103 Repositories
Python chemical-structures Libraries
This repository contains the best Data Science free hand-picked resources to equip you with all the industry-driven skills and interview preparation kit.
Best Data Science Resources Hey, Data Enthusiasts out there! Finally, after lots of requests from the community I finally came up with the best free D
🙌Kart of 210+ projects based on machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing and all. Show your support by ✨ this repository.
ML-ProjectKart 📌 Repository This kart showcases the finest collection of all projects based on machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natu
A chemical analysis of lipophilicities & molecule drawings including ML
A chemical analysis of lipophilicity & molecule drawings including a bit of ML analysis. This is a simple project that includes two Jupyter files (one
Python code to control laboratory hardware and perform Bayesian reaction optimization on the MIT Make-It system for chemical synthesis
Description This repository contains code accompanying the following paper on the Make-It robotic flow chemistry platform developed by the Jensen Rese
IEEE-WIE presents WIE Week of Code (WIEWoC), a 3-days long open-source contribution event starting from 1st March, highlighting different python spaces including web development, machine learning, game development, data structures and algorithms, and substantially more! We are creating an open source repository on Python along with all its applications!
WIE-WoC IEEE-WIE presents WIE Week of Code (WIEWoC), a 3-days long open-source contribution event starting from 1st March, highlighting different pyth
Implementation of the GVP-Transformer, which was used in the paper "Learning inverse folding from millions of predicted structures" for de novo protein design alongside Alphafold2
GVP Transformer (wip) Implementation of the GVP-Transformer, which was used in the paper Learning inverse folding from millions of predicted structure
Data Structures and Algorithms Python - Practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects
Data Structures and Algorithms All the essential resources and template code nee
This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib
Cormen Lib Sample Problems Description This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib. These problems were made for the pu
A Python implementation of red-black trees
Python red-black trees A Python implementation of red-black trees. This code was originally copied from programiz.com, but I have made a few tweaks to
A stack-based systems language that supports structures, functions, expressions, and user-defined operator behaviour
A stack-based systems language that supports structures, functions, expressions, and user-defined operator behaviour. Currently compiles to URCL with plans to add additional formats in the future.
Software for visualization of RTStruct structures on CT images
This script is responsible for the operation of the program, it is responsible for both creating the GUI and the process of processing images from dicom files. The program is based on the use of the PyQt5 library, on the basis of which the entire interface containing the appropriate buttons and functions was created.
A scrapy pipeline that provides an easy way to store files and images using various folder structures.
scrapy-folder-tree This is a scrapy pipeline that provides an easy way to store files and images using various folder structures. Supported folder str
Cormen-Lib - An academic tool for data structures and algorithms courses
The Cormen-lib module is an insular data structures and algorithms library based on the Thomas H. Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms Third Edition. This library was made specifically for administering and grading assignments related to data structure and algorithms in computer science.
nextPARS, a novel Illumina-based implementation of in-vitro parallel probing of RNA structures.
nextPARS, a novel Illumina-based implementation of in-vitro parallel probing of RNA structures. Here you will find the scripts necessary to produce th
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
IOT: Instance-wise Layer Reordering for Transformer Structures
Introduction This repository contains the code for Instance-wise Ordered Transformer (IOT), which is introduced in the ICLR2021 paper IOT: Instance-wi
PyElastica is the Python implementation of Elastica, an open-source software for the simulation of assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structures using Cosserat Rod theory.
PyElastica PyElastica is the python implementation of Elastica: an open-source project for simulating assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structure
Supporting information (calculation outputs, structures)
Supporting information (calculation outputs, structures)
This repository structures data in title, summary, tags, sentiment given a fragment of a conversation
Understand-conversation-AI This repository structures data in title, summary, tags, sentiment given a fragment of a conversation How to install: pip i
The bidirectional mapping library for Python.
bidict The bidirectional mapping library for Python. Status bidict: has been used for many years by several teams at Google, Venmo, CERN, Bank of Amer
Python-based Informatics Kit for Analysing Chemical Units
INSTALLATION Python-based Informatics Kit for the Analysis of Chemical Units Step 1: Make a conda environment: conda create -n pikachu python=3.9 cond
A collection of data structures and algorithms I'm writing while learning
Data Structures and Algorithms: This is a collection of data structures and algorithms that I write while learning the subject Stack: stack.py A stack
A middle-to-high level algorithm book designed with coding interview at heart!
