2892 Repositories
Python Colour-Detection-On-Image Libraries
A simple machine learning python sign language detection project.
SST Coursework 2022 About the app A python application that utilises the tensorflow object detection algorithm to achieve automatic detection of ameri
A python scripts that uses 3 different feature extraction methods such as SIFT, SURF and ORB to find a book in a video clip and project trailer of a movie based on that book, on to it.
A python scripts that uses 3 different feature extraction methods such as SIFT, SURF and ORB to find a book in a video clip and project trailer of a movie based on that book, on to it.
Official repository for GCR rerank, a GCN-based reranking method for both image and video re-ID
Official repository for GCR rerank, a GCN-based reranking method for both image and video re-ID
End-to-end image captioning with EfficientNet-b3 + LSTM with Attention
Image captioning End-to-end image captioning with EfficientNet-b3 + LSTM with Attention Model is seq2seq model. In the encoder pretrained EfficientNet
This project uses ViT to perform image classification tasks on DATA set CIFAR10.
Vision-Transformer-Multiprocess-DistributedDataParallel-Apex Introduction This project uses ViT to perform image classification tasks on DATA set CIFA
NeuroGen: activation optimized image synthesis for discovery neuroscience
NeuroGen: activation optimized image synthesis for discovery neuroscience NeuroGen is a framework for synthesizing images that control brain activatio
Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS) is a promising framework for medical image segmentation
Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS) is a promising framework for medical image segmentation. Generally, MAS methods register multiple atlases, i.e., medical images with corresponding labels, to a target image;
License Plate Detection Application
LicensePlate_Project 🚗 🚙 [Project] 2021.02 ~ 2021.09 License Plate Detection Application Overview 1. 데이터 수집 및 라벨링 차량 번호판 이미지를 직접 수집하여 각 이미지에 대해 '번호판
This library attempts to abstract the handling of Sigma rules in Python
This library attempts to abstract the handling of Sigma rules in Python. The rules are parsed using a schema defined with pydantic, and can be easily loaded from YAML files into a structured Python object.
SCI-AIDE : High-fidelity Few-shot Histopathology Image Synthesis for Rare Cancer Diagnosis
SCI-AIDE : High-fidelity Few-shot Histopathology Image Synthesis for Rare Cancer Diagnosis Pretrained Models In this work, we created synthetic tissue
Generate waves art for an image
waves-art Generate waves art for an image. Requirements: OpenCV Numpy Example Usage python waves_art.py --image_path tests/test1.jpg --patch_size 15 T
Pytorch implementation of MaskGIT: Masked Generative Image Transformer
Pytorch implementation of MaskGIT: Masked Generative Image Transformer
Simple Python package to convert an image into a quantized image using a customizable palette
Simple Python package to convert an image into a quantized image using a customizable palette. Resulting image can be displayed by ePaper displays such as Waveshare displays.
DCSAU-Net: A Deeper and More Compact Split-Attention U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation
DCSAU-Net: A Deeper and More Compact Split-Attention U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation By Qing Xu, Wenting Duan and Na He Requirements pytorch==1.1
Code Repository for "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound Classification and Detection"
Hierarchical Token Semantic Audio Transformer Introduction The Code Repository for "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound
Image-based Navigation in Real-World Environments via Multiple Mid-level Representations: Fusion Models Benchmark and Efficient Evaluation
Image-based Navigation in Real-World Environments via Multiple Mid-level Representations: Fusion Models Benchmark and Efficient Evaluation This reposi
Image Data Augmentation in Keras
Image data augmentation is a technique that can be used to artificially expand the size of a training dataset by creating modified versions of images in the dataset.
