10381 Repositories
Python beatsaber-python Libraries
PS3API - PS3 API for TMAPI and CCAPI in python.
PS3API PS3 API for TMAPI and CCAPI in python. Examples Connecting and Attaching from ps3api import PS3API PS3 = PS3API(PS3API.API_TMAPI) if PS3.Conn
Excel-report-evaluator - A simple Python GUI application to aid with bulk evaluation of Microsoft Excel reports.
Excel Report Evaluator Simple Python GUI with Tkinter for evaluating Microsoft Excel reports (.xlsx-Files). Usage Start main.py and choose one of the
BlogBot - a Python script that create blogs from YouTube videos.
BlogBot - Convert Youtube Videos To Blogs BlogBot is a Python script that create blogs from YouTube videos.
Youtube_dl_helper - A hacky python script meant to automate the process of downloading mp3 files from YouTube using youtube-dl library
youtube_dl_helper A helper program meant to automate the process of downloading mp3 files from YouTube using youtube-dl library Dependencies In order
Ghdl-interactive-sim - Interactive GHDL simulation of a VHDL adder using Python, Cocotb, and pygame
GHDL Interactive Simulation This is an interactive test bench for a simple VHDL adder. It uses GHDL to elaborate/run the simulation. It is coded in Py
Sie_banxico - A python class for the Economic Information System (SIE) API of Banco de México
sie_banxico A python class for the Economic Information System (SIE) API of Banco de México. Args: token (str): A query token from Banco de México id_
ShadowMusic - A Telegram Music Bot with proper functions written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls.
⭐️ Shadow Music ⭐️ A Telegram Music Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls Ready to use method A Support Group, Updates Channel and ready
Jenkins-AWS-CICD - Implement Jenkins CI/CD with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy, build a python flask web application.
Jenkins-AWS-CICD - Implement Jenkins CI/CD with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy, build a python flask web application.
Breakout-KD - A fantastic game created in python with pygame ✌️
Breakout-KD About This Game Breakout-KD is a fantastic breakout game. It's a python based game officialy made by me on december holiday. This game wor
MonsterManualPlus - An advanced monster manual for Tower of the Sorcerer.
Monster Manual + This is an advanced monster manual for Tower of the Sorcerer mods. Users can get a plenty of extra imformation for decision making wh
EpikCord.py - This is an API Wrapper for Discord's API for Python
EpikCord.py - This is an API Wrapper for Discord's API for Python! We've decided not to fork discord.py and start completely from scratch for a new, better structuring system!
Pyrmanent - Make all your classes permanent in a flash 💾
Pyrmanent A base class to make your Python classes permanent in a flash. Features Easy to use. Great compatibility. No database needed. Ask for new fe
This program can calculate the Aerial Distance between two cities.
Aerial_Distance_Calculator This program can calculate the Aerial Distance between two cities. This repository include both Jupyter notebook and Python
Spotipy - Player de música simples em Python
Spotipy Player de música simples em Python, utilizando a biblioteca Pysimplegui para a interface gráfica. Este tocador é bastante simples em si, mas p
VAST - Visualise Abstract Syntax Trees for Python
VAST VAST - Visualise Abstract Syntax Trees for Python. VAST generates ASTs for a given Python script and builds visualisations of them. Install Insta
Find-Lane-Line - Use openCV library and Python to detect the road-lane-line
Find-Lane-Line This project is to use openCV library and Python to detect the road-lane-line. Data Pipeline Step one : Color Selection Step two : Cann
Graph-total-spanning-trees - A Python script to get total number of Spanning Trees in a Graph
Total number of Spanning Trees in a Graph This is a python script just written f
ESteg - A simple steganography program for python
ESteg A simple steganography program to embed the contents of a text file into a
TwitchAccountMaker - Twitch Account Maker with python
Twitch Account Creator A Twitch Account Creator, Requires Capmonster.cloud Verif
PythonCalculator - A simple Calculator made in python using tkinter for GUI
PythonCalculator A simple Calculator made in python using tkinter for GUI. For P
Gesture-Volume-Control - This Python program can adjust the system's volume by using hand gestures
Gesture-Volume-Control This Python program can adjust the system's volume by usi
Pure-python-server - A blogging platform written in pure python for developer to share their coding knowledge
Pure Python web server - PyProject A blogging platform written in pure python (n
Izy - Python functions and classes that make python even easier than it is
izy Python functions and classes that make it even easier! You will wonder why t
HappyScrapper - Google news web scrapper with python
HappyScrapper ~ Google news web scrapper INSTALLATION ♦ Clone the repository ♦ O
This Scrapy project uses Redis and Kafka to create a distributed on demand scraping cluster
This Scrapy project uses Redis and Kafka to create a distributed on demand scraping cluster.
