2181 Repositories
Python simple-game Libraries
This is a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game.
Tic-Tac-Toe Nosso famoso e tradicional Jogo da Velha, mas agora em Python. Development setup Para rodar o programa, basta instalar python em sua maqui
A simple file module for creating, editing and saving files.
A simple file module for creating, editing and saving files.
Chess game for 2 players with UI
2-D Chess for 2 players Overview This is a simple 2D Chess game for 2 players using pygame library. Requirements To be able to run this game, you must
This is a classic guess coin game (Heads or Tails) implemented by the Chialisp.
This is a classic guess coin game (Heads or Tails) implemented by the Chialisp. It is an absolutely fair P2P game based on the Chia blockchain. You can play with anyone in the world without custody.
An single python server emulator of MMORPG game WindSlayer also known as WS1.
PySlayer An single python server emulator of MMORPG game WindSlayer also known as WS1. Requirements Python = 3.7 Old windslayer client (Korea Yahoo!
This a simple tool XSS Detection Suite for CTFs games
This a simple tool XSS Detection Suite for CTFs games
A simple streamlit webapp with multiple functionality
A simple streamlit webapp with multiple functionality
A simple Digits Recogniser made in Python
⭐ Python Digit Recogniser A simple digit Recogniser made in Python Demo Run Locally Clone the project git clone https://github.com/yashraj-n/python-
Implementation of OpenAI paper with Simple Noise Scale on Fastai V2
README Implementation of OpenAI paper "An Empirical Model of Large-Batch Training" for Fastai V2. The code is based on the batch size finder implement
FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection
FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection arXi
The Most Efficient Temporal Difference Learning Framework for 2048
moporgic/TDL2048+ TDL2048+ is a highly optimized temporal difference (TD) learning framework for 2048. Features Many common methods related to 2048 ar
The Ludii general game system, developed as part of the ERC-funded Digital Ludeme Project.
The Ludii General Game System Ludii is a general game system being developed as part of the ERC-funded Digital Ludeme Project (DLP). This repository h
Pypeln is a simple yet powerful Python library for creating concurrent data pipelines.
Pypeln Pypeln (pronounced as "pypeline") is a simple yet powerful Python library for creating concurrent data pipelines. Main Features Simple: Pypeln
A little tool that uses LLVM to extract simple "what does this do" level instruction information from all architectures.
moirai: MOre InstRuctions and Information Backcronym. Anyway, this is a small project to extract useful instruction definitions from LLVM's platform d
Python+Numpy+OpenGL: fast, scalable and beautiful scientific visualization
Python+Numpy+OpenGL: fast, scalable and beautiful scientific visualization
A simple python oriented telegram bot to give out creative font style's
Font-Bot A simple python oriented telegram bot to give out creative font style's REQUIREMENTS tgcrypto pyrogram==1.2.9 Installation Fork this reposito
A simple, fast, and efficient object detector without FPN
You Only Look One-level Feature (YOLOF), CVPR2021 A simple, fast, and efficient object detector without FPN. This repo provides an implementation for
A Simple Python CLI Lockpicking Tool
Cryptex a simple CLI lockpicking tool What can it do: Encode / Decode Hex Encode / Decode Base64 Break Randomly :D Requirements: Python3 Linux as your
A Simple Google Translate Bot By VndGroup ❤️ Made With Python
VndGroup Google Translator Heroku Deploy ❤️ Functions This Bot Can Translate 95 Languages We Can Set Custom Language Group Support Mandatory Vars [+]
Gitfetch is a simple tool to get github user details
Gitfetch Just a (cli?) tool to get github user details 🙂 Installation 📂 Install Gitfetch via pypi pip install gitfetch or pip install git+https://g
Bringing emacs' greatest feature to neovim - Tetris!
nvim-tetris Bringing emacs' greatest feature to neovim - Tetris! This plugin is written in Fennel using Olical's project Aniseed for creating the proj
Backprop makes it simple to use, finetune, and deploy state-of-the-art ML models.
Backprop makes it simple to use, finetune, and deploy state-of-the-art ML models. Solve a variety of tasks with pre-trained models or finetune them in
A simple telegram bot that takes a list of files sent by the user and returns them 7zipped
A simple telegram bot that takes a list of files sent by the user and returns them 7zipped
This is a simple bank management system based on Python.
