1663 Repositories
Python multi-object-tracking Libraries
Tiny Object Detection in Aerial Images.
AI-TOD AI-TOD is a dataset for tiny object detection in aerial images. [Paper] [Dataset] Description AI-TOD comes with 700,621 object instances for ei
SiamMOT is a region-based Siamese Multi-Object Tracking network that detects and associates object instances simultaneously.
SiamMOT: Siamese Multi-Object Tracking
EOReader is a multi-satellite reader allowing you to open optical and SAR data.
Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR sensors, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and index.
TrTr: Visual Tracking with Transformer
TrTr: Visual Tracking with Transformer We propose a novel tracker network based on a powerful attention mechanism called Transformer encoder-decoder a
U2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection
The code for our newly accepted paper in Pattern Recognition 2020: "U^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection."
Implementation of "Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person Re-Identification"
hypergraph_reid Implementation of "Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" If you find this help your research,
Minimal implementation of PAWS (https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.13963) in TensorFlow.
PAWS-TF 🐾 Implementation of Semi-Supervised Learning of Visual Features by Non-Parametrically Predicting View Assignments with Support Samples (PAWS)
How to setup a multi-client ethereum Eth1-Eth2 merge testnet
Mergenet tutorial Let's set up a local eth1-eth2 merge testnet! Preparing the setup environment In this tutorial, we use a series of scripts to genera
[ECCV 2020] Gradient-Induced Co-Saliency Detection
Gradient-Induced Co-Saliency Detection Zhao Zhang*, Wenda Jin*, Jun Xu, Ming-Ming Cheng ⭐ Project Home » The official repo of the ECCV 2020 paper Grad
Official source code to CVPR'20 paper, "When2com: Multi-Agent Perception via Communication Graph Grouping"
When2com: Multi-Agent Perception via Communication Graph Grouping This is the PyTorch implementation of our paper: When2com: Multi-Agent Perception vi
the code of the paper: Recurrent Multi-view Alignment Network for Unsupervised Surface Registration (CVPR 2021)
RMA-Net This repo is the implementation of the paper: Recurrent Multi-view Alignment Network for Unsupervised Surface Registration (CVPR 2021). Paper
A look-ahead multi-entity Transformer for modeling coordinated agents.
baller2vec++ This is the repository for the paper: Michael A. Alcorn and Anh Nguyen. baller2vec++: A Look-Ahead Multi-Entity Transformer For Modeling
Drone-based Joint Density Map Estimation, Localization and Tracking with Space-Time Multi-Scale Attention Network
DroneCrowd Paper Detection, Tracking, and Counting Meets Drones in Crowds: A Benchmark. Introduction This paper proposes a space-time multi-scale atte
RoboDesk A Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning Benchmark
RoboDesk A Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning Benchmark If you find this open source release useful, please reference in your paper: @misc{kannan2021ro
PyTorch Implementation for AAAI'21 "Do Response Selection Models Really Know What's Next? Utterance Manipulation Strategies for Multi-turn Response Selection"
UMS for Multi-turn Response Selection Implements the model described in the following paper Do Response Selection Models Really Know What's Next? Utte
A DeepStack custom model for detecting common objects in dark/night images and videos.
DeepStack_ExDark This repository provides a custom DeepStack model that has been trained and can be used for creating a new object detection API for d
A general-purpose multi-agent training framework.
MALib A general-purpose multi-agent training framework. Installation step1: build environment conda create -n malib python==3.7 -y conda activate mali
Multi-Track Music Generation with the Transfomer and the Johann Sebastian Bach Chorales dataset
MMM: Exploring Conditional Multi-Track Music Generation with the Transformer and the Johann Sebastian Bach Chorales Dataset. Implementation of the pap
[CVPR21] LightTrack: Finding Lightweight Neural Network for Object Tracking via One-Shot Architecture Search
LightTrack: Finding Lightweight Neural Networks for Object Tracking via One-Shot Architecture Search The official implementation of the paper LightTra
TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers
TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers This repository provides the official implementation of the TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking wi
Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Scene Flow (CVPR 2021)
Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Scene Flow 3D visualization of estimated depth and scene flow (overlayed with input image) from temporally conse
YOLOv5 in PyTorch ONNX CoreML TFLite
This repository represents Ultralytics open-source research into future object detection methods, and incorporates lessons learned and best practices evolved over thousands of hours of training and evolution on anonymized client datasets. All code and models are under active development, and are subject to modification or deletion without notice.
