1504 Repositories
Python shot-detection Libraries
LETR: Line Segment Detection Using Transformers without Edges
LETR: Line Segment Detection Using Transformers without Edges Introduction This repository contains the official code and pretrained models for Line S
Unconstrained Text Detection with Box Supervisionand Dynamic Self-Training
SelfText Beyond Polygon: Unconstrained Text Detection with Box Supervisionand Dynamic Self-Training Introduction This is a PyTorch implementation of "
Patch Rotation: A Self-Supervised Auxiliary Task for Robustness and Accuracy of Supervised Models
Patch-Rotation(PatchRot) Patch Rotation: A Self-Supervised Auxiliary Task for Robustness and Accuracy of Supervised Models Submitted to Neurips2021 To
Receive notifications/alerts on the most recent disclosed CVE's.
Receive notifications on the most recent disclosed CVE's.
A collection of modules I have created to programmatically search for/download imagery from live cam feeds across the state of California.
A collection of modules that I have created to programmatically search for/download imagery from all publicly available live cam feeds across the state of California. In no way am I affiliated with any of these organizations and these modules/methods of gathering imagery are completely unofficial.
Demo project for real time anomaly detection using kafka and python
kafkaml-anomaly-detection Project for real time anomaly detection using kafka and python It's assumed that zookeeper and kafka are running in the loca
Tutorial to set up TensorFlow Object Detection API on the Raspberry Pi
A tutorial showing how to set up TensorFlow's Object Detection API on the Raspberry Pi
SANet: A Slice-Aware Network for Pulmonary Nodule Detection
SANet: A Slice-Aware Network for Pulmonary Nodule Detection This paper (SANet) has been accepted and early accessed in IEEE TPAMI 2021. This code and
A gesture recognition system powered by OpenPose, k-nearest neighbours, and local outlier factor.
OpenHands OpenHands is a gesture recognition system powered by OpenPose, k-nearest neighbours, and local outlier factor. Currently the system can iden
Code for Towards Streaming Perception (ECCV 2020) :car:
sAP — Code for Towards Streaming Perception ECCV Best Paper Honorable Mention Award Feb 2021: Announcing the Streaming Perception Challenge (CVPR 2021
PyTorch Implementation of Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation
StyleSpeech - PyTorch Implementation PyTorch Implementation of Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation. Status (2021.06.13
Adaptive Prototype Learning and Allocation for Few-Shot Segmentation (CVPR 2021)
ASGNet The code is for the paper "Adaptive Prototype Learning and Allocation for Few-Shot Segmentation" (accepted to CVPR 2021) [arxiv] Overview data/
LaneAF: Robust Multi-Lane Detection with Affinity Fields
LaneAF: Robust Multi-Lane Detection with Affinity Fields This repository contains Pytorch code for training and testing LaneAF lane detection models i
(AAAI 2021) Progressive One-shot Human Parsing
End-to-end One-shot Human Parsing This is the official repository for our two papers: Progressive One-shot Human Parsing (AAAI 2021) End-to-end One-sh
Aerial Imagery dataset for fire detection: classification and segmentation (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV))
Aerial Imagery dataset for fire detection: classification and segmentation using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Title FLAME (Fire Luminosity Airborne-b
This bot will delete messages containing blacklisted words in your telegram groups.
Profanity Detector Bot This bot will delete messages containing blacklisted words in your telegram groups. Made using ProfanityDetector.
Vehicle Identification Speed Detection (VISD) extracts vehicle information like License Plate number, Manufacturer and colour from a video and provides this data in the form of a CSV file
Vehicle Identification Speed Detection (VISD) extracts vehicle information like License Plate number, Manufacturer and colour from a video and provides this data in the form of a CSV file. VISD can also perform vehicle speed detection on a video. All these features of VSID are provided to the user using a Web Application which is created using Flask
Code and data of the ACL 2021 paper: Few-Shot Text Ranking with Meta Adapted Synthetic Weak Supervision
MetaAdaptRank This repository provides the implementation of meta-learning to reweight synthetic weak supervision data described in the paper Few-Shot
deployment of a hybrid model for automatic weapon detection/ anomaly detection for surveillance applications
Automatic Weapon Detection Deployment of a hybrid model for automatic weapon detection/ anomaly detection for surveillance applications. Loved the pro
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
Object tracking implemented with YOLOv4, DeepSort, and TensorFlow.
