10569 Repositories
Python linear-regression-python Libraries
Python based utilities for interacting with digital multimeters that are built on the FS9721-LP3 chipset.
Python based utilities for interacting with digital multimeters that are built on the FS9721-LP3 chipset.
Python wrapper for the Equibles cryptos API.
Equibles Cryptos API for Python Requirements. Python 2.7 and 3.4+ Installation & Usage pip install If the python package is hosted on Github, you can
An python script to convert images to upscaled versions made out of one-colour emojis.
ABOUT This is an python script to convert png, jpg and gif(output isnt animated :( ) images to scaled versions made out of one-colour emojis. Please n
Credit Card And SK Checker Written In Python
Credit Card And SK Checker Written In Python
Chem: collection of mostly python code for molecular visualization, QM/MM, FEP, etc
chem: collection of mostly python code for molecular visualization, QM/MM, FEP,
A Project Template With Python
File Structure . ├── LICENSE ├── Makefile # commands ├── README.md ├──
Ibmi-json-beautify - Beautify json string with python
Ibmi-json-beautify - Beautify json string with python
Botto - A discord bot written in python that uses the hikari and lightbulb modules to make this bot
❓ About Botto Hi! This is botto, a discord bot written in python that uses the h
Discord-keylogger - Discord keylogger With Python
Discord-keylogger Usage python dlogger.py -t [Time interval in sec] if not speci
NoVmpy - NoVmpy with python
git clone -b dev-1 https://github.com/wallds/VTIL-Python.git cd VTIL-Python py s
Funchacks - Fun module which is a small set of utilities
funchacks 👋 Introduction Funchacks is a fun module that provides a small packag
Advanced python code - For students in my advanced python class
advanced_python_code For students in my advanced python class Week Topic Recordi
Research using python - Guide for development of research code (using Anaconda Python)
Guide for development of research code (using Anaconda Python) TL;DR: One time s
This is simple python FTP password craker. To crack FTP login using wordlist based brute force attack
This is simple python FTP password craker. To crack FTP login using wordlist based brute force attack
Wordle - Wordle Clone With Python
Wordle Clone Python This is a cli clone of the famous wordle game developed by J
This repo contains a powerful tool made using python which is used to visualize, analyse and finally assess the quality of the product depending upon the given observations
📈 Statistical Quality Control 📉 This repo contains a simple but effective tool made using python which can be used for quality control in statistica
Python notebook allows send bulk whatsapp messages to contacts (not necessarily saved) using an excel file and the selenium package. It also produces a final report on the sending status of the messages.
WhatsApp messages bulk sending 📩 Este notebook (python) te permite enviar mensajes masivos de WhatsApp. El insumo principal es una hoja excel que con
A Python toolbox to churn out organic alkalinity calculations with minimal brain engagement.
Organic Alkalinity Sausage Machine A Python toolbox to churn out organic alkalinity calculations with minimal brain engagement. Getting started To mak
Predicting a person's gender based on their weight and height
Logistic Regression Advanced Case Study Gender Classification: Predicting a person's gender based on their weight and height 1. Introduction We turn o
A simple python script to dump remote files through a local file read or local file inclusion web vulnerability.
A simple python script to dump remote files through a local file read or local file inclusion web vulnerability. Features Dump a single file w
Hatchet is a Python-based library that allows Pandas dataframes to be indexed by structured tree and graph data.
Hatchet Hatchet is a Python-based library that allows Pandas dataframes to be indexed by structured tree and graph data. It is intended for analyzing
fixup: Automatically add and remove python import statements
fixup: Automatically add and remove python import statements The goal is that running fixup my_file.py will automatically add or remove import stateme
Python classes with types validation at runtime.
typedclasses Python classes with types validation at runtime. (Experimental & Under Development) Installation You can install this library using Pytho
A tool which is capable of scanning ports as TCP & UDP and detecting open and closed ones.
PortScanner Scan All Open Ports Of The Target IP. A tool which is capable of scanning ports as TCP & UDP and detecting open and closed ones. Clone fro
Open AI's Python library
OpenAI Python Library The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language. It incl
A Python script to create customised Spotify playlists using the JSON, Spotipy Library and Spotify Web API, based on seed tracks in your history.
A Python script to create customised Spotify playlists using the JSON, Spotipy Library and Spotify Web API, based on seed tracks in your history.
