2462 Repositories
Python low-resource-machine-translation Libraries
A deep learning tabular classification architecture inspired by TabTransformer with integrated gated multilayer perceptron.
The GatedTabTransformer. A deep learning tabular classification architecture inspired by TabTransformer with integrated gated multilayer perceptron. C
Data and code from COVID-19 machine learning paper
Machine learning approaches for localized lockdown, subnotification analysis and cases forecasting in São Paulo state counties during COVID-19 pandemi
Official Pytorch Implementation for Splicing ViT Features for Semantic Appearance Transfer presenting Splice
Splicing ViT Features for Semantic Appearance Transfer [Project Page] Splice is a method for semantic appearance transfer, as described in Splicing Vi
Image Segmentation with U-Net Algorithm on Carvana Dataset using AWS Sagemaker
Image Segmentation with U-Net Algorithm on Carvana Dataset using AWS Sagemaker This is a full project of image segmentation using the model built with
BridgeGAN - Tensorflow implementation of Bridging the Gap between Label- and Reference-based Synthesis in Multi-attribute Image-to-Image Translation.
Bridging the Gap between Label- and Reference based Synthesis(ICCV 2021) Tensorflow implementation of Bridging the Gap between Label- and Reference-ba
Official pytorch implementation of the IrwGAN for unaligned image-to-image translation
IrwGAN (ICCV2021) Unaligned Image-to-Image Translation by Learning to Reweight [Update] 12/15/2021 All dataset are released, trained models and genera
Rethinking the Truly Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation - Official PyTorch Implementation (ICCV 2021)
Rethinking the Truly Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation (ICCV 2021) Each image is generated with the source image in the left and the average sty
CoMoGAN: continuous model-guided image-to-image translation. CVPR 2021 oral.
CoMoGAN: Continuous Model-guided Image-to-Image Translation Official repository. Paper CoMoGAN: continuous model-guided image-to-image translation [ar
PyTorch Implementation of the paper Single Image Texture Translation for Data Augmentation
SITT The repo contains official PyTorch Implementation of the paper Single Image Texture Translation for Data Augmentation. Authors: Boyi Li Yin Cui T
Bi-level feature alignment for versatile image translation and manipulation (Under submission of TPAMI)
Bi-level feature alignment for versatile image translation and manipulation (Under submission of TPAMI) Preparation Clone the Synchronized-BatchNorm-P
IEGAN — Official PyTorch Implementation Independent Encoder for Deep Hierarchical Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
IEGAN — Official PyTorch Implementation Independent Encoder for Deep Hierarchical Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Independent Encoder for Deep
Pytorch implementation for ACMMM2021 paper "I2V-GAN: Unpaired Infrared-to-Visible Video Translation".
I2V-GAN This repository is the official Pytorch implementation for ACMMM2021 paper "I2V-GAN: Unpaired Infrared-to-Visible Video Translation". Traffic
BalaGAN: Image Translation Between Imbalanced Domains via Cross-Modal Transfer
BalaGAN: Image Translation Between Imbalanced Domains via Cross-Modal Transfer Project Page | Paper | Video State-of-the-art image-to-image translatio
Contrastive unpaired image-to-image translation, faster and lighter training than cyclegan (ECCV 2020, in PyTorch)
Contrastive Unpaired Translation (CUT) video (1m) | video (10m) | website | paper We provide our PyTorch implementation of unpaired image-to-image tra
TSIT: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-Image Translation
TSIT: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-Image Translation This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation for the following p
An Unpaired Sketch-to-Photo Translation Model
Unpaired-Sketch-to-Photo-Translation We have released our code at https://github.com/rt219/Unsupervised-Sketch-to-Photo-Synthesis This project is the
PyTorch Implementation of ECCV 2020 Spotlight TuiGAN: Learning Versatile Image-to-Image Translation with Two Unpaired Images
TuiGAN-PyTorch Official PyTorch Implementation of "TuiGAN: Learning Versatile Image-to-Image Translation with Two Unpaired Images" (ECCV 2020 Spotligh
SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization (CVPR 2020, Oral)
SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization (CVPR 2020 Oral) Figure: Face image editing controlled via style images and segmenta
Pytorch Implementation of the paper "Cross-domain Correspondence Learning for Exemplar-based Image Translation"
CoCosNet Pytorch Implementation of the paper "Cross-domain Correspondence Learning for Exemplar-based Image Translation" (CVPR 2020 oral). Update: 202
StarGAN v2 - Official PyTorch Implementation (CVPR 2020)
StarGAN v2 - Official PyTorch Implementation StarGAN v2: Diverse Image Synthesis for Multiple Domains Yunjey Choi*, Youngjung Uh*, Jaejun Yoo*, Jung-W
[CVPR 2020] GAN Compression: Efficient Architectures for Interactive Conditional GANs
GAN Compression project | paper | videos | slides [NEW!] GAN Compression is accepted by T-PAMI! We released our T-PAMI version in the arXiv v4! [NEW!]