A modular framework for vision & language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
MMF is a modular framework for vision and language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research. MMF contains reference implementations of state-of-t
Learning General Purpose Distributed Sentence Representations via Large Scale Multi-task Learning
GenSen Learning General Purpose Distributed Sentence Representations via Large Scale Multi-task Learning Sandeep Subramanian, Adam Trischler, Yoshua B
Per object permissions for Django
django-guardian django-guardian is an implementation of per object permissions [1] on top of Django's authorization backend Documentation Online docum
Beanie - is an Asynchronous Python object-document mapper (ODM) for MongoDB
Beanie - is an Asynchronous Python object-document mapper (ODM) for MongoDB, based on Motor and Pydantic.
Visual Tracking by TridenAlign and Context Embedding
Visual Tracking by TridentAlign and Context Embedding (TACT) Test code for "Visual Tracking by TridentAlign and Context Embedding" Janghoon Choi, Juns
Code for "Unsupervised Layered Image Decomposition into Object Prototypes" paper
DTI-Sprites Pytorch implementation of "Unsupervised Layered Image Decomposition into Object Prototypes" paper Check out our paper and webpage for deta
CLEAR algorithm for multi-view data association
CLEAR: Consistent Lifting, Embedding, and Alignment Rectification Algorithm The Matlab, Python, and C++ implementation of the CLEAR algorithm, as desc
(IEEE TIP 2021) Regularized Densely-connected Pyramid Network for Salient Instance Segmentation
RDPNet IEEE TIP 2021: Regularized Densely-connected Pyramid Network for Salient Instance Segmentation PyTorch training and testing code are available.
Quasi-Dense Similarity Learning for Multiple Object Tracking, CVPR 2021 (Oral)
Quasi-Dense Tracking This is the offical implementation of paper Quasi-Dense Similarity Learning for Multiple Object Tracking. We present a trailer th
Multi-handle range slider widget for PyQt/PySide
QtRangeSlider The missing multi-handle range slider widget for PyQt & PySide The goal of this package is to provide a Range Slider (a slider with 2 or
Multi-Scale Vision Longformer: A New Vision Transformer for High-Resolution Image Encoding
Vision Longformer This project provides the source code for the vision longformer paper. Multi-Scale Vision Longformer: A New Vision Transformer for H
Location-Sensitive Visual Recognition with Cross-IOU Loss
The trained models are temporarily unavailable, but you can train the code using reasonable computational resource. Location-Sensitive Visual Recognit
Implementation of "Efficient Regional Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation" (Xie et al., CVPR 2021).
RMNet This repository contains the source code for the paper Efficient Regional Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation. Cite this work @inprocee
[CVPR 2021] MiVOS - Mask Propagation module. Reproduced STM (and better) with training code :star2:. Semi-supervised video object segmentation evaluation.
MiVOS (CVPR 2021) - Mask Propagation Ho Kei Cheng, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang [arXiv] [Paper PDF] [Project Page] [Papers with Code] This repo impleme
Research shows Google collects 20x more data from Android than Apple collects from iOS. Block this non-consensual telemetry using pihole blocklists.
pihole-antitelemetry Research shows Google collects 20x more data from Android than Apple collects from iOS. Block both using these pihole lists. Proj
A Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for 6D Object Pose Tracking
PoseRBPF: A Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for 6D Object Pose Tracking PoseRBPF Paper Self-supervision Paper Pose Estimation Video Robot Manipulati
ManipulaTHOR, a framework that facilitates visual manipulation of objects using a robotic arm
ManipulaTHOR: A Framework for Visual Object Manipulation Kiana Ehsani, Winson Han, Alvaro Herrasti, Eli VanderBilt, Luca Weihs, Eric Kolve, Aniruddha
CorNet Correlation Networks for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification
CorNet Correlation Networks for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification Prerequisites python==3.6.3 pytorch==1.2.0 torchgpipe==0.0.5 click==7.0 ruamel
Multi-scale discriminator feature-wise loss function
Multi-Scale Discriminative Feature Loss This repository provides code for Multi-Scale Discriminative Feature (MDF) loss for image reconstruction algor
AdaShare: Learning What To Share For Efficient Deep Multi-Task Learning
AdaShare: Learning What To Share For Efficient Deep Multi-Task Learning (NeurIPS 2020) Introduction AdaShare is a novel and differentiable approach fo
CenterPoint 3D Object Detection and Tracking using center points in the bird-eye view.
