651 Repositories
Python svg-files Libraries
Python package for handling and analyzing PSRFITS files
PyPulse A pure-Python package for handling and analyzing PSRFITS files. Read the documentation here. This is an alternate code base from PSRCHIVE. Req
A simple python script to send files into your telegram Bot form your PC, Server etc.
telegramSend A simple python script to send files into your telegram Bot form your PC, Server etc. How to Use Install requirements.txt pip3 install -r
A simple notebook to stream torrent files directly to Google Drive using Google Colab.
Colab-Torrent-to-Drive Originally by FKLC, this is a simple notebook to stream torrent files directly to Google Drive using Google Colab. You can eith
Security-TXT is a python package for retrieving, parsing and manipulating security.txt files.
Security-TXT is a python package for retrieving, parsing and manipulating security.txt files.
PyQt5 simple files , youtube videos and youtube playlist downloader
PyQt5 simple files , youtube videos and youtube playlist downloader
BroBot's files, code and tester.
README - BroBOT Made by Rohan Chaturvedi [email protected] DISCLAIMER: This rep only contains part of code that can be made public. Parts like auth
Download files from DSpace systems (because for some reason DSpace won't let you)
DSpaceDL A tool for downloading files from DSpace items. For some reason, DSpace systems have a dogshit UI, and Universities absolutely LOOOVE to use
Linux GUI app to codon optimize a directory with fasta files using taxonomy ids imported as a 1-column txt file (1 taxonomy id for each file)
codon optimize cds paired with taxids singlefastas gui Linux GUI app to codon optimize a directory with fasta files using taxonomy ids imported as a 1
Apply a perspective transformation to a raster image inside Inkscape (no need to use an external software such as GIMP or Krita).
Raster Perspective Apply a perspective transformation to bitmap image using the selected path as envelope, without the need to use an external softwar
A calibre plugin that generates Word Wise and X-Ray files then sends them to Kindle. Supports KFX, AZW3 and MOBI eBooks. X-Ray supports 18 languages.
WordDumb A calibre plugin that generates Word Wise and X-Ray files then sends them to Kindle. Supports KFX, AZW3 and MOBI eBooks. Languages X-Ray supp
A bot for PDF for doing Many Things....
Telegram PDF Bot A Telegram bot that can: Compress, crop, decrypt, encrypt, merge, preview, rename, rotate, scale and split PDF files Compare text dif
Generate code from JSON schema files
json-schema-codegen Generate code from JSON schema files. Table of contents Introduction Currently supported languages Requirements Installation Usage
Beancount: Double-Entry Accounting from Text Files.
beancount: Double-Entry Accounting from Text Files Contents Description Documentation Download & Installation Versions Filing Bugs Copyright and Licen
a curated list of docker-compose files prepared for testing data engineering tools, databases and open source libraries.
data-services A repository for storing various Data Engineering docker-compose files in one place. How to use it ? Set the required settings in .env f
Python code snippets for extracting PDB codes from .fasta files
Python_snippets_for_bioinformatics Python code snippets for extracting PDB codes from .fasta files If you have a single .fasta file for all protein se
PDFSanitizer - Renders possibly unsafe PDF files and outputs harmless PDF files
PDFSanitizer Renders possibly malicious PDF files and outputs harmless PDF files
Svg-turtle - Use the Python turtle to write SVG files
SaVaGe Turtle Use the Python turtle to write SVG files If you're using the Pytho
Uproot is a library for reading and writing ROOT files in pure Python and NumPy.
Uproot is a library for reading and writing ROOT files in pure Python and NumPy. Unlike the standard C++ ROOT implementation, Uproot is only an I/O li
JSONManipulator is a Python package to retrieve, add, delete, change and store objects in JSON files.
JSONManipulator JSONManipulator is a Python package to retrieve, add, delete, change and store objects in JSON files. Installation Use the package man
Python library for parsing Godot scene files
Godot Parser This is a python library for parsing Godot scene (.tscn) and resource (.tres) files. It's intended to make it easier to automate certain
Securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network
OnionShare OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor ne
Convert your Gyrosco.pe travels to GPX files
gyroscope2gpx This little python joint will do you a favor of taking your "Travel" export from Gyroscope (https://gyrosco.pe) and turn it into a bunch
Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁
TGCLOUD 🪁 Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁 Features Easy to Deploy Heroku Supp
Windows Virus who destroy some impotants files on C:\windows\system32\
psychic-robot Windows Virus who destroy some importants files on C:\windows\system32\ Signatures of psychic-robot.PY (python file) : Bkav Pro : ASP.We
python script to convert .OBJ files into Minecraft, rendering them in game with a core shader.
samples: random notes about the tool general output format: (animation not supported yet but planned) vertex id Minecraft's gl_VertexID isn't per mode
This program has been coded to allow the user to rename all the files in the entered folder.
