1806 Repositories
Python transfer-tool Libraries
GWAS summary statistics files QC tool
SSrehab dependencies: python 3.8+ a GNU/Linux with bash v4 or 5. python packages in requirements.txt bcftools (only for prepare_dbSNPs) gz-sort (only
Una simple herramienta para rastrear IP programada en Python
Spyrod-v2 Una simple herramienta para rastrear IP programada en Python Instalacion apt install git -y cd $HOME git clone https://github.com/Euronymou5
ssh-audit is a tool for ssh server & client configuration auditing.
SSH server & client auditing (banner, key exchange, encryption, mac, compression, compatibility, security, etc)
A simple weather information tool.
pwy A simple weather information tool. Table of Contents Features Dependencies Installation Usage Update Changelog Credits License Features ASCII art
Given tool find related trending keywords of input keyword
blog_generator Given tool find related trending keywords of input keyword (blog_related_to_keyword). Then cretes a mini blog. Currently its customised
Mass querying whois records using whois tool
Mass querying whois records using whois tool
NixOps is a tool for deploying to NixOS machines in a network or cloud.
NixOps NixOps is a tool for deploying to NixOS machines in a network or the cloud. Key features include: Declarative: NixOps determines and carries ou
xkeysnail is yet another keyboard remapping tool for X environment written in Python
xkeysnail is yet another keyboard remapping tool for X environment written in Python. It's like xmodmap but allows more flexible remappings.
Multi-Content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer at CVPR 2018
MC-GAN in PyTorch This is the implementation of the Multi-Content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer. The code was written by Samaneh Azadi. If you
AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want (IEEE TIP 2019)
News 11 Jan 2020: We clean up the code to make it more readable! The old version is here: v1. AttGAN TIP Nov. 2019, arXiv Nov. 2017 TensorFlow impleme
TensorFlow implementation of Style Transfer Generative Adversarial Networks: Learning to Play Chess Differently.
Adversarial Chess TensorFlow implementation of Style Transfer Generative Adversarial Networks: Learning to Play Chess Differently. Requirements To run
Code and data for paper "Deep Photo Style Transfer"
deep-photo-styletransfer Code and data for paper "Deep Photo Style Transfer" Disclaimer This software is published for academic and non-commercial use
A torch implementation of "Pixel-Level Domain Transfer"
Pixel Level Domain Transfer A torch implementation of "Pixel-Level Domain Transfer". based on dcgan.torch. Dataset The dataset used is "LookBook", fro
Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.
CycleGAN PyTorch | project page | paper Torch implementation for learning an image-to-image translation (i.e. pix2pix) without input-output pairs, for
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019] Artistic Glyph Image Synthesis via One-Stage Few-Shot Learning
AGIS-Net Introduction This is the official PyTorch implementation of the Artistic Glyph Image Synthesis via One-Stage Few-Shot Learning. paper | suppl
Learning Chinese Character style with conditional GAN
zi2zi: Master Chinese Calligraphy with Conditional Adversarial Networks Introduction Learning eastern asian language typefaces with GAN. zi2zi(字到字, me
This is a wonderful simple python tool used to store the keyboard log.
Keylogger This is a wonderful simple python tool used to store the keyboard log. Record your keys. It will capture passwords and credentials in a comp
A user-friendly research and development tool built to standardize RL competency assessment for custom agents and environments.
Built with ❤️ by Sam Showalter Contents Overview Installation Dependencies Usage Scripts Standard Execution Environment Development Environment Benchm
Powerful and efficient Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT)
Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) CVAT is free, online, interactive video and image annotation tool for computer vision. It is being used by our
Pebble is a stat's visualization tool, this will provide a skeleton to develop a monitoring tool.
Pebble is a stat's visualization tool, this will provide a skeleton to develop a monitoring tool.
