2753 Repositories
Python Real-time-sign-language-recognition Libraries
Code for the CIKM 2019 paper "DSANet: Dual Self-Attention Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting".
Dual Self-Attention Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting 20.10.26 Update: Due to the difficulty of installation and code maintenance cause
Demo for Real-time RGBD-based Extended Body Pose Estimation paper
Real-time RGBD-based Extended Body Pose Estimation This repository is a real-time demo for our paper that was published at WACV 2021 conference The ou
A universal framework for learning timestamp-level representations of time series
TS2Vec This repository contains the official implementation for the paper Learning Timestamp-Level Representations for Time Series with Hierarchical C
A toolbox of scene text detection and recognition
FudanOCR This toolbox contains the implementations of the following papers: Scene Text Telescope: Text-Focused Scene Image Super-Resolution [Chen et a
A trusty face recognition research platform developed by Tencent Youtu Lab
Introduction TFace: A trusty face recognition research platform developed by Tencent Youtu Lab. It provides a high-performance distributed training fr
Code for the paper "Implicit Representations of Meaning in Neural Language Models"
Implicit Representations of Meaning in Neural Language Models Preliminaries Create and set up a conda environment as follows: conda create -n state-pr
Global Filter Networks for Image Classification
Global Filter Networks for Image Classification Created by Yongming Rao, Wenliang Zhao, Zheng Zhu, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou This repository contains PyTorch
Implementation and replication of ProGen, Language Modeling for Protein Generation, in Jax
ProGen - (wip) Implementation and replication of ProGen, Language Modeling for Protein Generation, in Pytorch and Jax (the weights will be made easily
ShapeGlot: Learning Language for Shape Differentiation
ShapeGlot: Learning Language for Shape Differentiation Created by Panos Achlioptas, Judy Fan, Robert X.D. Hawkins, Noah D. Goodman, Leonidas J. Guibas
Official repository for the paper "Going Beyond Linear Transformers with Recurrent Fast Weight Programmers"
Recurrent Fast Weight Programmers This is the official repository containing the code we used to produce the experimental results reported in the pape
Code for Two-stage Identifier: "Locate and Label: A Two-stage Identifier for Nested Named Entity Recognition"
Code for Two-stage Identifier: "Locate and Label: A Two-stage Identifier for Nested Named Entity Recognition", accepted at ACL 2021. For details of the model and experiments, please see our paper.
Huggingface Transformers + Adapters = ❤️
adapter-transformers A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models adapter-transformers is an extension of
Source code for paper: Knowledge Inheritance for Pre-trained Language Models
Knowledge-Inheritance Source code paper: Knowledge Inheritance for Pre-trained Language Models (preprint). The trained model parameters (in Fairseq fo
An advanced real time threat intelligence framework to identify threats and malicious web traffic on the basis of IP reputation and historical data.
ARTIF is a new advanced real time threat intelligence framework built that adds another abstraction layer on the top of MISP to identify threats and malicious web traffic on the basis of IP reputation and historical data. It also performs automatic enrichment and threat scoring by collecting, processing and correlating observables based on different factors.
chiarose(XCR) based on chia(XCH) source code fork, open source public chain
chia-rosechain 一个无耻的小活动 | A shameless little event 如果您喜欢这个项目,请点击star 将赠送您520朵玫瑰,可以去 facebook 留下您的(xcr)地址,和github用户名。 If you like this project, please
A data preprocessing package for time series data. Design for machine learning and deep learning.
A data preprocessing package for time series data. Design for machine learning and deep learning.
Attention mechanism with MNIST dataset
[TensorFlow] Attention mechanism with MNIST dataset Usage $ python run.py Result Training Loss graph. Test Each figure shows input digit, attention ma
Find a Doc is a free online resource aimed at helping connect the foreign community in Japan with health services in their native language.
Find a Doc - Localization Find a Doc is a free online resource aimed at helping connect the foreign community in Japan with health services in their n
CLIP: Connecting Text and Image (Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision)
CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) Experiments (Evaluation) Model Dataset Acc (%) ViT-B/32 (Paper) CIFAR100 65.1 ViT-B/32 (Our) CIFAR100 6
Text-to-SQL in the Wild: A Naturally-Occurring Dataset Based on Stack Exchange Data
SEDE SEDE (Stack Exchange Data Explorer) is new dataset for Text-to-SQL tasks with more than 12,000 SQL queries and their natural language description
Motion detector, Full body detection, Upper body detection, Cat face detection, Smile detection, Face detection (haar cascade), Silverware detection, Face detection (lbp), and Sending email notifications
Security camera running OpenCV for object and motion detection. The camera will send email with image of any objects it detects. It also runs a server that provides web interface with live stream video.