Object tracking implemented with YOLOv4, DeepSort, and TensorFlow. YOLOv4 is a state of the art algorithm that uses deep convolutional neural networks to perform object detections. We can take the output of YOLOv4 feed these object detections into Deep SORT (Simple Online and Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric) in order to create a highly accurate object tracker.
Intruder detection systems are common place now, and readily available in industry, but how do they work? They must detect people and large animals, but not generate false alarms in the presence of small animals, changes in lighting, environmental motion such as trees, or melting snow. To work correctly, the system must learn the background, in order to differentiate foreground objects.
Intruder-Detection Intruder detection systems are common place now, and readily available in industry, but how do they work? They must detect people a
Just a script for detecting the lanes in any car game (not just gta 5) with specific resolution and road design ( very basic and limited )
GTA-5-Lane-detection Just a script for detecting the lanes in any car game (not just gta 5) with specific resolution and road design ( very basic and
Semantic-based Patch Detection for Binary Programs
PMatch Semantic-based Patch Detection for Binary Programs Requirement tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1 numpy 1.16.2 scikit-learn 0.20.3 ssdeep 3.4 Usage tar -xvz
This package is for running the semantic SLAM algorithm using extracted planar surfaces from the received detection
Semantic SLAM This package can perform optimization of pose estimated from VO/VIO methods which tend to drift over time. It uses planar surfaces extra
Official PyTorch implementation of "Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Set Recognition"
Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Set Recognition Official PyTorch implementation of "Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Se
ImVoxelNet: Image to Voxels Projection for Monocular and Multi-View General-Purpose 3D Object Detection
ImVoxelNet: Image to Voxels Projection for Monocular and Multi-View General-Purpose 3D Object Detection This repository contains implementation of the
The implementation of PEMP in paper "Prior-Enhanced Few-Shot Segmentation with Meta-Prototypes"
Prior-Enhanced network with Meta-Prototypes (PEMP) This is the PyTorch implementation of PEMP. Overview of PEMP Meta-Prototypes & Adaptive Prototypes
This little tool is to calculate a MurmurHash value of a favicon to hunt phishing websites on the Shodan platform.
MurMurHash This little tool is to calculate a MurmurHash value of a favicon to hunt phishing websites on the Shodan platform. What is MurMurHash? Murm
Pytorch implementation of "M-LSD: Towards Light-weight and Real-time Line Segment Detection"
M-LSD: Towards Light-weight and Real-time Line Segment Detection Pytorch implementation of "M-LSD: Towards Light-weight and Real-time Line Segment Det
Detection of drones using their thermal signatures from thermal camera through YOLO-V3 based CNN with modifications to encapsulate drone motion
Drone Detection using Thermal Signature This repository highlights the work for night-time drone detection using a using an Optris PI Lightweight ther
Official repository for HOTR: End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection with Transformers (CVPR'21, Oral Presentation)
Official PyTorch Implementation for HOTR: End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection with Transformers (CVPR'2021, Oral Presentation) HOTR: End-to-
Codes for ACL-IJCNLP 2021 Paper "Zero-shot Fact Verification by Claim Generation"
Zero-shot-Fact-Verification-by-Claim-Generation This repository contains code and models for the paper: Zero-shot Fact Verification by Claim Generatio
Repository for the COLING 2020 paper "Explainable Automated Fact-Checking: A Survey."
Explainable Fact Checking: A Survey This repository and the accompanying webpage contain resources for the paper "Explainable Fact Checking: A Survey"
code for our paper "Source Data-absent Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Hypothesis Transfer and Labeling Transfer"
SHOT++ Code for our TPAMI submission "Source Data-absent Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Hypothesis Transfer and Labeling Transfer" that is ext
You Only 👀 One Sequence
You Only 👀 One Sequence TL;DR: We study the transferability of the vanilla ViT pre-trained on mid-sized ImageNet-1k to the more challenging COCO obje
Official Tensorflow implementation of "M-LSD: Towards Light-weight and Real-time Line Segment Detection"
M-LSD: Towards Light-weight and Real-time Line Segment Detection Official Tensorflow implementation of "M-LSD: Towards Light-weight and Real-time Line
The toolkit to generate auto labeled datasets
Ozeu Ozeu is the toolkit to autolabal dataset for instance segmentation. You can generate datasets labaled with segmentation mask and bounding box fro
This is the code for our paper DAAIN: Detection of Anomalous and AdversarialInput using Normalizing Flows
Merantix-Labs: DAAIN This is the code for our paper DAAIN: Detection of Anomalous and Adversarial Input using Normalizing Flows which can be found at
SparseML is a libraries for applying sparsification recipes to neural networks with a few lines of code, enabling faster and smaller models
SparseML is a toolkit that includes APIs, CLIs, scripts and libraries that apply state-of-the-art sparsification algorithms such as pruning and quantization to any neural network. General, recipe-driven approaches built around these algorithms enable the simplification of creating faster and smaller models for the ML performance community at large.
