5627 Repositories
Python visual-machine-learning-notes Libraries
Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
Horovod Horovod is a distributed deep learning training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet. The goal of Horovod is to make dis
An open source framework that provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Ray is packaged with RLlib, a scalable reinforcement learning library, and Tune, a scalable hyperparameter tuning library.
Ray provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Ray is packaged with the following libraries for accelerating machine lear
Python module for machine learning time series:
seglearn Seglearn is a python package for machine learning time series or sequences. It provides an integrated pipeline for segmentation, feature extr
Time series forecasting with PyTorch
Our article on Towards Data Science introduces the package and provides background information. Pytorch Forecasting aims to ease state-of-the-art time
A Python package for time series classification
pyts: a Python package for time series classification pyts is a Python package for time series classification. It aims to make time series classificat
A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
Time Series Made Easy in Python darts is a python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series. It contains a variety of models, from
Probabilistic time series modeling in Python
GluonTS - Probabilistic Time Series Modeling in Python GluonTS is a Python toolkit for probabilistic time series modeling, built around Apache MXNet (
A machine learning toolkit dedicated to time-series data
tslearn The machine learning toolkit for time series analysis in Python Section Description Installation Installing the dependencies and tslearn Getti
A statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time series analysis capabilities, including the equivalent of R's auto.arima function.
pmdarima Pmdarima (originally pyramid-arima, for the anagram of 'py' + 'arima') is a statistical library designed to fill the void in Python's time se
A unified framework for machine learning with time series
Welcome to sktime A unified framework for machine learning with time series We provide specialized time series algorithms and scikit-learn compatible
Find big moving stocks before they move using machine learning and anomaly detection
Surpriver - Find High Moving Stocks before they Move Find high moving stocks before they move using anomaly detection and machine learning. Surpriver
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment. With Qlib, you can easily try your ideas to create better Quant investment strategies.
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technol
An open source reinforcement learning framework for training, evaluating, and deploying robust trading agents.
TensorTrade: Trade Efficiently with Reinforcement Learning TensorTrade is still in Beta, meaning it should be used very cautiously if used in producti
Objax Apache-2Objax (🥉19 · ⭐ 580) - Objax is a machine learning framework that provides an Object.. Apache-2 jax
Objax Tutorials | Install | Documentation | Philosophy This is not an officially supported Google product. Objax is an open source machine learning fr
An easier way to build neural search on the cloud
An easier way to build neural search on the cloud Jina is a deep learning-powered search framework for building cross-/multi-modal search systems (e.g
Code for CoMatch: Semi-supervised Learning with Contrastive Graph Regularization
CoMatch: Semi-supervised Learning with Contrastive Graph Regularization (Salesforce Research) This is a PyTorch implementation of the CoMatch paper [B
PyTorch implementation of "Contrast to Divide: self-supervised pre-training for learning with noisy labels"
Contrast to Divide: self-supervised pre-training for learning with noisy labels This is an official implementation of "Contrast to Divide: self-superv
Source code, datasets and trained models for the paper Learning Advanced Mathematical Computations from Examples (ICLR 2021), by François Charton, Amaury Hayat (ENPC-Rutgers) and Guillaume Lample
Maths from examples - Learning advanced mathematical computations from examples This is the source code and data sets relevant to the paper Learning a
[ICML 2020] Prediction-Guided Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Robot Control
PG-MORL This repository contains the implementation for the paper Prediction-Guided Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Robot Contro
Open-L2O: A Comprehensive and Reproducible Benchmark for Learning to Optimize Algorithms
Open-L2O This repository establishes the first comprehensive benchmark efforts of existing learning to optimize (L2O) approaches on a number of proble
A pytorch reprelication of the model-based reinforcement learning algorithm MBPO
Overview This is a re-implementation of the model-based RL algorithm MBPO in pytorch as described in the following paper: When to Trust Your Model: Mo
An efficient and effective learning to rank algorithm by mining information across ranking candidates. This repository contains the tensorflow implementation of SERank model. The code is developed based on TF-Ranking.
