The code repository for "PyCIL: A Python Toolbox for Class-Incremental Learning" in PyTorch.

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PyCIL: A Python Toolbox for Class-Incremental Learning

IntroductionMethods ReproducedReproduced ResultsHow To UseLicenseAcknowledgementsContact

LICENSEPython PyTorch method CIL

The code repository for "PyCIL: A Python Toolbox for Class-Incremental Learning" [paper] in PyTorch. If you use any content of this repo for your work, please cite the following bib entry:

  title={PyCIL: A Python Toolbox for Class-Incremental Learning}, 
  author={Da-Wei Zhou and Fu-Yun Wang and Han-Jia Ye and De-Chuan Zhan},


Traditional machine learning systems are deployed under the closed-world setting, which requires the entire training data before the offline training process. However, real-world applications often face the incoming new classes, and a model should incorporate them continually. The learning paradigm is called Class-Incremental Learning (CIL). We propose a Python toolbox that implements several key algorithms for class-incremental learning to ease the burden of researchers in the machine learning community. The toolbox contains implementations of a number of founding works of CIL such as EWC and iCaRL, but also provides current state-of-the-art algorithms that can be used for conducting novel fundamental research. This toolbox, named PyCIL for Python Class-Incremental Learning, is open source with an MIT license.

Methods Reproduced

  • FineTune: Baseline method which simply updates parameters on new task, suffering from Catastrophic Forgetting. By default, weights corresponding to the outputs of previous classes are not updated.
  • EWC: Gradient Episodic Memory for Continual Learning. [paper]
  • LwF: Learning without Forgetting. [paper]
  • Replay: Baseline method with exemplars.
  • GEM: Gradient Episodic Memory for Continual Learning. [paper]
  • iCaRL: Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning. [paper]
  • BiC: Large Scale Incremental Learning. [paper]
  • WA: Maintaining Discrimination and Fairness in Class Incremental Learning. [paper]
  • PODNet: PODNet: Pooled Outputs Distillation for Small-Tasks Incremental Learning. [paper]
  • DER: DER: Dynamically Expandable Representation for Class Incremental Learning. [paper]
  • Coil: Co-Transport for Class-Incremental Learning. [paper]

Reproduced Results



More experimental details and results are shown in our paper.

How To Use


Clone this github repository:

git clone
cd PyCIL


  1. torch 1.81
  2. torchvision 0.6.0
  3. tqdm
  4. numpy
  5. scipy
  6. quadprog

Run experiment

  1. Edit the [MODEL NAME].json file for global settings.
  2. Edit the hyperparameters in the corresponding [MODEL NAME].py file (e.g., models/
  3. Run:
python --config=./exps/[MODEL NAME].json

where [MODEL NAME] should be chosen from: finetune, ewc, lwf, replay, gem, icarl, bic, wa, podnet, der.

  1. hyper-parameters

When using PyCIL, you can edit the global parameters and algorithm-specific hyper-parameter in the corresponding json file.

These parameters include:

  • memory-size: The total exemplar number in the incremental learning process. Assuming there are $K$ classes at current stage, the model will preserve $\left[\frac{memory-size}{K}\right]$ exemplar per class.
  • init-cls: The number of classes in the first incremental stage. Since there are different settings in CIL with a different number of classes in the first stage, our framework enables different choices to define the initial stage.
  • increment: The number of classes in each incremental stage $i$, $i$ > 1. By default, the number of classes per incremental stage is equivalent per stage.
  • convnet-type: The backbone network for the incremental model. According to the benchmark setting, ResNet32 is utilized for CIFAR100, and ResNet18 is utilized for ImageNet.
  • seed: The random seed adopted for shuffling the class order. According to the benchmark setting, it is set to 1993 by default.

Other parameters in terms of model optimization, e.g., batch size, optimization epoch, learning rate, learning rate decay, weight decay, milestone, temperature, can be modified in the corresponding Python file.


We have implemented the pre-processing of CIFAR100, imagenet100 and imagenet1000. When training on CIFAR100, this framework will automatically download it. When training on imagenet100/1000, you should specify the folder of your dataset in utils/

    def download_data(self):
        assert 0,"You should specify the folder of your dataset"
        train_dir = '[DATA-PATH]/train/'
        test_dir = '[DATA-PATH]/val/'


Please check the MIT license that is listed in this repository.


We thank the following repos providing helpful components/functions in our work.


If there are any questions, please feel free to propose new features by opening an issue or contact with the author: Da-Wei Zhou([email protected]) and Fu-Yun Wang([email protected]). Enjoy the code.

