10399 Repositories
Python python-lib Libraries
Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development.
Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development.
Python function to extract all the rows from a SQLite database file while iterating over its bytes, such as while downloading it
Python function to extract all the rows from a SQLite database file while iterating over its bytes, such as while downloading it
Python retagging utility for mkv files using mkvmerge.
pyretag A python script to retag mkv files. Setting Up pip install pyfiglet pip install rich Move the mkv files to input folder.
Fully Automated Omegle Chatbot
omegle-bot tutorial features fast runs in background can run multiple instances at once Requirement Run this command in cmd, terminal or PowerShell (i
A python script to bypass 403-forbidden.
4nought3 A python script to bypass 403-forbidden. It covers methods like Host-Header Injections, Changing HTTP Requests Methods and URL-Injections. Us
A python based all-in-one tool for Google Drive
gdrive-tools A python based all-in-one tool for Google Drive Uses For Gdrive-Tools ✓ generate SA ✓ Add the SA and Add them to TD automatically ✓ Gener
peace-performance (Rust) binding for python. To calculate star ratings and performance points for all osu! gamemodes
peace-performance-python Fast, To calculate star ratings and performance points for all osu! gamemodes peace-performance (Rust) binding for python bas
pydantic-i18n is an extension to support an i18n for the pydantic error messages.
pydantic-i18n is an extension to support an i18n for the pydantic error messages
A python CLI app that converts a mp4 file into a gif with ASCII effect added.
Video2ASCIIgif This CLI app takes in a mp4 format video, converts it to a gif with ASCII effect applied. This also includes full control over: backgro
A Python version of Canvacord
A copy of canvacord made in python! Table of contents Installation Examples Creating Images Links Downloads Installation Run any of these commands in
retorna informações de pessoas que não existem
random-person-api API que entrega dados aleatórios sobre pessoas que (provavelmente) não existem. Como usar? Copie o link abaixo https://random-person
This app converts an pdf file into the audio file.
PDF-to-Audio This app takes an pdf as an input and convert it into audio, and the library text-to-speech starts speaking the preffered page given in t
📦 A command line utility to put text in a box.
boxie A command line utility to put text in a box. Installation pip install boxie If you are on Linux you may need to use sudo to access this globally
A Discord token stealer app written in Python 3.
Discord Token Stealer A Discord token stealer app written in Python 3. This version of the grabber only supports Windows. Features No local caching Tr
The Bot provide Hadith API and fetch content via api.hadith.sutanlab.id
Bot Hadith-API on Telegram The Bot provide Hadith API and fetch content via api.hadith.sutanlab.id Built With Python Asynchronous HTTP protocol client
A Web Scraper built with beautiful soup, that fetches udemy course information. Get udemy course information and convert it to json, csv or xml file
Udemy Scraper A Web Scraper built with beautiful soup, that fetches udemy course information. Installation Virtual Environment Firstly, it is recommen
Scraping Thailand COVID-19 data from the DDC's tableau dashboard
Scraping COVID-19 data from DDC Dashboard Scraping Thailand COVID-19 data from the DDC's tableau dashboard. Data is updated at 07:30 and 08:00 daily.
pydicom - Read, modify and write DICOM files with python code
pydicom is a pure Python package for working with DICOM files. It lets you read, modify and write DICOM data in an easy "pythonic" way.
A Python library for differentiable optimal control on accelerators.
A Python library for differentiable optimal control on accelerators.
DenseClus is a Python module for clustering mixed type data using UMAP and HDBSCAN
DenseClus is a Python module for clustering mixed type data using UMAP and HDBSCAN. Allowing for both categorical and numerical data, DenseClus makes it possible to incorporate all features in clustering.
A Python package implementing various colour checker detection algorithms and related utilities.
A Python package implementing various colour checker detection algorithms and related utilities.
pyForgeCert is a Python equivalent of the original ForgeCert written in C#.
pyForgeCert is a Python equivalent of the original ForgeCert written in C#.