Python Web Version 3.0 Using PyQty module
Python-Web-Version-3.0 Python Web Version 3.0 Using PyQty module you have to install pyinstaller module then install PyQt5 module and install PyQtwebE
Simple and versatile logging library for python 3.6 above
Simple and versatile logging library for python 3.6 above
C0mptCrypt - An object-oriented, minamalistic, simple encryption library in Python
C0mptCrypt allows you to encrypt strings of text. It can only be decrypted using C0mptCrypt and not by random online tools. You can use this for a variety of things from creating passwords, to encrypting HWIDs.
Um simulador de caixa registradora com database usando arquivos .txt
🛒 Caixa Registradora V2 ❓ - Como usar? Execute o caixa-registradora.py, nele vai ter um menu interativo, você pode cadastrar diversos produtos em um
Python selenium script to bypass simaster.ugm.ac.id weak captcha.
Python selenium script to bypass simaster.ugm.ac.id weak "captcha".
metovlogs is a very simple logging library
metovlogs is a very simple logging library. Setup is one line, then you can use it as a drop-in print replacement. Sane and useful log format out of the box. Best for small or early projects.
An MQA (Studio, originalSampleRate) identifier for lossless flac files written in Python.
An MQA (Studio, originalSampleRate) identifier for "lossless" flac files written in Python.
A python script to decrypt media files encrypted using the Android application 'Secret Calculator Photo Vault'. Supports brute force of PIN also.
A python script to decrypt media files encrypted using the Android application 'Secret Calculator Photo Vault'. Supports brute force of PIN also.
A CLI tool for searching and watching videos on youtube with no spyware and MPV and yt-dlp
A CLI tool for searching and watching videos on youtube with no spyware and MPV and yt-dlp
A script written in Python that returns a consensus string and profile matrix of a given DNA string(s) in FASTA format.
A script written in Python that returns a consensus string and profile matrix of a given DNA string(s) in FASTA format.
A small fun project using python OpenCV, mediapipe, and pydirectinput
Here I tried a small fun project using python OpenCV, mediapipe, and pydirectinput. Here we can control moves car game when yellow color come to right box (press key 'd') left box (press key 'a') left hand when thumb finger open (press key 'w') right hand when thumb finger open (press key 's') This can be improved later by: Improving press left and right to make them More realistic. Fixing some bugs in hand tracking.
split-manga-pages: a command line utility written in Python that converts your double-page layout manga to single-page layout.
split-manga-pages split-manga-pages is a command line utility written in Python that converts your double-page layout manga (or any images in double p
PCAfold is an open-source Python library for generating, analyzing and improving low-dimensional manifolds obtained via Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
PCAfold is an open-source Python library for generating, analyzing and improving low-dimensional manifolds obtained via Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Generates, filters, parses, and cleans data regarding the financial disclosures of judges in the American Judicial System
This repository contains code that gets data regarding financial disclosures from the Court Listener API main.py: contains driver code that interacts
A powerful application to automatically deploy GitHub Release.
A powerful application to automatically deploy GitHub Release.
Asynchronous For Python(asyncio)
asyncio is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax.asyncio is used as a foundation for multiple Python asynchronous frameworks that provide high-performance network and web-servers, database connection libraries, distributed task queues, etc. asyncio is often a perfect fit for IO-bound and high-level structured network code.
Espial is an engine for automated organization and discovery of personal knowledge
Live Demo (currently not running, on it) Espial is an engine for automated organization and discovery in knowledge bases. It can be adapted to run wit
r - a small subset of Python Requests
r a small subset of Python Requests a few years ago, when I was first learning Python and looking for http functionality, i found the batteries-includ
Svg2pdfgen - Svg To PDF gen with python
Svg2pdfgen - Svg To PDF gen with python
RDMAss - A Python Discord bot creating an interaction with RDM API
RDMAss A Python Discord bot creating an interaction with RDM API. Features Assig
Tampilan - Change Termux Appearance With Python
Tampilan Gambar usage pkg update && pkg upgrade pkg install git && pkg install f
This is a simple program that uses Python and pyTwitchAPI to retrieve the list of users in a streamer's chat and then checks each one of these users to see if they follow the broadcaster or not
This is a simple program that uses Python and pyTwitchAPI to retrieve the list of users in a streamer's chat and then checks each one of these users to see if they follow the broadcaster or not
Hcpy - Interface with Home Connect appliances in Python
Interface with Home Connect appliances in Python This is a very, very beta inter
Osint-Tool - Information collection tool in python
Osint-Tool Herramienta para la recolección de información Pronto más opciones In
BF-Hash - A Python Tool to decrypt hashes by brute force
BF-Hash Herramienta para descifrar hashes por fuerza bruta Instalación git clone
Word document generator with python
In this study, real world data is anonymized. The content is completely different, but the structure is the same. It was a script I prepared for the backend of a work using UiPath.
