669 Repositories
Python aliyun-accesskey-Tools Libraries
Python Toolkit containing different Cyber Attacks Tools
Helikopter Python Toolkit containing different Cyber Attacks Tools. Tools in Helikopter Toolkit 1. FattyNigger (PYTHON WORM) 2. Taxes (PYTHON PASS EXT
An ongoing curated list of OS X best applications, libraries, frameworks and tools to help developers set up their macOS Laptop.
macOS Development Setup Welcome to MacOS Local Development & Setup. An ongoing curated list of OS X best applications, libraries, frameworks and tools
ZenML 🙏: MLOps framework to create reproducible ML pipelines for production machine learning.
ZenML is an extensible, open-source MLOps framework to create production-ready machine learning pipelines. It has a simple, flexible syntax, is cloud and tool agnostic, and has interfaces/abstractions that are catered towards ML workflows.
Tools for computational pathology
A toolkit for computational pathology and machine learning. View documentation Please cite our paper Installation There are several ways to install Pa
Model Validation Toolkit is a collection of tools to assist with validating machine learning models prior to deploying them to production and monitoring them after deployment to production.
Model Validation Toolkit is a collection of tools to assist with validating machine learning models prior to deploying them to production and monitoring them after deployment to production.
Code for a db backend that relies on bash tools (grep, cat, echo, etc)
Simple-nosql-db is a python backend for a database that relies on unix tools such as cat, echo and grep. Funny enough I got the idea from this discuss
Simples brute forcer de diretorios para web pentest.
🦑 dirbruter Simples brute forcer de diretorios para web pentest. ❕ Atenção Não ataque sites privados. Isto é illegal. 🖥️ Pré-requisitos Ultima versã
An ongoing curated list of frameworks, libraries, learning tutorials, software and resources in Python Language.
Python Development Welcome to the world of Python. An ongoing curated list of frameworks, libraries, learning tutorials, software and resources in Pyt
A begginer reverse shell tool python.
A begginer tools for hacking. The theme of this repository is to bring some ready-made open-source tools for anyone new to the world of hacking. This
Template for new OSINT command-line tools
OSINT cli tool skeleton Template for new OSINT command-line tools. Press button "Use this template" to generate your own tool repository. See INSTALL.
Modular analysis tools for neurophysiology data
Neuroanalysis Modular and interactive tools for analysis of neurophysiology data, with emphasis on patch-clamp electrophysiology. Functions for runnin
Collection of sports betting AI tools.
sports-betting sports-betting is a collection of tools that makes it easy to create machine learning models for sports betting and evaluate their perf
This project was created using Python technology and flask tools to scrape a music site
python-scrapping This project was created using Python technology and flask tools to scrape a music site You need to install the following packages to
A begginer reverse shell tool python.
A begginer reverse shell tool python. Este programa é para apenas estudo e conhecimento. Não use isso em outra pessoas. Não me responsabilizo por uso
This collection of tools that makes it easy to secure and/or obfuscate messages, files, and data.
Scrambler App This collection of tools that makes it easy to secure and/or obfuscate messages, files, and data. It leverages encryption tools such as
NotesToCommands - a fully customizable notes / command template program, allowing users to instantly execute terminal commands
NotesToCommands is a fully customizable notes / command template program, allowing users to instantly execute terminal commands with dynamic arguments grouped into sections in their notes/files. It was originally created for pentesting uses, to avoid the needed remembrance and retyping of sets of commands for various attacks.
Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.
• License • Issues • Project • Wikipedia • Я не несу ответственности за ваши действия. Скачивая программное обеспечение из этого репозитория, вы согла
This directory gathers the tools developed by the Data Sourcing Working Group
BigScience Data Sourcing Code This directory gathers the tools developed by the Data Sourcing Working Group First Sourcing Sprint: October 2021 The co
Tsunami-Fi is simple multi-tool bash application for Wi-Fi attacks
🪴 Tsunami-Fi 🪴 Русская версия README 🌿 Description 🌿 Tsunami-Fi is simple multi-tool bash application for Wi-Fi WPS PixieDust and NullPIN attack,
Utility.py - a utility that offerres cool cli tools and games.
Utilty.py Utility.py is a utility that offerres cool cli tools and games. Currently the offerd games/items are: get the number, countdown, random name
A cookiecutter to start a Python package with flawless practices and a magical workflow 🧙🏼♂️
PyPackage Cookiecutter This repository is a cookiecutter to quickly start a Python package. It contains a ton of very useful features 🐳 : Package man
FIVE, Vulnerability Scanner And Mass Exploiter, made for pentesting.
$ FIVE - FIVE is a Pentesting Framework to Test the Security & Integrity of a Website, or Multiple Websites. $ Info FIVE Was Made After Vulnnr to Prod
Dense Passage Retriever - is a set of tools and models for open domain Q&A task.
