3938 Repositories
Python Processing-Files-using-MySQL Libraries
A Unified Framework and Analysis for Structured Knowledge Grounding
UnifiedSKG 📚 : Unifying and Multi-Tasking Structured Knowledge Grounding with Text-to-Text Language Models Code for paper UnifiedSKG: Unifying and Mu
This is a Web scraping project using BeautifulSoup and Python to scrape basic information of all the Test matches played till Jan 2022.
Scraping-test-matches-data This is a Web scraping project using BeautifulSoup and Python to scrape basic information of all the Test matches played ti
Face Mask Detector by live camera using tensorflow-keras, openCV and Python
Face Mask Detector 😷 by Live Camera Detecting masked or unmasked faces by live camera with percentange of mask occupation About Project: This an Arti
Repo contains Python Code Reference to learn Python in a week, It also contains Machine Learning Algorithms and some examples for Practice, Also contains MySql, Tableau etc
DataScience_ML_and_Python Repo contains Python Code Reference to learn Python in a week, It also contains Machine Learning Algorithms and some example
[AI6122] Text Data Management & Processing
[AI6122] Text Data Management & Processing is an elective course of MSAI, SCSE, NTU, Singapore. The repository corresponds to the AI6122 of Semester 1, AY2021-2022, starting from 08/2021. The instructor of this course is Prof. Sun Aixin.
Simple encryption/decryption utility using Pycryptodome module. Working with AES and RSA algorithms.
EncypherUtil Simple encryption/decryption utility using PyCryptodome module. Working with AES and RSA algorithms. THIS UTILITY IS NOT LICENSED AS CRYP
Tackling Obstacle Tower Challenge using PPO & A2C combined with ICM.
Obstacle Tower Challenge using Deep Reinforcement Learning Unity Obstacle Tower is a challenging realistic 3D, third person perspective and procedural
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing SS 2021 (TU Darmstadt)
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing SS 2021 (TU Darmstadt) Task Training huge unsupervised deep neural networks yields to strong progress in
A malware to encrypt all the .txt and .jpg files in target computer using RSA algorithms
A malware to encrypt all the .txt and .jpg files in target computer using RSA algorithms. Change the Blackgound image of targets' computer. and decrypt the targets' encrypted files in our own computer
Step by Step on how to create an vision recognition model using LOBE.ai, export the model and run the model in an Azure Function
Step by Step on how to create an vision recognition model using LOBE.ai, export the model and run the model in an Azure Function
Cupytorch - A small framework mimics PyTorch using CuPy or NumPy
CuPyTorch CuPyTorch是一个小型PyTorch,名字来源于: 不同于已有的几个使用NumPy实现PyTorch的开源项目,本项目通过CuPy支持
Loudchecker - Python script to check files for earrape
loudchecker python script to check files for earrape automatically installs depe
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
AirDrive lets you store unlimited files to cloud for free. Upload & download files from your personal drive at any time using its super-fast API.
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
Implementing SYNTHESIZER: Rethinking Self-Attention in Transformer Models using Pytorch
Implementing SYNTHESIZER: Rethinking Self-Attention in Transformer Models using Pytorch Reference Paper URL Author: Yi Tay, Dara Bahri, Donald Metzler
[NeurIPS 2020] Official Implementation: "SMYRF: Efficient Attention using Asymmetric Clustering".
SMYRF: Efficient attention using asymmetric clustering Get started: Abstract We propose a novel type of balanced clustering algorithm to approximate a
PyElastica is the Python implementation of Elastica, an open-source software for the simulation of assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structures using Cosserat Rod theory.
PyElastica PyElastica is the python implementation of Elastica: an open-source project for simulating assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structure
A recipe sharing API built using Django rest framework.
Recipe Sharing API This is the backend API for the recipe sharing platform at https://mesob-recipe.netlify.app/ This API allows users to share recipes
A natural language processing model for sequential sentence classification in medical abstracts.
