4806 Repositories
Python EAST-Detector-for-text-detection-using-OpenCV Libraries
Generate pixel-style avatars with python.
face2pixel Generate pixel-style avatars with python. Run: Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/theodorecooper/face2pixel install requiremen
Churn Emails Inbox - Churn Emails Inbox Using Python
Churn Emails Inbox In this project, I have used the Python programming langauge
Eye-Blink-Counter - Python based Computer Vision project which counts how many time a person blinks
Eye Blink Counter OpenCV and Mediapipe No Blink Blink
Banglore House Prediction Using Flask Server (Python)
Banglore House Prediction Using Flask Server (Python) 🌐 Links 🌐 📂 Repo In this repository, I've implemented a Machine Learning-based Bangalore Hous
Predicting Auction Sale Price using the kaggle bulldozer auction sales data: Modeling with Ensembles vs Neural Network
Predicting Auction Sale Price using the kaggle bulldozer auction sales data: Modeling with Ensembles vs Neural Network The performances of tree ensemb
Amazon web scraping using Scrapy Framework
Amazon-web-scraping-using-Scrapy-Framework Scrapy Scrapy is an application framework for crawling web sites and extracting structured data which can b
Discord Bot that can translate your text, count and reply to your messages with a personalised text
Discord Bot that can translate your text, count and reply to your messages with a personalised text
🤞 Website-Survival-Detection
- 🤞 Website-Survival-Detection It can help you to detect the survival status of the website in batches and return the status code! - 📜 Instructions
A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions
A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions.
Labelbox is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship artificial intelligence applications
Labelbox Labelbox is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship artificial intelligence applications. Use this github repository to help you s
CRLT: A Unified Contrastive Learning Toolkit for Unsupervised Text Representation Learning
CRLT: A Unified Contrastive Learning Toolkit for Unsupervised Text Representation Learning This repository contains the code and relevant instructions
Continuous Security Group Rule Change Detection & Response at scale
Introduction Get notified of Security Group Changes across all AWS Accounts & Regions in an AWS Organization, with the ability to respond/revert those
CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training) is a neural network trained on a variety of (image, text) pairs
CLIP [Blog] [Paper] [Model Card] [Colab] CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training) is a neural network trained on a variety of (image, text) pair
STonKGs is a Sophisticated Transformer that can be jointly trained on biomedical text and knowledge graphs
STonKGs STonKGs is a Sophisticated Transformer that can be jointly trained on biomedical text and knowledge graphs. This multimodal Transformer combin
Simple and understandable swin-transformer OCR project
swin-transformer-ocr ocr with swin-transformer Overview Simple and understandable swin-transformer OCR project. The model in this repository heavily r
A library for benchmarking, developing and deploying deep learning anomaly detection algorithms
A library for benchmarking, developing and deploying deep learning anomaly detection algorithms Key Features • Getting Started • Docs • License Introd
Awesome Transformers in Medical Imaging
This repo supplements our Survey on Transformers in Medical Imaging Fahad Shamshad, Salman Khan, Syed Waqas Zamir, Muhammad Haris Khan, Munawar Hayat,
Improving Factual Completeness and Consistency of Image-to-text Radiology Report Generation
Improving Factual Completeness and Consistency of Image-to-text Radiology Report Generation The reference code of Improving Factual Completeness and C
This code is for our paper "VTGAN: Semi-supervised Retinal Image Synthesis and Disease Prediction using Vision Transformers"
ICCV Workshop 2021 VTGAN This code is for our paper "VTGAN: Semi-supervised Retinal Image Synthesis and Disease Prediction using Vision Transformers"
Cervix ROI Segmentation Using U-NET
Cervix ROI Segmentation Using U-NET Overview This code illustrate how to segment the ROI in cervical images using U-NET. The ROI here meant to include
Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
ild-cnn This is supplementary material for the manuscript: "Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neur
Deep Learning to Improve Breast Cancer Detection on Screening Mammography
Shield: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Deep Learning to Improve Breast
Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Semantic Segmentation of Breast Cancer Lesions (BRCA)
Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Semantic Segmentation of Breast Cancer Lesions (BRCA). Master's thesis documents. Bibliography, experiments and reports.