Dense Passage Retrieval Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) - is a set of tools and models for state-of-the-art open-domain Q&A research. It is based on the
FPE - Format Preserving Encryption with FF3 in Python
ff3 - Format Preserving Encryption in Python An implementation of the NIST approved FF3 and FF3-1 Format Preserving Encryption (FPE) algorithms in Pyt
A protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing IP address to a fixed physical machine address
p0znMITM ARP Poisoning Tool What is ARP? Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing IP address to a f
Core ML tools contain supporting tools for Core ML model conversion, editing, and validation.
Core ML Tools Use coremltools to convert machine learning models from third-party libraries to the Core ML format. The Python package contains the sup
Tools for curating biomedical training data for large-scale language modeling
Tools for curating biomedical training data for large-scale language modeling
PyTorch Live is an easy to use library of tools for creating on-device ML demos on Android and iOS.
PyTorch Live is an easy to use library of tools for creating on-device ML demos on Android and iOS. With Live, you can build a working mobile app ML demo in minutes.
A collection of tools for managing Jira issues for the RHODS project
RHODS-Jira-Tools A collection of tools for managing Jira issues for the RHODS project move_to_qa.py This script handles transitioning a given Jira iss
Um keylogger que se disfarça de um app que tira print da tela.
Keylogger_ Um keylogger que se disfarça de um app que tira print da tela. Este programa captura o print da tela e salva ,normalmente, na pasta Picture
A collection of simple tools that proved to be needed for hadling large periodic calculations with the VASP software package.
VESTA-tools A collection of simple tools that proved to be needed for handling large periodic calculations with the VASP software package. distTotCalc
A set of simple scripts to process the Imagenet-1K dataset as TFRecords and make index files for NVIDIA DALI.
Overview This is a set of simple scripts to process the Imagenet-1K dataset as TFRecords and make index files for NVIDIA DALI. Make TFRecords To run t
ClearML - Auto-Magical Suite of tools to streamline your ML workflow. Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management
ClearML - Auto-Magical Suite of tools to streamline your ML workflow Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management ClearML Formerly known as Allegro T
Fast subdomain scanner, Takes arguments from a Json file ("args.json") and outputs the subdomains.
Fast subdomain scanner, Takes arguments from a Json file ("args.json") and outputs the subdomains. File Structure core/ colors.py db/ wordlist.txt REA
Table (Finnish Taulukko) glued together to transform into hands-free living.
taulukko Table (Finnish Taulukko) glued together to transform into hands-free living. Installation Preferred way to install is as usual (for testing o
DALLE-tools provided useful dataset utilities to improve you workflow with WebDatasets.
DALLE tools DALLE-tools is a github repository with useful tools to categorize, annotate or check the sanity of your datasets. Installation Just clone
Algorithm for Cutting Stock Problem using Google OR-Tools. Link to the tool:
Cutting Stock Problem Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) deals with planning the cutting of items (rods / sheets) from given stock items (which are usually o
Installation $ pkg update && pkg upgrade $ pkg install python2 $ pkg install git $ git clone https://github.com/Mark-Zuck/zafi $ cd zafi $ pip2 instal
A multi-platform HTTP(S) Reverse Shell Server and Client in Python 3
Phantom - A multi-platform HTTP(S) Reverse Shell Server and Client Phantom is a multi-platform HTTP(S) Reverse Shell server and client in Python 3. Bi
Tools for improving Python imports
imptools Tools for improving Python imports. Installation pip3 install imptools Overview Detailed docs import_path Import a module from any path on th
A discord account nuker with lots of tools that will destroy a discord account
A discord account nuker with lots of tools that will destroy a discord account (token destroyer... and much more).
A patch and keygen tools for typora.
A patch and keygen tools for typora.
Python tools for 3D face: 3DMM, Mesh processing(transform, camera, light, render), 3D face representations.
face3d: Python tools for processing 3D face Introduction This project implements some basic functions related to 3D faces. You can use this to process
The best way to send tokens into a specific server, which can be used for discord bots, and some tools..
XTRA420 The simplified version of sending tokens into a server, the basic and fastest way.. When using this, you have the option to use proxies (http)
Python tools for experimenting with differentiable intonation cost measures
Differentiable Intonation Tools The Differentiable Intonation Tools (dit) are a collection of Python functions to analyze the intonation in multitrack
Tools to create pixel-wise object masks, bounding box labels (2D and 3D) and 3D object model (PLY triangle mesh) for object sequences filmed with an RGB-D camera.
Tools to create pixel-wise object masks, bounding box labels (2D and 3D) and 3D object model (PLY triangle mesh) for object sequences filmed with an RGB-D camera. This project prepares training and testing data for various deep learning projects such as 6D object pose estimation projects singleshotpose, as well as object detection and instance segmentation projects.
