10569 Repositories
Python linear-regression-python Libraries
pypyr task-runner cli & api for automation pipelines.
pypyr task-runner cli & api for automation pipelines. Automate anything by combining commands, different scripts in different languages & applications into one pipeline process.
Google Search Results via SERP API pip Python Package
Google Search Results in Python This Python package is meant to scrape and parse search results from Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, Home depot, E
ZeroMQ bindings for Twisted
Twisted bindings for 0MQ Introduction txZMQ allows to integrate easily ØMQ sockets into Twisted event loop (reactor). txZMQ supports both CPython and
Fast HTML/XML template engine for Python
Overview Chameleon is an HTML/XML template engine for Python. It uses the page templates language. You can use it in any Python web application with j
🐍 A Python lib for (de)serializing Python objects to/from JSON
Turn Python objects into dicts or (json)strings and back No changes required to your objects Easily customizable and extendable Works with dataclasses
Mako Templates for Python
Mako Templates for Python Mako is a template library written in Python. It provides a familiar, non-XML syntax which compiles into Python modules for
Probably the best abstract model / admin for your tree based stuff.
django-treenode Probably the best abstract model / admin for your tree based stuff. Features Fast - get ancestors, children, descendants, parent, root
PostgreSQL-based Task Queue for Python
Procrastinate: PostgreSQL-based Task Queue for Python Procrastinate is an open-source Python 3.7+ distributed task processing library, leveraging Post
Fast RFC3339 compliant Python date-time library
udatetime: Fast RFC3339 compliant date-time library Handling date-times is a painful act because of the sheer endless amount of formats used by people
Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets) done right: no extras, proper handling around connection failures and CI.
Overview docs tests package Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets) done right: no extras, proper handling around connection failures and CI. Based on p
salabim - discrete event simulation in Python
Object oriented discrete event simulation and animation in Python. Includes process control features, resources, queues, monitors. statistical distrib
The quick and easy way to add versatile graphical interfaces with networking capabilities to your Python programs.
The quick and easy way to add versatile graphical interfaces with networking capabilities to your Python programs. Give instant access to your application to whoever you want on the Internet, without having to deploy it. Works even on your Android smartphone or tablet.
A tool for quickly creating REST/HATEOAS/Hypermedia APIs in python
ripozo Ripozo is a tool for building RESTful/HATEOAS/Hypermedia apis. It provides strong, simple, and fully qualified linking between resources, the a
A python library for working with praat, textgrids, time aligned audio transcripts, and audio files.
praatIO Questions? Comments? Feedback? A library for working with praat, time aligned audio transcripts, and audio files that comes with batteries inc
A fast streaming JSON parser for Python that generates SAX-like events using yajl
json-streamer jsonstreamer provides a SAX-like push parser via the JSONStreamer class and a 'object' parser via the ObjectStreamer class which emits t
Apple iTunes In-app purchase verification tool
itunes-iap v2 Python 2 & 3 compatible! Even with :mod:`asyncio` support! Source code: https://github.com/youknowone/itunes-iap Documentation: http://i
Python implementation for generating Tiny URL- and bit.ly-like URLs.
Short URL Generator Python implementation for generating Tiny URL- and bit.ly-like URLs. A bit-shuffling approach is used to avoid generating consecut
Neptune client library - integrate your Python scripts with Neptune
Lightweight experiment tracking tool for AI/ML individuals and teams. Fits any workflow. Neptune is a lightweight experiment logging/tracking tool tha
ElasticSearch ODM (Object Document Mapper) for Python - pip install esengine
esengine - The Elasticsearch Object Document Mapper esengine is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) it maps Python classes in to Elasticsearch index/doc_t
PYGA: Python Google Analytics (ga.js) - Data Collection API
PYGA: Python Google Analytics - Data Collection API pyga is an implementation of Google Analytics (ga.js) in Python; so that it can be used at server
Python Actor concurrency library
Thespian Actor Library This library provides the framework of an Actor model for use by applications implementing Actors. Thespian Site with Documenta
A Redis client library for Twisted Python
txRedis Asynchronous Redis client for Twisted Python. Install Install via pip. Usage examples can be found in the examples/ directory of this reposito
Python powered spreadsheets
Marmir is powerful and fun Marmir takes Python data structures and turns them into spreadsheets. It is xlwt and google spreadsheets on steroids. It al
A framework based on tornado for easier development, scaling up and maintenance
turbo 中文文档 Turbo is a framework for fast building web site and RESTFul api, based on tornado. Easily scale up and maintain Rapid development for RESTF
synchronize projects via yaml/json manifest. built on libvcs
vcspull - synchronize your repos. built on libvcs Manage your commonly used repos from YAML / JSON manifest(s). Compare to myrepos. Great if you use t
Flask-Diamond is a batteries-included Flask framework.
