11178 Repositories
Python COVID-Watch-NYC-Python-Visualizations-Web-App Libraries
FTP-Exploits is a tool made in python that contains 4 diffrent types of ftp exploits that can be used in Penetration Testing.
FTP-exploits FTP-exploits is a tool which is used for Penetration Testing that can run many kinds of exploits on port 21(FTP) Commands and Exploits Ex
Voldemort's Python import helper
importmagician Voldemort's Python import helper pip install importmagician Import from uninstalled Python directories Say you have a directory (relat
Amazon scraper using scrapy, a python framework for crawling websites.
#Amazon-web-scraper This is a python program, which use scrapy python framework to crawl all pages of the product and scrap products data. This progra
A puzzle game coded entirely in Python.
Pyzzle A puzzle game coded entirely in Python. This is a school project created by me, Mohit Singh. The .exe file, created from the main.py script, is
Using python 3 and Flask an MVC system where the AES 128 CBC and Trivium algorithms
This project was developed using python 3 and Flask, it is an MVC system where the AES 128 CBC and Trivium algorithms can be tested through a communication between the computer and a device such as a microcontroller that provides these algorithms.
A Quick Music Player Made Fully in Python
Quick Music Player Made Fully In Python. Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds. Installation & S
ONNX Command-Line Toolbox
ONNX Command Line Toolbox Aims to improve your experience of investigating ONNX models. Use it like onnx infershape /path/to/model.onnx. (See the usag
A simple todo app using flask and sqlachemy
TODO app This is a simple TODO app made using Flask. Packages used: DoodleCSS Special thanks to Chris McCormick (@mccrmx) :) Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy Fl
High accurate tool for automatic faces detection with landmarks
faces_detanator High accurate tool for automatic faces detection with landmarks. The library is based on public detectors with high accuracy (TinaFace
A framework that let's you compose websites in Python with ease!
Perry Perry = A framework that let's you compose websites in Python with ease! Perry works similar to Qt and Flutter, allowing you to create componen
Detection And Breaking With Python
VK sticker downloader with python
VK Sticker Downloader This repository is used to automate download file from VK Sticker How to use Execute the file ./downloader.py Writedown full url
🔥 ᴿᴼᶜᴷ ᴾᴬᴾᴱᴿ ᔆᶜᴵᔆᔆᴼᴿ 🔥 ⚙️ Rᴜɴ Oɴ Rᴇᴘʟɪᴛ 🛠️ Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs Aɴᴅ Tᴏᴏʟs If you are taking code from this repository without a fork, then atleast give credit
PoC encrypted diary in Python 3
Encrypted diary Sample program to store confidential data. Provides encryption in the form of AES-256 with bcrypt KDF. Does not provide authentication
Vuln Scanner With Python
VulnScanner Features Web Application Firewall (WAF) detection. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) tests. SQL injection time based test. SQL injection error ba
Docker django app
Hmmmmm... What I should write here? Maybe "Hello World". Hello World Build Docker compose: sudo docker-compose build Run Docker compose: sudo docker-
Python Steganography data hiding in image
Python-Steganography Python Steganography data hiding in image data encryption and decryption im here you have to import stepic module 1.open CMD 2.ty
A basic DIY-project made using Python and MySQL
Banking-Using-Python-MySQL This is a basic DIY-project made using Python and MySQL. Pre-Requisite needed:-- MySQL command Line:- creating a database
Asyncevents: a small library to help developers perform asynchronous event handling in Python
asyncevents - Asynchronous event handling for modern Python asyncevents is a small library to help developers perform asynchronous event handling in m
How to make a QR Code of your own in python
QR CODE Bilgilendirme! " pip install qrcode pillow " kurmalısınız.
Tesla Light Show xLights Guide With python
Tesla Light Show xLights Guide Welcome to the Tesla Light Show xLights guide! You can create and run your own light shows on Tesla vehicles. Running a
A Python app which retrieves the rank and players' equipped skins during a match
VALORANT rank yoinker About The Project Usage Contributing Contact Acknowledgements Disclaimer About The Project Their Queue Current Skin Current Rank
Pandas and Spark DataFrame comparison for humans
DataComPy DataComPy is a package to compare two Pandas DataFrames. Originally started to be something of a replacement for SAS's PROC COMPARE for Pand
Seeks to remove text from an image in a convincing way.
Text-Removal This is a Computer Vision project that seeks to successfully remove text from an image by covering the text areas in a convincing way. He
Oh-My-PickleDB is an open source key-value store using Python's json module.
OH-MY-PICKLEDB oh-my-pickleDB is a lightweight, fast, and intuitive data manager written in python 📝 Table of Contents About Getting Started Deployme
BisQue is a web-based platform designed to provide researchers with organizational and quantitative analysis tools for 5D image data. Users can extend BisQue by implementing containerized ML workflows.
