2104 Repositories
Python Self-Supervised-Knowledge-Transfer-via-Loosely-Supervised-Auxiliary-Tasks Libraries
NFT-Price-Prediction-CNN - Using visual feature extraction, prices of NFTs are predicted via CNN (Alexnet and Resnet) architectures.
NFT-Price-Prediction-CNN - Using visual feature extraction, prices of NFTs are predicted via CNN (Alexnet and Resnet) architectures.
Hybrid CenterNet - Hybrid-supervised object detection / Weakly semi-supervised object detection
Hybrid-Supervised Object Detection System Object detection system trained by hybrid-supervision/weakly semi-supervision (HSOD/WSSOD): This project is
Mpis-ex7 - Implementation of tasks 1, 2, 3 for Metody Probabilistyczne i Statystyka Lista 7
Implementations of task 1, 2 and 3 from here Author: Maciej Bazela Index: 261743 Each task was implemented in Python 3. I've used Cython to speed up e
Self-Learning - Books Papers, Courses & more I have to learn soon
Self-Learning This repository is intended to be used for personal use, all rights reserved to respective owners, please cite original authors and ask
AutoGluon: AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data
AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data AutoGluon automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in yo
Gans-in-action - Companion repository to GANs in Action: Deep learning with Generative Adversarial Networks
GANs in Action by Jakub Langr and Vladimir Bok List of available code: Chapter 2: Colab, Notebook Chapter 3: Notebook Chapter 4: Notebook Chapter 6: C
Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai
Coursera-deep-learning-specialization - Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai: (i) Neural Networks and Deep Learning; (ii) Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization; (iii) Structuring Machine Learning Projects; (iv) Convolutional Neural Networks; (v) Sequence Models
PyTorch-Multi-Style-Transfer - Neural Style and MSG-Net
PyTorch-Style-Transfer This repo provides PyTorch Implementation of MSG-Net (ours) and Neural Style (Gatys et al. CVPR 2016), which has been included
TensorFlow 101: Introduction to Deep Learning for Python Within TensorFlow
TensorFlow 101: Introduction to Deep Learning I have worked all my life in Machine Learning, and I've never seen one algorithm knock over its benchmar
CarND-LaneLines-P1 - Lane Finding Project for Self-Driving Car ND
Finding Lane Lines on the Road Overview When we drive, we use our eyes to decide where to go. The lines on the road that show us where the lanes are a
Kaggle-titanic - A tutorial for Kaggle's Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster competition. Demonstrates basic data munging, analysis, and visualization techniques. Shows examples of supervised machine learning techniques.
Kaggle-titanic This is a tutorial in an IPython Notebook for the Kaggle competition, Titanic Machine Learning From Disaster. The goal of this reposito
U-2-Net: U Square Net - Modified for paired image training of style transfer
U2-Net: U Square Net Modified for paired image training of style transfer This is an unofficial repo making use of the code which was made available b
Seeing All the Angles: Learning Multiview Manipulation Policies for Contact-Rich Tasks from Demonstrations
Seeing All the Angles: Learning Multiview Manipulation Policies for Contact-Rich Tasks from Demonstrations Trevor Ablett, Daniel (Yifan) Zhai, Jonatha
Lavrigon - A Python Webservice to check the status of any given local service via a REST call
lavrigon A Python Webservice to check the status of any given local service via
DankMemer-Farmer - Autofarm Self-Bot for Discord bot Named Dankmemer.
DankMemer-Farmer Autofarm Self-Bot for Discord bot Named Dankmemer. Warning We are not responsible if you got banned, since "self-bots" outside of the
Image-popularity-score - A novel deep regression method for image scoring.
Image-popularity-score - A novel deep regression method for image scoring.
