10814 Repositories
Python generate-2D-quadrilateral-mesh-with-neural-networks-and-tree-search Libraries
Latest Open Source Code for Playing Music in Telegram Video Chat. Made with Pyrogram and Pytgcalls 💖
MusicPlayer_TG Latest Open Source Code for Playing Music in Telegram Video Chat. Made with Pyrogram and Pytgcalls 💖 Requirements 📝 FFmpeg NodeJS nod
Multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm and environment
Multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm and environment [en/cn] Pytorch implements multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms including IQL, Q
CO-PILOT: COllaborative Planning and reInforcement Learning On sub-Task curriculum
CO-PILOT CO-PILOT: COllaborative Planning and reInforcement Learning On sub-Task curriculum, NeurIPS 2021, Shuang Ao, Tianyi Zhou, Guodong Long, Qingh
Source code and dataset of the paper "Contrastive Adaptive Propagation Graph Neural Networks forEfficient Graph Learning"
CAPGNN Source code and dataset of the paper "Contrastive Adaptive Propagation Graph Neural Networks forEfficient Graph Learning" Paper URL: https://ar
Tiny-NewsRec: Efficient and Effective PLM-based News Recommendation
Tiny-NewsRec The source codes for our paper "Tiny-NewsRec: Efficient and Effective PLM-based News Recommendation". Requirements PyTorch == 1.6.0 Tensor
Fast Neural Representations for Direct Volume Rendering
Fast Neural Representations for Direct Volume Rendering Sebastian Weiss, Philipp Hermüller, Rüdiger Westermann This repository contains the code and s
Experiments with the Robust Binary Interval Search (RBIS) algorithm, a Query-Based prediction algorithm for the Online Search problem.
OnlineSearchRBIS Online Search with Best-Price and Query-Based Predictions This is the implementation of the Robust Binary Interval Search (RBIS) algo
HTSeq is a Python library to facilitate processing and analysis of data from high-throughput sequencing (HTS) experiments.
HTSeq DEVS: https://github.com/htseq/htseq DOCS: https://htseq.readthedocs.io A Python library to facilitate programmatic analysis of data from high-t
A highly modular PyTorch framework with a focus on Neural Architecture Search (NAS).
UniNAS A highly modular PyTorch framework with a focus on Neural Architecture Search (NAS). under development (which happens mostly on our internal Gi
TC-GNN with Pytorch integration
TC-GNN (Running Sparse GNN on Dense Tensor Core on Ampere GPU) Cite this project and paper. @inproceedings{TC-GNN, title={TC-GNN: Accelerating Spars
Sacred is a tool to help you configure, organize, log and reproduce experiments developed at IDSIA.
Sacred Every experiment is sacred Every experiment is great If an experiment is wasted God gets quite irate Sacred is a tool to help you configure, or
Machine learning model evaluation made easy: plots, tables, HTML reports, experiment tracking and Jupyter notebook analysis.
sklearn-evaluation Machine learning model evaluation made easy: plots, tables, HTML reports, experiment tracking, and Jupyter notebook analysis. Suppo
A comprehensive set of fairness metrics for datasets and machine learning models, explanations for these metrics, and algorithms to mitigate bias in datasets and models.
AI Fairness 360 (AIF360) The AI Fairness 360 toolkit is an extensible open-source library containg techniques developed by the research community to h
Python library for multilinear algebra and tensor factorizations
scikit-tensor is a Python module for multilinear algebra and tensor factorizations
PennyLane is a cross-platform Python library for differentiable programming of quantum computers
PennyLane is a cross-platform Python library for differentiable programming of quantum computers. Train a quantum computer the same way as a neural ne
Efficient Two-Step Networks for Temporal Action Segmentation (Neurocomputing 2021)
Efficient Two-Step Networks for Temporal Action Segmentation This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of the paper Efficient Two-Step Network
Code for paper Decoupled Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting
Decoupled Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks Code for our paper: Decoupled Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting.
Royal Music You can play music and video at a time in vc
Royals-Music Royal Music You can play music and video at a time in vc Commands SOON String STRING_SESSION Deployment 🎖 Credits • 🇸ᴏᴍʏᴀ⃝🇯ᴇᴇᴛ • 🇴ғғɪ
A module filled with many useful functions and modules in various subjects.