This repository contains the code for using the H3DS dataset introduced in H3D-Net: Few-Shot High-Fidelity 3D Head Reconstruction
H3DS Dataset This repository contains the code for using the H3DS dataset introduced in H3D-Net: Few-Shot High-Fidelity 3D Head Reconstruction Access
pyWhisker is a Python equivalent of the original Whisker made by Elad Shamir and written in C#.
PyWhisker pyWhisker is a Python equivalent of the original Whisker made by Elad Shamir and written in C#. This tool allows users to manipulate the msD
🖍️This is a feature-complete clone of the awesome Chalk (JavaScript) library.
Terminal string styling done right This is a feature-complete clone of the awesome Chalk (JavaScript) library. All credits go to Sindre Sorhus. Highli
Scraping and analysis of leetcode-compensations page.
Leetcode compensations report Scraping and analysis of leetcode-compensations page.
ja-timex 自然言語で書かれた時間情報表現を抽出/規格化するルールベースの解析器 概要 ja-timex は、現代日本語で書かれた自然文に含まれる時間情報表現を抽出しTIMEX3と呼ばれるアノテーション仕様に変換することで、プログラムが利用できるような形に規格化するルールベースの解析器です。
A bot written in Python to automatically buy tokens on the Binance Smart Chain as soon as liquidity is provided
A bot written in Python to automatically buy tokens on the Binance Smart Chain as soon as liquidity is provided. If you’ve found this bot useful and have profited from it please consider donating any token to my BSC wallet address: 0xE75470B9a7c93038195ca116E342c42F6B3F758b
Minimal Ethereum fee data viewer for the terminal, contained in a single python script.
Minimal Ethereum fee data viewer for the terminal, contained in a single python script. Connects to your node and displays some metrics in real-time.
A Code that can make your Discord Account 24/7!
Online-Forever Make your Discord Account Online 24/7! A Code written in Python that helps you to keep your account 24/7. The main.py is the main file.
A collection of python exercises to help your learning path!
How to use Step 1: run this command git clone https://github.com/TechPenguineer/Python-Exercises.git Step 2: Run this command cd Python-Exercises You
A Python version of Canvacord
A copy of canvacord made in python! Installation Run any of these commands in terminal: Mac / Linux pip install canvacord Windows python -m pip insta
Asynchronous Python Wrapper for the Ufile API
Ufile.io Asynchronous Python Wrapper for the Ufile API (Unofficial).
A lightweight encryption library in python.
XCrypt About This was initially a project to prove that I could make a strong encryption but I decided to publish it so that the internet peoples coul
Double Pendulum visualised with fetching system information in Python.
Show off your terminal, in style. A nice relaxing double pendulum simulation using ASCII, able to simulate multiple pendulums at once, and provide tra
Python Scrcpy Client - allows you to view and control android device in realtime
Python Scrcpy Client This package allows you to view and control android device in realtime. Note: This gif is compressed and experience lower quality
A pure Python implementation of Compact Bilinear Pooling and Count Sketch for PyTorch.
Compact Bilinear Pooling for PyTorch. This repository has a pure Python implementation of Compact Bilinear Pooling and Count Sketch for PyTorch. This
Python tool to Check running WebClient services on multiple targets based on @leechristensen
WebClient Service Scanner Python tool to Check running WebClient services on multiple targets based on @tifkin_ idea. This tool uses impacket project.
MMDL (Mega Music Downloader) - A tool to easily download music.
mmdl - Mega Music Downloader What is mmdl ❓ TLDR: MMDL is a cli app which allows you to quickly and efficiently download one or multiple songs from Yo
A Relational Database Management System for a miniature version of Twitter written in MySQL with CLI in python.
