3568 Repositories
Python static-code-analysis Libraries
How Effective is Incongruity? Implications for Code-mix Sarcasm Detection.
Code for the paper: How Effective is Incongruity? Implications for Code-mix Sarcasm Detection - ICON ACL 2021
Download nitro generator that generates free nitro code that you can use for Discord
Download nitro generator that generates free nitro code that you can use for Discord, run it and wait for free nitro to come
Employee Turnover Analysis
Employee Turnover Analysis Submission to the DataCamp competition "Can you help reduce employee turnover?"
Provide a market analysis (R)
market-study Provide a market analysis (R) - FRENCH Produisez une étude de marché Prérequis Pour effectuer ce projet, vous devrez maîtriser la manipul
Data science project for exploratory analysis on the kcse grades dataset (Kamilimu Data Science Track)
Kcse-Data-Analysis Data science project for exploratory analysis on the kcse grades dataset (Kamilimu Data Science Track) Findings The performance of
Vaex library for Big Data Analytics of an Airline dataset
Vaex-Big-Data-Analytics-for-Airline-data A Python notebook (ipynb) created in Jupyter Notebook, which utilizes the Vaex library for Big Data Analytics
Data science/Analysis Health Care Portfolio
Health-Care-DS-Projects Data Science/Analysis Health Care Portfolio Consists Of 3 Projects: Mexico Covid-19 project, analyze the patient medical histo
Using Python to derive insights on particular Pokemon, Types, Generations, and Stats
Pokémon Analysis Andreas Nikolaidis February 2022 Introduction Exploratory Analysis Correlations & Descriptive Statistics Principal Component Analysis
3D Model files and source code for rotating turntable. Raspberry Pi, DC servo and PWM modulator required.
3DSimpleTurntable 3D Model files and source code for rotating turntable. Raspberry Pi, DC servo and PWM modulator required. Preview Construction Print
A simple Python code that takes input from a csv file and makes it into a vcf file.
Contacts-Maker A simple Python code that takes input from a csv file and makes it into a vcf file. Imagine a college or a large community where each y
Nonton anime subtitle Indonesia tanpa iklan. Dengan GUI berbasis PyQt5 dan spaghetti code yang sangat tidak terstruktur
Nonton anime subtitle Indonesia tanpa iklan. Dengan GUI berbasis PyQt5 dan spaghetti code yang sangat tidak terstruktur
The python source code sorter
Sorts the contents of python modules so that statements are placed after the things they depend on, but leaves grouping to the programmer. Groups class members by type and enforces topological sorting of methods.
This repository contains code from the paper "TTS-GAN: A Transformer-based Time-Series Generative Adversarial Network"
TTS-GAN: A Transformer-based Time-Series Generative Adversarial Network This repository contains code from the paper "TTS-GAN: A Transformer-based Tim
Code needed to reproduce the examples found in "The Temporal Robustness of Stochastic Signals"
The Temporal Robustness of Stochastic Signals Code needed to reproduce the examples found in "The Temporal Robustness of Stochastic Signals" Case stud
This repository contains the code for: RerrFact model for SciVer shared task
RerrFact This repository contains the code for: RerrFact model for SciVer shared task. Setup for Inference 1. Download SciFact database Download the S
A particular navigation route using satellite feed and can help in toll operations & traffic managemen
How about adding some info that can quanitfy the stress on a particular navigation route using satellite feed and can help in toll operations & traffic management The current analysis is on the satellite image frame, but if we can add this info to a live feed it can help in developing smoother navigation systems based on real time traffic scenario
This repository contains some analysis of possible nerdle answers
Nerdle Analysis https://nerdlegame.com/ This repository contains some analysis of possible nerdle answers. Here's a quick overview: nerdle.py contains
Uses OpenCV and Python Code to detect a face on the screen
Simple-Face-Detection This code uses OpenCV and Python Code to detect a face on the screen. This serves as an example program. Important prerequisites
Clean and readable code for Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling
Minimal implementation of Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling in PyTorch for mujoco control tasks in OpenAI gym
From Canonical Correlation Analysis to Self-supervised Graph Neural Networks
Code for CCA-SSG model proposed in the NeurIPS 2021 paper From Canonical Correlation Analysis to Self-supervised Graph Neural Networks.
