Study German declensions (dER nettE Mann, ein nettER Mann, mit dEM nettEN Mann, ohne dEN nettEN Mann ...) Generate as many exercises as you want using the incredible power of SPACY!
The Sentiment Analysis Api was created using python flask module,it allows users to parse a text or sentence throught the (?text) arguement, then view the sentiment analysis of that sentence. It can be implementable into a web application.
hashily is a python module that performs a variety of text decoding and encoding functions. It also various functions for encrypting and decrypting text using various ciphers.
Disfl-QA is a targeted dataset for contextual disfluencies in an information seeking setting, namely question answering over Wikipedia passages. Disfl-QA builds upon the SQuAD-v2 (Rajpurkar et al., 2018) dataset, where each question in the dev set is annotated to add a contextual disfluency using the paragraph as a source of distractors.
nlabel is a library for generating, storing and retrieving tagging information and embedding vectors from various nlp libraries through a unified interface.