NLP PubMed Medical Research Paper Abstract (Randomized Controlled Trial) A natural language processing model for sequential sentence classification in
Policy Gradient Algorithms (One Step Actor Critic & PPO) from scratch using Numpy
Policy Gradient Algorithms From Scratch (NumPy) This repository showcases two policy gradient algorithms (One Step Actor Critic and Proximal Policy Op
Visualization Website by using Dash and Heroku
Visualization Website by using Dash and Heroku You can visit the website https://payroll-expense-analysis.herokuapp.com/ In this project, I am interes
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
FilmMikirAPI - A simple rest-api which is used for scrapping on the Kincir website using the Python and Flask package
Unconventional ways to save an Image
Unexpected Image Saves Unconventional ways to save an image 😄 Have you ever been bored by the same old .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and all other image ex
Python data processing, analysis, visualization, and data operations
Python This is a Python data processing, analysis, visualization and data operations of the source code warehouse, book ISBN: 9787115527592 Descriptio
Flappy Bird Game using Pygame in Python
Flappy Bird Game using Pygame in Python Demo Pages Hello dear, hope you are very well! I created Flappy Bird Game using Pygame ( Pygame is a cross-pla
Unsupervised text tokenizer focused on computational efficiency
YouTokenToMe YouTokenToMe is an unsupervised text tokenizer focused on computational efficiency. It currently implements fast Byte Pair Encoding (BPE)
A starter template for building a backend with Django and django-rest-framework using docker with PostgreSQL as the primary DB.
Django-Rest-Template! This is a basic starter template for a backend project with Django as the server and PostgreSQL as the database. About the templ
Bot that embeds a random hysterical meme from Reddit into your text channel as an embedded message, using an API call.
Discord_Meme_Bot 🤣 Bot that embeds a random hysterical meme from Reddit into your text channel as an embedded message, using an API call. Add the bot
This is a model to classify Vietnamese sign language using Motion history image (MHI) algorithm and CNN.
Vietnamese sign lagnuage recognition using MHI and CNN This is a model to classify Vietnamese sign language using Motion history image (MHI) algorithm
Sentiment analysis translations of the Bhagavad Gita
Sentiment and Semantic Analysis of Bhagavad Gita Translations It is well known that translations of songs and poems not only breaks rhythm and rhyming
Optical machine for senses sensing using speckle and deep learning
# Senses-speckle [Remote Photonic Detection of Human Senses Using Secondary Speckle Patterns](https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-724587/v1) paper Python
This project aims at building a real-time wide band channel sounder using USRPs
RFNoC-HLS-WINLAB Bhargav Gokalgandhi [email protected] Prasanthi Maddala [email protected] Ivan Seskar [email protected]
Accurate identification of bacteriophages from metagenomic data using Transformer
PhaMer is a python library for identifying bacteriophages from metagenomic data. PhaMer is based on a Transorfer model and rely on protein-based vocab
Weakly Supervised Scene Text Detection using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Weakly Supervised Scene Text Detection using Deep Reinforcement Learning This repository contains the setup for all experiments performed in our Paper
Uproot - A script to bring deeply nested files or directories to the surface
UPROOT Bring deeply nested files or folders to the surface Uproot helps convert
Long text token classification using LongFormer
Long text token classification using LongFormer
📚 Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
applied-ml Curated papers, articles, and blogs on data science & machine learning in production. ⚙️ Figuring out how to implement your ML project? Lea
A simple code for processing images to local binary pattern.
This figure is gotten from this link https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-01449-0_24 LBP-Local-Binary-Pattern A simple code for process
A simple script to login into twitter using Selenium in python.
Quick Talk A simple script to login into twitter using Selenium in python. I was looking for a way to login into twitter using Selenium in python. Sin
Using openpyxl in Python, performed following task
Python-Automation-with-openpyxl Using openpyxl in Python, performed following tasks on an Excel Sheet containing Product Suppliers along with their pr
Memoized coduals - Shows that it is possible to implement reverse mode autodiff using a variation on the dual numbers called the codual numbers
The dual numbers can do efficient autodiff! The codual numbers are a simple meth
How to detect objects in real time by using Jupyter Notebook and Neural Networks , by using Yolo3
Real Time Object Recognition From your Screen Desktop . In this post, I will explain how to build a simply program to detect objects from you desktop
This project consists of data analysis and data visualization (done using python)of all IPL seasons from 2008 to 2019 and answering the most asked questions about the IPL.
