14634 Repositories
Python Interpretable-Machine-Learning-with-Python Libraries
🐸 Identify anything. pyWhat easily lets you identify emails, IP addresses, and more. Feed it a .pcap file or some text and it'll tell you what it is! 🧙♀️
🐸 Identify anything. pyWhat easily lets you identify emails, IP addresses, and more. Feed it a .pcap file or some text and it'll tell you what it is! 🧙♀️
Python code for "Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective" (2nd edition)
Python code for "Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective" (2nd edition)
Python code to crawl computer vision papers from top CV conferences. Currently it supports CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, SIGGRAPH
Python code to crawl computer vision papers from top CV conferences. Currently it supports CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, SIGGRAPH. It leverages selenium, a website testing framework to crawl the titles and pdf urls from the conference website, and download them one by one with some simple anti-anti-crawler tricks.
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for Machine Learning Security - Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, Inference - Red and Blue Teams
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) is a Python library for Machine Learning Security. ART provides tools that enable developers and researchers to defend and evaluate Machine Learning models and applications against the adversarial threats of Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, and Inference. ART supports all popular machine learning frameworks (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, MXNet, scikit-learn, XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, GPy, etc.), all data types (images, tables, audio, video, etc.) and machine learning tasks (classification, object detection, speech recognition, generation, certification, etc.).
Jina allows you to build deep learning-powered search-as-a-service in just minutes
Cloud-native neural search framework for any kind of data
We will see a basic program that is basically a hint to brute force attack to crack passwords. In other words, we will make a program to Crack Any Password Using Python. Show some ❤️ by starring this repository!
Crack Any Password Using Python We will see a basic program that is basically a hint to brute force attack to crack passwords. In other words, we will
Generating Anime Images by Implementing Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks paper
AnimeGAN - Deep Convolutional Generative Adverserial Network PyTorch implementation of DCGAN introduced in the paper: Unsupervised Representation Lear
Notification Triggers for Python
Notipyer Notification triggers for Python Send async email notifications via Python. Get updates/crashlogs from your scripts with ease. Installation p
In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the neural network model for automatic speech recognition with PyTorch and used MLflow to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.
End to End Automatic Speech Recognition In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the
A python script to convert images to animated sus among us crewmate twerk jifs as seen on r/196
img_sussifier A python script to convert images to animated sus among us crewmate twerk jifs as seen on r/196 Examples How to use install python pip i
This websocket program is for data transmission between server and client. Data transmission is for Federated Learning in Edge computing environment.
websocket-for-data-transmission This websocket program is for data transmission between server and client. Data transmission is for Federated Learning
A simple plugin to attach a debugger in Django on runserver command.
django-debugger A simple plugin to attach a debugger in Django during runserver Installation pip install django-debugger Usage Prepend django_debugger
This is a python based web scraping bot for windows to download all ACCEPTED submissions of any user on Codeforces
CODEFORCES DOWNLOADER This is a python based web scraping bot for windows to download all ACCEPTED submissions of any user on Codeforces Requirements
music downloader written in python. (Uses jiosaavn API)
music downloader written in python. (Uses jiosaavn API)
MDAnalysis tool to calculate membrane curvature.
The MDAkit for membrane curvature analysis is part of the Google Summer of Code program and it is linked to a Code of Conduct.
gjf: A tool for fixing invalid GeoJSON objects
gjf: A tool for fixing invalid GeoJSON objects The goal of this tool is to make it as easy as possible to fix invalid GeoJSON objects through Python o
PwnWiki command line searching tool & bindings written in Python
pwsearch PwnWiki 数据库搜索命令行工具。 安装 您可以直接用 pip 命令从 PyPI 安装 pwsearch: pip3 install -U pwsearch 您也可以 clone 该仓库并直接从源码启动
This repository contains the code for the paper "SCANimate: Weakly Supervised Learning of Skinned Clothed Avatar Networks"
SCANimate: Weakly Supervised Learning of Skinned Clothed Avatar Networks (CVPR 2021 Oral) This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation
DBMS Mini-project: Recruitment Management System
# Hire-ME DBMS Mini-project: Recruitment Management System. 💫 ✨ Features Python + MYSQL using mysql.connector library Recruiter and Client Panel Beau
Request based Python module(s) to help with the Newegg raffle.