Create a simple static website using python and jinja templates.
Simple Static Create a simple static website using python and jinja templates. Simple Static has four pieces: A build command that renders jinja templ
Dashboard to view a stock's basic information, RSI, Bollinger bands, EMA, SMA, sentiment analysis via Python
Your One And Only Trading Bot No seriously, we mean it! Contributors Jihad Al-Hussain John Gaffney Shanel Kuchera Kazuki Takehashi Patrick Thornquist
Community and sentiment analysis based on tweets
The project has set itself the goal of analyzing the thoughts and interaction of Italian users through the social posts expressed through the Twitter platform on the day of the entry into force of the new measures. In particular, we want to research the reference hubs present on the network, but also the sentiment and emotions of peoples with respect to the new limitations.
Geospatial data-science analysis on reasons behind delay in Grab ride-share services
Grab x Pulis Detailed analysis done to investigate possible reasons for delay in Grab services for NUS Data Analytics Competition 2022, to be found in
Notebook and code to synthesize complex and highly dimensional datasets using Gretel APIs.
Gretel Trainer This code is designed to help users successfully train synthetic models on complex datasets with high row and column counts. The code w
QR code python application which can read(decode) and generate(encode) QR codes.
QR Code Application This is a basic QR Code application. Using this application you can generate QR code for you text/links. Using this application yo
This respository contains the source code of the printjack and phonejack attacks.
Printjack-Phonejack This repository contains the source code of the printjack and phonejack attacks. The Printjack directory contains the script to ca
A simple stopwatch for measuring code performance with static typing.
A simple stopwatch for measuring code performance. This is a fork from python-stopwatch, which adds static typing and a few other things.
Project: Netflix Data Analysis and Visualization with Python
Project: Netflix Data Analysis and Visualization with Python Table of Contents General Info Installation Demo Usage and Main Functionalities Contribut
This tool for beginner and help those people they gather information about Email Header Analysis, Instagram Information, Instagram Username Check, Ip Information, Phone Number Information, Port Scan
This tool for beginner and help those people they gather information about Email Header Analysis, Instagram Information, Instagram Username Check, Ip Information, Phone Number Information, Port Scan. This tool shows your hostname and public IP first, then user give input and according to option this tool work. This tool work diffrent Oprating system.
Official code release for 3DV 2021 paper Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video in the Wild.
Official code release for 3DV 2021 paper Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video in the Wild.
MRC approach for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA)
B-MRC MRC approach for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) Paper: Bidirectional Machine Reading Comprehension for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extracti
Code-autocomplete, a code completion plugin for Python
Code AutoComplete code-autocomplete, a code completion plugin for Python.
Official code of Retinal Vessel Segmentation with Pixel-wise Adaptive Filters and Consistency Training
Official code of Retinal Vessel Segmentation with Pixel-wise Adaptive Filters and Consistency Training (ISBI 2022)
FIRA: Fine-Grained Graph-Based Code Change Representation for Automated Commit Message Generation
FIRA is a learning-based commit message generation approach, which first represents code changes via fine-grained graphs and then learns to generate commit messages automatically.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis using #tag, words and username
Twitter Sentment Analysis Web App using #tag, words and username to fetch data finds Insides of data and Tells Sentiment of the perticular #tag, words or username.
Pandas-method-chaining is a plugin for flake8 that provides method chaining linting for pandas code
pandas-method-chaining pandas-method-chaining is a plugin for flake8 that provides method chaining linting for pandas code. It is a fork from pandas-v
An email sending system with random confirmation code.
email_sending An email sending system with random confirmation code. Description Confirmation emails are sent based on the list of email addresses. Ea
Doughskript interpreter for converting simple command sequences into executable Arduino C++ code.
Doughskript interpreter for converting simple command sequences into executable Arduino C++ code.
Galois is an auto code completer for code editors (or any text editor) based on OpenAI GPT-2.
Galois is an auto code completer for code editors (or any text editor) based on OpenAI GPT-2. It is trained (finetuned) on a curated list of approximately 45K Python (~470MB) files gathered from the Github. Currently, it just works properly on Python but not bad at other languages (thanks to GPT-2's power).
