9831 Repositories
Python Pancakeswap-and-uniswap-trading-bot Libraries
A fast and lightweight python-based CTC beam search decoder for speech recognition.
pyctcdecode A fast and feature-rich CTC beam search decoder for speech recognition written in Python, providing n-gram (kenlm) language model support
joint detection and semantic segmentation, based on ultralytics/yolov5,
Multi YOLO V5——Detection and Semantic Segmentation Overeview This is my undergraduate graduation project which based on ultralytics YOLO V5 tag v5.0.
Piotr - IoT firmware emulation instrumentation for training and research
Piotr: Pythonic IoT exploitation and Research Introduction to Piotr Piotr is an emulation helper for Qemu that provides a convenient way to create, sh
Dahua Camera and Doorbell Home Assistant Integration
Home Assistant Dahua Integration The Dahua Home Assistant integration allows you to integrate your Dahua cameras and doorbells in Home Assistant. It's
A small repository of projects built in my course, REST APIs with Flask and Python.
A small repository of projects built in my course, REST APIs with Flask and Python.
ML model to classify between cats and dogs
Cats-and-dogs-classifier This is my first ML model which can classify between cats and dogs. Here the accuracy is around 75%, however , the accuracy c
A slack bot that notifies you when a restaurant is available for orders
Slack Wolt Notifier A Slack bot that notifies you when a Wolt restaurant or venue is available for orders. How does it work? Slack supports bots that
A Powerful Telethon Based Telegram Spam Bot.
Yukki Multi Spam Bot 🚀 Deploy on Heroku You can Use these API ID and API HASH while deploying String Session No Requirement of API ID and API HASH Ge
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive.
A simple pygame dino game which can also be trained and played by a NEAT KI
Dino Game AI Game The game itself was developed with the Pygame module pip install pygame You can also play it yourself by making the dino jump with t
An air quality monitoring service with a Raspberry Pi and a SDS011 sensor.
Raspberry Pi Air Quality Monitor A simple air quality monitoring service for the Raspberry Pi. Installation Clone the repository and run the following
Hiiii this is the Spanish for Linux and win 10 and in the near future the english version of PortScan my new tool on which you can see what ports are Open only with the IP adress.
PortScanner-by-IIT PortScanner es una herramienta programada en Python3. Como su nombre indica esta herramienta escanea los primeros 150 puertos de re
A discord bot consuming Notion API to add, retrieve data to Notion databases.
Notion-DiscordBot A discord bot consuming Notion API to add and retrieve data from Notion databases. Instructions to use the bot: Pre-Requisites: a)In
Black for Python docstrings and reStructuredText (rst).
Style-Doc Style-Doc is Black for Python docstrings and reStructuredText (rst). It can be used to format docstrings (Google docstring format) in Python
System Tray Icon for PySimpleGUI (the tkinter version). Adds a system tray icon by using pystray and PIL
psgtray Add a System Tray Icon to your tkinter port of PySimpleGUI. Installation via pip Installation is via pip: python -m pip install psgtray or if
Bagua is a flexible and performant distributed training algorithm development framework.
Bagua is a flexible and performant distributed training algorithm development framework.
A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to image composition
A curated list of resources including papers, datasets, and relevant links pertaining to image composition.
A Telegram Bot Plays With Words!!!
TheWordzBot ➠ I Can Turn Text Into Audio ➠ I Can Get Results From Dictionary ➠ I Can Make Google Search For You ➠ I Can Suggest Strong Passwords For Y
It is a temporary project to study discord interactions. You can set permissions conveniently when you invite a particular disk code bot.
Permission Bot 디스코드 내에 있는 message-components 를 연구하기 위하여 제작된 봇입니다. Setup /config/config_example.ini 파일을 /config/config.ini으로 변환합니다. config 파일의 기본 양식은 아
A FastAPI Framework for things like Database, Redis, Logging, JWT Authentication and Rate Limits
A FastAPI Framework for things like Database, Redis, Logging, JWT Authentication and Rate Limits Install You can install this Library with: pip instal
Terminal Bot which will Execute your Commands From telegram bot!
Terminal-Bot see this bot alive: https://t.me/HerokuTerminal_Bot With this bot you can execute system commands on your server. how to config? clone or
cc_sim_crack v.1 An open-source SMS/call bomber for Linux And Termux. Note: Due misusing of cc_sim_crack, several API's died. Don't be afraid if you d
Tie together `drf-spectacular` and `djangorestframework-dataclasses` for easy-to-use apis and openapi schemas.
