2792 Repositories
Python gaze-data-collection Libraries
Addon and nodes for working with structural biology and molecular data in Blender.
Molecular Nodes 🧬 🔬 💻 Buy Me a Coffee to Keep Development Going! Join a Community of Blender SciVis People! What is Molecular Nodes? Molecular Node
Helping data scientists better understand their datasets and models in text classification. With love from ServiceNow.
Azimuth, an open-source dataset and error analysis tool for text classification, with love from ServiceNow. Overview Azimuth is an open source applica
This library is helpful when creating accounts, it has everything you need for this
AccountGeneratorHelper Library to facilitate accounts generation. Unofficial API for temp email services. Receive SMS from free services. Parsing and
A Flask Sentiment Analysis API, with visual implementation
The Sentiment Analysis Api was created using python flask module,it allows users to parse a text or sentence throught the (?text) arguement, then view the sentiment analysis of that sentence. It can be implementable into a web application.
It connects to Telegram's API. It generates JSON files containing channel's data, including channel's information and posts.
It connects to Telegram's API. It generates JSON files containing channel's data, including channel's information and posts. You can search for a specific channel, or a set of channels provided in a text file (one channel per line.)
Adansons Base is a data management tool that organizes metadata of unstructured data and creates and organizes datasets.
Adansons Base is a data management tool that organizes metadata of unstructured data and creates and organizes datasets. It makes dataset creation more effective and helps find essential insights from training results and improves AI performance.
Data visualization app for H&M competition in kaggle
handm_data_visualize_app Data visualization app by streamlit for H&M competition in kaggle. competition page: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/h-an
Snakemake worflow to process and filter long read data from Oxford Nanopore Technologies.
Nanopore-Workflow Snakemake workflow to process and filter long read data from Oxford Nanopore Technologies. It is designed to compare whole human gen
A pytest plugin to run an ansible collection's unit tests with pytest.
pytest-ansible-units An experimental pytest plugin to run an ansible collection's unit tests with pytest. Description pytest-ansible-units is a pytest
This repository contains the data and code for the paper "Diverse Text Generation via Variational Encoder-Decoder Models with Gaussian Process Priors" (SPNLP@ACL2022)
GP-VAE This repository provides datasets and code for preprocessing, training and testing models for the paper: Diverse Text Generation via Variationa
Official repository of the paper Privacy-friendly Synthetic Data for the Development of Face Morphing Attack Detectors
SMDD-Synthetic-Face-Morphing-Attack-Detection-Development-dataset Official repository of the paper Privacy-friendly Synthetic Data for the Development
scAR (single-cell Ambient Remover) is a package for data denoising in single-cell omics.
scAR scAR (single cell Ambient Remover) is a package for denoising multiple single cell omics data. It can be used for multiple tasks, such as, sgRNA
This is the data scrapped of all the pitches made up potential startup's to established bussiness tycoons of India with all the details of Investments made, equity share, Name of investor etc.
SharkTankInvestor This is the data scrapped of all the pitches made up potential startup's to established bussiness tycoons of India with all the deta
Train CNNs for the fruits360 data set in NTOU CS「Machine Vision」class.
CNNs fruits360 Train CNNs for the fruits360 data set in NTOU CS「Machine Vision」class. CNN on a pretrained model Build a CNN on a pretrained model, Res
This is a Text Data Analysis Project Involving (YouTube Case Study).
Text_Data_Analysis This is a Text Data Analysis Project Involving (YouTube Case Study). Problem Statement = Sentiment Analysis. Package1: There are m
Implementaion of our ACL 2022 paper Bridging the Data Gap between Training and Inference for Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation
Bridging the Data Gap between Training and Inference for Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation This is the implementaion of our paper: Bridging the
DataAnalysis: Some data analysis projects in charles_pikachu
DataAnalysis DataAnalysis: Some data analysis projects in charles_pikachu You can star this repository to keep track of the project if it's helpful fo
An algorithmic trading bot that learns and adapts to new data and evolving markets using Financial Python Programming and Machine Learning.
