10271 Repositories
Python Thresholding-and-masking-using-OpenCV Libraries
Preprossing-loan-data-with-NumPy - In this project, I have cleaned and pre-processed the loan data that belongs to an affiliate bank based in the United States.
Preprossing-loan-data-with-NumPy In this project, I have cleaned and pre-processed the loan data that belongs to an affiliate bank based in the United
Mall-Customers-Segmentation - Customer Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering
Overview Customer Segmentation is one the most important applications of unsupervised learning. Using clustering techniques, companies can identify th
Iowa Project - My second project done at General Assembly, focused on feature engineering and understanding Linear Regression as a concept
Project 2 - Ames Housing Data and Kaggle Challenge PROBLEM STATEMENT Inferring or Predicting? What's more valuable for a housing model? When creating
Telegram Music/ Video Streaming Bot Using Pytgcalls
Video Player 🔥 ᴢᴀɪᴅ ᴠᴄ ᴘʟᴀyᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘʏʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄꜱ ɪɴ ᴠᴄ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜱ... 🅡🅔🅟🅞 🅢🅣🅐🅣🅢 ʀᴇQᴜɪʀᴇᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ 📝 FFmpeg NodeJ
Path tracing obj - (taichi course final project) a path tracing renderer that can import and render obj files
Path tracing obj - (taichi course final project) a path tracing renderer that can import and render obj files
Advanced Digital Envelope System Using Cryptography Techniques (Encryption & Decryption)
Advanced-Digital-Envelope-System Advanced Digital Envelope System Using Cryptography Encryption Techniques The digital envelope system is the techniqu
Hw-ci - Hardware CD/CI and Development Container
Hardware CI & Dev Containter These containers were created for my personal hardware development projects and courses duing my undergraduate degree. Pl
NLP-Project - Used an API to scrape 2000 reddit posts, then used NLP analysis and created a classification model to mixed succcess
Project 3: Web APIs & NLP Problem Statement How do r/Libertarian and r/Neoliberal differ on Biden post-inaguration? The goal of the project is to see
Covid-ml-predictors - COVID predictions using AI.
COVID Predictions This repo contains ML models to be trained on COVID-19 data from the UK, sourced off of Kaggle here. This uses many different ML mod
Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis - Analysis of twitter posts' positive and negative score.
Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis The hands-on project is in Python 3 Programming class offered by University of Michigan via Coursera. The task is to build
OMDB-and-TasteDive-Mashup - Mashing up data from two different APIs to make movie recommendations.
OMDB-and-TasteDive-Mashup This hadns-on project is in the Python 3 Programming Specialization offered by University of Michigan via Coursera. Mashing
SAT Project - The first project I had done at General Assembly, performed EDA, data cleaning and created data visualizations
Project 1: Standardized Test Analysis by Adam Klesc Overview This project covers: Basic statistics and probability Many Python programming concepts Pr
A python project based on a TV show Wheel of Fortune
Wheel-of-Fortune-using-Python Wheel of Fortune in python this game is the hands-on project in Python 3 Programming Specialization offered By Universit
NFT-Price-Prediction-CNN - Using visual feature extraction, prices of NFTs are predicted via CNN (Alexnet and Resnet) architectures.
NFT-Price-Prediction-CNN - Using visual feature extraction, prices of NFTs are predicted via CNN (Alexnet and Resnet) architectures.
Automatically generates a TypeQL script for doing entity and relationship insertions from a .csv file, so you don't have to mess with writing TypeQL.
Automatically generates a TypeQL script for doing entity and relationship insertions from a .csv file, so you don't have to mess with writing TypeQL.
PrivateRoom - Make your work private by building a system using arduino which instantly kills a program when someone enters your room/cabin
privateRoom Make your work private by building a system using arduino which instantly kills a program when someone enters your room/cabin STEPS: Uploa
Pacman-AI - AI project designed by UC Berkeley. Designed reflex and minimax agents for the game Pacman.
Pacman AI Jussi Doherty CAP 4601 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Fall 2020 Python version 3.0+ Source of this project This repo contains a
Web-scraping - A bot using Python with BeautifulSoup that scraps IRS website by form number and returns the results as json
Web-scraping - A bot using Python with BeautifulSoup that scraps IRS website (prior form publication) by form number and returns the results as json. It provides the option to download pdfs over a range of years.
