4120 Repositories
Python data-build-tool Libraries
Analyze the Gravitational wave data stored at LIGO/VIRGO observatories
Gravitational-Wave-Analysis This project showcases how to analyze the Gravitational wave data stored at LIGO/VIRGO observatories, using Python program
Decision tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification and prediction
Diabetes Prediction Using Decision Tree Introduction Decision tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification and prediction. A Decision
A tool for retrieving audio in the past
Rewinder A tool for retrieving audio in the past. Ever felt like, I need to remember that discussion which happened 10 min back. Now you can! Rewind a
Ingestinator is my personal VFX pipeline tool for ingesting folders containing frame sequences that have been pulled and downloaded to a local folder
Ingestinator Ingestinator is my personal VFX pipeline tool for ingesting folders containing frame sequences that have been pulled and downloaded to a
This python script allows you to manipulate the audience data from Sl.ido surveys
Slido-Automated-VoteBot This python script allows you to manipulate the audience data from Sl.ido surveys Since Slido blocks interference from automat
Use Tensorflow2.7.0 Build OpenAI'GPT-2
TF2_GPT-2 Use Tensorflow2.7.0 Build OpenAI'GPT-2 使用最新tensorflow2.7.0构建openai官方的GPT-2 NLP模型 优点 使用无监督技术 拥有大量词汇量 可实现续写(堪比“xx梦续写”) 实现对话后续将应用于FloatTech的Bot
This Docker container is build to run on a server an provide an easy to use interface for every student to vote for their councilors
This Docker container is build to run on a server and provide an easy to use interface for every student to vote for their councilors.
Cormen-Lib - An academic tool for data structures and algorithms courses
The Cormen-lib module is an insular data structures and algorithms library based on the Thomas H. Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms Third Edition. This library was made specifically for administering and grading assignments related to data structure and algorithms in computer science.
Wordle-solver - A tool that helps people who struggle with vocabulary to enjoy the famous game of WORDLE
Wordle-Solver Wordle-Solver helps people who struggle with vocabulary to enjoy t
Collapse by Conditioning: Training Class-conditional GANs with Limited Data
Collapse by Conditioning: Training Class-conditional GANs with Limited Data Moha
Personal Finance Forecaster - An AI tool for forecasting personal expenses
Personal Finance Forecaster - An AI tool for forecasting personal expenses
GoogleFormSpammer - A simple CLI script to spam Google Forms used by Crypto Wallet scammers to collect stolen data
GoogleFormSpammer - A simple CLI script to spam Google Forms used by Crypto Wallet scammers to collect stolen data
IP-Escaner - A Python Tool to obtain information from an IP address
IP-Escaner Herramienta para obtener informacion de una direccion IP Opciones de
This is a Poetry plugin that will make it possible to build projects using custom TOML files
Poetry Multiproject Plugin This is a Poetry plugin that will make it possible to build projects using custom TOML files. This is especially useful whe
MasterDuel Image Recognition Translation Command Line Tool
MasterDuelTranslate(Use Ygo Card DataBase,belong win32 window shot & image match)
Implement the Perspective open source code in preparation for data visualization
Task Overview | Installation Instructions | Link to Module 2 Introduction Experience Technology at JP Morgan Chase Try out what real work is like in t
PostQF is a user-friendly Postfix queue data filter which operates on data produced by postqueue -j.
PostQF Copyright © 2022 Ralph Seichter PostQF is a user-friendly Postfix queue data filter which operates on data produced by postqueue -j. See the ma
Peak.py - An awesome tool to keep you up about servers and websites status
An In-house API Powered GUI App To Check Server Stats, Generate Logs And More Features To Be Added Soon.
Synthetic data need to preserve the statistical properties of real data in terms of their individual behavior and (inter-)dependences
Synthetic data need to preserve the statistical properties of real data in terms of their individual behavior and (inter-)dependences. Copula and functional Principle Component Analysis (fPCA) are statistical models that allow these properties to be simulated (Joe 2014). As such, copula generated data have shown potential to improve the generalization of machine learning (ML) emulators (Meyer et al. 2021) or anonymize real-data datasets (Patki et al. 2016).