Object Detection using YOLO from PyImageSearch
Object Detection using YOLO from PyImageSearch By applying object detection, you’ll not only be able to determine what is in an image, but also where
YOLOv5 + ROS2 object detection package
YOLOv5-ROS YOLOv5 + ROS2 object detection package This program changes the input of detect.py (ultralytics/yolov5) to sensor_msgs/Image of ROS2. Requi
Detecting Human-Object Interactions with Object-Guided Cross-Modal Calibrated Semantics
[AAAI2022] Detecting Human-Object Interactions with Object-Guided Cross-Modal Calibrated Semantics Overall pipeline of OCN. Paper Link: [arXiv] [AAAI
Official code for paper "ISNet: Costless and Implicit Image Segmentation for Deep Classifiers, with Application in COVID-19 Detection"
Official code for paper "ISNet: Costless and Implicit Image Segmentation for Deep Classifiers, with Application in COVID-19 Detection". LRPDenseNet.py
Pytorch implementation of TailCalibX : Feature Generation for Long-tail Classification
TailCalibX : Feature Generation for Long-tail Classification by Rahul Vigneswaran, Marc T. Law, Vineeth N. Balasubramanian, Makarand Tapaswi [arXiv] [
MinkLoc++: Lidar and Monocular Image Fusion for Place Recognition
MinkLoc++: Lidar and Monocular Image Fusion for Place Recognition Paper: MinkLoc++: Lidar and Monocular Image Fusion for Place Recognition accepted fo
Shape-Adaptive Selection and Measurement for Oriented Object Detection
Source Code of AAAI22-2171 Introduction The source code includes training and inference procedures for the proposed method of the paper submitted to t
Job Assignment System by Real-time Emotion Detection
Emotion-Detection Job Assignment System by Real-time Emotion Detection Emotion is the essential role of facial expression and it could provide a lot o
Object Tracking and Detection Using OpenCV
Object tracking is one such application of computer vision where an object is detected in a video, otherwise interpreted as a set of frames, and the object’s trajectory is estimated. For instance, you have a video of a baseball match, and you want to track the ball’s location constantly throughout the video.
A transformer which can randomly augment VOC format dataset (both image and bbox) online.
VocAug It is difficult to find a script which can augment VOC-format dataset, especially the bbox. Or find a script needs complex requirements so it i
To create a deep learning model which can explain the content of an image in the form of speech through caption generation with attention mechanism on Flickr8K dataset.
To create a deep learning model which can explain the content of an image in the form of speech through caption generation with attention mechanism on Flickr8K dataset.
Brain tumor detection using Convolution-Neural Network (CNN)
Detect and Classify Brain Tumor using CNN. A system performing detection and classification by using Deep Learning Algorithms using Convolution-Neural Network (CNN).
CT Based COVID 19 Diagnose by Image Processing and Deep Learning
This project proposed the deep learning and image processing method to undertake the diagnosis on 2D CT image and 3D CT volume.
Earthquake detection via fiber optic cables using deep learning
Earthquake detection via fiber optic cables using deep learning Author: Fantine Huot Getting started Update the submodules After cloning the repositor
Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information in other information.
Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information in other information.
Python command line tool and python engine to label table fields and fields in data files.
Python command line tool and python engine to label table fields and fields in data files. It could help to find meaningful data in your tables and data files or to find Personal identifable information (PII).
CRF-RNN for Semantic Image Segmentation - PyTorch version
This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation of the "CRF-RNN" semantic image segmentation method, published in the ICCV 2015
CCP dataset from Clothing Co-Parsing by Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling
Clothing Co-Parsing (CCP) Dataset Clothing Co-Parsing (CCP) dataset is a new clothing database including elaborately annotated clothing items. 2, 098
Face recognition project by matching the features extracted using SIFT.
MV_FaceDetectionWithSIFT Face recognition project by matching the features extracted using SIFT. By : Aria Radmehr Professor : Ali Amiri Dependencies
A collection of Jupyter notebooks to play with NVIDIA's StyleGAN3 and OpenAI's CLIP for a text-based guided image generation.
StyleGAN3 CLIP-based guidance StyleGAN3 + CLIP StyleGAN3 + inversion + CLIP This repo is a collection of Jupyter notebooks made to easily play with St
YOLOv7 - Framework Beyond Detection
🔥🔥🔥🔥 YOLO with Transformers and Instance Segmentation, with TensorRT acceleration! 🔥🔥🔥
A PyTorch-based R-YOLOv4 implementation which combines YOLOv4 model and loss function from R3Det for arbitrary oriented object detection.