Overview BisQue is a web-based platform specifically designed to provide researchers with organizational and quantitative analysis tools for up to 5D
Python library for creating and parsing HSReplay XML files
python-hsreplay A python module for HSReplay support. https://hearthsim.info/hsreplay/ Installation The library is available on PyPI. pip install hsre
Python package to transfer data in a fast, reliable, and packetized form.
pySerialTransfer Python package to transfer data in a fast, reliable, and packetized form.
Run python scripts and pass data between multiple python and node processes using this npm module
Run python scripts and pass data between multiple python and node processes using this npm module. process-communication has a event based architecture for interacting with python data and errors inside nodejs.
chainladder - Property and Casualty Loss Reserving in Python
chainladder (python) chainladder - Property and Casualty Loss Reserving in Python This package gets inspiration from the popular R ChainLadder package
PREFS is a Python library to store and manage preferences and settings.
PREFS PREFS is a Python library to store and manage preferences and settings. PREFS stores a Python dictionary in a total human-readable file, the PRE
Generates a coverage badge using coverage.py and the shields.io service.
Welcome to README Coverage Badger 👋 Generates a coverage badge using coverage.py and the shields.io service. Your README file is then updated with th
Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior
Allen Institute Visual Behavior Analysis package This repository contains code for analyzing behavioral data from the Allen Brain Observatory: Visual
This repository contains modules that extend / modify parts of Odoo ERP
Odoo Custom Addons This repository contains addons that extend / modify parts of Odoo ERP. Addons list account_cancel_permission Only shows the button
CALPHAD tools for designing thermodynamic models, calculating phase diagrams and investigating phase equilibria.
CALPHAD tools for designing thermodynamic models, calculating phase diagrams and investigating phase equilibria.
Some random bot for Discord which was created just for fun (Made with Discord.py library)
Ghosty Previously known as 'secondthunder-py-bot' This is repository of some random bot for Discord which was created just for fun and for some educat
The Sinclair ZX Spectrum BASIC compiler!
ZX BASIC Copyleft (K) 2008, Jose Rodriguez-Rosa (a.k.a. Boriel) http://www.boriel.com All files in this project are covered under the GPLv3 LICENSE ex
A software manager for easy development and distribution of Python code
Piper A software manager for easy development and distribution of Python code. The main features that Piper adds to Python are: Support for large-scal
A Python package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW-based models.
Version 3.3.5 — release candidate Introduction FloPy includes support for MODFLOW 6, MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-USG, and MODFLOW-2000. Other s
A python package that computes an optimal motion plan for approaching a red light
redlight_approach redlight_approach is a Python package that computes an optimal motion plan during traffic light approach. RLA_demo.mov Given the par
PyBERT is a serial communication link bit error rate tester simulator with a graphical user interface (GUI).
PyBERT PyBERT is a serial communication link bit error rate tester simulator with a graphical user interface (GUI). It uses the Traits/UI package of t
Serverless console based chat program made with PyDrive2.
Nautilus Serverless console based chat program made with PyDrive2. How To Use: After installing the program files from GitHub, they can be put anywher
Missing widgets and components for Qt-python
superqt! "missing" widgets and components for PyQt/PySide This repository aims to provide high-quality community-contributed Qt widgets and components
Small cloudfoundry client implemented in python
Cloudfoundry python client The cf-python-client repo contains a Python client library for Cloud Foundry. Installing Supported versions warning: Starti
Virtual hand gesture mouse using a webcam
NonMouse 日本語のREADMEはこちら This is an application that allows you to use your hand itself as a mouse. The program uses a web camera to recognize your han
Sqlalchemy seeder that supports nested relationships.
sqlalchemyseed Sqlalchemy seeder that supports nested relationships. Supported file types json yaml csv Installation Default installation pip install
A Python IRC bot with dynamically loadable modules
pybot This is a modular, plugin-based IRC bot written in Python. Plugins can bedynamically loaded and unloaded at runtime. A design goal is the abilli
Project Faros is a reference implimentation of Red Hat OpenShift 4 on small footprint, bare-metal clusters.
Project Faros Project Faros is a reference implimentation of Red Hat OpenShift 4 on small footprint, bare-metal clusters. The project includes referen
learn and have fun developing 2D retro games using python and pygame
Retro 2D Game Development Using Python + PyGame Skill up your programming skills with a walk down the memory lane. Learn how to create a retro 2D game
environs is a Python library for parsing environment variables.
environs: simplified environment variable parsing environs is a Python library for parsing environment variables. It allows you to store configuration
A Python implementation of CWT/COSE.
Python CWT - A Python implementation of CWT/COSE Python CWT is a CBOR Web Token (CWT) and CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) implementation com
🦠 A simple and fast ( 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak.
