17323 Repositories
Python Virtual-Calculator-Based-On-OpenCV-And-Cvzone-With-Python Libraries
Uses Google's gTTS module to easily create robo text readin' on command.
Tool to convert text to speech, creating files for later use. TTRS uses Google's gTTS module to easily create robo text readin' on command.
Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python
Py2neo Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications. The library supports both Bolt and HTTP and prov
CaterApp is a cross platform, remotely data sharing tool created for sharing files in a quick and secured manner.
CaterApp is a cross platform, remotely data sharing tool created for sharing files in a quick and secured manner. It is aimed to integrate this tool with several more features including providing a User Interface.
Astroquery is an astropy affiliated package that contains a collection of tools to access online Astronomical data.
Astroquery is an astropy affiliated package that contains a collection of tools to access online Astronomical data.
Pytools is an open source library containing general machine learning and visualisation utilities for reuse
pytools is an open source library containing general machine learning and visualisation utilities for reuse, including: Basic tools for API developmen
Prototype application for GCM bias-correction and downscaling
dodola Prototype application for GCM bias-correction and downscaling This is an unstable prototype. This is under heavy development. Features Nothing!
An Ensemble of CNN (Python 3.5.1 Tensorflow 1.3 numpy 1.13)
An Ensemble of CNN (Python 3.5.1 Tensorflow 1.3 numpy 1.13)
Histogram specification using openCV in python .
histogram specification using openCV in python . Have to input miu and sigma to draw gausssian distribution which will be used to map the input image . Example input can be miu = 128 sigma = 30
A hashtag check python module
A hashtag check python module
AutoPilot is a game where the player controls a car and tries to get the highest score he can while not dying under falling cement blocks.
AutoPilot AutoPilot is a game where the player controls a car and tries to get the highest score he can while not dying under falling cement blocks. C
Tiny python video cutter
tiny_python_video_cutter Source code based on a discussion in StackOverflow Setup project in Pycharm: Configure virtual env in Pycharm. You are done w
eBay Scraper Homework 3 With Python
eBay Scraper Homework 3 Description of Code My ebay-dl.py file is programmed with python to download 6 key pieces of information - name, if there are
A scuffed remake of Kahoot... Made by Y9 and Y10 SHSB
A scuffed remake of Kahoot... Made by Y9 and Y10 SHSB
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for searching data on Google Drive.
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for searching data on Google Drive. Supports multiple Shared Drives (TDs). Manual Guide for deploying the bot
MQTT FastAPI Wrapper With Python
mqtt-fastapi-wrapper Quick start Create mosquitto.conf with the following content: ➜ /tmp cat mosquitto.conf persistence false allow_anonymous true
Solrorm : A sort-of solr ORM for python
solrorm : A sort-of solr ORM for python solrpy - deprecated solrorm - currently in dev Usage Cores The first step to interact with solr using solrorm
A script that downloads YouTube videos/audio
YouTube-Downloader A script that downloads YouTube videos/audio from youtube. Usage Download the script by executing the following in your terminal :
This is an example of how to automate Ridit Analysis for a dataset with large amount of questions and many item attributes
This is an example of how to automate Ridit Analysis for a dataset with large amount of questions and many item attributes
A simple polling app made in Django and Bootstrap
DjangoPolls A Simple Polling app made with Django Instructions Make sure you have Python installed Step 1. Open a terminal Step 2. Paste the given cod
Pretend to be a discord bot
Pretendabot © Pretend to be a discord bot! About Pretendabot© is an app that lets you become a discord bot!. It uses discord intrigrations(webhooks) a
A object detecting neural network powered by the yolo architecture and leveraging the PyTorch framework and associated libraries.
Yolo-Powered-Detector A object detecting neural network powered by the yolo architecture and leveraging the PyTorch framework and associated libraries
GET-ACQ is a python tool used to gather all companies acquired by a given company domain name.
get-acq 🏢 GET-ACQ is a python tool used to gather all companies acquired by a given company domain name. It is done by calling SecurityTrails API. Us
Appointment Tracker that allows user to input client information and update if needed.
Appointment-Tracker Appointment Tracker allows an assigned admin to input client information regarding their appointment and their appointment time. T
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
NetConfParser is a tool that helps you analyze the rpcs coming and going from a netconf client to a server
Simple python bot, that notifies about new manga chapters through Telegram.
Simple python bot, that notifies about new manga chapters through Telegram.
A Discord Self bot written in python
WitheredBot A Discord Self bot written in python Requirement Python = 3.9 How to Configure git clone https://github.com/a-a-a-aa/WitheredBot.git cd W
Collaboration project to creating bank application maded by Anzhelica Sakun and Yuriy Konyukh
Collaboration project to creating bank application maded by Anzhelica Sakun and Yuriy Konyukh
MIRACLE (Missing data Imputation Refinement And Causal LEarning)
MIRACLE (Missing data Imputation Refinement And Causal LEarning) Code Author: Trent Kyono This repository contains the code used for the "MIRACLE: Cau
Python module providing a framework to trace individual edges in an image using Gaussian process regression.
