566 Repositories
Python fourier-bayesian-sv-estimation Libraries
This is an official implementation of the High-Resolution Transformer for Dense Prediction.
High-Resolution Transformer for Dense Prediction Introduction This is the official implementation of High-Resolution Transformer (HRT). We present a H
10th place solution for Google Smartphone Decimeter Challenge at kaggle.
Under refactoring 10th place solution for Google Smartphone Decimeter Challenge at kaggle. Google Smartphone Decimeter Challenge Global Navigation Sat
Extreme Rotation Estimation using Dense Correlation Volumes
Extreme Rotation Estimation using Dense Correlation Volumes This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of the paper: Extreme Rotation Estimatio
Bayesian algorithm execution (BAX)
Bayesian Algorithm Execution (BAX) Code for the paper: Bayesian Algorithm Execution: Estimating Computable Properties of Black-box Functions Using Mut
Code for "Multi-View Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Plane Sweep Stereo"
Multi-View Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Plane Sweep Stereo This repository includes the source code for our CVPR 2021 paper on multi-view mult
Dewarping Document Image By Displacement Flow Estimation with Fully Convolutional Network
Dewarping Document Image By Displacement Flow Estimation with Fully Convolutional Network
Office source code of paper UniFuse: Unidirectional Fusion for 360$^\circ$ Panorama Depth Estimation
UniFuse (RAL+ICRA2021) Office source code of paper UniFuse: Unidirectional Fusion for 360$^\circ$ Panorama Depth Estimation, arXiv, Demo Preparation I
A PyTorch toolkit for 2D Human Pose Estimation.
PyTorch-Pose PyTorch-Pose is a PyTorch implementation of the general pipeline for 2D single human pose estimation. The aim is to provide the interface
RIFE: Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation
RIFE RIFE: Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation Ported from https://github.com/hzwer/arXiv2020-RIFE Dependencies NumPy
Deep Learning Head Pose Estimation using PyTorch.
Hopenet is an accurate and easy to use head pose estimation network. Models have been trained on the 300W-LP dataset and have been tested on real data with good qualitative performance.
Pytorch implementation of FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks
flownet2-pytorch Pytorch implementation of FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks. Multiple GPU training is supported, a
PyTorch implementation for 3D human pose estimation
Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: a Weakly-supervised Approach This repository is the PyTorch implementation for the network presented in:
PyTorch Implementation of Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation project.
PyTorch Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estimation This is a pytorch version of Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation, origin code is here Realtime_Multi-P
MADE (Masked Autoencoder Density Estimation) implementation in PyTorch
pytorch-made This code is an implementation of "Masked AutoEncoder for Density Estimation" by Germain et al., 2015. The core idea is that you can turn
A pytorch implementation of Detectron. Both training from scratch and inferring directly from pretrained Detectron weights are available.
Use this instead: https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark A Pytorch Implementation of Detectron Example output of e2e_mask_rcnn-R-101-F
Tokyo2020-Pictogram-using-MediaPipe MediaPipeで姿勢推定を行い、Tokyo2020オリンピック風のピクトグラムを表示するデモです。 Tokyo2020Pictgram02.mp4 Requirement mediapipe 0.8.6 or later O
Fast and scalable uncertainty quantification for neural molecular property prediction, accelerated optimization, and guided virtual screening.
Evidential Deep Learning for Guided Molecular Property Prediction and Discovery Ava Soleimany*, Alexander Amini*, Samuel Goldman*, Daniela Rus, Sangee
Code for "Human Pose Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estimation", ICCV 2021 Oral
Human Pose Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estimation [Paper] [arXiv] [Project Page] Human Pose Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estima
Single-Stage 6D Object Pose Estimation, CVPR 2020
Overview This repository contains the code for the paper Single-Stage 6D Object Pose Estimation. Yinlin Hu, Pascal Fua, Wei Wang and Mathieu Salzmann.
PyTorch implementations of algorithms for density estimation
pytorch-flows A PyTorch implementations of Masked Autoregressive Flow and some other invertible transformations from Glow: Generative Flow with Invert
The Noise Contrastive Estimation for softmax output written in Pytorch
An NCE implementation in pytorch About NCE Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) is an approximation method that is used to work around the huge computat
Bonsai: Gradient Boosted Trees + Bayesian Optimization
Bonsai is a wrapper for the XGBoost and Catboost model training pipelines that leverages Bayesian optimization for computationally efficient hyperparameter tuning.
