4687 Repositories
Python Multiple-Exemplar-Based-Deep-Colorization Libraries
PyTorch impelementations of BERT-based Spelling Error Correction Models
PyTorch impelementations of BERT-based Spelling Error Correction Models
PyTorch impelementations of BERT-based Spelling Error Correction Models.
PyTorch impelementations of BERT-based Spelling Error Correction Models. 基于BERT的文本纠错模型,使用PyTorch实现。
Deep Learning Models for Causal Inference
Extensive tutorials for learning how to build deep learning models for causal inference using selection on observables in Tensorflow 2.
A data preprocessing package for time series data. Design for machine learning and deep learning.
A data preprocessing package for time series data. Design for machine learning and deep learning.
This is a template for the Non-autoregressive Deep Learning-Based TTS model (in PyTorch).
Non-autoregressive Deep Learning-Based TTS Template This is a template for the Non-autoregressive TTS model. It contains Data Preprocessing Pipeline D
A BERT-based reverse-dictionary of Korean proverbs
Wisdomify A BERT-based reverse-dictionary of Korean proverbs. 김유빈 : 모델링 / 데이터 수집 / 프로젝트 설계 / back-end 김종윤 : 데이터 수집 / 프로젝트 설계 / front-end Quick Start C
CLIP: Connecting Text and Image (Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision)
CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) Experiments (Evaluation) Model Dataset Acc (%) ViT-B/32 (Paper) CIFAR100 65.1 ViT-B/32 (Our) CIFAR100 6
Code release of paper "Deep Multi-View Stereo gone wild"
Deep MVS gone wild Pytorch implementation of "Deep MVS gone wild" (Paper | website) This repository provides the code to reproduce the experiments of
Text-to-SQL in the Wild: A Naturally-Occurring Dataset Based on Stack Exchange Data
SEDE SEDE (Stack Exchange Data Explorer) is new dataset for Text-to-SQL tasks with more than 12,000 SQL queries and their natural language description
Blender Python - Node-based multi-line text and image flowchart
MindMapper v0.8 Node-based text and image flowchart for Blender Mindmap with shortcuts visible: Mindmap with shortcuts hidden: Notes This was requeste
A neuroanatomy-based augmented reality experience powered by computer vision. Features 3D visuals of the Atlas Brain Map slices.
Brain Augmented Reality (AR) A neuroanatomy-based augmented reality experience powered by computer vision that features 3D visuals of the Atlas Brain
An forensics tool to help aid in the investigation of spoofed emails based off the email headers.
A forensic tool to make analysis of email headers easy to aid in the quick discovery of the attacker. Table of Contents About mailMeta Installation Us
LibTraffic is a unified, flexible and comprehensive traffic prediction library based on PyTorch
LibTraffic is a unified, flexible and comprehensive traffic prediction library, which provides researchers with a credibly experimental tool and a convenient development framework. Our library is implemented based on PyTorch, and includes all the necessary steps or components related to traffic prediction into a systematic pipeline.
PyTorch implementation of Soft-DTW: a Differentiable Loss Function for Time-Series in CUDA
Soft DTW Loss Function for PyTorch in CUDA This is a Pytorch Implementation of Soft-DTW: a Differentiable Loss Function for Time-Series which is batch
A tiny python web application based on Flask to set, get, expire, delete keys of Redis database easily with direct link at the browser.
First Redis Python (CRUD) A tiny python web application based on Flask to set, get, expire, delete keys of Redis database easily with direct link at t
Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research and production with PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch
Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research and production with PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch
Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to Multispeaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis (SV2TTS)
This repository is an implementation of Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to Multispeaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis (SV2TTS) with a vocoder that works in real-time. Feel free to check my thesis if you're curious or if you're looking for info I haven't documented. Mostly I would recommend giving a quick look to the figures beyond the introduction.
Lyapunov-guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stable Online Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks
PyTorch code to reproduce LyDROO algorithm [1], which is an online computation offloading algorithm to maximize the network data processing capability subject to the long-term data queue stability and average power constraints. It applies Lyapunov optimization to decouple the multi-stage stochastic MINLP into deterministic per-frame MINLP subproblems and solves each subproblem via DROO algorithm. It includes:
DeepProbLog is an extension of ProbLog that integrates Probabilistic Logic Programming with deep learning by introducing the neural predicate.