Usefulpy Check out the Usefulpy site Usefulpy site is not always up to date Download and Import download and install with with pip download usefulpyth
Alacritty terminal used with Bash, Tmux, Vim, Mutt, Lynx, etc. and the many different additions added to each configuration file
Alacritty terminal used with Bash, Tmux, Vim, Mutt, Lynx, etc. and the many different additions added to each configuration file
This simple python script pcopy reads a list of file names and copies them to a separate folder
pCopy This simple python script pcopy reads a list of file names and copies them to a separate folder. Pre-requisites Python 3 (ver. 3.6) How to use
This simple script generates a backup of a given Python and R environment
Python Environment Backup It’s always good to maintain your Python and R Anaconda environment packages properly listed and well-kept in case you have
A package, and script, to perform imaging transcriptomics on a neuroimaging scan.
Imaging Transcriptomics Imaging transcriptomics is a methodology that allows to identify patterns of correlation between gene expression and some prop
This file will contain a series of Python functions that use the Selenium library to search for elements in a web page while logging everything into a file
element_search with Selenium (Now With docstrings 😎 ) Just to mention, I'm a beginner to all this, so it it's very possible to make some mistakes The
Script to generate a massive volume of data in sql, csv, json or xml format
DataGenerator Made with Python Open for pull requests 1. Dependencies To install required dependencies run pip install -r requirements.txt 2. Executi
Aggressor script that gets the latest commands from CobaltStrikes web site and creates an aggressor script based on tool options.
opsec-aggressor Aggressor script that gets the latest commands from CobaltStrikes opsec page and creates an aggressor script based on tool options. Gr
Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.
• License • Issues • Project • Wikipedia • Я не несу ответственности за ваши действия. Скачивая программное обеспечение из этого репозитория, вы согла
Lib for create and show QRCode to PIX, you can show this code in another applications for payment by final consumer.
Biblioteca para a geração de codigos QR (BRCode como chamados na documentação do BACEN) a fins de facilitar a exibição para pagamentos ao consumidor.
Modular Python-based Twitch bot optimized for customizability and ease of use.
rasbot Modular Python-based Twitch bot optimized for customizability and ease of use. rasbot is a Python-based Twitch bot that runs on your Twitch acc
This project is created to visualize the system statistics such as memory usage, CPU usage, memory accessible by process and much more using Kibana Dashboard with Elasticsearch.
System Stats Visualizer This project is created to visualize the system statistics such as memory usage, CPU usage, memory accessible by process and m
An python based Timer and Digital Clock
Python-based-Timer- An python based Timer and Digital Clock How to contribute to this repo ❓ Step 1: Fork the this repository Step 2: Clone your fork
Out-of-the-box support register, sign in, email verification and password recovery workflows for websites based on Django and MongoDB
Using djmongoauth What is it? djmongoauth provides out-of-the-box support for basic user management and additional operations including user registrat
A simple discord tool that translates english to either spanish, german or french and sends it. Free to rework but please give me credit.
discord-translator A simple discord tool that translates english to either spanish, german or french and sends it. Free to rework but please give me c
Enables you to execute scripts and perform API requests in MikroTik router
HomeAssistant component: MikroTik API The mikrotik_api platform enables you to execute scripts and perform API requests in MikroTik router To enable M
A note taker for NVDA. Allows the user to create, edit, view, manage and export notes to different formats.
Quick Notetaker add-on for NVDA The Quick Notetaker add-on is a wonderful tool which allows writing notes quickly and easily anytime and from any app
This is my fetch, with ascii arts from neofetch and internet
deadfetch This is my fetch, with ascii arts from neofetch and internet Installation First what you need its python Fedora sudo dnf install python3 sud
A python script to poll RPi GPIO pins and subscribe and publish their state via MQTT
MQTT-GPIO A python script to poll RPi GPIO pins and subscribe and publish their state via MQTT using TLS. This script is short and meant to be edited
Official Pytorch implementation for 2021 ICCV paper "Learning Motion Priors for 4D Human Body Capture in 3D Scenes" and trained models / data
Learning Motion Priors for 4D Human Body Capture in 3D Scenes (LEMO) Official Pytorch implementation for 2021 ICCV (oral) paper "Learning Motion Prior
A Fast, Easy, and User Friendly way to control Robotics Actuators.
