41 Repositories
Python sublime-merge Libraries
Automatically fetch, measure, and merge subscription links on the network, use Github Action
Free Node Merge Introduction Modified from alanbobs999/TopFreeProxies It measures the speed of free nodes on the network and import the stable and hig
[x]it! support for working with todo and check list files in Sublime Text
[x]it! for Sublime Text This Sublime Package provides syntax-highlighting, shortcuts, and auto-completions for [x]it! files. Features Syntax highlight
Simple tool to combine(merge) onnx models. Simple Network Combine Tool for ONNX.
snc4onnx Simple tool to combine(merge) onnx models. Simple Network Combine Tool for ONNX. https://github.com/PINTO0309/simple-onnx-processing-tools 1.
A Python Binder that merge 2 files with any extension by creating a new python file and compiling it to exe which runs both payloads.
Update ! ANONFILE MIGHT NOT WORK ! About A Python Binder that merge 2 files with any extension by creating a new python file and compiling it to exe w
Basic sort and search algorithms written in python.
Basic sort and search algorithms written in python. These were all developed as part of my Computer Science course to demonstrate understanding so they aren't 100% efficent
VideoMergeDcBot1 - Video Merge Dc Bot for telegram
VIDEO MERGE BOT An Telegram Bot Demo 👉 @VideoMergeDcBot To Merge multiple Video
This project is an Algorithm Visualizer where a user can visualize algorithms like Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Selection Sort, Linear Search and Binary Search.
Algo_Visualizer This project is an Algorithm Visualizer where a user can visualize common algorithms like "Bubble Sort", "Merge Sort", "Quick Sort", "
macOS development environment setup: Setting up a new developer machine can be an ad-hoc, manual, and time-consuming process.
dev-setup Motivation Setting up a new developer machine can be an ad-hoc, manual, and time-consuming process. dev-setup aims to simplify the process w
Syntax highlighting for yarn.lock and bun.lockb files
Yarn.lock Syntax Highlighting Syntax highlighting for yarn.lock and bun.lockb files Installation Plugin is not publushed yet on Package Control, to in
wxPython app for converting encodings, modifying and fixing SRT files
Subtitle Converter Program za obradu srt i txt fajlova. Requirements: Python version 3.8 wxPython version 4.1.0 or newer Libraries: srt, PyDispatcher
Show Rubygems description and annotate your code right from Sublime Text.
Gem Description for Sublime Text Show Rubygems description and annotate your code. Just mouse over your Gemfile's gem definitions to show the popup. s
Repository for Comparison based sorting algorithms in python
Repository for Comparison based sorting algorithms in python. This was implemented for project one submission for ITCS 6114 Data Structures and Algorithms under the guidance of Dr. Dewan at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Fall 2021.
Showing potential issues with merge strategies
Showing potential issues with merge strategies Context There are two branches in this repo: main and a feature branch feat/inverting-method (not the b
A Sublime Text plugin to select a default syntax dialect
Default Syntax Chooser This Sublime Text 4 plugin provides the set_default_syntax_dialect command. This command manipulates a syntax file (e.g.: SQL.s
Type annotations builder for boto3 compatible with VSCode, PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, pyright and mypy.
mypy_boto3_builder Type annotations builder for boto3-stubs project. Compatible with VSCode, PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, mypy, pyright and other too
Manage your WordPress installation directly from SublimeText SideBar and Command Palette.
WordpressPluginManager Manage your WordPress installation directly from SublimeText SideBar and Command Palette. Installation Dependencies You will ne
Integrate clang-format with Sublime Text
Sublime Text Clang Format Plugin This is a minimal plugin integrating clang-format with Sublime Text, with emphasis on the word minimal. It is not rea
A free micro-blog written in Python and powered by Heroku. *Merge requests are appreciated!*
Background Hobo is an ultra-lightweight blog engine written in Python. It has two dependencies, fully integrated into the codebase with no additional
This repo is for scripts to run various clients at the merge f2f
merge-f2f This repo is for scripts to run various clients at the merge f2f. Tested with Lighthouse! Tested with Geth! General dependecies sudo apt-get
Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.
nbdime provides tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter Notebooks.