PyTorch implementation of CloudWalk's recent work DenseBody
densebody_pytorch PyTorch implementation of CloudWalk's recent paper DenseBody. Note: For most recent updates, please check out the dev branch. Update
GDR-Net: Geometry-Guided Direct Regression Network for Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation. (CVPR 2021)
GDR-Net This repo provides the PyTorch implementation of the work: Gu Wang, Fabian Manhardt, Federico Tombari, Xiangyang Ji. GDR-Net: Geometry-Guided
ESTDepth: Multi-view Depth Estimation using Epipolar Spatio-Temporal Networks (CVPR 2021)
ESTDepth: Multi-view Depth Estimation using Epipolar Spatio-Temporal Networks (CVPR 2021) Project Page | Video | Paper | Data We present a novel metho
Dewarping Document Image By Displacement Flow Estimation with Fully Convolutional Network.
Dewarping Document Image By Displacement Flow Estimation with Fully Convolutional Network
HyperPose is a library for building high-performance custom pose estimation applications.
HyperPose is a library for building high-performance custom pose estimation applications.
3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks
3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks Introduction This repository contains the code and models for the follo
Demo for Real-time RGBD-based Extended Body Pose Estimation paper
Real-time RGBD-based Extended Body Pose Estimation This repository is a real-time demo for our paper that was published at WACV 2021 conference The ou
An official TensorFlow implementation of “CLCC: Contrastive Learning for Color Constancy” accepted at CVPR 2021.
CLCC: Contrastive Learning for Color Constancy (CVPR 2021) Yi-Chen Lo*, Chia-Che Chang*, Hsuan-Chao Chiu, Yu-Hao Huang, Chia-Ping Chen, Yu-Lin Chang,
Code in conjunction with the publication 'Contrastive Representation Learning for Hand Shape Estimation'
HanCo Dataset & Contrastive Representation Learning for Hand Shape Estimation Code in conjunction with the publication: Contrastive Representation Lea
Robust Consistent Video Depth Estimation
[CVPR 2021] Robust Consistent Video Depth Estimation This repository contains Python and C++ implementation of Robust Consistent Video Depth, as descr
VID-Fusion: Robust Visual-Inertial-Dynamics Odometry for Accurate External Force Estimation
VID-Fusion VID-Fusion: Robust Visual-Inertial-Dynamics Odometry for Accurate External Force Estimation Authors: Ziming Ding , Tiankai Yang, Kunyi Zhan
Supporting code for the paper "Dangers of Bayesian Model Averaging under Covariate Shift"
Dangers of Bayesian Model Averaging under Covariate Shift This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments in the paper Dangers of Bayes
Official project website for the CVPR 2021 paper "Exploring intermediate representation for monocular vehicle pose estimation"
EgoNet Official project website for the CVPR 2021 paper "Exploring intermediate representation for monocular vehicle pose estimation". This repo inclu
The project is an official implementation of our paper "3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers".
3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers This repo is the official implementation for 3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and
Human POSEitioning System (HPS): 3D Human Pose Estimation and Self-localization in Large Scenes from Body-Mounted Sensors, CVPR 2021
Human POSEitioning System (HPS): 3D Human Pose Estimation and Self-localization in Large Scenes from Body-Mounted Sensors Human POSEitioning System (H
A large-scale video dataset for the training and evaluation of 3D human pose estimation models
ASPset-510 (Australian Sports Pose Dataset) is a large-scale video dataset for the training and evaluation of 3D human pose estimation models. It contains 17 different amateur subjects performing 30 sports-related actions each, for a total of 510 action clips.
A large-scale video dataset for the training and evaluation of 3D human pose estimation models
ASPset-510 ASPset-510 (Australian Sports Pose Dataset) is a large-scale video dataset for the training and evaluation of 3D human pose estimation mode
The codes and models in 'Gaze Estimation using Transformer'.
GazeTR We provide the code of GazeTR-Hybrid in "Gaze Estimation using Transformer". We recommend you to use data processing codes provided in GazeHub.
Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals
LapDepth-release This repository is a Pytorch implementation of the paper "Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals" M
A lightweight deep network for fast and accurate optical flow estimation.