T-Motor Controller A Fast, Easy, and User Friendly way to control Robotics Actuators. View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About
Malware for Discord, designed to steal passwords, tokens, and inject discord folders for long-term use.
Vital What is Vital? Vital is malware primarily used to collect and extract information from the Discord desktop client. While it has other features (
A small library for creating and manipulating custom JAX Pytree classes
Treeo A small library for creating and manipulating custom JAX Pytree classes Light-weight: has no dependencies other than jax. Compatible: Treeo Tree
An audnexus client, providing rich author and audiobook data to Plex via it's legacy plugin agent system.
Audnexus.bundle An audnex.us client, providing rich author and audiobook data to Plex via it's legacy plugin agent system. 📝 Table of Contents About
A Chinese to English Neural Model Translation Project
ZH-EN NMT Chinese to English Neural Machine Translation This project is inspired by Stanford's CS224N NMT Project Dataset used in this project: News C
CLI client for RFC 4226's HOTP and RFC 6238's TOTP.
One Time Password (OTP, TOTP/HOTP) OTP serves as additional protection in case of password leaks. onetimepass allows you to manage OTP codes and gener
Repository, with small useful and functional applications
Repositorio,com pequenos aplicativos uteis e funcionais A ideia e ir deselvolvendo pequenos aplicativos funcionais e adicionar a este repositorio List
An assignment from my grad-level data mining course demonstrating some experience with NLP/neural networks/Pytorch
NLP-Pytorch-Assignment An assignment from my grad-level data mining course (before I started personal projects) demonstrating some experience with NLP
🔪 Elimination based Lightweight Neural Net with Pretrained Weights
ELimNet ELimNet: Eliminating Layers in a Neural Network Pretrained with Large Dataset for Downstream Task Removed top layers from pretrained Efficient
A simple and efficient computing package for Genshin Impact gacha analysis
GGanalysisLite计算包 这个版本的计算包追求计算速度,而GGanalysis包有着更多计算功能。 GGanalysisLite包通过卷积计算分布列,通过FFT和快速幂加速卷积计算。 测试玩家得到的排名值rank的数学意义是:与抽了同样数量五星的其他玩家相比,测试玩家花费的抽数大于等于比例
Generate payloads that force authentication against an attacker machine
Hashgrab Generates scf, url & lnk payloads to put onto a smb share. These force authentication to an attacker machine in order to grab hashes (for exa
Template repo to quickly make a tested and documented GitHub action in Python with Poetry
Python + Poetry GitHub Action Template Getting started from the template Rename the src/action_python_poetry package. Globally replace instances of ac
Dungeons and Dragons randomized content generator
Component based Dungeons and Dragons generator Supports Entity/Monster Generation NPC Generation Weapon Generation Encounter Generation Environment Ge
Sprint planner considering JIRA issues and google calendar meetings schedule.
Sprint planner Sprint planner is a Python script for planning your Jira tasks based on your calendar availability. Installation Use the package manage
Simple, convenient and cross-platform file date changing library. 📝📅
Simple, convenient and cross-platform file date changing library.
With Py-Autocrack you can crack WPA2 networks in no time.
With Py-Autocrack you can crack WPA2 networks in no time. All based on Aircrack-ng and Crunch.
Moderation and Utility Discord bot.
Qrista An advanced Moderation and Utility Discord bot. Features Uses Hikari and Lightbulb as a command handler Advance Logging & Whole new enviroment
A Python library to wrap age and minisign to provide key management, encryption/decryption and signing/verification functionality.
A Python library to wrap age and minisign to provide key management, encryption/decryption and signing/verification functionality.
Utility.py - a utility that offerres cool cli tools and games.
Utilty.py Utility.py is a utility that offerres cool cli tools and games. Currently the offerd games/items are: get the number, countdown, random name
This program scrapes information and images for movies and TV shows.
Media-WebScraper This program scrapes information and images for movies and TV shows. Summary For more information on the program, read the WebScrape_
This program can help you to move and rename many files at once
This program can help you to rename and save many files in a folder in seconds, but don't give the same name to files, it can delete both files.
DiffWave is a fast, high-quality neural vocoder and waveform synthesizer.