Speckle-free Holography with Partially Coherent Light Sources and Camera-in-the-loop Calibration
Speckle-free Holography with Partially Coherent Light Sources and Camera-in-the-loop Calibration Project Page | Paper Yifan Peng*, Suyeon Choi*, Jongh
FaceAPI: AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS
FaceAPI AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using
Lending-Club-Loans - Using TensorFlow to create an ANN model to predict whether people would charge off or pay back their loans.
Lending Club Loans: Brief Introduction LendingClub is a US peer-to-peer lending company, headquartered in San Francisco, California.[3] It was the fir
LSTM based Sentiment Classification using Tensorflow - Amazon Reviews Rating
LSTM based Sentiment Classification using Tensorflow - Amazon Reviews Rating (Dataset) The dataset is from Amazon Review Data (2018)
Both social media sentiment and stock market data are crucial for stock price prediction
Relating-Social-Media-to-Stock-Movement-Public - We explore the application of Machine Learning for predicting the return of the stock by using the information of stock returns. A trading strategy based on this analysis leads to increased trading profits up to three times compared with a simple buy and hold strategy.
Data Analytics: Modeling and Studying data relating to climate change and adoption of electric vehicles
Correlation-Study-Climate-Change-EV-Adoption Data Analytics: Modeling and Studying data relating to climate change and adoption of electric vehicles I
SuperMario - Python programming class ending assignment SuperMario, using pygame
SuperMario - Python programming class ending assignment SuperMario, using pygame
PenguinSpeciesPredictionML - Basic model to predict Penguin species based on beak size and sex.
Penguin Species Prediction (ML) 🐧 👨🏽💻 What? 💻 This project is a basic model using sklearn methods to predict Penguin species based on beak size
A web-based analysis toolkit for the System Usability Scale providing calculation, plotting, interpretation and contextualization utility
System Usability Scale Analysis Toolkit The System Usability Scale (SUS) Analysis Toolkit is a web-based python application that provides a compilatio
Trackthis - This library can be used to track USPS and UPS shipments.
Trackthis - This library can be used to track USPS and UPS shipments. It has the option of returning the raw API response, or optionally, it can be used to standardize the USPS and UPS responses so they are easier to work with.
Htmdf - html to pdf with support for variables using fastApi.
htmdf Converts html to pdf with support for variables using fastApi. Installation Clone this repository. git clone https://github.com/ShreehariVaasish
Doods2 - API for detecting objects in images and video streams using Tensorflow
DOODS2 - Return of DOODS Dedicated Open Object Detection Service - Yes, it's a b
Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-and-Finetune Paradigm
Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-and-Finetu
Recursive-Bucket-Sort - An efficient sorting algorithm (implemented in Python) inspired by the Bucket Sort and the Pigeonhole Sort
Recursive Bucket Sorting Algorithm An algorithm (implemented here in Python) mai
Video-Player - Telegram Music/ Video Streaming Bot Using Pytgcalls
Video Player 🔥 ᴢᴀɪᴅ ᴠᴄ ᴘʟᴀyᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘʏʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀʏ
Vinetrimmer-DRM-TOOL - Widevine DRM downloader and decrypter for AMZN|NF|STAN And all
🍃 ✂️ Vinetrimmer Widevine DRM downloader and decrypter. Thanks to wvleaks for t
DataVisualization - The evolution of my arduino and python journey. New level of competence achieved
DataVisualization - The evolution of my arduino and python journey. New level of competence achieved
BraTs-VNet - BraTS(Brain Tumour Segmentation) using V-Net
BraTS(Brain Tumour Segmentation) using V-Net This project is an approach to dete
Control-Raspberry-Pi-Robot-using-Hand-Gestures - A 4WD Robot car based on Raspberry Pi that controlled by hand gestures(using openCV and mediapipe)
Control-Raspberry-Pi-Robot-using-Hand-Gestures you can see all details about thi
Key Logger - Key Logger using Python
Key_Logger Key Logger using Python This is the basic Keylogger that i have made
HinamiRobot - Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
✨ HINAMI CHAN ✨ Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram. Rea
Augmented CLIP - Training simple models to predict CLIP image embeddings from text embeddings, and vice versa.