SERank An efficient and effective learning to rank algorithm by mining information across ranking candidates. This repository contains the tensorflow
Optimising chemical reactions using machine learning
Summit Summit is a set of tools for optimising chemical processes. We’ve started by targeting reactions. What is Summit? Currently, reaction optimisat
git git《Transformer Meets Tracker: Exploiting Temporal Context for Robust Visual Tracking》(CVPR 2021) GitHub:git2] 《Masksembles for Uncertainty Estimation》(CVPR 2021) GitHub:git3]
Transformer Meets Tracker: Exploiting Temporal Context for Robust Visual Tracking Ning Wang, Wengang Zhou, Jie Wang, and Houqiang Li Accepted by CVPR
Implementation of the 😇 Attention layer from the paper, Scaling Local Self-Attention For Parameter Efficient Visual Backbones
HaloNet - Pytorch Implementation of the Attention layer from the paper, Scaling Local Self-Attention For Parameter Efficient Visual Backbones. This re
Spatial Intention Maps for Multi-Agent Mobile Manipulation (ICRA 2021)
spatial-intention-maps This code release accompanies the following paper: Spatial Intention Maps for Multi-Agent Mobile Manipulation Jimmy Wu, Xingyua
Understanding and Improving Encoder Layer Fusion in Sequence-to-Sequence Learning (ICLR 2021)
Understanding and Improving Encoder Layer Fusion in Sequence-to-Sequence Learning (ICLR 2021) Citation Please cite as: @inproceedings{liu2020understan
Monocular Depth Estimation - Weighted-average prediction from multiple pre-trained depth estimation models
merged_depth runs (1) AdaBins, (2) DiverseDepth, (3) MiDaS, (4) SGDepth, and (5) Monodepth2, and calculates a weighted-average per-pixel absolute dept
Visual Automata is a Python 3 library built as a wrapper for Caleb Evans' Automata library to add more visualization features.
Visual Automata Copyright 2021 Lewi Lie Uberg Released under the MIT license Visual Automata is a Python 3 library built as a wrapper for Caleb Evans'
Your copilot to studies and work (Pomodoro-timer, Translate and Notes app)
Copylot Your copilot to studies and work (Pomodoro-timer, Translate and Notes app) Copylot are three applications in one: Pomodoro Translate Notes Cop
We have implemented shaDow-GNN as a general and powerful pipeline for graph representation learning. For more details, please find our paper titled Deep Graph Neural Networks with Shallow Subgraph Samplers, available on arXiv (https//arxiv.org/abs/2012.01380).
Deep GNN, Shallow Sampling Hanqing Zeng, Muhan Zhang, Yinglong Xia, Ajitesh Srivastava, Andrey Malevich, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor Prasanna, Long Jin, R
Official repo for QHack—the quantum machine learning hackathon
Note: This repository has been frozen while we consider the submissions for the QHack Open Hackathon. We hope you enjoyed the event! Welcome to QHack,
Code for Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection, CVPR 2021
MI-AOD Language: 简体中文 | English Introduction This is the code for Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection (The PDF is not available tem
"Very simple but works well" Computer Vision based ID verification solution provided by LibraX.
ID Verification by LibraX.ai This is the first free Identity verification in the market. LibraX.ai is an identity verification platform for developers
Style-based Point Generator with Adversarial Rendering for Point Cloud Completion (CVPR 2021)
Style-based Point Generator with Adversarial Rendering for Point Cloud Completion (CVPR 2021) An efficient PyTorch library for Point Cloud Completion.
Minimal deep learning library written from scratch in Python, using NumPy/CuPy.
SmallPebble Project status: experimental, unstable. SmallPebble is a minimal/toy automatic differentiation/deep learning library written from scratch
[CVPR'21] FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segmentation via Episodic Learning in Continuous Frequency Space
FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segmentation via Episodic Learning in Continuous Frequency Space by Quande Liu, Cheng Chen, Ji
When Age-Invariant Face Recognition Meets Face Age Synthesis: A Multi-Task Learning Framework (CVPR 2021 oral)
MTLFace This repository contains the PyTorch implementation and the dataset of the paper: When Age-Invariant Face Recognition Meets Face Age Synthesis
One Metrics Library to Rule Them All!
onemetric Installation Install onemetric from PyPI (recommended): pip install onemetric Install onemetric from the GitHub source: git clone https://gi
[ICLR'21] FedBN: Federated Learning on Non-IID Features via Local Batch Normalization
FedBN: Federated Learning on Non-IID Features via Local Batch Normalization This is the PyTorch implemention of our paper FedBN: Federated Learning on
Text recognition (optical character recognition) with deep learning methods.