Kaggle DSTL Satellite Imagery Feature Detection
Kaggle DSTL Satellite Imagery Feature Detection
Semantic Segmentation for Aerial Imagery using Convolutional Neural Network
This repo has been deprecated because whole things are re-implemented by using Chainer and I did refactoring for many codes. So please check this newe
Raster Vision is an open source Python framework for building computer vision models on satellite, aerial, and other large imagery sets
Raster Vision is an open source Python framework for building computer vision models on satellite, aerial, and other large imagery sets (including obl
This repository contains code, network definitions and pre-trained models for working on remote sensing images using deep learning
Deep learning for Earth Observation This repository contains code, network definitions and pre-trained models for working on remote sensing images usi
It is an open dataset for object detection in remote sensing images.
RSOD-Dataset It is an open dataset for object detection in remote sensing images. The dataset includes aircraft, oiltank, playground and overpass. The
🛰️ Awesome Satellite Imagery Datasets
Awesome Satellite Imagery Datasets List of aerial and satellite imagery datasets with annotations for computer vision and deep learning. Newest datase
Small U-Net for vehicle detection
Small U-Net for vehicle detection Vivek Yadav, PhD Overview In this repository , we will go over using U-net for detecting vehicles in a video stream
Source code of all the projects of Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree.
self-driving-car In this repository I will share the source code of all the projects of Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree. Hope this might
Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation
Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation This is code for the ECCV Paper: Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation Bharath Hariharan, Pablo Arbelaez,
DecoupledNet is semantic segmentation system which using heterogeneous annotations
DecoupledNet: Decoupled Deep Neural Network for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation Created by Seunghoon Hong, Hyeonwoo Noh and Bohyung Han at POSTE
CN24 is a complete semantic segmentation framework using fully convolutional networks
Build status: master (production branch): develop (development branch): Welcome to the CN24 GitHub repository! CN24 is a complete semantic segmentatio
Segment axon and myelin from microscopy data using deep learning
Segment axon and myelin from microscopy data using deep learning. Written in Python. Using the TensorFlow framework. Based on a convolutional neural network architecture. Pixels are classified as either axon, myelin or background.
Weather-API-GUI-Tkinter - A weather tool made using tkinter which works by fetching query city weather using an API
Weather-API-GUI-Tkinter ☁️ ❄️ version- 1️⃣ . 0️⃣ . 0️⃣ This repo contains a weat
Starlite-tile38 - Showcase using Tile38 via pyle38 in a Starlite application
Starlite-Tile38 Showcase using Tile38 via pyle38 in a Starlite application. Repo
Scrap-mtg-top-8 - A top 8 mtg scraper using python
Scrap-mtg-top-8 - A top 8 mtg scraper using python
Static Features Classifier - A static features classifier for Point-Could clusters using an Attention-RNN model
Static Features Classifier This is a static features classifier for Point-Could
Cities bot - A simple example of using aiogram and the wikipedia package
Cities game A simple example of using aiogram and the wikipedia package. The bot
This jupyter notebook project was completed by me and my friend using the dataset from Kaggle
ARM This jupyter notebook project was completed by me and my friend using the dataset from Kaggle. The world Happiness 2017, which ranks 155 countries
CS50 pset9: Using flask API to create a web application to exchange stocks' shares.
C$50 Finance In this guide we want to implement a website via which users can “register”, “login” “buy” and “sell” stocks, like below: Background If y
Equipped customers with insights about their EVs Hourly energy consumption and helped predict future charging behavior using LSTM model
Equipped customers with insights about their EVs Hourly energy consumption and helped predict future charging behavior using LSTM model. Designed sample dashboard with insights and recommendation for customers.
A deep neural networks for images using CNN algorithm.
Example-CNN-Project This is a simple project showing how to implement deep neural networks using CNN algorithm. The dataset is taken from this link: h
In this project we will implement AirBnB clone using console
AirBnB Clone In this project we will implement AirBnB clone using console. Usage The shell should work like this
Send e-mails to teachers with specified school-website using Aula, anonymously
Information : This only works in Denmark! Send e-mails to teachers with specified school-website using Aula, anonymously. Find your school via the att
Controlling a game using mediapipe hand tracking
These scripts use the Google mediapipe hand tracking solution in combination with a webcam in order to send game instructions to a racing game. It features 2 methods of control
Decision tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification and prediction
Diabetes Prediction Using Decision Tree Introduction Decision tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification and prediction. A Decision
This project generates news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network.
