1603 Repositories
Python termux-tool-hack Libraries
A python program to hack instagram
hackinsta a program to hack instagram Yokoback_(instahack) is the file to open, you need libraries write on import. You run that file in the same fold
hackinsta: a program to hack instagram
hackinsta a program to hack instagram Yokoback_(instahack) is the file to open, you need libraries write on import. You run that file in the same fold
A small tool to joint picture including gif
README 做设计的时候遇到拼接长图的情况,但是发现没有什么好用的能拼接gif的工具。 于是自己写了个gif拼接小工具。 可以自动拼接gif、png和jpg等常见格式。 效果 从上至下 从下至上 从左至右 从右至左 使用 克隆仓库 git clone https://github.com/Dels
An Integrated Experimental Platform for time series data anomaly detection.
Curve Sorry to tell contributors and users. We decided to archive the project temporarily due to the employee work plan of collaborators. There are no
MTBLLS Ethical Hacking Tool Announcement of v2.0
MTBLLS Ethical Hacking Tool Announcement of v2.0 MTBLLS is a Free and Open-Source Ethical Hacking Tool developed by GhostTD (SkyWtkh) The tool can onl
FIVE, Vulnerability Scanner And Mass Exploiter, made for pentesting.
$ FIVE - FIVE is a Pentesting Framework to Test the Security & Integrity of a Website, or Multiple Websites. $ Info FIVE Was Made After Vulnnr to Prod
This tool is for finding more detailed information of an IP Address.
This tool is for finding more detailed information of an IP Address.
A protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing IP address to a fixed physical machine address
p0znMITM ARP Poisoning Tool What is ARP? Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing IP address to a f
Network monitoring tool
netmeter If you are looking for a tool to monitor your network interfaces, here you are. See netmeter-exporter to export Prometheus metrics. Installat
Python tool for enumerating directories and for fuzzing
Python tool for enumerating directories and for fuzzing
This Tool can help enginners and biggener in network, the tool help you to find of any ip with subnet mask that can calucate them and show you ( Availble IP's , Subnet Mask, Network-ID, Broadcast-ID )
This Tool can help enginners and biggener in network, the tool help you to find of any ip with subnet mask that can calucate them and show you ( Availble IP's , Subnet Mask, Network-ID, Broadcast-ID )
Python tool for exploiting CVE-2021-35616
OracleOTM Python tool for exploiting CVE-2021-35616 The script works in modules, which I implemented in the following order: ► Username enumeration ►
A tool to nowcast quarterly data with monthly indicators: US consumption example
MIDAS_Nowcaster A tool to nowcast quarterly data with monthly indicators: US consumption example Pulls data directly from FRED from a list of codes -
Built on python (Mathematical straight fit line coordinates error predictor machine learning foundational model)
Sum-Square_Error-Business-Analytical-Tool- Built on python (Mathematical straight fit line coordinates error predictor machine learning foundational m
Milano is a tool for automating hyper-parameters search for your models on a backend of your choice.
Milano (This is a research project, not an official NVIDIA product.) Documentation https://nvidia.github.io/Milano Milano (Machine learning autotuner
A light weight data augmentation tool for training CNNs and Viola Jones detectors
hey-daug A light weight data augmentation tool for training CNNs and Viola Jones detectors (Haar Cascades). This tool inflates your data by up to six
Tool for pretty printing and optimizing Lightning Network channels.
Suez Tool for pretty printing and optimizing Lightning Network channels. Installation Install poetry poetry install poetry run ./suez Channel fee poli
Open source annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.
doccano doccano is an open source text annotation tool for humans. It provides annotation features for text classification, sequence labeling and sequ
Auto-ropper is a tool that aims to automate the exploitation of ROP.
Auto-ropper is a tool that aims to automate the exploitation of ROP. Its goal is to become a tool that no longer requires user interaction.
Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
Website • Docs • Twitter • Join Slack Community What is Label Studio? Label Studio is an open source data labeling tool. It lets you label data types
A command line tool that creates a super timeline from SentinelOne's Deep Visibility data
S1SuperTimeline A command line tool that creates a super timeline from SentinelOne's Deep Visibility data What does it do? The script accepts a S1QL q
😈 Discord RAGE is a Python tool that allows you to automatically spam messages in Discord
😈 Discord RAGE Python tool that allows you to automatically spam messages in Discord 🏹 Setup Make sure you have Python installed and PIP is added to
AML Command Transfer. A lightweight tool to transfer any command line to Azure Machine Learning Services
AML Command Transfer (ACT) ACT is a lightweight tool to transfer any command from the local machine to AML or ITP, both of which are Azure Machine Lea
A simple image-level annotation tool supporting multi-channel images for napari.
napari-labelimg4classification A simple image-level annotation tool supporting multi-channel images for napari. This napari plugin was generated with
Algorithm for Cutting Stock Problem using Google OR-Tools. Link to the tool:
Cutting Stock Problem Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) deals with planning the cutting of items (rods / sheets) from given stock items (which are usually o
This is a simple tool to create ZIP payloads using a provided wordlist for the symlink attack (present in some file upload vulnerabilities)
zip-symlink-payload-creator This is a simple tool to create ZIP payloads using a provided wordlist for the symlink attack (present in some file upload
CLI tool to fix linked references for dates.
Fix Logseq dates This is a CLI tool to fix the date references following a change in date format since the current version (0.4.4) of Logseq does not
Proman is a simple tool for managing projects through cli.
proman proman is a project manager. It helps you manage your projects from a terminal. The features are listed below. Installation Step 1: Download or
Tool for synchronizing clickhouse clusters
clicksync Tool for synchronizing clickhouse clusters works only with partitioned MergeTree tables can sync clusters with different node number uses in
This python cheat utilizes PyMeow, PyMem, and others to enhance your CS:GO experience ;).
CSGO-Python-Cheat This python cheat utilizes PyMeow, PyMem, and others to enhance your CS:GO experience ;). Features Esp Tracers Chams (More to come)
This tool is designed to help administrators get an overview of their Active Directory structure.
This tool is designed to help administrators get an overview of their Active Directory structure. In the group view you can see all elements of an AD (OU, USER, GROUPS, COMPUTERS etc.). In the user view one sees all users according to their Manager/Manager of Hierarchy.
A tool to improve Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solver user's life
SatHelper This is a tool to improve the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and MaxSAT solver user's life. It helps you model various problems as SAT and Max
Instagram brute force tool that uses tor as its proxy connections
Insta-crack This is a instagram brute force tool that uses tor as its proxy connections, keep in mind that you should not do anything illegal with thi
Wappalyzer CLI tool to find Web Technologies
Wappalyzer CLI tool to find Web Technologies
This tool reads the route of a hike and generates a table of iNaturalist observations along the trails.
This tool reads the route of a hike and generates a table of iNaturalist observations along the trails. It also shows the observations and the route of the hike on a map. Moreover, it saves waypoints of the iNaturalist observations for offline navigation with a GPS device or smartphone.
Fast Anonymous Email Sending Tool
Email-Fake Fast Anonymous Email Sending Tool 🏆 Github Statistics : Termux For Install: pkg install python pkg install python2 git clone https://githu
Simple command line tool to train and deploy your machine learning models with AWS SageMaker
metamaker Simple command line tool to train and deploy your machine learning models with AWS SageMaker Features metamaker enables you to: Build a dock
NetMiaou is an crossplatform hacking tool that can do reverse shells, send files, create an http server or send and receive tcp packet
NetMiaou is an crossplatform hacking tool that can do reverse shells, send files, create an http server or send and receive tcp packet
Tool for running a high throughput data ingestion/transformation workload with MongoDB
Mongo Mangler The mongo-mangler tool is a lightweight Python utility, which you can run from a low-powered machine to execute a high throughput data i
A command-line tool to upload local files and pastebin pastes to your mega account, without signing in anywhere
A command-line tool to upload local files and pastebin pastes to your mega account, without signing in anywhere
DepFine Is a tool to find the unregistered dependency based on dependency confusion valunerablility and lead to RCE
DepFine DepFine Is a tool to find the unregistered dependency based on dependency confusion valunerablility and lead to RCE Installation: You Can inst
A basic tool to generate Hydrogen drum machine kits.