What Is Wrong With Scene Text Recognition Model Comparisons? Dataset and Model Analysis | paper | training and evaluation data | failure cases and cle
Generate text images for training deep learning ocr model
New version release:https://github.com/oh-my-ocr/text_renderer Text Renderer Generate text images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN). Su
Simple app for visual editing of Page XML files
Name nw-page-editor - Simple app for visual editing of Page XML files. Version: 2021.02.22 Description nw-page-editor is an application for viewing/ed
A collection of resources (including the papers and datasets) of OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
OCR Resources This repository contains a collection of resources (including the papers and datasets) of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Contents
A curated list of resources for text detection/recognition (optical character recognition ) with deep learning methods.
awesome-deep-text-detection-recognition A curated list of awesome deep learning based papers on text detection and recognition. Text Detection Papers
A general list of resources to image text localization and recognition 场景文本位置感知与识别的论文资源与实现合集 シーンテキストの位置認識と識別のための論文リソースの要約
Scene Text Localization & Recognition Resources Read this institute-wise: English, 简体中文. Read this year-wise: English, 简体中文. Tags: [STL] (Scene Text L
OCR system for Arabic language that converts images of typed text to machine-encoded text.
Arabic OCR OCR system for Arabic language that converts images of typed text to machine-encoded text. The system currently supports only letters (29 l
A machine learning software for extracting information from scholarly documents
GROBID GROBID documentation Visit the GROBID documentation for more detailed information. Summary GROBID (or Grobid, but not GroBid nor GroBiD) means
a Deep Learning Framework for Text
DeLFT DeLFT (Deep Learning Framework for Text) is a Keras and TensorFlow framework for text processing, focusing on sequence labelling (e.g. named ent
Visual Attention based OCR
Attention-OCR Authours: Qi Guo and Yuntian Deng Visual Attention based OCR. The model first runs a sliding CNN on the image (images are resized to hei
A Tensorflow model for text recognition (CNN + seq2seq with visual attention) available as a Python package and compatible with Google Cloud ML Engine.
Attention-based OCR Visual attention-based OCR model for image recognition with additional tools for creating TFRecords datasets and exporting the tra
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
Tesseract OCR About This package contains an OCR engine - libtesseract and a command line program - tesseract. Tesseract 4 adds a new neural net (LSTM
Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
Version 2 is now available and under development in the master branch, read a story about v2: Why I refactor tesseract.js v2? Check the support/1.x br
ISI's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software for machine-print and handwriting data
VistaOCR ISI's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software for machine-print and handwriting data Publications "How to Efficiently Increase Resolutio
Textboxes : Image Text Detection Model : python package (tensorflow)
shinTB Abstract A python package for use Textboxes : Image Text Detection Model implemented by tensorflow, cv2 Textboxes Paper Review in Korean (My Bl
Packaged, Pytorch-based, easy to use, cross-platform version of the CRAFT text detector
CRAFT: Character-Region Awareness For Text detection Packaged, Pytorch-based, easy to use, cross-platform version of the CRAFT text detector | Paper |
Tool which allow you to detect and translate text.
Text detection and recognition This repository contains tool which allow to detect region with text and translate it one by one. Description Two pretr
AdvancedEAST is an algorithm used for Scene image text detect, which is primarily based on EAST, and the significant improvement was also made, which make long text predictions more accurate.https://github.com/huoyijie/raspberrypi-car
AdvancedEAST AdvancedEAST is an algorithm used for Scene image text detect, which is primarily based on EAST:An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Dete
A tensorflow implementation of EAST text detector
EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector Introduction This is a tensorflow re-implementation of EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text
keras复现场景文本检测网络CPTN: 《Detecting Text in Natural Image with Connectionist Text Proposal Network》;欢迎试用,关注,并反馈问题...
keras-ctpn [TOC] 说明 预测 训练 例子 4.1 ICDAR2015 4.1.1 带侧边细化 4.1.2 不带带侧边细化 4.1.3 做数据增广-水平翻转 4.2 ICDAR2017 4.3 其它数据集 toDoList 总结 说明 本工程是keras实现的CPTN: Detecti
TensorFlow Implementation of FOTS, Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network.
