10383 Repositories
Python playwright-python Libraries
A python youtube search module
A python youtube search module
An example of python package
An example of python package Why use packages? It is a good practice to not code the same function twice, and to reuse common code from one python scr
Checkers Project Built Using Python
Checkers Project Built Using Python
Rates how pog a word or user is. Not random and does have *some* kind of algorithm to it.
PogRater :D Rates how pogchamp a word is :D A fun project coded by JBYT27 using Python3 Have you ever wondered how pog a word is? Well, congrats, you
Scooch Configures Object Oriented Class Hierarchies for python
Scooch Scooch Configures Object Oriented Class Hierarchies for python. A good place to start with Scooch is at the documentation found here. Scooch is
A terminal utility to sort image files based on their characteristics.
About A terminal utility to sort image files based on their characteristics. Motivation This program was developed after I've realized that I had too
A small project in Python + Flask to demonstrate how to create a REST API
SmartBed-RESTApi-Example This application is an example of how to build a REST API. The application os a mock IoT device, simulating a Smart Bed. Impl
Penguins species predictor app is used to classify penguins species created using python's scikit-learn, fastapi, numpy and joblib packages.
Penguins Classification App Penguins species predictor app is used to classify penguins species using their island, sex, bill length (mm), bill depth
A python library written for the raspberry pi.
A python package for using certain components on the raspberry pi.
Basic-Discord-Response-Bot, in Python
Response bot for Discord. EG: User: Hello! Bot: Hello there! About Very customizable, no credits needed. Edit the bot.py to what you want, basic Pytho
A small fun project to simulate Conway's Game of Life, created in Python.
A small fun project to simulate Conway's Game of Life, created in Python. Conway's Game of Life simulates a grid of cells, where the state of each cell consists of whether the cell is alive or dead.
A discord token grabber made in Python 3
Discord Token Grabber A Discord token grabber written in Python 3. This version of the grabber only supports Windows. Features Transfers via Discord w
Database connection pooler for Python
Nimue Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! --Dennis, Peasant Nimue is a database connection pool f
Have you ever wondered how cool it would be to have your own A.I
Have you ever wondered how cool it would be to have your own A.I. assistant Imagine how easier it would be to send emails without typing a single word, doing Wikipedia searches without opening web browsers, and performing many other daily tasks like playing music with the help of a single voice command.
Algorand Python API examples
Algorand-Py Algorand Python API examples This repo will hold example scripts to monitor activities on Algorand main net. You can: Monitor your assets
A simple GUI that interacts with a database to keep track of a collection of US coins.
CoinCollectorGUI A simple gui designed to interact with a database. The goal of the database is to make keeping track of collected coins simple. The G
Client library for relay - a service for relaying server side messages to the client side browsers via websockets.
Client library for relay - a service for relaying server side messages to the client side browsers via websockets.
A high-level framework for building GitHub applications in Python.
A high-level framework for building GitHub applications in Python. Core Features Async Proper ratelimit handling Handles interactions for you (
A Container for the Dependency Injection in Python.
Python Dependency Injection library aiodi is a Container for the Dependency Injection in Python. Installation Use the package manager pip to install a
A python implementation of Yolov5 to detect fire or smoke in the wild in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano
yolov5-fire-smoke-detect-python A python implementation of Yolov5 to detect fire or smoke in the wild in Jetson Xavier nx and Jetson nano You can see
Purge all transformation orientations addon for Blender 2.8 and newer versions
CTO Purge This add-on adds a new button to Blender's Transformation Orientation panel which empowers the user to purge all of his/her custom transform
🌍 Harness the power of whatsmydns from the command-line.
chkdns Harness the power of whatsmydns from the command-line. Installing with pip pip install chkdns Run chkdns --host github.com Alternatively you ca
A not exist person image generator python module
A not exist person image generator python module
Subnet calculator script using python
subnetCalculator Subnet calculator script using python3 Interactive Version Define the subnet variable interactively Use: subnetDict = subnetCalculato
A python library to interact with the EarnApp API
EarnApp.py Table of contents General info Documentation Setup General info A python library to interact with the EarnApp API. Documentation First, imp
YARSAW is an Async Python API Wrapper for the Random Stuff API.
