5151 Repositories
Python Reddit-Bot-Project-2--Neural-Network-Boogaloo Libraries
Unofficial pytorch implementation of the paper "Context Reasoning Attention Network for Image Super-Resolution (ICCV 2021)"
CRAN Unofficial pytorch implementation of the paper "Context Reasoning Attention Network for Image Super-Resolution (ICCV 2021)" This code doesn't exa
Research on controller area network Intrusion Detection Systems
Group members information Member 1: Lixue Liang Member 2: Yuet Lee Chan Member 3: Xinruo Zhang Member 4: Yifei Han User Manual Generate Attack Packets
Pytorch implementation of Cut-Thumbnail in the paper Cut-Thumbnail:A Novel Data Augmentation for Convolutional Neural Network.
Cut-Thumbnail (Accepted at ACM MULTIMEDIA 2021) Tianshu Xie, Xuan Cheng, Xiaomin Wang, Minghui Liu, Jiali Deng, Tao Zhou, Ming Liu This is the officia
Price forecasting of SGB and IRFC Bonds and comparing there returns
Project_Bonds Project Title : Price forecasting of SGB and IRFC Bonds and comparing there returns. Introduction of the Project The 2008-09 global fina
Can a machine learning project be implemented to estimate the salaries of baseball players whose salary information and career statistics for 1986 are shared?
END TO END MACHINE LEARNING PROJECT ON HITTERS DATASET Can a machine learning project be implemented to estimate the salaries of baseball players whos
A telegram string extractor bot
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/String-Extract-Bot/blob/main/LIC
Android automation project with pytest+appium
Android automation project with pytest+appium
This is a simple Python bot to identify sentiments in tweets
Twitter-Sentiment 👋 Hi There! 📱 This is a simple Python bot to identify sentiments in tweets 👨💻 This project was made for study, and pratice. You
This a Django TODO app project and practiced how to deploy and publish the project to Heroku
ToDo App Demo | Project Table of Contents Overview Built With Features How to use Acknowledgements Contact Overview Built With HTML CSS JS Django How
An example project that shows how to check if a certain macro is active in a file.
PlatformIO Check Compiler Flags Example Description Demonstrates the usage of an extra script and a special compilter invocation to get the active mac
Free and Open Source Channel/Group Voice chat music player for telegram with button support saavn playback support.
A bot that can play music on Telegram Group and Channel Voice Chats
Simple Telegram Bot for generating BalckPearl BBCode Templates
blackpearl-bbcode-bot Simple Telegram Bot for generating BlackPearl BBCode Templates Written in Pyrogram Features - 🎉 IMDB Info fetching from files -
This project is used to send a screenshot by email of your MyUMons schedule using Selenium python lib (headless mode)
MyUMonsSchedule Use MyUMonsSchedule python script to send a screenshot by email (Gmail) of your MyUMons schedule. If you use it on Windows, take care
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
A simple fun discord bot using discord.py that can post memes
A simple fun discord bot using discord.py * * Commands $commands - to see all commands $meme - for a random meme from the internet $cry - to make the
My project contrasts K-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forrest Regressors on Real World data
kNN-vs-RFR My project contrasts K-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forrest Regressors on Real World data In many areas, rental bikes have been launched to
Unofficial implement with paper SpeakerGAN: Speaker identification with conditional generative adversarial network
Introduction This repository is about paper SpeakerGAN , and is unofficially implemented by Mingming Huang (dyyzhmm@163.com), Tiezheng Wang (wtz920729
Space Time Recurrent Memory Network - Pytorch
Space Time Recurrent Memory Network - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of Space Time Recurrent Memory Network, recurrent network competitive with attentio
A project that uses optical flow and machine learning to detect aimhacking in video clips.
waldo-anticheat A project that aims to use optical flow and machine learning to visually detect cheating or hacking in video clips from fps games. Che
A quick and dirty script to scan the network, find default credentials on services and post a message to a Slack channel with the results.
A quick and dirty script to scan the network, find default credentials on services and post a message to a Slack channel with the results.
