4189 Repositories
Python simple-neural-network Libraries
Official Codes for Graph Modularity:Towards Understanding the Cross-Layer Transition of Feature Representations in Deep Neural Networks.
Dynamic-Graphs-Construction Official Codes for Graph Modularity:Towards Understanding the Cross-Layer Transition of Feature Representations in Deep Ne
This is the official PyTorch implementation for "Sharpness-aware Quantization for Deep Neural Networks".
Sharpness-aware Quantization for Deep Neural Networks This is the official repository for our paper: Sharpness-aware Quantization for Deep Neural Netw
Code Generation using a large neural network called GPT-J
CodeGenX is a Code Generation system powered by Artificial Intelligence! It is delivered to you in the form of a Visual Studio Code Extension and is Free and Open-source!
This a simple tool XSS Detection Suite for CTFs games
This a simple tool XSS Detection Suite for CTFs games
Automated Linkedin bot that will improve your visibility and increase your network.
LinkedinSpider LinkedinSpider is a small project using browser automating to increase your visibility and network of connections on Linkedin. DISCLAIM
A simple streamlit webapp with multiple functionality
A simple streamlit webapp with multiple functionality
YOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
Yolo v4, v3 and v2 for Windows and Linux (neural networks for object detection) Paper YOLO v4: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10934 Paper Scaled YOLO v4:
A simple Digits Recogniser made in Python
⭐ Python Digit Recogniser A simple digit Recogniser made in Python Demo Run Locally Clone the project git clone https://github.com/yashraj-n/python-
Code to reprudece NeurIPS paper: Accelerated Sparse Neural Training: A Provable and Efficient Method to Find N:M Transposable Masks
Accelerated Sparse Neural Training: A Provable and Efficient Method to FindN:M Transposable Masks Recently, researchers proposed pruning deep neural n
Official Pytorch implementation of "DivCo: Diverse Conditional Image Synthesis via Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network" (CVPR'21)
DivCo: Diverse Conditional Image Synthesis via Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network Pytorch implementation for our DivCo. We propose a simple ye
Delve is a Python package for analyzing the inference dynamics of your PyTorch model.
Delve is a Python package for analyzing the inference dynamics of your PyTorch model.
Implementation of OpenAI paper with Simple Noise Scale on Fastai V2
README Implementation of OpenAI paper "An Empirical Model of Large-Batch Training" for Fastai V2. The code is based on the batch size finder implement
FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection
FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection arXi
Towards Improving Embedding Based Models of Social Network Alignment via Pseudo Anchors
PSML paper: Towards Improving Embedding Based Models of Social Network Alignment via Pseudo Anchors PSML_IONE,PSML_ABNE,PSML_DEEPLINK,PSML_SNNA: numpy
Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Data-driven Graph Filter (GCNN-DDGF)
Graph Convolutional Gated Recurrent Neural Network (GCGRNN) Improved from Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Data-driven Graph Filter (GCNN-DDGF
Pypeln is a simple yet powerful Python library for creating concurrent data pipelines.
Pypeln Pypeln (pronounced as "pypeline") is a simple yet powerful Python library for creating concurrent data pipelines. Main Features Simple: Pypeln
A little tool that uses LLVM to extract simple "what does this do" level instruction information from all architectures.
moirai: MOre InstRuctions and Information Backcronym. Anyway, this is a small project to extract useful instruction definitions from LLVM's platform d
PyTorch code for Composing Partial Differential Equations with Physics-Aware Neural Networks
FInite volume Neural Network (FINN) This repository contains the PyTorch code for models, training, and testing, and Python code for data generation t
PyTorch implementation for "Sharpness-aware Quantization for Deep Neural Networks".
Sharpness-aware Quantization for Deep Neural Networks Recent Update 2021.11.23: We release the source code of SAQ. Setup the environments Clone the re
A simple python oriented telegram bot to give out creative font style's
Font-Bot A simple python oriented telegram bot to give out creative font style's REQUIREMENTS tgcrypto pyrogram==1.2.9 Installation Fork this reposito
A PyTorch port of the Neural 3D Mesh Renderer
Neural 3D Mesh Renderer (CVPR 2018) This repo contains a PyTorch implementation of the paper Neural 3D Mesh Renderer by Hiroharu Kato, Yoshitaka Ushik
Deep and online learning with spiking neural networks in Python
Introduction The brain is the perfect place to look for inspiration to develop more efficient neural networks. One of the main differences with modern
An optimization and data collection toolbox for convenient and fast prototyping of computationally expensive models.
An optimization and data collection toolbox for convenient and fast prototyping of computationally expensive models. Hyperactive: is very easy to lear
Discovering Interpretable GAN Controls [NeurIPS 2020]
GANSpace: Discovering Interpretable GAN Controls Figure 1: Sequences of image edits performed using control discovered with our method, applied to thr
A simple, fast, and efficient object detector without FPN
You Only Look One-level Feature (YOLOF), CVPR2021 A simple, fast, and efficient object detector without FPN. This repo provides an implementation for
Infomap is a network clustering algorithm based on the Map equation.