Hands-on Algorithmic Problem Solving A one-stop coding interview prep book! About this book In short, this is a middle-to-high level algorithm book de
Algorithms written in different programming languages
Data Structures and Algorithms Clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms written in different languages. List of implementations
Coursera - Quiz & Assignment of Coursera
Coursera Assignments This repository is aimed to help Coursera learners who have difficulties in their learning process. The quiz and programming home
Wikidot-forum-dump - Simple Python script that dumps a Wikidot wiki forum into JSON structures.
wikidot-forum-dump Script is partially based on 2stacks by bluesoul: https://github.com/scuttle/2stacks To dump a Wiki's forum, edit config.py and put
Chemical Structure Generator
CSG: Chemical Structure Generator A simple Chemical Structure Generator. Requirements Python 3 (= v3.8) PyQt5 (optional; = v5.15.0 required for grap
Chemical Analysis Calculator, with full solution display.
Chemicology Chemical Analysis Calculator, to solve problems efficiently by displaying whole solution. Go to releases for downloading .exe, .dmg, Linux
Tidy data structures, summaries, and visualisations for missing data
naniar naniar provides principled, tidy ways to summarise, visualise, and manipulate missing data with minimal deviations from the workflows in ggplot
This repository contains the source codes for the paper AtlasNet V2 - Learning Elementary Structures.
AtlasNet V2 - Learning Elementary Structures This work was build upon Thibault Groueix's AtlasNet and 3D-CODED projects. (you might want to have a loo
Interactive chemical viewer for 2D structures of small molecules
👀 mols2grid mols2grid is an interactive chemical viewer for 2D structures of small molecules, based on RDKit. ➡️ Try the demo notebook on Google Cola
Webtesting for course Data Structures & Algorithms
Selenium job to automate queries to check last posts of Module Data Structures & Algorithms Web-testing for course Data Structures & Algorithms Struct
Persistent/Immutable/Functional data structures for Python
Pyrsistent Pyrsistent is a number of persistent collections (by some referred to as functional data structures). Persistent in the sense that they are
Python supercharged for the fastai library
Welcome to fastcore Python goodies to make your coding faster, easier, and more maintainable Python is a powerful, dynamic language. Rather than bake
Python library for doing things with Grid-like structures
gridthings Python library for doing things with Grid-like structures Development This project uses poetry for dependency management, pre-commit for li
Python Data Structures and Algorithms
No non-sense and no BS repo for how data structure code should be in Python - simple and elegant.
Systemic Evolutionary Chemical Space Exploration for Drug Discovery
SECSE SECSE: Systemic Evolutionary Chemical Space Explorer Chemical space exploration is a major task of the hit-finding process during the pursuit of
This is collection of Managementsystem programs: Hospital Management, Student Managemen, etc
Contribute in this repository and help other students with their assignment by adding python scripts for various management system programs.
Source code for our paper "Molecular Mechanics-Driven Graph Neural Network with Multiplex Graph for Molecular Structures"
Molecular Mechanics-Driven Graph Neural Network with Multiplex Graph for Molecular Structures Code for the Multiplex Molecular Graph Neural Network (M
GDSC UIET KUK 📍 , welcomes you all to this amazing event where you will be introduced to the world of coding 💻 .
GDSC UIET KUK 📍 , welcomes you all to this amazing event where you will be introduced to the world of coding 💻 .