DeepProbLog DeepProbLog is an extension of ProbLog that integrates Probabilistic Logic Programming with deep learning by introducing the neural predic
DiY Oxygen Concentrator based on the OxiKit
M19O2 DiY Oxygen Concentrator based on / inspired by the OxiKit, OpenOx, Marut, RepRap and Project Apollo platforms. About Read about the project on H
Grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion is the process of generating pronunciation for words based on their written form.
Neural G2P to portuguese language Grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion is the process of generating pronunciation for words based on their written for
Print 'text color' and 'text format' on Term with Python
term-printer Print 'text color' and 'text format' on Term with Python ※ It may not work depending on the OS and shell used. PIP $ pip install term-pri
The (extremely) naive sentiment classification function based on NBSVM trained on wisesight_sentiment
thai_sentiment The naive sentiment classification function based on NBSVM trained on wisesight_sentiment วิธีติดตั้ง pip install thai_sentiment==0.1.3
Code for PhySG: Inverse Rendering with Spherical Gaussians for Physics-based Relighting and Material Editing
PhySG: Inverse Rendering with Spherical Gaussians for Physics-based Relighting and Material Editing CVPR 2021. Project page: https://kai-46.github.io/
This is the repo for our work "Towards Persona-Based Empathetic Conversational Models" (EMNLP 2020)
Towards Persona-Based Empathetic Conversational Models (PEC) This is the repo for our work "Towards Persona-Based Empathetic Conversational Models" (E
MolRep: A Deep Representation Learning Library for Molecular Property Prediction
MolRep: A Deep Representation Learning Library for Molecular Property Prediction Summary MolRep is a Python package for fairly measuring algorithmic p
CondLaneNet: a Top-to-down Lane Detection Framework Based on Conditional Convolution
CondLaneNet: a Top-to-down Lane Detection Framework Based on Conditional Convolution This is the official implementation code of the paper "CondLaneNe
CausaLM: Causal Model Explanation Through Counterfactual Language Models
CausaLM: Causal Model Explanation Through Counterfactual Language Models Authors: Amir Feder, Nadav Oved, Uri Shalit, Roi Reichart Abstract: Understan
Outlier Exposure with Confidence Control for Out-of-Distribution Detection
OOD-detection-using-OECC This repository contains the essential code for the paper Outlier Exposure with Confidence Control for Out-of-Distribution De
Learning to Reconstruct 3D Non-Cuboid Room Layout from a Single RGB Image
NonCuboidRoom Paper Learning to Reconstruct 3D Non-Cuboid Room Layout from a Single RGB Image Cheng Yang*, Jia Zheng*, Xili Dai, Rui Tang, Yi Ma, Xiao
Probabilistic Tracklet Scoring and Inpainting for Multiple Object Tracking
Probabilistic Tracklet Scoring and Inpainting for Multiple Object Tracking (CVPR 2021) Pytorch implementation of the ArTIST motion model. In this repo
Official project website for the CVPR 2021 paper "Exploring intermediate representation for monocular vehicle pose estimation"
EgoNet Official project website for the CVPR 2021 paper "Exploring intermediate representation for monocular vehicle pose estimation". This repo inclu
Model-based 3D Hand Reconstruction via Self-Supervised Learning, CVPR2021
S2HAND: Model-based 3D Hand Reconstruction via Self-Supervised Learning S2HAND presents a self-supervised 3D hand reconstruction network that can join
Code for the RA-L (ICRA) 2021 paper "SeqNet: Learning Descriptors for Sequence-Based Hierarchical Place Recognition"
SeqNet: Learning Descriptors for Sequence-Based Hierarchical Place Recognition [ArXiv+Supplementary] [IEEE Xplore RA-L 2021] [ICRA 2021 YouTube Video]
The official implementation of the CVPR2021 paper: Decoupled Dynamic Filter Networks
Decoupled Dynamic Filter Networks This repo is the official implementation of CVPR2021 paper: "Decoupled Dynamic Filter Networks". Introduction DDF is
Baseline model for "GraspNet-1Billion: A Large-Scale Benchmark for General Object Grasping" (CVPR 2020)
GraspNet Baseline Baseline model for "GraspNet-1Billion: A Large-Scale Benchmark for General Object Grasping" (CVPR 2020). [paper] [dataset] [API] [do
The AugNet Python module contains functions for the fast computation of image similarity.
AugNet AugNet: End-to-End Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning with Image Augmentation arxiv link In our work, we propose AugNet, a new deep le
JittorVis is a deep neural network computational graph visualization library based on Jittor.
JittorVis - Visual understanding of deep learning model.