Speccify Tie together drf-spectacular and djangorestframework-dataclasses for easy-to-use apis and openapi schemas. Usage @dataclass class MyQ
PwnWiki Telegram database searching bot
pwtgbot PwnWiki Telegram database searching bot. Screenshots How it looks like in the terminal when running How it looks like in Telegram Run Directly
This machine-learning algorithm takes in data from the last 60 days and tries to predict tomorrow's price of any crypto you ask it.
Crypto-Currency-Predictor This machine-learning algorithm takes in data from the last 60 days and tries to predict tomorrow's price of any crypto you
Classify bird species based on their songs using SIamese Networks and 1D dilated convolutions.
The goal is to classify different birds species based on their songs/calls. Spectrograms have been extracted from the audio samples and used as features for classification.
Store events and publish to Kafka
Create an event from Django ORM object model, store the event into the database and also publish it into Kafka cluster.
A bot that connects your guild chat to a Discord channel, written in Python.
Guild Chat Bot A bot that connects your guild chat to a discord channel. Uses discord.py and pyCraft Deploy on Railway Railway is a cloud development
liquidctl – liquid cooler control Cross-platform tool and drivers for liquid coolers and other devices
Cross-platform CLI and Python drivers for AIO liquid coolers and other devices
A Python Discord bot project generator
Heater Heat up a Discord bot in a blink What is Heater? Heater is a Command Line Interface tool which allows you to generate a barebones Python Discor
Pose Detection and Machine Learning for real-time body posture analysis during exercise to provide audiovisual feedback on improvement of form.
Posture: Pose Tracking and Machine Learning for prescribing corrective suggestions to improve posture and form while exercising. This repository conta
PyTorch implementation of Graph Convolutional Networks in Feature Space for Image Deblurring and Super-resolution, IJCNN 2021.
GCResNet PyTorch implementation of Graph Convolutional Networks in Feature Space for Image Deblurring and Super-resolution, IJCNN 2021. The code will
Yata is a fast, simple and easy Data Visulaization tool, running on python dash
Yata is a fast, simple and easy Data Visulaization tool, running on python dash. The main goal of Yata is to provide a easy way for persons with little programming knowledge to visualize their data easily.
Datargsing is a data management and manipulation Python library
Datargsing What is It? Datargsing is a data management and manipulation Python library which is currently in deving Why this library is good? This Pyt
(BionicLambda Universal SHell) A simple shell made in Python. Docs and possible C port incoming.
blush 😳 (BionicLambda Universal SHell) A simple shell made in Python. Docs and possible C port incoming. Note: The Linux executables were made on Ubu
A module to complement discord.py that has Music, Paginator and Levelling.
discord-super-utils A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extremely easy. Features Modern leveling m
This is my reading list for my PhD in AI, NLP, Deep Learning and more.
This is my reading list for my PhD in AI, NLP, Deep Learning and more.
VD-BERT: A Unified Vision and Dialog Transformer with BERT
VD-BERT: A Unified Vision and Dialog Transformer with BERT PyTorch Code for the following paper at EMNLP2020: Title: VD-BERT: A Unified Vision and Dia
Official implementation of FCL-taco2: Fast, Controllable and Lightweight version of Tacotron2 @ ICASSP 2021
FCL-Taco2: Towards Fast, Controllable and Lightweight Text-to-Speech synthesis (ICASSP 2021) Paper | Demo Block diagram of FCL-taco2, where the decode
A toolbox of scene text detection and recognition
FudanOCR This toolbox contains the implementations of the following papers: Scene Text Telescope: Text-Focused Scene Image Super-Resolution [Chen et a
Automated modeling and machine learning framework FEDOT
This repository contains FEDOT - an open-source framework for automated modeling and machine learning (AutoML). It can build custom modeling pipelines for different real-world processes in an automated way using an evolutionary approach. FEDOT supports classification (binary and multiclass), regression, clustering, and time series prediction tasks.
ElegantRL is featured with lightweight, efficient and stable, for researchers and practitioners.