Sharing of contents on mitochondrial encounter networks
mito-network-sharing Sharing of contents on mitochondrial encounter networks Required: R with igraph, brainGraph, ggplot2, and XML libraries; igraph l
Nested Graph Neural Network (NGNN) is a general framework to improve a base GNN's expressive power and performance
Nested Graph Neural Networks About Nested Graph Neural Network (NGNN) is a general framework to improve a base GNN's expressive power and performance.
Official Pytorch implementation for video neural representation (NeRV)
NeRV: Neural Representations for Videos (NeurIPS 2021) Project Page | Paper | UVG Data Hao Chen, Bo He, Hanyu Wang, Yixuan Ren, Ser-Nam Lim, Abhinav S
The source codes for TME-BNA: Temporal Motif-Preserving Network Embedding with Bicomponent Neighbor Aggregation.
TME The source codes for TME-BNA: Temporal Motif-Preserving Network Embedding with Bicomponent Neighbor Aggregation. Our implementation is based on TG
[NeurIPS 2021] Source code for the paper "Qu-ANTI-zation: Exploiting Neural Network Quantization for Achieving Adversarial Outcomes"
Qu-ANTI-zation This repository contains the code for reproducing the results of our paper: Qu-ANTI-zation: Exploiting Quantization Artifacts for Achie
Code for AA-RMVSNet: Adaptive Aggregation Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Network (ICCV 2021).
AA-RMVSNet Code for AA-RMVSNet: Adaptive Aggregation Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Network (ICCV 2021) in PyTorch. paper link: arXiv | CVF Change Log Ju
Official Pytorch implementation for video neural representation (NeRV)
NeRV: Neural Representations for Videos (NeurIPS 2021) Project Page | Paper | UVG Data Hao Chen, Bo He, Hanyu Wang, Yixuan Ren, Ser-Nam Lim, Abhinav S
This is an official PyTorch implementation of Task-Adaptive Neural Network Search with Meta-Contrastive Learning (NeurIPS 2021, Spotlight).
NeurIPS 2021 (Spotlight): Task-Adaptive Neural Network Search with Meta-Contrastive Learning This is an official PyTorch implementation of Task-Adapti
this is a basic python project that I made using python
this is a basic python project that I made using python. This project is only for practice because my python skills are still newbie.
Python3 program to control Elgato Ring Light on your local network without Elgato's Control Center software
Elgato Light Controller I'm really happy with my Elgato Key Light from an illumination perspective. However, their control software has been glitchy f
Cow Feeder is a bot automatically execute trade on cowswap
Cow Feeder is a bot automatically execute trade on cowswap, includes functions: Monitoring Ethereum network gas price and execute trade whe
A Discord bot that rewards players in Minecraft for sending messages on Discord
MCRewards-Discord-Bot A Discord bot that rewards players in Minecraft for sending messages on Discord How to setup: Download this git as a .zip, or cl
In this project I played with mlflow, streamlit and fastapi to create a training and prediction app on digits
Fastapi + MLflow + streamlit Setup env. I hope I covered all. pip install -r requirements.txt Start app Go in the root dir and run these Streamlit str
Layered Neural Atlases for Consistent Video Editing
Layered Neural Atlases for Consistent Video Editing Project Page | Paper This repository contains an implementation for the SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 paper L
Example project demonstrating using Django’s test runner with Coverage.py
Example project demonstrating using Django’s test runner with Coverage.py Set up with: python -m venv --prompt . venv source venv/bin/activate python
A Music Player Bot for Discord Servers
A Music Player Bot for Discord Servers
Discord bot for the IOTA Wiki
IOTA Wiki Bot Discord bot for the IOTA Wiki Report Bug · Request Feature About The Project This is a Discord bot for the IOTA Wiki. It's currently use
Light-weight network, depth estimation, knowledge distillation, real-time depth estimation, auxiliary data.
light-weight-depth-estimation Boosting Light-Weight Depth Estimation Via Knowledge Distillation, https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.06143 Junjie Hu, Chenyou F
An advanced telegram movie information finder bot
An advanced telegram movie information finder bot
Demo Python project using Conda and Poetry
Conda Poetry This is a demonstration of how Conda and Poetry can be used in a Python project for dev dependency management and production deployment.
