1919 Repositories
Python graph-anomaly-detection Libraries
MvtecAD unsupervised Anomaly Detection
MvtecAD unsupervised Anomaly Detection This respository is the unofficial implementations of DFR: Deep Feature Reconstruction for Unsupervised Anomaly
A python 3 library which helps in using nmap port scanner.
A python 3 library which helps in using nmap port scanner. This is done by converting each nmap command into a callable python3 method or function. System administrators can now automatic nmap scans using python
Build a medical knowledge graph based on Unified Language Medical System (UMLS)
UMLS-Graph Build a medical knowledge graph based on Unified Language Medical System (UMLS) Requisite Install MySQL Server 5.6 and import UMLS data int
MS Graph API authentication example with Fast API
MS Graph API authentication example with Fast API What it is & does This is a simple python service/webapp, using FastAPI with server side rendering,
LynxKite: a complete graph data science platform for very large graphs and other datasets.
LynxKite is a complete graph data science platform for very large graphs and other datasets. It seamlessly combines the benefits of a friendly graphical interface and a powerful Python API.
Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that enables a project to automatically generate changelogs
What is Changelog CI? Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that enables a project to automatically generate changelogs. Changelog CI can be triggered on pu
Spaghetti: an open-source Python library for the analysis of network-based spatial data
pysal/spaghetti SPAtial GrapHs: nETworks, Topology, & Inference Spaghetti is an open-source Python library for the analysis of network-based spatial d
A visualization tool to show a TensorFlow's graph like TensorBoard
tfgraphviz tfgraphviz is a module to visualize a TensorFlow's data flow graph like TensorBoard using Graphviz. tfgraphviz enables to provide a visuali
An End-to-End Machine Learning Library to Optimize AUC (AUROC, AUPRC).
Logo by Zhuoning Yuan LibAUC: A Machine Learning Library for AUC Optimization Website | Updates | Installation | Tutorial | Research | Github LibAUC a
Build an Amazon SageMaker Pipeline to Transform Raw Texts to A Knowledge Graph
Build an Amazon SageMaker Pipeline to Transform Raw Texts to A Knowledge Graph This repository provides a pipeline to create a knowledge graph from ra
DataRisk Detection Learning Resources
DataRisk Detection Learning Resources Data security: Based on the "data-centric security system" position, it generally refers to the entire security
open detection and scanning tool for discovering and fuzzing for Log4J RCE CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability
CVE-2021-44228-log4jVulnScanner-metasploit open detection and scanning tool for discovering and fuzzing for Log4J RCE CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability pre
🐍PyNode Next allows you to easily create beautiful graph visualisations and animations
PyNode Next A complete rewrite of PyNode for the modern era. Up to five times faster than the original PyNode. PyNode Next allows you to easily create
Example Code Notebooks for Data Visualization in Python
This repository contains sample code scripts for creating awesome data visualizations from scratch using different python libraries (such as matplotli
Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords
Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords and Cookies View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About the Project AV Detection Gett
OBBDetection: an oriented object detection toolbox modified from MMdetection
OBBDetection note: If you have questions or good suggestions, feel free to propose issues and contact me. introduction OBBDetection is an oriented obj
Gas detection for Raspberry Pi using ADS1x15 and MQ-2 sensors
Gas detection Gas detection for Raspberry Pi using ADS1x15 and MQ-2 sensors. Description The MQ-2 sensor can detect multiple gases (CO, H2, CH4, LPG,
Faster, modernized fork of the language identification tool langid.py
py3langid py3langid is a fork of the standalone language identification tool langid.py by Marco Lui. Original license: BSD-2-Clause. Fork license: BSD
A set of procedures that can realize covid19 virus detection based on blood.
A set of procedures that can realize covid19 virus detection based on blood.