🦠 A simple and fast ( 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak. It's written in python using the 🔥 FastAPI framework. Supports multiple sources!
A python library built on the API of the coderHub.sa, which helps you to fetch the challenges and more
coderHub A python library built on the API of the coderHub.sa, which helps you to fetch the challenges and more Installation • Features • Usage • Lice
The AWS Lambda Serverless Blind XSS App
Ass The AWS Lambda Serverless Blind XSS App 利用VPS配置XSS平台太麻烦了,如果利用AWS的Lambda那不就是一个域名的事情么?剩下的环境配置、HTTPS证书、隐私性、VPS续费都不用管了, 所以根据xless重写了Lambda平台的XSS,利用sla
FTX auto lending bot with python
FTX auto lending bot Get the API key Check my article for step by step + screenshots Setup & Run Install python 3 Install dependency pip install -r re
Web Scraping images using Selenium and Python
Web Scraping images using Selenium and Python A propos de ce document This is a markdown document about Web scraping images and videos using Selenium
This Spider/Bot is developed using Python and based on Scrapy Framework to Fetch some items information from Amazon
- Hello, This Project Contains Amazon Web-bot. - I've developed this bot for fething some items information on Amazon. - Scrapy Framework in Python is
Quiz Web App with Flask and MongoDB as the Databases
quiz-app Quiz Web Application made with flask and mongodb as the Databases Before you run this application, change the inside MONGODB_URI ( in config.
An alarm clock coded in Python 3 with Tkinter
Tkinter-Alarm-Clock An alarm clock coded in Python 3 with Tkinter. Run python3 Tkinter Alarm Clock.py in a terminal if you have Python 3. NOTE: This p
A simple root calculater for python
Root A simple root calculater Usage/Examples python3 root.py 9 3 4 # Order: number - grid - number of decimals # Output: 2.08
Python youtube playlist downloader
Youtube-Playlist-Downloader-python 👍 This program is a simple Youtube playlist downloader where you input the playlist link, and then the desired pat
Pybt: a BaoTa panel python sdk
About Pybt is a BaoTa panel python sdk. Pybt 是一个宝塔面板API的Python版本sdk封装库。 公司很多服务器都装了宝塔面板,通过宝塔来部署、安装、维护一些服务,服务器的数量上以后,导致了维护的不方便,这个时候就想使用宝塔提供的API来开发一个运维平台
A fully-featured e-commerce application powered by Django
kobbyshop - Django Ecommerce App A fully featured e-commerce application powered by Django. Sections Project Description Features Technology Setup Scr
Simple Assembler with python
Assembler with python converts assembly source code to machine code Requirements Python 3 🐍 Usage python main.py [source] [output] [source] : Path t
A minimal implementation of face-detection models using flask, gunicorn, nginx, docker, and docker-compose
Face-Detection-flask-gunicorn-nginx-docker This is a simple implementation of dockerized face-detection restful-API implemented with flask, Nginx, and
A simple AI that will give you si ple task and this is made with python
Crystal-AI A simple AI that will give you si ple task and this is made with python Prerequsites: Python3.6.2 pyttsx3 pip install pyttsx3 pyaudio pip i
Create Own QR code with Python
Create-Own-QR-code Create Own QR code with Python SO guys in here, you have to install pyqrcode 2. open CMD and type python -m pip install pyqrcode
Authentication, JWT, and permission scoping for Sanic
Sanic JWT Sanic JWT adds authentication protection and endpoints to Sanic. It is both easy to get up and running, and extensible for the developer. It
OCR powered screen-capture tool to capture information instead of images
NormCap OCR powered screen-capture tool to capture information instead of images. Links: Repo | PyPi | Releases | Changelog | FAQs Content: Quickstart
A Python validator for SHACL
pySHACL A Python validator for SHACL. This is a pure Python module which allows for the validation of RDF graphs against Shapes Constraint Language (S
PEP-484 type hints bindings for the Django web framework
mypy-django Type stubs to use the mypy static type-checker with your Django projects This project includes the PEP-484 compatible "type stubs" for Dja
Design by contract for Python. Write bug-free code. Add a few decorators, get static analysis and tests for free.
A Python library for design by contract (DbC) and checking values, exceptions, and side-effects. In a nutshell, deal empowers you to write bug-free co
Python API for Photoshop.
Python API for Photoshop. The example above was created with Photoshop Python API.
JSON Schema validation library
jsonschema A JSON Schema validator implementation. It compiles schema into a validation tree to have validation as fast as possible. Supported drafts:
pypyr task-runner cli & api for automation pipelines.
pypyr task-runner cli & api for automation pipelines. Automate anything by combining commands, different scripts in different languages & applications into one pipeline process.
