2010 Repositories
Python long-text-token-classification Libraries
Code repo for EMNLP21 paper "Zero-Shot Information Extraction as a Unified Text-to-Triple Translation"
Zero-Shot Information Extraction as a Unified Text-to-Triple Translation Source code repo for paper Zero-Shot Information Extraction as a Unified Text
Simple script to ban bots at Twitch chats using a text file as a source.
AUTOBAN 🇺🇸 English version Simple script to ban bots at Twitch chats using a text file as a source. How to use Windows Go to releases for further in
Differentiable architecture search for convolutional and recurrent networks
Differentiable Architecture Search Code accompanying the paper DARTS: Differentiable Architecture Search Hanxiao Liu, Karen Simonyan, Yiming Yang. arX
A (PyTorch) imbalanced dataset sampler for oversampling low frequent classes and undersampling high frequent ones.
Imbalanced Dataset Sampler Introduction In many machine learning applications, we often come across datasets where some types of data may be seen more
Pytorch implementation for "Large-Scale Long-Tailed Recognition in an Open World" (CVPR 2019 ORAL)
Large-Scale Long-Tailed Recognition in an Open World [Project] [Paper] [Blog] Overview Open Long-Tailed Recognition (OLTR) is the author's re-implemen
A scalable template for PyTorch projects, with examples in Image Segmentation, Object classification, GANs and Reinforcement Learning.
PyTorch Project Template is being sponsored by the following tool; please help to support us by taking a look and signing up to a free trial PyTorch P
A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
PyTorch Examples WARNING: if you fork this repo, github actions will run daily on it. To disable this, go to /examples/settings/actions and Disable Ac
Making decision trees competitive with neural networks on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImagenet200, Imagenet
Neural-Backed Decision Trees · Site · Paper · Blog · Video Alvin Wan, *Lisa Dunlap, *Daniel Ho, Jihan Yin, Scott Lee, Henry Jin, Suzanne Petryk, Sarah
This project deploys a yolo fastest model in the form of tflite on raspberry 3b+. The model is from another repository of mine called -Trash-Classification-Car
Deploy-yolo-fastest-tflite-on-raspberry 觉得有用的话可以顺手点个star嗷 这个项目将垃圾分类小车中的tflite模型移植到了树莓派3b+上面。 该项目主要是为了记录在树莓派部署yolo fastest tflite的流程 (之后有时间会尝试用C++部署来提升
Token-gate Notion pages
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. Getting Started First, run the development server: npm run dev # or yarn dev Open http://
🔍 Messages Searcher is make for search custom message in all channels in guild and dm.
🔍 Messages Searcher is make for search custom message in all channels in guild and dm.
Unofficial Implementation of Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech for Text-Based Insertion in Audio Narration
Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech for Text-Based Insertion in Audio Narration This repo contains only model Implementation of Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech for Text
A Non-Autoregressive Transformer based TTS, supporting a family of SOTA transformers with supervised and unsupervised duration modelings. This project grows with the research community, aiming to achieve the ultimate TTS.
A Non-Autoregressive Transformer based TTS, supporting a family of SOTA transformers with supervised and unsupervised duration modelings. This project grows with the research community, aiming to achieve the ultimate TTS.
Lingvo is a framework for building neural networks in Tensorflow, particularly sequence models.
Lingvo is a framework for building neural networks in Tensorflow, particularly sequence models.
Scripts for training an AI to play the endless runner Subway Surfers using a supervised machine learning approach by imitation and a convolutional neural network (CNN) for image classification
About subwAI subwAI - a project for training an AI to play the endless runner Subway Surfers using a supervised machine learning approach by imitation
docTR by Mindee (Document Text Recognition) - a seamless, high-performing & accessible library for OCR-related tasks powered by Deep Learning.
docTR by Mindee (Document Text Recognition) - a seamless, high-performing & accessible library for OCR-related tasks powered by Deep Learning.
Flexitext is a Python library that makes it easier to draw text with multiple styles in Matplotlib
Flexitext is a Python library that makes it easier to draw text with multiple styles in Matplotlib
TensorFlow implementation of "A Simple Baseline for Bayesian Uncertainty in Deep Learning"
TensorFlow implementation of "A Simple Baseline for Bayesian Uncertainty in Deep Learning"
Code and data form the paper BERT Got a Date: Introducing Transformers to Temporal Tagging
BERT Got a Date: Introducing Transformers to Temporal Tagging Satya Almasian*, Dennis Aumiller*, and Michael Gertz Heidelberg University Contact us vi
A CRM department in a local bank works on classify their lost customers with their past datas. So they want predict with these method that average loss balance and passive duration for future.