🕺Full body detection and tracking
Pose-Detection 🤔 Overview Human pose estimation from video plays a critical role in various applications such as quantifying physical exercises, sign
Quick insights from Zoom meeting transcripts using Graph + NLP
Transcript Analysis - Graph + NLP This program extracts insights from Zoom Meeting Transcripts (.vtt) using TigerGraph and NLTK. In order to run this
Random Directed Acyclic Graph Generator
DAG_Generator Random Directed Acyclic Graph Generator verison1.0 简介 工作流通常由DAG(有向无环图)来定义,其中每个计算任务$T_i$由一个顶点(node,task,vertex)表示。同时,任务之间的每个数据或控制依赖性由一条加权
Codes for “A Deeply Supervised Attention Metric-Based Network and an Open Aerial Image Dataset for Remote Sensing Change Detection”
DSAMNet The pytorch implementation for "A Deeply-supervised Attention Metric-based Network and an Open Aerial Image Dataset for Remote Sensing Change
Code for "Multimodal Trajectory Prediction Conditioned on Lane-Graph Traversals," CoRL 2021.
Multimodal Trajectory Prediction Conditioned on Lane-Graph Traversals This repository contains code for "Multimodal trajectory prediction conditioned
Source Code for AAAI 2022 paper "Graph Convolutional Networks with Dual Message Passing for Subgraph Isomorphism Counting and Matching"
Graph Convolutional Networks with Dual Message Passing for Subgraph Isomorphism Counting and Matching This repository is an official implementation of
NeoInterface - Neo4j made easy for Python programmers!
Neointerface - Neo4j made easy for Python programmers! A Python interface to use the Neo4j graph database, and simplify its use. class NeoInterface: C
An efficient PyTorch library for Global Wheat Detection using YOLOv5. The project is based on this Kaggle competition Global Wheat Detection (2021).
Global-Wheat-Detection An efficient PyTorch library for Global Wheat Detection using YOLOv5. The project is based on this Kaggle competition Global Wh
Official code for the publication "HyFactor: Hydrogen-count labelled graph-based defactorization Autoencoder".
HyFactor Graph-based architectures are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for structure generation. Here, we introduce a novel open-source archit
Fastest Gephi's ForceAtlas2 graph layout algorithm implemented for Python and NetworkX
ForceAtlas2 for Python A port of Gephi's Force Atlas 2 layout algorithm to Python 2 and Python 3 (with a wrapper for NetworkX and igraph). This is the
A Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
gdsclient NOTE: This is a work in progress and many GDS features are known to be missing or not working properly. This repo hosts the sources for gdsc
Tensorflow 2.x implementation of Panoramic BlitzNet for object detection and semantic segmentation on indoor panoramic images.
Deep neural network for object detection and semantic segmentation on indoor panoramic images. The implementation is based on the papers:
Image-Adaptive YOLO for Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions
Image-Adaptive YOLO for Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions Accepted by AAAI 2022 [arxiv] Wenyu Liu, Gaofeng Ren, Runsheng Yu, Shi Guo, Jia
A Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
gdsclient This repo hosts the sources for gdsclient, a Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library. g
PyTorch implementation for our AAAI 2022 Paper "Graph-wise Common Latent Factor Extraction for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning"
deepGCFX PyTorch implementation for our AAAI 2022 Paper "Graph-wise Common Latent Factor Extraction for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning" Pr
Source Code for AAAI 2022 paper "Graph Convolutional Networks with Dual Message Passing for Subgraph Isomorphism Counting and Matching"
Graph Convolutional Networks with Dual Message Passing for Subgraph Isomorphism Counting and Matching This repository is an official implementation of
Frequency Spectrum Augmentation Consistency for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
Frequency Spectrum Augmentation Consistency for Domain Adaptive Object Detection Main requirements torch = 1.0 torchvision = 0.2.0 Python 3 Environm
Article Reranking by Memory-enhanced Key Sentence Matching for Detecting Previously Fact-checked Claims.
MTM This is the official repository of the paper: Article Reranking by Memory-enhanced Key Sentence Matching for Detecting Previously Fact-checked Cla
A basic duplicate image detection service using perceptual image hash functions and nearest neighbor search, implemented using faiss, fastapi, and imagehash
Duplicate Image Detection Getting Started Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt Run service python main.py Testing Test with pytest How
Lightweight utility tools for the detection of multiple spellings, meanings, and language-specific terminology in British and American English
Breame ( British English and American English) Breame is a lightweight Python package with a number of utility tools to aid in the detection of words
Auxiliary Raw Net (ARawNet) is a ASVSpoof detection model taking both raw waveform and handcrafted features as inputs, to balance the trade-off between performance and model complexity.