Function-Plotter - GUI Python program that plots functions that are entered by the user
FunctionPlotter GUI Python program that plots functions that are entered by the user. The program takes minimum and maximum value for x and plot it as
Ukiyo - A simple, minimalist and efficient discord vanity URL sniper
Ukiyo - a simple, minimalist and efficient discord vanity URL sniper. Ukiyo is easy to use, has a very visually pleasing interface, and has great spee
Wikidot-forum-dump - Simple Python script that dumps a Wikidot wiki forum into JSON structures.
wikidot-forum-dump Script is partially based on 2stacks by bluesoul: https://github.com/scuttle/2stacks To dump a Wiki's forum, edit config.py and put
Instagram-follower-bot - An Instagram follower bot written in Python
Instagram Follower Bot An Instagram follower bot written in Python. The bot follows the follower of which account you want. e.g. (You want to follow @
Python IMDB Docker - A docker tutorial to containerize a python script.
Python_IMDB_Docker A docker tutorial to containerize a python script. Build the docker in the current directory: docker build -t python-imdb . Run the
Wakatime Response In javascript and python
Project Title Wakatime Response In javascript and python Description just for refrence Getting Started Dependencies For Python: requests json For Java
Get-Phone-Number-Details-using-Python - To get the details of any number, we can use an amazing Python module known as phonenumbers.
Get-Phone-Number-Details-using-Python To get the details of any number, we can use an amazing Python module known as phonenumbers. We can use the amaz
Face-Recognition-based-Attendance-System - An implementation of Attendance System in python.
Face-Recognition-based-Attendance-System A real time implementation of Attendance System in python. Pre-requisites To understand the implentation of F
Python function to construct an ODS spreadsheet on the fly - without having to store the entire file in memory or disk
stream-write-ods Python function to construct an ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) on the fly - without having to store the entire file in memory or disk
0xFalcon - 0xFalcon Tool For Python
0xFalcone Installation Install 0xFalcone Tool: apt install git git clone https:/
Class-imbalanced / Long-tailed ensemble learning in Python. Modular, flexible, and extensible
IMBENS: Class-imbalanced Ensemble Learning in Python Language: English | Chinese/中文 Links: Documentation | Gallery | PyPI | Changelog | Source | Downl
streamlit translator is used to detect and translate between languages created using gTTS, googletrans, pillow and streamlit python packages
Streamlit Translator Streamlit Translator is a simple translator app to detect and translate between languages. Streamlit Translator gets text and lan
Aesara is a Python library that allows one to define, optimize, and efficiently evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays.
Aesara is a Python library that allows one to define, optimize, and efficiently evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays.
Python implementation of "Multi-Instance Pose Networks: Rethinking Top-Down Pose Estimation"
MIPNet: Multi-Instance Pose Networks This repository is the official pytorch python implementation of "Multi-Instance Pose Networks: Rethinking Top-Do
🌀 Pykka makes it easier to build concurrent applications.
🌀 Pykka Pykka makes it easier to build concurrent applications. Pykka is a Python implementation of the actor model. The actor model introduces some
If Google News had a Python library
pygooglenews If Google News had a Python library Created by Artem from newscatcherapi.com but you do not need anything from us or from anyone else to
Pymon is like nodemon but it is for python,
Pymon is like nodemon but it is for python,
Second version of SQL-PYTHON-Practicas
SQLite-Python Acerca de | Autor Sobre el repositorio Segunda version de SQL-PYTHON-Practicas 💻 Tecnologias Visual Studio Code Python SQLite3 📖 Requi
A Python & JavaScript Obfuscator made in Python 3.
Python Code Obfuscator A script that converts code into full on random numerical expressions. Simple Scripts: Python Mode... Input: Function that deco
Writing and posting code throughout my new journey into python!
bootleg-productions consider this account to be a journal for me to record my progress throughout my python journey feel free to copy codes from this
TsuserverMoS - A Python-based server for Attorney Online,
tsuserverMoS A Python-based server for Attorney Online, forked from RealKaiser/tsuserverCC Requires Python 3.7+ and PyYAML. Changes/additions from tsu
A PyTorch implementation of Deep SAD, a deep Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection method.
