2505 Repositories
Python Simple-System-Convert--C--F Libraries
Simple tools for the Horse Reality webgame
Realtools (Web Tools for Horse Reality) These tools were made on request from a close friend of mine who plays this game. A live instance can be found
A forecasting system dedicated to smart city data
smart-city-predictions System prognostyczny dedykowany dla danych inteligentnych miast Praca inżynierska realizowana przez Michała Stawikowskiego and
Exploring Simple 3D Multi-Object Tracking for Autonomous Driving (ICCV 2021)
Exploring Simple 3D Multi-Object Tracking for Autonomous Driving Chenxu Luo, Xiaodong Yang, Alan Yuille Exploring Simple 3D Multi-Object Tracking for
A customisable game where you have to quickly click on black tiles in order of appearance while avoiding clicking on white squares.
W.I.P-Aim-Memory-Game A customisable game where you have to quickly click on black tiles in order of appearance while avoiding clicking on white squar
A simple code to fetch comments below an Instagram post and save them to a csv file
fetch_comments A simple code to fetch comments below an Instagram post and save them to a csv file usage First you have to enter your username and pas
A simple language translator with python and google translate api
Language translator with python A simple language translator with python and google translate api Install pip and python 3.9. All the required depende
VaporCMS - The greatest content management system that will never exist
The greatest content management system that will never exist Overview WordPress is a huge success but could it be done better? Maybe being mo
A simple solution for water overflow problem in Python
Water Overflow problem There is a stack of water glasses in a form of triangle as illustrated. Each glass has a 250ml capacity. When a liquid is poure
Prometheus exporter for AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Prometheus SQS Exporter Prometheus exporter for AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) Metrics Metric Description ApproximateNumberOfMessages Returns the appr
A simple command line chat app to communicate via the terminal.
A simple command line chat app to communicate via the terminal. I'm new to networking so sorry if some of my terminology or code is messed up.
A simple python code for hacking profile views
This code for hacking profile views. Not recommended to adding profile views in profile. This code is not illegal code. This code is for beginners.
Library Management system designed for managing and operating various aspects of a library
Proposal This proposal is written to clarify the project work of Information Systems, assigned to us as an individual task in order to tackle the case
It is a very simple XSS simulator based on flask, python.
It is a very simple XSS simulator based on flask, python. The purpose of making this is for teaching the concept of XSS.
Security System using OpenCV
Security-System Security System using OpenCV Files in this Repository: email_send.py - This file contains python code to send an email when something
Simple python program to simulate Conway's game of life with custom variables.
ConwaysGameOfLife Simple python program to simulate Conway's game of life with custom variables. Custom Variables Grid-size : Change the size of the p
A simple python program that draws a tree for incrementing values using the Collatz Conjecture.
Collatz Conjecture A simple python program that draws a tree for incrementing values using the Collatz Conjecture. Values which can be edited: Length
API written using Fast API to manage events and implement a leaderboard / badge system.
Open Food Facts Events API written using Fast API to manage events and implement a leaderboard / badge system. Installation To run the API locally, ru
A simple project on Data Visualization for CSCI-40 course.
Simple-Data-Visualization A simple project on Data Visualization for CSCI-40 course - the instructions can be found here SAT results in New York in 20
PerrOS - The operating system for your discord server.
PerrOS PerrOS is a Opensource Discord Bot to do it all! Installation Use the package manager pip to install the python3 requirements. pip3 install -r
A simple tool to get information about IP
IP Info Tool Just a simple tool to get IP's information, it uses requests module to gather information about IP, if you dont have much knowledge about
Simple dataclasses configuration management for Python with hocon/json/yaml/properties/env-vars/dict support.
Simple dataclasses configuration management for Python with hocon/json/yaml/properties/env-vars/dict support, based on awesome and lightweight pyhocon parsing library.
A python tool to convert Bangla Bijoy text to Unicode text.
