434 Repositories
Python scikit-build Libraries
A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
Machine Learning Notebooks, 3rd edition This project aims at teaching you the fundamentals of Machine Learning in python. It contains the example code
python package to showcase, test and build your own version of Pickhardt Payments
Pickhardt Payments Package The pickhardtpayments package is a collection of classes and interfaces that help you to test and implement your dialect of
Convert scikit-learn models to PyTorch modules
sk2torch sk2torch converts scikit-learn models into PyTorch modules that can be tuned with backpropagation and even compiled as TorchScript. Problems
Boilerplate template formwork for a Python Flask application with Mysql,Build dynamic websites rapidly.
Overview English | 简体中文 How to Build dynamic web rapidly? We choose Formwork-Flask. Formwork is a highly packaged Flask Demo. It's intergrates various
torchlm is aims to build a high level pipeline for face landmarks detection, it supports training, evaluating, exporting, inference(Python/C++) and 100+ data augmentations
💎A high level pipeline for face landmarks detection, supports training, evaluating, exporting, inference and 100+ data augmentations, compatible with torchvision and albumentations, can easily install with pip.
A RESTful API for creating and monitoring resource components of a hypothetical build system. Built with FastAPI and pydantic. Complete with testing and CI.
diskspace-monitor-CRUD Background The build system is part of a large environment with a multitude of different components. Many of the components hav
Ideas on how to quickly learn to build command-line tools
CLI-Bootcamp Ideas on how to quickly learn to build command-line tools Part 1-Bash Week1: Using Linux Lesson 1: Using Linux Shell Lab Lesson 2: How sh
Resources complimenting the Machine Learning Course led in the Faculty of mathematics and informatics part of Sofia University.
Machine Learning and Data Mining, Summer 2021-2022 How to learn data science and machine learning? Programming. Learn Python. Basic Statistics. Take a
An open source development framework to help you build data workflows and modern data architecture on AWS.
AWS DataOps Development Kit (DDK) The AWS DataOps Development Kit is an open source development framework for customers that build data workflows and
Machine learning beginner to Kaggle competitor in 30 days. Non-coders welcome. The program starts Monday, August 2, and lasts four weeks. It's designed for people who want to learn machine learning.
30-Days-of-ML-Kaggle 🔥 About the Hands On Program 💻 Machine learning beginner → Kaggle competitor in 30 days. Non-coders welcome The program starts
Implementation of Basic Machine Learning Algorithms on small datasets using Scikit Learn.
Basic Machine Learning Algorithms All the basic Machine Learning Algorithms are implemented in Python using libraries Acknowledgements Machine Learnin
#30DaysOfStreamlit is a 30-day social challenge for you to build and deploy Streamlit apps.
30 Days Of Streamlit 🎈 This is the official repo of #30DaysOfStreamlit — a 30-day social challenge for you to learn, build and deploy Streamlit apps.
dbt (data build tool) adapter for Oracle Autonomous Database
dbt-oracle version 1.0.0 dbt (data build tool) adapter for the Oracle database. dbt "adapters" are responsible for adapting dbt's functionality to a g
AoT is a system for automatically generating off-target test harness by using build information.
AoT: Auto off-Target Automatically generating off-target test harness by using build information. Brought to you by the Mobile Security Team at Samsun
Notes taking website build with Docker + Django + React.
Notes website. Try it in browser! / But how to run? Description. This is monorepository with notes website. Website provides web interface for creatin
PassAPI is a password generator in hash format and fully developed in Python, with the aim of teaching how to handle and build
simple, elegant and safe Introduction PassAPI is a password generator in hash format and fully developed in Python, with the aim of teaching how to ha
Pgn2tex - Scripts to convert pgn files to latex document. Useful to build books or pdf from pgn studies
Pgn2Latex (WIP) A simple script to make pdf from pgn files and studies. It's sti
Py-instant-search-redis - Source code example for how to build an instant search with redis in python
py-instant-search-redis Source code example for how to build an instant search (
Sphinx-performance - CLI tool to measure the build time of different, free configurable Sphinx-Projects
CLI tool to measure the build time of different, free configurable Sphinx-Projec
🎡 Build Python wheels for all the platforms on CI with minimal configuration.