Python code to fuse multiple RGB-D images into a TSDF voxel volume.
Volumetric TSDF Fusion of RGB-D Images in Python This is a lightweight python script that fuses multiple registered color and depth images into a proj
The source code for Generating Training Data with Language Models: Towards Zero-Shot Language Understanding.
SuperGen The source code for Generating Training Data with Language Models: Towards Zero-Shot Language Understanding. Requirements Before running, you
Data Analysis: Data Visualization of Airlines
Data Analysis: Data Visualization of Airlines Anderson Cruz | London-UK | Linkedin | Nowa Capital Project: Traffic Airlines Airline Reporting Carrier
Open Source defrag's mod code
Open Source defrag's mod code Goals: Code & License: Respect FOSS philosophy. Open source and community focus. Eliminate all traces of q3a-sdk licensi
Code for the paper "Benchmarking and Analyzing Point Cloud Classification under Corruptions"
ModelNet-C Code for the paper "Benchmarking and Analyzing Point Cloud Classification under Corruptions". For the latest updates, see: sites.google.com
Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotion and race) framework for python
deepface Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotion and race) framework for python. It is a hybrid
Code emulator plugin for IDA Pro
emu_ida Code emulator plugin for IDA Pro (v 0.0.6) The plugin is designed for simple data decryption and getting stack strings. Requirements Emulator
Code infrastructure and player algorithms for the Codenames board game.
Codenames Code infrastructure and player algorithms for the Codenames board game. This is the active fork of mkali-personal/codenames. Intro This is b
This repository contains the code for Direct Molecular Conformation Generation (DMCG).
Direct Molecular Conformation Generation This repository contains the code for Direct Molecular Conformation Generation (DMCG). Dataset Download rdkit
Code for ML, domain generation, graph generation of ABC dataset
This is the repository for codes for ML, domain generation, graph generation of Asymmetric Buckling Columns (ABC) dataset in the paper "Learning Mechanically Driven Emergent Behavior with Message Passing Neural Networks".
L3Cube-MahaCorpus a Marathi monolingual data set scraped from different internet sources.
L3Cube-MahaCorpus L3Cube-MahaCorpus a Marathi monolingual data set scraped from different internet sources. We expand the existing Marathi monolingual
Code Impementation for "Mold into a Graph: Efficient Bayesian Optimization over Mixed Spaces"
Code Impementation for "Mold into a Graph: Efficient Bayesian Optimization over Mixed Spaces" This repo contains the implementation of GEBO algorithm.
This repository contains python code necessary to replicated the experiments performed in our paper "Invariant Ancestry Search"
InvariantAncestrySearch This repository contains python code necessary to replicated the experiments performed in our paper "Invariant Ancestry Search
Code Repository for "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound Classification and Detection"
Hierarchical Token Semantic Audio Transformer Introduction The Code Repository for "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound
Source code for "Understanding Knowledge Integration in Language Models with Graph Convolutions"
Graph Convolution Simulator (GCS) Source code for "Understanding Knowledge Integration in Language Models with Graph Convolutions" Requirements: PyTor
Code for reproducible experiments presented in KSD Aggregated Goodness-of-fit Test.
Code for KSDAgg: a KSD aggregated goodness-of-fit test This GitHub repository contains the code for the reproducible experiments presented in our pape
Data and code accompanying the paper Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter
Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter Data and code accompanying the paper Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter. In specific: the code
This repository is the code of the paper Accelerating Deep Reinforcement Learning for Digital Twin Network Optimization with Evolutionary Strategies
ES_OTN_Public Carlos Güemes Palau, Paul Almasan, Pere Barlet Ros, Albert Cabellos Aparicio Contact us: [email protected], contactus@bn
Analysis of Antarctica sequencing samples contaminated with SARS-CoV-2
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 reads in sequencing of 2018-2019 Antarctica samples in PRJNA692319 The samples analyzed here are described in this preprint, wh
Mini is a web browser application based on the Python PyQt web engine, made in 290 lines of code.