Generate Hydrogen Kit A basic tool to generate drumkit.xml files for Hydrogen drum machine. Saves a bit of time when making kits. Supply it with a nam
Nexum is an open-source, remote administration tool written in Python 3
A full-featured remote administration tool written in Python 3. The goal of this project is to make the use of a remote administration tool as simple
PyPC is a very simple tool that creates Python projects from templates.
PyPC (Python Project Creator) PyPC is a very simple tool that creates Python projects from templates. In 0.1v#alpha, custom template creation will be
Boston House Prediction Valuation Tool
Boston-House-Prediction-Valuation-Tool From Below Anlaysis The Valuation Tool is Designed Correlation Matrix Regrssion Analysis Between Target Vs Pred
✂️ EyeLipCropper is a Python tool to crop eyes and mouth ROIs of the given video.
EyeLipCropper EyeLipCropper is a Python tool to crop eyes and mouth ROIs of the given video. The whole process consists of three parts: frame extracti
sync-my-tasks is a CLI tool that copies tasks between apps.
sync-my-tasks Copy tasks between apps Report a Bug · Request a Feature . Ask a Question Table of Contents Table of Contents Getting Started Developmen
spade is the next-generation networking command line tool.
spade is the next-generation networking command line tool. Say goodbye to the likes of dig, ping and traceroute with more accessible, more informative and prettier output.
WpDisect is a wordpress hacking tool that finds vulnerabilities in wordpress.
wpdisect WpDisect is a wordpress hacking tool that finds misconfigurations in wordpress. Prerequisites You need to download wordpress in the wpdisect
A lightweight Python module and command-line tool for generating NATO APP-6(D) compliant military symbols from both ID codes and natural language names
Python military symbols This is a lightweight Python module, including a command-line script, to generate NATO APP-6(D) compliant military symbol icon
Spotify Offline is a command line tool that allows one to download Spotify playlists in MP3 format.
Spotify Offline v0.0.2 listen to your favorite spotify songs, offline Overview Spotify Offline (spotifyoffline) is a command line tool that allows one
Monk is a low code Deep Learning tool and a unified wrapper for Computer Vision.
Monk - A computer vision toolkit for everyone Why use Monk Issue: Want to begin learning computer vision Solution: Start with Monk's hands-on study ro
Ini membuat tema berbasis bendera Indonesia with Python + Linux.py
tema Ubah Tema Termux Menjadi Linux Ubah Font Termux Jadi Linux dibuat oleh wahyudioputra INSTALL pkg update && pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg ins
A Python Tool that uses Shodan API's to perform quick recon for vulnerabilities
Shodan Quick Recon A Python Tool that uses Shodan API's to perform quick recon for vulnerabilities Configuration You must edit the python code, and in
Very nice SMS & Mail Bomber for Termux and Linux.
Very nice SMS & Mail Bomber for Termux and Linux. Coded with love)))
CLI tool to show the current crypto balance
CryptoBoard The simple python CLI tool for one currency to show the current crypto balance yours purchases. That's all. Data source is from https://ww
About Hive Burp Suite Extension
Hive Burp Suite Extension Description Hive extension for Burp Suite. This extension allows you to send data from Burp to Hive in one click. Create iss
Youtube Tool using selenium Python
YT-AutoLikeComment-AutoReportComment-AutoComment Youtube Tool using selenium Python Auto Comment Auto Like Comment Auto Report Comment Usage: 1. Insta
labelpix is a graphical image labeling interface for drawing bounding boxes
Welcome to labelpix 👋 labelpix is a graphical image labeling interface for drawing bounding boxes. 🏠 Homepage Install pip install -r requirements.tx
This tool will help you convert your text to handwriting xD
So your teacher asked you to upload written assignments? Hate writing assigments? This tool will help you convert your text to handwriting xD
Turdshovel is an interactive CLI tool that allows users to dump objects from .NET memory dumps
Turdshovel Description Turdshovel is an interactive CLI tool that allows users to dump objects from .NET memory dumps without having to fully understa
osqueryIR is an artifact collection tool for Linux systems.