Lightweight, efficient and stable implementations of deep reinforcement learning algorithms using PyTorch. 🔥
document organizer with tags and full-text-search, in a simple and clean sqlite3 schema
document organizer with tags and full-text-search, in a simple and clean sqlite3 schema
This is a cryptocurrency trading bot that analyses Reddit sentiment and places trades on Binance based on reddit post and comment sentiment. If you like this project please consider donating via brave. Thanks.
This is a cryptocurrency trading bot that analyses Reddit sentiment and places trades on Binance based on reddit post and comment sentiment. The bot f
Minimal telegram voice chat music bot, in pyrogram.
VCBOT Fully working VC (user)Bot, based on py-tgcalls and py-tgcalls-wrapper with minimal features. Deploying To heroku: Local machine/VPS: git clone
a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
fastapi-tortoise-orm-url-shortener a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
The purpose of this script is to bypass disablefund, provide some useful information, and dig the hook function of PHP extension.
The purpose of this script is to bypass disablefund, provide some useful information, and dig the hook function of PHP extension.
A tool to make dumpy among us GIFS
Among Us Dumpy Gif Maker Made by ThatOneCalculator & Pixer415 With help from Telk, karl-police, and auguwu! Please credit this repository when you use
This is a simple backtesting framework to help you test your crypto currency trading. It includes a way to download and store historical crypto data and to execute a trading strategy.
You can use this simple crypto backtesting script to ensure your trading strategy is successful Minimal setup required and works well with static TP a
Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances
Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances. Provides easy configuration to get virtual power consumption sensors in Home Assistant for all your devices which don't have a build in power meter.
This is the code for our KILT leaderboard submission to the T-REx and zsRE tasks. It includes code for training a DPR model then continuing training with RAG.
KGI (Knowledge Graph Induction) for slot filling This is the code for our KILT leaderboard submission to the T-REx and zsRE tasks. It includes code fo
This package contains deep learning models and related scripts for RoseTTAFold
RoseTTAFold This package contains deep learning models and related scripts to run RoseTTAFold This repository is the official implementation of RoseTT
Implementation and replication of ProGen, Language Modeling for Protein Generation, in Jax
ProGen - (wip) Implementation and replication of ProGen, Language Modeling for Protein Generation, in Pytorch and Jax (the weights will be made easily
Source code for models described in the paper "AudioCLIP: Extending CLIP to Image, Text and Audio" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.13043)
AudioCLIP Extending CLIP to Image, Text and Audio This repository contains implementation of the models described in the paper arXiv:2106.13043. This
Implementation for our AAAI2021 paper (Entity Structure Within and Throughout: Modeling Mention Dependencies for Document-Level Relation Extraction).
SSAN Introduction This is the pytorch implementation of the SSAN model (see our AAAI2021 paper: Entity Structure Within and Throughout: Modeling Menti
This is the official repo for TransFill: Reference-guided Image Inpainting by Merging Multiple Color and Spatial Transformations at CVPR'21. According to some product reasons, we are not planning to release the training/testing codes and models. However, we will release the dataset and the scripts to prepare the dataset.
TransFill-Reference-Inpainting This is the official repo for TransFill: Reference-guided Image Inpainting by Merging Multiple Color and Spatial Transf
[CVPR 2021] Rethinking Text Segmentation: A Novel Dataset and A Text-Specific Refinement Approach
Rethinking Text Segmentation: A Novel Dataset and A Text-Specific Refinement Approach This is the repo to host the dataset TextSeg and code for TexRNe
This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Languages" published in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2021.
XL-Sum This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Lang
Code for Two-stage Identifier: "Locate and Label: A Two-stage Identifier for Nested Named Entity Recognition"
Code for Two-stage Identifier: "Locate and Label: A Two-stage Identifier for Nested Named Entity Recognition", accepted at ACL 2021. For details of the model and experiments, please see our paper.
A terminal UI dashboard to monitor requests for code review across Github and Gitlab repositories.
A terminal UI dashboard to monitor requests for code review across Github and Gitlab repositories.
Flexible interface for high-performance research using SOTA Transformers leveraging Pytorch Lightning, Transformers, and Hydra.
Flexible interface for high performance research using SOTA Transformers leveraging Pytorch Lightning, Transformers, and Hydra. What is Lightning Tran
This repository contains all the code and materials distributed in the 2021 Q-Programming Summer of Qode.
Q-Programming Summer of Qode This repository contains all the code and materials distributed in the Q-Programming Summer of Qode. If you want to creat
CoWIN Vaccination slot booking telegram bot with auto captcha resolver & alerting feature.Now, never miss a slot.
