14634 Repositories
Python Interpretable-Machine-Learning-with-Python Libraries
A simple dork generator written in python that outputs dorks with the domain extensions you enter
Dork Gen A simple dork generator written in python that outputs dorks with the domain extensions you enter in a ".txt file". Usage The code is pretty
Pythonic Lucene - A simplified python impelementaiton of Apache Lucene
A simplified python impelementaiton of Apache Lucene, mabye helps to understand how an enterprise search engine really works.
A database-based CDN node supporting PostgreSQL and MongoDB backends.
A simple to use database-based deployable CDN node for hobbyist developers who wish to have their own CDN!
Colors in Terminal - Python Lang
🎨 Colorate - Python 🎨 About Colorate is an Open Source project that makes it easy to use Python color coding in your projects. After downloading the
✂️ EyeLipCropper is a Python tool to crop eyes and mouth ROIs of the given video.
EyeLipCropper EyeLipCropper is a Python tool to crop eyes and mouth ROIs of the given video. The whole process consists of three parts: frame extracti
Calculator in command line using python programming language
Calculator in command line using python programming language University of the People Python fundamental Chapter 5 Conditionals and recursion The main
Project based on pure python with OOP
Object oriented programming review Object oriented programming (OOP) is among the most used programming paradigms (if not the most common) in the indu
CupScript is a simple programing language made with python
CupScript CupScript is a simple programming language made with python It includes some basic functions, variables, loops, and some other built in func
Just a simple Tic Tac Toe game, built with Python
TicTacToe Author: Gabriel Lima Table of Contents About Getting Started Linux Windows About This is one of the first projects I built when I first star
A discord bot written in python
arch-bot A discord bot written in python prefix: . help: .help Installation Requirements A discord bot token Your user id Python installed. For window
This repository contain sample code of gRPC Communication between Python and GoLang
This repository contain sample code of gRPC Communication between Python and GoLang, the Server is running on GoLang while Python is running the client
Make desktop applications using HTML and CSS with python
Neutron Make desktop applications using HTML and CSS with python What is Neutron Neutron will allow developers to design modern applications in python
spade is the next-generation networking command line tool.
spade is the next-generation networking command line tool. Say goodbye to the likes of dig, ping and traceroute with more accessible, more informative and prettier output.
Bromelia-hss implements an HSS by using the Python micro framework Bromélia.
Bromélia HSS bromelia-hss is the second official implementation of a Diameter-based protocol application by using the Python micro framework Bromélia.
Py-Parser est un parser de code python en python encore en plien dévlopement.
PY - PARSER Py-Parser est un parser de code python en python encore en plien dévlopement. Une fois achevé, il servira a de nombreux projets comme glad
CinnaMon is a Python library which offers a number of tools to detect, explain, and correct data drift in a machine learning system
CinnaMon is a Python library which offers a number of tools to detect, explain, and correct data drift in a machine learning system
Blackjack Game made using Python
Blackjack Game made using Python Blackjack is a popular card game played in most of the casino.This is an intuition to replicate the same card game us
Python scripts for performing stereo depth estimation using the MobileStereoNet model in Tensorflow Lite.
TFLite-MobileStereoNet Python scripts for performing stereo depth estimation using the MobileStereoNet model in Tensorflow Lite. Stereo depth estimati
Python CLI vm manager for remote access of docker images via noVNC
vmman is a tool to quickly boot and view docker-based VMs running on a linux server through noVNC without ssh tunneling on another network.
TLoL (Python Module) - League of Legends Deep Learning AI (Research and Development)
TLoL-py - League of Legends Deep Learning Library TLoL-py is the Python component of the TLoL League of Legends deep learning library. It provides a s
An automation bot to play Myuu Discord game
Auto selfbot Myuu is a self Discordbot, meaning it will use your TOKEN to logged as your account and take commands from yourself to play the game.
A lightweight Python module and command-line tool for generating NATO APP-6(D) compliant military symbols from both ID codes and natural language names
Python military symbols This is a lightweight Python module, including a command-line script, to generate NATO APP-6(D) compliant military symbol icon
PyPDC is a Python package for calculating asymptotic Partial Directed Coherence estimations for brain connectivity analysis.
Python asymptotic Partial Directed Coherence and Directed Coherence estimation package for brain connectivity analysis. Free software: MIT license Doc
Morpheus is a telegram bot that helps to simplify the process of making custom telegram stickers.