cibuildwheel Documentation Python wheels are great. Building them across Mac, Linux, Windows, on multiple versions of Python, is not. cibuildwheel is
The aim of this project is to build an AI bot that can play the Wordle game, or more generally Squabble
Wordle RL The aim of this project is to build an AI bot that can play the Wordle game, or more generally Squabble I know there are more deterministic
fair-test is a library to build and deploy FAIR metrics tests APIs supporting the specifications used by the FAIRMetrics working group.
☑️ FAIR test fair-test is a library to build and deploy FAIR metrics tests APIs supporting the specifications used by the FAIRMetrics working group. I
The LaTeX and Python code for generating the paper, experiments' results and visualizations reported in each paper is available (whenever possible) in the paper's directory
This repository contains the software implementation of most algorithms used or developed in my research. The LaTeX and Python code for generating the
icepickle is to allow a safe way to serialize and deserialize linear scikit-learn models
icepickle It's a cooler way to store simple linear models. The goal of icepickle is to allow a safe way to serialize and deserialize linear scikit-lea
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters. It also works with any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API (pipelines, CatBoost, LightGBM, XGBoost, Ranger...).
Lseng-iseng eksplor Machine Learning dengan menggunakan library Scikit-Learn
Kalo dengar istilah ML, biasanya rada ambigu. Soalnya punya beberapa kepanjangan, seperti Mobile Legend, Makan Lontong, Ma**ng L*v* dan lain-lain. Tapi pada repo ini membahas Machine Learning :)
OntoSeer is a tool to help users build better quality ontologies
Ontoseer This document provides documentation for the first version of OntoSeer.OntoSeer is a tool that monitors the ontology development process andp
To build a regression model to predict the concrete compressive strength based on the different features in the training data.
Cement-Strength-Prediction Problem Statement To build a regression model to predict the concrete compressive strength based on the different features
Python package for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling
Python package for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling. All sklearn-compatible and easy to use. 📚 docs • 📖 demo notebooks Modern
This is a tool to develop, build and test PHP extensions in Docker containers.
Develop, Build and Test PHP Extensions This is a tool to develop, build and test PHP extensions in Docker containers. Installation Clone this reposito
A test repository to build a python package and publish the package to Artifact Registry using GCB
A test repository to build a python package and publish the package to Artifact Registry using GCB. Then have the package be a dependency in a GCF function.
Build upon neural radiance fields to create a scene-specific implicit 3D semantic representation, Semantic-NeRF
Semantic-NeRF: Semantic Neural Radiance Fields Project Page | Video | Paper | Data In-Place Scene Labelling and Understanding with Implicit Scene Repr
Web scraper build using python.
Web Scraper This project is made in pyhthon. It took some info. from website list then add them into data.json file. The dependencies used are: reques
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
This project is an exciting fun game for beginners to build up
This project is an exciting fun game for beginners to build up. The program generates a random number from 1 to 10, or 1 to 100 any range that is specified and the user must guess the number after a hint from the computer.
How to build an Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter in Python
Generally to measure the temperature we make use of one of these two popular units i.e. Fahrenheit & Celsius.
Tic-Tac-Toe - Tic-Tac-Toe game build With Python
Tic Tac Toe This game is very popular amongst all of us and even fun to build as
Mscp jamf - Build compliance in jamf
mscp_jamf Build compliance in Jamf. This will build the following xml pieces to
No more boilerplate to check and build a Python object from JSON.
JSONloader This module is for you if you're tired of writing boilerplate that: builds a straightforward Python object from loaded JSON. checks that yo
To-Be is a machine learning challenge on CodaLab Platform about Mortality Prediction
To-Be is a machine learning challenge on CodaLab Platform about Mortality Prediction. The challenge aims to adress the problems of medical imbalanced data classification.