Yet Another Random Stuff API Wrapper - YARSAW YARSAW is an Async Python API Wrapper for the Random Stuff API. This module makes it simpler for you to
DIY gravity falls cryptograms made with python
ciphers-cryptograms some diy code to implementing ciphers-cryptograms from gravity falls with python, it's fun tho Algorithm or ciphers list Caesar At
PyTranslator é simultaneamente um editor e tradutor de texto com diversos recursos e interface feito com coração e 100% em Python
PyTranslator O Que é e para que serve o PyTranslator? PyTranslator é simultaneamente um editor e tradutor de texto em com interface gráfica que usa a
Recreate the joys of Office Assistant from the comfort of the Python interpreter
Recreate the joys of Office Assistant from the comfort of the Python interpreter.
Solo CLF project about the creation of the FlickColor game in Python with very precise instructions.
Solo CLF project about the creation of the FlickColor game in Python with very precise instructions.
advance python series: Data Classes, OOPs, python
Working With Pydantic - Built-in Data Process ========================== Normal way to process data (reading json file): the normal princiople, it's f
Signin/Signup GUI form using tkinter in python
SignIn-SignUpFormRepo Hello there, I am Shahid and this is the Signin/Signup GUI form using tkinter in python if you want to use avatar images then pa
The Turtle Race Game built in Python with Turtle module.
Turtle Race Game The Turtle Race Game built in Python with Turtle module. Installation If you don't have Turtle module on your computer. You can downl
A useful and easy to use Terminal Timer made with Python.
Terminal SpeedCubeTimer Installation ¡No requirements! Just Download and play Usage Starts timer.py and you will see this. python timer.py Scramble
Python script using Twitter API to change user banner to see 100DaysOfCode process.
100DaysOfCode - Automatic Banners 👩💻 Adds a number to your twitter banner indicating the number of days you have in the #100DaysOfCode challenge Se
Reverse engineered connection to the TradingView ticker in Python
Tradingview-ticker Reverse engineered connection to the TradingView ticker in Python. Makes a websocket connection to the Tradeview website and receiv
An IDA pro python script to decrypt Qbot malware string
Qbot-Strings-Decrypter An IDA pro python script to decrypt Qbot malware strings.
A simple Python tool to transfer data from MySQL to SQLite 3.
MySQL to SQLite3 A simple Python tool to transfer data from MySQL to SQLite 3. This is the long overdue complimentary tool to my SQLite3 to MySQL. It
Web app for spotify playlist management with last.fm integration
Music Tools Set of utility tools for Spotify and Last.fm. Built on my other libraries for Spotify (spotframework), Last.fm (fmframework) and interfaci
Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed.
Ninja Python Distributions Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed. The latest Ninja python wheels provide ninja 1.10.2.g51db2.kitware.job
fetchmesh is a tool to simplify working with Atlas anchoring mesh measurements
A Python library for working with the RIPE Atlas anchoring mesh. fetchmesh is a tool to simplify working with Atlas anchoring mesh measurements. It ca
VSCode extension to sort and refactor python imports using reorder-python-imports.
reorder-python-imports VSCode extension to sort and refactor python imports using reorder-python-imports. Unlike other import organizers, reorder-pyth
Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool.
Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool. It can be used in various business flows like social listening, AI based alerting, brand image analysis, comparative study and more .
Python Package for CanvasXpress JS Visualization Tools
CanvasXpress Python Library About CanvasXpress for Python CanvasXpress was developed as the core visualization component for bioinformatics and system
4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit
4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit 4CAT is a research tool that can be used to analyse and process data from online social platforms. Its goal is to m
This Python script can enumerate all URLs present in robots.txt files, and test whether they can be accessed or not.
Robots.txt tester With this script, you can enumerate all URLs present in robots.txt files, and test whether you can access them or not. Setup Clone t
This package is a python library with tools for the Molecular Simulation - Software Gromos.
This package is a python library with tools for the Molecular Simulation - Software Gromos. It allows you to easily set up, manage and analyze simulations in python.
Żmija is a simple universal code generation tool.
Żmija Żmija is a simple universal code generation tool. It is intended to be used as a means to generate code that is both efficient and easily mainta
BaseCrack is a tool written in Python that can decode all alphanumeric base encoding schemes.