Deep SAD: A Method for Deep Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of the Deep SAD method presented in ou
ValveVMF - A python library to parse Valve's VMF files
ValveVMF ValveVMF is a Python library for parsing .vmf files for the Source Engi
Cleaning-utils - a collection of small Python functions and classes which make cleaning pipelines shorter and easier
cleaning-utils [] [] [] cleaning-utils is a collection of small Python functions
Deribit_Algo_Project_Python - Deribit algo project written in python trading crypto futures
This is a Algo/script trading for Deribit. You need an account with deribit, to
Pyfetch - Simple Fetch written in Python
pyfetch Simple Fetch written in Python Screenshots Install Clone this repository
Img-process-manual - Utilize Python Numpy and Matplotlib to realize OpenCV baisc image processing function
Img-process-manual - Opencv Library basic graphic processing algorithm coding reproduction based on Numpy and Matplotlib library
RequestTrackerBot - Request Tracker Bot With Python
Request Tracker Bot This is a Request Tracker Bot repo, It is for those who uplo
Simplebot-tg - Telegram/DeltaChat Bridge with python
simplebot_tg Telegram/DeltaChat Bridge, is a plugin for https://github.com/simpl
Opal-lang - A WIP programming language based on Python
thanks to aphitorite for the beautiful logo! opal opal is a WIP transcompiled pr
Get-web-images - A python code that get images from any site
image retrieval This is a python code to retrieve an image from the internet, a
Python implementation of Aho-Corasick algorithm for string searching
Python implementation of Aho-Corasick algorithm for string searching
Works very well and you can ask for the type of image you want the scrapper to collect.
Works very well and you can ask for the type of image you want the scrapper to collect. Also follows a specific urls path depending on keyword selection.
This is a small package to interact with the OpenLigaDB API.
OpenLigaDB This is a small package to interact with the OpenLigaDB API. Installation Run the following to install: pip install openligadb Usage from o
Force you (or your user) annotate Python function type hints.
Must-typing Force you (or your user) annotate function type hints. Notice: It's more like a joke, use it carefully. If you call must_typing in your mo
A minimal and ridiculously good looking command-line-interface toolkit
Proper CLI Proper CLI is a Python package for creating beautiful, composable, and ridiculously good looking command-line-user-interfaces without havin
A simple python discord bot which give you a yogurt brand name, basing on a large database often updated.
YaourtBot A discord simple bot by Lopinosaurus Before using this code : ・Move env file to .env ・Change the channel ID on line 38 of bot.py to your #pi
Ecco is a python library for exploring and explaining Natural Language Processing models using interactive visualizations.
Visualize, analyze, and explore NLP language models. Ecco creates interactive visualizations directly in Jupyter notebooks explaining the behavior of Transformer-based language models (like GPT2, BERT, RoBERTA, T5, and T0).
Beibo is a Python library that uses several AI prediction models to predict stocks returns over a defined period of time.
Beibo is a Python library that uses several AI prediction models to predict stocks returns over a defined period of time.
Disposable email validator for python
disposable-email-validator installation pip install disposable-email-validator
Python Wrapper for interacting with the Flutterwave API
Python Flutterwave Description Python Wrapper for interacting with the Flutterwa
Stack based programming language that compiles to x86_64 assembly or can alternatively be interpreted in Python
lang lang is a simple stack based programming language written in Python. It can
Excel cell checker with python
excel-cell-checker Description This tool checks a given .xlsx file has the struc
Python library to decorate and beautify strings
outputformat Python library to decorate and beautify your standard output 💖 Ins
A simplistic and efficient pure-python neural network library from Phys Whiz with CPU and GPU support.
A simplistic and efficient pure-python neural network library from Phys Whiz with CPU and GPU support.
Tiny local JSON database for Python.
Pylowdb Simple to use local JSON database 🦉 # This is pure python, not specific to pylowdb ;) db.data['posts'] = ({ 'id': 1, 'title': 'pylowdb is awe
Python application, displaying currently played track from Spotify on OLED display connected via I2C
RaspberryPi Spotify OLED Display This application will display currently played track on SSD1306 OLED display connected to RaspberryPi. Displayed stuf
A python script that automatically joins a zoom meeting based on your timetable.