JittorVis - Visual understanding of deep learning model.
JittorVis is a deep neural network computational graph visualization library based on Jittor.
The `rtdl` library + The official implementation of the paper
The `rtdl` library + The official implementation of the paper "Revisiting Deep Learning Models for Tabular Data"
frida-based ceserver. iOS analysis is possible with Cheat Engine.
frida-ceserver frida-based ceserver. iOS analysis is possible with Cheat Engine. Original by Dark Byte. Usage Install frida on iOS. python main.py Cyd
Developed an AI-based system to control the mouse cursor using Python and OpenCV with the real-time camera.
Developed an AI-based system to control the mouse cursor using Python and OpenCV with the real-time camera. Fingertip location is mapped to RGB images to control the mouse cursor.
TunBERT is the first release of a pre-trained BERT model for the Tunisian dialect using a Tunisian Common-Crawl-based dataset.
TunBERT is the first release of a pre-trained BERT model for the Tunisian dialect using a Tunisian Common-Crawl-based dataset. TunBERT was applied to three NLP downstream tasks: Sentiment Analysis (SA), Tunisian Dialect Identification (TDI) and Reading Comprehension Question-Answering (RCQA)
Experiment about Deep Person Re-identification with EfficientNet-v2
We evaluated the baseline with Resnet50 and Efficienet-v2 without using pretrained models. Also Resnet50-IBN-A and Efficientnet-v2 using pretrained on ImageNet. We used two datasets: Market-1501 and CUHK03.
Thermal Control of Laser Powder Bed Fusion using Deep Reinforcement Learning
This repository is the implementation of the paper "Thermal Control of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using Deep Reinforcement Learning", linked here. The project makes use of the Deep Reinforcement Library stable-baselines3 to derive a control policy that maximizes melt pool depth consistency.
Unbalanced Feature Transport for Exemplar-based Image Translation (CVPR 2021)
UNITE and UNITE+ Unbalanced Feature Transport for Exemplar-based Image Translation (CVPR 2021) Unbalanced Intrinsic Feature Transport for Exemplar-bas
MPLP: Metapath-Based Label Propagation for Heterogenous Graphs
MPLP: Metapath-Based Label Propagation for Heterogenous Graphs Results on MAG240M Here, we demonstrate the following performance on the MAG240M datase
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing - Lectures 2021
This repository contains slides for the course "20-00-0947: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing" (Technical University of Darmstadt, Summer term 2021).
This repository holds the code for the paper "Deep Conditional Gaussian Mixture Model forConstrained Clustering".
Deep Conditional Gaussian Mixture Model for Constrained Clustering. This repository holds the code for the paper Deep Conditional Gaussian Mixture Mod
Role Based Access Control for Slack-Bolt Applications
Role Based Access Control for Slack-Bolt Apps Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is a term applied to limiting the authorization for a specific operatio
51AC8 is a stack based golfing / esolang that I am trying to make.
51AC8 is a stack based golfing / esolang that I am trying to make.
A cross platform OCR Library based on PaddleOCR & OnnxRuntime
A cross platform OCR Library based on PaddleOCR & OnnxRuntime
Jina allows you to build deep learning-powered search-as-a-service in just minutes
Cloud-native neural search framework for any kind of data
DeepLab2: A TensorFlow Library for Deep Labeling
DeepLab2 is a TensorFlow library for deep labeling, aiming to provide a unified and state-of-the-art TensorFlow codebase for dense pixel labeling tasks.
Generating Anime Images by Implementing Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks paper
AnimeGAN - Deep Convolutional Generative Adverserial Network PyTorch implementation of DCGAN introduced in the paper: Unsupervised Representation Lear
In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the neural network model for automatic speech recognition with PyTorch and used MLflow to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.
End to End Automatic Speech Recognition In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the
This is a python based web scraping bot for windows to download all ACCEPTED submissions of any user on Codeforces
CODEFORCES DOWNLOADER This is a python based web scraping bot for windows to download all ACCEPTED submissions of any user on Codeforces Requirements
Request based Python module(s) to help with the Newegg raffle.
Newegg Shuffle Python module(s) to help you with the Newegg raffle How to use $ git clone https://github.com/Matthew17-21/Newegg-Shuffle $ cd Newegg-S
Episodic Transformer (E.T.) is a novel attention-based architecture for vision-and-language navigation. E.T. is based on a multimodal transformer that encodes language inputs and the full episode history of visual observations and actions.