Mini Mini is a web browser application based on the Python PyQt web engine, made in 290 lines of code. The code is written and published as is, so the
A convolutional recurrent neural network for classifying A/B phases in EEG signals recorded for sleep analysis.
CAP-Classification-CRNN A deep learning model based on Inception modules paired with gated recurrent units (GRU) for the classification of CAP phases
This is the code repository for Mastering Python for Networking and Security – Second Edition
Mastering Python for Networking and Security – Second Edition This is the code repository for Mastering Python for Networking and Security – Second Ed
Source code for the paper "Periodic Traveling Waves in an Integro-Difference Equation With Non-Monotonic Growth and Strong Allee Effect"
Source code for the paper "Periodic Traveling Waves in an Integro-Difference Equation With Non-Monotonic Growth and Strong Allee Effect" by Michael Ne
Official code for paper "ISNet: Costless and Implicit Image Segmentation for Deep Classifiers, with Application in COVID-19 Detection"
Official code for paper "ISNet: Costless and Implicit Image Segmentation for Deep Classifiers, with Application in COVID-19 Detection". LRPDenseNet.py
Code for Phase diagram of Stochastic Gradient Descent in high-dimensional two-layer neural networks
Phase diagram of Stochastic Gradient Descent in high-dimensional two-layer neural networks Under construction. Description Code for Phase diagram of S
Code for the tech report Toward Training at ImageNet Scale with Differential Privacy
Differentially private Imagenet training Code for the tech report Toward Training at ImageNet Scale with Differential Privacy by Alexey Kurakin, Steve
Source code for EquiDock: Independent SE(3)-Equivariant Models for End-to-End Rigid Protein Docking (ICLR 2022)
Source code for EquiDock: Independent SE(3)-Equivariant Models for End-to-End Rigid Protein Docking (ICLR 2022) Please cite "Independent SE(3)-Equivar
Trafffic prediction analysis using hybrid models - Machine Learning
Hybrid Machine learning Model Clone the Repository Create a new Directory as assests and download the model from the below link Model Link To Start th
Temporal Dynamic Convolutional Neural Network for Text-Independent Speaker Verification and Phonemetic Analysis
TDY-CNN for Text-Independent Speaker Verification Official implementation of Temporal Dynamic Convolutional Neural Network for Text-Independent Speake
This code is the implementation of Text Emotion Recognition (TER) with linguistic features
APSIPA-TER This code is the implementation of Text Emotion Recognition (TER) with linguistic features. The network model is BERT with a pretrained mod
This repository contains code written in the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
This repository contains code written in the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) which launches infrastructure across two different regions to demonstrate using AWS AppSync in a multi-region setup.
Source code of BobuxAdmin bot from Bobux Bot Development server.
BobuxAdmin Source code of BobuxAdmin bot from Bobux Bot Development server. The bot is written with usage of disnake and SQLite database. Functionalit
This repository contains Python code examples using the MoneyMoov API
Python Examples This repository contains Python code examples using the MoneyMoov API. The examples are written to operate in the NoFrixion sandbox en
Text Analysis & Topic Extraction on Android App user reviews
AndroidApp_TextAnalysis Hi, there! This is code archive for Text Analysis and Topic Extraction from user_reviews of Android App. Dataset Source : http
A Radare2 based Python module for Binary Analysis and Reverse Engineering.
Zepu1chr3 A Radare2 based Python module for Binary Analysis and Reverse Engineering. Installation You can simply run this command. pip3 install zepu1c
MidTerm Project for the Data Analysis FT Bootcamp, Adam Tycner and Florent ZAHOUI
MidTerm Project for the Data Analysis FT Bootcamp, Adam Tycner and Florent ZAHOUI Hallo
This repo has the source code for the crawler and data crawled from auto-data.net
This repo contains the source code for crawler and crawled data of cars specifications from autodata. The data has roughly 45k cars
Automatically measure the facial Width-To-Height ratio and get facial analysis results provided by Microsoft Azure
fwhr-calc-website This project is to automatically measure the facial Width-To-Height ratio and get facial analysis results provided by Microsoft Azur
Turn your C++/Java code into a Python-like format for extra style points and to make everyone hates you
Turn your C++/Java code into a Python-like format for extra style points and to make everyone hates you
Conducted ANOVA and Logistic regression analysis using matplot library to visualize the result.
