5016 Repositories
Python A-deeply-supervised-image-fusion-network-for-change-detection-in-remote-sensing-images Libraries
Official PyTorch Implementation of paper EAN: Event Adaptive Network for Efficient Action Recognition
Official PyTorch Implementation of paper EAN: Event Adaptive Network for Efficient Action Recognition
This is a code repository for paper OODformer: Out-Of-Distribution Detection Transformer
OODformer: Out-Of-Distribution Detection Transformer This repo is the official the implementation of the OODformer: Out-Of-Distribution Detection Tran
Image Fusion Transformer
Image-Fusion-Transformer Platform Python 3.7 Pytorch =1.0 Training Dataset MS-COCO 2014 (T.-Y. Lin, M. Maire, S. Belongie, J. Hays, P. Perona, D. Ram
CLIP2Video: Mastering Video-Text Retrieval via Image CLIP
CLIP2Video: Mastering Video-Text Retrieval via Image CLIP The implementation of paper CLIP2Video: Mastering Video-Text Retrieval via Image CLIP. CLIP2
Dynamic Head: Unifying Object Detection Heads with Attentions
Dynamic Head: Unifying Object Detection Heads with Attentions dyhead_video.mp4 This is the official implementation of CVPR 2021 paper "Dynamic Head: U
Cross-platform-profile-pic-changer - Script to change profile pictures across multiple platforms
cross-platform-profile-pic-changer script to change profile pictures across mult
An official PyTorch Implementation of Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation (BaSSL)
An official PyTorch Implementation of Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation (BaSSL)
Facial Expression Detection In The Realtime
The human's facial expressions is very important to detect thier emotions and sentiment. It can be very efficient to use to make our computers make interviews. Furthermore, we have robots now can detect the human's emotions and based on thats take an action .etc. So, It will be better to provide a tool or model for this.
BADet: Boundary-Aware 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds (Pattern Recognition 2022)
BADet: Boundary-Aware 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds (Pattern Recognition
CKD - Collaborative Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding
Collaborative Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Information Network Embed
OneShot Learning-based hotword detection.
EfficientWord-Net Hotword detection based on one-shot learning Home assistants require special phrases called hotwords to get activated (eg:"ok google
Instant neural graphics primitives: lightning fast NeRF and more
Instant Neural Graphics Primitives Ever wanted to train a NeRF model of a fox in under 5 seconds? Or fly around a scene captured from photos of a fact
Rotated Box Is Back : Accurate Box Proposal Network for Scene Text Detection
Rotated Box Is Back : Accurate Box Proposal Network for Scene Text Detection This material is supplementray code for paper accepted in ICDAR 2021 We h
Implementations for the ICLR-2021 paper: SEED: Self-supervised Distillation For Visual Representation.
Implementations for the ICLR-2021 paper: SEED: Self-supervised Distillation For Visual Representation.
Human pose estimation from video plays a critical role in various applications such as quantifying physical exercises, sign language recognition, and full-body gesture control.
Pose Detection Project Description: Human pose estimation from video plays a critical role in various applications such as quantifying physical exerci
Minimalistic tool to visualize how the routes to a given target domain change over time, feat. Python 3.10 & mermaid.js
Minimalistic tool to visualize how the routes to a given target domain change over time, feat. Python 3.10 & mermaid.js
VGG16 model-based classification project about brain tumor detection.
Brain-Tumor-Classification-with-MRI VGG16 model-based classification project about brain tumor detection. First, you can check what people are doing o
Document manipulation detection with python
image manipulation detection task: -- tianchi function image segmentation salie
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
Pyconvert is a python script that you can use to convert image files to another image format! (eg. PNG to ICO)
2021:"Bridging Global Context Interactions for High-Fidelity Image Completion"
TFill arXiv | Project This repository implements the training, testing and editing tools for "Bridging Global Context Interactions for High-Fidelity I
NeWT: Natural World Tasks
NeWT: Natural World Tasks This repository contains resources for working with the NeWT dataset. ❗ At this time the binary tasks are not publicly avail
Code and Resources for the Transformer Encoder Reasoning Network (TERN)
Transformer Encoder Reasoning Network Code for the cross-modal visual-linguistic retrieval method from "Transformer Reasoning Network for Image-Text M
GCNet: Non-local Networks Meet Squeeze-Excitation Networks and Beyond
GCNet for Object Detection By Yue Cao, Jiarui Xu, Stephen Lin, Fangyun Wei, Han Hu. This repo is a official implementation of "GCNet: Non-local Networ
Collects many various multi-modal transformer architectures, including image transformer, video transformer, image-language transformer, video-language transformer and related datasets
The repository collects many various multi-modal transformer architectures, including image transformer, video transformer, image-language transformer, video-language transformer and related datasets. Additionally, it also collects many useful tutorials and tools in these related domains.
Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more
Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more
Few-Shot-Intent-Detection includes popular challenging intent detection datasets with/without OOS queries and state-of-the-art baselines and results.
Few-Shot-Intent-Detection Few-Shot-Intent-Detection is a repository designed for few-shot intent detection with/without Out-of-Scope (OOS) intents. It
Official repository of "DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding", TPAMI 2022.
DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding (TPAMI 2022) This repo is the official code for DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multip
This is a Image aid classification software based on python TK library development
This is a Image aid classification software based on python TK library development.
Beihang University Network Authentication Login
北航自动网络认证使用说明 主文件 gw_buaa.py # @file gw_buaa.py # @author Dong # @date 2022-01-25 # @email [email protected] # @brief This is a python script to l
Unconventional ways to save an Image
Unexpected Image Saves Unconventional ways to save an image 😄 Have you ever been bored by the same old .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and all other image ex
Evolving neural network parameters in JAX.
Evolving Neural Networks in JAX This repository holds code displaying techniques for applying evolutionary network training strategies in JAX. Each sc
SMTP In some vulnerable configurations, email servers can also be aggregated Use information that gives us information about the host or network Give
SMTP In some vulnerable configurations, email servers can also be aggregated Use information that gives us information about the host or network Give. The SMTP protocol supports some basic commands such as VRFY and EXPN Slowly A VRFY request asks the server to verify an email address while Which requests an EXPN request for email list membership. These requests are The power is sometimes misused to verify the existence of a user on the email server Used by hackers later
Self-Supervised Methods for Noise-Removal
SSMNR | Self-Supervised Methods for Noise Removal Image denoising is the task of removing noise from an image, which can be formulated as the task of
A basic neural network for image segmentation.
Unet_erythema_detection A basic neural network for image segmentation. 前期准备 1.在logs文件夹中下载h5权重文件,百度网盘链接在logs文件夹中 2.将所有原图 放置在“/dataset_1/JPEGImages/”文件夹
A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images.
Rename-Resize-and-convert-multiple-images A simple code to convert image format and channel as well as resizing and renaming multiple images. This cod
Assginment for UofT CSC420: Intro to Image Understanding
Run the code Open edge_detection.ipynb in google colab. Upload image1.jpg,image2.jpg and my_image.jpg to '/content/drive/My Drive'. chooose 'Run all'
Prediction of MBA refinance Index (Mortgage prepayment)
Prediction of MBA refinance Index (Mortgage prepayment) Deep Neural Network based Model The ability to predict mortgage prepayment is of critical use
This is a model to classify Vietnamese sign language using Motion history image (MHI) algorithm and CNN.
Vietnamese sign lagnuage recognition using MHI and CNN This is a model to classify Vietnamese sign language using Motion history image (MHI) algorithm
Automatically commits and pushes changes from a specified directory to remote repository
autopush a simple python program that checks a directory for updates and automatically commits any updated files (and optionally pushes them) installa
A High-Level Fusion Scheme for Circular Quantities published at the 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics
Monte Carlo Simulation to the Paper A High-Level Fusion Scheme for Circular Quantities published at the 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics
[ACM MM 2021] TSA-Net: Tube Self-Attention Network for Action Quality Assessment
Tube Self-Attention Network (TSA-Net) This repository contains the PyTorch implementation for paper TSA-Net: Tube Self-Attention Network for Action Qu
Denoising images with Fourier Ring Correlation loss
Denoising images with Fourier Ring Correlation loss The python code accompanies the working manuscript Image quality measurements and denoising using
Optical machine for senses sensing using speckle and deep learning
# Senses-speckle [Remote Photonic Detection of Human Senses Using Secondary Speckle Patterns](https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-724587/v1) paper Python
Dictionary Learning with Uniform Sparse Representations for Anomaly Detection
Dictionary Learning with Uniform Sparse Representations for Anomaly Detection Implementation of the Uniform DL Representation for AD algorithm describ
Source code for the BMVC-2021 paper "SimReg: Regression as a Simple Yet Effective Tool for Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation".