Newegg Shuffle Python module(s) to help you with the Newegg raffle How to use $ git clone https://github.com/Matthew17-21/Newegg-Shuffle $ cd Newegg-S
FastAPI-PostgreSQL-Celery-RabbitMQ-Redis bakcend with Docker containerization
FastAPI - PostgreSQL - Celery - Rabbitmq backend This source code implements the following architecture: All the required database endpoints are imple
An integration of several popular automatic augmentation methods, including OHL (Online Hyper-Parameter Learning for Auto-Augmentation Strategy) and AWS (Improving Auto Augment via Augmentation Wise Weight Sharing) by Sensetime Research.
An integration of several popular automatic augmentation methods, including OHL (Online Hyper-Parameter Learning for Auto-Augmentation Strategy) and AWS (Improving Auto Augment via Augmentation Wise Weight Sharing) by Sensetime Research.
This repository is an open-source implementation of the ICRA 2021 paper: Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order Pooling.
Locus This repository is an open-source implementation of the ICRA 2021 paper: Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order
Code for CVPR2021 paper 'Where and What? Examining Interpretable Disentangled Representations'.
PS-SC GAN This repository contains the main code for training a PS-SC GAN (a GAN implemented with the Perceptual Simplicity and Spatial Constriction c
[ICML 2021] "Graph Contrastive Learning Automated" by Yuning You, Tianlong Chen, Yang Shen, Zhangyang Wang
Graph Contrastive Learning Automated PyTorch implementation for Graph Contrastive Learning Automated [talk] [poster] [appendix] Yuning You, Tianlong C
[ICML 2021] “ Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning”, Ziyu Jiang, Tianlong Chen, Bobak Mortazavi, Zhangyang Wang
Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning Introduction The recent breakthrough achieved by contrastive learning accelerates the pace for deploying unsupervis
[CVPR 21] Vectorization and Rasterization: Self-Supervised Learning for Sketch and Handwriting, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
Vectorization and Rasterization: Self-Supervised Learning for Sketch and Handwriting, CVPR 2021. Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Pinaki nath Chowdhury, Yongxin Yan
Official NumPy Implementation of Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction (2021)
Deep Networks from the Principle of Rate Reduction This repository is the official NumPy implementation of the paper Deep Networks from the Principle
ML Optimizers from scratch using JAX
Toy implementations of some popular ML optimizers using Python/JAX
Markup is an online annotation tool that can be used to transform unstructured documents into structured formats for NLP and ML tasks, such as named-entity recognition. Markup learns as you annotate in order to predict and suggest complex annotations. Markup also provides integrated access to existing and custom ontologies, enabling the prediction and suggestion of ontology mappings based on the text you're annotating.
Markup is an online annotation tool that can be used to transform unstructured documents into structured formats for NLP and ML tasks, such as named-entity recognition. Markup learns as you annotate in order to predict and suggest complex annotations. Markup also provides integrated access to existing and custom ontologies, enabling the prediction and suggestion of ontology mappings based on the text you're annotating.
⏳ Tempo: The MLOps Software Development Kit
Tempo provides a unified interface to multiple MLOps projects that enable data scientists to deploy and productionise machine learning systems.
A Python Web Application for Checking vaccine slots by pincodes and auto slot booking.
The Dashboard is developed using Bokeh and python 3.5+. This dashboard is useful for you if you are looking for something which will help you to book the vaccine slot once slots become available. Other Vaccine Finders will notify you once slots become available but you will still need to login to the portal and book the slot manually. This dashboard will look for slot availability continuously and will send the OTP itself once slots become available.
Automate your Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors event certificate with Python
Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Certificate Automation This repo simply use a template certificate docx file and generates certificates both docx a
A gesture recognition system powered by OpenPose, k-nearest neighbours, and local outlier factor.
OpenHands OpenHands is a gesture recognition system powered by OpenPose, k-nearest neighbours, and local outlier factor. Currently the system can iden
PyToQlik is a library that allows you to integrate Qlik Desktop with Jupyter notebooks
PyToQlik is a library that allows you to integrate Qlik Desktop with Jupyter notebooks. With it you can: Open and edit a Qlik app inside a Ju
A wrapper for the Discord Python Pixels API.