Ethone-Selfbot - Open Source Discord Self-Bot, written in discord.py
Ethone SB Table of contents Newest open-source Discord SelfBot with useful commands and easy documentation on how to add your own and change the exist
Unet-TTS: Improving Unseen Speaker and Style Transfer in One-shot Voice Cloning
Unet-TTS: Improving Unseen Speaker and Style Transfer in One-shot Voice Cloning English | 中文 ❗ Now we provide inferencing code and pre-training models
Pure-python-server - A blogging platform written in pure python for developer to share their coding knowledge
Pure Python web server - PyProject A blogging platform written in pure python (n
Self Governing Neural Networks (SGNN): the Projection Layer
Self Governing Neural Networks (SGNN): the Projection Layer A SGNN's word projections preprocessing pipeline in scikit-learn In this notebook, we'll u
Offical implementation of Shunted Self-Attention via Multi-Scale Token Aggregation
Shunted Transformer This is the offical implementation of Shunted Self-Attention via Multi-Scale Token Aggregation by Sucheng Ren, Daquan Zhou, Shengf
Adversarial Attacks are Reversible via Natural Supervision
Adversarial Attacks are Reversible via Natural Supervision ICCV2021 Citation @InProceedings{Mao_2021_ICCV, author = {Mao, Chengzhi and Chiquier
Alerts for Western Australian Covid-19 exposure locations via email and Slack
WA Covid Mailer Sends alerts from Healthy WA's Covid19 Exposure Locations via email and slack. Setup Edit the configuration items in wacovidmailer.py
Pytorch implementation of paper Semi-supervised Knowledge Transfer for Deep Learning from Private Training Data
Pytorch implementation of paper Semi-supervised Knowledge Transfer for Deep Learning from Private Training Data
A state-of-the-art semi-supervised method for image recognition
Mean teachers are better role models Paper ---- NIPS 2017 poster ---- NIPS 2017 spotlight slides ---- Blog post By Antti Tarvainen, Harri Valpola (The
Ladder network is a deep learning algorithm that combines supervised and unsupervised learning
This repository contains source code for the experiments in a paper titled Semi-Supervised Learning with Ladder Networks by A Rasmus, H Valpola, M Hon
Learning Dynamic Network Using a Reuse Gate Function in Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation.
Training Script for Reuse-VOS This code implementation of CVPR 2021 paper : Learning Dynamic Network Using a Reuse Gate Function in Semi-supervised Vi
Code used for the results in the paper "ClassMix: Segmentation-Based Data Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning"
Code used for the results in the paper "ClassMix: Segmentation-Based Data Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning" Getting started Prerequisites CUD
A simple consistency training framework for semi-supervised image semantic segmentation
PseudoSeg: Designing Pseudo Labels for Semantic Segmentation PseudoSeg is a simple consistency training framework for semi-supervised image semantic s
Semi-supervised semantic segmentation needs strong, varied perturbations
Semi-supervised semantic segmentation using CutMix and Colour Augmentation Implementations of our papers: Semi-supervised semantic segmentation needs
A PyTorch-based Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) Codebase for Pixel-wise (Pixel) Vision Tasks
PixelSSL is a PyTorch-based semi-supervised learning (SSL) codebase for pixel-wise (Pixel) vision tasks. The purpose of this project is to promote the
Learning Saliency Propagation for Semi-supervised Instance Segmentation
Learning Saliency Propagation for Semi-supervised Instance Segmentation PyTorch Implementation This repository contains: the PyTorch implementation of
Self-supervised Equivariant Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2020 (Oral)
SEAM The implementation of Self-supervised Equivariant Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentaion. You can also download the repos
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Cross-Consistency Training (CCT)
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Cross-Consistency Training (CCT) Paper, Project Page This repo contains the official implementation of CVPR
CapsuleVOS: Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation Using Capsule Routing
CapsuleVOS This is the code for the ICCV 2019 paper CapsuleVOS: Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation Using Capsule Routing. Arxiv Link: https://a
Code for Universal Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation models paper accepted in ICCV 2019
USSS_ICCV19 Code for Universal Semi Supervised Semantic Segmentation accepted to ICCV 2019. Full Paper available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.10323.
Weakly Supervised Learning of Instance Segmentation with Inter-pixel Relations, CVPR 2019 (Oral)
Weakly Supervised Learning of Instance Segmentation with Inter-pixel Relations The code of: Weakly Supervised Learning of Instance Segmentation with I
Adversarial Learning for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation, BMVC 2018
Adversarial Learning for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation This repo is the pytorch implementation of the following paper: Adversarial Learning fo
Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation (ECCV18)
Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation by Qizhu Li*, Anurag Arnab*, Philip H.S. Torr This repository demonstrates the weakly supervised gro
Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network with Deep Seeded Region Growing (CVPR 2018).
Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network with Deep Seeded Region Growing (CVPR2018) By Zilong Huang, Xinggang Wang, Jiasi Wang, Wenyu Liu and J
Weakly Supervised Segmentation by Tensorflow.
Weakly Supervised Segmentation by Tensorflow. Implements semantic segmentation in Simple Does It: Weakly Supervised Instance and Semantic Segmentation, by Khoreva et al. (CVPR 2017).
Implementation of " SESS: Self-Ensembling Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection" (CVPR2020 Oral)
SESS: Self-Ensembling Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection Created by Na Zhao from National University of Singapore Introduction This repository contai
Semi-supervised learning for object detection
Source code for STAC: A Simple Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Object Detection STAC is a simple yet effective SSL framework for visual object
Weakly-supervised object detection.
Wetectron Wetectron is a software system that implements state-of-the-art weakly-supervised object detection algorithms. Project CVPR'20, ECCV'20 | Pa
CSD: Consistency-based Semi-supervised learning for object Detection
CSD: Consistency-based Semi-supervised learning for object Detection (NeurIPS 2019) By Jisoo Jeong, Seungeui Lee, Jee-soo Kim, Nojun Kwak Installation
PyTorch implementation of Neural View Synthesis and Matching for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning of 3D Pose
Neural View Synthesis and Matching for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning of 3D Pose Release Notes The official PyTorch implementation of Neural View S
More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval
More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval, CVPR 2021. Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Pinaki nath Chowdh
[CVPR'2020] DeepDeform: Learning Non-rigid RGB-D Reconstruction with Semi-supervised Data
DeepDeform (CVPR'2020) DeepDeform is an RGB-D video dataset containing over 390,000 RGB-D frames in 400 videos, with 5,533 optical and scene flow imag
A PyTorch implementation of Deep SAD, a deep Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection method.
Deep SAD: A Method for Deep Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of the Deep SAD method presented in ou
Learning to Self-Train for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot
Learning to Self-Train for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Classification This repository contains the TensorFlow implementation for NeurIPS 2019 Paper "Lear
Multi-label Co-regularization for Semi-supervised Facial Action Unit Recognition (NeurIPS 2019)
MLCR This is the source code for paper Multi-label Co-regularization for Semi-supervised Facial Action Unit Recognition. Xuesong Niu, Hu Han, Shiguang
A Probabilistic End-To-End Task-Oriented Dialog Model with Latent Belief States towards Semi-Supervised Learning
LABES This is the code for EMNLP 2020 paper "A Probabilistic End-To-End Task-Oriented Dialog Model with Latent Belief States towards Semi-Supervised L
MixText: Linguistically-Informed Interpolation of Hidden Space for Semi-Supervised Text Classification
MixText This repo contains codes for the following paper: Jiaao Chen, Zichao Yang, Diyi Yang: MixText: Linguistically-Informed Interpolation of Hidden
Semi-SDP Semi-supervised parser for semantic dependency parsing.