Notion4ever - Python tool for export all your content of Notion page using official Notion API
NOTION4EVER Notion4ever is a small python tool that allows you to free your cont
SH-PUBLIC is a python based cloning script. You can clone unlimited UID facebook accounts by using this tool.
SH-PUBLIC is a python based cloning script. You can clone unlimited UID facebook accounts by using this tool. This tool works on any Android devices without root.
A little python script for finding the best word choice in a Wordle game
A little python script for finding the best word choice in a Wordle game, by assuming that at each step you want to minimise the average number of possible answers left after guessing that word (note this is a greedy assumption and not fully correct, but as a TikTok user pointed out, this is the best you can do before it gets NP-hard).
Docov - Light-weight, recursive docstring coverage analysis for python modules
docov Light-weight, recursive docstring coverage analysis for python modules. Ov
DUCKSPLOIT - Windows Hacking FrameWork using Reverse Shell
Ducksploit Install Ducksploit Hacker setup raspberry pico Download https://githu
TipToiDog - Tip Toi Dog With Python
TipToiDog Was ist dieses Projekt? Meine 5-jährige Tochter spielt sehr gerne das
TinyApp - A Python (Django) Full Stack Application for shortening URLs
TinyApp A Python (Django) Full Stack Application for shortening URLs. How to sta
Py3editor - A text editor written in Python and Tkinter
Py3Editor My text editor written in Python and Tkinter! Contains a basic set of
Proxy-Bot - Python proxy bot for telegram
Proxy-Bot 🤖 Proxy bot between the main chat and a newcomer, allows all particip
Yoga - Yoga asana classifier for python
Yoga Asana Classifier Description Hi welcome to my new deep learning project "Yo
Aio-binance-library - Async library for connecting to the Binance API on Python
aio-binance-library Async library for connecting to the Binance API on Python Th
Using Logistic Regression and classifiers of the dataset to produce an accurate recall, f-1 and precision score
Using Logistic Regression and classifiers of the dataset to produce an accurate recall, f-1 and precision score
Proyecto - Desgaste y rendimiento de empleados de IBM HR Analytics
Acceder al código desde Google Colab para poder ver de manera adecuada todas las visualizaciones y poder interactuar con ellas. Links de acceso: Noteb
A GUI frontend for the Kamyroll-API using Python and PySide6
Kamyroll-GUI A GUI frontend for the Kamyroll-API using Python and PySide6 Usage When starting the application you will be presented with a list and so
No more boilerplate to check and build a Python object from JSON.
JSONloader This module is for you if you're tired of writing boilerplate that: builds a straightforward Python object from loaded JSON. checks that yo
Synthesia but open source, made in python and free
PyPiano Synthesia but open source, made in python and free Requirements are in requirements.txt If you struggle with installation of pyaudio, run : pi
This repo contains a simple but effective tool made using python which can be used for quality control in statistical approach.
This repo contains a powerful tool made using python which is used to visualize, analyse and finally assess the quality of the product depending upon the given observations
A bytecode vm written in python.
CHex A bytecode vm written in python. hex command meaning note: the first two hex values of a CHex program are the magic number 0x01 (offset in memory
PyCache - simple key:value server written with Python
PyCache simple key:value server written with Python and client is here run server python -m pycache.server or from pycache.server import start_server
A simple Security Camera created using Opencv in Python where images gets saved in realtime in your Dropbox account at every 5 seconds
Security Camera using Opencv & Dropbox This is a simple Security Camera created using Opencv in Python where images gets saved in realtime in your Dro
Fetch papers and metadata.
Fetch PubMed Central for open-access papers as well as Sci-Hub
This code will be able to scrape movies from a movie website and also provide download links to newly uploaded movies.
Movies-Scraper You are probably tired of navigating through a movie website to get the right movie you'd want to watch during the weekend. There may e
WomboAI Art Generator
WomboAI Art Generator Automate AI art generation using wombot.art. Also integrated into SnailBot for you to try out. Setup Install Python Go to the py
An API wrapper for Henrik's Unofficial VALORANT API
ValorantAPI.py An API wrapper for Henrik's Unofficial VALORANT API Warning!! This project is still in beta and only contains barely anything yet. If y
Python script to backup/convert your Spotify playlists into the XSPF format.
Python script to backup/convert your Spotify playlists into the XSPF format.
A tool to quickly create codeforces contest directories with templates.
Codeforces Template Tool I created this tool to help me quickly set up codeforces contests/singular problems with templates. Tested for windows, shoul
Our product DrLeaf which not only makes the work easier but also reduces the effort and expenditure of the farmer to identify the disease and its treatment methods.