A template for some new Python tool or package with a reasonable basic setup.
python-app-template A template with a reasonable basic setup, including: black (formatting) flake8 (linting) mypy (type checking) isort (import sortin
Improving Compound Activity Classification via Deep Transfer and Representation Learning
Improving Compound Activity Classification via Deep Transfer and Representation Learning This repository is the official implementation of Improving C
Voice Conversion Using Speech-to-Speech Neuro-Style Transfer
This repo contains the official implementation of the VAE-GAN from the INTERSPEECH 2020 paper Voice Conversion Using Speech-to-Speech Neuro-Style Transfer.
Code accompanying the paper "Knowledge Base Completion Meets Transfer Learning"
Knowledge Base Completion Meets Transfer Learning This code accompanies the paper Knowledge Base Completion Meets Transfer Learning published at EMNLP
A python tool one can extract the "hash" from a WINDOWS HELLO PIN
WINHELLO2hashcat About With this tool one can extract the "hash" from a WINDOWS HELLO PIN. This hash can be cracked with Hashcat, more precisely with
Automated testing tool developed in python for Advanced mathematical operations.
Advanced-Maths-Operations-Validations Automated testing tool developed in python for Advanced mathematical operations. Requirements Python 3.5 or late
ChainJacking is a tool to find which of your Go lang direct GitHub dependencies is susceptible to ChainJacking attack.
ChainJacking is a tool to find which of your Go lang direct GitHub dependencies is susceptible to ChainJacking attack.
Tool for working with Direct System Calls in Cobalt Strike's Beacon Object Files (BOF) via Syswhispers2
Tool for working with Direct System Calls in Cobalt Strike's Beacon Object Files (BOF) via Syswhispers2
Python script to check if there is any differences in responses of an application when the request comes from a search engine's crawler.
crawlersuseragents This Python script can be used to check if there is any differences in responses of an application when the request comes from a se
i3wm helper tool for workspaces on multiple monitors
i3screens A helper tool for managing i3wm workspaces on multiple monitors. Use-case You have a multi-monitor setup and want to have the "same" workspa
Tool for HackMyVM platform
HMV-cli It is a tool for the HackMyVM platform. With this tool you will be able to see the machines you have pending, filter by difficulty, download d
Python-based proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that utilize unsafe Java object deserialization.
Python-based proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that utilize unsafe Java object deserialization.
A discord bot can stress ip addresses with python tool
Python-ddos-bot Coded by Lamp#1442 A discord bot can stress ip addresses with python tool. Warning! DOS or DDOS is illegal, i shared for educational p
A tool that updates all your project's Python dependency files through Pull Requests on GitHub/GitLab.
A tool that updates all your project's Python dependency files through Pull Requests on GitHub/GitLab. About This repo contains the bot that is runnin
cve-search - a tool to perform local searches for known vulnerabilities
cve-search cve-search is a tool to import CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) into a MongoDB to facilitat
ModelChimp is an experiment tracker for Deep Learning and Machine Learning experiments.
ModelChimp What is ModelChimp? ModelChimp is an experiment tracker for Deep Learning and Machine Learning experiments. ModelChimp provides the followi
CLI tool to computes CO2 emissions of HPC computations following green-algorithms.org methodology
gqueue gqueue is a CLI (command line interface) tool that computes carbon footprint of HPC computations on clusters running slurm. It follows the meth
Autopen is a very modular tool that automates the execution of scans during a penetration test.
Autopen Autopen is a very modular tool that automates the execution of scans during a penetration test. A Nmap scan result in the form of an XML file
This tool help you to check if your Windows machine has hidden miner.
Hidden Miner Detector This tool help you to check if your Windows machine has hidden miner. Miners track when you open antivirus software or task mana
Hack-All is a simple CLI tool that helps ethical-hackers to make a reverse connection without knowing the target device in use is it computer or phone
Hack-All is a simple CLI tool that helps ethical-hackers to make a reverse connection without knowing the target device in use is it computer
tiptop is a command-line system monitoring tool in the spirit of top.
