_KGC This repo contains the source code of the paper accepted by WWW'2021. "Structure-Augmented Text Representation Learning for Efficient Knowled
1st place solution in CCF BDCI 2021 ULSEG challenge
1st place solution in CCF BDCI 2021 ULSEG challenge This is the source code of the 1st place solution for ultrasound image angioma segmentation task (
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing SS 2021 (TU Darmstadt)
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing SS 2021 (TU Darmstadt) Task Training huge unsupervised deep neural networks yields to strong progress in
This repository is for our EMNLP 2021 paper "Automated Generation of Accurate & Fluent Medical X-ray Reports"
Introduction: X-Ray Report Generation This repository is for our EMNLP 2021 paper "Automated Generation of Accurate & Fluent Medical X-ray Reports". O
Task Transformer Network for Joint MRI Reconstruction and Super-Resolution (MICCAI 2021)
T2Net Task Transformer Network for Joint MRI Reconstruction and Super-Resolution (MICCAI 2021) [Paper][Code] Dependencies numpy==1.18.5 scikit_image==
Accepted at ICCV-2021: Workshop on Computer Vision for Automated Medical Diagnosis (CVAMD)
Is it Time to Replace CNNs with Transformers for Medical Images? Accepted at ICCV-2021: Workshop on Computer Vision for Automated Medical Diagnosis (C
Official repository for the ISBI 2021 paper Transformer Assisted Convolutional Neural Network for Cell Instance Segmentation
SegPC-2021 This is the official repository for the ISBI 2021 paper Transformer Assisted Convolutional Neural Network for Cell Instance Segmentation by
Original Implementation of Prompt Tuning from Lester, et al, 2021
Prompt Tuning This is the code to reproduce the experiments from the EMNLP 2021 paper "The Power of Scale for Parameter-Efficient Prompt Tuning" (Lest
KGDet: Keypoint-Guided Fashion Detection (AAAI 2021)
KGDet: Keypoint-Guided Fashion Detection (AAAI 2021) This is an official implementation of the AAAI-2021 paper "KGDet: Keypoint-Guided Fashion Detecti
The Official PyTorch Implementation of "VAEBM: A Symbiosis between Variational Autoencoders and Energy-based Models" (ICLR 2021 spotlight paper)
Official PyTorch implementation of "VAEBM: A Symbiosis between Variational Autoencoders and Energy-based Models" (ICLR 2021 Spotlight Paper) Zhisheng
NeuroFind - A solution to the to the Task given by the Oberseminar of Messtechnik Institute of TU Dresden in 2021
NeuroFind A solution to the to the Task given by the Oberseminar of Messtechnik
Code to reproduce the results for Statistically Robust Neural Network Classification, published in UAI 2021
Code to reproduce the results for Statistically Robust Neural Network Classification, published in UAI 2021
A sample pytorch Implementation of ACL 2021 research paper "Learning Span-Level Interactions for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction".
Span-ASTE-Pytorch This repository is a pytorch version that implements Ali's ACL 2021 research paper Learning Span-Level Interactions for Aspect Senti
Implementation of "With a Little Help from my Temporal Context: Multimodal Egocentric Action Recognition, BMVC, 2021" in PyTorch
Multimodal Temporal Context Network (MTCN) This repository implements the model proposed in the paper: Evangelos Kazakos, Jaesung Huh, Arsha Nagrani,
Official repository for the ICCV 2021 paper: UltraPose: Synthesizing Dense Pose with 1 Billion Points by Human-body Decoupling 3D Model.
UltraPose: Synthesizing Dense Pose with 1 Billion Points by Human-body Decoupling 3D Model Official repository for the ICCV 2021 paper: UltraPose: Syn
The official code for “DocTr: Document Image Transformer for Geometric Unwarping and Illumination Correction”, ACM MM, Oral Paper, 2021.