NICE-GAN — Official PyTorch Implementation Reusing Discriminators for Encoding: Towards Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
NICE-GAN-pytorch - Official PyTorch implementation of NICE-GAN: Reusing Discriminators for Encoding: Towards Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
MT-GAN-PyTorch - PyTorch Implementation of Learning to Transfer: Unsupervised Domain Translation via Meta-Learning
MT-GAN-PyTorch PyTorch Implementation of AAAI-2020 Paper "Learning to Transfer: Unsupervised Domain Translation via Meta-Learning" Dependency: Python
Ganilla - Official Pytorch implementation of GANILLA
GANILLA We provide PyTorch implementation for: GANILLA: Generative Adversarial Networks for Image to Illustration Translation. Paper Arxiv Updates (Fe
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper: DeepSIM: Image Shape Manipulation from a Single Augmented Training Sample
DeepSIM: Image Shape Manipulation from a Single Augmented Training Sample (ICCV 2021 Oral) Project | Paper Official PyTorch implementation of the pape
SAVI2I: Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors
SAVI2I: Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors [Paper] [Project Website] Pytorch implementation for SAVI2I. We
GAN-STEM-Conv2MultiSlice - Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation in STEM Simulation
GAN-STEM-Conv2MultiSlice GAN method to help covert lower resolution STEM images generated by convolution methods to higher resolution STEM images gene
UI2I via StyleGAN2 - Unsupervised image-to-image translation method via pre-trained StyleGAN2 network
We proposed an unsupervised image-to-image translation method via pre-trained StyleGAN2 network. paper: Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation via Pr
Linear image-to-image translation
Linear (Un)supervised Image-to-Image Translation Examples for linear orthogonal transformations in PCA domain, learned without pairing supervision. Tr
ZUNIT - Toward Zero-Shot Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
ZUNIT Dependencies you can install all the dependencies by pip install -r requirements.txt Datasets Download CUB dataset. Unzip the birds.zip at ./da
Net2net - Network-to-Network Translation with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks
Net2Net Code accompanying the NeurIPS 2020 oral paper Network-to-Network Translation with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks Robin Rombach*, Patri
DeepI2I: Enabling Deep Hierarchical Image-to-Image Translation by Transferring from GANs
DeepI2I: Enabling Deep Hierarchical Image-to-Image Translation by Transferring from GANs Abstract: Image-to-image translation has recently achieved re
Official PyTorch implementation of U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation
U-GAT-IT — Official PyTorch Implementation : Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Imag
Photo2cartoon - 人像卡通化探索项目 (photo-to-cartoon translation project)
人像卡通化 (Photo to Cartoon) 中文版 | English Version 该项目为小视科技卡通肖像探索项目。您可使用微信扫描下方二维码或搜索“AI卡通秀”小程序体验卡通化效果。
ADSPM: Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation
ADSPM: Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of ADSPM. Requirements Pyth
HomoInterpGAN - Homomorphic Latent Space Interpolation for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
HomoInterpGAN Homomorphic Latent Space Interpolation for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation (CVPR 2019, oral) Installation The implementation is base
Official PyTorch implementation of GDWCT (CVPR 2019, oral)
This repository provides the official code of GDWCT, and it is written in PyTorch. Paper Image-to-Image Translation via Group-wise Deep Whitening-and-
PyTorch implementation of InstaGAN: Instance-aware Image-to-Image Translation
InstaGAN: Instance-aware Image-to-Image Translation Warning: This repo contains a model which has potential ethical concerns. Remark that the task of
PyTorch Implementation of Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation.