Flask-Diamond Flask-Diamond is a batteries-included Python Flask framework, sortof like Django but radically decomposable. Flask-Diamond offers some o
Python wrapper around Apple App Store Api
App Store Connect Api This is a Python wrapper around the Apple App Store Api : https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi So far, i
Hjson for Python
hjson-py Hjson, a user interface for JSON Hjson works with Python 2.5+ and Python 3.3+ The Python implementation of Hjson is based on simplejson. For
A Python feed reader library.
reader is a Python feed reader library. It aims to allow writing feed reader applications without any business code, and without enforcing a dependenc
Python implementation of Project Fluent
Project Fluent This is a collection of Python packages to use the Fluent localization system. python-fluent consists of these packages: fluent.syntax
Python implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) framework
Python implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) framework
API development made easy: a smart Python 3 API framework
appkernel - API development made easy What is Appkernel? A super-easy to use API framework, enabling API creation from zero to production within minut
A Lightweight NLP Data Loader for All Deep Learning Frameworks in Python
LineFlow: Framework-Agnostic NLP Data Loader in Python LineFlow is a simple text dataset loader for NLP deep learning tasks. LineFlow was designed to
Object-data mapper and advanced query manager for non relational databases
Object data mapper and advanced query manager for non relational databases. The data is owned by different, configurable back-end databases and it is
A news curator and newsletter subscription package for Django
django-newsfeed What is django-newsfeed? django-newsfeed is a news curator and newsletter subscription package for django. It can be used to create a
Easy to use Google Pub/Sub
Relé makes integration with Google PubSub straightforward and easy. Motivation and Features The Publish-Subscribe pattern and specifically the Google
Object mapper for Amazon's DynamoDB
Flywheel Build: Documentation: http://flywheel.readthedocs.org/ Downloads: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/flywheel Source: https://github.com/stevearc/fl
A simple Python wrapper for the archive.is capturing service
archiveis A simple Python wrapper for the archive.is capturing service. Installation pipenv install archiveis Python Usage Import it. import archi
Python Client for the Etsy NodeJS Statsd Server
Introduction statsd is a client for Etsy's statsd server, a front end/proxy for the Graphite stats collection and graphing server. Links The source: h
A python 3 library which helps in using nmap port scanner.
A python 3 library which helps in using nmap port scanner. This is done by converting each nmap command into a callable python3 method or function. System administrators can now automatic nmap scans using python
An open-source systems and controls toolbox for Python3
harold A control systems package for Python=3.6. Introduction This package is written with the ambition of providing a full-fledged control systems s
Telephus is a connection pooled, low-level client API for Cassandra in Twisted python.
Telephus Son of Heracles who loved Cassandra. He went a little crazy, at one point. One might almost say he was twisted. Description Telephus is a con
Spokestack is a library that allows a user to easily incorporate a voice interface into any Python application with a focus on embedded systems.
Welcome to Spokestack Python! This library is intended for developing voice interfaces in Python. This can include anything from Raspberry Pi applicat
Command Line Manager + Interactive Shell for Python Projects
Manage Command Line Manager + Interactive Shell for Python Projects
Websocket RPC and Pub/Sub for Python applications and microservices
wampy [whomp-ee] For a background as to what WAMP is, please see here. This is a Python implementation of WAMP using Gevent, but you can also configur
About Python's multithreading and GIL
About Python's multithreading and GIL
A Python Script to scan through an Instagram account to find all the followers and followings.
Instagram Followers Scan A Python Script to scan through an Instagram account to find all the followers and followings. You can also get filtered list
A framework that let's you compose websites in Python with ease!
Perry Perry = A framework that let's you compose websites in Python with ease! Perry works similar to Qt and Flutter, allowing you to create componen
Python 3 wrapper for the Vultr API v2.0
Vultr Python Python wrapper for the Vultr API. https://www.vultr.com https://www.vultr.com/api This is currently a WIP and not complete, but has some
Boilerplate/Starter Project for building RESTful APIs using Flask, SQLite, JWT authentication.
auth-phyton Boilerplate/Starter Project for building RESTful APIs using Flask, SQLite, JWT authentication. Setup Step #1 - Install dependencies $ pip
Python Email Sender (PES) is a program made with Python using smtplib, socket and tkinter.
Python Email Sender (PES) is a program made with Python using smtplib, socket and tkinter. This program was made for sender email to be a gmail account because that's what I used when testing it out, to make it work for a gmail account turn off secure app and then put in your email and password into the right variables and the program should be good to run!
pyinsim is a InSim module for the Python programming language.