COWIN VACCINATION SLOT AUTO BOOKING (Bot with captcha solving & alerting capabilities. Never miss the vaccine slot.) June-10-2021/ 0030 hrs: 23 succes
A Bot To Get Info Of Telegram messages , Media , Channel id Group ID etc.
Info-Bot A Bot To Get Info Of Telegram messages , Media , Channel id Group ID etc. Get Info Of Your And Messages , Channels , Groups ETC... How to mak
An advanced real time threat intelligence framework to identify threats and malicious web traffic on the basis of IP reputation and historical data.
ARTIF is a new advanced real time threat intelligence framework built that adds another abstraction layer on the top of MISP to identify threats and malicious web traffic on the basis of IP reputation and historical data. It also performs automatic enrichment and threat scoring by collecting, processing and correlating observables based on different factors.
A large dataset of 100k Google Satellite and matching Map images, resembling pix2pix's Google Maps dataset.
Larger Google Sat2Map dataset This dataset extends the aerial ⟷ Maps dataset used in pix2pix (Isola et al., CVPR17). The provide script download_sat2m
BloodCheck enables Red and Blue Teams to manage multiple Neo4j databases and run Cypher queries against a BloodHound dataset.
BloodCheck BloodCheck enables Red and Blue Teams to manage multiple Neo4j databases and run Cypher queries against a BloodHound dataset. Installation
Meltano: ELT for the DataOps era. Meltano is open source, self-hosted, CLI-first, debuggable, and extensible.
Meltano is open source, self-hosted, CLI-first, debuggable, and extensible. Pipelines are code, ready to be version c
seno-blockchain is just a fork of Chia, designed to be efficient, decentralized, and secure
seno-blockchain https://seno.uno Seno is just a fork of Chia, designed to be efficient, decentralized, and secure. Here are some of the features and b
YoloV5 implemented by TensorFlow2 , with support for training, evaluation and inference.
Efficient implementation of YOLOV5 in TensorFlow2
A data preprocessing package for time series data. Design for machine learning and deep learning.
A data preprocessing package for time series data. Design for machine learning and deep learning.
An App to get Ko-Fi payment updates on Telegram.
Deployments. Heroku.com 🚀 Replit.com 🌀 Make sure your app runs 24*7 Zeet.co 💪 Use this :~ Get Bot token from @botfather 🤖 Get ID where you want to
This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Languages" published in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2021.
XL-Sum This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Lang
Bifrost C2. Open-source post-exploitation using Discord API
Bifrost Command and Control What's Bifrost? Bifrost is an open-source Discord BOT that works as Command and Control (C2). This C2 uses Discord API for
nnDetection is a self-configuring framework for 3D (volumetric) medical object detection which can be applied to new data sets without manual intervention. It includes guides for 12 data sets that were used to develop and evaluate the performance of the proposed method.
What is nnDetection? Simultaneous localisation and categorization of objects in medical images, also referred to as medical object detection, is of hi
Meerkat provides fast and flexible data structures for working with complex machine learning datasets.
Meerkat makes it easier for ML practitioners to interact with high-dimensional, multi-modal data. It provides simple abstractions for data inspection, model evaluation and model training supported by efficient and robust IO under the hood.
A scanpy extension to analyse single-cell TCR and BCR data.
Scirpy: A Scanpy extension for analyzing single-cell immune-cell receptor sequencing data Scirpy is a scalable python-toolkit to analyse T cell recept
CLIP: Connecting Text and Image (Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision)
CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) Experiments (Evaluation) Model Dataset Acc (%) ViT-B/32 (Paper) CIFAR100 65.1 ViT-B/32 (Our) CIFAR100 6
Official Implement of CVPR 2021 paper “Cross-Modal Collaborative Representation Learning and a Large-Scale RGBT Benchmark for Crowd Counting”
RGBT Crowd Counting Lingbo Liu, Jiaqi Chen, Hefeng Wu, Guanbin Li, Chenglong Li, Liang Lin. "Cross-Modal Collaborative Representation Learning and a L
Unofficial Valorant documentation and tools for third party developers
Valorant Third Party Toolkit This repository contains unofficial Valorant documentation and tools for third party developers. Our goal is to centraliz
Motion detector, Full body detection, Upper body detection, Cat face detection, Smile detection, Face detection (haar cascade), Silverware detection, Face detection (lbp), and Sending email notifications
Security camera running OpenCV for object and motion detection. The camera will send email with image of any objects it detects. It also runs a server that provides web interface with live stream video.
