674 Repositories
Python semantic-matching Libraries
Educational application aimed at automating user-defined workflows for the mobile game, "Granblue Fantasy", using a variety of CV technologies in the backend such as OpenCV, PyAutoGUI and EasyOCR and a frontend coded in Typescript.
Granblue Automation using Template Matching (It is like Full Auto, but with Full Customization!) Discord here: https://discord.gg/5Yv4kqjAbm Android v
rastrainer is a QGIS plugin to training remote sensing semantic segmentation model based on PaddlePaddle.
rastrainer rastrainer is a QGIS plugin to training remote sensing semantic segmentation model based on PaddlePaddle. UI TODO Init UI. Add Block. Add l
Code for the AAAI-2022 paper: Imagine by Reasoning: A Reasoning-Based Implicit Semantic Data Augmentation for Long-Tailed Classification
Imagine by Reasoning: A Reasoning-Based Implicit Semantic Data Augmentation for Long-Tailed Classification (AAAI 2022) Prerequisite PyTorch = 1.2.0 P
(AAAI2022) Style Mixing and Patchwise Prototypical Matching for One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
SM-PPM This is a Pytorch implementation of our paper "Style Mixing and Patchwise Prototypical Matching for One-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Seman
Validation and inference over LinkML instance data using souffle
Translates LinkML schemas into Datalog programs and executes them using Souffle, enabling advanced validation and inference over instance data
HDMapNet: A Local Semantic Map Learning and Evaluation Framework
HDMapNet_devkit Devkit for HDMapNet. HDMapNet: A Local Semantic Map Learning and Evaluation Framework Qi Li, Yue Wang, Yilun Wang, Hang Zhao [Paper] [
VarCLR: Variable Semantic Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning
VarCLR: Variable Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning New: Paper accepted by ICSE 2022. Preprint at arXiv! This repository contain
Imbalaced Classification and Robust Semantic Segmentation
Imbalaced Classification and Robust Semantic Segmentation This repo implements two algoritms. The imbalance clibration (IC) algorithm for image classi
[CVPR 2021] MetaSAug: Meta Semantic Augmentation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
MetaSAug: Meta Semantic Augmentation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition (CVPR 2021) arXiv Prerequisite PyTorch = 1.2.0 Python3 torchvision PIL argpar
Visualizer using audio and semantic analysis to explore BigGAN (Brock et al., 2018) latent space.
BigGAN Audio Visualizer Description This visualizer explores BigGAN (Brock et al., 2018) latent space by using pitch/tempo of an audio file to generat
Public repository of the 3DV 2021 paper "Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds"
Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds Björn Michele1), Alexandre Boulch1), Gilles Puy1), Maxime Bucher1) and Rena
This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection of template image over base image
Object Detection Project Using OpenCV This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection the template image over base ima
WACV 2022 Paper - Is An Image Worth Five Sentences? A New Look into Semantics for Image-Text Matching
Is An Image Worth Five Sentences? A New Look into Semantics for Image-Text Matching Code based on our WACV 2022 Accepted Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/
⚡ H2G-Net for Semantic Segmentation of Histopathological Images
H2G-Net This repository contains the code relevant for the proposed design H2G-Net, which was introduced in the manuscript "Hybrid guiding: A multi-re
Code for Fully Context-Aware Image Inpainting with a Learned Semantic Pyramid
SPN: Fully Context-Aware Image Inpainting with a Learned Semantic Pyramid Code for Fully Context-Aware Image Inpainting with a Learned Semantic Pyrami
MapReader: A computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps at scale
MapReader A computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps at scale MapReader is an end-to-end computer vision (CV) pipeline designed b
Perturbed Self-Distillation: Weakly Supervised Large-Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation (ICCV2021)
Perturbed Self-Distillation: Weakly Supervised Large-Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation (ICCV2021) This is the implementation of PSD (ICCV 2021),
Python Multilingual Ucrel Semantic Analysis System
PymUSAS Python Multilingual Ucrel Semantic Analysis System, it currently is a rule based token level semantic tagger which can be added to any spaCy p
VarCLR: Variable Semantic Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning
VarCLR: Variable Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning New: Paper accepted by ICSE 2022. Preprint at arXiv! This repository contain
BERTMap: A BERT-Based Ontology Alignment System
BERTMap: A BERT-based Ontology Alignment System Important Notices The relevant paper was accepted in AAAI-2022. Arxiv version is available at: https:/
Official implementation of the paper Label-Efficient Semantic Segmentation with Diffusion Models
Label-Efficient Semantic Segmentation with Diffusion Models Official implementation of the paper Label-Efficient Semantic Segmentation with Diffusion
This github repo is for Neurips 2021 paper, NORESQA A Framework for Speech Quality Assessment using Non-Matching References.