Some Boring Research About Products Recognition 、Duplicate Img Detection、Img Stitch、OCR
Products Recognition 介绍 商品识别,围绕在复杂的商场零售场景中,识别出货架图像中的商品信息。主要组成部分: 重复图像检测。【更新进度 4/10】 图像拼接。【更新进度 0/10】 目标检测。【更新进度 0/10】 商品识别。【更新进度 1/10】 OCR。【更新进度 1/10】
PyTorch implementation of Soft-DTW: a Differentiable Loss Function for Time-Series in CUDA
Soft DTW Loss Function for PyTorch in CUDA This is a Pytorch Implementation of Soft-DTW: a Differentiable Loss Function for Time-Series which is batch
Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research and production with PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch
Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research and production with PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch
Orthogonal Over-Parameterized Training
The inductive bias of a neural network is largely determined by the architecture and the training algorithm. To achieve good generalization, how to effectively train a neural network is of great importance. We propose a novel orthogonal over-parameterized training (OPT) framework that can provably minimize the hyperspherical energy which characterizes the diversity of neurons on a hypersphere. See our previous work -- MHE for an in-depth introduction.
This is a multi-app executor that it used when we have some different task in a our applications and want to run them at the same time
This is a multi-app executor that it used when we have some different task in a our applications and want to run them at the same time. It uses SQLAlchemy for ORM and Alembic for database migrations.
MLP-Like Vision Permutator for Visual Recognition (PyTorch)
Vision Permutator: A Permutable MLP-Like Architecture for Visual Recognition (arxiv) This is a Pytorch implementation of our paper. We present Vision
CausaLM: Causal Model Explanation Through Counterfactual Language Models
CausaLM: Causal Model Explanation Through Counterfactual Language Models Authors: Amir Feder, Nadav Oved, Uri Shalit, Roi Reichart Abstract: Understan
VOLO: Vision Outlooker for Visual Recognition
VOLO: Vision Outlooker for Visual Recognition, arxiv This is a PyTorch implementation of our paper. We present Vision Outlooker (VOLO). We show that o
This is an official implementation for "Video Swin Transformers".
Video Swin Transformer By Ze Liu*, Jia Ning*, Yue Cao, Yixuan Wei, Zheng Zhang, Stephen Lin and Han Hu. This repo is the official implementation of "V
Code for the RA-L (ICRA) 2021 paper "SeqNet: Learning Descriptors for Sequence-Based Hierarchical Place Recognition"
SeqNet: Learning Descriptors for Sequence-Based Hierarchical Place Recognition [ArXiv+Supplementary] [IEEE Xplore RA-L 2021] [ICRA 2021 YouTube Video]
PyTorch implementation of the paper The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition
LTH-ObjectRecognition The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition Sharath Girish*, Shishira R Maiya*, Kamal Gupta, Hao Chen, Larry Davis, Abh
CVPR 2021 Official Pytorch Code for UC2: Universal Cross-lingual Cross-modal Vision-and-Language Pre-training
UC2 UC2: Universal Cross-lingual Cross-modal Vision-and-Language Pre-training Mingyang Zhou, Luowei Zhou, Shuohang Wang, Yu Cheng, Linjie Li, Zhou Yu,
Code for the CVPR2021 paper "Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition"
Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition This repository contains code for the CVPR2021 paper "Patch-NetV
Code for "Primitive Representation Learning for Scene Text Recognition" (CVPR 2021)
Primitive Representation Learning Network (PREN) This repository contains the code for our paper accepted by CVPR 2021 Primitive Representation Learni
OrienMask: Real-time Instance Segmentation with Discriminative Orientation Maps
OrienMask This repository implements the framework OrienMask for real-time instance segmentation. It achieves 34.8 mask AP on COCO test-dev at the spe
Developed an AI-based system to control the mouse cursor using Python and OpenCV with the real-time camera.
Developed an AI-based system to control the mouse cursor using Python and OpenCV with the real-time camera. Fingertip location is mapped to RGB images to control the mouse cursor.