DPYPX A simple wrapper around Python Discord Pixels. Requires Python 3.7+ (3.x where x = 7). Requires pillow and aiohttp from pip. Example import dpy
This repository contains all the source code that is needed for the project : An Efficient Pipeline For Bloom’s Taxonomy Using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning
Pipeline For NLP with Bloom's Taxonomy Using Improved Question Classification and Question Generation using Deep Learning This repository contains all
Simple Python API for the Ergo Platform Explorer
Ergo is a "Resilient Platform for Contractual Money." It is designed to be a platform for applications with the main focus to provide an efficient, se
CowHerd is a partially-observed reinforcement learning environment
CowHerd is a partially-observed reinforcement learning environment, where the player walks around an area and is rewarded for milking cows. The cows try to escape and the player can place fences to help capture them. The implementation of CowHerd is based on the Crafter environment.
Small Python library that adds password hashing methods to ORM objects
Password Mixin Mixin that adds some useful methods to ORM objects Compatible with Python 3.5 = 3.9 Install pip install password-mixin Setup first cre
🔮 Execution time predictions for deep neural network training iterations across different GPUs.
Habitat: A Runtime-Based Computational Performance Predictor for Deep Neural Network Training Habitat is a tool that predicts a deep neural network's
This is a Python script for Github Bot which uses Selenium to Automate things.
github-follow-unfollow-bot This is a Python script for Github Bot which uses Selenium to Automate things. Pre-requisites :- Python A Github Account Re
A bare-bones POC container runner in python
pybox A proof-of-concept bare-bones container written in 50 lines of python code. Provides namespace isolation and resource limit control Usage Insta
Implementation of Uformer, Attention-based Unet, in Pytorch
Uformer - Pytorch Implementation of Uformer, Attention-based Unet, in Pytorch. It will only offer the concat-cross-skip connection. This repository wi
Mu - A Simple Python Code Editor
A small, simple editor for beginner Python programmers. Written in Python and Qt5.
TermPair lets developers securely share and control terminals in real time🔒
View and control terminals from your browser with end-to-end encryption 🔒
A Python script to monitor the latest block on an LCD.
PiHole-Monitoring A Python script to monitor the latest block on a lcd display. The first number represents the dns queries from the last 24h, the sec
Python Implementation of ``Modeling the Influence of Verb Aspect on the Activation of Typical Event Locations with BERT'' (Findings of ACL: ACL 2021)
BERT-for-Surprisal Python Implementation of ``Modeling the Influence of Verb Aspect on the Activation of Typical Event Locations with BERT'' (Findings
A Flask application for Subdomain Enumeration
subdomainer-flask A Flask application for Subdomain Enumeration steps to be done git clone https://github.com/gokulapap/subdomainer-flask pip3 install
a game of life implementation in python
gameoflife-py python implementation of game of life Installing As long as you have bash and curl installed and are on Linux the install script should
7th place solution of Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification on Kaggle
kaggle-hpa-2021-7th-place-solution Code for 7th place solution of Human Protein Atlas - Single Cell Classification on Kaggle. A description of the met
easySpeech is an open-source Python wrapper for google speech to text API that doesn't require PyAudio(So you especially windows user don't have to deal with the errors while installing PyAudio) and also works with hugging face transformers
easySpeech easySpeech is an open source python wrapper for google speech to text api that doesn't require PyAaudio(So you specially windows user don't
Creates a landscape with more accurate river generation in Minecraft version 1.12 using python.
MinecraftLandRiverGen View the following youtube video to set up a world that can interact with the python programs
alpaca-trade-api-python is a python library for the Alpaca Commission Free Trading API.
alpaca-trade-api-python is a python library for the Alpaca Commission Free Trading API. It allows rapid trading algo development easily, with support for both REST and streaming data interfaces
Official PyTorch code for CVPR 2020 paper "Deep Active Learning for Biased Datasets via Fisher Kernel Self-Supervision"
Deep Active Learning for Biased Datasets via Fisher Kernel Self-Supervision https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00393 Abstract Active learning (AL) aims to min
Hierarchical Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
HUMAP Hierarchical Manifold Approximation and Projection (HUMAP) is a technique based on UMAP for hierarchical non-linear dimensionality reduction. HU
Learning trajectory representations using self-supervision and programmatic supervision.