Google Search Results via SERP API pip Python Package
Google Search Results in Python This Python package is meant to scrape and parse search results from Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, Home depot, E
ZeroMQ bindings for Twisted
Twisted bindings for 0MQ Introduction txZMQ allows to integrate easily ØMQ sockets into Twisted event loop (reactor). txZMQ supports both CPython and
Fast HTML/XML template engine for Python
Overview Chameleon is an HTML/XML template engine for Python. It uses the page templates language. You can use it in any Python web application with j
🐍 A Python lib for (de)serializing Python objects to/from JSON
Turn Python objects into dicts or (json)strings and back No changes required to your objects Easily customizable and extendable Works with dataclasses
Mako Templates for Python
Mako Templates for Python Mako is a template library written in Python. It provides a familiar, non-XML syntax which compiles into Python modules for
Brownant is a web data extracting framework.
Brownant Brownant is a lightweight web data extracting framework. Who uses it? At the moment, dongxi.douban.com (a.k.a. Douban Dongxi) uses Brownant i
Probably the best abstract model / admin for your tree based stuff.
django-treenode Probably the best abstract model / admin for your tree based stuff. Features Fast - get ancestors, children, descendants, parent, root
PostgreSQL-based Task Queue for Python
Procrastinate: PostgreSQL-based Task Queue for Python Procrastinate is an open-source Python 3.7+ distributed task processing library, leveraging Post
Fast RFC3339 compliant Python date-time library
udatetime: Fast RFC3339 compliant date-time library Handling date-times is a painful act because of the sheer endless amount of formats used by people
Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets) done right: no extras, proper handling around connection failures and CI.
Overview docs tests package Remote vanilla PDB (over TCP sockets) done right: no extras, proper handling around connection failures and CI. Based on p
salabim - discrete event simulation in Python
Object oriented discrete event simulation and animation in Python. Includes process control features, resources, queues, monitors. statistical distrib
The quick and easy way to add versatile graphical interfaces with networking capabilities to your Python programs.
The quick and easy way to add versatile graphical interfaces with networking capabilities to your Python programs. Give instant access to your application to whoever you want on the Internet, without having to deploy it. Works even on your Android smartphone or tablet.
A tool for quickly creating REST/HATEOAS/Hypermedia APIs in python
ripozo Ripozo is a tool for building RESTful/HATEOAS/Hypermedia apis. It provides strong, simple, and fully qualified linking between resources, the a
A python library for working with praat, textgrids, time aligned audio transcripts, and audio files.
praatIO Questions? Comments? Feedback? A library for working with praat, time aligned audio transcripts, and audio files that comes with batteries inc
A fast streaming JSON parser for Python that generates SAX-like events using yajl
json-streamer jsonstreamer provides a SAX-like push parser via the JSONStreamer class and a 'object' parser via the ObjectStreamer class which emits t
Apple iTunes In-app purchase verification tool
itunes-iap v2 Python 2 & 3 compatible! Even with :mod:`asyncio` support! Source code: https://github.com/youknowone/itunes-iap Documentation: http://i
Python implementation for generating Tiny URL- and bit.ly-like URLs.
Short URL Generator Python implementation for generating Tiny URL- and bit.ly-like URLs. A bit-shuffling approach is used to avoid generating consecut
Neptune client library - integrate your Python scripts with Neptune
Lightweight experiment tracking tool for AI/ML individuals and teams. Fits any workflow. Neptune is a lightweight experiment logging/tracking tool tha
ElasticSearch ODM (Object Document Mapper) for Python - pip install esengine
esengine - The Elasticsearch Object Document Mapper esengine is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) it maps Python classes in to Elasticsearch index/doc_t
PYGA: Python Google Analytics (ga.js) - Data Collection API
PYGA: Python Google Analytics - Data Collection API pyga is an implementation of Google Analytics (ga.js) in Python; so that it can be used at server
Python Actor concurrency library
Thespian Actor Library This library provides the framework of an Actor model for use by applications implementing Actors. Thespian Site with Documenta
A Redis client library for Twisted Python
txRedis Asynchronous Redis client for Twisted Python. Install Install via pip. Usage examples can be found in the examples/ directory of this reposito
Python powered spreadsheets
Marmir is powerful and fun Marmir takes Python data structures and turns them into spreadsheets. It is xlwt and google spreadsheets on steroids. It al
A framework based on tornado for easier development, scaling up and maintenance
turbo 中文文档 Turbo is a framework for fast building web site and RESTFul api, based on tornado. Easily scale up and maintain Rapid development for RESTF
synchronize projects via yaml/json manifest. built on libvcs
vcspull - synchronize your repos. built on libvcs Manage your commonly used repos from YAML / JSON manifest(s). Compare to myrepos. Great if you use t