FastFlowNet: A Lightweight Network for Fast Optical Flow Estimation The official PyTorch implementation of FastFlowNet (ICRA 2021). Authors: Lingtong
Semi-Supervised 3D Hand-Object Poses Estimation with Interactions in Time
Semi Hand-Object Semi-Supervised 3D Hand-Object Poses Estimation with Interactions in Time (CVPR 2021).
Aerial Single-View Depth Completion with Image-Guided Uncertainty Estimation (RA-L/ICRA 2020)
Aerial Depth Completion This work is described in the letter "Aerial Single-View Depth Completion with Image-Guided Uncertainty Estimation", by Lucas
HPRNet: Hierarchical Point Regression for Whole-Body Human Pose Estimation
HPRNet: Hierarchical Point Regression for Whole-Body Human Pose Estimation Official PyTroch implementation of HPRNet. HPRNet: Hierarchical Point Regre
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
[CVPR 2021] Monocular depth estimation using wavelets for efficiency
Single Image Depth Prediction with Wavelet Decomposition Michaël Ramamonjisoa, Michael Firman, Jamie Watson, Vincent Lepetit and Daniyar Turmukhambeto
Camera calibration & 3D pose estimation tools for AcinoSet
AcinoSet: A 3D Pose Estimation Dataset and Baseline Models for Cheetahs in the Wild Daniel Joska, Liam Clark, Naoya Muramatsu, Ricardo Jericevich, Fre
Python implementation of the Density Line Chart by Moritz & Fisher.
PyDLC - Density Line Charts with Python Python implementation of the Density Line Chart (Moritz & Fisher, 2018) to visualize large collections of time
Model-free Vehicle Tracking and State Estimation in Point Cloud Sequences
Model-free Vehicle Tracking and State Estimation in Point Cloud Sequences 1. Introduction This project is for paper Model-free Vehicle Tracking and St
Boosting Monocular Depth Estimation Models to High-Resolution via Content-Adaptive Multi-Resolution Merging
Boosting Monocular Depth Estimation Models to High-Resolution via Content-Adaptive Multi-Resolution Merging This repository contains an implementation
Package pyVHR is a comprehensive framework for studying methods of pulse rate estimation relying on remote photoplethysmography (rPPG)
Package pyVHR (short for Python framework for Virtual Heart Rate) is a comprehensive framework for studying methods of pulse rate estimation relying on remote photoplethysmography (rPPG)
Implementations of orthogonal and semi-orthogonal convolutions in the Fourier domain with applications to adversarial robustness
Orthogonalizing Convolutional Layers with the Cayley Transform This repository contains implementations and source code to reproduce experiments for t
Official implementation of the network presented in the paper "M4Depth: A motion-based approach for monocular depth estimation on video sequences"
M4Depth This is the reference TensorFlow implementation for training and testing depth estimation models using the method described in M4Depth: A moti
Uncertainty-aware Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds for Autonomous Driving
SalsaNext: Fast, Uncertainty-aware Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds for Autonomous Driving Abstract In this paper, we introduce SalsaNext f
Python and C++ implementation of "MarkerPose: Robust real-time planar target tracking for accurate stereo pose estimation". Accepted at LXCV @ CVPR 2021.
MarkerPose: Robust real-time planar target tracking for accurate stereo pose estimation This is a PyTorch and LibTorch implementation of MarkerPose: a
The implemention of Video Depth Estimation by Fusing Flow-to-Depth Proposals
Flow-to-depth (FDNet) video-depth-estimation This is the implementation of paper Video Depth Estimation by Fusing Flow-to-Depth Proposals Jiaxin Xie,
Combines Bayesian analyses from many datasets.
PosteriorStacker Combines Bayesian analyses from many datasets. Introduction Method Tutorial Output plot and files Introduction Fitting a model to a d
Fashion Landmark Estimation with HRNet
HRNet for Fashion Landmark Estimation (Modified from deep-high-resolution-net.pytorch) Introduction This code applies the HRNet (Deep High-Resolution
Estimation of human density in a closed space using deep learning.