An easy-to-use feature store
A feature store is a data storage system for data science and machine-learning. It can store raw data and also transformed features, which can be fed straight into an ML model or training script.
Learn Basic to advanced level Data visualisation techniques from this Repository
Data visualisation Hey, You can learn Basic to advanced level Data visualisation techniques from this Repository. Data visualization is the graphic re
NuPIC Studio is an all-in-one tool that allows users create a HTM neural network from scratch
NuPIC Studio is an all-in-one tool that allows users create a HTM neural network from scratch, train it, collect statistics, and share it among the members of the community. It is not just a visualization tool but an HTM builder, debugger and laboratory for experiments. It is ideal for newbies with little intimacy with NuPIC code as well as experts that wish a better productivity. Among its features and advantages:
Create charts with Python in a very similar way to creating charts using Chart.js
Create charts with Python in a very similar way to creating charts using Chart.js. The charts created are fully configurable, interactive and modular and are displayed directly in the output of the the cells of your jupyter notebook environment.
visualize_ML is a python package made to visualize some of the steps involved while dealing with a Machine Learning problem
visualize_ML visualize_ML is a python package made to visualize some of the steps involved while dealing with a Machine Learning problem. It is build
Equibles Stocks API for Python
Equibles Stocks API for Python Requirements. Python 2.7 and 3.4+ Installation & Usage pip install If the python package is hosted on Github, you can i
OSINT Cybersecurity Tools
OSINT Cybersecurity Tools Welcome to the World of OSINT: An ongoing collection of awesome tools and frameworks, best security software practices, libr
WallAlley.bot is an open source and free to use financial discord bot originaly build for WallAlley server's community
WallAlley.bot About WallAlley.bot is an open source and free to use financial discord bot originaly build for WallAlley server's community. All data a
A server and client for passing data between computercraft computers/turtles across dimensions or even servers.
ccserver A server and client for passing data between computercraft computers/turtles across dimensions or even servers. pastebin get zUnE5N0v client
Feature engineering and machine learning: together at last
Feature engineering and machine learning: together at last! Lambdo is a workflow engine which significantly simplifies data analysis by unifying featu
INFO-H515 - Big Data Scalable Analytics
INFO-H515 - Big Data Scalable Analytics Jacopo De Stefani, Giovanni Buroni, Théo Verhelst and Gianluca Bontempi - Machine Learning Group Exercise clas
This module is used to create Convolutional AutoEncoders for Variational Data Assimilation
VarDACAE This module is used to create Convolutional AutoEncoders for Variational Data Assimilation. A user can define, create and train an AE for Dat
This is a learning tool and exploration app made using the Dash interactive Python framework developed by Plotly
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Explorer This app has been moved here. This repo is likely outdated and will not be updated. This is a learning tool and
Tutorials, examples, collections, and everything else that falls into the categories: pattern classification, machine learning, and data mining
**Tutorials, examples, collections, and everything else that falls into the categories: pattern classification, machine learning, and data mining.** S
Perform sentiment analysis on textual data that people generally post on websites like social networks and movie review sites.
Sentiment Analyzer The goal of this project is to perform sentiment analysis on textual data that people generally post on websites like social networ
Dive into Machine Learning
Dive into Machine Learning Hi there! You might find this guide helpful if: You know Python or you're learning it 🐍 You're new to Machine Learning You
TensorDebugger (TDB) is a visual debugger for deep learning. It extends TensorFlow with breakpoints + real-time visualization of the data flowing through the computational graph
TensorDebugger (TDB) is a visual debugger for deep learning. It extends TensorFlow (Google's Deep Learning framework) with breakpoints + real-time visualization of the data flowing through the computational graph.