SimReg: A Simple Regression Based Framework for Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation Source code for the paper "SimReg: Regression as a Simple Yet E
(3DV 2021 Oral) Filtering by Cluster Consistency for Large-Scale Multi-Image Matching
Scalable Cluster-Consistency Statistics for Robust Multi-Object Matching (3DV 2021 Oral Presentation) Filtering by Cluster Consistency (FCC) is a very
Source codes for Improved Few-Shot Visual Classification (CVPR 2020), Enhancing Few-Shot Image Classification with Unlabelled Examples
Source codes for Improved Few-Shot Visual Classification (CVPR 2020), Enhancing Few-Shot Image Classification with Unlabelled Examples (WACV 2022) and Beyond Simple Meta-Learning: Multi-Purpose Models for Multi-Domain, Active and Continual Few-Shot Learning (TPAMI 2022 - in submission)
Weakly Supervised Scene Text Detection using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Weakly Supervised Scene Text Detection using Deep Reinforcement Learning This repository contains the setup for all experiments performed in our Paper
MAg: a simple learning-based patient-level aggregation method for detecting microsatellite instability from whole-slide images
MAg Paper Abstract File structure Dataset prepare Data description How to use MAg? Why not try the MAg_lib! Trained models Experiment and results Some
This repo is the official implementation for Multi-Scale Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
1 MAGNN This repo is the official implementation for Multi-Scale Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting. 1.1 The frame
Uproot - A script to bring deeply nested files or directories to the surface
UPROOT Bring deeply nested files or folders to the surface Uproot helps convert
A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
Awesome Deep Learning Table of Contents Books Courses Videos and Lectures Papers Tutorials Researchers Websites Datasets Conferences Frameworks Tools
Collection of machine learning related notebooks to share.
ML_Notebooks Collection of machine learning related notebooks to share. Notebooks GAN_distributed_training.ipynb In this Notebook, TensorFlow's tutori
A simple code to perform canny edge contrast detection on images.
CECED-Canny-Edge-Contrast-Enhanced-Detection A simple code to perform canny edge contrast detection on images. A simple code to process images using c
A simple code for processing images to local binary pattern.
This figure is gotten from this link https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-01449-0_24 LBP-Local-Binary-Pattern A simple code for process
Public scripts, services, and configuration for running a smart home K3S network cluster
makerhouse_network Public scripts, services, and configuration for running MakerHouse's home network. This network supports: TODO features here For mo
LaneDetectionAndLaneKeeping - Lane Detection And Lane Keeping
LaneDetectionAndLaneKeeping This project is part of my bachelor's thesis. The go
Best practices for segmentation of the corporate network of any company
Best-practice-for-network-segmentation What is this? This project was created to publish the best practices for segmentation of the corporate network
Codes to calculate solar-sensor zenith and azimuth angles directly from hyperspectral images collected by UAV. Works only for UAVs that have high resolution GNSS/IMU unit.
UAV Solar-Sensor Angle Calculation Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequisites Installation Datasets Contributing Lic
Repo for the paper Extrapolating from a Single Image to a Thousand Classes using Distillation
Extrapolating from a Single Image to a Thousand Classes using Distillation by Yuki M. Asano* and Aaqib Saeed* (*Equal Contribution) Extrapolating from
🌐 Tools for Networking
🌐 Network Tools Tools for Networking This repository contains the tools needed to make networking easier. Make sure to download all of the requiremen
GLNet for Memory-Efficient Segmentation of Ultra-High Resolution Images
GLNet for Memory-Efficient Segmentation of Ultra-High Resolution Images Collaborative Global-Local Networks for Memory-Efficient Segmentation of Ultra-
LEDNet: A Lightweight Encoder-Decoder Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
LEDNet: A Lightweight Encoder-Decoder Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation Table of Contents: Introduction Project Structure Installation Datas
LightNet++: Boosted Light-weighted Networks for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
LightNet++ !!!New Repo.!!! ⇒ EfficientNet.PyTorch: Concise, Modular, Human-friendly PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet with Pre-trained Weights !!
