11321 Repositories
Python Simple-Virus-With-Python Libraries
A python api to get info on covid-19
A python api to get info on covid-19
nlpcommon is a python Open Source Toolkit for text classification.
nlpcommon nlpcommon, Python Text Tool. Guide Feature Install Usage Dataset Contact Cite Reference Feature nlpcommon is a python Open Source
Synchronize Two Cameras in Real Time using Multiprocessing
Synchronize Two Cameras in Real Time using Multiprocessing In progress ... 📁 Project Structure 📚 Install Libraries for this Project (requirements.tx
A short term landscape evolution using a path sampling method to solve water and sediment flow continuity equations and model mass flows over complex topographies.
r.sim.terrain A short-term landscape evolution model that simulates topographic change for both steady state and dynamic flow regimes across a range o
rosny is a lightweight library for building concurrent systems.
rosny is a lightweight library for building concurrent systems. Installation Tested on: Linux Python = 3.6 From pip: pip install rosny From source: p
Data-FX is an addon for Blender (2.9) that allows for the visualization of data with different charts
Data-FX Data-FX is an addon for Blender (2.9) that allows for the visualization of data with different charts Currently, there are only 2 chart option
Extract city and country mentions from Text like GeoText without regex, but FlashText, a Aho-Corasick implementation.
flashgeotext ⚡ 🌍 Extract and count countries and cities (+their synonyms) from text, like GeoText on steroids using FlashText, a Aho-Corasick impleme
Homeautomation system created with Raspberry Pi 3 and Firebase.
Homeautomation System - Raspberry Pi 3 Desenvolvido com Python, Flask com AJAX e Firebase permite o controle local e remoto Itens necessários Raspberr
A python-based multi-player online educational game for students to play in a class or club setting.
Kurono (codename: aimmo) Code for Life has been developed by Ocado Technology as a free, open-source project to inspire the next generation of compute
Upvotes and karma for Discord: Heart 💗 or Crush 💔 a comment to give points to an user, or Star ⭐ it to add it to the Best Of!
🤖 Reto Reto is a community-oriented Discord bot, featuring a karma system, a way to reward the best comments, leaderboards, and so much more! React t
Minecraft name sniper written in python.
⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️ DO NOT USE MCSNIPERPY -- READ BELOW This sniper does not support Microsoft accounts or prename / gc sniping and is MUCH harder to use
Age of Empires II recorded game parsing and summarization in Python 3.
mgz Age of Empires II recorded game parsing and summarization in Python 3. Supported Versions Age of Kings (.mgl) The Conquerors (.mgx) Userpatch 1.4
whylogs: A Data and Machine Learning Logging Standard
whylogs: A Data and Machine Learning Logging Standard whylogs is an open source standard for data and ML logging whylogs logging agent is the easiest
TM1py is a Python package that wraps the TM1 REST API in a simple to use library.
By wrapping the IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) REST API in a concise Python framework, TM1py facilitates Python developments for TM1. Interacting with T
TE-dependent analysis (tedana) is a Python library for denoising multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data
tedana: TE Dependent ANAlysis TE-dependent analysis (tedana) is a Python library for denoising multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Validate UC alumni identifier numbers with Python 3.
UC number validator Validate UC alumni identifier numbers with Python 3. Getting started Install the library with: pip install -U ucnumber Usage from
Mycodo is open source software for the Raspberry Pi that couples inputs and outputs in interesting ways to sense and manipulate the environment.
Mycodo Environmental Regulation System Latest version: 8.12.9 Mycodo is open source software for the Raspberry Pi that couples inputs and outputs in i
Python syntax highlighted Markdown doctest.
phmdoctest 1.3.0 Introduction Python syntax highlighted Markdown doctest Command line program and Python library to test Python syntax highlighted cod
Time series visualizer is a flexible extension that provides filling world map by country from real data.
Time-series-visualizer Time series visualizer is a flexible extension that provides filling world map by country from csv or json file. You can know d
Python Library for Accessing the Cohere API
Cohere Python SDK This package provides functionality developed to simplify interfacing with the Cohere API in Python 3. Documentation See the API's d
A simple Discord bot written in Python
Acolyte A small and simple little Discord bot written in Python that utilizes the discord.py library. Dependencies The bot depends on Python 3.9 and u
Sleep As Android integration for Home Assistant
Sleep As Android custom integration This integration will allow you to get events from your SleepAsAndroid application in a form of the sensor states
Basic infrastructure for writing scripts in Python
Base Script Python is an excellent language that makes writing scripts very straightforward. Over the course of writing many scripts, we realized that
ETL pipeline on movie data using Python and postgreSQL
Movies-ETL ETL pipeline on movie data using Python and postgreSQL Overview This project consisted on a automated Extraction, Transformation and Load p
Profile and test to gain insights into the performance of your beautiful Python code
Profile and test to gain insights into the performance of your beautiful Python code View Demo - Report Bug - Request Feature QuickPotato in a nutshel
A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
youtube-dlG A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl media downloader written in wxPython. Supported sites Screenshots Requirements Py
Template repository to build PyTorch projects from source on any version of PyTorch/CUDA/cuDNN.