Siemens HOLLZOF challenge - Human Density Estimation Add project description here. Installing Dependencies: Install Python3 either system-wide, user-w
Drone-based Joint Density Map Estimation, Localization and Tracking with Space-Time Multi-Scale Attention Network
DroneCrowd Paper Detection, Tracking, and Counting Meets Drones in Crowds: A Benchmark. Introduction This paper proposes a space-time multi-scale atte
Code for "PV-RAFT: Point-Voxel Correlation Fields for Scene Flow Estimation of Point Clouds", CVPR 2021
PV-RAFT This repository contains the PyTorch implementation for paper "PV-RAFT: Point-Voxel Correlation Fields for Scene Flow Estimation of Point Clou
Few-shot Relation Extraction via Bayesian Meta-learning on Relation Graphs
Few-shot Relation Extraction via Bayesian Meta-learning on Relation Graphs This is an implemetation of the paper Few-shot Relation Extraction via Baye
Unofficial implementation of Google's FNet: Mixing Tokens with Fourier Transforms
FNet: Mixing Tokens with Fourier Transforms Pytorch implementation of Fnet : Mixing Tokens with Fourier Transforms. Citation: @misc{leethorp2021fnet,
Face Detection & Age Gender & Expression & Recognition
Face Detection & Age Gender & Expression & Recognition
Bayesian optimization in JAX
Bayesian optimization in JAX
Code for our paper Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation with Self-Supervised Depth Estimation
CorDA Code for our paper Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation with Self-Supervised Depth Estimation Prerequisite Please create and activate the follo
Incorporating Transformer and LSTM to Kalman Filter with EM algorithm
Deep learning based state estimation: incorporating Transformer and LSTM to Kalman Filter with EM algorithm Overview Kalman Filter requires the true p
Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning with Aesara
PyMC3 is a Python package for Bayesian statistical modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning focusing on advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) an
ArviZ is a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
ArviZ (pronounced "AR-vees") is a Python package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models. Includes functions for posterior analysis, data storage, model checking, comparison and diagnostics
Location-Sensitive Visual Recognition with Cross-IOU Loss
The trained models are temporarily unavailable, but you can train the code using reasonable computational resource. Location-Sensitive Visual Recognit
Official Pytorch implementation of "Beyond Static Features for Temporally Consistent 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Video", CVPR 2021
TCMR: Beyond Static Features for Temporally Consistent 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Video Qualtitative result Paper teaser video Introduction This r
SNE-RoadSeg in PyTorch, ECCV 2020
SNE-RoadSeg Introduction This is the official PyTorch implementation of SNE-RoadSeg: Incorporating Surface Normal Information into Semantic Segmentati
This is an official pytorch implementation of Lite-HRNet: A Lightweight High-Resolution Network.
Lite-HRNet: A Lightweight High-Resolution Network Introduction This is an official pytorch implementation of Lite-HRNet: A Lightweight High-Resolution
Code for "Single-view robot pose and joint angle estimation via render & compare", CVPR 2021 (Oral).
Single-view robot pose and joint angle estimation via render & compare Yann Labbé, Justin Carpentier, Mathieu Aubry, Josef Sivic CVPR: Conference on C
WHENet: Real-time Fine-Grained Estimation for Wide Range Head Pose
WHENet: Real-time Fine-Grained Estimation for Wide Range Head Pose Yijun Zhou and James Gregson - BMVC2020 Abstract: We present an end-to-end head-pos
Just Go with the Flow: Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation
Just Go with the Flow: Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation Code release for the paper Just Go with the Flow: Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation,
OCTIS: Comparing Topic Models is Simple! A python package to optimize and evaluate topic models (accepted at EACL2021 demo track)
OCTIS : Optimizing and Comparing Topic Models is Simple! OCTIS (Optimizing and Comparing Topic models Is Simple) aims at training, analyzing and compa
(Arxiv 2021) NeRF--: Neural Radiance Fields Without Known Camera Parameters
NeRF--: Neural Radiance Fields Without Known Camera Parameters Project Page | Arxiv | Colab Notebook | Data Zirui Wang¹, Shangzhe Wu², Weidi Xie², Min
CVPR 2021 Oral paper "LED2-Net: Monocular 360˚ Layout Estimation via Differentiable Depth Rendering" official PyTorch implementation.