PYINSIM pyinsim is a InSim module for the Python programming language. It creates socket connection with LFS and provides many classes, functions and
ETL for tononkira.serasera.org
python-tononkiramalagasy-api Api Endpoints: ### get artists - /artists/int:page [page_offset = 20] ### get artist's songs, index was given by
MS Graph API authentication example with Fast API
MS Graph API authentication example with Fast API What it is & does This is a simple python service/webapp, using FastAPI with server side rendering,
✂️🕷️ Spider-Cut is a Network Mapper Framework (NMAP Framework)
Spider-Cut is a Network Mapper Framework (NMAP Framework) Installation | Usage | Creators | Donate Installation # Kali Linux | WSL
Gives you more advanced math in python.
AdvancedPythonMath Gives you more advanced math in python. Functions .simplex(args: {number}) .circ(args: {raidus}) .pytha(args: {leg_a + leg_2}) .slo
Satoshi is a discord bot template in python using discord.py that allow you to track some live crypto prices with your own discord bot.
Satoshi ~ DiscordCryptoBot Satoshi is a simple python discord bot using discord.py that allow you to track your favorites cryptos prices with your own
Version bêta d'un système pour suivre les prix des livres chez Books to Scrape,
Version bêta d'un système pour suivre les prix des livres chez Books to Scrape, un revendeur de livres en ligne. En pratique, dans cette version bêta, le programme n'effectuera pas une véritable surveillance en temps réel des prix sur la durée. Il s'agira simplement d'une application exécutable à la demande visant à récupérer les prix au moment de son exécution.
🕰 The command line tool for scheduling Python scripts
hickory is a simple command line tool for scheduling Python scripts.
Python helpers for using SQLAlchemy with Tornado.
tornado-sqlalchemy Python helpers for using SQLAlchemy with Tornado. Installation $ pip install tornado-sqlalchemy In case you prefer installing from
Random Geek Jokes REST API
Geek-Jokes A RESTful API to get random geek jokes written in Flask What is the Geek-Jokes-api? The Geek Jokes RESTful API lets you fetch a random geek
CSP-style concurrency for Python
aiochan Aiochan is a library written to bring the wonderful idiom of CSP-style concurrency to python. The implementation is based on the battle-tested
Generate Heroku-like random names to use in your python applications
HaikunatorPY Generate Heroku-like random names to use in your python applications. Installation pip install haikunator Usage Haikunator is pretty sim
AnyAPI is a library that helps you to write any API wrapper with ease and in pythonic way.
AnyAPI AnyAPI is a library that helps you to write any API wrappers with ease and in pythonic way. Features Have better looking code using dynamic met
SubGrab is a utility that allows you to automate subtitles downloading for your media files.
SubGrab - Command-line Subtitles Downloader: A utility which provides an ease for automating media i.e., Movies, TV-Series subtitle scraping from mult
The Python Achievements Framework!
Pychievements: The Python Achievements Framework! Pychievements is a framework for creating and tracking achievements within a Python application. It
Winpdb Reborn - A GPL Python Debugger, reborn from the unmaintained Winpdb
Note from Philippe Fremy The port of winpdb-reborn to Python 3 / WxPython 4 is unfortunately not working very well. So Winpdb for Python 3 does not re
Python library to manipulate Ingenico mobile payment device like iCT220 or iWL220 equipped with Telium Manager. RS232/USB.
Python library to manipulate Ingenico mobile payment device like iCT220 or iWL220 equipped with Telium Manager. RS232/USB.
Python package to add text to images, textures and different backgrounds
nider Python package for text images generation and watermarking Free software: MIT license Documentation: https://nider.readthedocs.io. nider is an a
inscriptis -- HTML to text conversion library, command line client and Web service
inscriptis -- HTML to text conversion library, command line client and Web service A python based HTML to text conversion library, command line client
Picka: A Python module for data generation and randomization.
Picka: A Python module for data generation and randomization. Author: Anthony Long Version: 1.0.1 - Fixed the broken image stuff. Whoops What is Picka
python implementation of JSON Web Signatures
python-jws 🚨 This is Unmaintained 🚨 This library is unmaintained and you should probably use For histo
Versatile async-friendly library to retry failed operations with configurable backoff strategies
riprova riprova (meaning retry in Italian) is a small, general-purpose and versatile Python library that provides retry mechanisms with multiple backo
Library to generate random strings from regular expressions.
Xeger Library to generate random strings from regular expressions. To install, type: pip install xeger To use, type: from xeger import Xeger
Python client library for Postmark API
Postmarker Python client library for Postmark API. Gitter: https://gitter.im/Stranger6667/postmarker Installation Postmarker can be obtained with pip:
A flexible data historian based on InfluxDB, Grafana, MQTT and more. Free, open, simple.
