445 Repositories
Python smtp-client Libraries
Appointment Tracker that allows user to input client information and update if needed.
Appointment-Tracker Appointment Tracker allows an assigned admin to input client information regarding their appointment and their appointment time. T
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
ESP32 micropython implementation of Art-Net client
E_uArtnet ESP32 micropython implementation of Art-Net client Instalation Use thonny Open the root folder in thonny and upload the Empire folder like i
Client library for relay - a service for relaying server side messages to the client side browsers via websockets.
Client library for relay - a service for relaying server side messages to the client side browsers via websockets.
NanoChat - nano chat server and client
NanoChat This is a work in progress! NanoChat is an application for connecting with your friends using Python that uses ONLY default Python libraries.
Kanmail - An email client that functions like a kanban board, for Mac/Windows/Docker
Kanmail - An email client that functions like a kanban board, for Mac/Windows/Docker
Django REST Client API
Django REST Client API Client data provider API.
A discord webhook client written in Python.
DiscordWebhook A discord webhook client written in Python. Installation pip install webhook-client Example from webhook_client import WebhookClient, E
A System Metrics Monitoring Tool Built using Python3 , rabbitmq,Grafana and InfluxDB. Setup using docker compose. Use to monitor system performance with graphical interface of grafana , storage of influxdb and message queuing of rabbitmq
SystemMonitoringRabbitMQGrafanaInflux This repository has code to setup a system monitoring tool The tools used are the follows Python3.6 Docker Rabbi
Translator based on Google API
Yakusu Toshiko Translator based on Google API. Instance of this bot is running as @yakusubot. Features Add a plus to a language's name to show an orig
Python bindings for swm-core client REST API
Python bindings for swm-core client REST API Description Sky Port is an universal bus between user software and compute resources. It can also be cons
Simple client for the Sirah Matisse Commander TCP server.
Simple client for the Sirah Matisse Commander TCP server.
Spotifyd - An open source Spotify client running as a UNIX daemon.
Spotifyd An open source Spotify client running as a UNIX daemon. Spotifyd streams music just like the official client, but is more lightweight and sup
A terminal client for connecting to hack.chat servers
A terminal client for connecting to hack.chat servers.
Very simple FTP client, sync folder to FTP server, use python, opensource
ftp-sync-python Opensource, A way to safe your data, avoid lost data by Virus, Randsomware Some functions: Upload a folder automatically to FTP server
Splitgraph command line client and python library
Splitgraph Overview Splitgraph is a tool for building, versioning and querying reproducible datasets. It's inspired by Docker and Git, so it feels fam
pyNPS - A cli Linux and Windows Nopaystation client made with python 3 and wget
Currently, all the work is being done inside the refactoring branch. pyNPS - A cli Linux and Windows Nopaystation client made with python 3 and wget P
API to establish connection between server and client
Socket-programming API to establish connection between server and client, socket.socket() creates a socket object that supports the context manager ty
Python Client Library to interface with the Phoenix Realtime Server
supabase-realtime-client Python Client Library to interface with the Phoenix Realtime Server This is a fork of the supabase community realtime client
FL-WBC: Enhancing Robustness against Model Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning from a Client Perspective
FL-WBC: Enhancing Robustness against Model Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning from a Client Perspective Official implementation of "FL-WBC: Enhan
Connection package to a raspberry or any other machine using ssh, it simplifies the deployment scripts and monitoring.
Connection package to a raspberry or any other machine using ssh, it simplifies the deployment scripts and monitoring.
A Simplest TCP client and echo server
Простейшие TCP-клиент и эхо-сервер Цель работы Познакомиться с приемами работы с сетевыми сокетами в языке программирования Python. Задания для самост
xxnx its a simple smtp tool for mails spaming
xxnx its a simple smtp tool for mails spaming what is smpt? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or smtp service. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is
Prisma Client Python is an auto-generated and fully type-safe database client
Prisma Client Python is an unofficial implementation of Prisma which is a next-generation ORM that comes bundled with tools, such as Prisma Migrate, which make working with databases as easy as possible.
LittleBrother is a simple parental control application monitoring specific processes on Linux hosts to monitor and limit the play time of children.
Parental Control Application LittleBrother Overview LittleBrother is a simple parental control application monitoring specific processes (read "games"
(A)sync client for sms.ru with pydantic responses
🚧 aioSMSru Send SMS Check SMS status Get SMS cost Get balance Get limit Get free limit Get my senders Check login/password Add to stoplist Remove fro
Client to allow skytrack to be used with GSPro Golf simulator application
Skytrack Interface for GSPro A Basic Interface connection from Skytrack Launch Monitors to be able to play simulator golf via GSPro About The Project
Tempmail API aswell as a SMTP server.