BaseCrack Decoder For Base Encoding Schemes BaseCrack is a tool written in Python that can decode all alphanumeric base encoding schemes. This tool ca
orfipy is a tool written in python/cython to extract ORFs in an extremely and fast and flexible manner
Introduction orfipy is a tool written in python/cython to extract ORFs in an extremely and fast and flexible manner. Other popular ORF searching tools
Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM
Getting Started See Installing Vyper to install vyper. See Tools and Resources for an additional list of framework and tools with vyper support. See D
Python tools for working with Orbit Ephemeris Messages (OEMs).
Python Orbit Ephemeris Message tools Python tools for working with Orbit Ephemeris Messages (OEMs). Development Status Installation The oem package is
Robocop is a tool that performs static code analysis of Robot Framework code.
Robocop Introduction Documentation Values Requirements Installation Usage Example Robotidy FAQ Watch our talk from RoboCon 2021 about Robocop and Robo
A library to access OpenStreetMap related services
OSMPythonTools The python package OSMPythonTools provides easy access to OpenStreetMap (OSM) related services, among them an Overpass endpoint, Nomina
Simple tools for the Horse Reality webgame
Realtools (Web Tools for Horse Reality) These tools were made on request from a close friend of mine who plays this game. A live instance can be found
Fileson - JSON File database tools
Fileson is a set of Python scripts to create JSON file databases
A python tool for synchronizing the messages from different threads, processes, or hosts.
Sync-stream This project is designed for providing the synchoronization of the stdout / stderr among different threads, processes, devices or hosts.
A communist shell written in Python
kash A communist shell written in Python It doesn't support escapes, quotes, comment lines, |, &&, , or similar yet. If you need help, get it from
This is a starter template of discord.py project
Template Discord.py This is a starter template of discord.py project (Supports Slash commands!). 👀 Getting Started First, you need to install Python
A python script to acquire multiple aws ec2 instances in a forensically sound-ish way
acquire_ec2.py The script acquire_ec2.py is used to automatically acquire AWS EC2 instances. The script needs to be run on an EC2 instance in the same
Discord nuke bot with python
Discord-nuke-bot 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 TODO: Добавить команду: Удаления всех ролей Спама каналами Спама во все каналы @everyone Удаления всего aka
This is a file deletion program that asks you for an extension of a file (.mp3, .pdf, .docx, etc.) to delete all of the files in a dir that have that extension.
FileBulk This is a file deletion program that asks you for an extension of a file (.mp3, .pdf, .docx, etc.) to delete all of the files in a dir that h
Kanmail - An email client that functions like a kanban board, for Mac/Windows/Docker
Kanmail - An email client that functions like a kanban board, for Mac/Windows/Docker
QuizGame is a quiz with different topics. You can choose a topic and take the quiz
QuizGame is a quiz with different topics. You can choose a topic and take the quiz. In the end you will get your result. The program is under active development, so there may be errors or flaws in it.
This is python to scrape overview and reviews of companies from Glassdoor.
Data Scraping for Glassdoor This is python to scrape overview and reviews of companies from Glassdoor. Please use it carefully and follow the Terms of
Template for a Dataflow Flex Template in Python
Dataflow Flex Template in Python This repository contains a template for a Dataflow Flex Template written in Python that can easily be used to build D
[ICCV'21] Pri3D: Can 3D Priors Help 2D Representation Learning?
Pri3D: Can 3D Priors Help 2D Representation Learning? [ICCV 2021] Pri3D leverages 3D priors for downstream 2D image understanding tasks: during pre-tr
pikepdf is a Python library for reading and writing PDF files.
A Python library for reading and writing PDF, powered by qpdf
Cryptocurrency price prediction and exceptions in python
Cryptocurrency price prediction and exceptions in python This is a coursework on foundations of computing module Through this coursework i worked on m
A customisable game where you have to quickly click on black tiles in order of appearance while avoiding clicking on white squares.
W.I.P-Aim-Memory-Game A customisable game where you have to quickly click on black tiles in order of appearance while avoiding clicking on white squar
Python web scrapper
Website scrapper Web scrapping project in Python. Created for learning purposes. Start Install python Update configuration with websites Launch script
Generating a structured library of .wav samples with Python.
sample-library Scripts for generating a structured sample library with Python Requires Docker about Samples are written to wave files in lib/. Differe
Refactoring Python Applications for Simplicity
Python Refactoring Refactoring Python Applications for Simplicity. You can open and read project files or use this summary 👇 Concatenate String my_st
A hashtag from string extract python module
A hashtag from string extract python module
Python script to download entire campaign images and navigation.