Blender Python - Node-based multi-line text and image flowchart
MindMapper v0.8 Node-based text and image flowchart for Blender Mindmap with shortcuts visible: Mindmap with shortcuts hidden: Notes This was requeste
A Python Module That Uses ANN To Predict A Stocks Price And Also Provides Accurate Technical Analysis With Many High Potential Implementations!
Stox ⚡ A Python Module For The Stock Market ⚡ A Module to predict the "close price" for the next day and give "technical analysis". It uses a Neural N
AudioCLIP Extending CLIP to Image, Text and Audio
AudioCLIP Extending CLIP to Image, Text and Audio This repository contains implementation of the models described in the paper arXiv:2106.13043. This
Brax is a differentiable physics engine that simulates environments made up of rigid bodies, joints, and actuators
Brax is a differentiable physics engine that simulates environments made up of rigid bodies, joints, and actuators. It's also a suite of learning algorithms to train agents to operate in these environments (PPO, SAC, evolutionary strategy, and direct trajectory optimization are implemented).
Gamestonk Terminal is an awesome stock and crypto market terminal
Gamestonk Terminal is an awesome stock and crypto market terminal. A FOSS alternative to Bloomberg Terminal.
LibTraffic is a unified, flexible and comprehensive traffic prediction library based on PyTorch
LibTraffic is a unified, flexible and comprehensive traffic prediction library, which provides researchers with a credibly experimental tool and a convenient development framework. Our library is implemented based on PyTorch, and includes all the necessary steps or components related to traffic prediction into a systematic pipeline.
🎀 First and most powerfull open source clicktune botter
CTB 🖤 Follow me here: Discord | YouTube | Twitter | Github 🐺 Features: /* *- The first *- Fast *- Proxy support: http/s, socks4/5, premieum (w
Restful Api developed with Flask using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and containerization with Docker :rocket:
Hephaestus 🚀 In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was either the son of Zeus and Hera or he was Hera's parthenogenous child. ... As a smithing god, Hephaes
Social Media Network Focuses On Data Security And Being Community Driven Web App
privalise Social Media Network Focuses On Data Security And Being Community Driven Web App The Main Idea: We`ve seen social media web apps that focuse
Joint Learning of 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation, CVPR 2021
Joint Learning of 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation Joint Learning of 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation Mikaela Angelina Uy, Vladimir G. Kim, Minhyu
Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research and production with PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch
Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research and production with PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch
A simple google translator telegram bot version 2
Translator-Bot-V2 A simple google translator telegram bot version 2 Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License
Python 3 tool for finding unclaimed groups on Roblox. Supports multi-threading, multi-processing and HTTP proxies.
roblox-group-scanner Python 3 tool for finding unclaimed groups on Roblox. Supports multi-threading, multi-processing and HTTP proxies. Usage usage: s
Check and write all account info + Check nitro on account
Discord-Token-Checker Check and write all account info + Check nitro on account Also check https://github.com/GuFFy12/Discord-Token-Parser (Parse disc
Recommendation systems are among most widely preffered marketing strategies.
Recommendation systems are among most widely preffered marketing strategies. Their popularity comes from close prediction scores obtained from relationships of users and items. In this project, two recommendation systems are used for two different datasets: Association Recommendation Learning and Collaborative Filtering. Please read the description for more info.
A calculator telegram bot.
Calculator-Bot A calculator telegram bot. Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/Fay
A python script that enables a raspberry pi sd card through the CLI and automates the process of configuring network details and ssh.
This project is one script (wpa_helper.py) written in python that will allow for the user to automate the proccess of setting up a new boot disk and configuring ssh and network settings for the pi
Craxk is a SINGLE AND NON-REPLICABLE Hash that uses data from the hardware where it is executed to form a hash that can only be reproduced by a single machine.
What is Craxk ? Craxk is a UNIQUE AND NON-REPLICABLE Hash that uses data from the hardware where it is executed to form a hash that can only be reprod
Simple Python script to decode and verify an European Health Certificate QR-code
A simple Python script to decode and verify an European Health Certificate QR-code.