People movement type classifier with YOLOv4 detection and SORT tracking.
Movement classification The goal of this project would be movement classification of people, in other words, walking (normal and fast) and running. Yo
Implementation of paper "DeepTag: A General Framework for Fiducial Marker Design and Detection"
Implementation of paper DeepTag: A General Framework for Fiducial Marker Design and Detection. Project page: https://herohuyongtao.github.io/research/
A PyTorch implementation of EfficientDet.
A PyTorch impl of EfficientDet faithful to the original Google impl w/ ported weights
Code for "FGR: Frustum-Aware Geometric Reasoning for Weakly Supervised 3D Vehicle Detection", ICRA 2021
FGR This repository contains the python implementation for paper "FGR: Frustum-Aware Geometric Reasoning for Weakly Supervised 3D Vehicle Detection"(I
PED: DETR for Crowd Pedestrian Detection
PED: DETR for Crowd Pedestrian Detection Code for PED: DETR For (Crowd) Pedestrian Detection Paper PED: DETR for Crowd Pedestrian Detection Installati
A tight inclusion function for continuous collision detection
Tight-Inclusion Continuous Collision Detection A conservative Continuous Collision Detection (CCD) method with support for minimum separation. You can
Run object detection model on the Raspberry Pi
Using TensorFlow Lite with Python is great for embedded devices based on Linux, such as Raspberry Pi.
Code for PED: DETR For (Crowd) Pedestrian Detection
Code for PED: DETR For (Crowd) Pedestrian Detection
FairMOT - A simple baseline for one-shot multi-object tracking
FairMOT - A simple baseline for one-shot multi-object tracking
Rest API Written In Python To Classify NSFW Images.
✨ NSFW Classifier API ✨ Rest API Written In Python To Classify NSFW Images. Fastest Solution If you don't want to selfhost it, there's already an inst
Multi-Scale Aligned Distillation for Low-Resolution Detection (CVPR2021)
MSAD Multi-Scale Aligned Distillation for Low-Resolution Detection Lu Qi*, Jason Kuen*, Jiuxiang Gu, Zhe Lin, Yi Wang, Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Jiaya J
Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection (CVPR 2021)
SA-AutoAug Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Tao Kong, Lu Qi, Ruihang Chu, Lei Li, Jiaya Jia [Paper] [Bi
Official PyTorch implementation for "Mixed supervision for surface-defect detection: from weakly to fully supervised learning"
Mixed supervision for surface-defect detection: from weakly to fully supervised learning [Computers in Industry 2021] Official PyTorch implementation
The repo of the preprinting paper "Labels Are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in Object Detection"
Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in Object Detection A teaser version of the code for the paper Labels Are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in
Tiny Object Detection in Aerial Images.
AI-TOD AI-TOD is a dataset for tiny object detection in aerial images. [Paper] [Dataset] Description AI-TOD comes with 700,621 object instances for ei
True Few-Shot Learning with Language Models
This codebase supports using language models (LMs) for true few-shot learning: learning to perform a task using a limited number of examples from a single task distribution.
U2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection
The code for our newly accepted paper in Pattern Recognition 2020: "U^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection."
A public available dataset for road boundary detection in aerial images
Topo-boundary This is the official github repo of paper Topo-boundary: A Benchmark Dataset on Topological Road-boundary Detection Using Aerial Images
Official implementation of "One-Shot Voice Conversion with Weight Adaptive Instance Normalization".