Mini-Twitter-Database This was done as a database design course project at Amirkabir university of technology. This is a relational database managemen
Python 台灣行政區地圖 (2021)
Python 台灣行政區地圖 (2021) 以 python 讀取政府開放平台的 ShapeFile 地圖資訊。歡迎引用或是協作 另有縣市資訊、村里資訊與各種行政地圖資訊 例如: 直轄市、縣市界線(TWD97經緯度) 鄉鎮市區界線(TWD97經緯度) | 政府資料開放平臺: https://data
pydsinternals - A Python native library containing necessary classes, functions and structures to interact with Windows Active Directory.
pydsinternals - Directory Services Internals Library A Python native library containing necessary classes, functions and structures to interact with W
Um aplicativo de usuários feito em Django REST Framework, nesse aplicativo eu modifiquei o modelo padrão de user do Django, adicionando campos personalizados e login com email e senha, também desenvolvi funcionalidades para a API e testes automatizados, para conferir tudo leia o README abaixo!
App de Usuários Esse é um app de usuários personalizado feito em Django REST Framework, nele eu modifiquei o model padrão de users do Django, adiciona
Camelot is a Python library that can help you extract tables from PDFs!
A Python library to extract tabular data from PDFs
Python package for Calendly API v2
PyCalendly Python package to use Calendly API-v2. Installation Install with pip $ pip install PyCalendly Usage Getting Started See Getting Started wi
A simple, transparent, open-source key logger, written in Python, for tracking your own key-usage statistics.
A simple, transparent, open-source key logger, written in Python, for tracking your own key-usage statistics, originally intended for keyboard layout optimization.
A Python wrapper around Bacting
pybacting Python wrapper around bacting. Usage Based on the example from the bacting page, you can do: from pybacting import cdk print(cdk.fromSMILES
Bingo game now in python play as much you want :) no need to give me credit it's open as fuck
Bingo-py-game A game coded with Python Introduction This is a Terminal-based game currently in its initial stage. I am working on adding more efficien
Double Pendulum implementation in Python, now with added pendulums and trails :D
Double Pendulum Using Curses in Python. A nice relaxing double pendulum simulation using ASCII, able to simulate multiple pendulums at once, and provi
Extract Thailand COVID-19 Cluster data from daily briefing pdf.
Thailand COVID-19 Cluster Data Extraction About Extract Clusters from Thailand Daily COVID-19 briefing PDF Download latest data Here. Data will be upd
a fork of the OnionShare software better optimized for lower spec lightweight machines and ARM processors
OnionShare-Optimized A fork of the OnionShare software better optimized for lower spec lightweight machines and ARM processors such as Raspberry Pi or
Handy Tool to check the availability of onion site and to extract the title of submitted onion links.
This tool helps is to quickly investigate a huge set of onion sites based by checking its availability which helps to filter out the inactive sites and collect the site title that might helps us to categories what site we are handling.
The official wrapper for spyse.com API, written in Python, aimed to help developers build their integrations with Spyse.
Python wrapper for Spyse API The official wrapper for spyse.com API, written in Python, aimed to help developers build their integrations with Spyse.
A python script to prefab your scripts/text files, and re create them with ease and not have to open your browser to copy code or write code yourself
Scriptfab - What is it? A python script to prefab your scripts/text files, and re create them with ease and not have to open your browser to copy code
A collection of interactive machine-learning experiments: 🏋️models training + 🎨models demo
🤖 Interactive Machine Learning experiments: 🏋️models training + 🎨models demo
ANNchor is a python library which constructs approximate k-nearest neighbour graphs for slow metrics.
Fast k-NN graph construction for slow metrics
Active learning for text classification in Python
Active Learning allows you to efficiently label training data in a small-data scenario.
Asynchronous Python Wrapper for the GoFile API
Asynchronous Python Wrapper for the GoFile API
A simple reverse shell in python
RevShell A simple reverse shell in python Getting started First, start the server python server.py Finally, start the client (victim) python client.py
It's a simple python script to take backup of directories (compressing) then the same to move your mentioned S3 bucket with the help of AWS IAM User.
Directory Backup Moved to S3 (Pyscript) Description Here it's a python script that needs to use this script simply create a directory backup and moved
Beatsaber for Python
beatsaber Beatsaber for Python It was automatically generated with mkpylib. If you're reading this message, it m
GlokyPortScannar is a really fast tool to scan TCP ports implemented in Python.