😎 Morpheus is a telegram bot that helps to simplify the process of making custom telegram stickers. As you may know, Telegram's official Sti
An index of algorithms for learning causality with data
awesome-causality-algorithms An index of algorithms for learning causality with data. Please cite our survey paper if this index is helpful. @article{
Haystack is an open source NLP framework that leverages Transformer models.
Haystack is an end-to-end framework that enables you to build powerful and production-ready pipelines for different search use cases. Whether you want
Pytorch and Keras Implementations of Hyperspectral Image Classification -- Traditional to Deep Models: A Survey for Future Prospects.
The repository contains the implementations for Hyperspectral Image Classification -- Traditional to Deep Models: A Survey for Future Prospects. Model
Simple and Distributed Machine Learning
Synapse Machine Learning SynapseML (previously MMLSpark) is an open source library to simplify the creation of scalable machine learning pipelines. Sy
A simple and extensible library to create Bayesian Neural Network layers on PyTorch.
Blitz - Bayesian Layers in Torch Zoo BLiTZ is a simple and extensible library to create Bayesian Neural Network Layers (based on whats proposed in Wei
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment.
Pytorch implementation of NeurIPS 2021 paper: Geometry Processing with Neural Fields.
Geometry Processing with Neural Fields Pytorch implementation for the NeurIPS 2021 paper: Geometry Processing with Neural Fields Guandao Yang, Serge B
High performance distributed framework for training deep learning recommendation models based on PyTorch.
PERSIA (Parallel rEcommendation tRaining System with hybrId Acceleration) is developed by AI platform@Kuaishou Technology, collaborating with ETH. It
Conversational text Analysis using various NLP techniques
PyConverse Let me try first Installation pip install pyconverse Usage Please try this notebook that demos the core functionalities: basic usage noteb
🔥 TensorFlow Code for technical report: "YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement"
🆕 Are you looking for a new YOLOv3 implemented by TF2.0 ? If you hate the fucking tensorflow1.x very much, no worries! I have implemented a new YOLOv
Use tensorflow to implement a Deep Neural Network for real time lane detection
LaneNet-Lane-Detection Use tensorflow to implement a Deep Neural Network for real time lane detection mainly based on the IEEE IV conference paper "To
Monk is a low code Deep Learning tool and a unified wrapper for Computer Vision.
Monk - A computer vision toolkit for everyone Why use Monk Issue: Want to begin learning computer vision Solution: Start with Monk's hands-on study ro
alfred-py: A deep learning utility library for **human**
Alfred Alfred is command line tool for deep-learning usage. if you want split an video into image frames or combine frames into a single video, then a
Official pytorch implementation of the paper: "SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image"
SinGAN Project | Arxiv | CVF | Supplementary materials | Talk (ICCV`19) Official pytorch implementation of the paper: "SinGAN: Learning a Generative M
We are building an open database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT images.
🛑 Note: please do not claim diagnostic performance of a model without a clinical study! This is not a kaggle competition dataset. Please read this pa
Implementation of ICCV19 Paper "Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network"
OANet implementation Pytorch implementation of OANet for ICCV'19 paper "Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network", by
Code release for Local Light Field Fusion at SIGGRAPH 2019
Local Light Field Fusion Project | Video | Paper Tensorflow implementation for novel view synthesis from sparse input images. Local Light Field Fusion
An unofficial python wrapper for the comdirect API for private consumers.
An unofficial python wrapper for the comdirect API for private consumers.
Simple contact bot for telegram, written in python.
🔗 | Install Install the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt 📋 | Setup Get your token from BotFather Get your UserId with Nicegram or w
Ini membuat tema berbasis bendera Indonesia with Python + Linux.py
tema Ubah Tema Termux Menjadi Linux Ubah Font Termux Jadi Linux dibuat oleh wahyudioputra INSTALL pkg update && pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg ins
Vehicle registration using Python, Django and SQlite3
PythonCrud Cadastro de veículos utilizando Python, Django e SQlite3 Para acessar o deploy no Heroku:
Notification Reminder Application For Python
Notification-Reminder-Application No matter how well you set up your to-do list and calendar, you aren’t going to get things done unless you have a re
Django Login Api With Python
How to run this project Download and extract this project Create an environment and install all the libraries from requiements.txt pip freeze -r requi
A Python package for caclulations and visualizations in geological sciences.
geo_calcs A Python package for caclulations and visualizations in geological sciences. Free software: MIT license Documentation: https://geo-calcs.rea
Python scripts for performing stereo depth estimation using the MobileStereoNet model in ONNX
ONNX-MobileStereoNet Python scripts for performing stereo depth estimation using the MobileStereoNet model in ONNX Stereo depth estimation on the cone
A Python Tool that uses Shodan API's to perform quick recon for vulnerabilities
Shodan Quick Recon A Python Tool that uses Shodan API's to perform quick recon for vulnerabilities Configuration You must edit the python code, and in
Simple python program to execute terminal commands on telegram chats directly.