Unicode Converter A python tool to convert Bangla Bijoy text to Unicode text. Installation Unicode Converter can be installed via PyPi. Make sure pip
Simple threaded Python Rickroll server. Listens on port 23 by default.
Terminal Rickroll Simple threaded Python Rickroll server. Listens on port 23 by default. Rickroll video made using Video-To-Ascii and the standard ric
Simple addon for snapping active object to mesh ground
Snap to Ground Simple addon for snapping active object to mesh ground How to install: install the Python file as an addon use shortcut "D" in 3D view
psgresizer - a PySimpleGUI application that will resize your images and BASE64 encode them.
psgresizer A PySimpleGUI Application Resize your images quickly and easily with this GUI application. Resizes and encodes to Base64 so that the result
This is a simple python code to get IP address and its location using python
IP address & Location finder @DEV/ED : Pavan Ananth Sharma Dependencies: ip2geotools Note: use pip install ip2geotools to install this in your termin
A Simple Python KeyLogger App
✨ Kurulum Uygulamayı bilgisayarınızda kullana bilmek için bazı işlemler yapmanız gerekiyor. Aşağıdaki yönlendirmeleri takip ederek bunu yapabilirsiniz
A simple E-commerce shop made with Django and Bulma
Interiorshop A Simple E-Commerce app made with Django Instructions Make sure you have python installed Step 1. Open a terminal Step 2. Paste the given
A simple command line tool for changing the icons of folders or files on MacOS.
Mac OS File Icon Changer Description A small and simple script to quickly change large amounts or a few files and folders icons to easily customize th
Simple logger for Urbit pier size, with systemd timer template
urbit-piermon Simple logger for Urbit pier size, with systemd timer template. Syntax piermon.py -i [PATH TO PIER] -o [PATH TO OUTPUT CSV] systemd serv
A simple Python CLI tool that draws routes/paths on a given map.
Map Router A simple Python CLI tool that draws routes/paths on a given map. Index Installation Usage Docs Why? License Support Installation Coming soo
This is a simple Bitcoin non-deterministic wallet address generator coded in Python 3.
This is a simple Bitcoin non-deterministic wallet address generator coded in Python 3. It generates a Private Key in different formats (hex, wif and compressed wif) and corresponding Public Addresses, raw, P2WPKH addresses starting with prefix 1, P2SH addresses starting with prefix 3 as part of Segwit soft fork and Bech32 addresses with prefix bc1 P2WPKH and P2WSH.
MAUS: A Dataset for Mental Workload Assessment Using Wearable Sensor - Baseline system
MAUS: A Dataset for Mental Workload Assessment Using Wearable Sensor - Baseline system Getting started To start working on this assignment, you should
Simple Reddit bot that replies to comments containing a certain word.
reddit-replier-bot Small comment reply bot based on PRAW. This script will scan the comments of a subreddit as they come in and look for a trigger wor
A programming language with logic of Python, and syntax of all languages.
Pytov The idea was to take all well known syntaxes, and combine them into one programming language with many posabilities. Installation Install using
A Simple but Powerful cross-platform port scanning & and network automation tool.
DEDMAP is a Simple but Powerful, Clever and Flexible Cross-Platform Port Scanning tool made with ease to use and convenience in mind. Both TCP
Allow you to create you own custom decentralize job management system.
ants Allow you to create you own custom decentralize job management system. Install $ git clone https://github.com/hvuhsg/ants.git Run monitor exampl
Make your BSC transaction simple.