Infomap Infomap is a network clustering algorithm based on the Map equation. For detailed documentation, see mapequation.org/infomap. For a list of re
A method that utilized Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to interpret the black-box deep image classifier models by PyTorch.
A method that utilized Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to interpret the black-box deep image classifier models by PyTorch.
A Simple Python CLI Lockpicking Tool
Cryptex a simple CLI lockpicking tool What can it do: Encode / Decode Hex Encode / Decode Base64 Break Randomly :D Requirements: Python3 Linux as your
A Simple Google Translate Bot By VndGroup ❤️ Made With Python
VndGroup Google Translator Heroku Deploy ❤️ Functions This Bot Can Translate 95 Languages We Can Set Custom Language Group Support Mandatory Vars [+]
Collection of in-progress libraries for entity neural networks.
ENN Incubator Collection of in-progress libraries for entity neural networks: Neural Network Architectures for Structured State Entity Gym: Abstractio
Gitfetch is a simple tool to get github user details
Gitfetch Just a (cli?) tool to get github user details 🙂 Installation 📂 Install Gitfetch via pypi pip install gitfetch or pip install git+https://g
Detectron2 for Document Layout Analysis
Detectron2 trained on PubLayNet dataset This repo contains the training configurations, code and trained models trained on PubLayNet dataset using Det
Backprop makes it simple to use, finetune, and deploy state-of-the-art ML models.
Backprop makes it simple to use, finetune, and deploy state-of-the-art ML models. Solve a variety of tasks with pre-trained models or finetune them in
Naszilla is a Python library for neural architecture search (NAS)
A repository to compare many popular NAS algorithms seamlessly across three popular benchmarks (NASBench 101, 201, and 301). You can implement your ow
Quantization library for PyTorch. Support low-precision and mixed-precision quantization, with hardware implementation through TVM.
HAWQ: Hessian AWare Quantization HAWQ is an advanced quantization library written for PyTorch. HAWQ enables low-precision and mixed-precision uniform
Neural networks applied in recognizing guitar chords using python, AutoML.NET with C# and .NET Core
Chord Recognition Demo application The demo application is written in C# with .NETCore. As of July 9, 2020, the only version available is for windows
A simple telegram bot that takes a list of files sent by the user and returns them 7zipped
A simple telegram bot that takes a list of files sent by the user and returns them 7zipped
Learning Neural Painters Fast! using PyTorch and Fast.ai
The Joy of Neural Painting Learning Neural Painters Fast! using PyTorch and Fast.ai Blogpost with more details: The Joy of Neural Painting The impleme
This is a simple bank management system based on Python.
Python Bank Management This is a simple bank management system based on Python. It's able to do basic operations of simple bank management. Outcome: W
Learning Versatile Neural Architectures by Propagating Network Codes
Learning Versatile Neural Architectures by Propagating Network Codes Mingyu Ding, Yuqi Huo, Haoyu Lu, Linjie Yang, Zhe Wang, Zhiwu Lu, Jingdong Wang,
This repo contains implementation of different architectures for emotion recognition in conversations.
Emotion Recognition in Conversations Updates 🔥 🔥 🔥 Date Announcements 03/08/2021 🎆 🎆 We have released a new dataset M2H2: A Multimodal Multiparty
Python package for missing-data imputation with deep learning
MIDASpy Overview MIDASpy is a Python package for multiply imputing missing data using deep learning methods. The MIDASpy algorithm offers significant
A Python package for performing pore network modeling of porous media
Overview of OpenPNM OpenPNM is a comprehensive framework for performing pore network simulations of porous materials. More Information For more detail
Lacmus is a cross-platform application that helps to find people who are lost in the forest using computer vision and neural networks.
lacmus The program for searching through photos from the air of lost people in the forest using Retina Net neural nwtwork. The project is being develo
Official implementation of Neural Bellman-Ford Networks (NeurIPS 2021)
NBFNet: Neural Bellman-Ford Networks This is the official codebase of the paper Neural Bellman-Ford Networks: A General Graph Neural Network Framework
DeepHawkeye is a library to detect unusual patterns in images using features from pretrained neural networks
English | 简体中文 Introduction DeepHawkeye is a library to detect unusual patterns in images using features from pretrained neural networks Reference Pat
A simple package for interacting with the 9kw.eu anti-captcha service.