Semi-SDP Semi-supervised parser for semantic dependency parsing. This repo contains the code used for the semi-supervised semantic dependency parser i
Implementation of ICLR 2020 paper "Revisiting Self-Training for Neural Sequence Generation"
Self-Training for Neural Sequence Generation This repo includes instructions for running noisy self-training algorithms from the following paper: Revi
implementation of the paper "MarginGAN: Adversarial Training in Semi-Supervised Learning"
MarginGAN This repository is the implementation of the paper "MarginGAN: Adversarial Training in Semi-Supervised Learning". 1."preliminary" is the imp
Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model
Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model Baris Gecer 1, Binod Bhattarai 1
Good Semi-Supervised Learning That Requires a Bad GAN
Good Semi-Supervised Learning that Requires a Bad GAN This is the code we used in our paper Good Semi-supervised Learning that Requires a Bad GAN Ziha
Class-Attentive Diffusion Network for Semi-Supervised Classification [AAAI'21] (official implementation)
Class-Attentive Diffusion Network for Semi-Supervised Classification Official Implementation of AAAI 2021 paper Class-Attentive Diffusion Network for
Strongly local p-norm-cut algorithms for semi-supervised learning and local graph clustering
Strongly local p-norm-cut algorithms for semi-supervised learning and local graph clustering
AISTATS 2019: Confidence-based Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning
Confidence-based Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning Source code for AISTATS 2019 paper: Confidence-based Graph Convolutional Ne
Generalized Matrix Means for Semi-Supervised Learning with Multilayer Graphs
Generalized Matrix Means for Semi-Supervised Learning with Multilayer Graphs MATLAB implementation of the paper: P. Mercado, F. Tudisco, and M. Hein,
Keras implementation of the GNM model in paper ’Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning with Nonignorable Nonresponses‘
Graph-based joint model with Nonignorable Missingness (GNM) This is a Keras implementation of the GNM model in paper ’Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Lear
A Flexible Generative Framework for Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning (NeurIPS 2019)
G3NN This repo provides a pytorch implementation for the 4 instantiations of the flexible generative framework as described in the following paper: A
SemiNAS: Semi-Supervised Neural Architecture Search
SemiNAS: Semi-Supervised Neural Architecture Search This repository contains the code used for Semi-Supervised Neural Architecture Search, by Renqian
Meta Learning for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Classification
few-shot-ssl-public Code for paper Meta-Learning for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Classification. [arxiv] Dependencies cv2 numpy pandas python 2.7 / 3.5+
Code that accompanies the paper Semi-supervised Deep Kernel Learning: Regression with Unlabeled Data by Minimizing Predictive Variance
Semi-supervised Deep Kernel Learning This is the code that accompanies the paper Semi-supervised Deep Kernel Learning: Regression with Unlabeled Data
Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
FAIR Self-Supervision Benchmark is deprecated. Please see VISSL, a ground-up rewrite of benchmark in PyTorch. FAIR Self-Supervision Benchmark This cod
PyTorch implementation for Graph Contrastive Learning with Augmentations
Graph Contrastive Learning with Augmentations PyTorch implementation for Graph Contrastive Learning with Augmentations [poster] [appendix] Yuning You*
CCCL: Contrastive Cascade Graph Learning.
CCGL: Contrastive Cascade Graph Learning This repo provides a reference implementation of Contrastive Cascade Graph Learning (CCGL) framework as descr
Standalone Tailwind CSS CLI, installable via pip
Standalone Tailwind CSS CLI, installable via pip Use Tailwind CSS without Node.j
Python application, displaying currently played track from Spotify on OLED display connected via I2C
RaspberryPi Spotify OLED Display This application will display currently played track on SSD1306 OLED display connected to RaspberryPi. Displayed stuf
Mixup for Supervision, Semi- and Self-Supervision Learning Toolbox and Benchmark
OpenSelfSup News Downstream tasks now support more methods(Mask RCNN-FPN, RetinaNet, Keypoints RCNN) and more datasets(Cityscapes). 'GaussianBlur' is
Graph Representation Learning via Graphical Mutual Information Maximization
GMI (Graphical Mutual Information) Graph Representation Learning via Graphical Mutual Information Maximization (Peng Z, Huang W, Luo M, et al., WWW 20
A PyTorch implementation of "SelfGNN: Self-supervised Graph Neural Networks without explicit negative sampling"
SelfGNN A PyTorch implementation of "SelfGNN: Self-supervised Graph Neural Networks without explicit negative sampling" paper, which will appear in Th
Code for ICDM2020 full paper: "Sub-graph Contrast for Scalable Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning"
Subg-Con Sub-graph Contrast for Scalable Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning (Jiao et al., ICDM 2020): https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.10273 Over
Graph InfoClust: Leveraging cluster-level node information for unsupervised graph representation learning
Graph-InfoClust-GIC [PAKDD 2021] PAKDD'21 version Graph InfoClust: Maximizing Coarse-Grain Mutual Information in Graphs Preprint version Graph InfoClu
Pytorch implementation of SELF-ATTENTIVE VAD, ICASSP 2021
Coerce authentication from Windows hosts via MS-FSRVP (Requires FS-VSS-AGENT service running on host)
VSSTrigger Coerce authentication from Windows hosts via MS-FSRVP (Requires FS-VS
eXPeditious Data Transfer
xpdt: eXPeditious Data Transfer About xpdt is (yet another) language for defining data-types and generating code for serializing and deserializing the
Designed a system that can efficiently sort recyclables and transfer them to corresponding bins using Python, a Raspberry Pi, and Quanser Labs.