Rule-Based-Classification-in-a-Banking-Case. A CRM department in a local bank works on classify their lost customers with their past datas. So they wa
A pytorch implementation of the ACL2019 paper "Simple and Effective Text Matching with Richer Alignment Features".
RE2 This is a pytorch implementation of the ACL 2019 paper "Simple and Effective Text Matching with Richer Alignment Features". The original Tensorflo
Simple Text-Generator with OpenAI gpt-2 Pytorch Implementation
GPT2-Pytorch with Text-Generator Better Language Models and Their Implications Our model, called GPT-2 (a successor to GPT), was trained simply to pre
A PyTorch implementation of the WaveGlow: A Flow-based Generative Network for Speech Synthesis
WaveGlow A PyTorch implementation of the WaveGlow: A Flow-based Generative Network for Speech Synthesis Quick Start: Install requirements: pip install
A Structured Self-attentive Sentence Embedding
Structured Self-attentive sentence embeddings Implementation for the paper A Structured Self-Attentive Sentence Embedding, which was published in ICLR
PyTorch implementation of convolutional neural networks-based text-to-speech synthesis models
Deepvoice3_pytorch PyTorch implementation of convolutional networks-based text-to-speech synthesis models: arXiv:1710.07654: Deep Voice 3: Scaling Tex
WIT (Wikipedia-based Image Text) Dataset is a large multimodal multilingual dataset comprising 37M+ image-text sets with 11M+ unique images across 100+ languages.
WIT (Wikipedia-based Image Text) Dataset is a large multimodal multilingual dataset comprising 37M+ image-text sets with 11M+ unique images across 100+ languages.
Silero Models: pre-trained speech-to-text, text-to-speech models and benchmarks made embarrassingly simple
Silero Models: pre-trained speech-to-text, text-to-speech models and benchmarks made embarrassingly simple
Labelling platform for text using distant supervision
With DataQA, you can label unstructured text documents using rule-based distant supervision.
text-to-speach bot - You really do NOT have time for read a newsletter? Now you can listen to it
NewsletterReader You really do NOT have time for read a newsletter? Now you can listen to it The Newsletter of Filipe Deschamps is a great place to re
Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab.
CLIP-Guided-Diffusion Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab. Original colab notebooks by Ka
Simple embedding based text classifier inspired by fastText, implemented in tensorflow
FastText in Tensorflow This project is based on the ideas in Facebook's FastText but implemented in Tensorflow. However, it is not an exact replica of
Library for fast text representation and classification.
fastText fastText is a library for efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification. Table of contents Resources Models Suppleme
CNNs for Sentence Classification in PyTorch
Introduction This is the implementation of Kim's Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification paper in PyTorch. Kim's implementation of t
Official implementation of CrossViT: Cross-Attention Multi-Scale Vision Transformer for Image Classification
CrossViT This repository is the official implementation of CrossViT: Cross-Attention Multi-Scale Vision Transformer for Image Classification. ArXiv If
A production-ready pipeline for text mining and subject indexing
A production-ready pipeline for text mining and subject indexing
A free Python source code editor and Notepad replacement for Windows
Website Download Features Toolbar Wide array of view options Syntax highlighting support for Python Usable accelerator keys for each function (Ctrl+N,
Official implement of Evo-ViT: Slow-Fast Token Evolution for Dynamic Vision Transformer
Evo-ViT: Slow-Fast Token Evolution for Dynamic Vision Transformer This repository contains the PyTorch code for Evo-ViT. This work proposes a slow-fas
This repo in the implementation of EMNLP'21 paper "SPARQLing Database Queries from Intermediate Question Decompositions" by Irina Saparina, Anton Osokin
SPARQLing Database Queries from Intermediate Question Decompositions This repo is the implementation of the following paper: SPARQLing Database Querie
Discord Panel is an AIO panel for Discord that aims to have all the needed tools related to user token interactions, as in nuking and also everything you could possibly need for raids
Discord Panel Discord Panel is an AIO panel for Discord that aims to have all the needed tools related to user token interactions, as in nuking and al
This project converts your human voice input to its text transcript and to an automated voice too.
Human Voice to Automated Voice & Text Introduction: In this project, whenever you'll speak, it will turn your voice into a robot voice and furthermore
py-trans is a Free Python library for translate text into different languages.