CenterPoint 3D Object Detection and Tracking using center points in the bird-eye view. Center-based 3D Object Detection and Tracking, Tianwei Yin, Xin
A list of multi-task learning papers and projects.
A list of multi-task learning papers and projects.
A list of multi-task learning papers and projects.
This page contains a list of papers on multi-task learning for computer vision. Please create a pull request if you wish to add anything. If you are interested, consider reading our recent survey paper.
Rethinking the Importance of Implementation Tricks in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
RIIT Our open-source code for RIIT: Rethinking the Importance of Implementation Tricks in Multi-AgentReinforcement Learning. We implement and standard
This repo contains the official code of our work SAM-SLR which won the CVPR 2021 Challenge on Large Scale Signer Independent Isolated Sign Language Recognition.
Skeleton Aware Multi-modal Sign Language Recognition By Songyao Jiang, Bin Sun, Lichen Wang, Yue Bai, Kunpeng Li and Yun Fu. Smile Lab @ Northeastern
Official Pytorch Implementation of: "ImageNet-21K Pretraining for the Masses"(2021) paper
ImageNet-21K Pretraining for the Masses Paper | Pretrained models Official PyTorch Implementation Tal Ridnik, Emanuel Ben-Baruch, Asaf Noy, Lihi Zelni
(CVPR 2021) ST3D: Self-training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on 3D Object Detection
ST3D Code release for the paper ST3D: Self-training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on 3D Object Detection, CVPR 2021 Authors: Jihan Yang*, Shaoshu
Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection (CVPR 2021)
SA-AutoAug Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Tao Kong, Lu Qi, Ruihang Chu, Lei Li, Jiaya Jia [Paper] [Bi
[CVPR2021] DoDNet: Learning to segment multi-organ and tumors from multiple partially labeled datasets
DoDNet This repo holds the pytorch implementation of DoDNet: DoDNet: Learning to segment multi-organ and tumors from multiple partially labeled datase
Training code of Spatial Time Memory Network. Semi-supervised video object segmentation.
Training-code-of-STM This repository fully reproduces Space-Time Memory Networks Performance on Davis17 val set&Weights backbone training stage traini
Frigate - NVR With Realtime Object Detection for IP Cameras
A complete and local NVR designed for HomeAssistant with AI object detection. Uses OpenCV and Tensorflow to perform realtime object detection locally for IP cameras.
Object detection and instance segmentation toolkit based on PaddlePaddle.
Object detection and instance segmentation toolkit based on PaddlePaddle.
A simple way to train and use PyTorch models with multi-GPU, TPU, mixed-precision
🤗 Accelerate was created for PyTorch users who like to write the training loop of PyTorch models but are reluctant to write and maintain the boilerplate code needed to use multi-GPUs/TPU/fp16.
(CVPR 2021) Back-tracing Representative Points for Voting-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
BRNet Introduction This is a release of the code of our paper Back-tracing Representative Points for Voting-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds,
(CVPR 2021) Back-tracing Representative Points for Voting-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
BRNet Introduction This is a release of the code of our paper Back-tracing Representative Points for Voting-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds,
[CVPR'21] Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
TransFuser This repository contains the code for the CVPR 2021 paper Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer for End-to-End Autonomous Driving. If you find our
An advanced multi-threaded, multi-client python reverse shell for hacking linux systems. There's still more work to do so feel free to help out with the development. Disclaimer: This reverse shell should only be used in the lawful, remote administration of authorized systems. Accessing a computer network without authorization or permission is illegal.
PwnLnX An advanced multi-threaded, multi-client python reverse shell for hacking linux systems. There's still more work to do so feel free to help out
LiuAlgoTrader is a scalable, multi-process ML-ready framework for effective algorithmic trading
LiuAlgoTrader is a scalable, multi-process ML-ready framework for effective algorithmic trading. The framework simplify development, testing, deployment, analysis and training algo trading strategies. The framework automatically analyzes trading sessions, and the analysis may be used to train predictive models.
This is the official implementation of 3D-CVF: Generating Joint Camera and LiDAR Features Using Cross-View Spatial Feature Fusion for 3D Object Detection, built on SECOND.