System for Sorting and Recycling Containers - Project 3 Table of contents Overview The challenge Screenshot My process Built with Code snippets What I
A Python library for common tasks on 3D point clouds
Point Cloud Utils (pcu) - A Python library for common tasks on 3D point clouds Point Cloud Utils (pcu) is a utility library providing the following fu
Hydrogen (or other pure gas phase species) depressurization calculations
HydDown Hydrogen (or other pure gas phase species) depressurization calculations This code is published under an MIT license. Install as simple as: pi
Python library for ODE integration via Taylor's method and LLVM
heyoka.py Modern Taylor's method via just-in-time compilation Explore the docs » Report bug · Request feature · Discuss The heyókȟa [...] is a kind of
Asynchronous serverless task queue with timed leasing of tasks
Asynchronous serverless task queue with timed leasing of tasks. Threaded implementations for SQS and local filesystem.
DvD-TD3: Diversity via Determinants for TD3 version
DvD-TD3: Diversity via Determinants for TD3 version The implementation of paper Effective Diversity in Population Based Reinforcement Learning. Instal
Unofficial implementation of Google "CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization" in PyTorch
CutPaste CutPaste: image from paper Unofficial implementation of Google's "CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization"
This is a yolo3 implemented via tensorflow 2.7
YoloV3 - an object detection algorithm implemented via TF 2.x source code In this article I assume you've already familiar with basic computer vision
In this project, we develop a face recognize platform based on MTCNN object-detection netcwork and FaceNet self-supervised network.
模式识别大作业——人脸检测与识别平台 本项目是一个简易的人脸检测识别平台,提供了人脸信息录入和人脸识别的功能。前端采用 html+css+js,后端采用 pytorch,
Official code for "InfoGraph: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Graph-Level Representation Learning via Mutual Information Maximization" (ICLR 2020, spotlight)
InfoGraph: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Graph-Level Representation Learning via Mutual Information Maximization Authors: Fan-yun Sun, Jordan Hoffm
Code for "SUGAR: Subgraph Neural Network with Reinforcement Pooling and Self-Supervised Mutual Information Mechanism"
SUGAR Code for "SUGAR: Subgraph Neural Network with Reinforcement Pooling and Self-Supervised Mutual Information Mechanism" Overview train.py: the cor
Implementation of paper "Self-supervised Learning on Graphs:Deep Insights and New Directions"
SelfTask-GNN A PyTorch implementation of "Self-supervised Learning on Graphs: Deep Insights and New Directions". [paper] In this paper, we first deepe
PyTorch code of "SLAPS: Self-Supervision Improves Structure Learning for Graph Neural Networks"
SLAPS-GNN This repo contains the implementation of the model proposed in SLAPS: Self-Supervision Improves Structure Learning for Graph Neural Networks
Code for KDD'20 "Generative Pre-Training of Graph Neural Networks"
GPT-GNN: Generative Pre-Training of Graph Neural Networks GPT-GNN is a pre-training framework to initialize GNNs by generative pre-training. It can be
Official PyTorch Implementation of "Self-supervised Auxiliary Learning with Meta-paths for Heterogeneous Graphs". NeurIPS 2020.
Self-supervised Auxiliary Learning with Meta-paths for Heterogeneous Graphs This repository is the implementation of SELAR. Dasol Hwang* , Jinyoung Pa
Deeper insights into graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised learning
deeper_insights_into_GCNs Deeper insights into graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised learning References data and utils.py come from Implem
Reference Code for AAAI-20 paper "Multi-Stage Self-Supervised Learning for Graph Convolutional Networks on Graphs with Few Labels"
Reference Code for AAAI-20 paper "Multi-Stage Self-Supervised Learning for Graph Convolutional Networks on Graphs with Few Labels" Please refer to htt
code for "Self-supervised edge features for improved Graph Neural Network training", arxivlink
Self-supervised edge features for improved Graph Neural Network training Data availability: Here is a link to the raw data for the organoids dataset.
A Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Aspect Detection
AspDecSSCL A Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Aspect Detection This repository is a pytorch implementation for the following AAAI'21