FOTS: Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network I am still working on this repo. updates and detailed instructions are coming soon! Table of
TextField: Learning A Deep Direction Field for Irregular Scene Text Detection (TIP 2019)
TextField: Learning A Deep Direction Field for Irregular Scene Text Detection Introduction The code and trained models of: TextField: Learning A Deep
This repository provides train&test code, dataset, det.&rec. annotation, evaluation script, annotation tool, and ranking.
SCUT-CTW1500 Datasets We have updated annotations for both train and test set. Train: 1000 images [images][annos] Additional point annotation for each
Scene text detection and recognition based on Extremal Region(ER)
Scene text recognition A real-time scene text recognition algorithm. Our system is able to recognize text in unconstrain background. This algorithm is
Code for the paper STN-OCR: A single Neural Network for Text Detection and Text Recognition
STN-OCR: A single Neural Network for Text Detection and Text Recognition This repository contains the code for the paper: STN-OCR: A single Neural Net
Code for the AAAI 2018 publication "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition"
SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition Code for the AAAI 2018 publication "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text
This is a c++ project deploying a deep scene text reading pipeline with tensorflow. It reads text from natural scene images. It uses frozen tensorflow graphs. The detector detect scene text locations. The recognizer reads word from each detected bounding box.
DeepSceneTextReader This is a c++ project deploying a deep scene text reading pipeline. It reads text from natural scene images. Prerequsites The proj
This project modify tensorflow object detection api code to predict oriented bounding boxes. It can be used for scene text detection.
This is an oriented object detector based on tensorflow object detection API. Most of the code is not changed except for those related to the need of
caffe re-implementation of R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN for Orientation Robust Scene Text Detection
R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN for Orientation Robust Scene Text Detection Abstract This is a caffe re-implementation of R2CNN: Rotational Region CNN fo
Pytorch implementation of PSEnet with Pyramid Attention Network as feature extractor
Scene Text-Spotting based on PSEnet+CRNN Pytorch implementation of an end to end Text-Spotter with a PSEnet text detector and CRNN text recognizer. We
CUTIE (TensorFlow implementation of Convolutional Universal Text Information Extractor)
CUTIE TensorFlow implementation of the paper "CUTIE: Learning to Understand Documents with Convolutional Universal Text Information Extractor." Xiaohu
👄 The most accurate natural language detection library for Java and the JVM, suitable for long and short text alike
Quick Info this library tries to solve language detection of very short words and phrases, even shorter than tweets makes use of both statistical and
Unofficial implementation of "TableNet: Deep Learning model for end-to-end Table detection and Tabular data extraction from Scanned Document Images"
TableNet Unofficial implementation of ICDAR 2019 paper : TableNet: Deep Learning model for end-to-end Table detection and Tabular data extraction from
Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to recognize the Handwritten line text image without pre segmentation into words or characters. Use CTC loss Function to train.
Handwritten Line Text Recognition using Deep Learning with Tensorflow Description Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to recognize the Handwrit
Deep Learning framework for Line-level Handwritten Text Recognition Short presentation of our project Introduction Installation 2.a Install conda envi
OCR software for recognition of handwritten text
Handwriting OCR The project tries to create software for recognition of a handwritten text from photos (also for Czech language). It uses computer vis
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow.
Handwritten Text Recognition with TensorFlow Update 2021: more robust model, faster dataloader, word beam search decoder also available for Windows Up
Handwriting Recognition System based on a deep Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network architecture
Handwriting Recognition System This repository is the Tensorflow implementation of the Handwriting Recognition System described in Handwriting Recogni
This repository lets you train neural networks models for performing end-to-end full-page handwriting recognition using the Apache MXNet deep learning frameworks on the IAM Dataset.
Handwritten Text Recognition (OCR) with MXNet Gluon These notebooks have been created by Jonathan Chung, as part of his internship as Applied Scientis
a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation.