Episodic Transformers (E.T.) Episodic Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation Alexander Pashevich, Cordelia Schmid, Chen Sun Episodic Transform
This repository is an open-source implementation of the ICRA 2021 paper: Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order Pooling.
Locus This repository is an open-source implementation of the ICRA 2021 paper: Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order
PyTorch evaluation code for Delving Deep into the Generalization of Vision Transformers under Distribution Shifts.
Out-of-distribution Generalization Investigation on Vision Transformers This repository contains PyTorch evaluation code for Delving Deep into the Gen
Towards Part-Based Understanding of RGB-D Scans
Towards Part-Based Understanding of RGB-D Scans (CVPR 2021) We propose the task of part-based scene understanding of real-world 3D environments: from
Official NumPy Implementation of Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction (2021)
Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction This repository is the official NumPy implementation of the paper Deep Networks from the Principle
Repository relating to the CVPR21 paper TimeLens: Event-based Video Frame Interpolation
TimeLens: Event-based Video Frame Interpolation This repository is about the High Speed Event and RGB (HS-ERGB) dataset, used in the 2021 CVPR paper T
Markup is an online annotation tool that can be used to transform unstructured documents into structured formats for NLP and ML tasks, such as named-entity recognition. Markup learns as you annotate in order to predict and suggest complex annotations. Markup also provides integrated access to existing and custom ontologies, enabling the prediction and suggestion of ontology mappings based on the text you're annotating.
Markup is an online annotation tool that can be used to transform unstructured documents into structured formats for NLP and ML tasks, such as named-entity recognition. Markup learns as you annotate in order to predict and suggest complex annotations. Markup also provides integrated access to existing and custom ontologies, enabling the prediction and suggestion of ontology mappings based on the text you're annotating.
Official pytorch implement for “Transformer-Based Source-Free Domain Adaptation”
Official implementation for TransDA Official pytorch implement for “Transformer-Based Source-Free Domain Adaptation”. Overview: Result: Prerequisites:
This repository contains all the source code that is needed for the project : An Efficient Pipeline For Bloom’s Taxonomy Using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning
Pipeline For NLP with Bloom's Taxonomy Using Improved Question Classification and Question Generation using Deep Learning This repository contains all
A script based on an article I wrote on decluttering emails.
Decluttering_Email A script based on an article I wrote on decluttering emails. What does this program do? This program is a python script that sends
🔮 Execution time predictions for deep neural network training iterations across different GPUs.
Habitat: A Runtime-Based Computational Performance Predictor for Deep Neural Network Training Habitat is a tool that predicts a deep neural network's
Create Multiple CF entry for multiple websites
AWS-CloudFront Problem: Deploy multiple CloudFront for account with multiple domains. Functionality: Running this script in loop and deploy CloudFront
Implementation of legal QA system based on SentenceKoBART
LegalQA using SentenceKoBART Implementation of legal QA system based on SentenceKoBART How to train SentenceKoBART Based on Neural Search Engine Jina
Implementation of Uformer, Attention-based Unet, in Pytorch
Uformer - Pytorch Implementation of Uformer, Attention-based Unet, in Pytorch. It will only offer the concat-cross-skip connection. This repository wi
A Regex based linter tool that works for any language and works exclusively with custom linting rules.
renag Documentation Available Here Short for Regex (re) Nag (like "one who complains"). Now also PEGs (Parsing Expression Grammars) compatible with py
7th place solution of Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification on Kaggle
kaggle-hpa-2021-7th-place-solution Code for 7th place solution of Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification on Kaggle. A description of the met
Official PyTorch code for CVPR 2020 paper "Deep Active Learning for Biased Datasets via Fisher Kernel Self-Supervision"
Deep Active Learning for Biased Datasets via Fisher Kernel Self-Supervision https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00393 Abstract Active learning (AL) aims to min
The official implementation of Equalization Loss v1 & v2 (CVPR 2020, 2021) based on MMDetection.
The Equalization Losses for Long-tailed Object Detection and Instance Segmentation This repo is official implementation CVPR 2021 paper: Equalization
This is the official repository of XVFI (eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation)
XVFI This is the official repository of XVFI (eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation), https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.16206 Last Update: 20210607 We provide th
A parallel framework for population-based multi-agent reinforcement learning.