bsc_trade_history Make your BSC transaction simple. 中文ReadMe Background: inspired by debank ,Practice my hands on this small project Blog:Crypto-BscTr
A System Metrics Monitoring Tool Built using Python3 , rabbitmq,Grafana and InfluxDB. Setup using docker compose. Use to monitor system performance with graphical interface of grafana , storage of influxdb and message queuing of rabbitmq
SystemMonitoringRabbitMQGrafanaInflux This repository has code to setup a system monitoring tool The tools used are the follows Python3.6 Docker Rabbi
In this Repo a simple Sklearn Model will be trained and pushed to MLFlow
SKlearn_to_MLFLow In this Repo a simple Sklearn Model will be trained and pushed to MLFlow Install This Repo is based on poetry python3 -m venv .venv
With the help of json txt you can use your txt file as a json file in a very simple way
json txt With the help of json txt you can use your txt file as a json file in a very simple way Dependencies re filemod pip install filemod Installat
Simple NLP based project without any use of AI
Simple NLP based project without any use of AI
Simple Python image processing & automatization project for a simple web based game
What is this? Simple Python image processing & automatization project for a simple web based game Made using only Github Copilot (except the color and
A simple watcher for the XTZ/kUSD pool on Quipuswap
Kolibri Quipuswap Watcher This repo holds the source code for the QuipuBot bot deployed to the #quipuswap-updates channel in the Kolibri Discord Setup
Tools convert cookies facebook menjadi token facebook.
Tools convert cookies facebook menjadi token facebook.
Convert photos to paintings with python
Convert-photos-to-paintings Before the changes After the changes Before the changes After the changes This code is written in the Python programming l
Deep Learning Based Fasion Recommendation System for Ecommerce
Project Name: Fasion Recommendation System for Ecommerce A Deep learning based streamlit web app which can recommened you various types of fasion prod
[NeurIPS 2021] Well-tuned Simple Nets Excel on Tabular Datasets
[NeurIPS 2021] Well-tuned Simple Nets Excel on Tabular Datasets Introduction This repo contains the source code accompanying the paper: Well-tuned Sim
Simple implementation of authentication in projects using FastAPI
Fast Auth Facilita implementação de um sistema de autenticação básico e uso de uma sessão de banco de dados em projetos com tFastAPi. Instalação e con
Simple background blur for your webcam
backgroundblur Simple background blur for your webcam. This script will capture your webcams output, add a blur effect to the background and output th
Simple Python script I use to manage and build my Reflux themes.
Simple Python script I use to manage and build my Reflux themes. Built for personal use, but anyone can easily fork and tweak to suit thier needs.
A simple python program to record security cam footage by detecting a face and body of a person in the frame.
SecurityCam A simple python program to record security cam footage by detecting a face and body of a person in the frame. This code was created by me,
A program to convert YouTube channel registration information into Json files for ThirdTube.
ThirdTubeImporter A program to convert YouTube channel registration information into Json files for ThirdTube. Usage Japanese https://takeout.google.c
simple project management tool for educational purposes
Taskcamp This software is used for educational and demonstrative purposes. It's a simple project management tool powered by Django Framework Install B
This tool parses log data and allows to define analysis pipelines for anomaly detection.
logdata-anomaly-miner This tool parses log data and allows to define analysis pipelines for anomaly detection. It was designed to run the analysis wit
✨ A simple project to automate some stuffs in Habbo with G-Earth ✨
⚡️ Habbo G-Earth extensions ⚡️ ✨ A simple project to automate some stuffs in Habbo with G-Earth ✨ About | Getting Started | Authors ➤ Getting Started
A learning-based data collection tool for human segmentation
FullBodyFilter A Learning-Based Data Collection Tool For Human Segmentation Contents Documentation Source Code and Scripts Overview of Project Usage O
A simple tool to test internet stability.
pingtest Description A personal project for testing internet stability, intended for use in Linux and Windows.
Simple Pixelbot for Diablo 2 Resurrected written in python and opencv.
Simple Pixelbot for Diablo 2 Resurrected written in python and opencv. Obviously only use it in offline mode as it is against the TOS of Blizzard to use it in online mode!
A Simple Framwork for CV Pre-training Model (SOCO, VirTex, BEiT)
A Simple Framwork for CV Pre-training Model (SOCO, VirTex, BEiT)
For the paper entitled ''A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining''
Summary This is the source code for the paper "A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining", which was accepted as fu
Qtas(Quite a Storage)is an experimental distributed storage system developed by Q-team in BJFU Advanced Computer Network sources.