Good news! Our new work exhibits state-of-the-art performances on DocUNet benchmark dataset: DocScanner: Robust Document Image Rectification with Prog
Custom IMDB Dataset is extracted between 2020-2021 and custom distilBERT model is trained for movie success probability prediction
IMDB Success Predictor Project involves Web Scraping custom IMDB data between 2020 and 2021 of 10000 movies and shows sorted by number of votes ,fine
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2021] Pose with Style: Detail-Preserving Pose-Guided Image Synthesis with Conditional StyleGAN
Pose with Style: Detail-Preserving Pose-Guided Image Synthesis with Conditional StyleGAN [Paper] [Project Website] [Output resutls] Official Pytorch i
Code repository for our paper "Learning to Generate Scene Graph from Natural Language Supervision" in ICCV 2021
Scene Graph Generation from Natural Language Supervision This repository includes the Pytorch code for our paper "Learning to Generate Scene Graph fro
[ACM MM 2021] Multiview Detection with Shadow Transformer (and View-Coherent Data Augmentation)
Multiview Detection with Shadow Transformer (and View-Coherent Data Augmentation) [arXiv] [paper] @inproceedings{hou2021multiview, title={Multiview
PyTorch code for the NAACL 2021 paper "Improving Generation and Evaluation of Visual Stories via Semantic Consistency"
Improving Generation and Evaluation of Visual Stories via Semantic Consistency PyTorch code for the NAACL 2021 paper "Improving Generation and Evaluat
Official implementation of Rich Semantics Improve Few-Shot Learning (BMVC, 2021)
Rich Semantics Improve Few-Shot Learning Paper Link Abstract : Human learning benefits from multi-modal inputs that often appear as rich semantics (e.
Learning Off-Policy with Online Planning, CoRL 2021
LOOP: Learning Off-Policy with Online Planning Accepted in Conference of Robot Learning (CoRL) 2021. Harshit Sikchi, Wenxuan Zhou, David Held Paper In
This package contains a PyTorch Implementation of IB-GAN of the submitted paper in AAAI 2021
The PyTorch implementation of IB-GAN model of AAAI 2021 This package contains a PyTorch implementation of IB-GAN presented in the submitted paper (IB-
Implementation for ACProp ( Momentum centering and asynchronous update for adaptive gradient methdos, NeurIPS 2021)
This repository contains code to reproduce results for submission NeurIPS 2021, "Momentum Centering and Asynchronous Update for Adaptive Gradient Meth
Pytorch code for "DPFM: Deep Partial Functional Maps" - 3DV 2021 (Oral)
DPFM Code for "DPFM: Deep Partial Functional Maps" - 3DV 2021 (Oral) Installation This implementation runs on python = 3.7, use pip to install depend
Implementations for the ICLR-2021 paper: SEED: Self-supervised Distillation For Visual Representation.
Implementations for the ICLR-2021 paper: SEED: Self-supervised Distillation For Visual Representation.
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing SS 2021 (TU Darmstadt)
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing SS 2021 (TU Darmstadt) Task Training huge unsupervised deep neural networks yields to strong progress in
Research code of ICCV 2021 paper "Mesh Graphormer"
MeshGraphormer ✨ ✨ This is our research code of Mesh Graphormer. Mesh Graphormer is a new transformer-based method for human pose and mesh reconsructi
2021:"Bridging Global Context Interactions for High-Fidelity Image Completion"
TFill arXiv | Project This repository implements the training, testing and editing tools for "Bridging Global Context Interactions for High-Fidelity I
[CVPR 2021] "Multimodal Motion Prediction with Stacked Transformers": official code implementation and project page.