NORESQA: Speech Quality Assessment using Non-Matching References This is a Pytorch implementation for using NORESQA. It contains minimal code to predi
Official pytorch code for SSAT: A Symmetric Semantic-Aware Transformer Network for Makeup Transfer and Removal
SSAT: A Symmetric Semantic-Aware Transformer Network for Makeup Transfer and Removal This is the official pytorch code for SSAT: A Symmetric Semantic-
Noise Conditional Score Networks (NeurIPS 2019, Oral)
Generative Modeling by Estimating Gradients of the Data Distribution This repo contains the official implementation for the NeurIPS 2019 paper Generat
The official PyTorch implementation for NCSNv2 (NeurIPS 2020)
Improved Techniques for Training Score-Based Generative Models This repo contains the official implementation for the paper Improved Techniques for Tr
Code for paper "Adversarial score matching and improved sampling for image generation"
Adversarial score matching and improved sampling for image generation This repo contains the official implementation for the ICLR 2021 paper Adversari
The official homepage of the (outdated) COCO-Stuff 10K dataset.
COCO-Stuff 10K dataset v1.1 (outdated) Holger Caesar, Jasper Uijlings, Vittorio Ferrari Overview Welcome to official homepage of the COCO-Stuff [1] da
Train neural network for semantic segmentation (deep lab V3) with pytorch in less then 50 lines of code
Train neural network for semantic segmentation (deep lab V3) with pytorch in 50 lines of code Train net semantic segmentation net using Trans10K datas
Pipeline for training LSA models using Scikit-Learn.
Latent Semantic Analysis Pipeline for training LSA models using Scikit-Learn. Usage Instead of writing custom code for latent semantic analysis, you j
TransFGU: A Top-down Approach to Fine-Grained Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation
TransFGU: A Top-down Approach to Fine-Grained Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation Zhaoyun Yin, Pichao Wang, Fan Wang, Xianzhe Xu, Hanling Zhang, Hao Li
MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion
MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion] [arXiv + supp] | [Project page] Anh-Quan Cao, Rao
Linear programming solver for paper-reviewer matching and mind-matching
Paper-Reviewer Matcher A python package for paper-reviewer matching algorithm based on topic modeling and linear programming. The algorithm is impleme
TransFGU: A Top-down Approach to Fine-Grained Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation
TransFGU: A Top-down Approach to Fine-Grained Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation Zhaoyun Yin, Pichao Wang, Fan Wang, Xianzhe Xu, Hanling Zhang, Hao Li
Local Similarity Pattern and Cost Self-Reassembling for Deep Stereo Matching Networks
Local Similarity Pattern and Cost Self-Reassembling for Deep Stereo Matching Networks Contributions A novel pairwise feature LSP to extract structural
Another pytorch implementation of FCN (Fully Convolutional Networks)
FCN-pytorch-easiest Trying to be the easiest FCN pytorch implementation and just in a get and use fashion Here I use a handbag semantic segmentation f
An example of semantic segmentation using tensorflow in eager execution.
Semantic segmentation using Tensorflow eager execution Requirement Python 2.7+ Tensorflow-gpu OpenCv H5py Scikit-learn Numpy Imgaug Train with eager e
Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
Website • Docs • Twitter • Join Slack Community What is Label Studio? Label Studio is an open source data labeling tool. It lets you label data types
A deep learning based semantic search platform that computes similarity scores between provided query and documents
semanticsearch This is a deep learning based semantic search platform that computes similarity scores between provided query and documents. Documents
Semi-automated vocabulary generation from semantic vector models
vec2word Semi-automated vocabulary generation from semantic vector models This script generates a list of potential conlang word forms along with asso
Making Structure-from-Motion (COLMAP) more robust to symmetries and duplicated structures
SfM disambiguation with COLMAP About Structure-from-Motion generally fails when the scene exhibits symmetries and duplicated structures. In this repos
Official Implementation of DAFormer: Improving Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
DAFormer: Improving Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation [Arxiv] [Paper] As acquiring pixel-wise an
🍀🍀🍀The official implementation code of "PlantStereo: A Stereo Matching Benchmark for Plant Surface Dense Reconstruction."