Tempmail API/Server Tempmail API aswell as a SMTP server. Website · Report Bug · Request Feature Setup Firstly create a mongodb account, and proceed t
API Wrapper for seedr.cc
Seedr Python Client Seedr API built with 💛 by Souvik Pratiher Hit that Star button if you like this kind of SDKs and wants more of similar SDKs for o
🔃 A simple implementation of STOMP with Django
Django Stomp A simple implementation of STOMP with Django. In theory it can work with any broker which supports STOMP with none or minor adjustments.
Command line client for Audience Insights
Dynamics 365 Audience Insights CLI The AuI CLI is a command line tool for Dynamics 365 Audience Insights. It is based on the customerinsights Python l
💀 The first raid tool of its kind. Inject Deadcord and raid servers directly from the Discord client.
💀 Deadcord The next upcoming Discord raid tool, the best for free. 🎉 Early Beta Released We have released an early version of Deadcord, please keep
Show how the redis works with Python (Django).
Redis Leaderboard Python (Django) Show how the redis works with Python (Django). Try it out deploying on Heroku (See notes: How to run on Google Cloud
A lightweight and unlocked launcher for Lunar Client made in Python.
LCLPy LCL's Python Port of Lunar Client Lite. Releases: https://github.com/Aetopia/LCLPy/releases Build Install PyInstaller. pip install PyInstaller
An abstract and extensible framework in python for building client SDKs and CLI tools for a RESTful API.
django-rest-client An abstract and extensible framework in python for building client SDKs and CLI tools for a RESTful API. Suitable for APIs made wit
Balsam Python client API & SDK
balsam No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) This Python package is automatically
Python client to do LispTick requests
lisptick-python LispTick Python client library It allows to send request and receive result from a LispTick server. Get a socket connection to a LispT
alien.py - Python interface to websocket endpoint of ALICE Grid Services
alien.py - Python interface to websocket endpoint of ALICE Grid Services Quick containerized testing: singularity
A simple texts communication platform using pygame and sockets.
Python Tchat A simple texts communication platform using pygame and sockets. How to install ? You need a python 3.8.6 server with at least one opened
TeslaPy - A Python implementation based on unofficial documentation of the client side interface to the Tesla Motors Owner API
TeslaPy - A Python implementation based on unofficial documentation of the client side interface to the Tesla Motors Owner API, which provides functiona
Instant messaging client in tkinter
Concord_client_tk Instant messaging client in tkinter Contributors : Ilade-s [https://github.com/Ilade-s] Doku [https://github.com/D0kuhebi] Descripti
A simple DHCP server and client simulation with python
About The Project This is a simple DHCP server and client simulation. I implemented it for computer network course spring 2021 The client can request
LGPL Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server
LGPL Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server
the objective of this project is to create a Node Js server with a Python client
Socket.io-Server-client Objective The objective of this project is to send data real time ,we use socket.io(server, client) on this project Server Nod
ONYX SMTP Sender est un tool qui vous serviras à envoyer des email html à une liste d'email (en .txt) c'est la première version du tool et je le sors un peu à la rache donc si le logiciel est obsolète c'est normal j'y taff encore ;)
SMTP-Sender ONYX SMTP Sender est un tool qui vous serviras à envoyer des email html à une liste d'email (en .txt) c'est la première version du tool et
Aiotor - a pool of proxies, shifting on each request
Aiotor - a pool of proxies, shifting on each request
Easily report Instagram pages and close the page
Program Features - 📌 Delete target post on Instagram. - 📌 Delete Media Target post on Instagram - 📌 Complete deletion of the target account on Inst
A Python framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features.
Bolt for Python A Python framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Read the getting started guide and look at our co
PyRemoteSQL is a python SQL client that allows you to connect to your remote server with phpMyAdmin installed.
PyRemoteSQL Python MySQL remote client Basically this is a python SQL client that allows you to connect to your remote server with phpMyAdmin installe
Python codes for the server and client end that facilitates file transfers. (Using AWS EC2 instance as the server)
Server-and-Client-File-Transfer Python codes for the server and client end that facilitates file transfers. I will be using an AWS EC2 instance as the
A python socket.io client for Roboteur
Roboteur Client Example TODO Basic setup Install the requirements: $ pip install -r requirements.txt Run the application: $ python -m roboteur_client
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Eland is a Python Elasticsearch client for exploring and analyzing data in Elasticsearch with a familiar Pandas-compatible API.