Small python code which can be handy when using telegram and you don't want to use VPS again and again. By configuring the code in your VPS, You can execute commands and get your output within telegram. It can also be very useful in performing Recon.
PYAW allows you to call assembly from python
PYAW allows you to call assembly from python
A python script for osu!lazer rulesets auto update.
osu-lazer-rulesets-autoupdater A python script for osu!lazer rulesets auto update. How to use: 如何使用: You can refer to the python script. The begining
Forecasting prices using Facebook/Meta's Prophet model
CryptoForecasting using Machine and Deep learning (Part 1) CryptoForecasting using Machine Learning The main aspect of predicting the stock-related da
🧮A simple calculator written in python allows you to make simple calculations, write charts, calculate the dates, and exchange currency.
Calculator 🖩 A simple calculator written in python allows you to make simple calculations, write charts, calculate the dates, and exchange currency.
This repository containing cross-section cut and fill calculations using Python programming language.
cross-section This repository is containing cut and fill calculations for cross-section using Python programming language. This codes is made to calcu
Python with OpenCV - MediaPip Framework Hand Detection
Python HandDetection Python with OpenCV - MediaPip Framework Hand Detection Explore the docs » Contact Me About The Project It is a Computer vision pa
SkyPort console user terminal written in python
SkyPort terminal implemented as a console script written in Python Description Sky Port is an universal bus between user software and compute resource
Accommodating supervised learning algorithms for the historical prices of the world's favorite cryptocurrency and boosting it through LightGBM.
Accommodating supervised learning algorithms for the historical prices of the world's favorite cryptocurrency and boosting it through LightGBM.
A simple and easy to use musicbot in python and it uses lavalink.
Lavalink-MusicBot A simple and easy to use musicbot in python and it uses lavalink. ✨ Features plays music in your discord server well thats it i gues
General Purpose Python Library by Techman
General Purpose Python Library by Techman
Exact algorithm for computing two-sided statistical tolerance intervals under a normal distribution assumption using Python.
norm-tol-int Exact algorithm for computing two-sided statistical tolerance intervals under a normal distribution assumption using Python. Methods The
Découvrez CubeCraft Launcher, une application uniquement codé en Python et en Batch
Découvrez CubeCraft Launcher, une application uniquement codé en Python et en Batch. Grâce à son interface graphique facile et intuitive, vous pouvez vous retrouver facilement.
🎓 Stepik Academy Автоматизация тестирования на Python
🎓 Stepik Academy Автоматизация тестирования на Python Запуск тестов выполняется в командной строке: pytest -v --tb=line --language=en --alluredir=all
A simply program to find active jackbox.tv game codes
PeepingJack A simply program to find active jackbox.tv game codes How does this work? It uses a threadpool to loop through all possible codes in a ran
Project under the certification "Data Analysis with Python" on FreeCodeCamp
Sea Level Predictor Assignment You will anaylize a dataset of the global average sea level change since 1880. You will use the data to predict the sea
Discord bots that update their status to the price of any coin listed on x.vite.net
Discord bots that update their status to the price of any coin listed on x.vite.net
Make JSON serialization easier
Make JSON serialization easier
Basic Form Web Development using Python, Django and CSS
thebookrain Basic Form Web Development using Python, Django and CSS This is a basic project that contains two forms - borrow and donate. The form data
The FIRST GANs-based omics-to-omics translation framework
OmiTrans Please also have a look at our multi-omics multi-task DL freamwork 👀 : OmiEmbed The FIRST GANs-based omics-to-omics translation framework Xi
Paper: Cross-View Kernel Similarity Metric Learning Using Pairwise Constraints for Person Re-identification
Cross-View Kernel Similarity Metric Learning Using Pairwise Constraints for Person Re-identification T M Feroz Ali, Subhasis Chaudhuri, ICVGIP-20-21
Block when attacker want to bypass the limit of request
Block when attacker want to bypass the limit of request
LyricsGenius: a Python client for the Genius.com API
LyricsGenius: a Python client for the Genius.com API lyricsgenius provides a simple interface to the song, artist, and lyrics data stored on Genius.co
Youtube Tool using selenium Python
YT-AutoLikeComment-AutoReportComment-AutoComment Youtube Tool using selenium Python Auto Comment Auto Like Comment Auto Report Comment Usage: 1. Insta
Learning to Disambiguate Strongly Interacting Hands via Probabilistic Per-Pixel Part Segmentation [3DV 2021 Oral]
Learning to Disambiguate Strongly Interacting Hands via Probabilistic Per-Pixel Part Segmentation [3DV 2021 Oral] Learning to Disambiguate Strongly In
Package to compute Mauve, a similarity score between neural text and human text. Install with `pip install mauve-text`.