Speech Recognition for Uyghur using Speech transformer
Speech Recognition for Uyghur using Speech transformer Training: this model using CTC loss and Cross Entropy loss for training. Download pretrained mo
flexible time-series processing & feature extraction
tsflex is a toolkit for flexible time-series processing & feature extraction, making few assumptions about input data. Useful links Documentation Exam
PyTorch implementation of "ContextNet: Improving Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Speech Recognition with Global Context" (INTERSPEECH 2020)
ContextNet ContextNet has CNN-RNN-transducer architecture and features a fully convolutional encoder that incorporates global context information into
Patch Rotation: A Self-Supervised Auxiliary Task for Robustness and Accuracy of Supervised Models
Patch-Rotation(PatchRot) Patch Rotation: A Self-Supervised Auxiliary Task for Robustness and Accuracy of Supervised Models Submitted to Neurips2021 To
darts is a Python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing - Lectures 2021
This repository contains slides for the course "20-00-0947: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing" (Technical University of Darmstadt, Summer term 2021).
Isearch (OSINT) 🔎 Face recognition reverse image search on Instagram profile feed photos.
isearch is an OSINT tool on Instagram. Offers a face recognition reverse image search on Instagram profile feed photos.
A collection of Classical Chinese natural language processing models, including Classical Chinese related models and resources on the Internet.
GuwenModels: 古文自然语言处理模型合集, 收录互联网上的古文相关模型及资源. A collection of Classical Chinese natural language processing models, including Classical Chinese related models and resources on the Internet.
Source Code for our bot that manages time and other functions of the server 3
Komi San wants you to study This repo contains the source code for our bot that manages time and other functions of the server 3 Features Your study
Demo project for real time anomaly detection using kafka and python
kafkaml-anomaly-detection Project for real time anomaly detection using kafka and python It's assumed that zookeeper and kafka are running in the loca
51AC8 is a stack based golfing / esolang that I am trying to make.
51AC8 is a stack based golfing / esolang that I am trying to make.
spafe: Simplified Python Audio-Features Extraction
spafe aims to simplify features extractions from mono audio files. The library can extract of the following features: BFCC, LFCC, LPC, LPCC, MFCC, IMFCC, MSRCC, NGCC, PNCC, PSRCC, PLP, RPLP, Frequency-stats etc. It also provides various filterbank modules (Mel, Bark and Gammatone filterbanks) and other spectral statistics.
Kats is a toolkit to analyze time series data, a lightweight, easy-to-use, and generalizable framework to perform time series analysis.
Kats, a kit to analyze time series data, a lightweight, easy-to-use, generalizable, and extendable framework to perform time series analysis, from understanding the key statistics and characteristics, detecting change points and anomalies, to forecasting future trends.
In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the neural network model for automatic speech recognition with PyTorch and used MLflow to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.
End to End Automatic Speech Recognition In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the
Smoking Simulation is an app to simulate the spreading of smokers and non-smokers, their interactions and population during certain amount of time.
Smoking Simulation is an app to simulate the spreading of smokers and non-smokers, their interactions and population during certain
Episodic Transformer (E.T.) is a novel attention-based architecture for vision-and-language navigation. E.T. is based on a multimodal transformer that encodes language inputs and the full episode history of visual observations and actions.
Episodic Transformers (E.T.) Episodic Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation Alexander Pashevich, Cordelia Schmid, Chen Sun Episodic Transform
This repository is an open-source implementation of the ICRA 2021 paper: Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order Pooling.
Locus This repository is an open-source implementation of the ICRA 2021 paper: Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order
Read Like Humans: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Recognition
Read Like Humans: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Recognition The official code of ABINet (CVPR 2021, Oral).
UmlsBERT: Clinical Domain Knowledge Augmentation of Contextual Embeddings Using the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus
UmlsBERT: Clinical Domain Knowledge Augmentation of Contextual Embeddings Using the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus General info This is
Using pretrained language models for biomedical knowledge graph completion.
LMs for biomedical KG completion This repository contains code to run the experiments described in: Scientific Language Models for Biomedical Knowledg
[CVPR 21] Vectorization and Rasterization: Self-Supervised Learning for Sketch and Handwriting, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
Vectorization and Rasterization: Self-Supervised Learning for Sketch and Handwriting, CVPR 2021. Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Pinaki nath Chowdhury, Yongxin Yan
GFPGAN is a blind face restoration algorithm towards real-world face images.
GFPGAN is a blind face restoration algorithm towards real-world face images.
Markup is an online annotation tool that can be used to transform unstructured documents into structured formats for NLP and ML tasks, such as named-entity recognition. Markup learns as you annotate in order to predict and suggest complex annotations. Markup also provides integrated access to existing and custom ontologies, enabling the prediction and suggestion of ontology mappings based on the text you're annotating.