Welcome to captcha9kw’s documentation! captcha9kw is a smallish Python package for making use of the 9kw.eu services, including solving of interactive
A python module to create random networks using network models
networkgen A python module to create random networks using network models Usage $
Simple package for Sublime Text 4; download URL's for local viewing and editing
URLDownloader This is a simple example package that allows you to easily download the contents of any web URL to edit locally. Given a URL, the packag
A simple, configurable and expandable combined shop scraper to minimize the costs of ordering several items
combined-shop-scraper A simple, configurable and expandable combined shop scraper to minimize the costs of ordering several items. Features Define an
Code for "Training Neural Networks with Fixed Sparse Masks" (NeurIPS 2021).
Code for "Training Neural Networks with Fixed Sparse Masks" (NeurIPS 2021).
A simple text editor for linux
wolf-editor A simple text editor for linux Installing using Deb Package Download newest package from releases CD into folder where the downloaded acka
Simple script with AminoLab to send ghost messages
Simple script with AminoLab to send ghost messages
Cascaded Pyramid Network (CPN) based on Keras (Tensorflow backend)
ML2 Takehome Project Reimplementing the paper: Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation Dataset The model uses the COCO dataset which
Simple script to match riders with drivers.
theBestPooler Simple script to match riders with drivers. It's a greedy, unoptimised search, so no guarantees that it works. It just seems to work (ve
AugMix: A Simple Data Processing Method to Improve Robustness and Uncertainty
AugMix Introduction We propose AugMix, a data processing technique that mixes augmented images and enforces consistent embeddings of the augmented ima
How to use TensorLayer
How to use TensorLayer While research in Deep Learning continues to improve the world, we use a bunch of tricks to implement algorithms with TensorLay
AutoML library for deep learning
Official Website: autokeras.com AutoKeras: An AutoML system based on Keras. It is developed by DATA Lab at Texas A&M University. The goal of AutoKeras
Latex code for making neural networks diagrams
PlotNeuralNet Latex code for drawing neural networks for reports and presentation. Have a look into examples to see how they are made. Additionally, l
A Python toolbox to create adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX
Foolbox Native: Fast adversarial attacks to benchmark the robustness of machine learning models in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX Foolbox is a Python li
Neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras.
HiddenLayer A lightweight library for neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras. HiddenLayer is simple, easy to ex
A simple, fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation.
You Only Look At CoefficienTs ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗████████╗ ╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔═══██╗██║ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝ ╚██
This script runs neural style transfer against the provided content image.
Neural Style Transfer Content Style Output Description: This script runs neural style transfer against the provided content image. The content image m
Neural Scene Flow Fields using pytorch-lightning, with potential improvements
nsff_pl Neural Scene Flow Fields using pytorch-lightning. This repo reimplements the NSFF idea, but modifies several operations based on observation o
Keras Implementation of Neural Style Transfer from the paper "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style"
Neural Style Transfer & Neural Doodles Implementation of Neural Style Transfer from the paper A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style in Keras 2.0+ INetw
A denoising autoencoder + adversarial losses and attention mechanisms for face swapping.
faceswap-GAN Adding Adversarial loss and perceptual loss (VGGface) to deepfakes'(reddit user) auto-encoder architecture. Updates Date Update 2018-08-2
DeepFaceLab fork which provides IPython Notebook to use DFL with Google Colab
DFL-Colab — DeepFaceLab fork for Google Colab This project provides you IPython Notebook to use DeepFaceLab with Google Colaboratory. You can create y
Lab Materials for MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
This repository contains all of the code and software labs for MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning! All lecture slides and videos are available
Tutorials, assignments, and competitions for MIT Deep Learning related courses.
MIT Deep Learning This repository is a collection of tutorials for MIT Deep Learning courses. More added as courses progress. Tutorial: Deep Learning
TensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos
TensorFlow Tutorials Original repository on GitHub Original author is Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen Introduction These tutorials are intended for beginne
Code for the paper "A Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Sentence Embeddings".
Code for the paper "A Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Sentence Embeddings".
DeepHyper: Scalable Asynchronous Neural Architecture and Hyperparameter Search for Deep Neural Networks
What is DeepHyper? DeepHyper is a software package that uses learning, optimization, and parallel computing to automate the design and development of
Use unsupervised and supervised learning to predict stocks
AIAlpha: Multilayer neural network architecture for stock return prediction This project is meant to be an advanced implementation of stacked neural n
Introducing neural networks to predict stock prices
IntroNeuralNetworks in Python: A Template Project IntroNeuralNetworks is a project that introduces neural networks and illustrates an example of how o
A simple pygame implementation of the LOGO programming language.
LOGO-py A simple pygame implementation of the LOGO programming language. Latest Version Notes Fixed a bug where penup/pendown would not work properly.
A Simple Script that will help you to Play / Change Songs with just your Voice
Auto-Spotify using Voice Recognition A Simple Script that will help you to Play / Change Songs with just your Voice Explore the docs » Table of Conten
A simple port scanner for Web/ip scanning Port 0/500 editable inside the .py file
Simple-Port-Scanner a simple port scanner for Web/ip scanning Port 0/500 editable inside the .py file Open Cmd/Terminal Cmd Downloads Run Command: pip
A simple python script that print the Mandelbrot set for every power of the formal formula.
