2169 Repositories
Python invariant-language-models Libraries
Knowledge Oriented Programming Language
KoPL: 面向知识的推理问答编程语言 安装 | 快速开始 | 文档 KoPL全称 Knowledge oriented Programing Language, 是一个为复杂推理问答而设计的编程语言。我们可以将自然语言问题表示为由基本函数组合而成的KoPL程序,程序运行的结果就是问题的答案。目前,
A new mini-batch framework for optimal transport in deep generative models, deep domain adaptation, approximate Bayesian computation, color transfer, and gradient flow.
BoMb-OT Python3 implementation of the papers On Transportation of Mini-batches: A Hierarchical Approach and Improving Mini-batch Optimal Transport via
cairo_kernel is a simple Jupyter kernel for Cairo a smart contract programing language for STARKs.
cairo_kernel cairo_kernel is a simple Jupyter kernel for Cairo a smart contract programing language for STARKs. Installation Install virtualenv virtua
Recognition of 38 speech commands in russian. Based on Yandex Cup 2021 ML Challenge: ASR
Speech_38_ru_commands Recognition of 38 speech commands in russian. Based on Yandex Cup 2021 ML Challenge: ASR Программа умеет распознавать 38 ключевы
Reverse engineer your pytorch vision models, in style
🔍 Rover Reverse engineer your CNNs, in style Rover will help you break down your CNN and visualize the features from within the model. No need to wri
A bunch of random PyTorch models using PyTorch's C++ frontend
PyTorch Deep Learning Models using the C++ frontend Gettting started Clone the repo 1. https://github.com/mrdvince/pytorchcpp 2. cd fashionmnist or
Blue Brain text mining toolbox for semantic search and structured information extraction
Blue Brain Search Source Code DOI Data & Models DOI Documentation Latest Release Python Versions License Build Status Static Typing Code Style Securit
A Word Level Transformer layer based on PyTorch and 🤗 Transformers.
Transformer Embedder A Word Level Transformer layer based on PyTorch and 🤗 Transformers. How to use Install the library from PyPI: pip install transf
LWCC: A LightWeight Crowd Counting library for Python that includes several pretrained state-of-the-art models.
LWCC: A LightWeight Crowd Counting library for Python LWCC is a lightweight crowd counting framework for Python. It wraps four state-of-the-art models
JittorVis - Visual understanding of deep learning models
JittorVis: Visual understanding of deep learning model JittorVis is an open-source library for understanding the inner workings of Jittor models by vi
meProp: Sparsified Back Propagation for Accelerated Deep Learning (ICML 2017)
meProp The codes were used for the paper meProp: Sparsified Back Propagation for Accelerated Deep Learning with Reduced Overfitting (ICML 2017) [pdf]
A modular framework for vision & language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
MMF is a modular framework for vision and language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research. MMF contains reference implementations of state-of-t
Implementation of EMNLP 2017 Paper "Natural Language Does Not Emerge 'Naturally' in Multi-Agent Dialog" using PyTorch and ParlAI
Language Emergence in Multi Agent Dialog Code for the Paper Natural Language Does Not Emerge 'Naturally' in Multi-Agent Dialog Satwik Kottur, José M.
On-device speech-to-intent engine powered by deep learning
Rhino Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice Rhino is Picovoice's Speech-to-Intent engine. It directly infers intent from spoken commands within a giv
[EMNLP 2021] Mirror-BERT: Converting Pretrained Language Models to universal text encoders without labels.
[EMNLP 2021] Mirror-BERT: Converting Pretrained Language Models to universal text encoders without labels.
Train a state-of-the-art yolov3 object detector from scratch!
TrainYourOwnYOLO: Building a Custom Object Detector from Scratch This repo let's you train a custom image detector using the state-of-the-art YOLOv3 c
NLMpy - A Python package to create neutral landscape models
NLMpy is a Python package for the creation of neutral landscape models that are widely used by landscape ecologists to model ecological patterns
Learning to Prompt for Vision-Language Models.
CoOp Paper: Learning to Prompt for Vision-Language Models Authors: Kaiyang Zhou, Jingkang Yang, Chen Change Loy, Ziwei Liu CoOp (Context Optimization)
YouRefIt: Embodied Reference Understanding with Language and Gesture
YouRefIt: Embodied Reference Understanding with Language and Gesture YouRefIt: Embodied Reference Understanding with Language and Gesture by Yixin Che
A collection of models for image - text generation in ACM MM 2021.