Markup is an online annotation tool that can be used to transform unstructured documents into structured formats for NLP and ML tasks, such as named-entity recognition. Markup learns as you annotate in order to predict and suggest complex annotations. Markup also provides integrated access to existing and custom ontologies, enabling the prediction and suggestion of ontology mappings based on the text you're annotating.
A gesture recognition system powered by OpenPose, k-nearest neighbours, and local outlier factor.
OpenHands OpenHands is a gesture recognition system powered by OpenPose, k-nearest neighbours, and local outlier factor. Currently the system can iden
This repository contains all the source code that is needed for the project : An Efficient Pipeline For Bloom’s Taxonomy Using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning
Pipeline For NLP with Bloom's Taxonomy Using Improved Question Classification and Question Generation using Deep Learning This repository contains all
🔮 Execution time predictions for deep neural network training iterations across different GPUs.
Habitat: A Runtime-Based Computational Performance Predictor for Deep Neural Network Training Habitat is a tool that predicts a deep neural network's
This is a Python script for Github Bot which uses Selenium to Automate things.
github-follow-unfollow-bot This is a Python script for Github Bot which uses Selenium to Automate things. Pre-requisites :- Python A Github Account Re
NL-Augmenter 🦎 → 🐍 A Collaborative Repository of Natural Language Transformations
NL-Augmenter 🦎 → 🐍 The NL-Augmenter is a collaborative effort intended to add transformations of datasets dealing with natural language. Transformat
Code for "LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models"
LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models This repo contains the implementation of LoRA in GPT-2 and steps to replicate the results in our re
TermPair lets developers securely share and control terminals in real time🔒
View and control terminals from your browser with end-to-end encryption 🔒
A Regex based linter tool that works for any language and works exclusively with custom linting rules.
renag Documentation Available Here Short for Regex (re) Nag (like "one who complains"). Now also PEGs (Parsing Expression Grammars) compatible with py
easySpeech is an open-source Python wrapper for google speech to text API that doesn't require PyAudio(So you especially windows user don't have to deal with the errors while installing PyAudio) and also works with hugging face transformers
easySpeech easySpeech is an open source python wrapper for google speech to text api that doesn't require PyAaudio(So you specially windows user don't
Official PyTorch code for CVPR 2020 paper "Deep Active Learning for Biased Datasets via Fisher Kernel Self-Supervision"
Deep Active Learning for Biased Datasets via Fisher Kernel Self-Supervision https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00393 Abstract Active learning (AL) aims to min
A task-agnostic vision-language architecture as a step towards General Purpose Vision
Towards General Purpose Vision Systems By Tanmay Gupta, Amita Kamath, Aniruddha Kembhavi, and Derek Hoiem Overview Welcome to the official code base f
The official implementation for ACL 2021 "Challenges in Information Seeking QA: Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval".
Code for "Challenges in Information Seeking QA: Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval" (ACL 2021, Long) This is the repository for baseline m
✨ Udemy Coupon Finder For Discord. Supports Turkish & English Language.
Udemy Course Finder Bot | Udemy Kupon Bulucu Botu This bot finds new udemy coupons and sends to the channel. Before Setup You must have python = 3.6
Code for our paper "Transfer Learning for Sequence Generation: from Single-source to Multi-source" in ACL 2021.
TRICE: a task-agnostic transferring framework for multi-source sequence generation This is the source code of our work Transfer Learning for Sequence
IMGUR5K handwriting set. It is a handwritten in-the-wild dataset, which contains challenging real world handwritten samples from different writers.The dataset is shared as a set of image urls with annotations. This code downloads the images and verifies the hash to the image to avoid data contamination.
IMGUR5K Handwriting Dataset To run the code for downloading the urls and generate corresponding annotations : Usage: python download_imgur5k.py --data
A Neural Language Style Transfer framework to transfer natural language text smoothly between fine-grained language styles like formal/casual, active/passive, and many more. Created by Prithiviraj Damodaran. Open to pull requests and other forms of collaboration.