Code and build instructions for Snap, a simple Raspberry Pi and LED machine to show you how expensive the electricyty is at the moment
Code and build instructions for Snap, a simple Raspberry Pi and LED machine to show you how expensive the electricyty is at the moment. On row of LEDs shows the cost of the hour, the other row the cost of the day.
In this workshop we will be exploring NLP state of the art transformers, with SOTA models like T5 and BERT, then build a model using HugginFace transformers framework.
Transformers are all you need In this workshop we will be exploring NLP state of the art transformers, with SOTA models like T5 and BERT, then build a
Painless Machine Learning for python based on scikit-learn
PlainML Painless Machine Learning Library for python based on scikit-learn. Install pip install plainml Example from plainml import KnnModel, load_ir
The Dual Memory is build from a simple CNN for the deep memory and Linear Regression fro the fast Memory
Simple-DMA a simple Dual Memory Architecture for classifications. based on the paper Dual-Memory Deep Learning Architectures for Lifelong Learning of
Scikit-event-correlation - Event Correlation and Forecasting over High Dimensional Streaming Sensor Data algorithms
scikit-event-correlation Event Correlation and Changing Detection Algorithm Theo
OptiPLANT is a cloud-based based system that empowers professional and non-professional data scientists to build high-quality predictive models
OptiPLANT OptiPLANT is a cloud-based based system that empowers professional and non-professional data scientists to build high-quality predictive mod
Generate pixel-style avatars with python.
face2pixel Generate pixel-style avatars with python. Run: Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/theodorecooper/face2pixel install requiremen
This porject is intented to build the most accurate model for predicting the porbability of loan default
Estimating-Loan-Default-Probability IBA ML2 Mid-project / Kaggle Competition This porject is intented to build the most accurate model for predicting
Labelbox is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship artificial intelligence applications
Labelbox Labelbox is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship artificial intelligence applications. Use this github repository to help you s
Use Tensorflow2.7.0 Build OpenAI'GPT-2
TF2_GPT-2 Use Tensorflow2.7.0 Build OpenAI'GPT-2 使用最新tensorflow2.7.0构建openai官方的GPT-2 NLP模型 优点 使用无监督技术 拥有大量词汇量 可实现续写(堪比“xx梦续写”) 实现对话后续将应用于FloatTech的Bot
This Docker container is build to run on a server an provide an easy to use interface for every student to vote for their councilors
This Docker container is build to run on a server and provide an easy to use interface for every student to vote for their councilors.
This is a Poetry plugin that will make it possible to build projects using custom TOML files
Poetry Multiproject Plugin This is a Poetry plugin that will make it possible to build projects using custom TOML files. This is especially useful whe
WallAlley.bot is an open source and free to use financial discord bot originaly build for WallAlley server's community
WallAlley.bot About WallAlley.bot is an open source and free to use financial discord bot originaly build for WallAlley server's community. All data a
This is a learning tool and exploration app made using the Dash interactive Python framework developed by Plotly
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Explorer This app has been moved here. This repo is likely outdated and will not be updated. This is a learning tool and
scikit-learn is a python module for machine learning built on top of numpy / scipy
About scikit-learn is a python module for machine learning built on top of numpy / scipy. The purpose of the scikit-learn-tutorial subproject is to le
Dive into Machine Learning
Dive into Machine Learning Hi there! You might find this guide helpful if: You know Python or you're learning it 🐍 You're new to Machine Learning You
nn_builder lets you build neural networks with less boilerplate code
nn_builder lets you build neural networks with less boilerplate code. You specify the type of network you want and it builds it. Install pip install n
Tic Tac Toe Game build with Python
Tic Tac Toe Game Description two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three grid with X or O. The player who succeeds in placing th
A real-time speech emotion recognition application using Scikit-learn and gradio
Speech-Emotion-Recognition-App A real-time speech emotion recognition application using Scikit-learn and gradio. Requirements librosa==0.6.3 numpy sou
The scope of this project will be to build a data ware house on Google Cloud Platform that will help answer common business questions as well as powering dashboards
The scope of this project will be to build a data ware house on Google Cloud Platform that will help answer common business questions as well as powering dashboards.