mmTransformer Introduction This repo is official implementation for mmTransformer in pytorch. Currently, the core code of mmTransformer is implemented
"Investigating the Limitations of Transformers with Simple Arithmetic Tasks", 2021
transformers-arithmetic This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments from the paper: Nogueira, Jiang, Lin "Investigating the Limitat
[ICCV 2021] Relaxed Transformer Decoders for Direct Action Proposal Generation
RTD-Net (ICCV 2021) This repo holds the codes of paper: "Relaxed Transformer Decoders for Direct Action Proposal Generation", accepted in ICCV 2021. N
Repository for 2021 Computer Vision Class @ Chulalongkorn University
2110443 - Computer Vision (2021/2) Computer Vision @ Chulalongkorn University Anaconda Download Link https://www.anaconda.com/download/ Miniconda and
[ACM MM 2021] TSA-Net: Tube Self-Attention Network for Action Quality Assessment
Tube Self-Attention Network (TSA-Net) This repository contains the PyTorch implementation for paper TSA-Net: Tube Self-Attention Network for Action Qu
Code for Reciprocal Adversarial Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation: A Solution to BraTS Challenge 2021 Segmentation Task
BRATS 2021 Solution For Segmentation Task This repo contains the supported pytorch code and configuration files to reproduce 3D medical image segmenta
Source code for the BMVC-2021 paper "SimReg: Regression as a Simple Yet Effective Tool for Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation".
SimReg: A Simple Regression Based Framework for Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation Source code for the paper "SimReg: Regression as a Simple Yet E
(3DV 2021 Oral) Filtering by Cluster Consistency for Large-Scale Multi-Image Matching
Scalable Cluster-Consistency Statistics for Robust Multi-Object Matching (3DV 2021 Oral Presentation) Filtering by Cluster Consistency (FCC) is a very
POC of CVE-2021-26084, which is Atlassian Confluence Server OGNL Pre-Auth RCE Injection Vulneralibity.
CVE-2021-26084 Description POC of CVE-2021-26084, which is Atlassian Confluence Server OGNL(Object-Graph Navigation Language) Pre-Auth RCE Injection V
Simple Tensorflow implementation of Toward Spatially Unbiased Generative Models (ICCV 2021)
Spatial unbiased GANs — Simple TensorFlow Implementation [Paper] : Toward Spatially Unbiased Generative Models (ICCV 2021) Abstract Recent image gener
A machine learning project which can detect and predict the skin disease through image recognition.
ML-Project-2021 A machine learning project which can detect and predict the skin disease through image recognition. The dataset used for this is the H
Code accompanying the paper on "An Empirical Investigation of Domain Generalization with Empirical Risk Minimizers" published at NeurIPS, 2021
Code for "An Empirical Investigation of Domian Generalization with Empirical Risk Minimizers" (NeurIPS 2021) Motivation and Introduction Domain Genera
Insights in greek football league 2020-2021 and bookmaker's accuracy
Greek_Football_League_Analysis_2020_2021 Aim of Project: This project aims in deriving useful insights from greek football league 2020-2021 by mean st
2021 AI CUP Competition on Traditional Chinese Scene Text Recognition - Intermediate Contest
繁體中文場景文字辨識 程式碼說明 組別:這就是我 成員:蔣明憲 唐碩謙 黃玥菱 林冠霆 蕭靖騰 目錄 環境套件 安裝方式 資料夾布局 前處理-製作偵測訓練註解檔 前處理-製作分類訓練樣本 part.py : 從 json 裁切出分類訓練樣本 Class.py : 將切出來的樣本按照文字分類到各資料夾
Code for ICCV 2021 paper Graph-to-3D: End-to-End Generation and Manipulation of 3D Scenes using Scene Graphs
Graph-to-3D This is the official implementation of the paper Graph-to-3d: End-to-End Generation and Manipulation of 3D Scenes Using Scene Graphs | arx
the official implementation of the paper "Isometric Multi-Shape Matching" (CVPR 2021)
Isometric Multi-Shape Matching (IsoMuSh) Paper-CVF | Paper-arXiv | Video | Code Citation If you find our work useful in your research, please consider
💊 A 3D Generative Model for Structure-Based Drug Design (NeurIPS 2021)
A 3D Generative Model for Structure-Based Drug Design Coming soon... Citation @inproceedings{luo2021sbdd, title={A 3D Generative Model for Structu
SonicWall SMA-100 Unauth RCE Exploit (CVE-2021-20038)
Bad Blood Bad Blood is an exploit for CVE-2021-20038, a stack-based buffer overflow in the httpd binary of SMA-100 series systems using firmware versi