One-Shot Voice Conversion with Weight Adaptive Instance Normalization By Shengjie Huang, Yanyan Xu*, Dengfeng Ke*, Mingjie Chen, Thomas Hain. This rep
Localization of thoracic abnormalities model based on VinBigData (top 1%)
Repository contains the code for 2nd place solution of VinBigData Chest X-ray Abnormalities Detection competition. The goal of competition was to auto
An Unsupervised Graph-based Toolbox for Fraud Detection
An Unsupervised Graph-based Toolbox for Fraud Detection Introduction: UGFraud is an unsupervised graph-based fraud detection toolbox that integrates s
[ECCV 2020] Gradient-Induced Co-Saliency Detection
Gradient-Induced Co-Saliency Detection Zhao Zhang*, Wenda Jin*, Jun Xu, Ming-Ming Cheng ⭐ Project Home » The official repo of the ECCV 2020 paper Grad
Few-NERD: Not Only a Few-shot NER Dataset
Few-NERD: Not Only a Few-shot NER Dataset This is the source code of the ACL-IJCNLP 2021 paper: Few-NERD: A Few-shot Named Entity Recognition Dataset.
Lipstick ain't enough: Beyond Color-Matching for In-the-Wild Makeup Transfer (CVPR 2021)
Table of Content Introduction Datasets Getting Started Requirements Usage Example Training & Evaluation CPM: Color-Pattern Makeup Transfer CPM is a ho
Streaming Anomaly Detection Framework in Python (Outlier Detection for Streaming Data)
Python Streaming Anomaly Detection (PySAD) PySAD is an open-source python framework for anomaly detection on streaming multivariate data. Documentatio
This is an unofficial implementation of the paper “Student-Teacher Feature Pyramid Matching for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection”.
This is an unofficial implementation of the paper “Student-Teacher Feature Pyramid Matching for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection”.
An ultra fast tiny model for lane detection, using onnx_parser, TensorRTAPI, torch2trt to accelerate. our model support for int8, dynamic input and profiling. (Nvidia-Alibaba-TensoRT-hackathon2021)
Ultra_Fast_Lane_Detection_TensorRT An ultra fast tiny model for lane detection, using onnx_parser, TensorRTAPI to accelerate. our model support for in
Paper list of log-based anomaly detection
Paper list of log-based anomaly detection
Official implement of Paper:A deeply supervised image fusion network for change detection in high resolution bi-temporal remote sening images
A deeply supervised image fusion network for change detection in high resolution bi-temporal remote sensing images 深度监督影像融合网络DSIFN用于高分辨率双时相遥感影像变化检测 Of
Few-shot Relation Extraction via Bayesian Meta-learning on Relation Graphs
Few-shot Relation Extraction via Bayesian Meta-learning on Relation Graphs This is an implemetation of the paper Few-shot Relation Extraction via Baye
FastFace: Lightweight Face Detection Framework
Light Face Detection using PyTorch Lightning
A list of papers about point cloud based place recognition, also known as loop closure detection in SLAM (processing)
A list of papers about point cloud based place recognition, also known as loop closure detection in SLAM (processing)
A DeepStack custom model for detecting common objects in dark/night images and videos.
DeepStack_ExDark This repository provides a custom DeepStack model that has been trained and can be used for creating a new object detection API for d
Face Detection & Age Gender & Expression & Recognition
Face Detection & Age Gender & Expression & Recognition
A collection of GNN-based fake news detection models.
This repo includes the Pytorch-Geometric implementation of a series of Graph Neural Network (GNN) based fake news detection models. All GNN models are implemented and evaluated under the User Preference-aware Fake News Detection (UPFD) framework. The fake news detection problem is instantiated as a graph classification task under the UPFD framework.
LaneDet is an open source lane detection toolbox based on PyTorch that aims to pull together a wide variety of state-of-the-art lane detection models
LaneDet is an open source lane detection toolbox based on PyTorch that aims to pull together a wide variety of state-of-the-art lane detection models. Developers can reproduce these SOTA methods and build their own methods.
Zero-shot Synthesis with Group-Supervised Learning (ICLR 2021 paper)
GSL - Zero-shot Synthesis with Group-Supervised Learning Figure: Zero-shot synthesis performance of our method with different dataset (iLab-20M, RaFD,
[CVPR21] LightTrack: Finding Lightweight Neural Network for Object Tracking via One-Shot Architecture Search
LightTrack: Finding Lightweight Neural Networks for Object Tracking via One-Shot Architecture Search The official implementation of the paper LightTra
Awesome anomaly detection in medical images
A curated list of awesome anomaly detection works in medical imaging, inspired by the other awesome-* initiatives.
code for CVPR paper Zero-shot Instance Segmentation
Code for CVPR2021 paper Zero-shot Instance Segmentation Code requirements python: python3.7 nvidia GPU pytorch1.1.0 GCC =5.4 NCCL 2 the other python
YOLOv5 in PyTorch ONNX CoreML TFLite
This repository represents Ultralytics open-source research into future object detection methods, and incorporates lessons learned and best practices evolved over thousands of hours of training and evolution on anonymized client datasets. All code and models are under active development, and are subject to modification or deletion without notice.