LED2-Net This is PyTorch implementation of our CVPR 2021 Oral paper "LED2-Net: Monocular 360˚ Layout Estimation via Differentiable Depth Rendering". Y
Bayesian Image Reconstruction using Deep Generative Models
Bayesian Image Reconstruction using Deep Generative Models R. Marinescu, D. Moyer, P. Golland For technical inquiries, please create a Github issue. F
Bayesian-Torch is a library of neural network layers and utilities extending the core of PyTorch to enable the user to perform stochastic variational inference in Bayesian deep neural networks
Bayesian-Torch is a library of neural network layers and utilities extending the core of PyTorch to enable the user to perform stochastic variational inference in Bayesian deep neural networks. Bayesian-Torch is designed to be flexible and seamless in extending a deterministic deep neural network architecture to corresponding Bayesian form by simply replacing the deterministic layers with Bayesian layers.
OpenMMLab Pose Estimation Toolbox and Benchmark.
Introduction English | 简体中文 MMPose is an open-source toolbox for pose estimation based on PyTorch. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project. The master b
Sandbox for training deep learning networks
Deep learning networks This repo is used to research convolutional networks primarily for computer vision tasks. For this purpose, the repo contains (
AutoOED: Automated Optimal Experiment Design Platform
AutoOED is an optimal experiment design platform powered with automated machine learning to accelerate the discovery of optimal solutions. Our platform solves multi-objective optimization problems and automatically guides the design of experiment to be evaluated.
(NeurIPS 2020) Wasserstein Distances for Stereo Disparity Estimation
Wasserstein Distances for Stereo Disparity Estimation Accepted in NeurIPS 2020 as Spotlight. [Project Page] Wasserstein Distances for Stereo Disparity
PClean: A Domain-Specific Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Data Cleaning
PClean: A Domain-Specific Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Data Cleaning Warning: This is a rapidly evolving research prototype.
Newt - a Gaussian process library in JAX.
Newt __ \/_ (' \`\ _\, \ \\/ /`\/\ \\ \ \\
POT : Python Optimal Transport
This open source Python library provide several solvers for optimization problems related to Optimal Transport for signal, image processing and machine learning.
《Where am I looking at? Joint Location and Orientation Estimation by Cross-View Matching》(CVPR 2020)
This contains the codes for cross-view geo-localization method described in: Where am I looking at? Joint Location and Orientation Estimation by Cross-View Matching, CVPR2020.
Neural Reprojection Error: Merging Feature Learning and Camera Pose Estimation
Neural Reprojection Error: Merging Feature Learning and Camera Pose Estimation This is the official repository for our paper Neural Reprojection Error
This is an official implementation of our CVPR 2021 paper "Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation Via Disentangled Keypoint Regression" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.02300)
Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation Via Disentangled Keypoint Regression Introduction In this paper, we are interested in the bottom-up paradigm of estima
Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation via Semantic Correspondence Learning with Dynamic Graph Convolution
FAU Implementation of the paper: Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation via Semantic Correspondence Learning with Dynamic Graph Convolution. Yingruo
Repository for the paper "PoseAug: A Differentiable Pose Augmentation Framework for 3D Human Pose Estimation", CVPR 2021.
PoseAug: A Differentiable Pose Augmentation Framework for 3D Human Pose Estimation Code repository for the paper: PoseAug: A Differentiable Pose Augme
Code for "LoFTR: Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers", CVPR 2021
LoFTR: Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers Project Page | Paper LoFTR: Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers Jiami
Simple Pose: Rethinking and Improving a Bottom-up Approach for Multi-Person Pose Estimation
SimplePose Code and pre-trained models for our paper, “Simple Pose: Rethinking and Improving a Bottom-up Approach for Multi-Person Pose Estimation”, a
The project is an official implementation of our paper "3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers".
3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers This repo is the official implementation for 3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and
A probabilistic programming library for Bayesian deep learning, generative models, based on Tensorflow
ZhuSuan is a Python probabilistic programming library for Bayesian deep learning, which conjoins the complimentary advantages of Bayesian methods and
Statistical package in Python based on Pandas
Pingouin is an open-source statistical package written in Python 3 and based mostly on Pandas and NumPy. Some of its main features are listed below. F
A probabilistic programming language in TensorFlow. Deep generative models, variational inference.
Edward is a Python library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism. It is a testbed for fast experimentation and research with probabilis