OCR Segmentation a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation. dependencies tensorflow1.8 python3 dataset: uw3-framed-lines-degraded-
ocroseg - This is a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation.
ocroseg This is a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation. There are many different ways in which you can train and run it, but by
Deep learning based page layout analysis
Deep Learning Based Page Layout Analyze This is a Python implementaion of page layout analyze tool. The goal of page layout analyze is to segment page
Deep Learning Chinese Word Segment
引用 本项目模型BiLSTM+CRF参考论文:http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N16-1030 ,IDCNN+CRF参考论文:https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.02098 构建 安装好bazel代码构建工具,安装好tensorflow(目前本项目需
ARU-Net - Deep Learning Chinese Word Segment
ARU-Net: A Neural Pixel Labeler for Layout Analysis of Historical Documents Contents Introduction Installation Demo Training Introduction This is the
Adaptive Attention Span for Reinforcement Learning
Adaptive Transformers in RL Official implementation of Adaptive Transformers in RL In this work we replicate several results from Stabilizing Transfor
git《Learning Pairwise Inter-Plane Relations for Piecewise Planar Reconstruction》(ECCV 2020) GitHub:
Learning Pairwise Inter-Plane Relations for Piecewise Planar Reconstruction Code for the ECCV 2020 paper by Yiming Qian and Yasutaka Furukawa Getting
Code and model benchmarks for "SEVIR : A Storm Event Imagery Dataset for Deep Learning Applications in Radar and Satellite Meteorology"
NeurIPS 2020 SEVIR Code for paper: SEVIR : A Storm Event Imagery Dataset for Deep Learning Applications in Radar and Satellite Meteorology Requirement
Code for "Neural Parts: Learning Expressive 3D Shape Abstractions with Invertible Neural Networks", CVPR 2021
Neural Parts: Learning Expressive 3D Shape Abstractions with Invertible Neural Networks This repository contains the code that accompanies our CVPR 20
MASR中文语音识别(pytorch版) 开箱即用 自行训练 使用与训练分离(增量训练) 识别率高 说明:因为每个人电脑机器不同,而且有些安装包安装起来比较麻烦,强烈建议直接用我编译好的docker环境跑 目前docker基础环境为ubuntu-cuda10.1-cudnn7-pytorch1.6.
A containerized REST API around OpenAI's CLIP model.
OpenAI's CLIP — REST API This is a container wrapping OpenAI's CLIP model in a RESTful interface. Running the container locally First, build the conta
AntroPy: entropy and complexity of (EEG) time-series in Python
AntroPy is a Python 3 package providing several time-efficient algorithms for computing the complexity of time-series. It can be used for example to e
DECAF: Deep Extreme Classification with Label Features
DECAF DECAF: Deep Extreme Classification with Label Features @InProceedings{Mittal21, author = "Mittal, A. and Dahiya, K. and Agrawal, S. and Sain
Implementation of Kalman Filter in Python
Kalman Filter in Python This is a basic example of how Kalman filter works in Python. I do plan on refactoring and expanding this repo in the future.
A spherical CNN for weather forecasting
DeepSphere-Weather - Deep Learning on the sphere for weather/climate applications. The code in this repository provides a scalable and flexible framew
A deep learning-based translation library built on Huggingface transformers
DL Translate A deep learning-based translation library built on Huggingface transformers and Facebook's mBART-Large 💻 GitHub Repository 📚 Documentat
Code for the paper "Training GANs with Stronger Augmentations via Contrastive Discriminator" (ICLR 2021)
Training GANs with Stronger Augmentations via Contrastive Discriminator (ICLR 2021) This repository contains the code for reproducing the paper: Train
[CVPR 2021] Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion
[CVPR 2021] Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion
PyTorch implementations of the paper: "Learning Independent Instance Maps for Crowd Localization"
IIM - Crowd Localization This repo is the official implementation of paper: Learning Independent Instance Maps for Crowd Localization. The code is dev
Official implementation of "GS-WGAN: A Gradient-Sanitized Approach for Learning Differentially Private Generators" (NeurIPS 2020)
GS-WGAN This repository contains the implementation for GS-WGAN: A Gradient-Sanitized Approach for Learning Differentially Private Generators (NeurIPS
Unofficial implementation of "TTNet: Real-time temporal and spatial video analysis of table tennis" (CVPR 2020)
TTNet-Pytorch The implementation for the paper "TTNet: Real-time temporal and spatial video analysis of table tennis" An introduction of the project c