osqueryIR osqueryIR is an artifact collection tool for Linux systems. It provides the following capabilities: Execute osquery SQL queries Collect file
「📖」Tool created to extract metadata from a domain
Metafind is an OSINT tool created with the aim of automating the search for metadata of a particular domain from the search engine known as Google.
Constituency Tree Labeling Tool
Constituency Tree Labeling Tool The purpose of this package is to solve the constituency tree labeling problem. Look from the dataset labeled by NLTK,
📚 Papermill is a tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter Notebooks.
papermill is a tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter Notebooks. Papermill lets you: parameterize notebooks execute notebooks This
A simple and efficient tool to parallelize Pandas operations on all available CPUs
Pandaral·lel Without parallelization With parallelization Installation $ pip install pandarallel [--upgrade] [--user] Requirements On Windows, Pandara
BudouX is the successor to Budou, the machine learning powered line break organizer tool.
BudouX Standalone. Small. Language-neutral. BudouX is the successor to Budou, the machine learning powered line break organizer tool. It is standalone
Using this codebase as a tool for my own research. Making some modifications to the original repo for my own purposes.
For SwapNet Create a list.txt file containing all the images to process. This can be done with the GNU find command: find path/to/input/folder -name '
dsub is a command-line tool that makes it easy to submit and run batch scripts in the cloud.
Open-source command-line tool to run batch computing tasks and workflows on backend services such as Google Cloud.
MITRE ATT&CK Lookup Tool
MITRE ATT&CK Lookup Tool attack-lookup is a tool that lets you easily check what Tactic, Technique, or Sub-technique ID maps to what name, and vice ve
Vaulty - Encrypt/Decrypt with ChaCha20-Poly1305
Vaulty Encrypt/Decrypt with ChaCha20-Poly1305 Vaulty is an extremely lightweight encryption/decryption tool which uses ChaCha20-Poly1305 to provide 25
CLI tool to generate pdf invoices written in python
invoicepy CLI invoice tool, store and print invoices as pdf. save companies and customers for later use. installation pip install invoicepy config co
Blinder is a tool that will help you simplify the exploitation of blind SQL injection
Blinder Have you found a blind SQL injection? Great! Now you need to export it, but are you too lazy to sort through the values? Most likely,
Blazingly-fast :rocket:, rock-solid, local application development :arrow_right: with Kubernetes.
Gefyra Gefyra gives Kubernetes-("cloud-native")-developers a completely new way of writing and testing their applications. Over are the times of custo
You have 3 files: create mass groups, add mass members, rename all groups (only educational use!)
EDUCATIONAL ONLY! HOW TO INSTALL Edit config.json with your discord account token and the imagepath (if its in the same location as the all_together.p
A tool to enhance your old/damaged pictures built using python & opencv.
Breathe Life into your Old Pictures Table of Contents About The Project Getting Started Prerequisites Usage Contact Acknowledgments About The Project
This a simple tool XSS Detection Suite for CTFs games
This a simple tool XSS Detection Suite for CTFs games
A tool to estimate time varying instantaneous reproduction number during epidemics
EpiEstim A tool to estimate time varying instantaneous reproduction number during epidemics. It is described in the following paper: @article{Cori2013
Fast Fb Cracking Tool
fb-brute Fast Fb Cracking Tool 🏆
Unencrypted Story View Botter is a helpful tool that allows thousands of people to watch your posts.
Unencrypted Story View Botter is a helpful tool that allows thousands of people to watch your posts.