The Ultimate PyTorch Source-Build Template Translations: 한국어 TL;DR PyTorch built from source can be x4 faster than a naïve PyTorch install. This repos
ANKIT-OS/TG-MUSIC-PLAYER a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot To Play To Play Music In Voice Chat
🔥 🎶 TG MUSIC PLAYER 🎶 🔥 The owner would not be responsible for any kind of bans due to the bot. • ⚡ INSTALLING ⚡ • • 🛠️ Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs Aɴᴅ Tᴏᴏʟs 🔰 •
A Python script to delete movies with a certain tag after a certain amount of days.
radarr_autodelete Simple script, which deletes movies with a specific tag after a certain amount of days Pip Packages pip3 install pyarr python-dotenv
Retrieve annotated intron sequences and classify them as minor (U12-type) or major (U2-type)
(intron I nterrogator and C lassifier) intronIC is a program that can be used to classify intron sequences as minor (U12-type) or major (U2-type), usi
Email pass separator
email-pass-separator hii check out our new tool in kali linux use 'filename ' Dont forget to put inverted comma email:password separator Image Command
A curated list of the latest breakthroughs in AI (in 2021) by release date with a clear video explanation, link to a more in-depth article, and code.
2021: A Year Full of Amazing AI papers- A Review 📌 A curated list of the latest breakthroughs in AI by release date with a clear video explanation, l
Adventura is an open source Python Text Adventure Engine
Adventura Adventura is an open source Python Text Adventure Engine, Not yet uplo
A simple use library for bot discord.py developers
Discord Bot Template It's a simple use library for bot discord.py developers. Ob
Books Recommendation With Python
Books-Recommendation Business Problem During the last few decades, with the rise
Automate SQL Jobs Monitoring with python
Automate_SQLJobsMonitoring_python Using python 3rd party modules we can automate
A simple python project which control paint brush in microsoft paint app
Paint Buddy In Python A simple python project which control paint brush in micro
A simple api written in python/fastapi that serves movies from a cassandra table.
A simple api written in python/fastapi that serves movies from a cassandra table. 1)clone the repo 2)rename sample_global_config_.py to global_config.
Simple notes app backend using Python's FastAPI framework.
my-notes-app Simple notes app backend using Python's FastAPI framework. Route "/": User login (GET): return 200, list of all of their notes; User sign
Recommend recipes based on what ingredients you have at home
🌱 MyChef 📦 Overview MyChef is an application that helps you decide what meal to make based on what you have at home. Simply enter in ingredients you
Python Moonlight (Machine Learning) Practice
PyML Python Moonlight (Machine Learning) Practice Contents Design Documentation Prerequisites Checklist Dev Setup Testing Run Prerequisites Python 3 P
cookiecutter template for web API with python
Python project template for Web API with cookiecutter What's this This provides the project template including minimum test/lint/typechecking package
Includes Chapters for Python Crash Course session.
python-crash-course Includes Chapters for Python Crash Course session. What will you learn: Python Essentials Creating Server Writing REST API Writing
A simple reverse geocoder that resolves a location to a country
Reverse Geocoder This repository holds a small web service that performs reverse geocoding to determine whether a user specified location is within th
Structured Exceptions for Python
XC: Structured exceptions for Python XC encourages a structured, disciplined approach to use of exceptions: it reduces the overhead of declaring excep
A simple web to serve data table. It is built with Vuetify, Vue, FastApi.
simple-report-data-table-vuetify A simple web to serve data table. It is built with Vuetify, Vue, FastApi. The main features: RBAC with casbin simple
A search engine to query social media insights with political theme
social-insights Social insights is an open source big data project that generates insights about various interesting topics happening every day. Curre
Simple boilerplate ready for development
StartApp Simple boilerplate ready for development Notes Currently supported frameworks are: FastApi, Flask 🔨 Installation $ sudo pip3 install starta
Password List Creator Simple !
Password List Creator Simple !