PlantStereo This is the official implementation code for the paper "PlantStereo: A Stereo Matching Benchmark for Plant Surface Dense Reconstruction".
MapReader: A computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps at scale
MapReader A computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps at scale MapReader is an end-to-end computer vision (CV) pipeline designed b
Interpretable and Generalizable Person Re-Identification with Query-Adaptive Convolution and Temporal Lifting
QAConv Interpretable and Generalizable Person Re-Identification with Query-Adaptive Convolution and Temporal Lifting This PyTorch code is proposed in
Pytorch implementation for "Implicit Semantic Response Alignment for Partial Domain Adaptation"
Implicit-Semantic-Response-Alignment Pytorch implementation for "Implicit Semantic Response Alignment for Partial Domain Adaptation" Prerequisites pyt
✨✨✨An awesome open source toolbox for stereo matching.
OpenStereo This is an awesome open source toolbox for stereo matching. Supported Methods: BM SGM(T-PAMI'07) GCNet(ICCV'17) PSMNet(CVPR'18) StereoNet(E
Official implementation of Pixel-Level Bijective Matching for Video Object Segmentation
BMVOS This is the official implementation of Pixel-Level Bijective Matching for Video Object Segmentation, to appear in WACV 2022. @article{cho2021pix
Complementary Patch for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, ICCV21 (poster)
CPN (ICCV2021) This is an implementation of Complementary Patch for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, which is accepted by ICCV2021 poster. Thi
Pytorch Implementation of Zero-Shot Image-to-Text Generation for Visual-Semantic Arithmetic
Pytorch Implementation of Zero-Shot Image-to-Text Generation for Visual-Semantic Arithmetic [Paper] [Colab is coming soon] Approach Example Usage To r
Pytorch Implementation of Zero-Shot Image-to-Text Generation for Visual-Semantic Arithmetic
Pytorch Implementation of Zero-Shot Image-to-Text Generation for Visual-Semantic Arithmetic [Paper] [Colab is coming soon] Approach Example Usage To r
Source Code and data for my paper titled Linguistic Knowledge in Data Augmentation for Natural Language Processing: An Example on Chinese Question Matching
Description The source code and data for my paper titled Linguistic Knowledge in Data Augmentation for Natural Language Processing: An Example on Chin
The official implementation code of "PlantStereo: A Stereo Matching Benchmark for Plant Surface Dense Reconstruction."
PlantStereo This is the official implementation code for the paper "PlantStereo: A Stereo Matching Benchmark for Plant Surface Dense Reconstruction".
This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection of template image over base image.
Object Detection Project Using OpenCV This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection the template image over base ima
This repository contains the source code of our work on designing efficient CNNs for computer vision
Efficient networks for Computer Vision This repo contains source code of our work on designing efficient networks for different computer vision tasks:
Bonnet: An Open-Source Training and Deployment Framework for Semantic Segmentation in Robotics.
Bonnet: An Open-Source Training and Deployment Framework for Semantic Segmentation in Robotics. By Andres Milioto @ University of Bonn. (for the new P
SPCL: A New Framework for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation via Semantic Prototype-based Contrastive Learning
SPCL SPCL: A New Framework for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation via Semantic Prototype-based Contrastive Learning Update on 2021/11/25: ArXiv Ver
GMFlow: Learning Optical Flow via Global Matching
GMFlow GMFlow: Learning Optical Flow via Global Matching Authors: Haofei Xu, Jing Zhang, Jianfei Cai, Hamid Rezatofighi, Dacheng Tao We streamline the
Rottentomatoes, Goodreads and IMDB sites crawler. Semantic Web final project.
Crawler Rottentomatoes, Goodreads and IMDB sites crawler. Crawler written by beautifulsoup, selenium and lxml to gather books and films information an
SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM (Chen et al IROS 2019)
SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM This repository contains the implementation of SuMa++, which generates semantic maps only using three-dime
Haystack is an open source NLP framework that leverages Transformer models.