Proposal, Tracking and Segmentation (PTS): A Cascaded Network for Video Object Segmentation
Proposal, Tracking and Segmentation (PTS): A Cascaded Network for Video Object Segmentation By Qiang Zhou*, Zilong Huang*, Lichao Huang, Han Shen, Yon
Source code for our CVPR 2019 paper - PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line Segment Detection
PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line Segment Detection PyTorch implementation of our CVPR 2019 paper: PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line
[PAMI 2020] Show, Match and Segment: Joint Weakly Supervised Learning of Semantic Matching and Object Co-segmentation
Show, Match and Segment: Joint Weakly Supervised Learning of Semantic Matching and Object Co-segmentation This repository contains the source code for
FusionNet: A deep fully residual convolutional neural network for image segmentation in connectomics
FusionNet_Pytorch FusionNet: A deep fully residual convolutional neural network for image segmentation in connectomics Requirements Pytorch 0.1.11 Pyt
Fully Connected DenseNet for Image Segmentation
Fully Connected DenseNets for Semantic Segmentation Fully Connected DenseNet for Image Segmentation implementation of the paper The One Hundred Layers
TransferNet: Learning Transferrable Knowledge for Semantic Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
TransferNet: Learning Transferrable Knowledge for Semantic Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Network Created by Seunghoon Hong, Junhyuk Oh,
An open-source outlier detection package by Getcontact Data Team
pyfbad The pyfbad library supports anomaly detection projects. An end-to-end anomaly detection application can be written using the source codes of th
Sentinel-1 vessel detection model used in the xView3 challenge
sar_vessel_detect Code for the AI2 Skylight team's submission in the xView3 competition (https://iuu.xview.us) for vessel detection in Sentinel-1 SAR
The final project of "Applying AI to 2D Medical Imaging Data" of "AI for Healthcare" nanodegree - Udacity.
Pneumonia Detection from X-Rays Project Overview In this project, you will apply the skills that you have acquired in this 2D medical imaging course t
This project intends to use SVM supervised learning to determine whether or not an individual is diabetic given certain attributes.
Diabetes Prediction Using SVM I explore a diabetes prediction algorithm using a Diabetes dataset. Using a Support Vector Machine for my prediction alg
[WWW 2022] Zero-Shot Stance Detection via Contrastive Learning
PT-HCL for Zero-Shot Stance Detection The code of this repository is constantly being updated... Please look forward to it! Introduction This reposito
A machine learning project which can detect and predict the skin disease through image recognition.
ML-Project-2021 A machine learning project which can detect and predict the skin disease through image recognition. The dataset used for this is the H
ISBI 2022: Cross-level Contrastive Learning and Consistency Constraint for Semi-supervised Medical Image.
Cross-level Contrastive Learning and Consistency Constraint for Semi-supervised Medical Image Introduction This repository contains the PyTorch implem
ObjectDrawer-ToolBox: a graphical image annotation tool to generate ground plane masks for a 3D object reconstruction system
ObjectDrawer-ToolBox is a graphical image annotation tool to generate ground plane masks for a 3D object reconstruction system, Object Drawer.
Opencv-image-filters - A camera to capture videos in real time by placing filters using Python with the help of the Tkinter and OpenCV libraries
Opencv-image-filters - A camera to capture videos in real time by placing filters using Python with the help of the Tkinter and OpenCV libraries
A simple python module to generate anchor (aka default/prior) boxes for object detection tasks.
PyBx WIP A simple python module to generate anchor (aka default/prior) boxes for object detection tasks. Calculated anchor boxes are returned as ndarr
From Perceptron model to Deep Neural Network from scratch in Python.