Command-line system monitoring. tiptop is a command-line system monitoring tool in the spirit of top. It displays various interesting system stats, gr
A Lightweight Cluster/Cloud VM Job Management Tool 🚀
Lightweight Cluster/Cloud VM Job Management 🚀 Are you looking for a tool to manage your training runs locally, on Slurm/Open Grid Engine clusters, SS
Infoga is a tool gathering email accounts informations (ip,hostname,country,...) from different public source
Infoga - Email OSINT Infoga is a tool gathering email accounts informations (ip,hostname,country,...) from different public source (search engines, pg
VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.
VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.
Torch-based tool for quantizing high-dimensional vectors using additive codebooks
Trainable multi-codebook quantization This repository implements a utility for use with PyTorch, and ideally GPUs, for training an efficient quantizer
epub2sphinx is a tool to convert epub files to ReST for Sphinx
epub2sphinx epub2sphinx is a tool to convert epub files to ReST for Sphinx. It uses Pandoc for converting HTML data inside epub files into ReST. It cr
Minimal Windows system information tool written in Python
wfetch wfetch is a Minimal Windows system information tool written in Python (Only works on Windows) Installation First of all have python installed.
Toci is a markdown tool to generate an outline from a given Jupyter notebook.
Toci is a markdown tool to generate an outline from a given Jupyter notebook. It traverses the markdown cells of a given ipynb file to form a toc for you.
GUI tool to manage the contents of chests in Botw
Botw chest manager is a small gui tool allowing to easily manage chests. Sometimes Ice Spear can be very time consuming when adding a simple chest. The purpose of this light tool is to add a new chest, or edit the content of an existing chest way faster than Ice Spear.
An intranet tool for easily intranet pentesting
IntarKnife v1.0 a tool can be used in intarnet for easily pentesting moudle hash spray U can use this tool to spray hash on a webshell IntraKnife.exe
Simple python tool for the purpose of swapping latinic letters with cirilic ones and vice versa in txt, docx and pdf files in Serbian language
Alpha Swap English This is a simple python tool for the purpose of swapping latinic letters with cirylic ones and vice versa, in txt, docx and pdf fil
The Spectral Diagram (SD) is a new tool for the comparison of time series in the frequency domain
The Spectral Diagram (SD) is a new tool for the comparison of time series in the frequency domain. The SD provides a novel way to display the coherence function, power, amplitude, phase, and skill score of discrete frequencies of two time series. Each SD summarises these quantities in a single plot for multiple targeted frequencies.
Palm CLI - the tool-belt for data teams
Palm CLI: The extensible CLI at your fingertips Palm is a universal CLI developed to improve the life and work of data professionals. Palm CLI documen
Tool cek opsi checkpoint facebook!
tool apa ini? cek_opsi_facebook adalah sebuah tool yang mengecek opsi checkpoint akun facebook yang terkena checkpoint! tujuan dibuatnya tool ini? too
A tool to create the basics of a project
Project-Scheduler Instalação Para instalar o Project Maker, você necessita está em um ambiente de desenvolvimento Linux ou wsl com alguma distro debia
ClamNotif: A tool to send you ClamAV notifications
A tool to forward notifications to different recipients categorised by two severity levels of the regular health reports produced by `clamscan` bundled with the ClamAV antivirus engine.
NexScanner is a tool which allows you to scan a website and find the admin login panel and sub-domains
NexScanner NexScanner is a tool which helps you scan a website for sub-domains and also to find login pages in the website like the admin login panel
strava-offline is a tool to keep a local mirror of Strava activities for further analysis/processing:
strava-offline Overview strava-offline is a tool to keep a local mirror of Strava activities for further analysis/processing: synchronizes metadata ab
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whois, Metadata & built-in database for more info) with this python package
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs with this python package - It includes different OSINT modules (Ping, Traceroute, Scans, Archives, DNS, Scrape, Whoi
A Python port and library-fication of the midicsv tool by John Walker.