Haystack is an end-to-end framework that enables you to build powerful and production-ready pipelines for different search use cases. Whether you want
Implementation of ICCV19 Paper "Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network"
OANet implementation Pytorch implementation of OANet for ICCV'19 paper "Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network", by
An official implementation of "Background-Aware Pooling and Noise-Aware Loss for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" (CVPR 2021) in PyTorch.
BANA This is the implementation of the paper "Background-Aware Pooling and Noise-Aware Loss for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation". For more inf
Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2018
Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision This code is deprecated. Please see https://github.com/jiwoon-ahn/irn instead. Int
A curated list of awesome papers for Semantic Retrieval (TOIS Accepted: Semantic Models for the First-stage Retrieval: A Comprehensive Review).
A curated list of awesome papers for Semantic Retrieval (TOIS Accepted: Semantic Models for the First-stage Retrieval: A Comprehensive Review).
Code for "Semantic Role Labeling as Dependency Parsing: Exploring Latent Tree Structures Inside Arguments".
Code for "Semantic Role Labeling as Dependency Parsing: Exploring Latent Tree Structures Inside Arguments".
Code for BMVC2021 paper "Boundary Guided Context Aggregation for Semantic Segmentation"
Boundary-Guided-Context-Aggregation Boundary Guided Context Aggregation for Semantic Segmentation Haoxiang Ma, Hongyu Yang, Di Huang In BMVC'2021 Pape
Official repository of Semantic Image Matting
Semantic Image Matting This is the official repository of Semantic Image Matting (CVPR2021). Overview Natural image matting separates the foreground f
Semantic Image Synthesis with SPADE
Semantic Image Synthesis with SPADE New implementation available at imaginaire repository We have a reimplementation of the SPADE method that is more
🔥RandLA-Net in Tensorflow (CVPR 2020, Oral & IEEE TPAMI 2021)
RandLA-Net: Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds (CVPR 2020) This is the official implementation of RandLA-Net (CVPR2020, Oral
AutoDeeplab / auto-deeplab / AutoML for semantic segmentation, implemented in Pytorch
AutoML for Image Semantic Segmentation Currently this repo contains the only working open-source implementation of Auto-Deeplab which, by the way out-
Pytorch reimplementation of PSM-Net: "Pyramid Stereo Matching Network"
This is a Pytorch Lightning version PSMNet which is based on JiaRenChang/PSMNet. use python main.py to start training. PSM-Net Pytorch reimplementatio
Region-aware Contrastive Learning for Semantic Segmentation, ICCV 2021
Region-aware Contrastive Learning for Semantic Segmentation, ICCV 2021 Abstract Recent works have made great success in semantic segmentation by explo
Cerberus Transformer: Joint Semantic, Affordance and Attribute Parsing
Cerberus Transformer: Joint Semantic, Affordance and Attribute Parsing Paper Introduction Multi-task indoor scene understanding is widely considered a
Lepard: Learning Partial point cloud matching in Rigid and Deformable scenes
Lepard: Learning Partial point cloud matching in Rigid and Deformable scenes [Paper] Method overview 4DMatch Benchmark 4DMatch is a benchmark for matc
Cerberus Transformer: Joint Semantic, Affordance and Attribute Parsing
Cerberus Transformer: Joint Semantic, Affordance and Attribute Parsing Paper Introduction Multi-task indoor scene understanding is widely considered a
Portfolio Optimization and Quantitative Strategic Asset Allocation in Python
Riskfolio-Lib Quantitative Strategic Asset Allocation, Easy for Everyone. Description Riskfolio-Lib is a library for making quantitative strategic ass
Question and answer retrieval in Turkish with BERT
trfaq Google supported this work by providing Google Cloud credit. Thank you Google for supporting the open source! 🎉 What is this? At this repo, I'm
A framework for annotating 3D meshes using the predictions of a 2D semantic segmentation model.