Its Is A Telegram Maths Basic Calculator Bot
Its Is A Telegram Maths Basic Calculator Bot
Its The Basic Commands Of Termux
Its The Basic Commands Of Termux
This Python based program checks your CC Stripe Auth 1$ Based Checker
CC-Checker This Python based program checks your CC Stripe Auth 1$ Based Checker About Author Coded by xBlackx Reach Me On Telegram @xBlackx_Coder jOI
Single-file replacement for python-requests
mureq mureq is a single-file, zero-dependency replacement for python-requests, intended to be vendored in-tree by Linux systems software and other lig
Faster Twitch Alerts is a highly customizable, lightning-fast alternative to Twitch's slow mobile notification system
Faster Twitch Alerts What is "Faster Twitch Alerts"? Faster Twitch Alerts is a highly customizable, lightning-fast alternative to Twitch's slow mobile
Color preview command-line tool written in python
Color preview command-line tool written in python
A python wrapper for creating and viewing effects for Matt Parker's christmas tree.
Christmas Tree Visualizer A python wrapper for creating and viewing effects for Matt Parker's christmas tree. Displays py or csv effect files and allo
This is a Python 3.10 port of mock, a library for manipulating human-readable message strings.
This is a Python 3.10 port of mock, a library for manipulating human-readable message strings.
Threat Intel Platform for T-POTs
GreedyBear The project goal is to extract data of the attacks detected by a TPOT or a cluster of them and to generate some feeds that can be used to p
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
Translation to python of Chris Sims' optimization function
pycsminwel This is a locol minimization algorithm. Uses a quasi-Newton method with BFGS update of the estimated inverse hessian. It is robust against
This is a python bot to automate BombCrypto game
This is a python bot to automate BombCrypto game. Logs in to the game, reconnects when needed, closes error warnings, sends heroes to work or home automatically, has Telegram integration and lets you know by message or call if the farm stop. It is fully open source and free, compatible with Windows and Ubuntu.
WhPhisher: a Phishing tool With Python
WhPhisher Herramienta para hacer phishing con muchos métodos de túneling -----Como Instalarlo------- pkg install python3 pkg install git git clone htt
A tutorial designed to introduce you to SQlite 3 database using python
SQLite3-python-tutorial A tutorial designed to introduce you to SQlite 3 database using python What is SQLite? SQLite is an in-process library that im
Image Processing HighPass Filter With Python
Image_Processing_HighPassFilter High Pass Filter take the high frequency and ignore the low frequency High Pass Filter can be use to sharpening an ima
Hub is a dataset format with a simple API for creating, storing, and collaborating on AI datasets of any size.
Hub is a dataset format with a simple API for creating, storing, and collaborating on AI datasets of any size. The hub data layout enables rapid transformations and streaming of data while training models at scale. Hub is used by Google, Waymo, Red Cross, Oxford University, and Omdena.
Repository of the Code to Chatbots, developed in Python
Description In this repository you will find the Code to my Chatbots, developed in Python. I'll explain the structure of this Repository later. Requir
A Powerful telegram giveawayz bot based on the python-telegram-bot API
GiveawayZ Bot A Powerful telegram giveawayz bot based on the python-telegram-bot API. Powered by Team Zyntax and Team DFX Developed by @Zycho-Dev A pr
Python drivers for YeeNet firmware
yeenet-router-driver-python Python drivers for YeeNet firmware This repo is under heavy development. Many or all of these scripts are not likely to wo
Based on the selenium automatic test framework of python, the program crawls the score information of the educational administration system of a unive
whpu_spider 该程序基于python的selenium自动化测试框架,对某高校的教务系统的成绩信息实时爬取,在检测到成绩更新之后,会通过电子邮件的方式,将更新的成绩以文本的方式发送给用户,可以使得用户在不必手动登录教务系统网站时,实时获取成绩更新的信息。 该程序仅供学习交流,不可用于恶意攻
A calculator made using Python and Tkinter
Abacus Abacus is a calculator used to compute expressions with the operators of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It is named after
Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the traditional Serverless Framework.
Serverless Framework Python Flask API service backed by DynamoDB on AWS Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the
🎉 🎉 PyComp - Java Code compiler written in python.
