17352 Repositories
Python Python-Data-Analysis-and-Visualisation-Projects Libraries
A simple interpreted language for creating basic mathematical graphs.
graphr Introduction graphr is a small language written to create basic mathematical graphs. It is an interpreted language written in python and essent
3D extension built off of shapely to make working with geospatial/trajectory data easier in python.
PyGeoShape 3D extension to shapely and pyproj to make working with geospatial/trajectory data easier in python. Getting Started Installation pip The e
Unofficial implementation of Google "CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization" in PyTorch
CutPaste CutPaste: image from paper Unofficial implementation of Google's "CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization"
🤖 Fast and simple bot to transform links from Amazon into a nice post with your referral link in Telegram 🛒
AmazonBot 🤖 Fast and simple bot to transform links from Amazon into a nice post with your referral link in Telegram 🛒 Prerequisites You need Python
Discord Rich Presence implementation for Plex.
Perplex Perplex is a Discord Rich Presence implementation for Plex. Features Modern and beautiful Rich Presence for both movies and TV shows The Movie
Hoopoe - Get notified of important stuff, right away.
Hoopoe - Get notified of important stuff, right away. Report a Bug · Request a Feature . Ask a Question Table of Contents About Getting Started Prereq
iloveflask is a Python library to collect functions that help a flask developer generate reports, config files and repeat code.
I Love Flask iloveflask is a Python library to collect functions that help a flask developer generate reports, config files and repeat code. Installat
Code for "Intra-hour Photovoltaic Generation Forecasting based on Multi-source Data and Deep Learning Methods."
pv_predict_unet-lstm Code for "Intra-hour Photovoltaic Generation Forecasting based on Multi-source Data and Deep Learning Methods." IEEE Transactions
Simple Login Logout System using Django, JavaScript and ajax.
Djanog-UserAuthenticationSystem Technology Use #version Python 3.9.5 Django 3.2.7 JavaScript --- Ajax Validation --- Login and Logout Functionality, A
Reproduce results and replicate training fo T0 (Multitask Prompted Training Enables Zero-Shot Task Generalization)
T-Zero This repository serves primarily as codebase and instructions for training, evaluation and inference of T0. T0 is the model developed in Multit
A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can compress, convert(video into audio and other video formats), rename with permanent thumbnail and trim.
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀᴛᴏʀ A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can compress, convert(video into audio and other video formats), rename and trim.
Align and Prompt: Video-and-Language Pre-training with Entity Prompts
ALPRO Align and Prompt: Video-and-Language Pre-training with Entity Prompts [Paper] Dongxu Li, Junnan Li, Hongdong Li, Juan Carlos Niebles, Steven C.H
Light, Flexible and Extensible ASGI API framework
Starlite Starlite is a light, opinionated and flexible ASGI API framework built on top of pydantic and Starlette. Check out the Starlite documentation
A collection of resources, problems, explanations and concepts that are/were important during my Data Science journey
Data Science Gurukul List of resources, interview questions, concepts I use for my Data Science work. Topics: Basics of Programming with Python + Unde
Source code of AAAI 2022 paper "Towards End-to-End Image Compression and Analysis with Transformers".
Towards End-to-End Image Compression and Analysis with Transformers Source code of our AAAI 2022 paper "Towards End-to-End Image Compression and Analy
A NASA MEaSUREs project to provide automated, low latency, global glacier flow and elevation change datasets
Notebooks A NASA MEaSUREs project to provide automated, low latency, global glacier flow and elevation change datasets This repository provides tools
General neural ODE and DAE modules for power system dynamic modeling.