Python for Data Analysis, 2nd Edition
Python for Data Analysis, 2nd Edition Materials and IPython notebooks for "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney, published by O'Reilly Media Buy
nn_builder lets you build neural networks with less boilerplate code
nn_builder lets you build neural networks with less boilerplate code. You specify the type of network you want and it builds it. Install pip install n
Tic Tac Toe Game build with Python
Tic Tac Toe Game Description two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three grid with X or O. The player who succeeds in placing th
INF42 - Topological Data Analysis
TDA INF421(Conception et analyse d'algorithmes) Projet : Topological Data Analysis SphereMin Etant donné un nuage des points, ce programme contient de
Demonstrate the breadth and depth of your data science skills by earning all of the Databricks Data Scientist credentials
Data Scientist Learning Plan Demonstrate the breadth and depth of your data science skills by earning all of the Databricks Data Scientist credentials
sequitur is a library that lets you create and train an autoencoder for sequential data in just two lines of code
sequitur sequitur is a library that lets you create and train an autoencoder for sequential data in just two lines of code. It implements three differ
Some Discord bot block bad words, with this simple hacking tool you will be able to bypass blacklisted words
Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track: Open Solution
Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track: Open Solution This is an open solution to the Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track 😃 More c
TGS Salt Identification Challenge
TGS Salt Identification Challenge This is an open solution to the TGS Salt Identification Challenge. Note Unfortunately, we can no longer provide supp
Airbus Ship Detection Challenge
Airbus Ship Detection Challenge This is an open solution to the Airbus Ship Detection Challenge. Our goals We are building entirely open solution to t
pureSxS - A tool to export Component Based Servicing packages from a full Windows installation
pureSxS A tool to export Component Based Servicing packages from a full Windows installation. Usage pureSxS.py source_mum destination pureSxS wor
This is an analysis and prediction project for house prices in King County, USA based on certain features of the house
This is a project for analysis and estimation of House Prices in King County USA The .csv file contains the data of the house and the .ipynb file con
Python Sreamlit Duplicate Records Finder Remover
Python-Sreamlit-Duplicate-Records-Finder-Remover Streamlit is an open-source Python library that makes it easy to create and share beautiful, custom w
Program that predicts the NBA mvp based on data from previous years.
NBA MVP Predictor A machine learning model using RandomForest Regression that predicts NBA MVP's using player data. Explore the docs » View Demo · Rep
Simple Translator in Python
Simple Translator in Python Project Description: In this project, we'll be making a very simple translator in Python using some libraries. Requirement
Open solution to the Toxic Comment Classification Challenge
Starter code: Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification Challenge More competitions 🎇 Check collection of public projects 🎁 , where you can find multiple
dbd is a database prototyping tool that enables data analysts and engineers to quickly load and transform data in SQL databases.
dbd: database prototyping tool dbd is a database prototyping tool that enables data analysts and engineers to quickly load and transform data in SQL d
Data-driven Computer Science UoB
COMS20011_2021 Data-driven Computer Science UoB Staff Laurence Aitchison [laurence.aitchison@bristol.ac.uk] (unit director) Majid Mirmehdi [m.mirmehdi
Colab notebook and additional materials for Python-driven analysis of redlining data in Philadelphia
RedliningExploration The Google Colaboratory file contained in this repository contains work inspired by a project on educational inequality in the Ph
An interactive App to play with Spotify data, both from the Spotify Web API and from CSV datasets.
An interactive App to play with Spotify data, both from the Spotify Web API and from CSV datasets.
Airborne magnetic data of the Osborne Mine and Lightning Creek sill complex, Australia
Osborne Mine, Australia - Airborne total-field magnetic anomaly This is a section of a survey acquired in 1990 by the Queensland Government, Australia
This a classic fintech problem that introduces real life difficulties such as data imbalance. Check out the notebook to find out more!
Credit Card Fraud Detection Introduction Online transactions have become a crucial part of any business over the years. Many of those transactions use
Discord Remote Administration Tool fully written in Python3.
DiscordRAT Discord Remote Administration Tool fully written in Python3. This is a RAT controlled over Discord with over 50 post exploitation modules.
FFCV: Fast Forward Computer Vision (and other ML workloads!)