Bi-directional Image and Text Generation UMT-BITG (image & text generator) Unifying Multimodal Transformer for Bi-directional Image and Text Generatio
Implementation of Natural Language Code Search in the project CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages.
CodeBERT-Implementation In this repo we have replicated the paper CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages. We are interest
Watson Natural Language Understanding and Knowledge Studio
Material de demonstração dos serviços: Watson Natural Language Understanding e Knowledge Studio Visão Geral: https://www.ibm.com/br-pt/cloud/watson-na
Finetuner allows one to tune the weights of any deep neural network for better embeddings on search tasks
Finetuner allows one to tune the weights of any deep neural network for better embeddings on search tasks
PyTorch implementation of D2C: Diffuison-Decoding Models for Few-shot Conditional Generation.
D2C: Diffuison-Decoding Models for Few-shot Conditional Generation Project | Paper PyTorch implementation of D2C: Diffuison-Decoding Models for Few-sh
A Diagnostic Dataset for Compositional Language and Elementary Visual Reasoning
CLEVR Dataset Generation This is the code used to generate the CLEVR dataset as described in the paper: CLEVR: A Diagnostic Dataset for Compositional
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decoding algorithms: best path, beam search, lexicon search, prefix search, and token passing. Implemented in Python.
CTC Decoding Algorithms Update 2021: installable Python package Python implementation of some common Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decod
Rendering color and depth images for ShapeNet models.
Color & Depth Renderer for ShapeNet This library includes the tools for rendering multi-view color and depth images of ShapeNet models. Physically bas
PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, EfficientNetV2, NFNet, Vision Transformer, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, and more
PyTorch Image Models Sponsors What's New Introduction Models Features Results Getting Started (Documentation) Train, Validation, Inference Scripts Awe
First-Order Probabilistic Programming Language
FOPPL: A First-Order Probabilistic Programming Language This is an implementation of FOPPL, an S-expression based probabilistic programming language d
Class activation maps for your PyTorch models (CAM, Grad-CAM, Grad-CAM++, Smooth Grad-CAM++, Score-CAM, SS-CAM, IS-CAM, XGrad-CAM, Layer-CAM)
TorchCAM: class activation explorer Simple way to leverage the class-specific activation of convolutional layers in PyTorch. Quick Tour Setting your C
An NLP library with Awesome pre-trained Transformer models and easy-to-use interface, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications.
简体中文 | English News [2021-10-12] PaddleNLP 2.1版本已发布!新增开箱即用的NLP任务能力、Prompt Tuning应用示例与生成任务的高性能推理! 🎉 更多详细升级信息请查看Release Note。 [2021-08-22]《千言:面向事实一致性的生
Production First and Production Ready End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit
WeNet 中文版 Discussions | Docs | Papers | Runtime (x86) | Runtime (android) | Pretrained Models We share neural Net together. The main motivation of WeN
A high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing
lambeq About lambeq is a toolkit for quantum natural language processing (QNLP). Documentation: https://cqcl.github.io/lambeq/ User support: lambeq-su
Mengzi Pretrained Models
中文 | English Mengzi 尽管预训练语言模型在 NLP 的各个领域里得到了广泛的应用,但是其高昂的时间和算力成本依然是一个亟需解决的问题。这要求我们在一定的算力约束下,研发出各项指标更优的模型。 我们的目标不是追求更大的模型规模,而是轻量级但更强大,同时对部署和工业落地更友好的模型。
The World of an Octopus: How Reporting Bias Influences a Language Model's Perception of Color
The World of an Octopus: How Reporting Bias Influences a Language Model's Perception of Color Overview Code and dataset for The World of an Octopus: H
PyMultiDictionary is a Dictionary Module for Python 3+ to get meanings, translations, synonyms and antonyms of words in 20 different languages
PyMultiDictionary PyMultiDictionary is a Dictionary Module for Python 3+ to get meanings, translations, synonyms and antonyms of words in 20 different
Scalable training for dense retrieval models.
Scalable implementation of dense retrieval. Training on cluster By default it trains locally: PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH python dpr_scale/main.py traine
NVIDIA Merlin is an open source library providing end-to-end GPU-accelerated recommender systems, from feature engineering and preprocessing to training deep learning models and running inference in production.