A Python port and library-fication of the midicsv tool by John Walker. If you need to convert MIDI files to human-readable text files and back, this is the library for you.
A Simple modular tool to fetch and parse data related to the stock market.
🐒 stonks-o-fetcher A Simple modular tool to fetch and parse data related to the stock market. Getting started For the moment the only source is this
A tool for automatically generating 3D printable STLs from freely available lidar scan data.
mini-map-maker A tool for automatically generating 3D printable STLs from freely available lidar scan data. Screenshots Tutorial To use this script, g
CiteURL is an extensible tool that parses legal citations and makes links to websites where you can read the cited language for free.
CiteURL is an extensible tool that parses legal citations and makes links to websites where you can read the cited language for free. It can be used t
A Python Tool to encrypt all types of files using AES and XOR Algorithm.
DataShield This project intends to protect user’s data, it stores files in encrypted format in device provided the passcode and path of the file. AES
A lighweight screen color picker tool
tkpick A lighweigt screen color picker tool Availability Only GNU/Linux 🐧 Installing Install via pip (No auto-update): [sudo] pip install tkpick Usa
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations.
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations. MagTape includes variable policy enforcement, notifications, and targeted metrics.
gdsfactory is an EDA (electronics design automation) tool to Layout Integrated Circuits.
gdsfactory 3.5.5 gdsfactory is an EDA (electronics design automation) tool to Layout Integrated Circuits. It is build on top of phidl gdspy and klayou
Aydin is a user-friendly, feature-rich, and fast image denoising tool
Aydin is a user-friendly, feature-rich, and fast image denoising tool that provides a number of self-supervised, auto-tuned, and unsupervised image denoising algorithms.
Ducky Script is the payload language of Hak5 gear.
Ducky Script is the payload language of Hak5 gear. Since its introduction with the USB Rubber Ducky in 2010, Ducky Script has grown in capability while maintaining simplicity. Aided by Bash for logic and conditional operations, Ducky Script provides multi-vector functions for all Hak5 payload platforms.
A Security Tool for Enumerating WebSockets
STEWS: Security Testing and Enumeration of WebSockets STEWS is a tool suite for security testing of WebSockets This research was first presented at OW
The purpose of this tool is to check RDP capabilities of a user on specific targets.
RDPChecker The purpose of this tool is to check RDP capabilities of a user on specific targets. Programming concept was taken from RDPassSpray and thu
A python script for AES Angecryption in Steganography
Angecryption is an encryption or an decryption result from a file to create an other file with the same / or not type.
Daiho Tool is a Script Gathering for Windows/Linux systems written in Python.
Daiho is a Script Developed with Python3. It gathers a total of 22 Discord tools (including a RAT, a Raid Tool, a Nuker Tool, a Token Grabberr, etc). It has a pleasant and intuitive interface to facilitate the use of all with help and explanations for each of them.
Metrinome is an all-purpose tool for working with code complexity metrics.
Overview Metrinome is an all-purpose tool for working with code complexity metrics. It can be used as both a REPL and API, and includes: Converters to
A Scheil-Gulliver simulation tool using pycalphad.
scheil A Scheil-Gulliver simulation tool using pycalphad. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pycalphad import Database, variables as v from scheil i
Pymwp is a tool for automatically performing static analysis on programs written in C
pymwp: MWP analysis in Python pymwp is a tool for automatically performing static analysis on programs written in C, inspired by "A Flow Calculus of m
CaterApp is a cross platform, remotely data sharing tool created for sharing files in a quick and secured manner.
CaterApp is a cross platform, remotely data sharing tool created for sharing files in a quick and secured manner. It is aimed to integrate this tool with several more features including providing a User Interface.
Office365 (Microsoft365) audit log analysis tool
Office365 (Microsoft365) audit log analysis tool The header describes it all WHY?? The first line of code was written long time before other colleague
A Certificate renaming tool made for IEEE CS SBC, SJCE.