DiffWave DiffWave is a fast, high-quality neural vocoder and waveform synthesizer. It starts with Gaussian noise and converts it into speech via itera
Noise Conditional Score Networks (NeurIPS 2019, Oral)
Generative Modeling by Estimating Gradients of the Data Distribution This repo contains the official implementation for the NeurIPS 2019 paper Generat
Code for paper "Adversarial score matching and improved sampling for image generation"
Adversarial score matching and improved sampling for image generation This repo contains the official implementation for the ICLR 2021 paper Adversari
A collection of resources and papers on Diffusion Models, a darkhorse in the field of Generative Models
This repository contains a collection of resources and papers on Diffusion Models and Score-based Models. If there are any missing valuable resources
Air Pollution Prediction System using Linear Regression and ANN
AirPollution Pollution Weather Prediction System: Smart Outdoor Pollution Monitoring and Prediction for Healthy Breathing and Living Publication Link:
A Loss Function for Generative Neural Networks Based on Watson’s Perceptual Model
This repository contains the similarity metrics designed and evaluated in the paper, and instructions and code to re-run the experiments. Implementation in the deep-learning framework PyTorch
MoViNets PyTorch implementation: Mobile Video Networks for Efficient Video Recognition;
MoViNet-pytorch Pytorch unofficial implementation of MoViNets: Mobile Video Networks for Efficient Video Recognition. Authors: Dan Kondratyuk, Liangzh
Neural HMMs are all you need (for high-quality attention-free TTS)
Neural HMMs are all you need (for high-quality attention-free TTS) Shivam Mehta, Éva Székely, Jonas Beskow, and Gustav Eje Henter This is the official
Source code for our paper "Molecular Mechanics-Driven Graph Neural Network with Multiplex Graph for Molecular Structures"
Molecular Mechanics-Driven Graph Neural Network with Multiplex Graph for Molecular Structures Code for the Multiplex Molecular Graph Neural Network (M
Rainbow DQN implementation accompanying the paper "Fast and Data-Efficient Training of Rainbow" which reaches 205.7 median HNS after 10M frames. 🌈
Rainbow 🌈 An implementation of Rainbow DQN which reaches a median HNS of 205.7 after only 10M frames (the original Rainbow from Hessel et al. 2017 re
The repo contains the code to train and evaluate a system which extracts relations and explanations from dialogue.
The repo contains the code to train and evaluate a system which extracts relations and explanations from dialogue. How do I cite D-REX? For now, cite
PyTorch implementation of Decoupling Value and Policy for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning
PyTorch implementation of Decoupling Value and Policy for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning
public repo for ESTER dataset and modeling (EMNLP'21)
Project / Paper Introduction This is the project repo for our EMNLP'21 paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.08350 Here, we provide brief descriptions of
Code to reproduce the results in "Visually Grounded Reasoning across Languages and Cultures", EMNLP 2021.
marvl-code [WIP] This is the implementation of the approaches described in the paper: Fangyu Liu*, Emanuele Bugliarello*, Edoardo M. Ponti, Siva Reddy
NeuTex: Neural Texture Mapping for Volumetric Neural Rendering
NeuTex: Neural Texture Mapping for Volumetric Neural Rendering Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.00762 Running Run on the provided DTU scene cd run ba
[NeurIPS-2021] Slow Learning and Fast Inference: Efficient Graph Similarity Computation via Knowledge Distillation
Efficient Graph Similarity Computation - (EGSC) This repo contains the source code and dataset for our paper: Slow Learning and Fast Inference: Effici
Planning from Pixels in Environments with Combinatorially Hard Search Spaces -- NeurIPS 2021
PPGS: Planning from Pixels in Environments with Combinatorially Hard Search Spaces Environment Setup We recommend pipenv for creating and managing vir
Reviatalizing Optimization for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation: A Sparse Constrained Formulation
Reviatalizing Optimization for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation: A Sparse Constrained Formulation This is the implementation of the approach describ
3D mesh stylization driven by a text input in PyTorch
Text2Mesh [Project Page] Text2Mesh is a method for text-driven stylization of a 3D mesh, as described in "Text2Mesh: Text-Driven Neural Stylization fo
This repository provides code for "On Interaction Between Augmentations and Corruptions in Natural Corruption Robustness".