IPL-data-analysis This project consists of data analysis and data visualization of all IPL seasons from 2008 to 2019 and answering the most asked ques
Repo for the paper Extrapolating from a Single Image to a Thousand Classes using Distillation
Extrapolating from a Single Image to a Thousand Classes using Distillation by Yuki M. Asano* and Aaqib Saeed* (*Equal Contribution) Extrapolating from
A group management bot written in python3 using the python-telegram-bot library.
Chika Fujiwara A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy database. Originally a Marie fork, Chika was created for personal u
Import modules and files straight from URLs.
Import Python code from modules straight from the internet.
Files for a tutorial to train SegNet for road scenes using the CamVid dataset
SegNet and Bayesian SegNet Tutorial This repository contains all the files for you to complete the 'Getting Started with SegNet' and the 'Bayesian Seg
Credit EDA Case Study Using Python
This case study aims to identify patterns which indicate if a client has difficulty paying their installments which may be used for taking actions such as denying the loan, reducing the amount of loan, lending (to risky applicants) at a higher interest rate, etc
The final project for "Applying AI to Wearable Device Data" course from "AI for Healthcare" - Udacity.
Motion Compensated Pulse Rate Estimation Overview This project has 2 main parts. Develop a Pulse Rate Algorithm on the given training data. Then Test
IA for recognising Traffic Signs using Keras [Tensorflow]
Traffic Signs Recognition ⚠️ 🚦 Fundamentals of Intelligent Systems Introduction 📄 Development of a neural network capable of recognizing nine differ
Elgamal-and-peer2peer-communication - This project simulates the message transportation between two clients using elgamal cryptography
elgamal-and-peer2peer-communication This project simulates the message transport
Opencv-image-filters - A camera to capture videos in real time by placing filters using Python with the help of the Tkinter and OpenCV libraries
Opencv-image-filters - A camera to capture videos in real time by placing filters using Python with the help of the Tkinter and OpenCV libraries
VDLdraw - Batch plot the log files exported from VisualDL using Matplotlib
VDLdraw Batch plot the log files exported from VisualDL using Matplotlib. At pre
Using Global fishing watch's data to build a machine learning model that can identify illegal fishing and poaching activities through satellite and geo-location data.
Using Global fishing watch's data to build a machine learning model that can identify illegal fishing and poaching activities through satellite and geo-location data.
A crypto wallet to send bnb and ether coin using web3.py and moralis speedy node
A crypto wallet to send bnb and ether coin using web3.py and moralis speedy node
Book Recommender System Using Sci-kit learn N-neighbours
Model-Based-Recommender-Engine I created a book Recommender System using Sci-kit learn's N-neighbours algorithm for my model and the streamlit library
A Bot that Forwards Tweets to Telegram using Airtable as a database.
Twitter Telegram Forward A Bot that Forwards Tweets to Telegram using Airtable as a Database. Features: Handles multiple twitter and telegram channels
This repository is a basic Machine Learning train & validation Template (Using PyTorch)
pytorch_ml_template This repository is a basic Machine Learning train & validation Template (Using PyTorch) TODO Markdown 사용법 Build Docker 사용법 Anacond
A Python library that provides basic functions to read / write Aseprite format files
A Python library that provides basic functions to read / write Aseprite format files
Make files with as many random bytes as you want
Lots o' Bytes 🔣 Make files with as many random bytes as you want! Use case Can be used to package malware that is normally small by making the downlo
A Python application that helps users determine their calorie intake, and automatically generates customized weekly meal and workout plans based on metrics computed using their physical parameters
A Python application that helps users determine their calorie intake, and automatically generates customized weekly meal and workout plans based on metrics computed using their physical parameters
The undersampled DWI image using Slice-Interleaved Diffusion Encoding (SIDE) method can be reconstructed by the UNet network.