Py_PSNODE General neural ODE and DAE modules for power system dynamic modeling. The PyTorch-based ODE solver is developed based on torchdiffeq. Sample
Aggregate real-time market data from cryptocurrency exchanges, filter, sort and format as TradingView watchlists.
tvbuddy Aggregate real-time market data from cryptocurrency exchanges, filter, sort and format as TradingView watchlists. Developed and tested on Pyth
A Anything goes Discord bot written in python and uses the wrapper Discord.py
GerardTheWizard A Anything goes Discord bot written in python and uses the wrapper Discord.py What can he do? Allow users to level up through typing,
A basic Python IDE made by Anh Đức
Python IDE by Anh Đức A basic Python IDE made with python module tkinter. Hope you enjoy this IDE! V 1.3 "Open Terminal from IDE" feature V 1.2 Now yo
In this project, we develop a face recognize platform based on MTCNN object-detection netcwork and FaceNet self-supervised network.
模式识别大作业——人脸检测与识别平台 本项目是一个简易的人脸检测识别平台,提供了人脸信息录入和人脸识别的功能。前端采用 html+css+js,后端采用 pytorch,
A command-line tool to flash python code to Codey Rocky without having to use the online mblock5 IDE.
What? A command-line tool to flash python code to Codey Rocky without having to use the online mblock5 IDE. Description This is a very low-effort proj
Python script to download (TCR) genes from IMGT/GENE-DB
IMGTgeneDL 0.1.0 Jamie Heather | CCR @ MGH | 2021 This script provides an alternative way to access TCR and IG genes stored in IMGT/GENE-DB. It's prim
Python program that uses pynput to simulate key presses. Probably only works on Windows.
AutoKey Python program that uses pynput to simulate key presses. Probably only works on Windows. Can be used for pretty much whatever you want except
Python wrapper for Xeno-canto API 2.0. Enables downloading bird data with one command line
Python wrapper for Xeno-canto API 2.0. Enables downloading bird data with one command line. Supports multithreading
Python scripts aim to use a Random Forest machine learning algorithm to predict the water affinity of Metal-Organic Frameworks
The following Python scripts aim to use a Random Forest machine learning algorithm to predict the water affinity of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs). The training set is extracted from the Cambridge Structural Database and the CoRE_MOF 2019 dataset.
This mini project showcase how to build and debug Apache Spark application using Python
Spark app can't be debugged using normal procedure. This mini project showcase how to build and debug Apache Spark application using Python programming language. There are also options to run Spark application on Spark container
Place holder for HOPE: a human-centric and task-oriented MT evaluation framework using professional post-editing
HOPE: A Task-Oriented and Human-Centric Evaluation Framework Using Professional Post-Editing Towards More Effective MT Evaluation Place holder for dat
An Official Repo of CVPR '20 "MSeg: A Composite Dataset for Multi-Domain Segmentation"
This is the code for the paper: MSeg: A Composite Dataset for Multi-domain Semantic Segmentation (CVPR 2020, Official Repo) [CVPR PDF] [Journal PDF] J
Pytorch Implementation for (STANet+ and STANet)
Pytorch Implementation for (STANet+ and STANet) V2-Weakly Supervised Visual-Auditory Saliency Detection with Multigranularity Perception (arxiv), pdf:
Official release of MSHT: Multi-stage Hybrid Transformer for the ROSE Image Analysis of Pancreatic Cancer axriv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13513
MSHT: Multi-stage Hybrid Transformer for the ROSE Image Analysis This is the official page of the MSHT with its experimental script and records. We de
Official code for "InfoGraph: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Graph-Level Representation Learning via Mutual Information Maximization" (ICLR 2020, spotlight)
InfoGraph: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Graph-Level Representation Learning via Mutual Information Maximization Authors: Fan-yun Sun, Jordan Hoffm
Code for "SUGAR: Subgraph Neural Network with Reinforcement Pooling and Self-Supervised Mutual Information Mechanism"
SUGAR Code for "SUGAR: Subgraph Neural Network with Reinforcement Pooling and Self-Supervised Mutual Information Mechanism" Overview train.py: the cor
Implementation of paper "Self-supervised Learning on Graphs:Deep Insights and New Directions"
SelfTask-GNN A PyTorch implementation of "Self-supervised Learning on Graphs: Deep Insights and New Directions". [paper] In this paper, we first deepe
Pre-Training Graph Neural Networks for Cold-Start Users and Items Representation.