R-YOLOv4 This is a PyTorch-based R-YOLOv4 implementation which combines YOLOv4 model and loss function from R3Det for arbitrary oriented object detect
Weather Image Recognition - Python weather application using series of data
Weather Image Recognition - Python weather application using series of data
Image Segmentation and Object Detection in Pytorch
Image Segmentation and Object Detection in Pytorch Pytorch-Segmentation-Detection is a library for image segmentation and object detection with report
Javascript image annotation tool based on image segmentation.
JS Segment Annotator Javascript image annotation tool based on image segmentation. Label image regions with mouse. Written in vanilla Javascript, with
RuCLIP tiny (Russian Contrastive Language–Image Pretraining) is a neural network trained to work with different pairs (images, texts).
RuCLIPtiny Zero-shot image classification model for Russian language RuCLIP tiny (Russian Contrastive Language–Image Pretraining) is a neural network
YOLTv5 rapidly detects objects in arbitrarily large aerial or satellite images that far exceed the ~600×600 pixel size typically ingested by deep learning object detection frameworks
YOLTv5 rapidly detects objects in arbitrarily large aerial or satellite images that far exceed the ~600×600 pixel size typically ingested by deep learning object detection frameworks.
Evaluate on three different ML model for feature selection using Breast cancer data.
Anomaly-detection-Feature-Selection Evaluate on three different ML model for feature selection using Breast cancer data. ML models: SVM, KNN and MLP.
OCR, Object Detection, Number Plate, Real Time
README.md PrePareded anaconda env requirements.txt clova AI → deep text recognition → trained weights (ex, .pth) wpod-net weights (ex, .h5 , .json) ht
Image Smoothing and Blurring Using OpenCV
Image-Smoothing-and-Blurring-Using-OpenCV This repository contains codes for performing image smoothing and blurring using OpenCV. There are different
Thresholding-and-masking-using-OpenCV - Image Thresholding is used for image segmentation
Image Thresholding is used for image segmentation. From a grayscale image, thresholding can be used to create binary images. In thresholding we pick a threshold T.
Credit Card Fraud Detection, used the credit card fraud dataset from Kaggle
Credit Card Fraud Detection, used the credit card fraud dataset from Kaggle
Sub-tomogram-Detection - Deep learning based model for Cyro ET Sub-tomogram-Detection
Deep learning based model for Cyro ET Sub-tomogram-Detection High degree of stru
Simple Python script that lets you upload image/video to imgur
Pymgur 🐍 Simple Python script that lets you upload image/video to imgur! Usage 🔨 Git Clone this repository install the requirements (pip install -r
This project proposes a camera vision based cursor control system, using hand moment captured from a webcam through a landmarks of hand by using Mideapipe module
This project proposes a camera vision based cursor control system, using hand moment captured from a webcam through a landmarks of hand by using Mideapipe module
Real-CUGAN - Real Cascade U-Nets for Anime Image Super Resolution
Real Cascade U-Nets for Anime Image Super Resolution 中文 | English 🔥 Real-CUGAN
Discord-Image-Logger - Discord Image Logger With Python
Discord-Image-Logger A exploit I found in discord. Working as of now. Explanatio
Hashpic - Hashpic creates an image from a MD5 or SHA512 hash
Hashpic Hashpic creates an image from the MD5 hash of your input. Since v0.2.0 i
The official code repo of "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound Classification and Detection"
Hierarchical Token Semantic Audio Transformer Introduction The Code Repository for "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound
The 7th edition of NTIRE: New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement workshop will be held on June 2022 in conjunction with CVPR 2022.
NTIRE 2022 - Image Inpainting Challenge Important dates 2022.02.01: Release of train data (input and output images) and validation data (only input) 2
A Sign Language detection project using Mediapipe landmark detection and Tensorflow LSTM's
sign-language-detection A Sign Language detection project using Mediapipe landmark detection and Tensorflow LSTM. The project is built for a vocabular
Create a random fluent image based on multiple colors.
FluentGenerator Create a random fluent image based on multiple colors. Navigation Example Install Update Usage In Python console FluentGenerator Fluen
GTK and Python based, simple multiple image editor tool
System Monitoring Center GTK3 and Python3 based, simple multiple image editor tool. Note: Development of this application is not completed yet. The ap
An python script to convert images to upscaled versions made out of one-colour emojis.