This is tools hacking for scan vuln in port web, happy using
Xnuvers007 PortInjection this is tools hacking for scan vuln in port web, happy using view/show python 3.9 solo coder (tangerang) 19 y/o installation
CinnaMon is a Python library which offers a number of tools to detect, explain, and correct data drift in a machine learning system
CinnaMon is a Python library which offers a number of tools to detect, explain, and correct data drift in a machine learning system
Lazarus analysis tools and research report
Lazarus Research This repository publishes analysis reports and analysis tools for Operation Dream Job and Operation JTrack for Lazarus. Tools Python
This repo will have a small amount of Chrome tools that can be used for DFIR, Hacking, Deception, whatever your heart desires.
Chrome-Tools Overview Welcome to the repo. This repo will have a small amount of Chrome tools that can be used for DFIR, Hacking, Deception, whatever
CLTools provides various tools and command to use in the terminal.
CLTools provides various tools and command to use in the terminal. As of date, CLTools is only able to generate temporary email addresses and receive emails. There are plans to integrate more tools and options in the future.
About Hive Burp Suite Extension
Hive Burp Suite Extension Description Hive extension for Burp Suite. This extension allows you to send data from Burp to Hive in one click. Create iss
Tools for the analysis, simulation, and presentation of Lorentz TEM data.
ltempy ltempy is a set of tools for Lorentz TEM data analysis, simulation, and presentation. Features Single Image Transport of Intensity Equation (SI
Python tools for penetration testing
pyTools_PT python tools for penetration testing Please don't use these tool for illegal purposes. These tools is meant for penetration testing for leg
GitHub action for AppSweep Mobile Application Security Testing
GitHub action for AppSweep can be used to continuously integrate app scanning using AppSweep into your Android app build process
Image Tooᥣs Bot I specialize for logo design Services with Amazing logo Creator Platform and more tools
Image Tooᥣs Bot I specialize for logo design Services with Amazing logo Creator Platform and more tools
Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.
nbdime provides tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter Notebooks.
Automatically visualize your pandas dataframe via a single print! 📊 💡
A Python API for Intelligent Visual Discovery Lux is a Python library that facilitate fast and easy data exploration by automating the visualization a
Set of classes and tools to communicate with a Noso wallet using NosoP
NosoPy Set of classes and tools to communicate with a Noso wallet using NosoP(Noso Protocol). The data that can be retrieved consist of: Node informat
CLI tool to generate pdf invoices written in python
invoicepy CLI invoice tool, store and print invoices as pdf. save companies and customers for later use. installation pip install invoicepy config co
A small collection of tools made by me, that you can use to visualize atomic orbitals in both 2D and 3D in different aspects.
Orbitals in Python A small collection of tools made by me, that you can use to visualize atomic orbitals in both 2D and 3D in different aspects, and o
eBay's TSV Utilities: Command line tools for large, tabular data files. Filtering, statistics, sampling, joins and more.
Command line utilities for tabular data files This is a set of command line utilities for manipulating large tabular data files. Files of numeric and
Streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
Welcome to Streamlit 👋 The fastest way to build and share data apps. Streamlit lets you turn data scripts into sharable web apps in minutes, not week
Collection of AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) experiment templates.
Collection of AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) experiment templates. These templates let you perform chaos engineering experiments on resources (applications, network, and infrastructure) in the AWS Cloud.
MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions.
MacroTools.jl MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions. This includes a powerful template-matching system an
ClearML - Auto-Magical Suite of tools to streamline your ML workflow. Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management
ClearML - Auto-Magical Suite of tools to streamline your ML workflow Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management ClearML Formerly known as Allegro T
Blender addon that enables exporting of xmodels from blender. Great for custom asset creation for cod games
Birdman's XModel Tools For Blender Greetings everyone in the custom cod community. This blender addon should finally enable exporting of custom assets
Record railway train route profile with GNSS tools
Train route profile recording with GNSS technology based on ARDUINO platform Project target Develop GNSS recording tools based on the ARDUINO platform
rst2pdf: Use a text editor. Make a PDF.
rst2pdf: Use a text editor. Make a PDF.
A Python Tools to imaging the shallow seismic structure
ShallowSeismicImaging Tools to imaging the shallow seismic structure, above 10 km, based on the ZH ratio measured from the ambient seismic noise, and
Neurons Dataset API - The official dataloader and visualization tools for Neurons Datasets.
Neurons Dataset API - The official dataloader and visualization tools for Neurons Datasets. Introduction We propose our dataloader API for loading and
Avocado is a set of tools and libraries to help with automated testing.