UNet-SIDE The undersampled DWI image using Slice-Interleaved Diffusion Encoding (SIDE) method can be reconstructed by the UNet network. For Super Reso
Weakly-supervised semantic image segmentation with CNNs using point supervision
Code for our ECCV paper What's the Point: Semantic Segmentation with Point Supervision. Summary This library is a custom build of Caffe for semantic i
A lightweight terminal-based password manager coded with Python using SQLCipher for SQLite database encryption.
password-manager A lightweight terminal-based password manager coded with Python using SQLCipher for SQLite database encryption. Screenshot Pre-requis
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions
Generate daily updated visualizations of user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions for any combination of private and public repositories - dark mode supported
Video stream recording dockerized server using python/ffmpeg.
Stream Recording Server Video stream recording dockerized server using python/ffmpeg. Usage Configuration Prepare .env file, check .env.example for th
Drf-stripe-subscription - An out-of-box Django REST framework solution for payment and subscription management using Stripe
Drf-stripe-subscription - An out-of-box Django REST framework solution for payment and subscription management using Stripe
Stock-Prediction - prediction of stock market movements using sentiment analysis and deep learning.
Stock-Prediction- In this project, we aim to enhance the prediction of stock market movements using sentiment analysis and deep learning. We divide th
Food recognition model using convolutional neural network & computer vision
Food recognition model using convolutional neural network & computer vision. The goal is to match or beat the DeepFood Research Paper
Using the provided dataset which includes various book features, in order to predict the price of books, using various proposed methods and models.
Using the provided dataset which includes various book features, in order to predict the price of books, using various proposed methods and models.
Tor Relay availability checker, for using it as a bridge in countries with censorship
Tor Relay Availability Checker This small script downloads all Tor Relay IP addresses from onionoo.torproject.org and checks whether random Relays are
🔬 Fixed struct serialization system, using Python 3.9 annotated type hints
py-struct Fixed-size struct serialization, using Python 3.9 annotated type hints This was originally uploaded as a Gist because it's not intended as a
Modelisation on galaxy evolution using PEGASE-HR
model_galaxy Modelisation on galaxy evolution using PEGASE-HR This is a labwork done in internship at IAP directed by Damien Le Borgne (https://github
Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning Methods
Fake-News-Detection-Using-Machine-Learning-Methods Fake news is always a real and dangerous issue. However, with the presence and abundance of various
Object recognition using Azure Custom Vision AI and Azure Functions
Step by Step on how to create an object recognition model using Custom Vision, export the model and run the model in an Azure Function
Secsie is a configuration language made for speed, beauty, and ease of use.
secsie-conf pip3 install secsie-conf Secsie is a configuration language parser for Python, made for speed and beauty. Instead of writing config files
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python
This repo contains a small project i've done using PILLOW module in python. I wrote an automated script which generates more than 5k+ unique nfts with 0 hassle in less time.
Paid roles for discord using Stripe, Python, Flask & Docker
Welcome to Paycord Paid roles for discord using Stripe, Python, Flask & Docker. Setup Production On stripe dashboard, go Developers ➡️ Webhooks ➡️ Add
YouTube Video publisher using youtube-dl & ROS2🐢
YouTube-publisher-ROS2 Publish sensor_msgs/Image by "YouTube" 🤗 🤗 🤗 ! You don't have to use webcamera or your video to check demos. Purpose Quick d
Discord bot script for sending multiple media files to a discord channel according to discord limitations.
Discord Bulk Image Sending Bot Send bulk images to Discord channel. This is a bot script that will allow you to send multiple images to Discord channe
Text mining project; Using distilBERT to predict authors in the classification task authorship attribution.