ABOUT This is an python script to convert png, jpg and gif(output isnt animated :( ) images to scaled versions made out of one-colour emojis. Please n
Download Web-10K data by querying Bing Image Search
gpv2-web10k This repository contains the script to download images from the Web-10K dataset. The script takes in a list of queries, queries Bing Image
Learning Super-Features for Image Retrieval
Learning Super-Features for Image Retrieval This repository contains the code for running our FIRe model presented in our ICLR'22 paper: @inproceeding
traiNNer is an open source image and video restoration (super-resolution, denoising, deblurring and others) and image to image translation toolbox based on PyTorch.
traiNNer traiNNer is an open source image and video restoration (super-resolution, denoising, deblurring and others) and image to image translation to
PyTorch code for BLIP: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training for Unified Vision-Language Understanding and Generation
BLIP: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training for Unified Vision-Language Understanding and Generation
Generate meme GIFs in which an image you choose can be viewed by the user only after they wait a whole hour.
Generate meme GIFs in which an image you choose can be viewed by the user only after they wait a whole hour.
Code for You Only Cut Once: Boosting Data Augmentation with a Single Cut
You Only Cut Once (YOCO) YOCO is a simple method/strategy of performing augmenta
Using Logistic Regression and classifiers of the dataset to produce an accurate recall, f-1 and precision score
Using Logistic Regression and classifiers of the dataset to produce an accurate recall, f-1 and precision score
This repository contains the re-implementation of our paper deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning Based SAR Image Despeckling
deSpeckNet-TF-GEE This repository contains the re-implementation of our paper deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning Based SAR Image Despeckling publi
Real Time Object Detection and Classification using Yolo Algorithm.
Real time Object detection & Classification using YOLO algorithm. Real Time Object Detection and Classification using Yolo Algorithm. What is Object D
A modification of Daniel Russell's notebook merged with Katherine Crowson's hq-skip-net changes
Edits made to this repo by Katherine Crowson I have added several features to this repository for use in creating higher quality generative art (featu
This repository attempts to replicate the SqueezeNet architecture and implement the same on an image classification task.
SqueezeNet-Implementation This repository attempts to replicate the SqueezeNet architecture using TensorFlow discussed in the research paper: "Squeeze
CS550 Machine Learning course project on CNN Detection.
CNN Detection (CS550 Machine Learning Project) Team Members (Tensor) : Yadava Kishore Chodipilli (11940310) Thashmitha BS (11941250) This is a work do
Garbage Detection system which will detect objects based on whether it is plastic waste or plastics or just garbage.
Garbage Detection using Yolov5 on Jetson Nano 2gb Developer Kit. Garbage detection system which will detect objects based on whether it is plastic was
Edison AT is software Depression Assistant personal.
Edison AT Edison AT is software / program Depression Assistant personal. Feature: Analyze emotional real-time from face. Audio Edison(Comingsoon relea
Image processing is one of the most common term in computer vision
Image processing is one of the most common term in computer vision. Computer vision is the process by which computers can understand images and videos, and how they are stored, manipulated, and retrieve details from them. OpenCV is an open source computer vision image processing library for machine learning, deep leaning and AI application which plays a major role in real-time operation which is very important in today’s systems.
Create an application to visualize single/multiple Xandar Kardian people counting sensors detection result for a indoor area.
Program Design Purpose: We want to create an application to visualize single/multiple Xandar Kardian people counting sensors detection result for a indoor area.
Python tool that takes the OCR.space JSON output as input and draws a text overlay on top of the image.
OCR.space OCR Result Checker = Draw OCR overlay on top of image Python tool that takes the OCR.space JSON output as input, and draws an overlay on to
Detection tool of malware(s) by checksum (useful for forensic)
🐍 malware_checker.py Detection tool of malware(s) by checksum (useful for forensic) 📦 Dependencies installation $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Underwater industrial application yolov5m6
This project wins the intelligent algorithm contest finalist award and stands out from over 2000teams in China Underwater Robot Professional Contest, entering the final of China Underwater Robot Professional Contest and ranking 13 out of 31 teams in finals.