This is a Cricket Score Predictor that predicts the first innings score of a T20 Cricket match using Machine Learning
This is a Cricket Score Predictor that predicts the first innings score of a T20 Cricket match using Machine Learning. It is a Web Application.
Extract the windows major and minor build numbers from an ISO file, and automatically sort the iso files.
WindowsBuildFromISO Extract the windows major and minor build numbers from an ISO file, and automatically sort the iso files. Features Parse multiple
Code for Private Recommender Systems: How Can Users Build Their Own Fair Recommender Systems without Log Data? (SDM 2022)
Private Recommender Systems: How Can Users Build Their Own Fair Recommender Systems without Log Data? (SDM 2022) We consider how a user of a web servi
A modern looking portfolio build with Django.
Django Portfolio A portfolio template using html/css/js in the frontend and Django as the backend framework. Cool features: smooth scrolling responsiv
Gender Classification Machine Learning Model using Sk-learn in Python with 97%+ accuracy and deployment
Gender-classification This is a ML model to classify Male and Females using some physical characterstics Data. Python Libraries like Pandas,Numpy and
In this Notebook I've build some machine-learning and deep-learning to classify corona virus tweets, in both multi class classification and binary classification.
Hello, This Notebook Contains Example of Corona Virus Tweets Multi Class Classification. - Classes is: Extremely Positive, Positive, Extremely Negativ
Bringing Computer Vision and Flutter together , to build an awesome app !!
Bringing Computer Vision and Flutter together , to build an awesome app !! Explore the Directories Flutter · Machine Learning Table of Contents About
Python Auto-ML Package for Tabular Datasets
Tabular-AutoML AutoML Package for tabular datasets Tabular dataset tuning is now hassle free! Run one liner command and get best tuning and processed
Command-line Hangman game
Hang-_an-game-python-build Hangman C command-line Hangman game. Compilation Navigate to the root of the repository from your Terminal and run make to
A tool to build scripts to toggle between minimal & default services in Windows based on user defined lists.
A tool to build scripts to toggle between minimal & default services in Windows based on user defined lists.
Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord.
numpy2tfrecord Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord. Installation
Whatsapp-bot - Whatsapp chatbot build with python and twilio
Whatsapp-bot This is a Whatsapp Chatbot that responds with quotes, reply owners
Fun interactive program to sort a list :)
LHD-Build-Sort-a-list Fun interactive program to sort a list :) Inspiration LHD Build Write a script to sort a list. What it does It is a menu driven
A cpp project template that uses CMake to build and Google Test / Github Actions to provide a CI
A cpp project template that uses CMake to build and Google Test / Github Actions to provide a CI
Using Global fishing watch's data to build a machine learning model that can identify illegal fishing and poaching activities through satellite and geo-location data.
Using Global fishing watch's data to build a machine learning model that can identify illegal fishing and poaching activities through satellite and geo-location data.
An Embedded Linux Project Build and Compile Tool -- An Bitbake UI Extension
Dianshao - An Embedded Linux Project Build and Compile Tool
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website)
Python Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks (ML website) Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Fremont, California (Please feel free to connect on LinkedIn here) Also
Practical Machine Learning with Python
Master the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex real-world problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by leveraging the highly popular Python Machine Learning Eco-system.
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components
The GUI application by Python3.8. Using QT Design draw UI and generator UI XML file provides to PySide2 build GUI components. Total adopt OOD design class, service, and abstract class. OOP implemented this project.
To design and implement the Identification of Iris Flower species using machine learning using Python and the tool Scikit-Learn.