Neural building blocks for speaker diarization: speech activity detection, speaker change detection, overlapped speech detection, speaker embedding
⚠️ Checkout develop branch to see what is coming in pyannote.audio 2.0: a much smaller and cleaner codebase Python-first API (the good old pyannote-au
Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs (CIKM 2020)
Karate Club is an unsupervised machine learning extension library for NetworkX. Please look at the Documentation, relevant Paper, Promo Video, and Ext
This is a package for LiDARTag, described in paper: LiDARTag: A Real-Time Fiducial Tag System for Point Clouds
LiDARTag Overview This is a package for LiDARTag, described in paper: LiDARTag: A Real-Time Fiducial Tag System for Point Clouds (PDF)(arXiv). This wo
Visual Tracking by TridenAlign and Context Embedding
Visual Tracking by TridentAlign and Context Embedding (TACT) Test code for "Visual Tracking by TridentAlign and Context Embedding" Janghoon Choi, Juns
(IEEE TIP 2021) Regularized Densely-connected Pyramid Network for Salient Instance Segmentation
RDPNet IEEE TIP 2021: Regularized Densely-connected Pyramid Network for Salient Instance Segmentation PyTorch training and testing code are available.
Cobalt Strike teamserver detection.
Cobalt-Strike-det Cobalt Strike teamserver detection. usage: cobaltstrike_verify.py [-l TARGETS] [-t THREADS] optional arguments: -h, --help show this
Tracker to check the covid shot slot availability in India and send mobile alerts via Twilio Messaging Service.
Cowin-Slot-Tracker Tracker to check the covid vaccine slot availability in India and send mobile notifications through Twilio Messaging Service. Requi
One Stop Anomaly Shop: Anomaly detection using two-phase approach: (a) pre-labeling using statistics, Natural Language Processing and static rules; (b) anomaly scoring using supervised and unsupervised machine learning.
One Stop Anomaly Shop (OSAS) Quick start guide Step 1: Get/build the docker image Option 1: Use precompiled image (might not reflect latest changes):
Location-Sensitive Visual Recognition with Cross-IOU Loss
The trained models are temporarily unavailable, but you can train the code using reasonable computational resource. Location-Sensitive Visual Recognit
SNE-RoadSeg in PyTorch, ECCV 2020
SNE-RoadSeg Introduction This is the official PyTorch implementation of SNE-RoadSeg: Incorporating Surface Normal Information into Semantic Segmentati
Flood Detection with Google Earth Engine
ee-fastapi: Flood Detection System A ee-fastapi is a simple FastAPI web application for performing flood detection using Google Earth Engine in the ba
CenterPoint 3D Object Detection and Tracking using center points in the bird-eye view.
CenterPoint 3D Object Detection and Tracking using center points in the bird-eye view. Center-based 3D Object Detection and Tracking, Tianwei Yin, Xin
(CVPR 2021) ST3D: Self-training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on 3D Object Detection
ST3D Code release for the paper ST3D: Self-training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on 3D Object Detection, CVPR 2021 Authors: Jihan Yang*, Shaoshu
Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection (CVPR 2021)
SA-AutoAug Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Tao Kong, Lu Qi, Ruihang Chu, Lei Li, Jiaya Jia [Paper] [Bi
Détection de créneaux de vaccination disponibles pour l'outil ViteMaDose
Vite Ma Dose ! est un outil open source de CovidTracker permettant de détecter les rendez-vous disponibles dans votre département afin de vous faire v
An unofficial implementation of the paper "AutoVC: Zero-Shot Voice Style Transfer with Only Autoencoder Loss".
AutoVC: Zero-Shot Voice Style Transfer with Only Autoencoder Loss This is an unofficial implementation of AutoVC based on the official one. The reposi
Official implementation of "Not only Look, but also Listen: Learning Multimodal Violence Detection under Weak Supervision" ECCV2020
XDVioDet Official implementation of "Not only Look, but also Listen: Learning Multimodal Violence Detection under Weak Supervision" ECCV2020. The proj
Frigate - NVR With Realtime Object Detection for IP Cameras
A complete and local NVR designed for HomeAssistant with AI object detection. Uses OpenCV and Tensorflow to perform realtime object detection locally for IP cameras.