Python Bank Management This is a simple bank management system based on Python. It's able to do basic operations of simple bank management. Outcome: W
A simple package for interacting with the 9kw.eu anti-captcha service.
Welcome to captcha9kw’s documentation! captcha9kw is a smallish Python package for making use of the 9kw.eu services, including solving of interactive
Simple package for Sublime Text 4; download URL's for local viewing and editing
URLDownloader This is a simple example package that allows you to easily download the contents of any web URL to edit locally. Given a URL, the packag
A simple, configurable and expandable combined shop scraper to minimize the costs of ordering several items
combined-shop-scraper A simple, configurable and expandable combined shop scraper to minimize the costs of ordering several items. Features Define an
Simplerpg - python terminal game made from scratch.
Simplerpg - python terminal game made from scratch.
Pokemon game made in Python with open ended requirements from Codecademy
Pokemon game made in Python with open ended requirements from Codecademy. This is one of my first projects utilizing OOP and classes! -This game is a
A simple text editor for linux
wolf-editor A simple text editor for linux Installing using Deb Package Download newest package from releases CD into folder where the downloaded acka
Simple script with AminoLab to send ghost messages
Simple script with AminoLab to send ghost messages
Simple script to match riders with drivers.
theBestPooler Simple script to match riders with drivers. It's a greedy, unoptimised search, so no guarantees that it works. It just seems to work (ve
AugMix: A Simple Data Processing Method to Improve Robustness and Uncertainty
AugMix Introduction We propose AugMix, a data processing technique that mixes augmented images and enforces consistent embeddings of the augmented ima
A simple, fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation.
You Only Look At CoefficienTs ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗████████╗ ╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔═══██╗██║ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝ ╚██
Code for the paper "A Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Sentence Embeddings".
Code for the paper "A Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Sentence Embeddings".
A simple pygame implementation of the LOGO programming language.
LOGO-py A simple pygame implementation of the LOGO programming language. Latest Version Notes Fixed a bug where penup/pendown would not work properly.
A Simple Script that will help you to Play / Change Songs with just your Voice
Auto-Spotify using Voice Recognition A Simple Script that will help you to Play / Change Songs with just your Voice Explore the docs » Table of Conten
To be easier to create backup files for the game StoneShard
StoneShard_save_backup_tool A tool to create backups and load them. Setup Configure the program by opening the "config.json" file. In this file you wi
A simple port scanner for Web/ip scanning Port 0/500 editable inside the .py file
Simple-Port-Scanner a simple port scanner for Web/ip scanning Port 0/500 editable inside the .py file Open Cmd/Terminal Cmd Downloads Run Command: pip
A simple python script that print the Mandelbrot set for every power of the formal formula.
Python Mandelbrot A simple python script that print the Mandelbrot set for every power of the formal formula.
Simple web index to use bloom filter for Pwned Passwords
pwbloom Simple web index to use bloom filter for Pwned Passwords The index.py runs a simple CGI web service checking passwords with a bloom filter for
This is a simple Todo web application built Django (back-end) and React JS (front-end)
Django REST Todo app This is a simple Todo web application built with Django (back-end) and React JS (front-end). The project enables you to systemati
A simple python application for running a CI pipeline locally
A simple python application for running a CI pipeline locally This app currently supports GitLab CI scripts
This is an official implementation for "SimMIM: A Simple Framework for Masked Image Modeling".
Project This repo has been populated by an initial template to help get you started. Please make sure to update the content to build a great experienc
A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning
Officile code repository for "A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning"
A simple djagno music website.
Mrock A simple djagno music website. I used this template and I translated it to eng. Also some changes commited. My Live Domo : https://mrock.pythona
Officile code repository for "A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning"
CvarAdversarialRL Official code repository for "A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning". Initial setup Create a virtual
A python3 project for generating WorldEdit shematics for the MineClone2 game for Minetest from images.
MineClone2 MapArt This is a python3 project you can use with the MineClone2 game for Minetest. This project take an image and output a WorldEdit shema
Use python MIDI to write some simple music
Use Python MIDI to write songs
A script to install a Windows game through GOG on Linux
proton-gog-install A script to install a Windows game through GOG on Linux. Based on this gist. Tested on Arch, might work elsewhere. Requirements: Im
XO game with server, client and visualizer for AI bots.
XO game with server, client and visualizer for AI bots.