News Headlines Generator bunnysaini/Generate-Headlines Goal This project aims to generate news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural
This is a simple framework to make object detection dataset very quickly
FastAnnotation Table of contents General info Requirements Setup General info This is a simple framework to make object detection dataset very quickly
Verify your Accounts by Tempphone using this Discordbot
Verify your Accounts by Tempphone using this Discordbot 5sim.net is a service, that offer you temp phonenumbers for otp verification. It include a lot
Efficient Multi Collection Style Transfer Using GAN
Proposed a new model that can make style transfer from single style image, and allow to transfer into multiple different styles in a single model.
Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition GitHub project
Exadel CompreFace is a leading free and open-source face recognition system Exadel CompreFace is a free and open-source face recognition service that
Human Detection - Pedestrian Detection using OpenCV Python
Pedestrian Detection using OpenCV Python Follow us on Instagram for Machine Lear
Iss-tracker - ISS tracking script in python using NASA's API
ISS Tracker Tracking International Space Station using NASA's API and plotting i
Lambda-function - Python codes that allow notification of changes made to some services using the AWS Lambda Function
AWS Lambda Function This repository contains python codes that allow notificatio
ChatBot-Pytorch - A GPT-2 ChatBot implemented using Pytorch and Huggingface-transformers
ChatBot-Pytorch A GPT-2 ChatBot implemented using Pytorch and Huggingface-transf
Talon accessibility - Experimental Talon integrations using macOS accessibility APIs
talon_accessibility Experimental Talon integrations using macOS accessibility AP
TetrisAI - Tetris AI Bot using computer vision to play game automatically
Tetris AI Tetris AI Bot using computer vision to play game automatically bot.py
Python Projects - Few Python projects with Testing using Pytest
Python_Projects Few Python projects : Fast_API_Docker_PyTest- Just a simple auto
The project's goal is to show a real world application of image segmentation using k means algorithm
The project's goal is to show a real world application of image segmentation using k means algorithm
Keras Image Embeddings using Contrastive Loss
Image to Embedding projection in vector space. Implementation in keras and tensorflow of batch all triplet loss for one-shot/few-shot learning.
This is a Poetry plugin that will make it possible to build projects using custom TOML files
Poetry Multiproject Plugin This is a Poetry plugin that will make it possible to build projects using custom TOML files. This is especially useful whe
Simple Text-To-Speech Bot For Discord
Simple Text-To-Speech Bot For Discord This is a very simple TTS bot for discord made with python. For this bot you need FFMPEG, see installation to se
Send song lyrics to iMessage users using the Genius lyrics API
pyMessage Send song lyrics to iMessage users using the Genius lyrics API. Setup 1.) Open the main.py file, and add your API key on line 7. 2.) Install
A simple bot which using an API , detects reported discord scams and kicks the user if possible while deleting the message
A simple bot which using an API , detects reported discord scams and kicks the user if possible while deleting the message
Create charts with Python in a very similar way to creating charts using Chart.js
Create charts with Python in a very similar way to creating charts using Chart.js. The charts created are fully configurable, interactive and modular and are displayed directly in the output of the the cells of your jupyter notebook environment.
Real life contra a deep learning project built using mediapipe and openc
real-life-contra Description A python script that translates the body movement into in game control. Welcome to all new real life contra a deep learni
Face and other object detection using OpenCV and ML Yolo
Object-and-Face-Detection-Using-Yolo- Opencv and YOLO object and face detection is implemented. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-
Linux GUI app to codon optimize many single-fasta files with coding sequences , using many taxonomy ids
codon_optimize_cds_with_many_taxids_singlefasta Linux GUI app to codon optimize many single-fasta files with coding sequences, using many taxonomy ids
Microllect - Fully automated btc wallet hack,using advanced protocols
Microllect - Fully automated btc wallet hack,using advanced protocols
Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram.