Code and Data for the paper: Molecular Contrastive Learning with Chemical Element Knowledge Graph [AAAI 2022]
Knowledge-enhanced Contrastive Learning (KCL) Molecular Contrastive Learning with Chemical Element Knowledge Graph [ AAAI 2022 ]. We construct a Chemi
My notes on Data structure and Algos in golang implementation and python
My notes on DS and Algo Table of Contents Arrays LinkedList Trees Types of trees: Tree/Graph Traversal Algorithms Heap Priorty Queue Trie Graphs Graph
Minimal pure Python library for working with little-endian list representation of bit strings.
bitlist Minimal Python library for working with bit vectors natively. Purpose This library allows programmers to work with a native representation of
Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix tech interview questions
Algorithm and Data Structures Interview Questions HackerRank | Practice, Tutorials & Interview Preparation Solutions This repository consists of solut
Codebase for testing whether hidden states of neural networks encode discrete structures.
structural-probes Codebase for testing whether hidden states of neural networks encode discrete structures. Based on the paper A Structural Probe for
🥇Samsung AI Challenge 2021 1등 솔루션입니다🥇
MoT - Molecular Transformer Large-scale Pretraining for Molecular Property Prediction Samsung AI Challenge for Scientific Discovery This repository is
Using deep learning to predict gene structures of the coding genes in DNA sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana
DeepGeneAnnotator: A tool to annotate the gene in the genome The master thesis of the "Using deep learning to predict gene structures of the coding ge
Making Structure-from-Motion (COLMAP) more robust to symmetries and duplicated structures
SfM disambiguation with COLMAP About Structure-from-Motion generally fails when the scene exhibits symmetries and duplicated structures. In this repos
AugLiChem - The augmentation library for chemical systems.
AugLiChem Welcome to AugLiChem! The augmentation library for chemical systems. This package supports augmentation for both crystaline and molecular sy
Simple addon to create folder structures in blender.
BlenderCreateFolderStructure Simple Add-on to create a folder structure in Blender. Installation Download BlenderCreateFolderStructure.py Open Blender
Code for "Semantic Role Labeling as Dependency Parsing: Exploring Latent Tree Structures Inside Arguments".
Code for "Semantic Role Labeling as Dependency Parsing: Exploring Latent Tree Structures Inside Arguments".
Advanced Pandas Vault — Utilities, Functions and Snippets (by @firmai).
PandasVault — Advanced Pandas Functions and Code Snippets The only Pandas utility package you would ever need. It has no exotic external dependencies
PandaPy has the speed of NumPy and the usability of Pandas 10x to 50x faster (by @firmai)
PandaPy "I came across PandaPy last week and have already used it in my current project. It is a fascinating Python library with a lot of potential to
This Repository consists of my solutions in Python 3 to various problems in Data Structures and Algorithms
Problems and it's solutions. Problem solving, a great Speed comes with a good Accuracy. The more Accurate you can write code, the more Speed you will
Computations and statistics on manifolds with geometric structures.
Geomstats Code Continuous Integration Code coverage (numpy) Code coverage (autograd, tensorflow, pytorch) Documentation Community NEWS: Geomstats is r
Supplementary code for the experiments described in the 2021 ISMIR submission: Leveraging Hierarchical Structures for Few Shot Musical Instrument Recognition.
Music Trees Supplementary code for the experiments described in the 2021 ISMIR submission: Leveraging Hierarchical Structures for Few Shot Musical Ins
AptaMat is a simple script which aims to measure differences between DNA or RNA secondary structures.
AptaMAT Purpose AptaMat is a simple script which aims to measure differences between DNA or RNA secondary structures. The method is based on the compa
Code for generating alloy / disordered structures through the special quasirandom structure (SQS) algorithm
Code for generating alloy / disordered structures through the special quasirandom structure (SQS) algorithm
Efficient electromagnetic solver based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis for 3D and 2D multi-layered structures with in-plane periodicity
Efficient electromagnetic solver based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis for 3D and 2D multi-layered structures with in-plane periodicity, such as gratings, photonic-crystal slabs, metasurfaces, surface-emitting lasers, nano-antennas, and more.
Svector (pronounced Swag-tor) provides extension methods to pyrsistent data structures
Svector Svector (pronounced Swag-tor) provides extension methods to pyrsistent data structures. Easily chain your methods confidently with tons of add
This project aims to be a handler for input creation and running of multiple RICEWQ simulations.