Pretrain-Recsys This is our Tensorflow implementation for our WSDM 2021 paper: Bowen Hao, Jing Zhang, Hongzhi Yin, Cuiping Li, Hong Chen. Pre-Training
Self-labelling via simultaneous clustering and representation learning. (ICLR 2020)
Self-labelling via simultaneous clustering and representation learning 🆗 🆗 🎉 NEW models (20th August 2020): Added standard SeLa pretrained torchvis
Code for NeurIPS 2020 article "Contrastive learning of global and local features for medical image segmentation with limited annotations"
Contrastive learning of global and local features for medical image segmentation with limited annotations The code is for the article "Contrastive lea
Code and training data for our ECCV 2016 paper on Unsupervised Learning
Shuffle and Learn (Shuffle Tuple) Created by Ishan Misra Based on the ECCV 2016 Paper - "Shuffle and Learn: Unsupervised Learning using Temporal Order
An unsupervised learning framework for depth and ego-motion estimation from monocular videos
SfMLearner This codebase implements the system described in the paper: Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Video Tinghui Zhou, Matthew
Code for the paper: Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Multisensory Features
[Paper] [Project page] This repository contains code for the paper: Andrew Owens, Alexei A. Efros. Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Mu
An open-source script written in python just for fun
Owersite Owersite is an open-source script written in python just for fun. It do
Projects of Andfun Yangon
AndFunYangon Projects of Andfun Yangon First Commit We can use gsearch.py to sea
Codeforces Test Parser for C/C++ & Python on Windows
Codeforces Test Parser for C/C++ & Python on Windows Installation Run pip instal
A multi purpose discord bot for python
Sypher The best multi purpose discord bot. Add Sypher right now Invite Me | Join
Quantized models with python
quantized-network download .pth files to qmodels/: googlenet : https://download.
Artificial intelligence technology inferring issues and logically supporting facts from raw text
개요 비정형 텍스트를 학습하여 쟁점별 사실과 논리적 근거 추론이 가능한 인공지능 원천기술 Artificial intelligence techno
Repository created with LinkedIn profile analysis project done
EN/en Repository created with LinkedIn profile analysis project done. The datase
Develop open-source Python Arabic NLP libraries that the Arab world will easily use in all Natural Language Processing applications
Develop open-source Python Arabic NLP libraries that the Arab world will easily use in all Natural Language Processing applications
gcrypter: an encryption algorithm based on bytes and their correspondent numbers to encode strings
gcrypter: an encryption algorithm based on bytes and their correspondent numbers to encode strings
Automatically logs into VTOP and can perform certain tasks
VTOP_Login Automatically logs into VTOP and can perform certain tasks To run the
API Basica per a synologys Active Backup For Buissiness
Synology Active Backup for Business API-NPP Informació Per executar el programa
Generate visualizations of GitHub user and repository statistics using GitHubActions
GitHub Stats Visualization Generate visualizations of GitHub user and repository
Mmdet benchmark with python
mmdet_benchmark 本项目是为了研究 mmdet 推断性能瓶颈,并且对其进行优化。 配置与环境 机器配置 CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz GPU:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 10GB 内存:64G 硬盘:1T
SearchifyX, predecessor to Searchify, is a fast Quizlet, Quizizz, and Brainly webscraper with various stealth features.
SearchifyX SearchifyX, predecessor to Searchify, is a fast Quizlet, Quizizz, and Brainly webscraper with various stealth features. SearchifyX lets you
Deep Learning Training Scripts With Python
Deep Learning Training Scripts DNN Frameworks Caffe PyTorch Tensorflow CNN Models VGG ResNet DenseNet Inception Language Modeling GatedCNN-LM Attentio
Some code that takes a pipe-separated input and converts that into a table!