PDF Batch Renamer Made for IEEE CS SBC, SJCE How to use? Before using the python script, ensure that pytesseract, pdf2image, opencv and other supporti
GET-ACQ is a python tool used to gather all companies acquired by a given company domain name.
get-acq 🏢 GET-ACQ is a python tool used to gather all companies acquired by a given company domain name. It is done by calling SecurityTrails API. Us
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
Investigating automatic navigation towards standard US views integrating MARL with the virtual US environment developed in CT2US simulation
AutomaticUSnavigation Investigating automatic navigation towards standard US views integrating MARL with the virtual US environment developed in CT2US
We present a regularized self-labeling approach to improve the generalization and robustness properties of fine-tuning.
Overview This repository provides the implementation for the paper "Improved Regularization and Robustness for Fine-tuning in Neural Networks", which
Earth centric orbit propagation tool. Built from scratch in python.
Orbit-Propogator Earth centric orbit propagation tool. Built from scratch in python. Functionality includes: tracking sattelite location over time plo
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of the Adaptive Convolution architecture for image style transfer
AdaConv Unofficial PyTorch implementation of the Adaptive Convolution architecture for image style transfer from "Adaptive Convolutions for Structure-
A OSINT tool coded in python
Argus Welcome to Argus, a OSINT tool coded in python. Disclaimer I Am not responsible what you do with the information that is given to you by my tool
cottonformation is a Python tool providing best development experience and highest productivity
Welcome to cottonformation Documentation Full Documentatioin Here cottonformation is a Python tool providing best development experience and highest p
A python package containing all the basic functions and classes for python. From simple addition to advanced file encryption.
A python package containing all the basic functions and classes for python. From simple addition to advanced file encryption.
A GUI-based (PyQt5) tool used to design 2D linkage mechanism.
Pyslvs-UI A GUI-based (PyQt5) tool used to design 2D linkage mechanism. Planar Linkages Simulation Python-Solvespace: Kernel from Solvespace with Cyth
PwdGen is a Python Tkinter tool for generating secure 16 digit passwords.
PwdGen ( Password Generator ) is a Python Tkinter tool for generating secure 16 digit passwords. Installation Simply install requirements pip install
Meilleur outil de hacking Zapp en 2021 pour Termux
WhatsApp-Tool Meilleur outil de hacking Zapp en 2021 pour Termux Cet outil est le seul prennant en compte les dernières mises à jour de WhatsApp. FONC
Editing tool (read/write) .sc files (*_tes.sc , *.sc, *_dl.sc ) from Supercell games (Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, Clash of Clans and others).
SupercellSWF Version About Editing tool (read/write) .sc files (*_tes.sc , *.sc, *_dl.sc ) from Supercell games (Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, Cl
Twitter automation tool for growing organic followers.
Tiwoto Tiwoto is a simple python program that automates some kind of behaviors and keep your account active. Create an .env file in this directory and
A simple Python tool to transfer data from MySQL to SQLite 3.
MySQL to SQLite3 A simple Python tool to transfer data from MySQL to SQLite 3. This is the long overdue complimentary tool to my SQLite3 to MySQL. It
Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed.
Ninja Python Distributions Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed. The latest Ninja python wheels provide ninja 1.10.2.g51db2.kitware.job
fetchmesh is a tool to simplify working with Atlas anchoring mesh measurements
A Python library for working with the RIPE Atlas anchoring mesh. fetchmesh is a tool to simplify working with Atlas anchoring mesh measurements. It ca
Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool.
Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool. It can be used in various business flows like social listening, AI based alerting, brand image analysis, comparative study and more .
This Python script can enumerate all URLs present in robots.txt files, and test whether they can be accessed or not.
Robots.txt tester With this script, you can enumerate all URLs present in robots.txt files, and test whether you can access them or not. Setup Clone t