Free Python library to translate text into different languages.
My attempt to reverse the Discord nitro token generation function.
discord-theory-I PART: I My attempt to reverse the Discord nitro token generation function. The Nitro generation tools thing is common in Discord now,
AnnIE - Annotation Platform, tool for open information extraction annotations using text files.
AnnIE - Annotation Platform, tool for open information extraction annotations using text files.
A collection of SOTA Image Classification Models in PyTorch
A collection of SOTA Image Classification Models in PyTorch
Get your Pixiv token (for running upbit/pixivpy)
gppt: get-pixivpy-token Get your Pixiv token (for running upbit/pixivpy) Refine pixiv_auth.py + its fork Install ❭ pip install gppt Run Note: In advan
A repository of publicly verifiable token Sale contracts
Token-Sale-Plutus-Contract A repository of publicly verifiable token sale and royalty contracts. This will be the storage solution since it is easily
PyTorch implementation of the paper: Long-tail Learning via Logit Adjustment
logit-adj-pytorch PyTorch implementation of the paper: Long-tail Learning via Logit Adjustment This code implements the paper: Long-tail Learning via
The base to start an openapi project featuring: SQLModel, Typer, FastAPI, JWT Token Auth, Interactive Shell, Management Commands.
The base to start an openapi project featuring: SQLModel, Typer, FastAPI, JWT Token Auth, Interactive Shell, Management Commands.
A zero-dependency Python library for getting the Kubernetes token of a AWS EKS cluster
tokeks A zero-dependency Python library for getting the Kubernetes token of a AWS EKS cluster. No AWS CLI, third-party client or library (boto3, botoc
CPT: A Pre-Trained Unbalanced Transformer for Both Chinese Language Understanding and Generation
CPT This repository contains code and checkpoints for CPT. CPT: A Pre-Trained Unbalanced Transformer for Both Chinese Language Understanding and Gener
Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them"
Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them"
Simple discord token generator good for memberboosting your server! Uses Hcaptcha bypass
discord-tokens-generator INFO This is a Simple Discord Token Generator which creates unverified discord accounts These accounts are good for member bo
A Sublime Text plugin that displays inline images for single-line comments formatted like `// `.
Inline Images Sometimes ASCII art is not enough. Sometimes an image says more than a thousand words. This Sublime Text plugin can display images inlin
ROSITA: Enhancing Vision-and-Language Semantic Alignments via Cross- and Intra-modal Knowledge Integration
ROSITA News & Updates (24/08/2021) Release the demo to perform fine-grained semantic alignments using the pretrained ROSITA model. (15/08/2021) Releas
Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them"
ood-text-emnlp Code for EMNLP'21 paper "Types of Out-of-Distribution Texts and How to Detect Them" Files fine_tune.py is used to finetune the GPT-2 mo
Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks (ICCV'17)
Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks (ICCV'17)
Related resources for our EMNLP 2021 paper Plan-then-Generate: Controlled Data-to-Text Generation via Planning
Plan-then-Generate: Controlled Data-to-Text Generation via Planning Authors: Yixuan Su, David Vandyke, Sihui Wang, Yimai Fang, and Nigel Collier Code
DataCLUE: 国内首个以数据为中心的AI测评(含模型分析报告)
DataCLUE 以数据为中心的AI测评(DataCLUE) DataCLUE: A Chinese Data-centric Language Evaluation Benchmark 内容导引 章节 描述 简介 介绍以数据为中心的AI测评(DataCLUE)的背景 任务描述 任务描述 实验结果
Feed forward VQGAN-CLIP model, where the goal is to eliminate the need for optimizing the latent space of VQGAN for each input prompt
Feed forward VQGAN-CLIP model, where the goal is to eliminate the need for optimizing the latent space of VQGAN for each input prompt. This is done by
Official Pytorch implementation of Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition by Test-Time Aggregating Diverse Experts with Self-Supervision.
This repository is the official Pytorch implementation of Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition by Test-Time Aggregating Diverse Experts with Self-Supervision.
Finds snippets in iambic pentameter in English-language text and tries to combine them to a rhyming sonnet.