3D-CVF This is the official implementation of 3D-CVF: Generating Joint Camera and LiDAR Features Using Cross-View Spatial Feature Fusion for 3D Object
Official PyTorch implementation of CAPTRA: CAtegory-level Pose Tracking for Rigid and Articulated Objects from Point Clouds
CAPTRA: CAtegory-level Pose Tracking for Rigid and Articulated Objects from Point Clouds Introduction This is the official PyTorch implementation of o
This repository allows you to anonymize sensitive information in images/videos. The solution is fully compatible with the DL-based training/inference solutions that we already published/will publish for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation.
BMW-Anonymization-Api Data privacy and individuals’ anonymity are and always have been a major concern for data-driven companies. Therefore, we design
Diffgram - Supervised Learning Data Platform
Data Annotation, Data Labeling, Annotation Tooling, Training Data for Machine Learning
AMTML-KD: Adaptive Multi-teacher Multi-level Knowledge Distillation
AMTML-KD: Adaptive Multi-teacher Multi-level Knowledge Distillation
OBBDetection is a oriented object detection library, which is based on MMdetection.
OBBDetection news: We are now updating OBBDetection to new vision based on MMdetection v2.10, which has more advanced models and more efficient featur
A Pytorch implementation of the multi agent deep deterministic policy gradients (MADDPG) algorithm
Multi-Agent-Deep-Deterministic-Policy-Gradients A Pytorch implementation of the multi agent deep deterministic policy gradients(MADDPG) algorithm This
MatryODShka: Real-time 6DoF Video View Synthesis using Multi-Sphere Images
Main repo for ECCV 2020 paper MatryODShka: Real-time 6DoF Video View Synthesis using Multi-Sphere Images. visual.cs.brown.edu/matryodshka
Exact Pareto Optimal solutions for preference based Multi-Objective Optimization
Exact Pareto Optimal solutions for preference based Multi-Objective Optimization
Pretrained Pytorch face detection (MTCNN) and recognition (InceptionResnet) models
Face Recognition Using Pytorch Python 3.7 3.6 3.5 Status This is a repository for Inception Resnet (V1) models in pytorch, pretrained on VGGFace2 and
Fast, modular reference implementation of Instance Segmentation and Object Detection algorithms in PyTorch.
Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN in PyTorch 1.0 maskrcnn-benchmark has been deprecated. Please see detectron2, which includes implementations for all model
Detectorch - detectron for PyTorch
Detectorch - detectron for PyTorch (Disclaimer: this is work in progress and does not feature all the functionalities of detectron. Currently only inf
Multi-layer convolutional LSTM with Pytorch
Convolution_LSTM_pytorch Thanks for your attention. I haven't got time to maintain this repo for a long time. I recommend this repo which provides an
AutoOED: Automated Optimal Experiment Design Platform
AutoOED is an optimal experiment design platform powered with automated machine learning to accelerate the discovery of optimal solutions. Our platform solves multi-objective optimization problems and automatically guides the design of experiment to be evaluated.
Devkit for 3D -- Some utils for 3D object detection based on Numpy and Pytorch
D3D Devkit for 3D: Some utils for 3D object detection and tracking based on Numpy and Pytorch Please consider siting my work if you find this library
SC-GlowTTS: an Efficient Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Text-To-Speech Model
SC-GlowTTS: an Efficient Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Text-To-Speech Model Edresson Casanova, Christopher Shulby, Eren Gölge, Nicolas Michael Müller, Frede
Code for the paper "MASTER: Multi-Aspect Non-local Network for Scene Text Recognition" (Pattern Recognition 2021)
MASTER-PyTorch PyTorch reimplementation of "MASTER: Multi-Aspect Non-local Network for Scene Text Recognition" (Pattern Recognition 2021). This projec
Implementation of DropLoss for Long-Tail Instance Segmentation in Pytorch
[AAAI 2021]DropLoss for Long-Tail Instance Segmentation [AAAI 2021] DropLoss for Long-Tail Instance Segmentation Ting-I Hsieh*, Esther Robb*, Hwann-Tz
Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection
CaDDN CaDDN is a monocular-based 3D object detection method. This repository is based off of [OpenPCDet]. Categorical Depth Distribution Network for M
MMDetection3D is an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch
MMDetection3D is an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch, towards the next-generation platform for general 3D detection. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project developed by MMLab.
This is an official implementation for "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows" on Object Detection and Instance Segmentation.