DosGAN-PyTorch PyTorch Implementation of Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
MDMM - Learning multi-domain multi-modality I2I translation
Multi-Domain Multi-Modality I2I translation Pytorch implementation of multi-modality I2I translation for multi-domains. The project is an extension to
AsymmetricGAN - Dual Generator Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation
AsymmetricGAN for Image-to-Image Translation AsymmetricGAN Framework for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation AsymmetricGAN Framework for Hand Gest
Pytorch implemenation of Stochastic Multi-Label Image-to-image Translation (SMIT)
SMIT: Stochastic Multi-Label Image-to-image Translation This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of SMIT. SMIT can stochastically translate a
[ACM MM 2019 Oral] Cycle In Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks for Keypoint-Guided Image Generation
Contents Cycle-In-Cycle GANs Installation Dataset Preparation Generating Images Using Pretrained Model Train and Test New Models Acknowledgments Relat
RL-GAN: Transfer Learning for Related Reinforcement Learning Tasks via Image-to-Image Translation
RL-GAN: Transfer Learning for Related Reinforcement Learning Tasks via Image-to-Image Translation RL-GAN is an official implementation of the paper: T
AttentionGAN for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation & Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation
AttentionGAN-v2 for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation AttentionGAN-v2 Framework The proposed generator learns both foreground and background attenti
PyTorch implementation of Histogram Layers from DeepHist: Differentiable Joint and Color Histogram Layers for Image-to-Image Translation
deep-hist PyTorch implementation of Histogram Layers from DeepHist: Differentiable Joint and Color Histogram Layers for Image-to-Image Translation PyT
Implementation of the Object Relation Transformer for Image Captioning
Object Relation Transformer This is a PyTorch implementation of the Object Relation Transformer published in NeurIPS 2019. You can find the paper here
A collection of awesome resources image-to-image translation.
awesome image-to-image translation A collection of resources on image-to-image translation. Contributing If you think I have missed out on something (
Machine-care - A simple python script to take care of simple maintenance tasks
Machine care An simple python script to take care of simple maintenance tasks fo
Nmt - TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial
Neural Machine Translation (seq2seq) Tutorial Authors: Thang Luong, Eugene Brevdo, Rui Zhao (Google Research Blogpost, Github) This version of the tut
DeepSpeech - Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including SOTA ASR pipeline, influential TTS with text frontend and End-to-End Speech Simultaneous Translation.
(简体中文|English) Quick Start | Documents | Models List PaddleSpeech is an open-source toolkit on PaddlePaddle platform for a variety of critical tasks i
Covid-ml-predictors - COVID predictions using AI.
COVID Predictions This repo contains ML models to be trained on COVID-19 data from the UK, sourced off of Kaggle here. This uses many different ML mod
ML-PersonalWork - Big assignment PersonalWork in Machine Learning, 2021 autumn BUAA.
ML-PersonalWork - Big assignment PersonalWork in Machine Learning, 2021 autumn BUAA.
LightningFSL: Pytorch-Lightning implementations of Few-Shot Learning models.
LightningFSL: Few-Shot Learning with Pytorch-Lightning In this repo, a number of pytorch-lightning implementations of FSL algorithms are provided, inc
Benchmark VAE - Library for Variational Autoencoder benchmarking
Documentation pythae This library implements some of the most common (Variational) Autoencoder models. In particular it provides the possibility to pe
A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video
Scene-Change-Detection - A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video. There is a very simple definition for a scene: It is a series of logically and chronologically related shots taken in a specific order to depict an over-arching concept or story.