Qtas(Quite a Storage)is a experimental distributed storage system developed by Q-team in BJFU Advanced Computer Network sources.
Making a simple app using React, Flask and MySQL.
Samys-Cookbook Making a simple app using React and Flask. What This will be a simple site to host my recipes. It will have a react front-end, a flask
a simple functional programming language compiler written in python
Functional Programming Language A compiler for my small functional language. Written in python with SLY lexer/parser generator library. Requirements p
A simple pytorch pipeline for semantic segmentation.
SegmentationPipeline -- Pytorch A simple pytorch pipeline for semantic segmentation. Requirements : torch=1.9.0 tqdm albumentations=1.0.3 opencv-pyt
Python most simple|stupid programming language (MSPL)
Most Simple|Stupid Programming language. (MSPL) Stack - Based programming language "written in Python" Features: Interpretate code (Run). Generate gra
Simple and convenient console ToDo list app
How do you handle remembering all that loads of plans you are going to realize everyday? Producing tons of paper notes, plastered all over the house?
Simple implementation of the classic Snake Game in under 100 lines of code
Snake_Game Simple python implementation of the classic Snake Game in under 100 lines of code. Printscreen of the game: Imported Libraries: random; pyg
Convert a collection of features to a fixed-dimensional matrix using the hashing trick.
FeatureHasher Convert a collection of features to a fixed-dimensional matrix using the hashing trick. Note, this requires Jina=2.2.4. Example Here I
Qtas(Quite a Storage)is an experimental distributed storage system developed by Q-team in BJFU Advanced Computer Network sources.
Qtas(Quite a Storage)is a experimental distributed storage system developed by Q-team in BJFU Advanced Computer Network sources.
a simple quant trading bot with CLI interface
shepherd a simple quant trading bot with CLI interface CLI shell command docs coming soon after I brush up the code and add more features :) Minimal R
This project is a basic login system in terminal for Discord
Welcome to Discord Login System(Terminal) 👋 This project is a basic login system in terminal for Discord Author 👤 arukovic Github: @SONIC-CODEZ Show
A simple way to read and write LAPS passwords from linux.
A simple way to read and write LAPS passwords from linux. This script is a python setter/getter for property ms-Mcs-AdmPwd used by LAPS inspired by @s
Auto Convert PDFs to png files in python
This python tool, which is an application of PyMuPDF module, could auto convert PDFs to png files
A simple telegram bot that resolves video urls using yt-dlp
URL to Video Telegram Bot A simple telegram bot that resolves video urls using yt-dlp Copyright (C) 2021 Vítor Vasconcellos This program is free softw
SCTYMN is a GitHub repository that includes some simple scripts(currently only python scripts) that can be useful.
Simple Codes That You Might Need SCTYMN is a GitHub repository that includes some simple scripts(currently only python scripts) that can be useful. In
Simple reproduction of connection leak with celery/django/gevent
Redis connection leak with celery/django/gevent Reproduces celery issue at https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/6819 using gevented django web serv
Kubeflow is a machine learning (ML) toolkit that is dedicated to making deployments of ML workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable, and scalable.
SDK: Overview of the Kubeflow pipelines service Kubeflow is a machine learning (ML) toolkit that is dedicated to making deployments of ML workflows on
Generalized and Efficient Blackbox Optimization System.
OpenBox Doc | OpenBox中文文档 OpenBox: Generalized and Efficient Blackbox Optimization System OpenBox is an efficient and generalized blackbox optimizatio
A treasure chest for visual recognition powered by PaddlePaddle
简体中文 | English PaddleClas 简介 飞桨图像识别套件PaddleClas是飞桨为工业界和学术界所准备的一个图像识别任务的工具集,助力使用者训练出更好的视觉模型和应用落地。 近期更新 2021.11.1 发布PP-ShiTu技术报告,新增饮料识别demo 2021.10.23 发
RM Operation can equivalently convert ResNet to VGG, which is better for pruning; and can help RepVGG perform better when the depth is large.