NVIDIA Merlin NVIDIA Merlin is an open source library designed to accelerate recommender systems on NVIDIA’s GPUs. It enables data scientists, machine
Crosslingual Segmental Language Model
Crosslingual Segmental Language Model This repository contains the code from Multilingual unsupervised sequence segmentation transfers to extremely lo
Proposed n-stage Latent Dirichlet Allocation method - A Novel Approach for LDA
n-stage Latent Dirichlet Allocation (n-LDA) Proposed n-LDA & A Novel Approach for classical LDA Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a generative prob
This repository contains the code for the paper in EMNLP 2021: "HRKD: Hierarchical Relational Knowledge Distillation for Cross-domain Language Model Compression".
HRKD: Hierarchical Relational Knowledge Distillation for Cross-domain Language Model Compression This repository contains the code for the paper in EM
A framework to train language models to learn invariant representations.
Invariant Language Modeling Implementation of the training for invariant language models. Motivation Modern pretrained language models are critical co
PixelPyramids: Exact Inference Models from Lossless Image Pyramids (ICCV 2021)
PixelPyramids: Exact Inference Models from Lossless Image Pyramids This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of the paper PixelPyramids: Exa
BEAMetrics: Benchmark to Evaluate Automatic Metrics in Natural Language Generation
BEAMetrics: Benchmark to Evaluate Automatic Metrics in Natural Language Generation Installing The Dependencies $ conda create --name beametrics python
VLG-Net: Video-Language Graph Matching Networks for Video Grounding
VLG-Net: Video-Language Graph Matching Networks for Video Grounding Introduction Official repository for VLG-Net: Video-Language Graph Matching Networ
Discovering and Achieving Goals via World Models
Discovering and Achieving Goals via World Models [Project Website] [Benchmark Code] [Video (2min)] [Oral Talk (13min)] [Paper] Russell Mendonca*1, Ole
SPRING is a seq2seq model for Text-to-AMR and AMR-to-Text (AAAI2021).
SPRING This is the repo for SPRING (Symmetric ParsIng aNd Generation), a novel approach to semantic parsing and generation, presented at AAAI 2021. Wi
A Library for Modelling Probabilistic Hierarchical Graphical Models in PyTorch
A Library for Modelling Probabilistic Hierarchical Graphical Models in PyTorch
MIT-Machine Learning with Python–From Linear Models to Deep Learning
MIT-Machine Learning with Python–From Linear Models to Deep Learning | One of the 5 courses in MIT MicroMasters in Statistics & Data Science Welcome t
[ICCV 2021] Focal Frequency Loss for Image Reconstruction and Synthesis
Focal Frequency Loss - Official PyTorch Implementation This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation for the following paper: Focal Fre
Transform-Invariant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
Transform-Invariant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization A comprehensive Python package for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) with a focus on learn
CadQuery is an intuitive, easy-to-use Python module for building parametric 3D CAD models.
A python parametric CAD scripting framework based on OCCT
ViSD4SA, a Vietnamese Span Detection for Aspect-based sentiment analysis dataset
UIT-ViSD4SA PACLIC 35 General Introduction This repository contains the data of the paper: Span Detection for Vietnamese Aspect-Based Sentiment Analys
Documentation and issues for Pylance - Fast, feature-rich language support for Python
Documentation and issues for Pylance - Fast, feature-rich language support for Python
Indobenchmark are collections of Natural Language Understanding (IndoNLU) and Natural Language Generation (IndoNLG)
Indobenchmark Toolkit Indobenchmark are collections of Natural Language Understanding (IndoNLU) and Natural Language Generation (IndoNLG) resources fo
A simple language and reference decompiler/compiler for MHW THK Files
Leviathon A simple language and reference decompiler/compiler for MHW THK Files. Project Goals The project aims to define a language specification for
Library of deep learning models and datasets designed to make deep learning more accessible and accelerate ML research.
Tensor2Tensor Tensor2Tensor, or T2T for short, is a library of deep learning models and datasets designed to make deep learning more accessible and ac
Petuhlang is a joke-like language, based on Python.
Petuhlang is a joke-like language, based on Python. It updates builtins to make a new syntax based on operators rewrite.
This package proposes simplified exporting pytorch models to ONNX and TensorRT, and also gives some base interface for model inference.
PyTorch Infer Utils This package proposes simplified exporting pytorch models to ONNX and TensorRT, and also gives some base interface for model infer
Code for Environment Inference for Invariant Learning (ICML 2020 UDL Workshop Paper)
Environment Inference for Invariant Learning This code accompanies the paper Environment Inference for Invariant Learning, which appears at ICML 2021.