MLR - Machine Learning Research
Machine Learning Research 1. Project Topic 1.1. Exsiting research Benmark: https://paperswithcode.com/sota ACL anthology for NLP papers: http://www.ac
Stroke-predictions-ml-model - Machine learning model to predict individuals chances of having a stroke
stroke-predictions-ml-model machine learning model to predict individuals chance
CorrProxies - Optimizing Machine Learning Inference Queries with Correlative Proxy Models
CorrProxies - Optimizing Machine Learning Inference Queries with Correlative Proxy Models
Enigma-Plus - Python based Enigma machine simulator with some extra features
Enigma-Plus Python based Enigma machine simulator with some extra features Examp
BasicNeuralNetwork - This project looks over the basic structure of a neural network and how machine learning training algorithms work
BasicNeuralNetwork - This project looks over the basic structure of a neural network and how machine learning training algorithms work. For this project, I used the sigmoid function as an activation function along with stochastic gradient descent to adjust the weights and biases.
Awesome-google-colab - Google Colaboratory Notebooks and Repositories
Unofficial Google Colaboratory Notebook and Repository Gallery Please contact me to take over and revamp this repo (it gets around 30k views and 200k
Deep-Learning-Book-Chapter-Summaries - Attempting to make the Deep Learning Book easier to understand.
Deep-Learning-Book-Chapter-Summaries This repository provides a summary for each chapter of the Deep Learning book by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio an
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics.
Ml-design-patterns - Source code accompanying O'Reilly book: Machine Learning Design Patterns
This is not an official Google product ml-design-patterns Source code accompanying O'Reilly book: Title: Machine Learning Design Patterns Authors: Val
Data-science-on-gcp - Source code accompanying book: Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform, Valliappa Lakshmanan, O'Reilly 2017
data-science-on-gcp Source code accompanying book: Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform, 2nd Edition Valliappa Lakshmanan O'Reilly, Jan 2022 Bran
Awesome-AI-books - Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for learning and downloading
Awesome AI books Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for downloading and learning. Preface This repo only used for learning, do not use in business
🕵 Artificial Intelligence for social control of public administration
Non-tech crash course into Operação Serenata de Amor Tech crash course into Operação Serenata de Amor Contributing with code and tech skills Supportin
AutoGluon: AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data
AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data AutoGluon automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in yo
Imutils - A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
imutils A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing functions such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displ
Coursera Machine Learning - Python code
Coursera Machine Learning This repository contains python implementations of certain exercises from the course by Andrew Ng. For a number of assignmen
Coursera - Quiz & Assignment of Coursera
Coursera Assignments This repository is aimed to help Coursera learners who have difficulties in their learning process. The quiz and programming home
EbookMLCB - ebook Machine Learning cơ bản
Mã nguồn cuốn ebook "Machine Learning cơ bản", Vũ Hữu Tiệp. ebook Machine Learning cơ bản pdf-black_white, pdf-color. Mọi hình thức sao chép, in ấn đề
Amazing-Python-Scripts - 🚀 Curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts.
📑 Introduction A curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts. This is your Personal space to fin
Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai
Coursera-deep-learning-specialization - Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai: (i) Neural Networks and Deep Learning; (ii) Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization; (iii) Structuring Machine Learning Projects; (iv) Convolutional Neural Networks; (v) Sequence Models
Aws-machine-learning-university-accelerated-tab - Machine Learning University: Accelerated Tabular Data Class
Machine Learning University: Accelerated Tabular Data Class This repository contains slides, notebooks, and datasets for the Machine Learning Universi
Hands-On Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading, published by Packt
Hands-On Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading Hands-On Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading, published by Packt This is the code repository fo
Prml - Repository of notes, code and notebooks in Python for the book Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML) This project contains Jupyter notebooks of many the algorithms presented in Christopher Bishop's Patte
Implementation of hyperparameter optimization/tuning methods for machine learning & deep learning models
Hyperparameter Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms This code provides a hyper-parameter optimization implementation for machine learning algor
ML course - EPFL Machine Learning Course, Fall 2021
EPFL Machine Learning Course CS-433 Machine Learning Course, Fall 2021 Repository for all lecture notes, labs and projects - resources, code templates
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
Books, Presentations, Workshops, Notebook Labs, and Model Zoo for Software Engineers and Data Scientists wanting to learn the TF.Keras Machine Learning framework
TensorFlow 101: Introduction to Deep Learning for Python Within TensorFlow
TensorFlow 101: Introduction to Deep Learning I have worked all my life in Machine Learning, and I've never seen one algorithm knock over its benchmar
Saliency - Framework-agnostic implementation for state-of-the-art saliency methods (XRAI, BlurIG, SmoothGrad, and more).