Bulk_File_Renamer This program has been coded to allow the user to rename all the files in the entered folder. The only required package is "termcolor
A python script for compiling and executing .cc files
Debug And Run A python script for compiling and executing .cc files Example dbrun fname.cc [DEBUG MODE] Compiling fname.cc with C++17 ------------
This is a DemoCode for parsing through large log files and triggering an email whenever there's an error.
LogFileParserDemoCode This is a DemoCode for parsing through large log files and triggering an email whenever there's an error. There are a total of f
Use CSV files as a Nornir Inventory source with hosts, groups and defaults.
nornir_csv Use CSV files as a Nornir Inventory source with hosts, groups and defaults. This can be used as an equivalent to the Simple Inventory plugi
Convert All TXT Files To One File.
AllToOne Convert All TXT Files To One File. Hi 👋 , I'm Alireza A Python Developer Boy 🔭 I’m currently working on my C# projects 🌱 I’m currently Lea
Deploy/View images to database sqlite with fastapi
Deploy/View images to database sqlite with fastapi cd realistic Dependencies dat
SeCl - A really easy to deploy and use made-on Flask API to manage your files remotely from Terminal
SeCl SeCl it's a really easy to deploy and use made-on Flask API to manage your
Path tracing obj - (taichi course final project) a path tracing renderer that can import and render obj files
Path tracing obj - (taichi course final project) a path tracing renderer that can import and render obj files
MPY tool - manage files on devices running MicroPython
mpytool MPY tool - manage files on devices running MicroPython It is an alternative to ampy Target of this project is to make more clean code, faster,
DB-Drive-CSV - This is app is can be used to access CSV file as JSON from Google Drive.
DB Drive CSV This is app is can be used to access CSV file as JSON from Google Drive. How To Use Create file/ upload file to Google Drive There's 2 fi
Png-to-stl - Converts PNG and text to SVG, and then extrudes that based on parameters
have ansible installed locally run ansible-playbook setup_application.yml this sets up directories, installs system packages, and sets up python envir
Speech-Emotion-Analyzer - The neural network model is capable of detecting five different male/female emotions from audio speeches. (Deep Learning, NLP, Python)
Speech Emotion Analyzer The idea behind creating this project was to build a machine learning model that could detect emotions from the speech we have
Numbers-parser - Python module for parsing Apple Numbers .numbers files
numbers-parser numbers-parser is a Python module for parsing Apple Numbers .numbers files. It supports Numbers files generated by Numbers version 10.3
Youtube_dl_helper - A hacky python script meant to automate the process of downloading mp3 files from YouTube using youtube-dl library
youtube_dl_helper A helper program meant to automate the process of downloading mp3 files from YouTube using youtube-dl library Dependencies In order
ValveVMF - A python library to parse Valve's VMF files
ValveVMF ValveVMF is a Python library for parsing .vmf files for the Source Engi
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched or copy-pasted. ocrmypdf
Make creating Excel XLSX files fun again
Poi: Make creating Excel XLSX files fun again. Poi helps you write Excel sheet in a declarative way, ensuring you have a better Excel writing experien
Example Python codes that works with MySQL and Excel files (.xlsx)
Python x MySQL x Excel by Zinglecode Example Python codes that do the processes between MySQL database and Excel spreadsheet files. YouTube videos MyS
python wrapper for simple-icons
simpleicons Use a wide-range of icons derived from the simple-icons repo in python. Go to their website for a full list of icons. The slug version mus
A Python library for inspecting JVM class files (.class)
lawu Lawu is a human-friendly library for assembling, disassembling, and exploring JVM class files. It's highly suitable for automation tasks. Documen
Simple python program to encrypt files with AES-256 encryption
simple-enc Simple python program to encrypt files with AES-256 encryption Setup First install "pyAesCrypt" using pip. Thats it! Optionally you can add
iloveflask is a Python library to collect functions that help a flask developer generate reports, config files and repeat code.
I Love Flask iloveflask is a Python library to collect functions that help a flask developer generate reports, config files and repeat code. Installat
A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can compress, convert(video into audio and other video formats), rename with permanent thumbnail and trim.
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀᴛᴏʀ A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can compress, convert(video into audio and other video formats), rename and trim.
KConfig Browser is a graphical application which allows you to modify KDE configuration files found in ~/.config
kconfig_browser KConfig Browser is a graphical application which allows you to modify KDE configuration files found in ~/.config Screenshot Why I crea
A multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to Google Drive
Mirror Leech Bot Mirror Leech Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Ba
In this repository there are two types of code files
encryption-decryption In this repository there are two types of code files Me Friend Code in the 'Me' file can use for encryption and Code in the 'Fri
A Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram
Original Repo mirror-leech-telegram-bot This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram.