MALib: A parallel framework for population-based multi-agent reinforcement learning MALib is a parallel framework of population-based learning nested
Official PyTorch implementation of "Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic Classes for Deep Metric Learning" (AAAI 2021)
Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic Classes for Deep Metric Learning Official PyTorch implementation of "Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic
Code for the CVPR 2021 paper: Understanding Failures of Deep Networks via Robust Feature Extraction
Welcome to Barlow Barlow is a tool for identifying the failure modes for a given neural network. To achieve this, Barlow first creates a group of imag
This project is based on RIFE and aims to make RIFE more practical for users by adding various features and design new models
This project is based on RIFE and aims to make RIFE more practical for users by adding various features and design new models. Because improving the PSNR index is not compatible with subjective effects, we hope this part of work and our academic research are independent of each other.
Autocut the Twitch VODs based on Marker
Markut Given the VOD of the stream and the markers that are exported as a CSV file, generate a video using ffmpeg that cuts out part of the VOD accord
Repository relating to the CVPR21 paper TimeLens: Event-based Video Frame Interpolation
TimeLens: Event-based Video Frame Interpolation This repository is about the High Speed Event and RGB (HS-ERGB) dataset, used in the 2021 CVPR paper T
Add a Web Server based on Rogue Mysql Server to allow remote user get
介绍 对于需要使用 Rogue Mysql Server 的漏洞来说,若想批量检测这种漏洞的话需要自备一个服务器。并且我常用的Rogue Mysql Server 脚本 不支持动态更改读取文件名、不支持远程用户访问读取结果、不支持批量化检测网站。于是乎萌生了这个小脚本的想法 Rogue-MySql-
Unifying Cross-Lingual Semantic Role Labeling with Heterogeneous Linguistic Resources (NAACL-2021).
Unifying Cross-Lingual Semantic Role Labeling with Heterogeneous Linguistic Resources Description This is the repository for the paper Unifying Cross-
The (Python-based) mining software required for the Nintendo Switch mining project.
ntgbtminer - Nintendo Switch edition This is a version of ntgbtminer that works with the Nintendo Switch bitcoin miner. ntgbtminer ntgbtminer is a no
Query multiple mongoDB database collections easily
leakscoop Perform queries across multiple MongoDB databases and collections, where the field names and the field content structure in each database ma
Ingest and query genomic intervals from multiple BED files
Ingest and query genomic intervals from multiple BED files.
A denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) tailored for conditional generation of protein distograms
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Proteins Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch. It is a new approach to gen
Hand gesture recognition based whiteboard that allows you to write on live webcam. This is the first version and has features like 4 different colors, eraser and a recording option that records your session and saves it in a "recordings" folder. Use index finger to draw and two or more fingers to move around and select items. Future version will contain more functionalities like changeable thickness, color palette, integration with zoom and google meet etc.
hand-write Hand gesture recognition based whiteboard that allows you to write on live webcam. This is the first version and has features like 4 differ
Phonetic PosteriorGram (PPG)-Based Voice Conversion (VC)
ppg-vc Phonetic PosteriorGram (PPG)-Based Voice Conversion (VC) This repo implements different kinds of PPG-based VC models. Pretrained models. More m
Deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Neural Network Libraries
Deep Reinforcement Learning Library built on top of Neural Network Libraries NNablaRL is a deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Neural
The official code of Anisotropic Stroke Control for Multiple Artists Style Transfer
ASMA-GAN Anisotropic Stroke Control for Multiple Artists Style Transfer Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia The officia
Repository for publicly available deep learning models developed in Rosetta community
trRosetta2 This package contains deep learning models and related scripts used by Baker group in CASP14. Installation Linux/Mac clone the package git
[ICML 2021] DouZero: Mastering DouDizhu with Self-Play Deep Reinforcement Learning | 斗地主AI
[ICML 2021] DouZero: Mastering DouDizhu with Self-Play Deep Reinforcement Learning DouZero is a reinforcement learning framework for DouDizhu (斗地主), t
Tensorflow implementation of MIRNet for Low-light image enhancement
MIRNet Tensorflow implementation of the MIRNet architecture as proposed by Learning Enriched Features for Real Image Restoration and Enhancement. Lanu
Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals
LapDepth-release This repository is a Pytorch implementation of the paper "Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals" M
A lightweight deep network for fast and accurate optical flow estimation.
FastFlowNet: A Lightweight Network for Fast Optical Flow Estimation The official PyTorch implementation of FastFlowNet (ICRA 2021). Authors: Lingtong
On the model-based stochastic value gradient for continuous reinforcement learning
On the model-based stochastic value gradient for continuous reinforcement learning This repository is by Brandon Amos, Samuel Stanton, Denis Yarats, a