ALgorithmic_Trading_with_ML An algorithmic trading bot that learns and adapts to new data and evolving markets using Financial Python Programming and
Semantic Data Management - Property Graphs 📈
SDM - Lab 1 @ UPC 👨🏻💻 Table of contents Introduction Property Graph Dataset 1. Introduction This repo is all about what we have done in SDM lab 1
Code for the Open Data Day 2022 publicbodies.org Nepal data scraping activities.
Open Data Day Publicbodies.org Nepal We've gathered on Saturday, 5th March 2022 with Open Knowledge Nepal in order to try and automate the collection
Arcpy Tool developed for ArcMap 10.x that checks DVOF points against TDS data and creates an output feature class as well as a check database.
DVOF_check_tool Arcpy Tool developed for ArcMap 10.x that checks DVOF points against TDS data and creates an output feature class as well as a check d
Scrapping malaysianpaygap & Extracting data from the Instagram posts
Scrapping malaysianpaygap & Extracting data from the posts Recently @malaysianpaygap has gotten quite famous as a platform that enables workers throug
A collection of tips for using MISP.
MISP Tip of the Week A collection of tips for using MISP. Published via BelgoMISP (todo) and this repository. Available in MD and JSON. Do you want to
Linking data between GBIF, Biodiverse, and Open Tree of Life
GBIF-biodiverse-OpenTree Linking data between GBIF, Biodiverse, and Open Tree of Life The python scripts will rely on opentree and Dendropy. To set up
A Python module to encrypt and decrypt data with AES-128 CFB mode.
cryptocfb A Python module to encrypt and decrypt data with AES-128 CFB mode. This module supports 8/64/128-bit CFB mode. It can encrypt and decrypt la
LeetComp - Background tasks powering the static content at LeetComp
LeetComp Analysing compensations mentioned on the Leetcode forums (https://kuuts
Data Structures and Algorithms Python - Practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects
Data Structures and Algorithms All the essential resources and template code nee
WebScraping - Scrapes Job website for python developer jobs and exports the data to a csv file
WebScraping Web scraping Pyton program that scrapes Job website for python devel
ZeroGen: Efficient Zero-shot Learning via Dataset Generation
ZEROGEN This repository contains the code for our paper “ZeroGen: Efficient Zero
SkyScrapers: A collection of variety of Scraping Apps
SkyScrapers Collection of variety of Web Scraping Apps The web-scrapers involved
Hl classification bc - A Network-Based High-Level Data Classification Algorithm Using Betweenness Centrality
A Network-Based High-Level Data Classification Algorithm Using Betweenness Centr
Rootski - Full codebase for rootski.io (without the data)
📣 Welcome to the Rootski codebase! This is the codebase for the application run
Job-Recommend-Competition - Vectorwise Interpretable Attentions for Multimodal Tabular Data
SiD - Simple Deep Model Vectorwise Interpretable Attentions for Multimodal Tabul
Comp445 project - Data Communications & Computer Networks
COMP-445 Data Communications & Computer Networks Change Python version in Conda
Faune proche - Retrieval of Faune-France data near a google maps location
faune_proche Récupération des données de Faune-France près d'un lieu google maps
LotteryBuyPredictionWebApp - Lottery Purchase Prediction Model
Lottery Purchase Prediction Model Objective and Goal Predict the lottery type th
Gesture recognition on Event Data
Event based Gesture Recognition Gesture recognition on Event Data usually involv
VHub - An API that permits uploading of vulnerability datasets and return of the serialized data
VHub - An API that permits uploading of vulnerability datasets and return of the serialized data
Explore-bikeshare-data - GitHub project as part of the Programming for Data Science with Python Nanodegree from Udacity
Date created February 10, 2022 Project Title Explore US Bikeshare Data Descripti
An arduino/ESP project that can play back G-Force data previously recorded
An arduino/ESP project that can play back G-Force data previously recorded
Collection of functions for working with interlaced content in VapourSynth.
vsfieldkit Collection of functions for working with interlaced content in VapourSynth. It does not have any hard dependencies outside of VapourSynth.