Squidle campaign downloader Python script to download entire campaign images and navigation. usage: squidle_campaign_downloader.py [-h] [--api-token A
Python based Advanced AI Assistant
Knick is a virtual artificial intelligence project, fully developed in python. The objective of this project is to develop a virtual assistant that can handle our minor, intermediate as well as heavy tasks which we usually don’t want to do or don't wish to do.
Getting started with Python, Dash and Plot.ly for the Data Dashboards team
data_dashboards Getting started with Python, Dash and Plot.ly for the Data Dashboards team Getting started MacOS users: # Install the pyenv version ma
Youtube Downloader GUI
Python Youtube Downloader GUI This is a GUI application that allows you to download videos from Youtube. Features Download videos from Youtube in MP3
A simple language translator with python and google translate api
Language translator with python A simple language translator with python and google translate api Install pip and python 3.9. All the required depende
Console to handle object storage using JSON serialization and deserealization.
Console to handle object storage using JSON serialization and deserealization. This is a team project to develop a Python3 console that emulates the AirBnb object management.
A python program with an Objective-C GUI for building and booting OpenCore on both legacy and modern Macs
A python program with an Objective-C GUI for building and booting OpenCore on both legacy and modern Macs, see our in-depth Guide for more information.
A curated list of the latest breakthroughs in AI by release date with a clear video explanation, link to a more in-depth article, and code.
A curated list of the latest breakthroughs in AI by release date with a clear video explanation, link to a more in-depth article, and code
Keyboard Layout Change - Extension for Ulauncher
Keyboard Layout Change - Extension for Ulauncher
A simple solution for water overflow problem in Python
Water Overflow problem There is a stack of water glasses in a form of triangle as illustrated. Each glass has a 250ml capacity. When a liquid is poure
Motion Detection Squid Game with OpenCV Python
*Motion Detection Squid Game with OpenCV Python i am newbie in python. In this project I made a simple game to follow the trend about the red light gr
Personal Discord Python Bot based on Discord.py
Personal Discord bot using the discord.py library by Rapptz
A simple command line chat app to communicate via the terminal.
A simple command line chat app to communicate via the terminal. I'm new to networking so sorry if some of my terminology or code is messed up.
A simple python code for hacking profile views
This code for hacking profile views. Not recommended to adding profile views in profile. This code is not illegal code. This code is for beginners.
It is a very simple XSS simulator based on flask, python.
It is a very simple XSS simulator based on flask, python. The purpose of making this is for teaching the concept of XSS.
Built as part of an assignment for S5 OOSE Subject CSE
Installation Steps: Download and install Python from here based on your operating system. I have used Python v3.8.10 for this. Clone the repository gi
Simple python program to simulate Conway's game of life with custom variables.
ConwaysGameOfLife Simple python program to simulate Conway's game of life with custom variables. Custom Variables Grid-size : Change the size of the p
This is my voice assistant Patric!
voice-assistant This is my voice assistant Patric! You can add can add commands and even modify his name Indice How to use Installation guide How to u
A simple python program that draws a tree for incrementing values using the Collatz Conjecture.
Collatz Conjecture A simple python program that draws a tree for incrementing values using the Collatz Conjecture. Values which can be edited: Length
CHIP-8 interpreter written in Python
chip8py CHIP-8 interpreter written in Python Contents About Installation Usage License About CHIP-8 is an interpreted language developed during the 19
This script will make it easier to connect to any wireguard vpn config
wireguard-linux-python-script-vpn This script will make it easier to connect to any wireguard vpn config also u will need your wireguard vpn from your
Elliptic curve cryptography (ed25519) beginner tutorials in Python 3
ed25519_tutorials Elliptic curve cryptography (ed25519) beginner tutorials in Python 3 Instructions Just download the repo and read the tutorial files
Xteam All in one Instagram,Android,phishing osint and wifi hacking tool available
Xteam All in one Instagram,Android,phishing osint and wifi hacking tool available
Document blur detection based on Laplacian operator and text detection.
Document Blur Detection For general blurred image, using the variance of Laplacian operator is a good solution. But as for the blur detection of docum
A trashy useless Latin programming language written in python.
Codigum! The first programming langage in latin! (please keep your eyes closed when if you read the source code) It is pretty useless though. Document