Fast Forward Computer Vision: train models at a fraction of the cost with accele
'rl_UK' is an open-source command-line tool in Python for calculating the shortest path between BUS stop sequences in the UK
'rl_UK' is an open-source command-line tool in Python for calculating the shortest path between BUS stop sequences in the UK. As input files, it uses an ATCO-CIF file and 'OS Open Roads' dataset from Ordnance Survey Data Hub.
ServiceX Transformer that converts flat ROOT ntuples into columnwise data
ServiceX_Uproot_Transformer ServiceX Transformer that converts flat ROOT ntuples into columnwise data Usage You can invoke the transformer from the co
This repo is dedicated to the data extraction and manipulation of the World Bank's database called STEP.
Overview Welcome to the Step-X repository. This repo is dedicated to the data extraction and manipulation of the World Bank's database called STEP. Be
ECLARE: Extreme Classification with Label Graph Correlations
ECLARE ECLARE: Extreme Classification with Label Graph Correlations @InProceedings{Mittal21b, author = "Mittal, A. and Sachdeva, N. and Agrawal
CO2Ampel - This RaspberryPi project uses weather data to estimate the share of renewable energy in the power grid
CO2Ampel This RaspberryPi project uses weather data to estimate the share of ren
The scope of this project will be to build a data ware house on Google Cloud Platform that will help answer common business questions as well as powering dashboards
The scope of this project will be to build a data ware house on Google Cloud Platform that will help answer common business questions as well as powering dashboards.
Raptor-Multi-Tool - Raptor Multi Tool With Python
Promises 🔥 20 Stars and I'll fix every error that there is 50 Stars and we will
RedlineSpam - Python tool to spam Redline Infostealer panels with legit looking data
RedlineSpam Python tool to spam Redline Infostealer panels with legit looking da
PrimaryBid - Transform application Lifecycle Data and Design and ETL pipeline architecture for ingesting data from multiple sources to redshift
Transform application Lifecycle Data and Design and ETL pipeline architecture for ingesting data from multiple sources to redshift This project is composed of two parts: Part1 and Part2
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CGAN) for Mobility Data Fusion
This code implements the paper, Kim et al. (2021). Imputing Qualitative Attributes for Trip Chains Extracted from Smart Card Data Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network. Transportation Research Part C. Under Review.
A handy tool for common machine learning models' hyper-parameter tuning.
Common machine learning models' hyperparameter tuning This repo is for a collection of hyper-parameter tuning for "common" machine learning models, in
A CLI based task manager tool which helps you track your daily task and activity.
CLI based task manager tool This is the simple CLI tool can be helpful in increasing your productivity. More like your todolist. It uses Postgresql as
Extract the windows major and minor build numbers from an ISO file, and automatically sort the iso files.
WindowsBuildFromISO Extract the windows major and minor build numbers from an ISO file, and automatically sort the iso files. Features Parse multiple
stellar-add-guest is a small tool to generate a new guest for Stellar Wireless (Enterprise mode) in OmniVista 2500 hosted on OmniSwitch with AOS Release 8
stellar-add-guest is a small tool to generate a new guest for Stellar Wireless (Enterprise mode) in OmniVista 2500 hosted on OmniSwitch with AOS Release 8.
MainCoon - an automated recon framework
MainCoon is an automated recon framework meant for gathering information during penetration testing of web applications.
Auto-researching tool generating word documents.
About ResearchTE automates researching by generating document with answers to given questions. Supports getting results from: Google DuckDuckGo (with
Import, connect and transform data into Excel
xlwings_query Import, connect and transform data into Excel. Description The concept is to apply data transformations to a main query object. When the
A simple CLI tool for converting logs from Poker Now games to other formats
🂡 Poker Now Log Converter 🂡 A command line utility for converting logs from Poker Now games to other formats. Introduction Poker Now is a free onlin
Blender 2.80+ Timelapse Capture Tool Addon
SimpleTimelapser Blender 2.80+ Timelapse Capture Tool Addon Developed for Blender 3.0.0, tested working on 2.80.0 It's no ZBrush undo history but it's
Code for Private Recommender Systems: How Can Users Build Their Own Fair Recommender Systems without Log Data? (SDM 2022)
Private Recommender Systems: How Can Users Build Their Own Fair Recommender Systems without Log Data? (SDM 2022) We consider how a user of a web servi
A combination between python-flask, that fetch and send data from league client during champion select thanks to LCU
A combination between python-flask, that fetch data and send from league client during champion select thanks to LCU and compare picked champs to the gamesDataBase that we need to collect using my other python script and then send the games result to localhost:5000/members that will be read by electron-reactJS script to present the results as a GUI on browser (localhost:5000)
A modern looking portfolio build with Django.