tablemaker A program that takes an input: a | b | c # With comments as well. e | f | g h | i |jk And converts it to a table: ┌───┬───┬────┐ │ a │ b │
An html wrapper for python
MessySoup What is it? MessySoup is a python wrapper for html elements. While still a ways away, the main goal is to be able to build a wesbite straigh
Bitnami Docker Image for Python using snapshots for the system packages repositories
Python Snapshot packaged by Bitnami What is Python Snapshot? Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more ef
Asynchronous, fast, pythonic DynamoDB Client
AsyncIO DynamoDB Asynchronous pythonic DynamoDB client; 2x faster than aiobotocore/boto3/botocore. Quick start With httpx Install this library pip ins
Percy visual testing for Python Selenium
percy-selenium-python Percy visual testing for Python Selenium. Installation npm install @percy/cli: $ npm install --save-dev @percy/cli pip install P
Robust, highly tunable and easy-to-integrate in-memory cache solution written in pure Python, with no dependencies.
Omoide Cache Caching doesn't need to be hard anymore. With just a few lines of code Omoide Cache will instantly bring your Python services to the next
Visualization of the World Religion Data dataset by Correlates of War Project.
World Religion Data Visualization Visualization of the World Religion Data dataset by Correlates of War Project. Mostly personal project to famirializ
A comfy custom IDE where you can feel right at home
reZIDE a comfy custom IDE where you can feel right at home 🏡 Use simple, declarative configuration files to create complex IDEs with a single command
Cleaning and analysing aggregated UK political polling data.
Analysing aggregated UK polling data The tweet collection & storage pipeline used in email-service is used to also collect tweets from @britainelects.
This is a Python program that implements a vacuum cleaner as an Artificial Intelligence.
Vacuum-Cleaner Python3 This is a Python3 agent that implements a simulator for a vacuum cleaner and it is introduction to Artificial Intelligence. A s
A Python package designed to help users of Cisco's FMC interface with its API.
FMCAPI was originally developed by Dax Mickelson ([email protected]). Dax has moved on to other projects but has kindly transferred the ownership of
A modular dynamical-systems model of Ethereum's validator economics.
CADLabs Ethereum Economic Model A modular dynamical-systems model of Ethereum's validator economics, based on the open-source Python library radCAD, a
Discord Bot for League of Legends live match tracker
SABot Dicord Bot for League of Legends match auto tracker Features: Search Summoners statistics in League of Legends. Auto-notifications provide when
Using multiple API sources, create an app that allows users to filter through random locations based on their temperature range choices.
World_weather_analysis Overview Using multiple API sources, create an app that allows users to filter through random locations based on their temperat
⚙️ Compile, Read and update your .conf file in python
⚙️ Compile, Read and update your .conf file in python
Get you an ultimate lexer generator using Fable; port OCaml sedlex to FSharp, Python and more!
NOTE: currently we support interpreted mode and Python source code generation. It's EASY to compile compiled_unit into source code for C#, F# and othe
MeerKAT radio telescope simulation package. Built to simulate multibeam antenna data.
MeerKATgen MeerKAT radio telescope simulation package. Designed with performance in mind and utilizes Just in time compile (JIT) and XLA backed vectro
Academic planner application designed for students and counselors.
Academic planner application designed for students and counselors.
A Python application to transfer Zeek ASCII (not JSON) logs to Elastic/OpenSearch.
zeek2es.py This Python application translates Zeek's ASCII TSV logs into ElasticSearch's bulk load JSON format. For JSON logs, see Elastic's File Beat
A cool little repl-based simulation written in Python
A cool little repl-based simulation written in Python planned to integrate machine-learning into itself to have AI battle to the death before your eye
A tool combining EasyOCR and LaMa to automatically detect text and replace it with an inpainted background.
EasyLaMa (WIP) This is a tool combining EasyOCR and LaMa to automatically detect text and replace it with an inpainted background. Installation For GP
Python package to display video in GUI using OpenCV-Python and PySide6
Python package to display video in GUI using OpenCV-Python and PySide6. Introduction cv2PySide6 is a package which provides utility classes and functi
Simple, minimal conversion of Bus Open Data Service SIRI-VM data to JSON
Simple, minimal conversion of Bus Open Data Service SIRI-VM data to JSON
A small script written in Python3 that generates a visual representation of the Mandelbrot set.