The LaTeX and Python code for generating the paper, experiments' results and visualizations reported in each paper is available (whenever possible) in the paper's directory
This repository contains the software implementation of most algorithms used or developed in my research. The LaTeX and Python code for generating the
Collection of TensorFlow2 implementations of Generative Adversarial Network varieties presented in research papers.
TensorFlow2-GAN Collection of tf2.0 implementations of Generative Adversarial Network varieties presented in research papers. Model architectures will
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters
Skforecast is a python library that eases using scikit-learn regressors as multi-step forecasters. It also works with any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API (pipelines, CatBoost, LightGBM, XGBoost, Ranger...).
Code and Datasets from the paper "Self-supervised contrastive learning for volcanic unrest detection from InSAR data"
Code and Datasets from the paper "Self-supervised contrastive learning for volcanic unrest detection from InSAR data" You can download the pretrained
CZU-MHAD: A multimodal dataset for human action recognition utilizing a depth camera and 10 wearable inertial sensors
CZU-MHAD: A multimodal dataset for human action recognition utilizing a depth camera and 10 wearable inertial sensors In order to facilitate the res
VISNOTATE: An Opensource tool for Gaze-based Annotation of WSI Data
VISNOTATE: An Opensource tool for Gaze-based Annotation of WSI Data Introduction Requirements Installation and Setup Supported Hardware and Software R
Data science project for exploratory analysis on the kcse grades dataset (Kamilimu Data Science Track)
Kcse-Data-Analysis Data science project for exploratory analysis on the kcse grades dataset (Kamilimu Data Science Track) Findings The performance of
Vaex library for Big Data Analytics of an Airline dataset
Vaex-Big-Data-Analytics-for-Airline-data A Python notebook (ipynb) created in Jupyter Notebook, which utilizes the Vaex library for Big Data Analytics
Data science/Analysis Health Care Portfolio
Health-Care-DS-Projects Data Science/Analysis Health Care Portfolio Consists Of 3 Projects: Mexico Covid-19 project, analyze the patient medical histo
Automatic game data translator for RPGMaker-MV
RPGMaker-MV Translator 🕹️ 🎮 Use AI to translate all the dialogs and texts of your RPGMaker automatically. 👊 You worked hard to make your game, now
This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib
Cormen Lib Sample Problems Description This repository contnains sample problems with test cases using Cormen-Lib. These problems were made for the pu
Collection of SVG diagrams about how UTF-8 works
Diagrams Repository of diagrams made for articles on my blog. All diagrams are created using diagrams.net. UTF-8 Licenses Copyright 2022 Seth Michael
Implementation of ToeplitzLDA for spatiotemporal stationary time series data.
Code for the ToeplitzLDA classifier proposed in here. The classifier conforms sklearn and can be used as a drop-in replacement for other LDA classifiers. For in-depth usage refer to the learning from label proportions (LLP) example or the example script.
LightGBM + Optuna: no brainer
AutoLGBM LightGBM + Optuna: no brainer auto train lightgbm directly from CSV files auto tune lightgbm using optuna auto serve best lightgbm model usin
An Optical Character Recognition system using Pytesseract/Extracting data from Blood Pressure Reports.
Optical_Character_Recognition An Optical Character Recognition system using Pytesseract/Extracting data from Blood Pressure Reports. As an IOT/Compute
This repository has a implementations of data augmentation for NLP for Japanese.
daaja This repository has a implementations of data augmentation for NLP for Japanese: EDA: Easy Data Augmentation Techniques for Boosting Performance
MoCap-Solver: A Neural Solver for Optical Motion Capture Data
MoCap-Solver is a data-driven-based robust marker denoising method, which takes raw mocap markers as input and outputs corresponding clean markers and skeleton motions.
Image-to-image regression with uncertainty quantification in PyTorch
Image-to-image regression with uncertainty quantification in PyTorch. Take any dataset and train a model to regress images to images with rigorous, distribution-free uncertainty quantification.