Overview This repository is an implementation of the Auxiliary Raw Net (ARawNet), which is ASVSpoof detection system taking both raw waveform and hand
Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection, ECCV 2018
Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection By Songtao Liu, Di Huang, Yunhong Wang Updatas (2021/07/23): YOLOX is here!, stronger
Streaming over lightweight data transformations
Description Data augmentation libarary for Deep Learning, which supports images, segmentation masks, labels and keypoints. Furthermore, SOLT is fast a
Automatic labeling, conversion of different data set formats, sample size statistics, model cascade
Simple Gadget Collection for Object Detection Tasks Automatic image annotation Conversion between different annotation formats Obtain statistical info
SE-MSCNN: A Lightweight Multi-scaled Fusion Network for Sleep Apnea Detection Using Single-Lead ECG Signals
SE-MSCNN: A Lightweight Multi-scaled Fusion Network for Sleep Apnea Detection Using Single-Lead ECG Signals Abstract Sleep apnea (SA) is a common slee
Auto-Lama combines object detection and image inpainting to automate object removals
Auto-Lama Auto-Lama combines object detection and image inpainting to automate object removals. It is build on top of DE:TR from Facebook Research and
This is a GUI interface which can process forest fire detection, smoke detection and fire segmentation
This is a GUI interface which can process forest fire detection, smoke detection and fire segmentation. Yolov5 is used to detect fire and smoke and unet is used to segment fire.
CasualHealthcare's Pneumonia detection with Artificial Intelligence (Convolutional Neural Network)
CasualHealthcare's Pneumonia detection with Artificial Intelligence (Convolutional Neural Network) This is PneumoniaDiagnose, an artificially intellig
Classification of ecg datas for disease detection
ecg_classification Classification of ecg datas for disease detection
Semantic Edge Detection with Diverse Deep Supervision
Semantic Edge Detection with Diverse Deep Supervision This repository contains the code for our IJCV paper: "Semantic Edge Detection with Diverse Deep
[IEEE TPAMI21] MobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection [PyTorch & Jittor]
MobileSal IEEE TPAMI 2021: MobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection This repository contains full training & testing code, and pr
Code for the head detector (HeadHunter) proposed in our CVPR 2021 paper Tracking Pedestrian Heads in Dense Crowd.
Head Detector Code for the head detector (HeadHunter) proposed in our CVPR 2021 paper Tracking Pedestrian Heads in Dense Crowd. The head_detection mod
Code for 2021 NeurIPS --- Towards Multi-Grained Explainability for Graph Neural Networks
ReFine: Multi-Grained Explainability for GNNs This is the official code for Towards Multi-Grained Explainability for Graph Neural Networks (NeurIPS 20
Marine debris detection with commercial satellite imagery and deep learning.
Marine debris detection with commercial satellite imagery and deep learning. Floating marine debris is a global pollution problem which threatens mari
You Only Look Once for Panopitic Driving Perception
You Only 👀 Once for Panoptic 🚗 Perception You Only Look at Once for Panoptic driving Perception by Dong Wu, Manwen Liao, Weitian Zhang, Xinggang Wan
CPPE - 5 (Medical Personal Protective Equipment) is a new challenging object detection dataset
CPPE - 5 CPPE - 5 (Medical Personal Protective Equipment) is a new challenging dataset with the goal to allow the study of subordinate categorization
Wider-Yolo Kütüphanesi ile Yüz Tespit Uygulamanı Yap
WIDER-YOLO : Yüz Tespit Uygulaması Yap Wider-Yolo Kütüphanesinin Kullanımı 1. Wider Face Veri Setini İndir Train Dataset Val Dataset Test Dataset Not:
Graph Self-Supervised Learning for Optoelectronic Properties of Organic Semiconductors
SSL_OSC Graph Self-Supervised Learning for Optoelectronic Properties of Organic Semiconductors
Implement object segmentation on images using HOG algorithm proposed in CVPR 2005
HOG Algorithm Implementation Description HOG (Histograms of Oriented Gradients) Algorithm is an algorithm aiming to realize object segmentation (edge
nofacedb/faceprocessor is a face recognition engine for NoFaceDB program complex.
faceprocessor nofacedb/faceprocessor is a face recognition engine for NoFaceDB program complex. Tech faceprocessor uses a number of open source projec
A PyTorch based deep learning library for drug pair scoring.