Intro-to-Data-Science Conducted ANOVA and Logistic regression analysis. Project ANOVA The main aim of this project is to perform One-Way ANOVA analysi
1900-2016 Olympic Data Analysis in Python by plotting different graphs
🔥 Olympics Data Analysis 🔥 In Data Science field, there is a big topic before creating a model for future prediction is Data Analysis. We can find o
Analysis of voices based on the Mel-frequency band
Speaker_partition_module Analysis of voices based on the Mel-frequency band. Goal: Identification of voices speaking (diarization) and calculation of
All the code in these repos was created and explained by HashLips on the main YouTube channel.
Welcome to HashLips 👄 All the code in these repos was created and explained by HashLips on the main YouTube channel. To find out more please visit: ?
Human segmentation models, training/inference code, and trained weights, implemented in PyTorch
Human-Segmentation-PyTorch Human segmentation models, training/inference code, and trained weights, implemented in PyTorch. Supported networks UNet: b
LabelMe annotation tool source code
LabelMe annotation tool source code Here you will find the source code to install the LabelMe annotation tool on your server. LabelMe is an annotation
Analysis of a dataset of 10000 passwords to find common trends and mistakes people generally make while setting up a password.
Analysis of a dataset of 10000 passwords to find common trends and mistakes people generally make while setting up a password.
JstDoS - HTTP Protocol Stack Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
jstDoS If you are going to skid that, please give credits ! ^^ ¿How works? This
Binjago - Set of tools aiding in analysis of stripped Golang binaries with Binary Ninja
Binjago 🥷 Set of tools aiding in analysis of stripped Golang binaries with Bina
Pytest-typechecker - Pytest plugin to test how type checkers respond to code
pytest-typechecker this is a plugin for pytest that allows you to create tests t
sfgp is a package that aggregates individual scripts and notebooks, primarily written for the basic analysis tasks of genetics and pharmacogenomics data.
sfgp is a package that aggregates individual scripts and notebooks, primarily written for the basic analysis tasks of genetics and pharmacogenomics data.
Processo de ETL (extração, transformação, carregamento) realizado pela equipe no projeto final do curso da Soul Code Academy.
Processo de ETL (extração, transformação, carregamento) realizado pela equipe no projeto final do curso da Soul Code Academy.
TheMachineScraper 🐱👤 is an Information Grabber built for Machine Analysis
TheMachineScraper 🐱👤 is a tool made purely for analysing machine data for any reason.
Fastapi-auth-middleware - Lightweight auth middleware for FastAPI that just works. Fits most auth workflows with only a few lines of code
FastAPI Auth Middleware We at Code Specialist love FastAPI for its simplicity an
Code and outputs from analysis determining that the wordle game can always be won in six moves.
wordle_worst_case_analysis Code and outputs from analysis determining that the wordle game can always be won in six moves. This is for the general cas
The official code repo of "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound Classification and Detection"
Hierarchical Token Semantic Audio Transformer Introduction The Code Repository for "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound
Example Python code for running the mango-explorer marketmaker
🥭 Mango Explorer 📖 Introduction This guide will show you how to load and run a customisable marketmaker that runs on Mango Markets using the mango-e
The code uses SegFormer for Semantic Segmentation on Drone Dataset.
SegFormer_Segmentation The code uses SegFormer for Semantic Segmentation on Drone Dataset. The details for the SegFormer can be obtained from the foll
This repository contains the entire code for our work "Two-Timescale End-to-End Learning for Channel Acquisition and Hybrid Precoding"
Two-Timescale-DNN Two-Timescale End-to-End Learning for Channel Acquisition and Hybrid Precoding This repository contains the entire code for our work
Chem: collection of mostly python code for molecular visualization, QM/MM, FEP, etc
chem: collection of mostly python code for molecular visualization, QM/MM, FEP,
This repository contains the source code for the paper Tutorial on amortized optimization for learning to optimize over continuous domains by Brandon Amos
Tutorial on Amortized Optimization This repository contains the source code for the paper Tutorial on amortized optimization for learning to optimize