RMNet: Equivalently Removing Residual Connection from Networks This repository is the official implementation of "RMNet: Equivalently Removing Residua
System Combination for Grammatical Error Correction Based on Integer Programming
System Combination for Grammatical Error Correction Based on Integer Programming This repository contains the code and scripts that implement the syst
A simple project used Tkinter module to make a seperate window
Project Title This is a program to run a databse where you can store the general information of poeple. This is a very simple project and i have used
PyTorch implementation of "A Two-Stage End-to-End System for Speech-in-Noise Hearing Aid Processing"
Implementation of the Sheffield entry for the first Clarity enhancement challenge (CEC1) This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of "A Two
a simple function that randomly generates and applies console text colors
ChangeConsoleTextColour a simple function that randomly generates and applies console text colors This repository corresponds to my Python Functions f
Coin-based opinion monitoring system
介绍 本仓库提供了基于币安 (Binance) 的二级市场舆情系统,可以根据自己的需求修改代码,设定各类告警提示 代码结构 binance.py - 与币安API交互 data_loader.py - 数据相关的读写 monitor.py - 监控的核心方法实现 analyze.py - 基于历史数
Developed an optimized algorithm which finds the most optimal path between 2 points in a 3D Maze using various AI search techniques like BFS, DFS, UCS, Greedy BFS and A*
Developed an optimized algorithm which finds the most optimal path between 2 points in a 3D Maze using various AI search techniques like BFS, DFS, UCS, Greedy BFS and A*. The algorithm was extremely optimal running in ~15s to ~30s for search spaces as big as 10000000 nodes where a set of 18 actions could be performed at each node in the 3D Maze.
A simple Tor switcher script switches tor nodes in interval of time
Tor_Switcher A simple Tor switcher script switches tor nodes in interval of time This script will switch tor nodes in every interval of time that you
Simple client for the Sirah Matisse Commander TCP server.
Simple client for the Sirah Matisse Commander TCP server.
DiscoNet: Learning Distilled Collaboration Graph for Multi-Agent Perception [NeurIPS 2021]
DiscoNet: Learning Distilled Collaboration Graph for Multi-Agent Perception [NeurIPS 2021] Yiming Li, Shunli Ren, Pengxiang Wu, Siheng Chen, Chen Feng
A very simple boarding app with DRF
CRUD project with DRF A very simple boarding app with DRF. About The Project 유저 정보를 갖고 게시판을 다루는 프로젝트 입니다. Version Python: 3.9 DB: PostgreSQL 13 Django
A simple barcode and QR code generator built in Python with Flask.
✨ Komi - Barcode & QR Generator ✨ A simple barcode and QR code generator built in Python with Flask. 📑 Table of Contents Usage Installation Contribut
this is simple program, that converts pdf file to png
author: a5892731 last update:2021-11-01 version: 1.1 resources: -https://pypi.org/project/pdf2image/ -https://github.com/oschwartz10612/poppler-window
Simple web application, which has a single endpoint, dedicated to annotation parsing and convertion.
Simple web application, which has a single endpoint, dedicated to annotation parsing and conversion.
This is a simple code for discord bot !
Discord bot dice roller this is a simple code for discord bot it can roll 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20, 1d100 for you in your discord server. Actua
A little Python tool to convert a TrueType (ttf/otf) font into a PNG for use in demos.
font2png A little Python tool to convert a TrueType (ttf/otf) font into a PNG for use in demos. To use from command line it expects python3 to be at /
convert-to-opus-cli is a Python CLI program for converting audio files to opus audio format.
convert-to-opus-cli convert-to-opus-cli is a Python CLI program for converting audio files to opus audio format. Installation Must have installed ffmp
Convert markdown to HTML using the GitHub API and some additional tweaks with Python.
Convert markdown to HTML using the GitHub API and some additional tweaks with Python. Comes with full formula support and image compression.