Simple Port Scanner With Socket Module In Python 3x
PortScanner Simple Port Scanner With Socket Module In Python 3x How To Install Requirements Of This Port Scanner sudo apt install python3;sudo apt ins
Simple self-hosted server to receive files from remote systems
Badtray This is a very simple self-hosted server to receive files from remote systems. This works similar to Bintray (RIP) and primarily designed to d
This is a zeep based SOAP client wrapper for simple communication with the Bricknode SOAP API.
This is a zeep based SOAP client wrapper for simple communication with the Bricknode SOAP API.
A simple Discord Mass-Ban that's still working with Member Scraper.
Mass-Ban [!] This was made for education / you can use for revenge. Please don't skid it. [!] If you want to use it, please use member scraper before
A simple bot discord in PY with moderation controls
Voila un bot discord en py avec les commandes simples de modération tout simplement faut changer les lignes 70 vous mettez votre token de votre bot 53
This is an official implementation for "SimMIM: A Simple Framework for Masked Image Modeling".
Project This repo has been populated by an initial template to help get you started. Please make sure to update the content to build a great experienc
Simple image captioning model
CLIP prefix captioning. Inference Notebook: 🥳 New: 🥳 Our technical papar is finally out! Official implementation for the paper "ClipCap: CLIP Prefix
A very simple baseline to estimate 2D & 3D SMPL-compatible keypoints from a single color image.
Minimal Body A very simple baseline to estimate 2D & 3D SMPL-compatible keypoints from a single color image. The model file is only 51.2 MB and runs a
A basic tic tac toe game on python!
A basic tic tac toe game on python!
Super simple bar charts for django admin list views visualizing the number of objects based on date_hierarchy using Chart.js.
Super simple bar charts for django admin list views visualizing the number of objects based on date_hierarchy using Chart.js.
A simple CLI productivity tool to quickly display the syntax of a desired piece of code
Iforgor Iforgor is a customisable and easy to use command line tool to manage code samples. It's a good way to quickly get your hand on syntax you don
It's a repo for Cramer's rule, which is some math crap or something idk
It's a repo for Cramer's rule, which is some math crap or something idk (just a joke, it's not crap; don't take that seriously, math teachers)
Simple Python Auto Follow Bot
Instagram-Auto-Follow-Bot Description Một IG BOT đơn giản. Tự động follow những người mà bạn muốn cướp follow. Tự động unfollow. Tự động đăng nhập vào
Una simple herramienta para rastrear IP programada en Python
Spyrod-v2 Una simple herramienta para rastrear IP programada en Python Instalacion apt install git -y cd $HOME git clone https://github.com/Euronymou5
simple password manager.
simple password manager.
A simple weather information tool.
pwy A simple weather information tool. Table of Contents Features Dependencies Installation Usage Update Changelog Credits License Features ASCII art
A* (with 2 heuristic functions), BFS , DFS and DFS iterativeA* (with 2 heuristic functions), BFS , DFS and DFS iterative
Descpritpion This project solves the Taquin game (jeu de taquin) problem using different algorithms : A* (with 2 heuristic functions), BFS , DFS and D
Among Us Editor written in Python, for newer versions of the game
Among Us Editor Remake Among Us Editor written in Python, for newer versions of the game. Credits GUI Code by Vresod Data dumping and some GUI code by
Eros is an expiremental programming language built using simple Python code.
Eros is an expiremental programming language built using simple Python code. Featuring an easy syntax and unique features like type slicing, the language remains an expirement that grows in down time.
This is simple maker for level card in discord bot.
mariocard This is simple maker for level card in discord bot in discord.py or pycord. Installing Python 3.8 or higher is required # Linux/macOS pip3 i
A simple interface for editing natural photos with generative neural networks.
Neural Photo Editor A simple interface for editing natural photos with generative neural networks. This repository contains code for the paper "Neural
A simple, clean TensorFlow implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks with a focus on modeling illustrations.
IllustrationGAN A simple, clean TensorFlow implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks with a focus on modeling illustrations. Generated Images
This is a wonderful simple python tool used to store the keyboard log.