GlokyPortScannar is a really fast tool to scan TCP ports implemented in Python. Installation: This program requires Python 3.9. Linux
This is the code repository for Interpretable Machine Learning with Python, published by Packt.
Interpretable Machine Learning with Python, published by Packt
A boilerplate Flask API for a Fullstack Project with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt. ⚙
Flask Boilerplate to quickly get started with production grade flask application with some additional packages and configuration prebuilt.
Pytorch implementation of the paper "Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning"
Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning This repo provides a Pytorch implementation for the Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning paper.
PyTorch implementation of the YOLO (You Only Look Once) v2
PyTorch implementation of the YOLO (You Only Look Once) v2 The YOLOv2 is one of the most popular one-stage object detector. This project adopts PyTorc
Prototypical Networks for Few shot Learning in PyTorch
Prototypical Networks for Few shot Learning in PyTorch Simple alternative Implementation of Prototypical Networks for Few Shot Learning (paper, code)
PyTorch implementation of VAGAN: Visual Feature Attribution Using Wasserstein GANs
PyTorch implementation of VAGAN: Visual Feature Attribution Using Wasserstein GANs This code aims to reproduce results obtained in the paper "Visual F
A python implementation of Deep-Image-Analogy based on pytorch.
Deep-Image-Analogy This project is a python implementation of Deep Image Analogy.https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.01088. Some results Requirements python 3
NIMA: Neural IMage Assessment
PyTorch NIMA: Neural IMage Assessment PyTorch implementation of Neural IMage Assessment by Hossein Talebi and Peyman Milanfar. You can learn more from
PyTorch implementation of convolutional neural networks-based text-to-speech synthesis models
Deepvoice3_pytorch PyTorch implementation of convolutional networks-based text-to-speech synthesis models: arXiv:1710.07654: Deep Voice 3: Scaling Tex
Simple, hassle-free, dependency-free, AST based source code refactoring toolkit.
refactor is an end-to-end refactoring framework that is built on top of the 'simple but effective refactorings' assumption. It is much easier to write a simple script with it rather than trying to figure out what sort of a regex you need in order to replace a pattern (if it is even matchable with regexes).
Mdformat is an opinionated Markdown formatter that can be used to enforce a consistent style in Markdown files
Mdformat is an opinionated Markdown formatter that can be used to enforce a consistent style in Markdown files. Mdformat is a Unix-style command-line tool as well as a Python library.
emoji-math computes the given python expression and returns either the value or the nearest 5 emojis as measured by cosine similarity.
emoji-math computes the given python expression and returns either the value or the nearest 5 emojis as measured by cosine similarity.
NLPShala , the best IDE for all Natural language processing tasks.
The revolutionary IDE for all NLP (Natural language processing) stuffs on the internet.
A python application for manipulating pandas data frames from the comfort of your web browser
A python application for manipulating pandas data frames from the comfort of your web browser. Data flows are represented as a Directed Acyclic Graph, and nodes can be ran individually as the user sees fit.
Tokyo2020-Pictogram-using-MediaPipe MediaPipeで姿勢推定を行い、Tokyo2020オリンピック風のピクトグラムを表示するデモです。 Tokyo2020Pictgram02.mp4 Requirement mediapipe 0.8.6 or later O
Uncover the full name of a target on Linkedin.
Revealin Uncover the full name of a target on Linkedin. It's just a little PoC exploiting a design flaw. Useful for OSINT. Screenshot Usage $ git clon
Simple reuse of partial HTML page templates in the Jinja template language for Python web frameworks.