Python Mandelbrot A simple python script that print the Mandelbrot set for every power of the formal formula.
Simple web index to use bloom filter for Pwned Passwords
pwbloom Simple web index to use bloom filter for Pwned Passwords The index.py runs a simple CGI web service checking passwords with a bloom filter for
This is a simple Todo web application built Django (back-end) and React JS (front-end)
Django REST Todo app This is a simple Todo web application built with Django (back-end) and React JS (front-end). The project enables you to systemati
A simple python application for running a CI pipeline locally
A simple python application for running a CI pipeline locally This app currently supports GitLab CI scripts
This is an official implementation for "SimMIM: A Simple Framework for Masked Image Modeling".
Project This repo has been populated by an initial template to help get you started. Please make sure to update the content to build a great experienc
Using LSTM to detect spoofing attacks in an Air-Ground network
Using LSTM to detect spoofing attacks in an Air-Ground network Specifications IDE: Spider Packages: Tensorflow 2.1.0 Keras NumPy Scikit-learn Matplotl
IntraQ: Learning Synthetic Images with Intra-Class Heterogeneity for Zero-Shot Network Quantization
IntraQ: Learning Synthetic Images with Intra-Class Heterogeneity for Zero-Shot Network Quantization paper Requirements Python = 3.7.10 Pytorch == 1.7
A simple djagno music website.
Mrock A simple djagno music website. I used this template and I translated it to eng. Also some changes commited. My Live Domo : https://mrock.pythona
Use python MIDI to write some simple music
Use Python MIDI to write songs
PyTorch implementation of Hierarchical Multi-label Text Classification: An Attention-based Recurrent Network
hierarchical-multi-label-text-classification-pytorch Hierarchical Multi-label Text Classification: An Attention-based Recurrent Network Approach This
Simple Port Scanner With Socket Module In Python 3x
PortScanner Simple Port Scanner With Socket Module In Python 3x How To Install Requirements Of This Port Scanner sudo apt install python3;sudo apt ins
Simple self-hosted server to receive files from remote systems
Badtray This is a very simple self-hosted server to receive files from remote systems. This works similar to Bintray (RIP) and primarily designed to d
This is a zeep based SOAP client wrapper for simple communication with the Bricknode SOAP API.
This is a zeep based SOAP client wrapper for simple communication with the Bricknode SOAP API.
A simple Discord Mass-Ban that's still working with Member Scraper.
Mass-Ban [!] This was made for education / you can use for revenge. Please don't skid it. [!] If you want to use it, please use member scraper before
A simple bot discord in PY with moderation controls
Voila un bot discord en py avec les commandes simples de modération tout simplement faut changer les lignes 70 vous mettez votre token de votre bot 53
generate-2D-quadrilateral-mesh-with-neural-networks-and-tree-search This repository contains single-threaded TreeMesh code. I'm Hua Tong, a senior stu
Reference PyTorch implementation of "End-to-end optimized image compression with competition of prior distributions"
PyTorch reference implementation of "End-to-end optimized image compression with competition of prior distributions" by Benoit Brummer and Christophe
Pytorch implementation of the paper: "SAPNet: Segmentation-Aware Progressive Network for Perceptual Contrastive Image Deraining"
SAPNet This repository contains the official Pytorch implementation of the paper: "SAPNet: Segmentation-Aware Progressive Network for Perceptual Contr
Code and experiments for "Deep Neural Networks for Rank Consistent Ordinal Regression based on Conditional Probabilities"
corn-ordinal-neuralnet This repository contains the orginal model code and experiment logs for the paper "Deep Neural Networks for Rank Consistent Ord
TYolov5: A Temporal Yolov5 Detector Based on Quasi-Recurrent Neural Networks for Real-Time Handgun Detection in Video
TYolov5: A Temporal Yolov5 Detector Based on Quasi-Recurrent Neural Networks for Real-Time Handgun Detection in Video Timely handgun detection is a cr
Code for "Training Neural Networks with Fixed Sparse Masks" (NeurIPS 2021).
Fisher Induced Sparse uncHanging (FISH) Mask This repo contains the code for Fisher Induced Sparse uncHanging (FISH) Mask training, from "Training Neu
RAANet: Range-Aware Attention Network for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection with Auxiliary Density Level Estimation
RAANet: Range-Aware Attention Network for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection with Auxiliary Density Level Estimation Anonymous submission Abstract 3D obj
This is an official implementation for "SimMIM: A Simple Framework for Masked Image Modeling".
Project This repo has been populated by an initial template to help get you started. Please make sure to update the content to build a great experienc