Sonnet finder Finds snippets in iambic pentameter in English-language text and tries to combine them to a rhyming sonnet. Usage This is a Python scrip
Telegram bot to extract text from image
OCR Bot @Image_To_Text_OCR_Bot A star ⭐ from you means a lot to us! Telegram bot to extract text from image Usage Deploy to Heroku Tap on above button
GBIM(Gesture-Based Interaction map)
手势交互地图 GBIM(Gesture-Based Interaction map),基于视觉深度神经网络的交互地图,通过电脑摄像头观察使用者的手势变化,进而控制地图进行简单的交互。网络使用PaddleX提供的轻量级模型PPYOLO Tiny以及MobileNet V3 small,使得整个模型大小约10MB左右,即使在CPU下也能快速定位和识别手势。
Code for EMNLP 2021 main conference paper "Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classification"
Code for EMNLP 2021 main conference paper "Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classification"
This repository contains the official release of the model "BanglaBERT" and associated downstream finetuning code and datasets introduced in the paper titled "BanglaBERT: Combating Embedding Barrier in Multilingual Models for Low-Resource Language Understanding".
BanglaBERT This repository contains the official release of the model "BanglaBERT" and associated downstream finetuning code and datasets introduced i
🍊 PAUSE (Positive and Annealed Unlabeled Sentence Embedding), accepted by EMNLP'2021 🌴
PAUSE: Positive and Annealed Unlabeled Sentence Embedding Sentence embedding refers to a set of effective and versatile techniques for converting raw
All Tools In One is a Script Developed with Python3. It gathers a total of 14 Discord tools (including a RAT, a Raid Tool, a Token Grabber, a Crash Video Maker, etc). It has a pleasant and intuitive interface to facilitate the use of all with help and explanations for each of them.
[Discord] - All Tools In One [Discord] - All Tools In One is a Script Gathering for Windows systems written in Python. Disclaimer This project was cre
Code for EMNLP 2021 main conference paper "Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classification"
Text-AutoAugment (TAA) This repository contains the code for our paper Text AutoAugment: Learning Compositional Augmentation Policy for Text Classific
The code for our paper "NSP-BERT: A Prompt-based Zero-Shot Learner Through an Original Pre-training Task —— Next Sentence Prediction"
The code for our paper "NSP-BERT: A Prompt-based Zero-Shot Learner Through an Original Pre-training Task —— Next Sentence Prediction"
This python module is an easy-to-use port of the text normalization used in the paper "Not low-resource anymore: Aligner ensembling, batch filtering, and new datasets for Bengali-English machine translation". It is intended to be used for normalizing / cleaning Bengali and English text.
normalizer This python module is an easy-to-use port of the text normalization used in the paper "Not low-resource anymore: Aligner ensembling, batch
Tutorial to pretrain & fine-tune a 🤗 Flax T5 model on a TPUv3-8 with GCP
Pretrain and Fine-tune a T5 model with Flax on GCP This tutorial details how pretrain and fine-tune a FlaxT5 model from HuggingFace using a TPU VM ava
Classifying audio using Wavelet transform and deep learning
Audio Classification using Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning A step-by-step tutorial to classify audio signals using continuous wavelet transform (C
Python lib for Simple PDF text extraction
Python lib for Simple PDF text extraction
PySETO is a PASETO (Platform-Agnostic SEcurity TOkens) implementation written in Python
A Python implementation of PASETO.
This is the code for the EMNLP 2021 paper AEDA: An Easier Data Augmentation Technique for Text Classification
The baseline code is for EDA: Easy Data Augmentation techniques for boosting performance on text classification tasks
✨Rubrix is a production-ready Python framework for exploring, annotating, and managing data in NLP projects.
✨A Python framework to explore, label, and monitor data for NLP projects
MegFlow - Efficient ML solutions for long-tailed demands.
Efficient ML solutions for long-tailed demands.
Reading list for research topics in sound event detection
Sound event detection aims at processing the continuous acoustic signal and converting it into symbolic descriptions of the corresponding sound events present at the auditory scene.
CTRL-C: Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification
CTRL-C: Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification This repository contains the official code and pretrained models for CTRL-C (Camera ca
Tensorflow 2 implementation of the paper: Learning and Evaluating Representations for Deep One-class Classification published at ICLR 2021
Deep Representation One-class Classification (DROC). This is not an officially supported Google product. Tensorflow 2 implementation of the paper: Lea
CLabel is a terminal-based cluster labeling tool that allows you to explore text data interactively and label clusters based on reviewing that data.