Trajectory Embedding for Behavior Analysis (TREBA) Implementation from the paper: Jennifer J. Sun, Ann Kennedy, Eric Zhan, David J. Anderson, Yisong Y
The code of paper 'Learning to Aggregate and Personalize 3D Face from In-the-Wild Photo Collection'
Learning to Aggregate and Personalize 3D Face from In-the-Wild Photo Collection Pytorch implemetation of paper 'Learning to Aggregate and Personalize
This is the official repository of XVFI (eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation)
XVFI This is the official repository of XVFI (eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation), https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.16206 Last Update: 20210607 We provide th
A parallel framework for population-based multi-agent reinforcement learning.
MALib: A parallel framework for population-based multi-agent reinforcement learning MALib is a parallel framework of population-based learning nested
Official PyTorch implementation of "Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic Classes for Deep Metric Learning" (AAAI 2021)
Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic Classes for Deep Metric Learning Official PyTorch implementation of "Proxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic
The official implementation for ACL 2021 "Challenges in Information Seeking QA: Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval".
Code for "Challenges in Information Seeking QA: Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval" (ACL 2021, Long) This is the repository for baseline m
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
What is being transferred in transfer learning? This repo contains the code for the following paper: Behnam Neyshabur*, Hanie Sedghi*, Chiyuan Zhang*.
Tensorflow python implementation of "Learning High Fidelity Depths of Dressed Humans by Watching Social Media Dance Videos"
Learning High Fidelity Depths of Dressed Humans by Watching Social Media Dance Videos This repository is the official tensorflow python implementation
Using a Gameboy emulator and making it into a DIscord bot !
Gameboy-Discord Using a Gameboy emulator and making it into a Discord bot ! Im not the best at doing this, and i suck at coding so its completely unde
Python Package For MTN Zambia Momo API. This package can also be used by MTN momo in other countries.
MTN MoMo API Lite Python Client Power your apps with Lite-Python MTN MoMo API Usage Installation Add the latest version of the library to your project
Unifying Cross-Lingual Semantic Role Labeling with Heterogeneous Linguistic Resources (NAACL-2021).
Unifying Cross-Lingual Semantic Role Labeling with Heterogeneous Linguistic Resources Description This is the repository for the paper Unifying Cross-
Code for our paper "Transfer Learning for Sequence Generation: from Single-source to Multi-source" in ACL 2021.
TRICE: a task-agnostic transferring framework for multi-source sequence generation This is the source code of our work Transfer Learning for Sequence
The (Python-based) mining software required for the Nintendo Switch mining project.
ntgbtminer - Nintendo Switch edition This is a version of ntgbtminer that works with the Nintendo Switch bitcoin miner. ntgbtminer ntgbtminer is a no
CSUL Discord Bot
Cruzeiro This is the same old bot running on the Discord Server of CSUL, but i've changed the code. It's better now. Discord.py Heroku How i did The b
A denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) tailored for conditional generation of protein distograms
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Proteins Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch. It is a new approach to gen
🔨🐍Make-like build automation tool for Python projects with extensive DSL features.
Pyke (WIP, Beta Release) Make-like build automation tool for Python projects with extensive DSL features. Features: Users can specify tasks, subtasks,
Freeze your objects in python
gelidum Freeze your objects in python. Latin English Caelum est hieme frigidum et gelidum; myrtos oleas quaeque alia assiduo tepore laetantur, asperna
modelvshuman is a Python library to benchmark the gap between human and machine vision
modelvshuman is a Python library to benchmark the gap between human and machine vision. Using this library, both PyTorch and TensorFlow models can be evaluated on 17 out-of-distribution datasets with high-quality human comparison data.
ClusterMonitor - a very simple python script which monitors and records the CPU and RAM consumption of submitted cluster jobs
ClusterMonitor A very simple python script which monitors and records the CPU and RAM consumption of submitted cluster jobs. Usage To start recording
Revisiting Contrastive Methods for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations. [2021]
Revisiting Contrastive Methods for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations This repo contains the Pytorch implementation of our paper: Revisit
Deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Neural Network Libraries
Deep Reinforcement Learning Library built on top of Neural Network Libraries NNablaRL is a deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Neural
Yet Another Neural Machine Translation Toolkit
YANMTT YANMTT is short for Yet Another Neural Machine Translation Toolkit. For a backstory how I ended up creating this toolkit scroll to the bottom o
Backdoor is a term that refers to the access of the software or hardware of a computer system without being detected.