What is autoRICEWQ? This project aims to be a handler for input creation and running of multiple RICEWQ simulations. What is RICEWQ? From the descript
Data science, Data manipulation and Machine learning package.
duality Data science, Data manipulation and Machine learning package. Use permitted according to the terms of use and conditions set by the attached l
Framework for estimating the structures and parameters of Bayesian networks (DAGs) at per-sample resolution
Sample-specific Bayesian Networks A framework for estimating the structures and parameters of Bayesian networks (DAGs) at per-sample or per-patient re
PyTorch implementation for "Mining Latent Structures with Contrastive Modality Fusion for Multimedia Recommendation"
MIRCO PyTorch implementation for paper: Latent Structures Mining with Contrastive Modality Fusion for Multimedia Recommendation Dependencies Python 3.
This repo is all about different data structures and algorithms..
Data Structure and Algorithm : Want to learn data strutrues and algorithms ??? Then Stop thinking more and start to learn today. This repo will help y
One-Stop Destination for codes of all Data Structures & Algorithms
CodingSimplified_GK This repository is aimed at creating a One stop Destination of codes of all Data structures and Algorithms along with basic explai
Data Structures and algorithms package implementation
Documentation Simple and Easy Package --This is package for enabling basic linear and non-linear data structures and algos-- Data Structures Array Sta
This is a deep learning-based method to segment deep brain structures and a brain mask from T1 weighted MRI.
DBSegment This tool generates 30 deep brain structures segmentation, as well as a brain mask from T1-Weighted MRI. The whole procedure should take ~1
A powerful data analysis package based on mathematical step functions. Strongly aligned with pandas.
The leading use-case for the staircase package is for the creation and analysis of step functions. Pretty exciting huh. But don't hit the close button
A framework for building (and incrementally growing) graph-based data structures used in hierarchical or DAG-structured clustering and nearest neighbor search
A framework for building (and incrementally growing) graph-based data structures used in hierarchical or DAG-structured clustering and nearest neighbor search
Programmatically access the physical and chemical properties of elements in modern periodic table.
API to fetch elements of the periodic table in JSON format. Uses Pandas for dumping .csv data to .json and Flask for API Integration. Deployed on "pyt
Repositori untuk belajar pemrograman Python dalam bahasa Indonesia
Python Repositori ini berisi kumpulan dari berbagai macam contoh struktur data, algoritma dan komputasi matematika yang diimplementasikan dengan mengg
Code for the paper "Ordered Neurons: Integrating Tree Structures into Recurrent Neural Networks"
ON-LSTM This repository contains the code used for word-level language model and unsupervised parsing experiments in Ordered Neurons: Integrating Tree
This repository is for adding codes of data structures and algorithms, leetCode, hackerrank etc solutions in different languages
DSA-Code-Snippet This repository is for adding codes of data structures and algorithms, leetCode, hackerrank etc solutions in different languages Cont
This repository is a compilation of important Data Structures and Algorithms based on Python.
Python DSA 🐍 This repository is a compilation of important Data Structures and Algorithms based on Python. Please make seperate folders for different
Distiller is an open-source Python package for neural network compression research.
Wiki and tutorials | Documentation | Getting Started | Algorithms | Design | FAQ Distiller is an open-source Python package for neural network compres
Python solutions to Codeforces problems
CodeForces This repository is dedicated to my Python solutions for CodeForces problems. Feel free to copy, contribute and/or comment. If you find any
This is an official implementation for the WTW Dataset in "Parsing Table Structures in the Wild " on table detection and table structure recognition.
WTW-Dataset This is an official implementation for the WTW Dataset in "Parsing Table Structures in the Wild " on ICCV 2021. Here, you can download the
Chemical equation balancer
Chemical equation balancer Balance your chemical equations with ease! Installation $ git clone git@github.com:InCogNiTo124/chemeq.git && cd chemeq; $
A weakly-supervised scene graph generation codebase. The implementation of our CVPR2021 paper ``Linguistic Structures as Weak Supervision for Visual Scene Graph Generation''
README.md shall be finished soon. WSSGG 0 Overview 1 Installation 1.1 Faster-RCNN 1.2 Language Parser 1.3 GloVe Embeddings 2 Settings 2.1 VG-GT-Graph
Google Project: Search and auto-complete sentences within given input text files, manipulating data with complex data-structures.