Hapi is a Python library for building Conceptual Distributed Model using HBV96 lumped model & Muskingum routing method
Current build status All platforms: Current release info Name Downloads Version Platforms Hapi - Hydrological library for Python Hapi is an open-sourc
The Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework (3ML)
PyPi Conda The Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework (3ML) A framework for multi-wavelength/multi-messenger analysis for astronomy/astrophysics.
Tangram makes it easy for programmers to train, deploy, and monitor machine learning models.
Tangram Website | Discord Tangram makes it easy for programmers to train, deploy, and monitor machine learning models. Run tangram train to train a mo
A practical and feature-rich paraphrasing framework to augment human intents in text form to build robust NLU models for conversational engines. Created by Prithiviraj Damodaran. Open to pull requests and other forms of collaboration.
Parrot Parrot is a paraphrase based utterance augmentation framework purpose built to accelerate training NLU models. A paraphrase framework is more t
PyPI package for scaffolding out code for decision tree models that can learn to find relationships between the attributes of an object.
Decision Tree Writer This package allows you to train a binary classification decision tree on a list of labeled dictionaries or class instances, and
Optimized Gillespie algorithm for simulating Stochastic sPAtial models of Cancer Evolution (OG-SPACE)
OG-SPACE Introduction Optimized Gillespie algorithm for simulating Stochastic sPAtial models of Cancer Evolution (OG-SPACE) is a computational framewo
Analysis of rationale selection in neural rationale models
Neural Rationale Interpretability Analysis We analyze the neural rationale models proposed by Lei et al. (2016) and Bastings et al. (2019), as impleme
Code for generating the figures in the paper "Capacity of Group-invariant Linear Readouts from Equivariant Representations: How Many Objects can be Linearly Classified Under All Possible Views?"
Code for running simulations for the paper "Capacity of Group-invariant Linear Readouts from Equivariant Representations: How Many Objects can be Lin
Supervision Exists Everywhere: A Data Efficient Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training Paradigm
DeCLIP Supervision Exists Everywhere: A Data Efficient Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training Paradigm. Our paper is available in arxiv Updates ** Ou
LibreLingo🐢 🌎 📚 a community-owned language-learning platform
LibreLingo's mission is to create a modern language-learning platform that is owned by the community of its users. All software is licensed under AGPLv3, which guarantees the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. Course authors are encouraged to release their courses with free licenses.
BLEURT is a metric for Natural Language Generation based on transfer learning.
BLEURT: a Transfer Learning-Based Metric for Natural Language Generation BLEURT is an evaluation metric for Natural Language Generation. It takes a pa
Companion code for "Bayesian logistic regression for online recalibration and revision of risk prediction models with performance guarantees"
Companion code for "Bayesian logistic regression for online recalibration and revision of risk prediction models with performance guarantees" Installa
Benchmarking the robustness of Spatial-Temporal Models
Benchmarking the robustness of Spatial-Temporal Models This repositery contains the code for the paper Benchmarking the Robustness of Spatial-Temporal
Codebase of deep learning models for inferring stability of mRNA molecules
Kaggle OpenVaccine Models Codebase of deep learning models for inferring stability of mRNA molecules, corresponding to the Kaggle Open Vaccine Challen
A high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing
lambeq About lambeq is a toolkit for quantum natural language processing (QNLP). Documentation: https://cqcl.github.io/lambeq/ Getting started Prerequ
The self-supervised goal reaching benchmark introduced in Discovering and Achieving Goals via World Models
Lexa-Benchmark Codebase for the self-supervised goal reaching benchmark introduced in 'Discovering and Achieving Goals via World Models'. Setup Create
Code & Data for the Paper "Time Masking for Temporal Language Models", WSDM 2022
Time Masking for Temporal Language Models This repository provides a reference implementation of the paper: Time Masking for Temporal Language Models
Using Selenium with Python to Web Scrap Popular Youtube Tech Channels.
Web Scrapping Popular Youtube Tech Channels with Selenium Data Mining, Data Wrangling, and Exploratory Data Analysis About the Data Web scrapi
African language Speech Recognition - Speech-to-Text
Swahili-Speech-To-Text Table of Contents Swahili-Speech-To-Text Overview Scenario Approach Project Structure data: models: notebooks: scripts tests: l
Neural text generators like the GPT models promise a general-purpose means of manipulating texts.