Drowsiness Detection and Alert System
A countless number of people drive on the highway day and night. Taxi drivers, bus drivers, truck drivers, and people traveling long-distance suffer from lack of sleep.
Depression Asisstant GDSC Challenge Solution
Depression Asisstant can help you give solution. Please using Python version 3.9.5 for contribute.
DocEnTr: An end-to-end document image enhancement transformer
DocEnTR Description Pytorch implementation of the paper DocEnTr: An End-to-End Document Image Enhancement Transformer. This model is implemented on to
An introduction to satellite image analysis using Python + OpenCV and JavaScript + Google Earth Engine
A Gentle Introduction to Satellite Image Processing Welcome to this introductory course on Satellite Image Analysis! Satellite imagery has become a pr
RuCLIP-SB (Russian Contrastive Language–Image Pretraining SWIN-BERT) is a multimodal model for obtaining images and text similarities and rearranging captions and pictures. Unlike other versions of the model we use BERT for text encoder and SWIN transformer for image encoder.
ruCLIP-SB RuCLIP-SB (Russian Contrastive Language–Image Pretraining SWIN-BERT) is a multimodal model for obtaining images and text similarities and re
Explaining Deep Neural Networks - A comparison of different CAM methods based on an insect data set
Explaining Deep Neural Networks - A comparison of different CAM methods based on an insect data set This is the repository for the Deep Learning proje
Computer Vision Paper Reviews with Key Summary of paper, End to End Code Practice and Jupyter Notebook converted papers
Computer-Vision-Paper-Reviews Computer Vision Paper Reviews with Key Summary along Papers & Codes. Jonathan Choi 2021 The repository provides 100+ Pap
[ECE NTUA] 👁 Computer Vision - Lab Projects & Theoretical Problem Sets (2020-2021)
Computer Vision - NTUA (2020-2021) This repository hosts the lab projects and theoretical problem sets of the Computer Vision course held by ECE NTUA
Search stock images (e.g. via Unsplash) and save them to your Wagtail image library.
Wagtail Stock Images Search stock images (e.g. via Unsplash) and save them to your Wagtail image library. Requirements Python 3 Django = 2 Wagtail =
A face dataset generator with out-of-focus blur detection and dynamic interval adjustment.
A face dataset generator with out-of-focus blur detection and dynamic interval adjustment.
MusicYOLO framework uses the object detection model, YOLOx, to locate notes in the spectrogram.
MusicYOLO MusicYOLO framework uses the object detection model, YOLOX, to locate notes in the spectrogram. Its performance on the ISMIR2014 dataset, MI
Retrieval.pytorch - The code we used in [2020 DIGIX]
Retrieval.pytorch - The code we used in [2020 DIGIX]
This is the code repository for the paper A hierarchical semantic segmentation framework for computer-vision-based bridge column damage detection
Bridge-damage-segmentation This is the code repository for the paper A hierarchical semantic segmentation framework for computer-vision-based bridge c
2 telegram-bots: for image recognition and for text generation
💻 📱 Telegram_Bots 🔎 & 📖 2 telegram-bots: for image recognition and for text generation. About Image recognition bot: User sends a photo and bot de
This repository contains a toolkit for collecting, labeling and tracking object keypoints
This repository contains a toolkit for collecting, labeling and tracking object keypoints. Object keypoints are semantic points in an object's coordinate frame.
This repository contains code to run experiments in the paper "Signal Strength and Noise Drive Feature Preference in CNN Image Classifiers."
Signal Strength and Noise Drive Feature Preference in CNN Image Classifiers This repository contains code to run experiments in the paper "Signal Stre
Lightweight Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images via Feature Correlation
CorrNet This project provides the code and results for 'Lightweight Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images via Feature Correlation'
WPPNets: Unsupervised CNN Training with Wasserstein Patch Priors for Image Superresolution
WPPNets: Unsupervised CNN Training with Wasserstein Patch Priors for Image Superresolution This code belongs to the paper [1] available at https://arx
A deep learning framework for historical document image analysis
DIVA-DAF Description A deep learning framework for historical document image analysis. How to run Install dependencies # clone project git clone https