Saliency Methods 🔴 Now framework-agnostic! (Example core notebook) 🔴 🔗 For further explanation of the methods and more examples of the resulting ma
Kaggle-titanic - A tutorial for Kaggle's Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster competition. Demonstrates basic data munging, analysis, and visualization techniques. Shows examples of supervised machine learning techniques.
Kaggle-titanic This is a tutorial in an IPython Notebook for the Kaggle competition, Titanic Machine Learning From Disaster. The goal of this reposito
Fewshot-face-translation-GAN - Generative adversarial networks integrating modules from FUNIT and SPADE for face-swapping.
Few-shot face translation A GAN based approach for one model to swap them all. The table below shows our priliminary face-swapping results requiring o
Video2x - A lossless video/GIF/image upscaler achieved with waifu2x, Anime4K, SRMD and RealSR.
Official Discussion Group (Telegram): https://t.me/video2x A Discord server is also available. Please note that most developers are only on Telegram.
Transformer - A TensorFlow Implementation of the Transformer: Attention Is All You Need
[UPDATED] A TensorFlow Implementation of Attention Is All You Need When I opened this repository in 2017, there was no official code yet. I tried to i
Client - 🔥 A tool for visualizing and tracking your machine learning experiments
Weights and Biases Use W&B to build better models faster. Track and visualize all the pieces of your machine learning pipeline, from datasets to produ
A supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents
Paperless-ng Paperless (click me) is an application by Daniel Quinn and contributors that indexes your scanned documents and allows you to easily sear
Conversational-AI-ChatBot - Intelligent ChatBot built with Microsoft's DialoGPT transformer to make conversations with human users!
Conversational AI ChatBot Intelligent ChatBot built with Microsoft's DialoGPT transformer to make conversations with human users! In this project? Thi
Flightfare-Prediction - It is a Flightfare Prediction Web Application Using Machine learning,Python and flask
Flight_fare-Prediction It is a Flight_fare Prediction Web Application Using Machine learning,Python and flask Using Machine leaning i have created a F
A recommendation system for suggesting new books given similar books.
Book Recommendation System A recommendation system for suggesting new books given similar books. Datasets Dataset Kaggle Dataset Notebooks goodreads-E
A collection of Machine Learning Models To Web Api which are built on open source technologies/frameworks like Django, Flask.
Author Ibrahim Koné From-Machine-Learning-Models-To-WebAPI A collection of Machine Learning Models To Web Api which are built on open source technolog
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities. This is aimed at those looking to get into the field of Data Science or those who are already in the field and looking to solve a real-world project with python.
Patient-Survival - Using Python, I developed a Machine Learning model using classification techniques such as Random Forest and SVM classifiers to predict a patient's survival status that have undergone breast cancer surgery.
Patient-Survival - Using Python, I developed a Machine Learning model using classification techniques such as Random Forest and SVM classifiers to predict a patient's survival status that have undergone breast cancer surgery.
Price-Prediction-For-a-Dream-Home - A machine learning based linear regression trained model for house price prediction.
Price-Prediction-For-a-Dream-Home ROADMAP TO THIS LINEAR REGRESSION BASED HOUSE PRICE PREDICTION PREDICTION MODEL Import all the dependencies of the p
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities
Mortgage-loan-prediction - Show how to perform advanced Analytics and Machine Learning in Python using a full complement of PyData utilities
Medical Insurance Cost Prediction using Machine earning
Medical-Insurance-Cost-Prediction-using-Machine-learning - Here in this project, I will use regression analysis to predict medical insurance cost for people in different regions, and based on several aspects like : Smoking, Number of children, BMI...etc.
Machine-learning-dell - Repositório com as atividades desenvolvidas no curso de Machine Learning
📚 Descrição Neste curso da Dell aprofundamos nossos conhecimentos em Machine Learning. 🖥️ Aulas (Em curso) 1.1 - Python aplicado a Data Science 1.2
House_prices_kaggle - Predict sales prices and practice feature engineering, RFs, and gradient boosting
House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques Predicting House Prices with Machine Learning This project is build to enhance my knowledge about machin