To design and implement the Identification of Iris Flower species using machine learning using Python and the tool Scikit-Learn.
I'm doing Genuary, an aritifiacilly generated month to build code that make beautiful things
Genuary 2022 I'm doing Genuary, an aritifiacilly generated month to build code that make beautiful things. Every day there is a new prompt for making
Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting with a familiar API
scikit-hts Hierarchical Time Series with a familiar API. This is the result from not having found any good implementations of HTS on-line, and my work
An open source python library for automated feature engineering
"One of the holy grails of machine learning is to automate more and more of the feature engineering process." ― Pedro Domingos, A Few Useful Things to
Software Engineer Salary Prediction
Based on 2021 stack overflow data, this machine learning web application helps one predict the salary based on years of experience, level of education and the country they work in.
Analyzed the data of VISA applicants to build a predictive model to facilitate the process of VISA approvals.
Analyzed the data of Visa applicants, built a predictive model to facilitate the process of visa approvals, and based on important factors that significantly influence the Visa status recommended a suitable profile for the applicants for whom the visa should be certified or denied.
Template repo for a GCP-hosted REST API with automatic API versioning and custom domain mapping
Python + Poetry REST API with FastAPI, hosted on GCP This template will get you ready to deploy a FastAPI app in Google Cloud with automatic API versi
Tutorial on scikit-learn and IPython for parallel machine learning
Parallel Machine Learning with scikit-learn and IPython Video recording of this tutorial given at PyCon in 2013. The tutorial material has been rearra
Materials for my scikit-learn tutorial
Scikit-learn Tutorial Jake VanderPlas email: jakevdp@uw.edu twitter: @jakevdp github: jakevdp This repository contains notebooks and other files assoc
General Assembly's 2015 Data Science course in Washington, DC
DAT8 Course Repository Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC (8/18/15 - 10/29/15). Instructor: Kevin Markham (
🤖 ⚡ scikit-learn tips
🤖 ⚡ scikit-learn tips New tips are posted on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. 👉 Sign up to receive 2 video tips by email every week! 👈 List of all
A series of Jupyter notebooks with Chinese comment that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in python using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.
Hands-on-Machine-Learning 目的 这份笔记旨在帮助中文学习者以一种较快较系统的方式入门机器学习, 是在学习Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow这本书的 时候做的个人笔记: 此项目的可取之处 原书的
A Practitioner's Guide to Natural Language Processing
Learn how to process, classify, cluster, summarize, understand syntax, semantics and sentiment of text data with the power of Python! This repository contains code and datasets used in my book, Text Analytics with Python published by Apress/Springer.
CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM
AWS SAM The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to e
Uproot is a library for reading and writing ROOT files in pure Python and NumPy.
Uproot is a library for reading and writing ROOT files in pure Python and NumPy. Unlike the standard C++ ROOT implementation, Uproot is only an I/O li
SOLSEA-NFT-EXPLORE - Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the Solana API
SOLSEA NFT Explorer Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the Solana AP
👷 Build images with images
👷 Build images with images. About Tiler is a tool to create an image using all kinds of other smaller images (tiles). It is different from other mosa
Amazon SageMaker Delta Sharing Examples
This repository contains examples and related resources showing you how to preprocess, train, and serve your models using Amazon SageMaker with data fetched from Delta Lake.
LRBoost is a scikit-learn compatible approach to performing linear residual based stacking/boosting.
LRBoost is a sckit-learn compatible package for linear residual boosting. LRBoost combines a linear estimator and a non-linear estimator to leverage t
Build a small, 3 domain internet using Github pages and Wikipedia and construct a crawler to crawl, render, and index.
TechSEO Crawler Build a small, 3 domain internet using Github pages and Wikipedia and construct a crawler to crawl, render, and index. Play with the r
Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the OpenSea API
OpenSea API Explorer Using Streamlit to build a simple UI on top of the OpenSea API. 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are we