A Python library to parse PARI/GP configuration and header files
pari-utils A Python library to parse PARI/GP configuration and header files. This is mainly used in the code generation of https://github.com/sagemath
Python library for creating and parsing HSReplay XML files
python-hsreplay A python module for HSReplay support. https://hearthsim.info/hsreplay/ Installation The library is available on PyPI. pip install hsre
A python library for working with praat, textgrids, time aligned audio transcripts, and audio files.
praatIO Questions? Comments? Feedback? A library for working with praat, time aligned audio transcripts, and audio files that comes with batteries inc
Syntax highlighting for yarn.lock and bun.lockb files
Yarn.lock Syntax Highlighting Syntax highlighting for yarn.lock and bun.lockb files Installation Plugin is not publushed yet on Package Control, to in
SubGrab is a utility that allows you to automate subtitles downloading for your media files.
SubGrab - Command-line Subtitles Downloader: A utility which provides an ease for automating media i.e., Movies, TV-Series subtitle scraping from mult
A collection of python scripts for extracting and analyzing acoustics from audio files.
pyAcoustics A collection of python scripts for extracting and analyzing acoustics from audio files. Contents 1 Common Use Cases 2 Major revisions 3 Fe
A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars & command line arguments that takes the headache out of setting app configurations.
parse_it A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars and command line arguments that takes the headache out of setting app co
ForFinder is a search tool for folder and files
ForFinder is a search tool for folder and files. You can use that when you Source Code Analysis at your project's local files or other projects that you are download. Enter a root path and keyword to ForFinder.
Hack computer in the form of RAR files from all types of clients, even Linux
Program Features 📌 Hide malware 📌 Vulnerability software vulnerabilities RAR 📌 Creating malware 📌 Access client files 📌 Client Hacking 📌 Link Do
🛹 Turn an SVG into an STL for stencil creation purposes
svg2stl This repository provides a script which takes as input an SVG such as this one: It outputs an STL file like this one: You can also see an inte
A Python library that tees the standard output & standard error from the current process to files on disk, while preserving terminal semantics
A Python library that tees the standard output & standard error from the current process to files on disk, while preserving terminal semantics (so breakpoint(), etc work as normal)
Unzip Japanese Shift-JIS zip archives on non-Japanese systems.
Unzip JP GUI Unzip Japanese Shift-JIS zip archives on non-Japanese systems. This script unzips the file while converting the file names from Shift-JIS
Create SVG drawings from vector geodata files (SHP, geojson, etc).
SVGIS Create SVG drawings from vector geodata files (SHP, geojson, etc). SVGIS is great for: creating small multiples, combining lots of datasets in a
Makes patches from huge resolution .svs slide files using openslide
openslide_patcher Makes patches from huge resolution .svs slide files using openslide Example collage I made from outputs:
Utility for Google Text-To-Speech batch audio files generator. Ideal for prompt files creation with Google voices for application in offline IVRs
Google Text-To-Speech Batch Prompt File Maker Are you in the need of IVR prompts, but you have no voice actors? Let Google talk your prompts like a pr
wxPython app for converting encodings, modifying and fixing SRT files
Subtitle Converter Program za obradu srt i txt fajlova. Requirements: Python version 3.8 wxPython version 4.1.0 or newer Libraries: srt, PyDispatcher
Use any of the 1k+ free FontAwesome icons in your tkinter application.
TkFontAwesome A library that enables you to use FontAwesome icons in your tkinter application. You may use any of the 1k+ free FontAwesome 5.0 icons.
A parser of Windows Defender's DetectionHistory forensic artifact, containing substantial info about quarantined files and executables.
A parser of Windows Defender's DetectionHistory forensic artifact, containing substantial info about quarantined files and executables.
This program organizes automatically files in folders named as file's extension
Auto Sorting System by Sergiy Grimoldi - V.0.0.2 This program organizes automatically files in folders named as file's extension How to use the code T
All the code and files related to the MI-Lab of UE19CS305 course in sem 5
Machine-Intelligence-Lab-CS305 The compilation of all the code an drelated files from MI-Lab UE19CS305 (of batch 2019-2023) offered by PES University
Telegram Bot to save Posts or Files that can be Accessed via Special Links
OKAERI-FILE Bot Telegram untuk menyimpan Posting atau File yang dapat Diakses melalui Link Khusus. Jika Anda memerlukan tambahan module lagi dalam rep
Powerful Python library for atomic file writes.