Welcome to Avocado Avocado is a set of tools and libraries to help with automated testing. One can call it a test framework with benefits. Native test
neo Tool is great one in binary exploitation topic
neo Tool is great one in binary exploitation topic. instead of doing several missions by many tools and windows, you can now automate this in one tool in one session.. Enjoy it
A simple CLI productivity tool to quickly display the syntax of a desired piece of code
Iforgor Iforgor is a customisable and easy to use command line tool to manage code samples. It's a good way to quickly get your hand on syntax you don
Una simple herramienta para rastrear IP programada en Python
Spyrod-v2 Una simple herramienta para rastrear IP programada en Python Instalacion apt install git -y cd $HOME git clone https://github.com/Euronymou5
Libraries, tools and tasks created and used at DeepMind Robotics.
dm_robotics: Libraries, tools, and tasks created and used for Robotics research at DeepMind. Package overview Package Summary Transformations Rigid bo
Greenery - tools for parsing and manipulating regular expressions
Greenery - tools for parsing and manipulating regular expressions
🛠️ Tools for Transformers compression using Lightning ⚡
Bert-squeeze is a repository aiming to provide code to reduce the size of Transformer-based models or decrease their latency at inference time.
Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python
Pyfunctools Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python, bringing functional
Hobby Project. A Python Library to create and generate static web pages using just python.
PyWeb 🕸️ 🐍 Current Release: 0.1 A Hobby Project 🤓 PyWeb is a small Library to generate customized static web pages using python. Aimed for new deve
Tools for downloading and processing numerical weather predictions
NWP Tools for downloading and processing numerical weather predictions At the moment, this code is focused on downloading historical UKV NWPs produced
Tools for analyzing Java JVM gc log files
gc_log This package consists of two separate utilities useful for : gc_log_visualizer.py regionsize.py GC Log Visualizer This was updated to run under
DrWhy is the collection of tools for eXplainable AI (XAI). It's based on shared principles and simple grammar for exploration, explanation and visualisation of predictive models.
Responsible Machine Learning With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. Voltaire (well, maybe) How to develop machine learning models in a responsib
A tool that updates all your project's Python dependency files through Pull Requests on GitHub/GitLab.
A tool that updates all your project's Python dependency files through Pull Requests on GitHub/GitLab. About This repo contains the bot that is runnin
Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner For JIRA written in Python
Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner For JIRA. 🤔 What is this? Jira-Lens 🔍 is a Python Based vulnerability Scanner for JIRA. Jira is a propri
Phishing-Crack tools to punish friends
Phishing-Crack Phishing Tool Version 1.0.0 Created By temirovazat A Phishing Tool With PHP and Python3 Features Fake Instagram Phishing Page Fake Face
List of Linux Tools I put on almost every linux / Debian host
Linux-Tools List of Linux Tools I put on almost every Linux / Debian host Installed: geany -- GUI editor/ notepad++ like chkservice -- TUI Linux ser
Meeting, rendezvous, confluence (Finnish kohtaaminen) mark up, down, and up again.
kohtaaminen Meeting, rendezvous, confluence (Finnish kohtaaminen) mark up, down, and up again. Given a zip file containing a tree of html and media fi
A suite of useful tools based on 3D interactivity in napari
napari-threedee A suite of useful tools based on 3D interactivity in napari This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiec
Tools for analyzing Git history using SQLite
git-history Tools for analyzing Git history using SQLite Installation Install this tool using pip: $ pip install git-history Usage This tool can be r
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whois, Metadata & built-in database for more info) with this python package
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs with this python package - It includes different OSINT modules (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whoi
ChirpText is a collection of text processing tools for Python 3.
ChirpText is a collection of text processing tools for Python 3. It is not meant to be a powerful tank like the popular NTLK but a small package which
A Python wrapper for Matrix Synapse admin API
Synapse-admin-api-python A Python wrapper for Matrix Synapse admin API. Versioning This library now supports up to Synapse 1.45.0, any Admin API intro
A Python Tool to encrypt all types of files using AES and XOR Algorithm.
DataShield This project intends to protect user’s data, it stores files in encrypted format in device provided the passcode and path of the file. AES
MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
MetPy MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data. MetPy follows semantic versioni
nbsafety adds a layer of protection to computational notebooks by solving the stale dependency problem when executing cells out-of-order
nbsafety adds a layer of protection to computational notebooks by solving the stale dependency problem when executing cells out-of-order
Collection Of Discord Hacking Tools / Fun Stuff / Exploits That Is Completely Made Using Python.
Venom Collection Of Discord Hacking Tools / Fun Stuff / Exploits That Is Completely Made Using Python. Report Bug · Request Feature Contributing Well,
A Security Tool for Enumerating WebSockets
STEWS: Security Testing and Enumeration of WebSockets STEWS is a tool suite for security testing of WebSockets This research was first presented at OW
ObjTables: Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets
ObjTables: Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets ObjTables is a toolkit which makes it easy to use spreadsheets (e.g., XLSX workboo