Train aug_clip against laion400m-embeddings found here: https://laion.ai/laion-400-open-dataset/ - note that this used the base ViT-B/32 CLIP model. S
Parameter-ensemble-differential-evolution - Shows how to do parameter ensembling using differential evolution.
Ensembling parameters with differential evolution This repository shows how to ensemble parameters of two trained neural networks using differential e
NasirKhusraw - The TSP solved using genetic algorithm and show TSP path overlaid on a map of the Iran provinces & their capitals.
Nasir Khusraw : Travelling Salesman Problem The TSP solved using genetic algorithm. This project show TSP path overlaid on a map of the Iran provinces
Auth-Starters - Different APIs using Django & Flask & FastAPI to see Authentication Service how its work
Auth-Starters Different APIs using Django & Flask & FastAPI to see Authentication Service how its work, and how to use it. This Repository based on my
Telop - Encode and decode messages using an interpretation of the telegraphic code devised by José María Mathé
telop Telop (TELégrafoÓPtico) - Utilidad para codificar y descodificar mensajes de texto empleando una interpretación del código telegráfico ideado po
XlvnsScriptTool - Tool for decompilation and compilation of scripts .SDT from the visual novel's engine xlvns
XlvnsScriptTool English Dual languaged (rus+eng) tool for decompiling and compiling (actually, this tool is more than just (dis)assenbler, but less th
Ascify-Art - An easy to use, GUI based and user-friendly colored ASCII art generator from images!
Ascify-Art This is a python based colored ASCII art generator for free! How to Install? You can download and use the python version if you want, modul
Pydocstringformatter - A tool to automatically format Python docstrings that tries to follow recommendations from PEP 8 and PEP 257.
Pydocstringformatter A tool to automatically format Python docstrings that tries to follow recommendations from PEP 8 and PEP 257. See What it does fo
Ffmpeg videostream - High speed video frame access in Python, using FFmpeg and FFshow
FFmpeg VideoStream High speed video frame access in Python, using FFmpeg and FFshow This script requires: Karl Kroening's 'ffmpeg-python' library. (ht
Distributed Grid Descent: an algorithm for hyperparameter tuning guided by Bayesian inference, designed to run on multiple processes and potentially many machines with no central point of control
Distributed Grid Descent: an algorithm for hyperparameter tuning guided by Bayesian inference, designed to run on multiple processes and potentially many machines with no central point of control.
Cryptocurrency Trading Bot - A trading bot to automate cryptocurrency trading strategies using Python, equipped with a basic GUI
Cryptocurrency Trading Bot - A trading bot to automate cryptocurrency trading strategies using Python, equipped with a basic GUI. Used REST and WebSocket API to connect to two of the most popular crypto exchanges in the world.
TrainingBike - Code, models and schematics I've used to interface my stationary training bike with PC.
TrainingBike Code, models and schematics I've used to interface my stationary training bike with PC. You can find more information about the project i
Png-to-stl - Converts PNG and text to SVG, and then extrudes that based on parameters
have ansible installed locally run ansible-playbook setup_application.yml this sets up directories, installs system packages, and sets up python envir
BasicNeuralNetwork - This project looks over the basic structure of a neural network and how machine learning training algorithms work
BasicNeuralNetwork - This project looks over the basic structure of a neural network and how machine learning training algorithms work. For this project, I used the sigmoid function as an activation function along with stochastic gradient descent to adjust the weights and biases.
Djangoblog - A blogging platform built on Django and Python.
djangoblog 👨💻 A blogging platform built on Django and Python
Peloton Stats to Google Sheets with Data Visualization through Seaborn and Plotly
Peloton Stats to Google Sheets with Data Visualization through Seaborn and Plotly Problem: 2 peloton users were looking for a way to track their metri
TB Set color display - Add-on for Blender to set multiple objects and material Display Color at once.
TB_Set_color_display Add-on for Blender with operations to transfer name between object, data, materials and action names Set groups of object's or ma
Web interface for browsing, search and filtering recent arxiv submissions
Web interface for browsing, search and filtering recent arxiv submissions
Awesome-google-colab - Google Colaboratory Notebooks and Repositories
Unofficial Google Colaboratory Notebook and Repository Gallery Please contact me to take over and revamp this repo (it gets around 30k views and 200k
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics.
Osmnx-examples - Usage examples, demos, and tutorials for OSMnx.