Documentation | External Resources | Datasets | Examples ChemicalX is a deep learning library for drug-drug interaction, polypharmacy side effect and
A motion detection system with RaspberryPi, OpenCV, Python
Human Detection System using Raspberry Pi Functionality Activates a relay on detecting motion. You may need following components to get the expected R
Automatic detection and classification of Covid severity degree in LUS (lung ultrasound) scans
Final-Project Final project in the Technion, Biomedical faculty, by Mor Ventura, Dekel Brav & Omri Magen. Subproject 1: Automatic Detection of LUS Cha
This is the implementation of GGHL (A General Gaussian Heatmap Labeling for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection)
GGHL: A General Gaussian Heatmap Labeling for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection This is the implementation of GGHL 👋 👋 👋 [Arxiv] [Google Drive][B
Sub-Cluster AdaCos: Learning Representations for Anomalous Sound Detection.
Accompanying code for the paper Sub-Cluster AdaCos: Learning Representations for Anomalous Sound Detection.
HTTP graph database built in Python 3
KiwiDB HTTP graph database built in Python 3. Reference Format References are strings in the format: {refIDENTIFIER@GROUP} Authentication Currently, t
Robotics with GPU computing
Robotics with GPU computing Cupoch is a library that implements rapid 3D data processing for robotics using CUDA. The goal of this library is to imple
A webcam-based 3x3x3 rubik's cube solver written in Python 3 and OpenCV.
Qbr Qbr, pronounced as Cuber, is a webcam-based 3x3x3 rubik's cube solver written in Python 3 and OpenCV. 🌈 Accurate color detection 🔍 Accurate 3x3x
Cognate Detection Repository
Cognate Detection Repository Details This repository contains the data for two publications: Challenge Dataset of Cognates and False Friend Pairs from
QAHOI: Query-Based Anchors for Human-Object Interaction Detection (paper)
QAHOI QAHOI: Query-Based Anchors for Human-Object Interaction Detection (paper) Requirements PyTorch = 1.5.1 torchvision = 0.6.1 pip install -r requ
[ICCV 2021] Target Adaptive Context Aggregation for Video Scene Graph Generation
Target Adaptive Context Aggregation for Video Scene Graph Generation This is a PyTorch implementation for Target Adaptive Context Aggregation for Vide
Code for the ICCV'21 paper "Context-aware Scene Graph Generation with Seq2Seq Transformers"
ICCV'21 Context-aware Scene Graph Generation with Seq2Seq Transformers Authors: Yichao Lu*, Himanshu Rai*, Cheng Chang*, Boris Knyazev†, Guangwei Yu,
Code for TIP 2017 paper --- Illumination Decomposition for Photograph with Multiple Light Sources.
Illumination_Decomposition Code for TIP 2017 paper --- Illumination Decomposition for Photograph with Multiple Light Sources. This code implements the
AdelaiDet is an open source toolbox for multiple instance-level detection and recognition tasks.
AdelaiDet is an open source toolbox for multiple instance-level detection and recognition tasks.
Frequency Spectrum Augmentation Consistency for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
Frequency Spectrum Augmentation Consistency for Domain Adaptive Object Detection Main requirements torch = 1.0 torchvision = 0.2.0 Python 3 Environm
Industrial Image Anomaly Localization Based on Gaussian Clustering of Pre-trained Feature
Industrial Image Anomaly Localization Based on Gaussian Clustering of Pre-trained Feature Q. Wan, L. Gao, X. Li and L. Wen, "Industrial Image Anomaly
Working demo of the Multi-class and Anomaly classification model using the CLIP feature space
👁️ Hindsight AI: Crime Classification With Clip About For Educational Purposes Only This is a recursive neural net trained to classify specific crime
Library extending Jupyter notebooks to integrate with Apache TinkerPop and RDF SPARQL.