  • why FeTrIL acc is so bad

    why FeTrIL acc is so bad


        "prefix": "train",
        "dataset": "cifar100",
        "memory_size": 0,
        "shuffle": true,
        "init_cls": 50,
        "increment": 10,
        "model_name": "fetril",
        "convnet_type": "resnet32",
        "device": ["0"],
        "seed": [1993],
        "init_epochs": 200,
        "init_lr" : 0.1,
        "init_weight_decay" : 0,
        "epochs" : 50,
        "lr" : 0.05,
        "batch_size" : 128,
        "weight_decay" : 0,
        "num_workers" : 8,
        "T" : 2

    final result:

    2022-12-16 23:22:29,436 [] => svm train: acc: 10.01
    2022-12-16 23:22:29,451 [] => svm evaluation: acc_list: [15.2, 12.47, 10.84, 9.78, 9.06, 8.13]
    2022-12-16 23:22:31,440 [] => No NME accuracy.
    2022-12-16 23:22:31,441 [] => CNN: {'total': 13.63, '00-09': 19.1, '10-19': 18.3, '20-29': 22.5, '30-39': 17.3, '40-49': 30.1, '50-59': 3.5, '60-69': 11.4, '70-79': 3.1, '80-89': 6.1, '90-99': 4.9, 'old': 14.6, 'new': 4.9}
    2022-12-16 23:22:31,441 [] => CNN top1 curve: [28.94, 21.87, 18.54, 16.76, 15.1, 13.63]
    2022-12-16 23:22:31,441 [] => CNN top5 curve: [53.28, 47.07, 43.17, 39.08, 36.41, 33.98]

    I can provide log if you need.

    opened by muyuuuu 10
  • coil fixed memory

    coil fixed memory

    Amazing toolbox!!!

    I got a question about ur results of coil.

    In your work. Section 5.2

    Since all compared methods are exemplar-based, we fix an equal number of exemplars for every method, i.e., 2,000 exemplars for CIFAR-100 and ImageNet100, 20,000 for ImageNet-1000. As a result, the picked exemplars per class is 20, which is abundant for every class.

    I just wanna check the replay size with fixed memory of 2,000 in totoal over training process, which means that the "fixed_memory" in json file is set false, as shown in this link. I'm a little bit confused about this setting due to there are different protocols in recent community.

    The reason why I came corss this issues is:


    As shown in this table, the icarl results of 10 steps is reported about 61.74, which is lower than that in the original paper of about 64.

    Hope to get ur replay early. THX in advance.

    opened by qsunyuan 8
  • Inquiry about Pre-trained Model & Parameter Setup

    Inquiry about Pre-trained Model & Parameter Setup

    Many thanks for this wonderful framework! It really helps our work a lot!

    I have some questions about your experiment setup.

    1. I have reproduced your 10-stage CIFAR-100 experiments on my own PC (3*3090). The results are as followed:


    I followed all the bash files and parameters you have set up, but the results seem to be much lower than yours. Is that because you use an ImageNet pre-trained ResNet? Thanks!

    1. I found you set different model optimization parameters (e.g. learning rate, epoch, milestone, etc.) for each continual learning approach (instead of setting the same hyperparameter policy for all the continual learning approaches). I was wondering whether this kind of parameter setup could be considered a "fair" comparison?

    Thanks in advance for your answer!

    opened by longbai1006 4
  • 关于FOSTER的数据增强






    opened by qsunyuan 3
  • Single GPU training error in DER

    Single GPU training error in DER


    Thank you for this wonderful code base!

    I noticed the current version doesn't support single GPU training. Could you please add this feature?

    Thank you!

    opened by htwang14 3
  • Weird Training Result with train_acc=0 & loss=0

    Weird Training Result with train_acc=0 & loss=0

    Thanks for your excellent work!

    But when I tried my own dataset on it, I found that the training result was really weired, just take EWC as an example:

    ================ EWC ================
    Task 0, Epoch 200/200 => Loss 0.886, Train_accy 70.60, Test_accy 73.00
    Task 1, Epoch 180/180 => Loss 0.002, Train_accy 0.00
     CNN: {'total': 7.36, '00-09': 7.8, 'old': 7.8, 'new': 0.0}
    Task 2, Epoch 180/180 => Loss 0.002, Train_accy 0.00
     CNN: {'total': 38.67, '00-09': 46.4, '10-19': 0.0, 'old': 43.77, 'new': 0.0}
    Task 3, Epoch 180/180 => Loss 0.003, Train_accy 0.00
     CNN: {'total': 12.99, '00-09': 17.4, '10-19': 0.0, 'old': 14.5, 'new': 0.0}
    Task 9, Epoch 180/180 => Loss 0.004, Train_accy 0.00
     CNN: {'total': 28.66, '00-09': 55.6, '10-19': 0.0, 'old': 30.89, 'new': 0.0}
    CNN top1 curve: [74.0, 7.36, 38.67, 12.99, 1.22, 23.83, 34.52, 16.55, 8.56, 28.66]
    CNN top5 curve: [98.6, 52.26, 78.0, 45.82, 29.05, 53.58, 57.26, 48.85, 31.78, 48.66]

    I also tried it on Lwf, the problem remains.