──「𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐅𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚」── Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram. Deploy To Heroku NOTE: I'm making this note to whoever
Multi-modal Text Recognition Networks: Interactive Enhancements between Visual and Semantic Features
Multi-modal Text Recognition Networks: Interactive Enhancements between Visual and Semantic Features | paper | Official PyTorch implementation for Mul
A program that makes all 47 textures of Optifine CTM only using 2 textures
A program that makes all 47 textures of Optifine CTM only using 2 textures
Keras Image Embeddings using Contrastive Loss
Keras-Image-Embeddings-using-Contrastive-Loss Image to Embedding projection in vector space. Implementation in keras and tensorflow for custom data. B
Code base of object detection
rmdet code base of object detection. 环境安装: 1. 安装conda python环境 - `conda create -n xxx python=3.7/3.8` - `conda activate xxx` 2. 运行脚本,自动安装pytorch1
This is a learning tool and exploration app made using the Dash interactive Python framework developed by Plotly
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Explorer This app has been moved here. This repo is likely outdated and will not be updated. This is a learning tool and
Sentiment Classification using WSD, Maximum Entropy & Naive Bayes Classifiers
Sentiment Classification using WSD, Maximum Entropy & Naive Bayes Classifiers
⏲️ 📙 Animedoro Timer made using tkinter in python
Animedoro Timer ⏲️ 📙 version- 1️⃣ . 0️⃣ . 0️⃣ Hey ! did you ever feel bad for not concentarting enough? , it's not you're mistake, there is a flaw in
Python script that reads Aliexpress offers urls from a Excel filename (.csv) and post then in a Telegram channel using a bot
Aliexpress to telegram post Python script that reads Aliexpress offers urls from a Excel filename (.csv) and post then in a Telegram channel using a b
Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track: Open Solution
Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track: Open Solution This is an open solution to the Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track 😃 More c
Airbus Ship Detection Challenge
Airbus Ship Detection Challenge This is an open solution to the Airbus Ship Detection Challenge. Our goals We are building entirely open solution to t
Gallery of applications built using bqplot and widget libraries like ipywidgets, ipydatagrid etc.
bqplot Gallery This is a gallery of bqplot examples. View the gallery at https://bqplot.github.io/bqplot-gallery. Contributing new examples Clone this
Cereal box identification in store shelves using computer vision and a single train image per model.
Product Recognition on Store Shelves Description You can read the task description here. Report You can read and download our report here. Step A - Mu
A competition for forecasting electricity demand at the country-level using a standard backtesting framework
A competition for forecasting electricity demand at the country-level using a standard backtesting framework
In this project, we'll be making our own screen recorder in Python using some libraries.
Screen Recorder in Python Project Description: In this project, we'll be making our own screen recorder in Python using some libraries. Requirements:
This is a repository for a task assigned to me by Bilateral solutions!
Processing-Files-using-MySQL This is a repository for a task assigned to me by Bilateral solutions! Task: Make Folders named Processing,queue and proc
This project has been created for statistical usage, purposing for determining ATL takers and nontakers using LCG ttest and Euclidean Method, especially for internal business case in Telkomsel.
Facial expression detector
A tensorflow convolutional neural network model to detect facial expressions.
Chess Game using Python
Chess Game is a single-player game where the objective is same as the original chess game. You just need to place your chess piece in a correct position. The purpose of the system is to provide some past time with your friends.
Klexikon: A German Dataset for Joint Summarization and Simplification
Klexikon: A German Dataset for Joint Summarization and Simplification Dennis Aumiller and Michael Gertz Heidelberg University Under submission at LREC
Some experiments with tennis player aging curves using Hilbert space GPs in PyMC. Only experimental for now.
NOTE: This is still being developed! Setup notes This document uses Jeff Sackmann's tennis data. You can obtain it as follows: git clone https://githu
This a classic fintech problem that introduces real life difficulties such as data imbalance. Check out the notebook to find out more!
Credit Card Fraud Detection Introduction Online transactions have become a crucial part of any business over the years. Many of those transactions use
Implementing a simplified copy of Shazam application from scratch using MinHashing and LSH.
Building Shazam from scratch In this repository we tried to implement a simplified copy of the Shazam application able to tell you the name of a song
A python module to parse text files with contains secret variables.
A python module to parse text files with contains secret variables.
Script to calculate Active Directory Kerberos keys (AES256 and AES128) for an account, using its plaintext password
Script to calculate Active Directory Kerberos keys (AES256 and AES128) for an account, using its plaintext password
AIDynamicTextReader - A simple dynamic text reader based on Artificial intelligence
AI Dynamic Text Reader: This is a simple dynamic text reader based on Artificial
LavaAPI - A simple library for accepting payments and using the LAVA Wallet
This library was created to simplify the LAVA api provided on the official websi
Predicting Keystrokes using an Audio Side-Channel Attack and Machine Learning
Predicting Keystrokes using an Audio Side-Channel Attack and Machine Learning My
Yolov5-opencv-cpp-python - Example of using ultralytics YOLO V5 with OpenCV 4.5.4, C++ and Python
yolov5-opencv-cpp-python Example of performing inference with ultralytics YOLO V