CLabel is a terminal-based cluster labeling tool that allows you to explore text data interactively and label clusters based on reviewing that
Generate text line images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN)
Generate text line images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN)
multi-label,classifier,text classification,多标签文本分类,文本分类,BERT,ALBERT,multi-label-classification,seq2seq,attention,beam search
multi-label,classifier,text classification,多标签文本分类,文本分类,BERT,ALBERT,multi-label-classification,seq2seq,attention,beam search
⚡ A really fast and powerful Discord Token Checker
discord-token-checker ⚡ A really fast and powerful Discord Token Checker How To Use? Do pip install -r requirements.txt in your command prompt Make to
Python 3 patcher for Sublime Text v4107-4114 Windows x64
sublime-text-4-patcher Python 3 patcher for Sublime Text v4107-4114 Windows x64 Credits for signatures and patching logic goes to https://github.com/l
codes for "Scheduled Sampling Based on Decoding Steps for Neural Machine Translation" (long paper of EMNLP-2022)
Scheduled Sampling Based on Decoding Steps for Neural Machine Translation (EMNLP-2021 main conference) Contents Overview Background Quick to Use Furth
Prototype for Baby Action Detection and Classification
Baby Action Detection Table of Contents About Install Run Predictions Demo About An attempt to harness the power of Deep Learning to come up with a so
Static Token And Credential Scanner
Static Token And Credential Scanner What is it? STACS is a YARA powered static credential scanner which suports binary file formats, analysis of neste
A data annotation pipeline to generate high-quality, large-scale speech datasets with machine pre-labeling and fully manual auditing.
About This repository provides data and code for the paper: Scalable Data Annotation Pipeline for High-Quality Large Speech Datasets Development (subm
code for paper "Not All Unlabeled Data are Equal: Learning to Weight Data in Semi-supervised Learning" by Zhongzheng Ren*, Raymond A. Yeh*, Alexander G. Schwing.
Not All Unlabeled Data are Equal: Learning to Weight Data in Semi-supervised Learning Overview This code is for paper: Not All Unlabeled Data are Equa
A bot can be used to broadcast your messages ( Text & Media ) to the Subscribers
Broadcast Bot A Telegram bot to send messages and medias to the subscribers directly through bot. Authorized users of the bot can send messages (Texts
Ptorch NLU, a Chinese text classification and sequence annotation toolkit, supports multi class and multi label classification tasks of Chinese long text and short text, and supports sequence annotation tasks such as Chinese named entity recognition, part of speech tagging and word segmentation.
Pytorch-NLU,一个中文文本分类、序列标注工具包,支持中文长文本、短文本的多类、多标签分类任务,支持中文命名实体识别、词性标注、分词等序列标注任务。 Ptorch NLU, a Chinese text classification and sequence annotation toolkit, supports multi class and multi label classification tasks of Chinese long text and short text, and supports sequence annotation tasks such as Chinese named entity recognition, part of speech tagging and word segmentation.
machine learning model deployment project of Iris classification model in a minimal UI using flask web framework and deployed it in Azure cloud using Azure app service
This is a machine learning model deployment project of Iris classification model in a minimal UI using flask web framework and deployed it in Azure cloud using Azure app service. We initially made this project as a requirement for an internship at Indian Servers. We are now making it open to contribution.
DeepConsensus uses gap-aware sequence transformers to correct errors in Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) Circular Consensus Sequencing (CCS) data.
DeepConsensus DeepConsensus uses gap-aware sequence transformers to correct errors in Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) Circular Consensus Sequencing (CCS)
Mail classification with tensorflow and MS Exchange Server (ham or spam).
Mail classification with tensorflow and MS Exchange Server (ham or spam).
SummerTime - Text Summarization Toolkit for Non-experts
A library to help users choose appropriate summarization tools based on their specific tasks or needs. Includes models, evaluation metrics, and datasets.
🖥️ Windows Batch and powershell Discord Token grabber. Made for Troll (lmao)
Batched-Grabber Windows Batch and powershell Discord Token grabber. Made for Troll ! Setup. 1. pip(3) install numpy colored 2. python(3) Batched.py 3.
A simple Telegram bot, written in Python, that you can use to shill (i.e. send messages) your token, or whatever, to channels.
Telegram Shill Bot Ever wanted a Shill Bot but wankers keep scamming for one OR wanted to charge you an arm and a leg? This is a simple bot written in
Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey (IEEE TPAMI, 2020)
🔥Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds (IEEE TPAMI, 2020)
This repo implements a Topological SLAM: Deep Visual Odometry with Long Term Place Recognition (Loop Closure Detection)
This repo implements a topological SLAM system. Deep Visual Odometry (DF-VO) and Visual Place Recognition are combined to form the topological SLAM system.