Powerful Python library for atomic file writes.
A complete Python application to automatize the process of uploading files to Amazon S3
Upload files or folders (even with subfolders) to Amazon S3 in a totally automatized way taking advantage of: Amazon S3 Multipart Upload: The uploaded
Aria & Qbittorent Mirror Bot
Eunha Mirror Eunha Mirror is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Features su
A telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive
[] Mirror Bot This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive. Deploying on Heroku Give Star &
bib2xml - A tool for getting Word formatted XML from Bibtex files
bib2xml - A tool for getting Word formatted XML from Bibtex files Processes Bibtex files (.bib), produces Word Bibliography XML (.xml) output Why not
Software that extracts spreadsheets from various .pdf files to .csv
Extração de planilhas de diversos arquivos .pdf para .csv O código inteiro foi desenvolvido em Python. Foi utilizado o pacote "tabula" e a biblioteca
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files.
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files. It provides a drop-in replacement for the builtin CSV module with improved dialect detection, and comes with a handy command line application for working with CSV files.
This project demonstrates selenium's ability to extract files from a website.
This project demonstrates selenium's ability to extract files from a website. I've added the challenge of connecting over TOR. This package also includes a personal archive site built in NodeJS and Angular that allows users to filter and view downloaded files.
A script to search, scrape and scan for Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 affected files using Google dorks
Log4j dork scanner This is an auto script to search, scrape and scan for Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 affected files using Google dorks. Installation:
bulk upload files to libgen.lc (Selenium script)
LibgenBulkUpload bulk upload files to http://libgen.lc/librarian.php (Selenium script) Usage ./upload.py to_upload uploaded rejects So title and autho
Encode and decode cancro lang files to and from brainfuck
cancrolang Encode and decode cancro lang files to and from brainfuck. examples python3 main.py -f hello.cancro --run Hello World! the interpreter is n
A simple CLI based any Download Tool, that find files and let you stream or download thorugh WebTorrent CLI or Aria or any command tool
Privateer A simple CLI based any Download Tool, that find files and let you stream or download thorugh WebTorrent CLI or Aria or any command tool How
Parasite: a tool allowing you to compress and decompress files, to reduce their size
🦠 Parasite 🦠 Parasite is a tool written in Python3 allowing you to "compress" any file, reducing its size. ⭐ Features ⭐ + Fast + Good optimization,
Scans all drives for log4j jar files and gets their version from the manifest
log4shell_scanner Scans all drives for log4j jar files and gets their version from the manifest. Windows and Windows Server only.
Here is some Python code that allows you to read in SVG files and approximate their paths using a Fourier series.
Here is some Python code that allows you to read in SVG files and approximate their paths using a Fourier series. The Fourier series can be animated and visualized, the function can be output as a two dimensional vector for Desmos and there is a method to output the coefficients as LaTeX code.
python package for generating typescript grpc-web stubs from protobuf files.
grpc-web-proto-compile NOTE: This package has been superseded by romnn/proto-compile, which provides the same functionality but offers a lot more flex
Downloads files and folders
PyDownloader Downloads files and folders at high speed (based on your interent speed). This is very useful to transfer big files from one computer to
Fast Python reader and editor for ASAM MDF / MF4 (Measurement Data Format) files
asammdf is a fast parser and editor for ASAM (Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems) MDF (Measurement Data Format) files
Scrapes the Sun Life of Canada Philippines web site for historical prices of their investment funds and then saves them as CSV files.
slocpi-scraper Sun Life of Canada Philippines Inc Investment Funds Scraper Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt Usage General format:
A simple CLI application helps you to find giant files that are eating up your system storage
Large file finder Sometimes it's very hard to find if some giant files are eating up your system storage. We might need to hunt those down. This simpl
Use .csv files to record, play and evaluate motion capture data.
Purpose These scripts allow you to record mocap data to, and play from .csv files. This approach facilitates parsing of body movement data in statisti
An expansion for RDKit to read all types of files in one line
RDMolReader An expansion for RDKit to read all types of files in one line How to use? Add this single .py file to your project and import MolFromFile(
A Python script to organize your files in a given directory.
File-Organizer A Python script to organize your files in a given directory. It organizes your files based on the file extension and moves them into sp
demir.ai Dataset Operations
demir.ai Dataset Operations With this application, you can have the empty values (nan/null) deleted or filled before giving your dataset to machine le
Agile SVG maker for python
Agile SVG Maker Need to draw hundreds of frames for a GIF? Need to change the style of all pictures in a PPT? Need to draw similar images with differe
An application pulls configuration information from JSON files generated
AP Provisioning Automation An application pulls configuration information from JSON files generated by Ekahau and then uses Netmiko to configure the l