Python Client and Toolkit for DataFrames, Big Data, Machine Learning and ETL in Elasticsearch
Block fingerprinting for the beacon chain, for client identification & client diversity metrics
blockprint This is a repository for discussion and development of tools for Ethereum block fingerprinting. The primary aim is to measure beacon chain
wyscoutapi is an extremely basic API client for the Wyscout API (v2 & v3) for Python
wyscoutapi wyscoutapi is an extremely basic API client for the Wyscout API (v2 & v3). Usage Install with pip install wyscoutapi. To connect to the Wys
Beyonic API Python official client library simplified examples using Flask, Django and Fast API.
Beyonic API Python Examples. The beyonic APIs Doc Reference: https://apidocs.beyonic.com/ To start using the Beyonic API Python API, you need to start
A Python SDK for Tinybird 🐦
Verdin Verdin is a tiny bird, and also a Python SDK for Tinybird . Install pip install verdin Usage Query a Pipe # the tinybird module exposes all im
triggercmd is a CLI client for the TRIGGERcmd cloud service.
TriggerCMD CLI client triggercmd is a CLI client for the TRIGGERcmd cloud service. installation the triggercmd package is available in PyPI. to instal
WhatsApp Web API client with multi-device support
Tauros WhatsApp Web client for multi-device in python Free software: MIT Documentation: https://tauros.readthedocs.io Features TODO Credits This packa
Python client for Toyota North America service API
toyota-na Python client for Toyota North America service API Install pip install toyota-na[qt] [qt] is required for generating authorization code. Us
📊📈 Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework for use in client-side (i.e. d3.js) visualizations and offline analysis (e.g. Excel)
📊📈 Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework for use in client-side (i.e. d3.js) visualizations and offline analysis (e.g. Excel)
Client library for accessing IQM quantum computers
IQM Client Client-side library for connecting to an IQM quantum computer. Installation IQM client is not intended to be used directly by human users.
📊📈 Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework for use in client-side (i.e. d3.js) visualizations and offline analysis (e.g. Excel)
Django REST Pandas Django REST Framework + pandas = A Model-driven Visualization API Django REST Pandas (DRP) provides a simple way to generate and se
A simple gpsd client and python library.
gpsdclient A small and simple gpsd client and library Installation Needs Python 3 (no other dependencies). If you want to use the library, use pip: pi
Small python script to look for common vulnerabilities on SMTP server.
BrokenSMTP BrokenSMTP is a python3 BugBounty/Pentesting tool to look for common vulnerabilities on SMTP server. Supported Vulnerability : Spoofing - T
A python client for the Software-Challenge Germany.
sc-client-python A python client for the Software-Challenge Germany. Creating a new project (Optional) Install virtualenv virtualenv is a tool that cr
Find existing email addresses by nickname using API/SMTP checking methods without user notification. Please, don't hesitate to improve cat's job! 🐱🔎 📬
mailcat The only cat who can find existing email addresses by nickname. Usage First install requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Then just
PyDownloader - Downloads files and folders at high speed (based on your interent speed).
PyDownloader - Downloads files and folders at high speed (based on your interent speed).
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli.
ABOUT A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt It use
frogtrade9000 - a command-line Rich client for the freqtrade REST API
frogtrade9000 - a command-line Rich client for the freqtrade REST API I found FreqUI too cumbersome and slow on my Raspberry Pi 400 when running multi
asyncio client for Deta Cloud
aiodeta Unofficial client for Deta Clound Install pip install aiodeta Supported functionality Deta Base Deta Drive Decorator for cron tasks Examples i
🖥️ Python - P1 Monitor API Asynchronous Python Client
🖥️ Asynchronous Python client for the P1 Monitor
Unofficial Meteor Client wiki
Welcome to the Unofficial Meteor Client wiki! Meteor FAQs | A rewritten and better FAQ page. Installation Guide | A guide on how to install Meteor Cli
Asynchronous and also synchronous non-official QvaPay client for asyncio and Python language.
Asynchronous and also synchronous non-official QvaPay client for asyncio and Python language. This library is still under development, the interface could be changed.
Python client for the LightOn Muse API
lightonmuse Python bindings to production-ready intelligence primitives powered by state-of-the-art language models. Create. Process. Understand. Lear
QR login for pyrogram client
Generate Pyrogram session via QRlogin
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Stream your favorite shows straight from the command line.
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt It use
Public API client for GETTR, a "non-bias [sic] social network," designed for data archival and analysis.