The PyTorch implementation of Directed Graph Contrastive Learning (DiGCL), NeurIPS-2021
Directed Graph Contrastive Learning The PyTorch implementation of Directed Graph Contrastive Learning (DiGCL). In this paper, we present the first con
Simple PyTorch hierarchical models.
A python package adding basic hierarchal networks in pytorch for classification tasks. It implements a simple hierarchal network structure based on feed-backward outputs.
A Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen.
Master Release Pytorch - Py + Nim A Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen. Because Nim compiles to C+
A PyTorch Implementation of Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks (GGNN)
A PyTorch Implementation of GGNN This is a PyTorch implementation of the Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks (GGNN) as described in the paper Gated G
Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering
Graph ConvNets in PyTorch October 15, 2017 Xavier Bresson http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/xbresson https://github.com/xbresson https://twitter.com/xbresson
Some toy examples of score matching algorithms written in PyTorch
toy_gradlogp This repo implements some toy examples of the following score matching algorithms in PyTorch: ssm-vr: sliced score matching with variance
BMN: Boundary-Matching Network
BMN: Boundary-Matching Network A pytorch-version implementation codes of paper: "BMN: Boundary-Matching Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generatio
Simple python script for automated network scans with random name generator(useful for CTF boxes).
📄 Automated NMAP script Description Simple python script for automated network scans with random name generator(useful for CTF boxes). Requirements 1
It is a useful project for developers that includes useful tools for Instagram
InstagramIG It is a useful project for developers that includes useful tools for Instagram Installation : pip install InstagramIG Logan Usage from In
Deep Learning for Computer Vision final project
Deep Learning for Computer Vision final project
A bot to playing music in telegram vcg
Idzeroid Music|| Idzeroid Music adalah sebuah repository music bot telegram untuk memainkan suara di voice chat group anda. Fyi This repo im using for
A project to san the internet of all open Minecraft servers.
MC-Server-Finder A project that scans the internet to find open Minecraft servers. Install the dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt
Discord bot written in discord.py
Orion Discord bot written in discord.py Installation Installation of code is supported for macOS only currently First open the terminal. If incase you
A simple anti-ghostping python bot made using diskord.
Anti Ghostping A simple Anti-Ghostping python bot made with ❤ using Diskord Requirements No one will use this but, all you need for this bot is: Pytho
A script that trains a model to recognize handwritten digits using the MNIST data set.
handwritten-digits-recognition A script that trains a model to recognize handwritten digits using the MNIST data set. Then it loads external files and
Official PyTorch(Geometric) implementation of DPGNN(DPGCN) in "Distance-wise Prototypical Graph Neural Network for Node Imbalance Classification"
DPGNN This repository is an official PyTorch(Geometric) implementation of DPGNN(DPGCN) in "Distance-wise Prototypical Graph Neural Network for Node Im
ConformalLayers: A non-linear sequential neural network with associative layers
ConformalLayers: A non-linear sequential neural network with associative layers ConformalLayers is a conformal embedding of sequential layers of Convo
PASTRIE: A Corpus of Prepositions Annotated with Supersense Tags in Reddit International English
PASTRIE Official release of the corpus described in the paper: Michael Kranzlein, Emma Manning, Siyao Peng, Shira Wein, Aryaman Arora, and Nathan Schn
NAS-FCOS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection (CVPR 2020)
NAS-FCOS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection This project hosts the train and inference code with pretrained model for implementing
EgoNN: Egocentric Neural Network for Point Cloud Based 6DoF Relocalization at the City Scale
EgonNN: Egocentric Neural Network for Point Cloud Based 6DoF Relocalization at the City Scale Paper: EgoNN: Egocentric Neural Network for Point Cloud
A Context-aware Visual Attention-based training pipeline for Object Detection from a Webpage screenshot!