Crowd-Kit is a powerful Python library that implements commonly-used aggregation methods for crowdsourced annotation and offers the relevant metrics and datasets
Crowd-Kit: Computational Quality Control for Crowdsourcing Documentation Crowd-Kit is a powerful Python library that implements commonly-used aggregat
Supplementary Data for Evolving Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
evolvingrl Supplementary Data for Evolving Reinforcement Learning Algorithms This dataset contains 1000 loss graphs from two experiments: 500 unique g
Course materials for Fall 2021 "CIS6930 Topics in Computing for Data Science" at New College of Florida
Fall 2021 CIS6930 Topics in Computing for Data Science This repository hosts course materials used for a 13-week course "CIS6930 Topics in Computing f
Customizing Visual Styles in Plotly
Customizing Visual Styles in Plotly Code for a workshop originally developed for an Unconference session during the Outlier Conference hosted by Data
Geospatial data-science analysis on reasons behind delay in Grab ride-share services
Grab x Pulis Detailed analysis done to investigate possible reasons for delay in Grab services for NUS Data Analytics Competition 2022, to be found in
metedraw is a project mainly for data visualization projects of Atmospheric Science, Marine Science, Environmental Science or other majors
It is mainly for data visualization projects of Atmospheric Science, Marine Science, Environmental Science or other majors.
OpenStats is a library built on top of streamlit that extracts data from the Github API and shows the main KPIs
Open Stats Discover and share the KPIs of your OpenSource project. OpenStats is a library built on top of streamlit that extracts data from the Github
Ansible Collection: A collection of Ansible Modules and Lookup Plugins (MLP) from Linuxfabrik.
ansible_mlp An Ansible collection of Ansible Modules and Lookup Plugins (MLP) from Linuxfabrik. Ansible Bitwarden Item Lookup Plugin Returns a passwor
A research of IT labor market based especially on hh.ru. Salaries, rate of technologies and etc.
hh_ru_research Проект реализован в учебных целях анализа рынка труда, в особенности по hh.ru Input data В качестве входных данных используются сериали
To build a regression model to predict the concrete compressive strength based on the different features in the training data.
Cement-Strength-Prediction Problem Statement To build a regression model to predict the concrete compressive strength based on the different features
A Python implementation of red-black trees
Python red-black trees A Python implementation of red-black trees. This code was originally copied from programiz.com, but I have made a few tweaks to
Contains a Jupyter Notebook for calculating remaining plants required based on field/lathhouse data.
Davis-Sunflowers-Su21 Project goals: Plants influence their reproduction and mating system in many ways. Various factors such as time of flowering, ab
An ETL Pipeline of a large data set from a fictitious music streaming service named Sparkify.
An ETL Pipeline of a large data set from a fictitious music streaming service named Sparkify. The ETL process flows from AWS's S3 into staging tables in AWS Redshift.
Implementation of SOMs (Self-Organizing Maps) with neighborhood-based map topologies.
py-self-organizing-maps Simple implementation of self-organizing maps (SOMs) A SOM is an unsupervised method for learning a mapping from a discrete ne
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
Using Data Science with Machine Learning techniques (ETL pipeline and ML pipeline) to classify received messages after disasters.
Project: Netflix Data Analysis and Visualization with Python
Project: Netflix Data Analysis and Visualization with Python Table of Contents General Info Installation Demo Usage and Main Functionalities Contribut
PLStream: A Framework for Fast Polarity Labelling of Massive Data Streams
PLStream: A Framework for Fast Polarity Labelling of Massive Data Streams Motivation When dataset freshness is critical, the annotating of high speed
This project uses ViT to perform image classification tasks on DATA set CIFAR10.
Vision-Transformer-Multiprocess-DistributedDataParallel-Apex Introduction This project uses ViT to perform image classification tasks on DATA set CIFA
CLASSIX is a fast and explainable clustering algorithm based on sorting
CLASSIX Fast and explainable clustering based on sorting CLASSIX is a fast and explainable clustering algorithm based on sorting. Here are a few highl
PyTorch implementation of the ExORL: Exploratory Data for Offline Reinforcement Learning
ExORL: Exploratory Data for Offline Reinforcement Learning This is an original PyTorch implementation of the ExORL framework from Don't Change the Alg
Geowifi 📡 💘 🌎 Search WiFi geolocation data by BSSID and SSID on different public databases.