DistilBERT-Text-mining-authorship-attribution Dataset used: https://www.kaggle.com/azimulh/tweets-data-for-authorship-attribution-modelling/version/2
A car learns to drive in a small 2D environment using the NEAT-Algorithm with Pygame
Self-driving-car-with-Pygame A car learns to drive in a small 2D environment using the NEAT-Algorithm with Pygame Description A car has 5 sensors ("ey
ELSED: Enhanced Line SEgment Drawing
ELSED: Enhanced Line SEgment Drawing This repository contains the source code of ELSED: Enhanced Line SEgment Drawing the fastest line segment detecto
Code for ICCV 2021 paper Graph-to-3D: End-to-End Generation and Manipulation of 3D Scenes using Scene Graphs
Graph-to-3D This is the official implementation of the paper Graph-to-3d: End-to-End Generation and Manipulation of 3D Scenes Using Scene Graphs | arx
Labels4Free: Unsupervised Segmentation using StyleGAN
Labels4Free: Unsupervised Segmentation using StyleGAN ICCV 2021 Figure: Some segmentation masks predicted by Labels4Free Framework on real and synthet
Lbl2Vec learns jointly embedded label, document and word vectors to retrieve documents with predefined topics from an unlabeled document corpus.
Lbl2Vec Lbl2Vec is an algorithm for unsupervised document classification and unsupervised document retrieval. It automatically generates jointly embed
Examples of how to create colorful, annotated equations in Latex using Tikz.
The file "eqn_annotate.tex" is the main latex file. This repository provides four examples of annotated equations: [example_prob.tex] A simple one ins
This is RFA-Toolbox, a simple and easy-to-use library that allows you to optimize your neural network architectures using receptive field analysis (RFA) and create graph visualizations of your architecture.
ReceptiveFieldAnalysisToolbox This is RFA-Toolbox, a simple and easy-to-use library that allows you to optimize your neural network architectures usin
👄 The most accurate natural language detection library for Python, suitable for long and short text alike
1. What does this library do? Its task is simple: It tells you which language some provided textual data is written in. This is very useful as a prepr
Web Scraping Instagram photos with Selenium by only using a hashtag.
Web-Scraping-Instagram This project is used to automatically obtain images by web scraping Instagram with Selenium in Python. The required input will
FDTD simulator that generates s-parameters from OFF geometry files using a GPU
Emport Overview This repo provides a FDTD (Finite Differences Time Domain) simulator called emport for solving RF circuits. Emport outputs its simulat
Liver segmentation using MONAI and pytorch
Machine Learning use case in the field of Healthcare. In this project MONAI and pytorch frameworks are used for 3D Liver segmentation.
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm
Exam Schedule Generator using Genetic Algorithm Requirements Use any kind of crossover Choose any justifiable rate of mutation Use roulette wheel sele
Sentiment-Analysis and EDA on the IMDB Movie Review Dataset
Sentiment-Analysis and EDA on the IMDB Movie Review Dataset The main part of the work focuses on the exploration and study of different approaches whi
Better Giveaways is a bot that will change the experience of using a giveaway bot forever.
Better-Giveaways Better Giveaways is a bot that will change the experience of using a giveaway bot forever. VoxelBotUtils/Novus, latest PyPi releases
Hand Gesture Volume Control is AIML based project which uses image processing to control the volume of your Computer.
Hand Gesture Volume Control Modules There are basically three modules Handtracking Program Handtracking Module Volume Control Program Handtracking Pro
A webdav demo using a virtual filesystem that serves a random status of whether a cat in a box is dead or alive.
A webdav demo using a virtual filesystem that serves a random status of whether a cat in a box is dead or alive.
Metal Gear Online 2 (MGO2) stage files decryption
Metal Gear Online 2 decryption tool Metal Gear Online 2 (MGO2) has an additional layer of encryption for stage files. I was not able to find info abou
Create pinned requirements.txt inside a Docker image using pip-tools
Pin your Python dependencies! pin-requirements.py is a script that lets you pin your Python dependencies inside a Docker container. Pinning your depen
Face uncertainty quantification or estimation using PyTorch.
Face-uncertainty-pytorch This is a demo code of face uncertainty quantification or estimation using PyTorch. The uncertainty of face recognition is af