CoVA: Context-aware Visual Attention for Webpage Information Extraction Abstract Webpage information extraction (WIE) is an important step to create k
Project repo for the paper SILT: Self-supervised Lighting Transfer Using Implicit Image Decomposition
SILT: Self-supervised Lighting Transfer Using Implicit Image Decomposition (BMVC 2021) Project repo for the paper SILT: Self-supervised Lighting Trans
Assessing the Influence of Models on the Performance of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms applied on Continuous Control Tasks
Assessing the Influence of Models on the Performance of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms applied on Continuous Control Tasks This is the master thesi
Off-policy continuous control in PyTorch, with RDPG, RTD3 & RSAC
arXiv technical report soon available. we are updating the readme to be as comprehensive as possible Please ask any questions in Issues, thanks. Intro
Logsig-RNN: a novel network for robust and efficient skeleton-based action recognition
GCN_LogsigRNN This repository holds the codebase for the paper: Logsig-RNN: a novel network for robust and efficient skeleton-based action recognition
CUP-DNN is a deep neural network model used to predict tissues of origin for cancers of unknown of primary.
CUP-DNN CUP-DNN is a deep neural network model used to predict tissues of origin for cancers of unknown of primary. The model was trained on the expre
CBREN: Convolutional Neural Networks for Constant Bit Rate Video Quality Enhancement
CBREN This is the Pytorch implementation for our IEEE TCSVT paper : CBREN: Convolutional Neural Networks for Constant Bit Rate Video Quality Enhanceme
Anti-Nuke capabilities, powerful moderation features, auto punishments, captcha-verification and more.
Server-Security-Discord-Bot Anti-Nuke capabilities, powerful moderation features, auto punishments, captcha-verification and more. Installation Instal
MVFNet: Multi-View Fusion Network for Efficient Video Recognition (AAAI 2021)
MVFNet: Multi-View Fusion Network for Efficient Video Recognition (AAAI 2021) Overview We release the code of the MVFNet (Multi-View Fusion Network).
An advanced telegram language translator bot
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Translator-Bot-V3/blob/main/LICE
Yet another discord-BOT
Note I have not added comments to the initial code as it is for my educational purpose. Use This is the code for a discord-BOT API py-cord-2.0.0a4178+
Visualize the electric field of a point charge network.
ElectriPy ⚡ Visualize the electric field of a point charges network. 🔌 Installation Install ElectriPy package: $ pip install electripy You are all d
A PyTorch-based library for fast prototyping and sharing of deep neural network models.
A PyTorch-based library for fast prototyping and sharing of deep neural network models.
Code and description for my BSc Project, September 2021
BSc-Project Disclaimer: This repo consists of only the additional python scripts necessary to run the agent. To run the project on your own personal d
PyTorch Implementation of ByteDance's Cross-speaker Emotion Transfer Based on Speaker Condition Layer Normalization and Semi-Supervised Training in Text-To-Speech
Cross-Speaker-Emotion-Transfer - PyTorch Implementation PyTorch Implementation of ByteDance's Cross-speaker Emotion Transfer Based on Speaker Conditio
Dynamic Neural Representational Decoders for High-Resolution Semantic Segmentation
Dynamic Neural Representational Decoders for High-Resolution Semantic Segmentation Requirements This repository needs mmsegmentation Training To train
pytorch implementation of the ICCV'21 paper "MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition"
MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition (ICCV 2021) By Abdullah Hamdi, Silvio Giancola, Bernard Ghanem Paper | Video | Tutori
Shape Detection - It's a shape detection project with OpenCV and Python.
Shape Detection It's a shape detection project with OpenCV and Python. Setup pip install opencv-python for doing AI things. pip install simpleaudio fo
A Django web application to receive, virus check and validate transfers of digital archival records, and allow archivists to appraise and accession those records.