This program is an non-object oriented opensource, hidden and undetectable backdoor/reverse shell/RAT for Windows made in Python 3 which contains many features such as multi-client support and cross-platform server.
EPSANet:An Efficient Pyramid Split Attention Block on Convolutional Neural Network
EPSANet:An Efficient Pyramid Split Attention Block on Convolutional Neural Network This repo contains the official Pytorch implementaion code and conf
Baseline code for Korean open domain question answering(ODQA)
Open-Domain Question Answering(ODQA)는 다양한 주제에 대한 문서 집합으로부터 자연어 질의에 대한 답변을 찾아오는 task입니다. 이때 사용자 질의에 답변하기 위해 주어지는 지문이 따로 존재하지 않습니다. 따라서 사전에 구축되어있는 Knowl
Repository for publicly available deep learning models developed in Rosetta community
trRosetta2 This package contains deep learning models and related scripts used by Baker group in CASP14. Installation Linux/Mac clone the package git
A Dataset of Python Challenges for AI Research
Python Programming Puzzles (P3) This repo contains a dataset of python programming puzzles which can be used to teach and evaluate an AI's programming
[ICML 2021] DouZero: Mastering DouDizhu with Self-Play Deep Reinforcement Learning | 斗地主AI
[ICML 2021] DouZero: Mastering DouDizhu with Self-Play Deep Reinforcement Learning DouZero is a reinforcement learning framework for DouDizhu (斗地主), t
A Python package for the mathematical modeling of infectious diseases via compartmental models
A Python package for the mathematical modeling of infectious diseases via compartmental models. Originally designed for epidemiologists, epispot can be adapted for almost any type of modeling scenario.
Tensorflow implementation of MIRNet for Low-light image enhancement
MIRNet Tensorflow implementation of the MIRNet architecture as proposed by Learning Enriched Features for Real Image Restoration and Enhancement. Lanu
Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals
LapDepth-release This repository is a Pytorch implementation of the paper "Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals" M
PyTorch Implementation of Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation
StyleSpeech - PyTorch Implementation PyTorch Implementation of Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation. Status (2021.06.13
Adaptive Prototype Learning and Allocation for Few-Shot Segmentation (CVPR 2021)
ASGNet The code is for the paper "Adaptive Prototype Learning and Allocation for Few-Shot Segmentation" (accepted to CVPR 2021) [arxiv] Overview data/
On the model-based stochastic value gradient for continuous reinforcement learning
On the model-based stochastic value gradient for continuous reinforcement learning This repository is by Brandon Amos, Samuel Stanton, Denis Yarats, a
Learning Optical Flow from a Few Matches (CVPR 2021)
Learning Optical Flow from a Few Matches This repository contains the source code for our paper: Learning Optical Flow from a Few Matches CVPR 2021 Sh
Code for Graph-to-Tree Learning for Solving Math Word Problems (ACL 2020)
Graph-to-Tree Learning for Solving Math Word Problems PyTorch implementation of Graph based Math Word Problem solver described in our ACL 2020 paper G
This is the repo for Uncertainty Quantification 360 Toolkit.
UQ360 The Uncertainty Quantification 360 (UQ360) toolkit is an open-source Python package that provides a diverse set of algorithms to quantify uncert
JAX code for the paper "Control-Oriented Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Implicit Differentiation"
Optimal Model Design for Reinforcement Learning This repository contains JAX code for the paper Control-Oriented Model-Based Reinforcement Learning wi
[CVPR 2021] Teachers Do More Than Teach: Compressing Image-to-Image Models (CAT)
CAT arXiv Pytorch implementation of our method for compressing image-to-image models. Teachers Do More Than Teach: Compressing Image-to-Image Models Q
CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation
CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation (CVPR 2021, oral presentation) CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence
A Network tool kit for scanning active IP addresses and open ports
Network scanner A small project that I wrote on the fly for (IT351) Computer Networks University Course to identify and label the devices in my networ
Um Script De Mensagem anonimas Para linux e Termux Feito em python
Um Script De Mensagem anonimas Para linux e Termux Feito em python feito em um celular