🎉 🎉 PyComp Java Code compiler written in python. This is yet another compiler meant for babcock students project which was created using pure python
Python code that gives the fastest path from point a to point b of a chess horse
PERSONAL-PROJECTS CARLOS MAGALLANES-ARANDA'S PERSONAL PROJECTS kchess.py is the code. its input is the start and the end. EXMPLE - a1 d5 its output is
Terminal Colored Text for Python
Terminal Colored Text for Python
A python scripts that downloads doujin from nhentai without having an account
nhentai-downloader a python scripts that downloads doujin from https://nhentai.net without having an account. Usage Needs Python 3^ Linux pip3 install
Bravia core script for python
Bravia-Core-Script You need to have a mandatory account If this L3 does not work, try another L3. enjoy
A multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to Google Drive
Mirror Leech Bot Mirror Leech Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Ba
Simple and Robust Loss Design for Multi-Label Learning with Missing Labels
Simple and Robust Loss Design for Multi-Label Learning with Missing Labels Official PyTorch Implementation of the paper Simple and Robust Loss Design
Minecraft biome tile server writing on Python using FastAPI
Blocktile Minecraft biome tile server writing on Python using FastAPI Usage https://blocktile.herokuapp.com/overworld/{seed}/{zoom}/{col}/{row}.png s
python based bot Sends notification to your telegram whenever a new video is released on a youtube channel!
YTnotifier python based bot Sends notification to your telegram whenever a new video is released on a youtube channel! REQUIREMENTS telethon python-de
Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills.
Peter Norvig MIT License 2015-2020 pytudes "An étude (a French word meaning study) is an instrumental musical composition, usually short, of considera
Out-of-box Python RPC framework
typed-jsonrpc Out-of-box Python RPC framework. WIP. Make LSP easy for everyone. The conception of final usage: from typed_jsonrpc import * ls = Langu
A simple python script to generate an iCalendar file for the university classes.
iCal Generator This is a simple python script to generate an iCalendar file for the university classes. Installation Clone the repository git clone ht
Create a program for generator Truth Table
Python-Truth-Table-Ver-1.0 Create a program for generator Truth Table in here you have to install truth-table-generator module for python modules inst
ANKIT-OS/TG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOTbisTG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOT a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot To Generate String Session
ANKIT-OS/TG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOTbisTG-SESSION-GENERATOR-BOT a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot To Generate String Session
LEC_Ditto is a bot that tracks the follows and unfollows of Twitter accounts
✨ LEC_Ditto ✨ I'm Ditto, and I'm a bot 🤖 . Getting Started | Installation | Usage Getting Started LEC_Ditto is a bot that tracks the follows and unfo
A simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply or divide depending upon the input from the user
Calculator A simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply or divide depending upon the input from the user. In this example, we should have the
Data Model built using Logistic Regression Algorithm on Python.
Logistic-Regression Problem Statement: Your client is a retail banking institution. Term deposits are a major source of income for a bank. A term depo
Async-first dependency injection library based on python type hints
Dependency Depression Async-first dependency injection library based on python type hints Quickstart First let's create a class we would be injecting:
Automatically kick deleted accounts
AntiDeletedAccountsBot (ADAB) Automatically kick deleted accounts Based on uniborg, a pluggable asyncio Telegram userbot based on Telethon. Installati
Gaia: a chrome extension that curates environmental news of a company
Gaia - Gaia: Your Environment News Curator Call for Code 2021 Gaia: a chrome extension that curates environmental news of a company Explore the docs »
💰 Import your ING Germany bank statements via FinTS into YNAB.
Import your ING Germany bank statements via FinTS into YNAB. Setup Before setting this up, please register your FinTS product – it's free and takes on
Modern, privacy-friendly, and detailed web analytics that works without cookies or JS.
Modern, privacy-friendly, and cookie-free web analytics. Getting started » Screenshots • Features • Office Hours Motivation There are a lot of web ana
Class and mathematical functions for quaternion numbers.
Quaternions Class and mathematical functions for quaternion numbers. Installation Python This is a Python 3 module. If you don't have Python installed
An Instagram bot that can mass text users, receive and read a text, and store it somewhere with user details.
Instagram Bot 🤖 July 14, 2021 Overview 👍 A multifunctionality automated instagram bot that can mass text users, receive and read a message and store
Download clips from youtube videos with a few clicks and a GUI!
YouClip v2.0.0 Table Of Contents: What Is YouClip Installation Usage Stuff To Fix Changelog What Is YouClip? ! IMPORTANT: The source files are a total
Examples of using f2py to get high-speed Fortran integrated with Python easily
f2py Examples Simple examples of using f2py to get high-speed Fortran integrated with Python easily. These examples are also useful to troubleshoot pr
A module for parsing and processing commands.
cmdtools A module for parsing and processing commands. Installation pip install --upgrade cmdtools-py install latest commit from GitHub pip install g
JumpDiff: Non-parametric estimator for Jump-diffusion processes for Python
jumpdiff jumpdiff is a python library with non-parametric Nadaraya─Watson estimators to extract the parameters of jump-diffusion processes. With jumpd
Fastapi practice project
todo-list-fastapi practice project How to run Install dependencies npm, yarn: standard-version, husky make: script for lint, test pipenv: virtualenv +