Boolean Prompting for Neural Text Generators Neural text generators like the GPT models promise a general-purpose means of manipulating texts. These m
A synthetic texture-invariant dataset for object detection of UAVs
A synthetic dataset for object detection of UAVs This repository contains a synthetic datasets accompanying the paper Sim2Air - Synthetic aerial datas
Bayesian regularization for functional graphical models.
BayesFGM Paper: Jiajing Niu, Andrew Brown. Bayesian regularization for functional graphical models. Requirements R version 3.6.3 and up Python 3.6 and
TCube generates rich and fluent narratives that describes the characteristics, trends, and anomalies of any time-series data (domain-agnostic) using the transfer learning capabilities of PLMs.
TCube: Domain-Agnostic Neural Time series Narration This repository contains the code for the paper: "TCube: Domain-Agnostic Neural Time series Narrat
New approach to benchmark VQA models
VQA Benchmarking This repository contains the web application & the python interface to evaluate VQA models. Documentation Please see the documentatio
Deep learning models for classification of 15 common weeds in the southern U.S. cotton production systems.
CottonWeeds Deep learning models for classification of 15 common weeds in the southern U.S. cotton production systems. requirements pytorch torchsumma
👐OpenHands : Making Sign Language Recognition Accessible (WiP 🚧👷♂️🏗)
👐 OpenHands: Sign Language Recognition Library Making Sign Language Recognition Accessible Check the documentation on how to use the library: ReadThe
Repository sharing code and the model for the paper "Rescoring Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Text Line Recognition with CTC-Prefixes"
Rescoring Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Text Line Recognition with CTC-Prefixes Setup virtualenv -p python3 venv source venv/bin/activate pip instal
HyperCube: Implicit Field Representations of Voxelized 3D Models
HyperCube: Implicit Field Representations of Voxelized 3D Models Authors: Magdalena Proszewska, Marcin Mazur, Tomasz Trzcinski, Przemysław Spurek [Pap
Official implementation for Multi-Modal Interaction Graph Convolutional Network for Temporal Language Localization in Videos
Multi-modal Interaction Graph Convolutioal Network for Temporal Language Localization in Videos Official implementation for Multi-Modal Interaction Gr
A high-level Python library for Quantum Natural Language Processing
lambeq About lambeq is a toolkit for quantum natural language processing (QNLP). Documentation: https://cqcl.github.io/lambeq/ Getting started Prerequ
手语识别 0、使用到的模型 (1). openpose,作者:CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose (2). 图像分类classification,作者:Bubbl
This is the repository for paper NEEDLE: Towards Non-invertible Backdoor Attack to Deep Learning Models.
This is the repository for paper NEEDLE: Towards Non-invertible Backdoor Attack to Deep Learning Models.
Pytorch implementation for our ICCV 2021 paper "TRAR: Routing the Attention Spans in Transformers for Visual Question Answering".
TRAnsformer Routing Networks (TRAR) This is an official implementation for ICCV 2021 paper "TRAR: Routing the Attention Spans in Transformers for Visu
A PyTorch implementation of "From Two to One: A New Scene Text Recognizer with Visual Language Modeling Network" (ICCV2021)
From Two to One: A New Scene Text Recognizer with Visual Language Modeling Network The official code of VisionLAN (ICCV2021). VisionLAN successfully a
BPEmb is a collection of pre-trained subword embeddings in 275 languages, based on Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) and trained on Wikipedia.
BPEmb is a collection of pre-trained subword embeddings in 275 languages, based on Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) and trained on Wikipedia. Its intended use is as input for neural models in natural language processing.
Code for classifying international patents based on the text of their titles/abstracts
Patent Classification Goal: To train a machine learning classifier that can automatically classify international patents downloaded from the WIPO webs
Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments using Habitat
Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments (VLN-CE) Project Website — VLN-CE Challenge — RxR-Habitat Challenge Official implementations
Toolkit for building machine learning models that generalize to unseen domains and are robust to privacy and other attacks.
Toolkit for Building Robust ML models that generalize to unseen domains (RobustDG) Divyat Mahajan, Shruti Tople, Amit Sharma Privacy & Causal Learning
Extended refactoring capabilities for Python LSP Server using Rope.
pylsp-rope Extended refactoring capabilities for Python LSP Server using Rope. This is a plugin for Python LSP Server, so you also need to have it ins