Active Learning at the ImageNet Scale
This repo contains code for the paper Active Learning at the ImageNet Scale by Zeyad Emam*, Hong-Min Chu*, Ping-Yeh Chiang*, Wojtek Czaja, Richard Leapman, Micah Goldblum, and Tom Goldstein.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Comet and Logging
This project uses Comet ML to log all experiments, you must install comet_ml (included in requirements.txt), however, the code does not require the user to have a Comet ML account or to enable comet logging at all. If you choose to use comet ML, then you should include your API key in your home directory ~/.comet.config
(more on this in the Comet ML documentation). To use comet make sure the use the flag --enable_comet
Logs and network weights are stored according to the command line arguments --log_dir
and --ckpt_path
Loading SSP checkpoints
Self-supervised pretrained checkpoints must be obtained separately and specified in ./src/arg_pools
for each argpool, under the key "init_pretrained_ckpt_path"
. To access the checkpoints used in our experiments, please use the following links:
- ResNet-18 checkpoint for CIFAR-10
- ResNet-18 checkpoint for imbalanced CIFAR-10
- ResNet-50 checkpoint for ImageNet
Sample Commands to Reproduce the Results in the Paper
Each Imagenet experiment was conducted on a cluster node with a single V100-SXM2 GPU (32GB VRAM), 64gb of RAM, and 16 2.3 GHz Intel Gold 6140 cpus. If more than one gpu are available on the node, the code will automatically distribute batches across all gpus using DistributedDataParallel training.
Below is a sample command for running an experiment. The full list of command line arguments can be found in src/utils/
python --dataset_dir
--exp_name RandomSampler_arg_ssp_linear_evaluation_imagenet_b10000 --dataset imagenet --arg_pool ssp_linear_evaluation --model SSLResNet50 --strategy RandomSampler --rounds 8 --round_budget 10000 --init_pool_size 30000 --subset_labeled 50000 --subset_unlabeled 80000 --freeze_feature --partitions 10 --init_pool_type random
The full list of commands to reproduce all plots in the paper can be obtained by running python src/