Auto-Complete Google Project In this project there is an implementation for one feature of Google's search engines - AutoComplete. Autocomplete, or wo
pydsinternals - A Python native library containing necessary classes, functions and structures to interact with Windows Active Directory.
pydsinternals - Directory Services Internals Library A Python native library containing necessary classes, functions and structures to interact with W
A central task in drug discovery is searching, screening, and organizing large chemical databases
A central task in drug discovery is searching, screening, and organizing large chemical databases. Here, we implement clustering on molecular similarity. We support multiple methods to provide a interactive exploration of chemical space.
Meerkat provides fast and flexible data structures for working with complex machine learning datasets.
Meerkat makes it easier for ML practitioners to interact with high-dimensional, multi-modal data. It provides simple abstractions for data inspection, model evaluation and model training supported by efficient and robust IO under the hood.
Pipeline for chemical image-to-text competition
BMS-Molecular-Translation Introduction This is a pipeline for Bristol-Myers Squibb – Molecular Translation by Vadim Timakin and Maksim Zhdanov. We got
A Curated Collection of Awesome Python Scripts
A Curated Collection of Awesome Python Scripts that will make you go wow. This repository will help you in getting those green squares. Hop in and enjoy the journey of open source. 🚀
pyprobables is a pure-python library for probabilistic data structures
pyprobables is a pure-python library for probabilistic data structures. The goal is to provide the developer with a pure-python implementation of common probabilistic data-structures to use in their work.
A command line tool for memorizing algorithms in Python by typing them.
Algo Drills A command line tool for memorizing algorithms in Python by typing them. In alpha and things will change. How it works Type out an algorith
monolish: MONOlithic Liner equation Solvers for Highly-parallel architecture
monolish is a linear equation solver library that monolithically fuses variable data type, matrix structures, matrix data format, vendor specific data transfer APIs, and vendor specific numerical algebra libraries.
🔩 Like builtins, but boltons. 250+ constructs, recipes, and snippets which extend (and rely on nothing but) the Python standard library. Nothing like Michael Bolton.
Boltons boltons should be builtins. Boltons is a set of over 230 BSD-licensed, pure-Python utilities in the same spirit as — and yet conspicuously mis
Optimising chemical reactions using machine learning
Summit Summit is a set of tools for optimising chemical processes. We’ve started by targeting reactions. What is Summit? Currently, reaction optimisat
All the essential resources and template code needed to understand and practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects to demonstrate their practical application.
Data Structures and Algorithms Python INDEX 1. Resources - Books Data Structures - Reema Thareja competitiveCoding Big-O Cheat Sheet DAA Syllabus Inte
A Python package for manipulating 2-dimensional tabular data structures
datatable This is a Python package for manipulating 2-dimensional tabular data structures (aka data frames). It is close in spirit to pandas or SFrame
How on earth can I ever think of a solution like that in an interview?!
fuck-coding-interviews This repository is created by an awkward programmer who always struggles with coding problems on LeetCode, even with some Easy
Algorithms and data structures for educational, demonstrational and experimental purposes.
Algorithms and Data Structures (ands) Introduction This project was created for personal use mostly while studying for an exam (starting in the month
:computer: Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Algorithms in Python Implementations of a few algorithms and datastructures for fun and profit! Completed Karatsuba Multiplication Basic Sorting Rabin
💻 Algo-Phantoms-Backend is an Application that provides pathways and quizzes along with a code editor to help you towards your DSA journey.📰🔥 This repository contains the REST APIs of the application.✨
Algo-Phantom-Backend 💻 Algo-Phantoms-Backend is an Application that provides pathways and quizzes along with a code editor to help you towards your D
🔩 Like builtins, but boltons. 250+ constructs, recipes, and snippets which extend (and rely on nothing but) the Python standard library. Nothing like Michael Bolton.
Boltons boltons should be builtins. Boltons is a set of over 230 BSD-licensed, pure-Python utilities in the same spirit as — and yet conspicuously mis
Python Data Structures for Humans™.
Schematics Python Data Structures for Humans™. About Project documentation: https://schematics.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Schematics is a Python librar
🏆 A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries and tools. Updated weekly.
Best-of Python 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries & tools. Updated weekly. This curated list contains 230 awesome open-source pr