MAUVE MAUVE is a library built on PyTorch and HuggingFace Transformers to measure the gap between neural text and human text with the eponymous MAUVE
Unofficial implementation of Proxy Anchor Loss for Deep Metric Learning
Proxy Anchor Loss for Deep Metric Learning Unofficial pytorch, tensorflow and mxnet implementations of Proxy Anchor Loss for Deep Metric Learning. Not
Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization.
CNN Explainer An interactive visualization system designed to help non-experts learn about Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) For more information,
Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2018
Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision This code is deprecated. Please see https://github.com/jiwoon-ahn/irn instead. Int
VSCode extension that generates docstrings for python files
VSCode Python Docstring Generator Visual Studio Code extension to quickly generate docstrings for python functions. Features Quickly generate a docstr
labelpix is a graphical image labeling interface for drawing bounding boxes
Welcome to labelpix 👋 labelpix is a graphical image labeling interface for drawing bounding boxes. 🏠 Homepage Install pip install -r requirements.tx
CyLP is a Python interface to COIN-OR’s Linear and mixed-integer program solvers (CLP, CBC, and CGL)
CyLP CyLP is a Python interface to COIN-OR’s Linear and mixed-integer program solvers (CLP, CBC, and CGL). CyLP’s unique feature is that you can use i
Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation
Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation (accepted to CVPR2019) News If you are interested in internship or research pos
Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning for ROS in 2D Simulation Environments
IROS21 information To test the code and reproduce the experiments, follow the installation steps in Installation.md. Afterwards, follow the steps in E
Python tools for penetration testing
pyTools_PT python tools for penetration testing Please don't use these tool for illegal purposes. These tools is meant for penetration testing for leg
Using Python to parse through email logs received through several backup systems.
outlook-automated-backup-control Backup monitoring on a mailbox: In this mailbox there will be backup logs. The identification will based on the follo
Playing around with the slack api for learning purposes
SlackBotTest Playing around with the slack api for learning purposes and getting people to contribute Reason for this Project: Bots are very versatile
An alternative to Demise-Assistant-Batch made entirely in Python for more capabilities.
Demise-Assistant-Python An alternative to Demise-Assistant-Batch made entirely in Python for more capabilities. IMPORTANT NOTE Demise-Assistant-Batch
This program will stylize your photos with fast neural style transfer.
Neural Style Transfer (NST) Using TensorFlow Demo TensorFlow TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehen
An advanced caesar cypher python module
CaesarPlus An advanced caesar cypher python module What is CaesarPlus CaesarPlus is a advanced caesar cypher python module that is more secure than ca
Python3 script to dump employee information from XING API
XingDumper Python 3 script to dump company employees from XING API. Perfect OSINT tool ;-) The results contain firstname, lastname, position, gender,
A rough implementation of the paper "A Steering Algorithm for Redirected Walking Using Reinforcement Learning"
A rough implementation of the paper "A Steering Algorithm for Redirected Walking Using Reinforcement Learning"
Python client for Messari's API
Messari API Messari provides a free API for crypto prices, market data metrics, on-chain metrics, and qualitative information (asset profiles). This d
Python based GBDT implementation
Py-boost: a research tool for exploring GBDTs Modern gradient boosting toolkits are very complex and are written in low-level programming languages. A
LLVM-based compiler for LightGBM gradient-boosted trees. Speeds up prediction by ≥10x.
LLVM-based compiler for LightGBM gradient-boosted trees. Speeds up prediction by ≥10x.
Reinforcement learning library in JAX.
Reinforcement learning library in JAX.
Pyserini is a Python toolkit for reproducible information retrieval research with sparse and dense representations.
Pyserini Pyserini is a Python toolkit for reproducible information retrieval research with sparse and dense representations. Retrieval using sparse re
MobileNetV1-V2,MobileNeXt,GhostNet,AdderNet,ShuffleNetV1-V2,Mobile+ViT etc.
MobileNetV1-V2,MobileNeXt,GhostNet,AdderNet,ShuffleNetV1-V2,Mobile+ViT etc. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Algorithmic Trading with Python
Source code for Algorithmic Trading with Python (2020) by Chris Conlan