Swin Transformer for Object Detection This repo contains the supported code and configuration files to reproduce object detection results of Swin Tran
Multi-Scale Aligned Distillation for Low-Resolution Detection (CVPR2021)
MSAD Multi-Scale Aligned Distillation for Low-Resolution Detection Lu Qi*, Jason Kuen*, Jiuxiang Gu, Zhe Lin, Yi Wang, Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Jiaya J
Object Detection and Multi-Object Tracking
Object Detection and Multi-Object Tracking
FireDM is a python open source (Internet Download Manager) with multi-connections, high speed engine, it downloads general files and videos from youtube and tons of other streaming websites .
python open source (Internet Download Manager) with multi-connections, high speed engine, based on python, LibCurl, and youtube_dl https://github.com/firedm/FireDM
《LightXML: Transformer with dynamic negative sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification》(AAAI 2021) GitHub:
LightXML: Transformer with dynamic negative sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification
PyTorch code for the paper "Curriculum Graph Co-Teaching for Multi-target Domain Adaptation" (CVPR2021)
PyTorch code for the paper "Curriculum Graph Co-Teaching for Multi-target Domain Adaptation" (CVPR2021) This repo presents PyTorch implementation of M
Layout Parser is a deep learning based tool for document image layout analysis tasks.
A Python Library for Document Layout Understanding
Planar Prior Assisted PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo
ACMP [News] The code for ACMH is released!!! [News] The code for ACMM is released!!! About This repository contains the code for the paper Planar Prio
[AAAI 2021] MVFNet: Multi-View Fusion Network for Efficient Video Recognition
MVFNet: Multi-View Fusion Network for Efficient Video Recognition (AAAI 2021) Overview We release the code of the MVFNet (Multi-View Fusion Network).
A django integration for huey task queue that supports multi queue management
django-huey This package is an extension of huey contrib djhuey package that allows users to manage multiple queues. Installation Using pip package ma
This repo is customed for VisDrone.
Object Detection for VisDrone(无人机航拍图像目标检测) My environment 1、Windows10 (Linux available) 2、tensorflow = 1.12.0 3、python3.6 (anaconda) 4、cv2 5、ensemble
Rethinking the Importance of Implementation Tricks in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
MARL Tricks Our codes for RIIT: Rethinking the Importance of Implementation Tricks in Multi-AgentReinforcement Learning. We implemented and standardiz
CoReNet is a technique for joint multi-object 3D reconstruction from a single RGB image.
CoReNet CoReNet is a technique for joint multi-object 3D reconstruction from a single RGB image. It produces coherent reconstructions, where all objec
AOT-GAN for High-Resolution Image Inpainting (codebase for image inpainting)
AOT-GAN for High-Resolution Image Inpainting Arxiv Paper | AOT-GAN: Aggregated Contextual Transformations for High-Resolution Image Inpainting Yanhong
PyTorch implementation for COMPLETER: Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Contrastive Prediction (CVPR 2021)
Completer: Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Contrastive Prediction This repo contains the code and data of the following paper accepted by CVPR 20
《Train in Germany, Test in The USA: Making 3D Object Detectors Generalize》(CVPR 2020)
Train in Germany, Test in The USA: Making 3D Object Detectors Generalize This paper has been accpeted by Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Rec
(ImageNet pretrained models) The official pytorch implemention of the TPAMI paper "Res2Net: A New Multi-scale Backbone Architecture"
Res2Net The official pytorch implemention of the paper "Res2Net: A New Multi-scale Backbone Architecture" Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions o
Codes for NAACL 2021 Paper "Unsupervised Multi-hop Question Answering by Question Generation"
Unsupervised-Multi-hop-QA This repository contains code and models for the paper: Unsupervised Multi-hop Question Answering by Question Generation (NA
Official PyTorch Code of GrooMeD-NMS: Grouped Mathematically Differentiable NMS for Monocular 3D Object Detection (CVPR 2021)
GrooMeD-NMS: Grouped Mathematically Differentiable NMS for Monocular 3D Object Detection GrooMeD-NMS: Grouped Mathematically Differentiable NMS for Mo
Code to reproduce the experiments in the paper "Transformer Based Multi-Source Domain Adaptation" (EMNLP 2020)
Transformer Based Multi-Source Domain Adaptation Dustin Wright and Isabelle Augenstein To appear in EMNLP 2020. Read the preprint: https://arxiv.org/a