Kotori Telemetry data acquisition and sensor networks for humans. Documentation: https://getkotori.org/ Source Code: https://github.com/daq-tools/koto
💡Python package for HTTP/1.1 style headers. Parse headers to objects. Most advanced available structure for http headers.
HTTP Headers, the Complete Toolkit 🧰 Object-oriented headers. Kind of structured headers. ❓ Why No matter if you are currently dealing with code usin
A collection of python scripts for extracting and analyzing acoustics from audio files.
pyAcoustics A collection of python scripts for extracting and analyzing acoustics from audio files. Contents 1 Common Use Cases 2 Major revisions 3 Fe
Screen scraping and web crawling framework
Pomp Pomp is a screen scraping and web crawling framework. Pomp is inspired by and similar to Scrapy, but has a simpler implementation that lacks the
Atom, RSS and JSON feed parser for Python 3
Atoma Atom, RSS and JSON feed parser for Python 3. Quickstart Install Atoma with pip: pip install atoma
Py2neo is a comprehensive toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications or from the command line.
Py2neo v3 Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications and from the command line. The core library ha
A fast time mocking alternative to freezegun that wraps libfaketime.
python-libfaketime: fast date/time mocking python-libfaketime is a wrapper of libfaketime for python. Some brief details: Linux and OS X, Pythons 3.5
A Python library that simplifies the extraction of datasets from XML content.
xmldataset: simple xml parsing 🗃️ XML Dataset: simple xml parsing Documentation: https://xmldataset.readthedocs.io A Python library that simplifies t
Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that enables a project to automatically generate changelogs
What is Changelog CI? Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that enables a project to automatically generate changelogs. Changelog CI can be triggered on pu
Persistent caching for python functions
Cashier Persistent caching for python functions Simply add a decorator to a python function and cache the results for future use. Extremely handy when
A battle-tested Django 2.1 project template with configurations for AWS, Heroku, App Engine, and Docker.
For information on how to use this project template, check out the wiki. {{ project_name }} Table of Contents Requirements Local Setup Local Developme
Prososdy Morph: A python library for manipulating pitch and duration in an algorithmic way, for resynthesizing speech.
ProMo (Prosody Morph) Questions? Comments? Feedback? Chat with us on gitter! A library for manipulating pitch and duration in an algorithmic way, for
Argument matchers for unittest.mock
callee Argument matchers for unittest.mock More robust tests Python's mocking library (or its backport for Python 3.3) is simple, reliable, and easy
A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars & command line arguments that takes the headache out of setting app configurations.
parse_it A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars and command line arguments that takes the headache out of setting app co
Media file renamer and organizion tool
mnamer mnamer (media renamer) is an intelligent and highly configurable media organization utility. It parses media filenames for metadata, searches t
Zen-Knit is a formal (PDF), informal (HTML) report generator for data analyst and data scientist who wants to use python.
About Zen-Knit: Zen-Knit is a formal (PDF), informal (HTML) report generator for data analyst and data scientist who wants to use python. Inspired fro
Studying Python release adoptions by looking at PyPI downloads
Analysis of version adoptions on PyPI We get PyPI download statistics via Google's BigQuery using the pypinfo tool. Usage First you need to get an acc
Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX
🏆 Pancakeswap BSC Sniper Bot web3 with honeypot detector (ANDROID WINDOWS MAC LINUX) 🥇 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ First SNIPER BOT for ANDROID & WINDOWS with honeypot
Scan any IP address except IPv6 using Python.
Port_Scanner-python To use this tool called "Console Port Scanner", you need to enter an IP address (NOT IPv6). It might take a long time to scan port
Implemented four supervised learning Machine Learning algorithms
Implemented four supervised learning Machine Learning algorithms from an algorithmic family called Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs), details see README_Report.
Proyectos de ejercicios básicos y avanzados hecho en python
Proyectos Básicos y Avanzados hecho en python Instalación: Tener instalado python 3.x o superior. Tener pip instalado. Tener virtualenv o venv instala
A simple web-based SSH client.
Kommander A simple web-based SSH client. It supports: entering SSH login details (including private key and custom ports) and connecting user authenti
Spooky Skelly For Python
_____ _ _____ _ _ _ | __| ___ ___ ___ | |_ _ _ | __|| |_ ___ | || | _ _ |__ || . || . || . || '
A local Socks5 server written in python, used for integrating Multi-hop
proxy-Zata proxy-Zata v1.0 This is a local Socks5 server written in python, used for integrating Multi-hop (Socks4/Socks5/HTTP) forward proxy then pro
A tiny end-to-end latency testing tool implemented by UDP protocol in Python 📈 .
udp-latency A tiny end-to-end latency testing tool implemented by UDP protocol in Python 📈 . Features Compare with other existing latency testing too