Aurora Aurora is a Django web application that can receive, virus check and validate transfers of digital archival records, and allows archivists to a
Graveyard is an attempt at open-source reimplementation of DraciDoupe.cz
Graveyard: Place for Dead (and Undead) Graveyard is an attempt at open-source reimplementation of DraciDoupe.cz (referred to as DDCZ in this text). De
Final Project Bootcamp Zero
The Quest (Pygame) Descripción Este es el repositorio de código The-Quest para el proyecto final Bootcamp Zero de KeepCoding. El juego consiste en la
Fourth and final milestone project
Milestone Project 4: Pound Dog Click link to visit "Pound Dog" Aim of the project The aim of this project is to provide access to a website informing
Implementation of Enformer, Deepmind's attention network for predicting gene expression, in Pytorch
Enformer - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of Enformer, Deepmind's attention network for predicting gene expression, in Pytorch. The original tensorflow
Convolutional neural network web app trained to track our infant’s sleep schedule using our Google Nest camera.
Machine Learning Sleep Schedule Tracker What is it? Convolutional neural network web app trained to track our infant’s sleep schedule using our Google
Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. PyTorch.
Python library with Neural Networks for Image Segmentation based on PyTorch. The main features of this library are: High level API (just two lines to
PyTorch implementation of Convolutional Neural Fabrics http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02492
PyTorch implementation of Convolutional Neural Fabrics arxiv:1606.02492 There are some minor differences: The raw image is first convolved, to obtain
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) for image-based sequence recognition.
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network This software implements the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN), a combination of CNN, RNN and CTC l
Training Very Deep Neural Networks Without Skip-Connections
DiracNets v2 update (January 2018): The code was updated for DiracNets-v2 in which we removed NCReLU by adding per-channel a and b multipliers without
PyTorch code for the "Deep Neural Networks with Box Convolutions" paper
Box Convolution Layer for ConvNets Single-box-conv network (from `examples/mnist.py`) learns patterns on MNIST What This Is This is a PyTorch implemen
PyTorch implementation of Octave Convolution with pre-trained Oct-ResNet and Oct-MobileNet models
octconv.pytorch PyTorch implementation of Octave Convolution in Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional Neural Networks with Octa
Convolutional Neural Network for 3D meshes in PyTorch
MeshCNN in PyTorch SIGGRAPH 2019 [Paper] [Project Page] MeshCNN is a general-purpose deep neural network for 3D triangular meshes, which can be used f
A Pytorch implementation of "LegoNet: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks with Lego Filters" (ICML 2019).
LegoNet This code is the implementation of ICML2019 paper LegoNet: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks with Lego Filters Run python train.py You c
A Powerful, Smart And Advance Group Manager ... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon...
❤️ Shadow ❤️ A Powerful, Smart And Advance Group Manager ... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon... ⭐️ Thanks to everyone who starred Shadow,
(A)sync client for sms.ru with pydantic responses
🚧 aioSMSru Send SMS Check SMS status Get SMS cost Get balance Get limit Get free limit Get my senders Check login/password Add to stoplist Remove fro
Official PyTorch code for the paper: "Point-Based Modeling of Human Clothing" (ICCV 2021)
Point-Based Modeling of Human Clothing Paper | Project page | Video This is an official PyTorch code repository of the paper "Point-Based Modeling of
Official Code Release for Container : Context Aggregation Network
Container: Context Aggregation Network Official Code Release for Container : Context Aggregation Network Comparion between CNN, MLP-Mixer and Transfor
Adaptive, interpretable wavelets across domains (NeurIPS 2021)
Adaptive wavelets Wavelets which adapt given data (and optionally a pre-trained model). This yields models which are faster, more compressible, and mo
Warren - Stock Price Predictor
Web app to predict closing stock prices in real time using Facebook's Prophet time series algorithm with a multi-variate, single-step time series forecasting strategy.
ConnectLearn is an easy to use and deploy Open-Source Project meant to make it easier for the right students to find the right teachers online.
ConnectLearn ConnectLearn is an easy to use and deploy Open-Source Project meant to make it easier for the right students to find the right teachers o
A reusable Django app that configures your project for deployment
django-simple-deploy This app gives you a management command that configures your project for an initial deployment. It targets Heroku at the moment,