Graph Notebook: easily query and visualize graphs The graph notebook provides an easy way to interact with graph databases using Jupyter notebooks. Us
A Persistent Embedded Graph Database for Python
Cog - Embedded Graph Database for Python cogdb.io New release: 2.0.5! Installing Cog pip install cogdb Cog is a persistent embedded graph database im
labsecurity is a framework and its use is for ethical hacking and computer security
labsecurity labsecurity is a framework and its use is for ethical hacking and computer security. Warning This tool is only for educational purpose. If
Instant-Teaching: An End-to-End Semi-Supervised Object Detection Framework
This repo is the official implementation of "Instant-Teaching: An End-to-End Semi-Supervised Object Detection Framework". @inproceedings{zhou2021insta
Contextual speed detection for python
Speed Prediction using Optical Flow and 2D CNN About the challenge: Comma.AI Speed Challenge This challenge was developed by Comma.AI to predict the s
Edge-Augmented Graph Transformer
Edge-augmented Graph Transformer Introduction This is the official implementation of the Edge-augmented Graph Transformer (EGT) as described in https:
This is the repository for the NeurIPS-21 paper [Contrastive Graph Poisson Networks: Semi-Supervised Learning with Extremely Limited Labels].
CGPN This is the repository for the NeurIPS-21 paper [Contrastive Graph Poisson Networks: Semi-Supervised Learning with Extremely Limited Labels]. Req
Forest R-CNN: Large-Vocabulary Long-Tailed Object Detection and Instance Segmentation (ACM MM 2020)
Forest R-CNN: Large-Vocabulary Long-Tailed Object Detection and Instance Segmentation (ACM MM 2020) Official implementation of: Forest R-CNN: Large-Vo
People Interaction Graph
Gihan Jayatilaka*, Jameel Hassan*, Suren Sritharan*, Janith Senananayaka, Harshana Weligampola, et. al., 2021. Holistic Interpretation of Public Scenes Using Computer Vision and Temporal Graphs to Identify Social Distancing Violations. arXiv preprint.
Automated Evidence Collection for Fake News Detection
Automated Evidence Collection for Fake News Detection This is the code repo for the Automated Evidence Collection for Fake News Detection paper accept
Cognition-aware Cognate Detection
Cognition-aware Cognate Detection The repository which contains our code for our EACL 2021 paper titled, "Cognition-aware Cognate Detection". This wor
Multi-task yolov5 with detection and segmentation based on yolov5
YOLOv5DS Multi-task yolov5 with detection and segmentation based on yolov5(branch v6.0) decoupled head anchor free segmentation head README中文 Ablation
Decentralised graph database management system
Decentralised graph database management system To get started clone the repo, and run the command below. python3 database.py Now, create a new termina
Quickly visualize docker networks with graphviz.
Docker Network Graph Visualize the relationship between Docker networks and containers as a neat graphviz graph. Example Usage usage: docker-net-graph
🔎 Like Chardet. 🚀 Package for encoding & language detection. Charset detection.
Charset Detection, for Everyone 👋 The Real First Universal Charset Detector A library that helps you read text from an unknown charset encoding. Moti
Hierarchical Clustering: O(1)-Approximation for Well-Clustered Graphs
Hierarchical Clustering: O(1)-Approximation for Well-Clustered Graphs This repository contains code to accompany the paper "Hierarchical Clustering: O
An official source code for paper Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction, accepted by AAAI 2022
Dual Correlation Reduction Network An official source code for paper Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction, accepted by AAAI 2022. Any
Why Are You Weird? Infusing Interpretability in Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection
Why, hello there! This is the supporting notebook for the research paper — Why Are You Weird? Infusing Interpretability in Isolation Forest for Anomal
[AAAI 2022] Sparse Structure Learning via Graph Neural Networks for Inductive Document Classification
Sparse Structure Learning via Graph Neural Networks for inductive document classification Make graph dataset create co-occurrence graph for datasets.
[ICME 2021 Oral] CORE-Text: Improving Scene Text Detection with Contrastive Relational Reasoning
CORE-Text: Improving Scene Text Detection with Contrastive Relational Reasoning This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of CORE-Text, a
A computational block to solve entity alignment over textual attributes in a knowledge graph creation pipeline.
How to apply? Create your config.ini file following the example provided in config.ini Choose one of the options below to run: Run with Python3 pip in
AI4Good project for detecting waste in the environment
Detect waste AI4Good project for detecting waste in environment. www.detectwaste.ml. Our latest results were published in Waste Management journal in
The source code of the paper "SHGNN: Structure-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network"
SHGNN: Structure-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network The source code and dataset of the paper: SHGNN: Structure-Aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural
Benchmarks for Object Detection in Aerial Images
Benchmarks for Object Detection in Aerial Images