Moodle community-based vulnerability scanner
badmoodle Moodle community-based vulnerability scanner Description badmoodle is an unofficial community-based vulnerability scanner for moodle that sc
Bulk download tool for the MyMedia platform
MyMedia Bulk Content Downloader This is a bulk download tool for the MyMedia platform. USE ONLY WHERE ALLOWED BY THE COPYRIGHT OWNER. NOT AFFILIATED W
Command-line tool for downloading and extending the RedCaps dataset.
RedCaps Downloader This repository provides the official command-line tool for downloading and extending the RedCaps dataset. Users can seamlessly dow
The Web Application Firewall Paranoia Level Test Tool.
Quick WAF "paranoid" Doctor Evaluation WAFPARAN01D3 The Web Application Firewall Paranoia Level Test Tool. — From alt3kx.github.io Introduction to Par
A BaSiC Tool for Background and Shading Correction of Optical Microscopy Images
BaSiC Matlab code accompanying A BaSiC Tool for Background and Shading Correction of Optical Microscopy Images by Tingying Peng, Kurt Thorn, Timm Schr
A little tool that uses LLVM to extract simple "what does this do" level instruction information from all architectures.
moirai: MOre InstRuctions and Information Backcronym. Anyway, this is a small project to extract useful instruction definitions from LLVM's platform d
Tutela: an Ethereum and Tornado Cash Anonymity Tool
Tutela: an Ethereum and Tornado Cash Anonymity Tool The repo contains open-source code for Tutela, an anonymity tool for Ethereum and Tornado Cash use
A flexible tool for creating, organizing, and sharing visualizations of live, rich data. Supports Torch and Numpy.
Visdom A flexible tool for creating, organizing, and sharing visualizations of live, rich data. Supports Python. Overview Concepts Setup Usage API To
A flexible tool for creating, organizing, and sharing visualizations of live, rich data. Supports Torch and Numpy.
Visdom A flexible tool for creating, organizing, and sharing visualizations of live, rich data. Supports Python. Overview Concepts Setup Usage API To
ChronoRace is a tool to accurately perform timed race conditions to circumvent application business logic.
ChronoRace is a tool to accurately perform timed race conditions to circumvent application business logic. I've found in my research that w
Raven is a tool written in Python3 allowing you to generate an unique image with some text.
🐦 Raven is a tool written in Python3 allowing you to generate an unique image with some text. It does it by searching the text on Google, do
A Simple Python CLI Lockpicking Tool
Cryptex a simple CLI lockpicking tool What can it do: Encode / Decode Hex Encode / Decode Base64 Break Randomly :D Requirements: Python3 Linux as your
A user reconnaisance tool that extracts a target's information from Instagram, DockerHub & Github.
A user reconnaisance tool that extracts a target's information from Instagram, DockerHub & Github. Also searches for matching usernames on Github.
CRISCE: Automatically Generating Critical Driving Scenarios From Car Accident Sketches
CRISCE: Automatically Generating Critical Driving Scenarios From Car Accident Sketches This document describes how to install and use CRISCE (CRItical
Gitfetch is a simple tool to get github user details
Gitfetch Just a (cli?) tool to get github user details 🙂 Installation 📂 Install Gitfetch via pypi pip install gitfetch or pip install git+https://g
Port scanning tool that uses Python3. Created by Noble Wilson
Hello There! My name is Noble Wilson and I am an aspiring IT/InfoSec coder practicing for my future. ________________________________________________
This tool will scans your wi-fi/wlan and show you the connected clients
This tool will scans your wi-fi/wlan and show you the connected clients
A tool to assist in code raiding in rust
Kodelock a tool to assist in code raiding in rust This tool is designed to be used on a second monitor. This tools will allow you to see a easily read
Kubediff: a tool for Kubernetes to show differences between running state and version controlled configuration.
Kubediff: a tool for Kubernetes to show differences between running state and version controlled configuration.
A Python package for performing pore network modeling of porous media
Overview of OpenPNM OpenPNM is a comprehensive framework for performing pore network simulations of porous materials. More Information For more detail