Zoom Automation A python script that automatically joins a zoom meeting based on your timetable. What does it do? It performs the following processes:
inverted pendulum fuzzy control python code (python 2.7.18)
inverted-pendulum-fuzzy-control- inverted pendulum fuzzy control python code (python 2.7.18) We have 3 general functions for 3 main steps: fuzzificati
An implementation of Deep Graph Infomax (DGI) in PyTorch
DGI Deep Graph Infomax (Veličković et al., ICLR 2019): https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10341 Overview Here we provide an implementation of Deep Graph Infom
QRec: A Python Framework for quick implementation of recommender systems (TensorFlow Based)
Introduction QRec is a Python framework for recommender systems (Supported by Python 3.7.4 and Tensorflow 1.14+) in which a number of influential and
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched or copy-pasted. ocrmypdf
Algofi Python SDK is useful for developers who want to programatically interact with the Algofi lending protocol
algofi-py-sdk Algofi Python SDK Documentation https://algofi-py-sdk.readthedocs.
Python library to decorate and beautify strings
outputformater Python library to decorate and beautify your standard output 💖 I
An incomplete add-on extension to Pyrogram, to create telegram bots a bit more easily
PyStark A star ⭐ from you means a lot An incomplete add-on extension to Pyrogram
Discord Bot for bugbounty Web
BugbountyBot Discord Bot for Bug Bounty Web The purpose of this bot is to automa
Need: Image Search With Python
Need: Image Search The problem is that a user needs to search for a specific ima
Python binding to rust zw-fast-quantile
zw_fast_quantile_py zw-fast-quantile python binding Installation pip install zw_fast_quantile_py Usage import zw_fast_quantile_py
PUA Programming Language written in Python.
pua-lang PUA Programming Language written in Python. Installation git clone https://github.com/zhaoyang97/pua-lang.git cd pua-lang pip install . Try
Forked from 0x36 on github who then rewrote the ida_kernelcache python framework
Forked from 0x36 on github who then rewrote the ida_kernelcache python framework. Sadly 0x36 doesn't seem to have push updates to the project and it took me a very long time to figure out why this wasn't working with ghidra i finally found the ghidra api html source and saw that in 10.1 some of the functions used was either entirely removed or just plain depricated.
Python code that get the name and ip address of a computer/laptop
IP Address This is a python code that provides the name and the internet protocol address of the computer. You need to install socket pip install sock
Web Scraping com Python - Raspando Vagas para Programadores
Web Scraping com Python - Raspando Vagas para Programadores Sobre o Projeto Web
A simple Log4Shell Scan with python
🐞 Log4Scan 🔧 Log4Shell 简单的主动和被动扫描脚本 Log4scan 针对header头和fuzz参数的主动批量扫描,用于大批量黑盒检测
Hatch plugin for Docker containers
hatch-containers CI/CD Package Meta This provides a plugin for Hatch that allows
Blender Game Engine Game Type Templates Logic Bricks (and Python script) based Game Templates for Blender
Blender-Game-Engine-Templates Blender Game Engine Game Type Templates Logic Bric
A downloader for Cave Story written in Python
Cave Story Downloader This is a downloader for Cave Story written in Python. Thi
Notepy is a full-featured Notepad Python app
Notepy A full featured python text-editor Notable features Autocompletion for parenthesis and quote Auto identation Syntax highlighting Compile and ru
Highlight Translator can help you translate the words quickly and accurately.
Highlight Translator can help you translate the words quickly and accurately. By only highlighting, copying, or screenshoting the content you want to translate anywhere on your computer (ex. PDF, PPT, WORD etc.), the translated results will then be automatically displayed before you.
Several implementations of classical games (ex: FlappyBird, Minesweeper etc.) using Python (pygame)
Mini Games with Pygame This projects implement several classic and popular games in Python, using python package -- pygame. Currently, 4 games are alr
Generate and Visualize Data Lineage from query history
Tokern Lineage Engine Tokern Lineage Engine is fast and easy to use application to collect, visualize and analyze column-level data lineage in databas
A casino discord bot written in Python
Casino Bot Casino bot is a gambling discord bot I made for my friends. It is able to play blackjack, slots, flip a coin, and roll dice. It stores ever
Model synchronization from dbt to Metabase.
dbt-metabase Model synchronization from dbt to Metabase. If dbt is your source of truth for database schemas and you use Metabase as your analytics to
Encode and decode text application
Text Encoder and Decoder Encode and decode text in many ways using this application! Encode in: ASCII85 Base85 Base64 Base32 Base16 Url MD5 Hash SHA-1
Analysing poker data from home games with friends
Poker Game Analysis Analysing poker data from home games with friends. Not a lot of data is collected, so this project is primarily focussed on descri
Python Fanduel API (2021) - Lineup Automation
Southpaw is a python package that provides access to the Fanduel API. Optimize your DFS experience by programmatically updating your lineups, analyzin