Our product DrLeaf which not only makes the work easier but also reduces the effort and expenditure of the farmer to identify the disease and its treatment methods. We have to upload the image of an affected plant’s leaf through our website and our plant disease prediction model predicts and returns the disease name. And along with the disease name, we also provide the best suitable methods to cure the disease.
It is a movie recommender web application which is developed using the Python.
Movie Recommendation 🍿 System Watch Tutorial for this project Source IMDB Movie 5000 Dataset Inspired from this original repository. Features Simple
This GitHub Repository contains Data Analysis projects that I have completed so far! While most of th project are focused on Data Analysis, some of them are also put here to show off other skills that I have learned.
Welcome to my Data Analysis projects page! This GitHub Repository contains Data Analysis projects that I have completed so far! While most of th proje
Compare two CSV files for differences. Colorize the differences and align the columns.
pretty-csv-diff Compare two CSV files for differences. Colorize the differences and align the columns. Command-Line Example Command-Line Usage usage:
This is a working model for which I have used python.
Jarvis_voiceAssistance This is a working model for which I have used python. This model can: 1)Play a video or song on youtube. 2)Tell us time. 3)Tell
A small manager/GUI Frontend for QEMU written in Python
qemu-manager A small manager/GUI Frontend for QEMU written in Python Requirements You'll need to have the following tools installed to run this: QEMU
PyDeleter - delete a specifically formatted file in a directory or delete all other files
PyDeleter If you want to delete a specifically formatted file in a directory or delete all other files, PyDeleter does it for you. How to use? 1- Down
Python tool that takes the OCR.space JSON output as input and draws a text overlay on top of the image.
OCR.space OCR Result Checker = Draw OCR overlay on top of image Python tool that takes the OCR.space JSON output as input, and draws an overlay on to
This open source Python project allow you to create JSON data trees using Minmup.com
This open source Python project allow you to create JSON data trees using Minmup.com. I try to develop this project all the time. But feel free to use :).
A Python based program that displays Your Minecraft Server's Status Infos.
Minecraft-server-Status This (very) small python script allows you to view any Minecraft server's status Information Usage Download the file, install
PySpark Structured Streaming ROS Kafka ApacheSpark Cassandra
PySpark-Structured-Streaming-ROS-Kafka-ApacheSpark-Cassandra The purpose of this project is to demonstrate a structured streaming pipeline with Apache
🌈 Lightweight Python package that makes it easy and fast to print terminal messages in colors. 🌈
🌈 Colorist for Python 🌈 Lightweight Python package that makes it easy and fast to print terminal messages in colors. Prerequisites Python 3.9 or hig
Python script for imap, pop3, smtp and IPv4 analyze
Python script for imap, pop3, smtp and IPv4 analyze
A simple web application built using python flask. It can be used to scan SMEVai accounts for broken pages.
smescan A simple web application built using python flask. It can be used to scan SMEVai accounts for broken pages. Development Process Step 0: Clone
8 Puzzle with A* , Greedy & BFS Search in Python
8_Puzzle 8 Puzzle with A* , Greedy & BFS Search in Python Python Install Python from here. Pip Install pip from here. How to run? 🚀 Install 8_Puzzle
Traductor de lengua de señas al español basado en Python con Opencv y MedaiPipe
Traductor de señas Traductor de lengua de señas al español basado en Python con Opencv y MedaiPipe Requerimientos 🔧 Python 3.8 o inferior para evitar
A pure python implementation of a solver for the popular game wordle.
A pure python implementation of a solver for the popular game wordle.
Driver Analysis with Factors and Forests: An Automated Data Science Tool using Python
Driver Analysis with Factors and Forests: An Automated Data Science Tool using Python 📊
pyEventLogger - a simple Python Library for making customized Logs of certain events that occur in a program
pyEventLogger is a simple Python Library for making customized Logs of certain events that occur in a program. The logs can be fully customized and can be printed in colored format or can be stored in a file.
Discord raiding tool. Made in python 3.9
XSpammer Discord raiding tool with 20 features. YT Showcase Requirements/Installation Python 3.7+ [https://python.org] Run setup.bat to install the es
A Twitter bot developed in Python using the Tweepy library and hosted in AWS.
Twitter Cameroon: @atangana_aron A Twitter bot developed in Python using the Tweepy library and hosted in AWS. https://twitter.com/atangana_aron Cost
Realtime data read and write without page refresh using Ajax in Django.
Realtime read-write with AJAX Hey,this is the basic implementation type of ajax realtime read write from the database. where you can insert or view re