On Interaction Between Augmentations and Corruptions in Natural Corruption Robustness This repository provides the code for the paper On Interaction B
The project page of paper: Architecture disentanglement for deep neural networks [ICCV 2021, oral]
This is the project page for the paper: Architecture Disentanglement for Deep Neural Networks, Jie Hu, Liujuan Cao, Tong Tong, Ye Qixiang, ShengChuan
HALO: A Skeleton-Driven Neural Occupancy Representation for Articulated Hands
HALO: A Skeleton-Driven Neural Occupancy Representation for Articulated Hands Oral Presentation, 3DV 2021 Korrawe Karunratanakul, Adrian Spurr, Zicong
ROMP: Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People, ICCV21
Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People ROMP, accepted by ICCV 2021, is a concise one-stage network for multi-person 3D mesh recovery f
A Python script which randomly chooses and prints a file from a directory.
___ ____ ____ _ __ ___ / _ \ | _ \ | _ \ ___ _ __ | '__| / _ \ | |_| || | | || | | | / _ \| '__| | | | __/ | _ || |_| || |_| || __
Randomisation-based inference in Python based on data resampling and permutation.
Randomisation-based inference in Python based on data resampling and permutation.
A simple python script using Numpy and Matplotlib library to plot a Mohr's Circle when given a two-dimensional state of stress.
Mohr's Circle Calculator This is a really small personal project done for Department of Civil Engineering, Delhi Technological University (formerly, D
Define requirements inside your python code and scriptenv makes them ready to import.
scriptenv Define requirements inside your python code and scriptenv makes them ready to import. Getting Started Install scriptenv $ pip install script
A Python Script to automate searching of available vaccination centers in the city and hence booking
Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier takes your City or PIN code as an input and automatically notifies you via ema
A cookiecutter to start a Python package with flawless practices and a magical workflow 🧙🏼♂️
PyPackage Cookiecutter This repository is a cookiecutter to quickly start a Python package. It contains a ton of very useful features 🐳 : Package man
voice assistant made with python that search for covid19 data(like total cases, deaths and etc) in a specific country
covid19-voice-assistant voice assistant made with python that search for covid19 data(like total cases, deaths and etc) in a specific country installi
This Telegram bot is created to help monitor individual mood. Lean and mean
Mood bot This bot is created to help monitor your mood. Lean and mean. Deployment Install Docker and Docker Compose Populate .env file cp .env.dist .e
MyReplitDB - the most simplistic and easiest wrapper to use for replit's database system.
MyReplitDB is the most simplistic and easiest wrapper to use for replit's database system. Installing You can install it from the PyPI Or y
Python package used on Hardfight projects to make building, testing and deploying easy.
Hardfight Devtools Build, test and deploy Hardfight projects easly 💡 What is it Devtools is a Python tool to make building, testing and deploying int
Cryptick is a stock ticker for cryptocurrency tokens, and a physical NFT.
Cryptick is a stock ticker for cryptocurrency tokens, and a physical NFT. This repository includes tools and documentation for the Cryptick device.
Analysiscsv.py for extracting analysis and exporting as CSV
wcc_analysis Lichess page documentation: https://lichess.org/page/world-championships Each WCC has a study, studies are fetched using: https://lichess
A Python package for searching journal publications and researchers
scholarpy A python package for searching journal publications and researchers Free software: MIT license Documentation: https://giswqs.github.io/schol
Presentation and code files for the talk at PyCon Indonesia
pycon-indonesia Presentation and code files for the talk at PyCon Indonesia. Files used for the PyCon Indonesia presentation. [Directory Includes:] Be
IDA Pro Python plugin to analyze and annotate Linux kernel alternatives
About This is an IDA Pro (Interactive Disassembler) plugin allowing to automatically analyze and annotate Linux kernel alternatives (content of .altin
Web and PDF Scraper Refactoring
Web and PDF Scraper Refactoring This repository contains the example code of the Web and PDF scraper code roast. Here are the links to the videos: Par
Quick program made to generate alpha and delta tables for Hidden Markov Models
HMM_Calc Functions for generating Alpha and Delta tables from a Hidden Markov Model. Parameters: a: Matrix of transition probabilities. a[i][j] = a_{i
Boot.img patcher for Tolino ebook readers to enable ADB and root.
I'm not responsible for any damage to your devices by running this tool. Please note that you may loose warranty when using this, although (This is no