Geowifi 📡 💘 🌎 Search WiFi geolocation data by BSSID and SSID on different public databases.
Python code to fuse multiple RGB-D images into a TSDF voxel volume.
Volumetric TSDF Fusion of RGB-D Images in Python This is a lightweight python script that fuses multiple registered color and depth images into a proj
The source code for Generating Training Data with Language Models: Towards Zero-Shot Language Understanding.
SuperGen The source code for Generating Training Data with Language Models: Towards Zero-Shot Language Understanding. Requirements Before running, you
Interactive Dashboard for Visualizing OSM Data Change
Dashboard and intuitive data downloader for more interactive experience with interpreting osm change data.
Data Analysis: Data Visualization of Airlines
Data Analysis: Data Visualization of Airlines Anderson Cruz | London-UK | Linkedin | Nowa Capital Project: Traffic Airlines Airline Reporting Carrier
This program will help you to properly scrape all data from a specific website
This program will help you to properly scrape all data from a specific website
Extract GoPro highlights and GPMF data.
Python script that parses the gpmd stream for GOPRO moov track (MP4) and extract the GPS info into a GPX (and kml) file.
SubOmiEmbed: Self-supervised Representation Learning of Multi-omics Data for Cancer Type Classification
SubOmiEmbed: Self-supervised Representation Learning of Multi-omics Data for Cancer Type Classification
L3Cube-MahaCorpus a Marathi monolingual data set scraped from different internet sources.
L3Cube-MahaCorpus L3Cube-MahaCorpus a Marathi monolingual data set scraped from different internet sources. We expand the existing Marathi monolingual
Python package for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling
Python package for concise, transparent, and accurate predictive modeling. All sklearn-compatible and easy to use. 📚 docs • 📖 demo notebooks Modern
Nested cross-validation is necessary to avoid biased model performance in embedded feature selection in high-dimensional data with tiny sample sizes
Pruner for nested cross-validation - Sphinx-Doc Nested cross-validation is necessary to avoid biased model performance in embedded feature selection i
Data and code accompanying the paper Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter
Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter Data and code accompanying the paper Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter. In specific: the code
Image Data Augmentation in Keras
Image data augmentation is a technique that can be used to artificially expand the size of a training dataset by creating modified versions of images in the dataset.
Data Augmentation Using Keras and Python
Data-Augmentation-Using-Keras-and-Python Data augmentation is the process of increasing the number of training dataset. Keras library offers a simple
Definitive Guide to Creating a SQL Database on Cloud with AWS and Python
Definitive Guide to Creating a SQL Database on Cloud with AWS and Python An easy-to-follow comprehensive guide on integrating Amazon RDS, MySQL Workbe
Structured Data Gradient Pruning (SDGP)
Structured Data Gradient Pruning (SDGP) Weight pruning is a technique to make Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference more computationally efficient by re
LinkScope allows you to perform online investigations by representing information as discrete pieces of data, called Entities.
LinkScope Client Description This is the repository for the LinkScope Client Online Investigation software. LinkScope allows you to perform online inv
IADS 2021-22 Algorithm and Data structure collection
A collection of algorithms and datastructures introduced during UoE's Introduction to Datastructures and Algorithms class.
Prometheus exporter for chess.com player data
chess-exporter Prometheus exporter for chess.com player data implemented via chess.com's published data API and Prometheus Python Client Example use c
Kartothek - a Python library to manage large amounts of tabular data in a blob store
Kartothek - a Python library to manage (create, read, update, delete) large amounts of tabular data in a blob store
Generate database table diagram from SQL data definition.
sql2diagram Generate database table diagram from SQL data definition. e.g. "CREATE TABLE ..." See Example below How does it works? Analyze the SQL to