Neural-Network-Basics Aim of this Repository: From Perceptron model to Deep Neural Network (from scratch) in Python. ** Currently working on a basic N
AI Face Mesh: This is a simple face mesh detection program based on Artificial intelligence.
AI Face Mesh: This is a simple face mesh detection program based on Artificial Intelligence which made with Python. It's able to detect 468 different
Self-supervised spatio-spectro-temporal represenation learning for EEG analysis
EEG-Oriented Self-Supervised Learning and Cluster-Aware Adaptation This repository provides a tensorflow implementation of a submitted paper: EEG-Orie
The code for our paper Semi-Supervised Learning with Multi-Head Co-Training
Semi-Supervised Learning with Multi-Head Co-Training (PyTorch) Abstract Co-training, extended from self-training, is one of the frameworks for semi-su
A python package to perform same transformation to coco-annotation as performed on the image.
coco-transform-util A python package to perform same transformation to coco-annotation as performed on the image. Installation Way 1 $ git clone https
🦈 Blahaj is a discord bot that shares random images of himself on discord.
🦈 Blahaj Bot Blahaj is a discord bot that shares random images of himself on discord. ⚙️ Developer's Guide To use the bot, follow along the steps Hea
The undersampled DWI image using Slice-Interleaved Diffusion Encoding (SIDE) method can be reconstructed by the UNet network.
UNet-SIDE The undersampled DWI image using Slice-Interleaved Diffusion Encoding (SIDE) method can be reconstructed by the UNet network. For Super Reso
Spy Ad Network - Spy Ad Network Detection With Python
Spy Ad Network Spy Ad Network Detection Jumps from link to link to access a site
Weakly-supervised semantic image segmentation with CNNs using point supervision
Code for our ECCV paper What's the Point: Semantic Segmentation with Point Supervision. Summary This library is a custom build of Caffe for semantic i
Generic Foreground Segmentation in Images
Pixel Objectness The following repository contains pretrained model for pixel objectness. Please visit our project page for the paper and visual resul
Weakly Supervised Segmentation with Tensorflow. Implements instance segmentation as described in Simple Does It: Weakly Supervised Instance and Semantic Segmentation, by Khoreva et al. (CVPR 2017).
Weakly Supervised Segmentation with TensorFlow This repo contains a TensorFlow implementation of weakly supervised instance segmentation as described
Code repository for Self-supervised Structure-sensitive Learning, CVPR'17
Self-supervised Structure-sensitive Learning (SSL) Ke Gong, Xiaodan Liang, Xiaohui Shen, Liang Lin, "Look into Person: Self-supervised Structure-sensi
Deep Learning for Human Part Discovery in Images - Chainer implementation
Deep Learning for Human Part Discovery in Images - Chainer implementation NOTE: This is not official implementation. Original paper is Deep Learning f
Image Encryption/Decryption based on Rubik Cube 's principle and AES
Image Encryption/Decryption based on Rubik Cube 's principle and AES Our final project for Theory of Crytography class. Our Image Encryption/Decryptio
A simple baseline for the 2022 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest (DFC2022)
DFC2022 Baseline A simple baseline for the 2022 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest (DFC2022) This repository uses TorchGeo, PyTorch Lightning, and Segmenta
Cryptocurrency Prediction with Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning via LSTM Neural Networks)
Cryptocurrency Prediction with Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning via LSTM Neural Networks)- Emirhan BULUT
Use stochastic processes to generate samples and use them to train a fully-connected neural network based on Keras
Use stochastic processes to generate samples and use them to train a fully-connected neural network based on Keras which will then be used to generate residuals
Food recognition model using convolutional neural network & computer vision
Food recognition model using convolutional neural network & computer vision. The goal is to match or beat the DeepFood Research Paper
Object Detection Projekt in GKI WS2021/22
tfObjectDetection Object Detection Projekt with tensorflow in GKI WS2021/22 Docker Container: docker run -it --name --gpus all -v path/to/project:p
A small script I made that takes any standard Decklist of magic the gathering cards and pulls all card images from scryfall at once!
A small script I made that takes any standard Decklist of magic the gathering cards and pulls all card images from scryfall at once!