    Questions About Loss Function

    I am wondering whether issues exist in the loss function. And I found that the loss function is defined as: loss_clf = F.cross_entropy(logits[:,self._known_classes:],targets-self._known_classes), along with loss_ewc.

    In my experiments, I set base_session=10, increment=1. So for task1, when calculating the loss, targets=[10, 10, ..., 10] and self._known_classes=10. Therefore, the target(#2para) of the cross_entropy was [0, 0, ..., 0]. Is that mean the loss function pushes the model to reject the new task, making logits of the new task approach 0?

    Tuning Loss Function

    I tried to change the #2para to [1, 1, ..., 1] by setting targets-self._known_classes+1, but error arises:

    /pytorch/aten/src/THCUNN/ cunn_ClassNLLCriterion_updateOutput_kernel: block: [0,0,0], thread: [0,0,0] Assertion `t >= 0 && t < n_classes` failed.
    /pytorch/aten/src/THCUNN/ cunn_ClassNLLCriterion_updateOutput_kernel: block: [0,0,0], thread: [1,0,0] Assertion `t >= 0 && t < n_classes` failed.
    /pytorch/aten/src/THCUNN/ cunn_ClassNLLCriterion_updateOutput_kernel: block: [0,0,0], thread: [2,0,0] Assertion `t >= 0 && t < n_classes` failed.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/tmp/pycharm_project_241/", line 33, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pycharm_project_241/", line 13, in main
      File "/tmp/pycharm_project_241/", line 18, in train
      File "/tmp/pycharm_project_241/", line 48, in _train
      File "/tmp/pycharm_project_241/models/", line 62, in incremental_train
        self._train(self.train_loader, self.test_loader)
      File "/tmp/pycharm_project_241/models/", line 84, in _train
        self._update_representation(train_loader, test_loader, optimizer, scheduler)
      File "/tmp/pycharm_project_241/models/", line 138, in _update_representation
      File "/home/linkdata/data/yaoxinjie/anaconda3/envs/FACT18/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/", line 245, in backward
        torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs=inputs)
      File "/home/linkdata/data/yaoxinjie/anaconda3/envs/FACT18/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 147, in backward
        allow_unreachable=True, accumulate_grad=True)  # allow_unreachable flag
    RuntimeError: Unable to find a valid cuDNN algorithm to run convolution

    And I don't why it happens and how to handle this. Could you please help me to clarify it? Thanks a lot!

    opened by Steven-cpp 3
  • why loss_clf = F.cross_entropy(logits[:, self._known_classes:], fake_targets)?

    why loss_clf = F.cross_entropy(logits[:, self._known_classes:], fake_targets)?

    Thank you very much for your excellent work.

    In models/ , line 117:

                    loss_clf = F.cross_entropy(logits[:,self._known_classes:], fake_targets)

    why not :

                    loss_clf = F.cross_entropy(logits, targets)
    opened by chester-w-xie 3
  • foster error: TypeError: string indices must be integers

    foster error: TypeError: string indices must be integers

    after train the second task and before compress:

    Task 1, Epoch 167/170 => Loss 0.752, Loss_clf 0.000, Loss_fe 0.001, Loss_kd 0.375, Train_accy 99.00:  98%|█████████▊| 167/170 [09:02<00:10,  3.35s/it]
    Task 1, Epoch 168/170 => Loss 0.746, Loss_clf 0.001, Loss_fe 0.001, Loss_kd 0.372, Train_accy 98.75:  98%|█████████▊| 167/170 [09:04<00:10,  3.35s/it]
    Task 1, Epoch 168/170 => Loss 0.746, Loss_clf 0.001, Loss_fe 0.001, Loss_kd 0.372, Train_accy 98.75:  99%|█████████▉| 168/170 [09:04<00:06,  3.20s/it]
    Task 1, Epoch 169/170 => Loss 0.744, Loss_clf 0.001, Loss_fe 0.001, Loss_kd 0.371, Train_accy 98.81:  99%|█████████▉| 168/170 [09:07<00:06,  3.20s/it]
    Task 1, Epoch 169/170 => Loss 0.744, Loss_clf 0.001, Loss_fe 0.001, Loss_kd 0.371, Train_accy 98.81:  99%|█████████▉| 169/170 [09:07<00:03,  3.10s/it]
    Task 1, Epoch 170/170 => Loss 0.746, Loss_clf 0.001, Loss_fe 0.001, Loss_kd 0.372, Train_accy 98.67:  99%|█████████▉| 169/170 [09:10<00:03,  3.10s/it]
    Task 1, Epoch 170/170 => Loss 0.746, Loss_clf 0.001, Loss_fe 0.001, Loss_kd 0.372, Train_accy 98.67: 100%|██████████| 170/170 [09:10<00:00,  3.01s/it]
    Task 1, Epoch 170/170 => Loss 0.746, Loss_clf 0.001, Loss_fe 0.001, Loss_kd 0.372, Train_accy 98.67: 100%|██████████| 170/170 [09:10<00:00,  3.24s/it]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 31, in <module>
      File "", line 12, in main
      File "/home/20031211496/Documents/PYCIL/PyCIL-master/", line 18, in train
      File "/home/20031211496/Documents/PYCIL/PyCIL-master/", line 67, in _train
      File "/home/20031211496/Documents/PYCIL/PyCIL-master/models/", line 89, in incremental_train
        self._train(self.train_loader, self.test_loader)
      File "/home/20031211496/Documents/PYCIL/PyCIL-master/models/", line 169, in _train
        self._feature_compression(train_loader, test_loader)
      File "/home/20031211496/Documents/PYCIL/PyCIL-master/models/", line 289, in _feature_compression
        self._snet = FOSTERNet(self.args["convnet_type"], False)
      File "/home/20031211496/Documents/PYCIL/PyCIL-master/utils/", line 402, in __init__
        self.convnet_type = args["convnet_type"]
    TypeError: string indices must be integers
    opened by muyuuuu 2
  • the memory of rmm

    the memory of rmm

    Hello! First of all, thank you very much for your work.When I read the rmm code, I found that memory is not 2000. Instead, only 2000 pieces of data were used for the new task. Is rmm originally like this? I add the following code to to see the number of memories.

    image image

    opened by zhl98 2
  • What is the purpose of the reduce Exemplar function

    What is the purpose of the reduce Exemplar function

    I'd like to know the role of the Reduce examplar functions, construct examplar functions, and construct Exemplar unified functions in your file. Is there a reference for how they work?

    opened by Z-ZHIZHONG 2
  •  Genral idea for the code framework

    Genral idea for the code framework

    Hello, I have some questions for you.Is your code modified from the original DER? Could you give me a general idea of your thinking.Thank you very much. I look forward to your recovery.

    opened by Z-ZHIZHONG 2
  • v0.1(Dec 12, 2022)

    This is the first Github release of PyCIL. Reproduced methods are listed as:

    • FineTune: Baseline method which simply updates parameters on new tasks, suffering from Catastrophic Forgetting. By default, weights corresponding to the outputs of previous classes are not updated.
    • EWC: Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks. PNAS2017 [paper]
    • LwF: Learning without Forgetting. ECCV2016 [paper]
    • Replay: Baseline method with exemplars.
    • GEM: Gradient Episodic Memory for Continual Learning. NIPS2017 [paper]
    • iCaRL: Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning. CVPR2017 [paper]
    • BiC: Large Scale Incremental Learning. CVPR2019 [paper]
    • WA: Maintaining Discrimination and Fairness in Class Incremental Learning. CVPR2020 [paper]
    • PODNet: PODNet: Pooled Outputs Distillation for Small-Tasks Incremental Learning. ECCV2020 [paper]
    • DER: DER: Dynamically Expandable Representation for Class Incremental Learning. CVPR2021 [paper]
    • PASS: Prototype Augmentation and Self-Supervision for Incremental Learning. CVPR2021 [paper]
    • RMM: RMM: Reinforced Memory Management for Class-Incremental Learning. NeurIPS2021 [paper]
    • IL2A: Class-Incremental Learning via Dual Augmentation. NeurIPS2021 [paper]
    • SSRE: Self-Sustaining Representation Expansion for Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning. CVPR2022 [paper]
    • FeTrIL: Feature Translation for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning. WACV2023 [paper]
    • Coil: Co-Transport for Class-Incremental Learning. ACM MM2021 [paper]
    • FOSTER: Feature Boosting and Compression for Class-incremental Learning. ECCV 2022 [paper]

    Stay tuned for more state-of-the-arts in PyCIL!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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