Styleformer A Neural Language Style Transfer framework to transfer natural language text smoothly between fine-grained language styles like formal/cas
Hand gesture recognition based whiteboard that allows you to write on live webcam. This is the first version and has features like 4 different colors, eraser and a recording option that records your session and saves it in a "recordings" folder. Use index finger to draw and two or more fingers to move around and select items. Future version will contain more functionalities like changeable thickness, color palette, integration with zoom and google meet etc.
hand-write Hand gesture recognition based whiteboard that allows you to write on live webcam. This is the first version and has features like 4 differ
learn how to use Gesture Control to change the volume of a computer
Volume-Control-using-gesture In this project we are going to learn how to use Gesture Control to change the volume of a computer. We first look into h
Lazy, a tool for running things in idle time
Lazy, a tool for running things in idle time Mostly used to stop CUDA ML model training from making my desktop unusable. Simply monitors keyboard/mous
FANet - Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Fast Attention
FANet Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Fast Attention Ping Hu, Federico Perazzi, Fabian Caba Heilbron, Oliver Wang, Zhe Lin, Kate Saenko , Stan Sc
Semi-Supervised 3D Hand-Object Poses Estimation with Interactions in Time
Semi Hand-Object Semi-Supervised 3D Hand-Object Poses Estimation with Interactions in Time (CVPR 2021).
T-LOAM: Truncated Least Squares Lidar-only Odometry and Mapping in Real-Time
T-LOAM: Truncated Least Squares Lidar-only Odometry and Mapping in Real-Time The first Lidar-only odometry framework with high performance based on tr
SpanNER: Named EntityRe-/Recognition as Span Prediction
SpanNER: Named EntityRe-/Recognition as Span Prediction Overview | Demo | Installation | Preprocessing | Prepare Models | Running | System Combination
It's final year project of Diploma Engineering. This project is based on Computer Vision.
Face-Recognition-Based-Attendance-System It's final year project of Diploma Engineering. This project is based on Computer Vision. Brief idea about ou
Rethinking Space-Time Networks with Improved Memory Coverage for Efficient Video Object Segmentation
STCN Rethinking Space-Time Networks with Improved Memory Coverage for Efficient Video Object Segmentation Ho Kei Cheng, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang [a
Official PyTorch implementation of Less is More: Pay Less Attention in Vision Transformers.
Less is More: Pay Less Attention in Vision Transformers Official PyTorch implementation of Less is More: Pay Less Attention in Vision Transformers. By
Face recognition. Redefined.
FaceFinder Use a powerful CNN to identify faces in images! TABLE OF CONTENTS About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequisites Installation U
Audio augmentations library for PyTorch for audio in the time-domain
Audio augmentations library for PyTorch for audio in the time-domain, with support for stochastic data augmentations as used often in self-supervised / contrastive learning.
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
Source code and dataset for ACL2021 paper: "ERICA: Improving Entity and Relation Understanding for Pre-trained Language Models via Contrastive Learning".
ERICA Source code and dataset for ACL2021 paper: "ERICA: Improving Entity and Relation Understanding for Pre-trained Language Models via Contrastive L
Open-Source Toolkit for End-to-End Speech Recognition leveraging PyTorch-Lightning and Hydra.
OpenSpeech provides reference implementations of various ASR modeling papers and three languages recipe to perform tasks on automatic speech recogniti
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow (TF) and trained on the IAM off-line HTR dataset. This Neural Network (NN) model recognizes the text contained in the images of segmented words.
Handwritten-Text-Recognition Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow (TF) and trained on the IAM off-line HTR dataset. T
Open-Source Toolkit for End-to-End Speech Recognition leveraging PyTorch-Lightning and Hydra.
OpenSpeech provides reference implementations of various ASR modeling papers and three languages recipe to perform tasks on automatic speech recogniti
PyTorch implementation of Pay Attention to MLPs
gMLP PyTorch implementation of Pay Attention to MLPs. Quickstart Clone this repository. git clone https://github.com/jaketae/g-mlp.git Navigate to th
Official PyTorch implementation of "Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Set Recognition"
Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Set Recognition Official PyTorch implementation of "Adversarial Reciprocal Points Learning for Open Se
Synthetic Humans for Action Recognition, IJCV 2021
SURREACT: Synthetic Humans for Action Recognition from Unseen Viewpoints Gül Varol, Ivan Laptev and Cordelia Schmid, Andrew Zisserman, Synthetic Human
[ICML 2021, Long Talk] Delving into Deep Imbalanced Regression
Delving into Deep Imbalanced Regression This repository contains the implementation code for paper: Delving into Deep Imbalanced Regression Yuzhe Yang
Ecommerce product title recognition package
revizor This package solves task of splitting product title string into components, like type, brand, model and article (or SKU or product code or you
An esoteric visual language that takes image files as input based on a multi-tape turing machine, designed for compatibility with C.
vizh An esoteric visual language that takes image files as input based on a multi-tape turing machine, designed for compatibility with C. Overview Her