Semantic Meshes A framework for annotating 3D meshes using the predictions of a 2D semantic segmentation model. Paper If you find this framework usefu
Semantic Segmentation in Pytorch
PyTorch Semantic Segmentation Introduction This repository is a PyTorch implementation for semantic segmentation / scene parsing. The code is easy to
Generalized Decision Transformer for Offline Hindsight Information Matching
Generalized Decision Transformer for Offline Hindsight Information Matching [arxiv] If you use this codebase for your research, please cite the paper:
Detectron2 for Document Layout Analysis
Detectron2 trained on PubLayNet dataset This repo contains the training configurations, code and trained models trained on PubLayNet dataset using Det
The code for Bi-Mix: Bidirectional Mixing for Domain Adaptive Nighttime Semantic Segmentation
BiMix The code for Bi-Mix: Bidirectional Mixing for Domain Adaptive Nighttime Semantic Segmentation arxiv Framework: visualization results: Requiremen
PyTorch implementation for Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations (ICLR 2021, Oral)
Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations This repo contains a PyTorch implementation for the paper Score-Based Genera
A keras-based real-time model for medical image segmentation (CFPNet-M)
CFPNet-M: A Light-Weight Encoder-Decoder Based Network for Multimodal Biomedical Image Real-Time Segmentation This repository contains the implementat
Knowledge Distillation Toolbox for Semantic Segmentation
SegDistill: Toolbox for Knowledge Distillation on Semantic Segmentation Networks This repo contains the supported code and configuration files for Seg
Confident Semantic Ranking Loss for Part Parsing
Confident Semantic Ranking Loss for Part Parsing
Codes for Causal Semantic Generative model (CSG), the model proposed in "Learning Causal Semantic Representation for Out-of-Distribution Prediction" (NeurIPS-21)
Learning Causal Semantic Representation for Out-of-Distribution Prediction This repository is the official implementation of "Learning Causal Semantic
SHIFT15M: multiobjective large-scale fashion dataset with distributional shifts
[arXiv] The main motivation of the SHIFT15M project is to provide a dataset that contains natural dataset shifts collected from a web service IQON, wh
Code for paper "Context-self contrastive pretraining for crop type semantic segmentation"
Code for paper "Context-self contrastive pretraining for crop type semantic segmentation" Setting up a python environment Follow the instruction in ht
Feature Detection Based Template Matching
Feature Detection Based Template Matching The classification of the photos was made using the OpenCv template Matching method. Installation Use the pa
Semantic-aware Grad-GAN for Virtual-to-Real Urban Scene Adaption
SG-GAN TensorFlow implementation of SG-GAN. Prerequisites TensorFlow (implemented in v1.3) numpy scipy pillow Getting Started Train Prepare dataset. W
Powerful and efficient Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT)
Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) CVAT is free, online, interactive video and image annotation tool for computer vision. It is being used by our
Semantic Image Synthesis with SPADE
Semantic Image Synthesis with SPADE New implementation available at imaginaire repository We have a reimplementation of the SPADE method that is more
Official implementation of "OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association" in PyTorch.
openpifpaf Continuously tested on Linux, MacOS and Windows: New 2021 paper: OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Te
Integrated Semantic and Phonetic Post-correction for Chinese Speech Recognition
Integrated Semantic and Phonetic Post-correction for Chinese Speech Recognition | paper | dataset | pretrained detection model | Authors: Yi-Chang Che
Gated-Shape CNN for Semantic Segmentation (ICCV 2019)
GSCNN This is the official code for: Gated-SCNN: Gated Shape CNNs for Semantic Segmentation Towaki Takikawa, David Acuna, Varun Jampani, Sanja Fidler
FastFCN: Rethinking Dilated Convolution in the Backbone for Semantic Segmentation.
FastFCN: Rethinking Dilated Convolution in the Backbone for Semantic Segmentation [Project] [Paper] [arXiv] [Home] Official implementation of FastFCN:
reimpliment of DFANet: Deep Feature Aggregation for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
DFANet This repo is an unofficial pytorch implementation of DFANet:Deep Feature Aggregation for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation log 2019.4.16 After 48
This repository contains the reference implementation for our proposed Convolutional CRFs.
ConvCRF This repository contains the reference implementation for our proposed Convolutional CRFs in PyTorch (Tensorflow planned). The two main entry-
High-resolution networks and Segmentation Transformer for Semantic Segmentation
High-resolution networks and Segmentation Transformer for Semantic Segmentation Branches This is the implementation for HRNet + OCR. The PyTroch 1.1 v