Django Portfolio A portfolio template using html/css/js in the frontend and Django as the backend framework. Cool features: smooth scrolling responsiv
This project is a small tool for processing url-containing texts delivered by HUAWEI Share on Windows.
hwshare_helper This project is a small tool for handling url-containing texts delivered by HUAWEI Share on Windows. config Before use, please install
RedisJSON - a JSON data type for Redis
RedisJSON is a Redis module that implements ECMA-404 The JSON Data Interchange Standard as a native data type. It allows storing, updating and fetching JSON values from Redis keys (documents).
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
Elkeid HUB - A rule/event processing engine maintained by the Elkeid Team that supports streaming/offline data processing
Elkeid HUB - A rule/event processing engine maintained by the Elkeid Team that supports streaming/offline data processing
Evil-stalker - A simple tool written in python, it is so simple that it is based on google dorks
evil-stalker How to run First of all, you must install the necessary libraries.
Beta Shapley: a Unified and Noise-reduced Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning
Beta Shapley: a Unified and Noise-reduced Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning This repository provides an implementation of the paper Beta S
Used Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and XGBoost to predict the outcome of Search & Destroy games from the Call of Duty World League for the 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Call of Duty World League: Search & Destroy Outcome Predictions Growing up as an avid Call of Duty player, I was always curious about what factors led
converts nominal survey data into a numerical value based on a dictionary lookup.
SWAP RATE Converts nominal survey data into a numerical values based on a dictionary lookup. It allows the user to switch nominal scale data from text
This is a place where I'm playing around with pandas to analyze data in a csv/excel file.
pandas-csv-excel-analysis This is a place where I'm playing around with pandas to analyze data in a csv/excel file. 0-start A very simple cheat sheet
DShell, a tool that combines with discord.py and Jishaku to present to you, shell channels.
Discord shell or dshell for short is a Python package that combines with discord.py and Jishaku to transform an ordinary Discord channel into one capable of running bash commands using a Discord bot.
SynapseML - an open source library to simplify the creation of scalable machine learning pipelines
Synapse Machine Learning SynapseML (previously MMLSpark) is an open source library to simplify the creation of scalable machine learning pipelines. Sy
Convert any binary data to a PNG image file and vice versa.
What is PngBin? The name PngBin comes from an image format file extension PNG (Portable Network Graphics) and the word Binary. An image produced by Pn
PyGRANSO: A PyTorch-enabled port of GRANSO with auto-differentiation
PyGRANSO PyGRANSO: A PyTorch-enabled port of GRANSO with auto-differentiation Please check https://ncvx.org/PyGRANSO for detailed instructions (introd
Automated Changelog/release note generation
Quickly generate changelogs and release notes by analysing your git history. A tool written in python, but works on any language.
In this Notebook I've build some machine-learning and deep-learning to classify corona virus tweets, in both multi class classification and binary classification.
Hello, This Notebook Contains Example of Corona Virus Tweets Multi Class Classification. - Classes is: Extremely Positive, Positive, Extremely Negativ
This project is for finding a solution to use Security Onion Elastic data with Jupyter Notebooks.
This project is for finding a solution to use Security Onion Elastic data with Jupyter Notebooks. The goal is to successfully use this notebook project below with Security Onion for beacon detection capabilities.
Latent Network Models to Account for Noisy, Multiply-Reported Social Network Data
VIMuRe Latent Network Models to Account for Noisy, Multiply-Reported Social Network Data. If you use this code please cite this article (preprint). De