GoGettr GoGettr is an API client for GETTR, a "non-bias [sic] social network." (We will not reward their domain with a hyperlink.) GoGettr is built an
Telegram Client and Bot that use Artificial Intelligence to auto-reply to scammers and waste their time
scamminator Blocking a scammer is not enough. It is time to fight back. Wouldn't be great if there was a tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to rep
A Python client for the Softcite software mention recognizer server
Softcite software mention recognizer client Python client for using the Softcite software mention recognition service. It can be applied to individual
The official command-line client for spyse.com
Spyse CLI The official command-line client for spyse.com. NOTE: This tool is currently in the early stage beta and shouldn't be used in production. Yo
Maestral is an open-source Dropbox client written in Python.
Maestral - A light-weight and open-source Dropbox client for macOS and Linux
A supabase client for python
supabase-client A Supabase client for Python. This mirrors the design of supabase-js Full documentation: https://keosariel.github.io/2021/08/08/supaba
Python wrapper for Interactive Brokers Client Portal Web API
EasyIB: Unofficial Wrapper for Interactive Brokers API EasyIB is an unofficial python wrapper for Interactive Brokers Client Portal Web API. Features
A python discord client interaction emulator for the DC29 badge code channel
dc29-discord-signalbot A python discord client interaction emulator for the DC29 badge code channel Prep Open Developer mode Open the developer mode f
SMTP checker to check Mail Access via SMTP
SMTP checker to check Mail Access via SMTP with easy usage ! Medusa has been written and tested with Python 3.8. It should run on any OS as long as Python and all dependencies are installed.
Python Scrcpy Client - allows you to view and control android device in realtime
Python Scrcpy Client This package allows you to view and control android device in realtime. Note: This gif is compressed and experience lower quality
un outil pour bypasser les code d'états HTTP négatif coté client ( 4xx )
4xxBypasser un outil pour bypasser les code d'états HTTP négatif coté client ( 4xx ) Liscence : MIT license Creator Installation : git clone https://g
WILSON Cloud Respwnder is a Web Interaction Logger Sending Out Notifications with the ability to serve custom content in order to appropriately respond to client-issued requests.
WILSON Cloud Respwnder What is this? WILSON Cloud Respwnder is a Web Interaction Logger Sending Out Notifications (WILSON) with the ability to serve c
MONAI Label is a server-client system that facilitates interactive medical image annotation by using AI.
MONAI Label is a server-client system that facilitates interactive medical image annotation by using AI. It is an open-source and easy-to-install ecosystem that can run locally on a machine with one or two GPUs. Both server and client work on the same/different machine. However, initial support for multiple users is restricted. It shares the same principles with MONAI.
An unoffcial python API client for primeuploads.com
primeuploads-py An unoffcial python API wrapper for primeuploads.com Installation pip3 install primeuploads-py Usage example from prime import PrimeUp
domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time.
domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time
A GETTR API client written in Python.
GUTTR A GETTR client library written in Python. I rushed to get this out so it's a bit janky. Open an issue if something is broken or missing. Getting
Mailrise is an SMTP server that converts the emails it receives into Apprise notifications
Mailrise is an SMTP server that converts the emails it receives into Apprise notifications. The intended use case is as an email relay for a home lab or network. By accepting ordinary email, Mailrise enables Linux servers, Internet of Things devices, surveillance systems, and outdated software to gain access to the full suite of 60+ notification services supported by Apprise, from Matrix to Nextcloud to your desktop or mobile device.
Playing videos through S3 buckets (Wasabi, AWS, etc.) through client-side VideoJS player
Playing videos through S3 buckets (Wasabi, AWS, etc.) through client-side VideoJS player without incurring ingress/egree traffic on EC2 Instance.
This websocket program is for data transmission between server and client. Data transmission is for Federated Learning in Edge computing environment.
websocket-for-data-transmission This websocket program is for data transmission between server and client. Data transmission is for Federated Learning
Jupyter notebook client in neovim
🪐 Jupyter-Nvim Read jupyter notebooks in neovim Note: The plugin is still in alpha stage 👾 Usage Just open any *.ipynb file and voila! ✨ Contributin
A pretty quick and simple interface to paramiko SFTP
A pretty quick and simple interface to paramiko SFTP. Provides multi-threaded routines with progress notifications for reliable, asynchronous transfers. This is a Python3 optimized fork of pysftp with additional features & improvements.
A growing collection of search plugins for the qBittorrent, an awesome and opensource torrent client
qBittorrent Search Plugins This is a still growing collection of search plugins for qBittorent, an amazing and open source torrent client, maintained
Vent domain information retrieval tool, which is capable of retrieving customer information
Vent domain information retrieval tool, which is capable of retrieving customer information. This tool has been created for the purpose of complete education, Iam not responsible for any illegal activities.