OSMnx Examples OSMnx is a Python package to work with street networks and other spatial data from OpenStreetMap: retrieve, model, analyze, and visuali
Awesome-AI-books - Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for learning and downloading
Awesome AI books Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for downloading and learning. Preface This repo only used for learning, do not use in business
Earthengine-py-notebooks - A collection of 360+ Jupyter Python notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping
earthengine-py-notebooks A collection of 360+ Jupyter Python notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping Contact: Qiushen
Awesome Graph Classification - A collection of important graph embedding, classification and representation learning papers with implementations.
A collection of graph classification methods, covering embedding, deep learning, graph kernel and factorization papers
Tautulli - A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server.
Tautulli A python based web application for monitoring, analytics and notifications for Plex Media Server. This project is based on code from Headphon
Present - A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects.
present A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects. You can also play a codio (pre-recorded code block) on a slide. present is built o
Ntfy - 🖥️📱🔔 A utility for sending notifications, on demand and when commands finish.
About ntfy ntfy brings notification to your shell. It can automatically provide desktop notifications when long running commands finish or it can send
Research - dataset and code for 2016 paper Learning a Driving Simulator
the people's comma the paper Learning a Driving Simulator the comma.ai driving dataset 7 and a quarter hours of largely highway driving. Enough to tra
Dbt-core - dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications.
Dbt-core - dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications.
AutoGluon: AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data
AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data AutoGluon automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in yo
Imutils - A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
imutils A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing functions such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displ
PySOT - SenseTime Research platform for single object tracking, implementing algorithms like SiamRPN and SiamMask.
PySOT is a software system designed by SenseTime Video Intelligence Research team. It implements state-of-the-art single object tracking algorit
Usbkill - an anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer.
Usbkill - an anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer.
NanoDet-Plus⚡Super fast and lightweight anchor-free object detection model. 🔥Only 980 KB(int8) / 1.8MB (fp16) and run 97FPS on cellphone🔥
NanoDet-Plus⚡Super fast and lightweight anchor-free object detection model. 🔥Only 980 KB(int8) / 1.8MB (fp16) and run 97FPS on cellphone🔥
Tensorflow solution of NER task Using BiLSTM-CRF model with Google BERT Fine-tuning And private Server services
Tensorflow solution of NER task Using BiLSTM-CRF model with Google BERT Fine-tuning
Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial, Part 2 - Implementing a RNN in Python and Theano
Please read the blog post that goes with this code! Jupyter Notebook Setup System Requirements: Python, pip (Optional) virtualenv To start the Jupyter
PConv-Keras - Unofficial implementation of "Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions". Try at: www.fixmyphoto.ai
Partial Convolutions for Image Inpainting using Keras Keras implementation of "Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions", https
When traveling in the backcountry during winter time, updating yourself on current and recent weather data is important to understand likely avalanche danger.
Weather Data When traveling in the backcountry during winter time, updating yourself on current and recent weather data is important to understand lik
Blankly - 🚀 💸 Trade stocks, cryptos, and forex w/ one package. Easily build, backtest, trade, and deploy across exchanges in a few lines of code.
💨 Rapidly build and deploy quantitative models for stocks, crypto, and forex 🚀 View Docs · Our Website · Join Our Newsletter · Getting Started Why B
Yet another googlesearch - A Python library for executing intelligent, realistic-looking, and tunable Google searches.
yagooglesearch - Yet another googlesearch Overview yagooglesearch is a Python library for executing intelligent, realistic-looking, and tunable Google
Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai
Coursera-deep-learning-specialization - Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai: (i) Neural Networks and Deep Learning; (ii) Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization; (iii) Structuring Machine Learning Projects; (iv) Convolutional Neural Networks; (v) Sequence Models
PyTorch-Multi-Style-Transfer - Neural Style and MSG-Net
PyTorch-Style-Transfer This repo provides PyTorch Implementation of MSG-Net (ours) and Neural Style (Gatys et al. CVPR 2016), which has been included
Py4fi2nd - Jupyter Notebooks and code for Python for Finance (2nd ed., O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
Python for Finance (2nd ed., O'Reilly) This repository provides all Python codes and Jupyter Notebooks of the book Python for Finance -- Mastering Dat
Prml - Repository of notes, code and notebooks in Python for the book Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML) This project contains Jupyter notebooks of many the algorithms presented in Christopher Bishop's Patte
Fastquant - Backtest and optimize your trading strategies with only 3 lines of code!