Jinja Partials Simple reuse of partial HTML page templates in the Jinja template language for Python web frameworks. (There is also a Pyramid/Chameleo
A Python-based application demonstrating various search algorithms, namely Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), and A* Search (Manhattan Distance Heuristic)
A Python-based application demonstrating various search algorithms, namely Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), and the A* Search (using the Manhattan Distance Heuristic)
Set of utilities for exporting/controlling your robot in Blender
Blender Robotics Utils This repository contains utilities for exporting/controlling your robot in Blender Maintainers This repository is maintained by
MoviePy is a Python library for video editing, can read and write all the most common audio and video formats
MoviePy is a Python library for video editing: cutting, concatenations, title insertions, video compositing (a.k.a. non-linear editing), video processing, and creation of custom effects. See the gallery for some examples of use.
Implementation of paper: "Image Super-Resolution Using Dense Skip Connections" in PyTorch
SRDenseNet-pytorch Implementation of paper: "Image Super-Resolution Using Dense Skip Connections" in PyTorch (http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ICC
PySharpSphere - Inspired by SharpSphere, just another python version
PySharpSphere Inspired by SharpSphere, just another python version. Installation python3 setup.py install Features Support control both Linux and Wind
Hook Slinger acts as a simple service that lets you send, retry, and manage event-triggered POST requests, aka webhooks
Hook Slinger acts as a simple service that lets you send, retry, and manage event-triggered POST requests, aka webhooks. It provides a fully self-contained docker image that is easy to orchestrate, manage, and scale.
Create VSCode Extensions with python
About Create vscode extensions with python. Installation Stable version: pip install vscode-ext Why use this? Why should you use this for building VSc
Performing the following operations using python on PDF.
Python PDF Handling Tutorial Python is a highly versatile language with a huge set of libraries. It is a high level language with simple syntax. Pytho
Die wichtigsten APIs Deutschlands in einem Python Paket.
Deutschland A python package that gives you easy access to the most valuable datasets of Germany. Installation pip install deutschland Geographic data
View your VALORANT performance in different areas of every map in the game!
Valorant-Zone-Stats Inspired by Leetify's awesome Map Zones Tool for CS:GO A simple desktop program to view your VALORANT performance in different are
A Python interface between Earth Engine and xarray
eexarray A Python interface between Earth Engine and xarray Description eexarray was built to make processing gridded, mesoscale time series data quic
CobraML: Completely Customizable A python ML library designed to give the end user full control
CobraML: Completely Customizable What is it? CobraML is a python library built on both numpy and numba. Unlike other ML libraries CobraML gives the us
Vericopy - This Python script provides various usage modes for secure local file copying and hashing.
Vericopy This Python script provides various usage modes for secure local file copying and hashing. Hash data is captured and logged for paths before
REST API for sentence tokenization and embedding using Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder.
MUSE stands for Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder - multilingual extension (supports 16 languages) of Universal Sentence Encoder (USE).
IDRLnet, a Python toolbox for modeling and solving problems through Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) systematically.
IDRLnet IDRLnet is a machine learning library on top of PyTorch. Use IDRLnet if you need a machine learning library that solves both forward and inver
Attractors is a package for simulation and visualization of strange attractors.
attractors Attractors is a package for simulation and visualization of strange attractors. Installation The simplest way to install the module is via
A handy tool for generating Django-based backend projects without coding. On the other hand, it is a code generator of the Django framework.
Django Sage Painless The django-sage-painless is a valuable package based on Django Web Framework & Django Rest Framework for high-level and rapid web
A python script to turn Ubuntu Desktop in a one stop security platform. The InfoSec Fortress installs the packages,tools, and resources to make Ubuntu 20.04 capable of both offensive and defensive security work.
infosec-fortress A python script to turn Ubuntu Desktop into a strong DFIR/RE System with some teeth (Purple Team Ops)! This is intended to create a s
Probe and discover HTTP pathname using brute-force methodology and filtered by specific word or 2 words at once
pathprober Probe and discover HTTP pathname using brute-force methodology and filtered by specific word or 2 words at once. Purpose Brute-forcing webs
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API
RapidFuzz is a fast string matching library for Python and C++
RapidFuzz is a fast string matching library for Python and C++, which is using the string similarity calculations from FuzzyWuzzy