Mandelbrot Set Generator A small script written in Python3 that generates a visual representation of the Mandelbrot set. Abstract The colors in the ou
Black-white image converter - Black-white photo colorization
Black-white image converter - Black-white photo colorization
Seems Like Everyone Is Posting This, Thought I Should Too, Tokens Get Locked Upon Creation And Im Not Going To Fix For Several Reasons
Member-Booster Seems Like Everyone Is Posting This, Thought I Should Too, Tokens Get Locked Upon Creation And Im Not Going To Fix For Several Reasons
This program analyzes a DNA sequence and outputs snippets of DNA that are likely to be protein-coding genes.
This program analyzes a DNA sequence and outputs snippets of DNA that are likely to be protein-coding genes.
Bu repoda python ile CAN-Bus çalışmalarını nasıl gerçekleyeceğiniz anlatılmaktadır.
CAN-Bus-with-Python "CAN Bus 1980'li yıllarda Robert BOSCH tarafından geliştirilmiş bir iletişim protokoldür. Hızlı ve hata oranının çok düşük olması
Easy and fun game to play a bit. Written in python
NumGuesser Easy and fun game to play a bit. Written in python
Automatically load and dump your dataclasses 📂🙋
file dataclasses Installation By default, filedataclasses comes with support for JSON files only. To support other formats like YAML and TOML, filedat
A script to add issues to a project in Github based on label or status.
Add Github Issues to Project (Beta) A python script to move Github issues to a next-gen (beta) Github Project Getting Started These instructions will
cli simple python script to interact with iphone afc api based on python library( tidevice )
afcclient cli simple python script to interact with iphone afc api based on python library( tidevice ) installation pip3 install -U tidevice cp afccli
A small site to list shared directories
Nebula Server Directories This site can be used to list folder and subdirectories in your server : Python It's required to have Python 3.8 or more ins
A low dependency and really simple to start project template for Python Projects.
Python Project Template A low dependency and really simple to start project template for Python Projects. HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE DO NOT FORK this is
A refresher for PowerBI Desktop documents
PowerBI_Refresher-NPP Informació Per executar el programa s'ha de tenir instalat el python versio 3 o mes. Requeriments a requirements.txt. El fitxer
Scene-Text-Detection-and-Recognition (Pytorch)
Scene-Text-Detection-and-Recognition (Pytorch) Competition URL: https://tbrain.t
Official repository of the paper Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
Official repository of the paper Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
Linux Security and Monitoring Scripts
Linux Security and Monitoring Scripts These are a collection of security and monitoring scripts you can use to monitor your Linux installation for sec
Listen Surah, prepare for next and Endless life...
Al-Quran In this repository, I have linked up all Surah with Arabic-Bangla Audio From Youtube. So, you just need to choose and listen. and the ( surah
HiFi-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis
HiFi-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis Jungil Kong, Jaehyeon Kim, Jaekyoung Bae In our paper, we p
Indonesian Car License Plate Character Recognition using Tensorflow, Keras and OpenCV.
Monopol Indonesian Car License Plate (Indonesia Mobil Nomor Polisi) Character Recognition using Tensorflow, Keras and OpenCV. Background This applicat
3D online shooter written on Panda3D 1.10.10 and Python 3.10.1
на русском itch.io page Droid Game 3D This is a fresh game that was developed using the Panda3D game engine and Python language in the PyCharm IDE (I
Generate visualizations of GitHub user and repository statistics using GitHub Actions.
GitHub Stats Visualization Generate visualizations of GitHub user and repository statistics using GitHub Actions. This project is currently a work-in-
Asad Alexa VC Bot Is A Telegram Bot Project That's Allow You To Play Audio And Video Music On Telegram Voice Chat Group.
Asad Alexa VC Bot Is A Telegram Bot Project That's Allow You To Play Audio And Video Music On Telegram Voice Chat Group.