Simple package for Sublime Text 4; download URL's for local viewing and editing
URLDownloader This is a simple example package that allows you to easily download the contents of any web URL to edit locally. Given a URL, the packag
Shows Odin Lang errors in Sublime Text.
OdinErrors Shows Odin Lang errors in Sublime Text. Config Collections and defines are stored in ols.json (Hijacked from ols). { "collections": [
A Sublime Text package that allows a user to view all the available core/plugin commands for Sublime Text and Sublime Merge, along with their documentation/source.
CommandsBrowser A Sublime Text package that allows a user to view all the available core/plugin commands for Sublime Text and Sublime Merge, along wit
Hangar is version control for tensor data. Commit, branch, merge, revert, and collaborate in the data-defined software era.
Overview docs tests package Hangar is version control for tensor data. Commit, branch, merge, revert, and collaborate in the data-defined software era
Live coding in Python with PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, or even a browser
Live Coding in Python Visualize your Python code while you type it in PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, or even your browser. To see how to use one of the
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
openBrowsser is a Sublime Text plug-in, which allows you to add a keyboard shortcut, to directly access a website from a selection.
openBrowsser is a Sublime Text plug-in, which allows you to add a keyboard shortcut, to directly access a website from a selection. Instal
Context-free grammar to Sublime-syntax file
Generate a sublime-syntax file from a non-left-recursive, follow-determined, context-free grammar
A LiDAR point cloud cluster for panoptic segmentation
Divide-and-Merge-LiDAR-Panoptic-Cluster A demo video of our method with semantic prior: More information will be coming soon! As a PhD student, I don'
Basic Clojure REPL for Sublime Text
Basic Clojure REPL for Sublime Text Goals: Decomplected: just REPL, nothing more Zero dependencies: works directly with pREPL Compact: Display code ev
A Sublime Text plugin that displays inline images for single-line comments formatted like `// `.
Inline Images Sometimes ASCII art is not enough. Sometimes an image says more than a thousand words. This Sublime Text plugin can display images inlin
Python 3 patcher for Sublime Text v4107-4114 Windows x64
sublime-text-4-patcher Python 3 patcher for Sublime Text v4107-4114 Windows x64 Credits for signatures and patching logic goes to https://github.com/l
Fetch McDonald invoices from mailbox and merge them to one PDF file.
concatenate Fetch McDonald invoices from mailbox and merge them to one PDF file. Description This script will fetch all McDonald invoice pdfs from a p
Merge multiple PDF files into one.
PDF Merger Merge multiple PDF files into one. Usage % python pdf_merger.py -h usage: pdf_merger.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-f [FILES ...]] optional argumen
Sublime Text 2/3 style auto completion for ST4
Hippie Autocompletion Sublime Text 2/3 style auto completion for ST4: cycle through words, do not show popup. Simply hit Tab to insert completion, hit
My Sublime Text theme
rsms sublime text theme Install: cd path/to/your/sublime/packages git clone https://github.com/rsms/sublime-theme.git rsms-theme You'll also need the
A Telegram Video Merge Bot by @AbirHasan2005
VideoMerge-Bot This is very simple Telegram Videos Merge Bot by @AbirHasan2005. Using FFmpeg for Merging Videos. Features: Merge Multiple Videos. User
Fabric mod where anyone can PR anything, concerning or not. I'll merge everything as soon as it works.
Guess What Will Happen In This Fabric mod where anyone can PR anything, concerning or not (Unless it's too concerning). I'll merge everything as soon
Amazing GitHub Template - Sane defaults for your next project!
🚀 Useful README.md, LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, SECURITY.md, GitHub Issues and Pull Requests and Actions templates to jumpstart your projects.
How to setup a multi-client ethereum Eth1-Eth2 merge testnet
Mergenet tutorial Let's set up a local eth1-eth2 merge testnet! Preparing the setup environment In this tutorial, we use a series of scripts to genera
Anaconda turns your Sublime Text 3 in a full featured Python development IDE including autocompletion, code linting, IDE features, autopep8 formating, McCabe complexity checker Vagrant and Docker support for Sublime Text 3 using Jedi, PyFlakes, pep8, MyPy, PyLint, pep257 and McCabe that will never freeze your Sublime Text 3
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