Keylogger This is a wonderful simple python tool used to store the keyboard log. Record your keys. It will capture passwords and credentials in a comp
A simple python application for running a CI pipeline locally This app currently supports GitLab CI scripts
🏃 Simple Local CI Runner 🏃 A simple python application for running a CI pipeline locally This app currently supports GitLab CI scripts ⚙️ Setup Inst
Simple FastAPI Example : Blog API using FastAPI : Beginner Friendly
fastapi_blog FastAPI : Simple Blog API with CRUD operation Steps to run the project: git clone https://github.com/mrAvi07/fastapi_blog.git cd fastapi-
Discord based board game, Sneks and Ladders
sneks-and-ladders Discord based board game, Sneks and Ladders intro This is the code-base for the Discord based game, Sneks and Ladders, as used for s
Launch any Heroic-Games-Launcher game using bash scripts without having to open Heroic.
HeroicBashLauncher Ever wanted to launch your EGS games installed through Heroic Games Launcher directly from the terminal, Lutris or any other fronte
Simple VK API wrapper for Python
VK Admier: documentation VK Admier is simple VK API wrapper for community bot development. Authorization You should create bot object from Client clas
A simple discord bot based on python
A simple discord bot based on python
Bingo game with python
bingo-game-with-python type of plays possible player vs computer player vs player computer vs computer game is built with 4 objects classes 1.game 2.b
A Game of Life implementation in Python
Game of Life in Python (Golipy) Golipy is a simulator of John H. Conway's Game of Life, developed in Python based on the Pygame library. This is a toy
This is a simple Python Script to download Imgur Pictures with the short url!
Imgur Downloader This is a simple Python Script that runs a process with progress bar that downloads an Imgur Picture! Code Example Features Progress
A Simple and Versatile Framework for Object Detection and Instance Recognition
SimpleDet - A Simple and Versatile Framework for Object Detection and Instance Recognition Major Features FP16 training for memory saving and up to 2.
Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking News Our new work High-Resolution Representations for Labeling Pixels and Regions is available
Simple rofi script to choose player for playerctl to execute its command
rofi-playerctl-switcher simple rofi script to choose player for playerctl to execute its command Usage copy playerSwitch.py and playerctl.sh to ~/.con
Making simplex testing clean and simple
Making Simplex Project Testing - Clean and Simple What does this repo do? It organizes the python stack for the coding project What do I need to do in
Simple Python Gemini browser with nice formatting
gg I wasn't satisfied with any of the other available Gemini clients, so I wrote my own. Requires Python 3.9 (maybe older, I haven't checked) and opti
a simple REPL display lib for circuitpython
Circuitpython-termio-lib a simple REPL display lib for circuitpython Fonctions cls clear terminal screen and set cursor on top left : coords 0,0 usage
A simple Python script to convert multiple images (well technically also a single image) into a pdf.
PythonImage2PDF A simple Python script to convert multiple images into a single PDF-document. Created basically for only my own needs for converting m
A simple Telegram bot can convert web docs, Telegraph links, etc. to Pdf !
A Telegram Bot to convert http Links to PDF
Open-source full-stack seed project that uses a React UI powered by a simple Flask API Server
React Flask Authentication Open-source full-stack seed project that uses a React UI powered by a simple Flask API Server.
Snake Game in Python
Snake game is one of the most popular arcade games of all time. In this game, the main objective of the player is to catch the maximum number of fruits without hitting the wall or itself.
Simple Telegram Bot To Get Feedback from users & Some Other Features
FeedbackBot Simple Telegram Bot To Get Feedback from users & Some Other Features. Features Get Feedback from users Reply to user's feedback Customisab
A relatively simple python program to generate one of those reddit text to speech videos dominating youtube.
Reddit text to speech generator A basic reddit tts video generator Current functionality Generate videos for subs based on comments,(askreddit) so rea
An amazing simple Python IDE for developers!
PyHub An amazing simple Python IDE for developers! Get ready to compile and run your code in the most simplest and easiest IDE of the ancient world! T
This is a simple web application using Python Flask and MySQL database.
Simple Web Application This is a simple web application using Python Flask and MySQL database. This is used in the demonstration of development of Ans
A "finish the lyrics" game using Spotify, YouTube Transcript, and YouTube Search APIs, coupled with visual machine learning
Singify Introducing Singify, the party game! Challenge your friend to who knows songs better. Play random songs from your very own Spotify playlist an
A simple package that allows you to save inputs & outputs as .log files
wolf_dot_log A simple package that allows you to save inputs & outputs as .log files pip install wolf_dot_log pip3 install wolf_dot_log |Instructions|