fastquant 🤓 Bringing backtesting to the mainstream fastquant allows you to easily backtest investment strategies with as few as 3 lines of python cod
Spark-movie-lens - An on-line movie recommender using Spark, Python Flask, and the MovieLens dataset
A scalable on-line movie recommender using Spark and Flask This Apache Spark tutorial will guide you step-by-step into how to use the MovieLens datase
Nerf pl - NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) and NeRF in the Wild using pytorch-lightning
nerf_pl Update: an improved NSFF implementation to handle dynamic scene is open! Update: NeRF-W (NeRF in the Wild) implementation is added to nerfw br
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Mememoji - A facial expression classification system that recognizes 6 basic emotions: happy, sad, surprise, fear, anger and neutral.
a project built with deep convolutional neural network and ❤️ Table of Contents Motivation The Database The Model 3.1 Input Layer 3.2 Convolutional La
Spin-off Notice: the modules and functions used by our research notebooks have been refactored into another repository
Fecon235 - Notebooks for financial economics. Keywords: Jupyter notebook pandas Federal Reserve FRED Ferbus GDP CPI PCE inflation unemployment wage income debt Case-Shiller housing asset portfolio equities SPX bonds TIPS rates currency FX euro EUR USD JPY yen XAU gold Brent WTI oil Holt-Winters time-series forecasting statistics econometrics
Saliency - Framework-agnostic implementation for state-of-the-art saliency methods (XRAI, BlurIG, SmoothGrad, and more).
Saliency Methods 🔴 Now framework-agnostic! (Example core notebook) 🔴 🔗 For further explanation of the methods and more examples of the resulting ma
Kaggle-titanic - A tutorial for Kaggle's Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster competition. Demonstrates basic data munging, analysis, and visualization techniques. Shows examples of supervised machine learning techniques.
Kaggle-titanic This is a tutorial in an IPython Notebook for the Kaggle competition, Titanic Machine Learning From Disaster. The goal of this reposito
Captcha-tensorflow - Image Captcha Solving Using TensorFlow and CNN Model. Accuracy 90%+
Captcha Solving Using TensorFlow Introduction Solve captcha using TensorFlow. Learn CNN and TensorFlow by a practical project. Follow the steps, run t
Hacktoberfest2021 - Submit Just 4 PRs to earn SWAGS and Tshirts🔥
dont contribute in this repo, contribute only in below mentioned repo Special Note For Everyone ''' always make more then 4 pull request lets you have
Statistical-Rethinking-with-Python-and-PyMC3 - Python/PyMC3 port of the examples in " Statistical Rethinking A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan" by Richard McElreath
Statistical Rethinking with Python and PyMC3 This repository has been deprecated in favour of this one, please check that repository for updates, for
Fewshot-face-translation-GAN - Generative adversarial networks integrating modules from FUNIT and SPADE for face-swapping.
Few-shot face translation A GAN based approach for one model to swap them all. The table below shows our priliminary face-swapping results requiring o
GestureSSD CBAM - A gesture recognition web system based on SSD and CBAM, using pytorch, flask and node.js
GestureSSD_CBAM A gesture recognition web system based on SSD and CBAM, using pytorch, flask and node.js SSD implementation is based on https://github
News-Articles-and-Essays - NLP (Topic Modeling and Clustering)
NLP T5 Project proposal Topic Modeling and Clustering of News-Articles-and-Essays Students: Nasser Alshehri Abdullah Bushnag Abdulrhman Alqurashi OVER
Orbivator AI - To Determine which features of data (measurements) are most important for diagnosing breast cancer and find out if breast cancer occurs or not.
Orbivator_AI Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) GOAL To Determine which features of data (measurements) are most important for diagnosing breast can
Islam - This is a simple python script.In this script I have written all the suras of Al Quran. As a result, by using this script, you can know the number of any sura at the moment.
Introduction: If you want to know sura number of al quran by just typing the name of sura than you can use this script. Usage in termux: $ pkg install
X-news - Pipeline data use scrapy, kafka, spark streaming, spark ML and elasticsearch, Kibana
X-news - Pipeline data use scrapy, kafka, spark streaming, spark ML and elasticsearch, Kibana