Edge Tracing using Gaussian Process Regression Repository storing python module which implements a framework to trace individual edges in an image usi
Investigating automatic navigation towards standard US views integrating MARL with the virtual US environment developed in CT2US simulation
AutomaticUSnavigation Investigating automatic navigation towards standard US views integrating MARL with the virtual US environment developed in CT2US
Image Segmentation using U-Net, U-Net with skip connections and M-Net architectures
Brain-Image-Segmentation Segmentation of brain tissues in MRI image has a number of applications in diagnosis, surgical planning, and treatment of bra
Supervised multi-SNE (S-multi-SNE): Multi-view visualisation and classification
S-multi-SNE Supervised multi-SNE (S-multi-SNE): Multi-view visualisation and classification A repository containing the code to reproduce the findings
Code for the paper Hybrid Spectrogram and Waveform Source Separation
Demucs Music Source Separation This is the 3rd release of Demucs (v3), featuring hybrid source separation. For the waveform only Demucs (v2): Go this
A generalist algorithm for cell and nucleus segmentation.
Cellpose | A generalist algorithm for cell and nucleus segmentation. Cellpose was written by Carsen Stringer and Marius Pachitariu. To learn about Cel
A simple Python library for stochastic graphical ecological models
What is Viridicle? Viridicle is a library for simulating stochastic graphical ecological models. It implements the continuous time models described in
EEGEyeNet is benchmark to evaluate ET prediction based on EEG measurements with an increasing level of difficulty
Introduction EEGEyeNet EEGEyeNet is a benchmark to evaluate ET prediction based on EEG measurements with an increasing level of difficulty. Overview T
Head and Neck Tumour Segmentation and Prediction of Patient Survival Project
Head-and-Neck-Tumour-Segmentation-and-Prediction-of-Patient-Survival Welcome to the Head and Neck Tumour Segmentation and Prediction of Patient Surviv
The repository for our EMNLP 2021 paper "Finnish Dialect Identification: The Effect of Audio and Text"
Finnish Dialect Identification The repository for our EMNLP 2021 paper "Finnish Dialect Identification: The Effect of Audio and Text". We present a te
Source code for the paper: Variance-Aware Machine Translation Test Sets (NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks Track)
Variance-Aware-MT-Test-Sets Variance-Aware Machine Translation Test Sets License See LICENSE. We follow the data licensing plan as the same as the WMT
The official implementation of Theme Transformer
Theme Transformer This is the official implementation of Theme Transformer. Checkout our demo and paper : Demo | arXiv Environment: using python versi
Source code, data, and evaluation details for “Cross-Lingual Citations in English Papers: A Large-Scale Analysis of Prevalence, Formation, and Ramifications”
Analysis of cross-lingual citations in English papers Contents initial_analysis Source code, data, and evaluation details as published at ICADL2020 ci
Laser device for neutralizing - mosquitoes, weeds and pests
Laser device for neutralizing - mosquitoes, weeds and pests (in progress) Here I will post information for creating a laser device. A warning!! How It
ACV is a python library that provides explanations for any machine learning model or data.
ACV is a python library that provides explanations for any machine learning model or data. It gives local rule-based explanations for any model or data and different Shapley Values for tree-based models.
We present a regularized self-labeling approach to improve the generalization and robustness properties of fine-tuning.
Overview This repository provides the implementation for the paper "Improved Regularization and Robustness for Fine-tuning in Neural Networks", which
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 EXIST task: Sexism Prediction in Spanish and English Tweets Using Monolingual and Multilingual BERT and Ensemble Models
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 EXIST task: Sexism Prediction in Spanish and English Tweets Using Monolingual and Multilingual BERT and Ensemble Models Descrip
Graph Robustness Benchmark: A scalable, unified, modular, and reproducible benchmark for evaluating the adversarial robustness of Graph Machine Learning.
Homepage | Paper | Datasets | Leaderboard | Documentation Graph Robustness Benchmark (GRB) provides scalable, unified, modular, and reproducible evalu
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 DETOXIS task: Toxicity Detection in Immigration-Related Web News Comments Using Transformers and Statistical Models
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 DETOXIS task: Toxicity Detection in Immigration-Related Web News Comments Using Transformers and Statistical Models Description
Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization
Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization This is implementation of Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization. Requirements Please i
A JAX-based research framework for writing differentiable numerical simulators with arbitrary discretizations
jaxdf - JAX-based Discretization Framework Overview | Example | Installation | Documentation ⚠️ This library is still in development. Breaking changes
A set of tools to pre-calibrate and calibrate (multi-focus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a Raytrix R12) based on the libpleno.
COMPOTE: Calibration Of Multi-focus PlenOpTic camEra. COMPOTE is a set of tools to pre-calibrate and calibrate (multifocus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a
This repository contains some projects that I have done using Python + Tkinter.
This repository contains some projects that I have done using Python + Tkinter.
Exploring basic lambda calculus in Python
Lambda Exploring basic lambda calculus in Python. In this repo I have used the lambda function built into python to get a more intiutive feel of lambd
Aurornis - The Command Line Program Test Helper
Aurornis - The Command Line Program Test Helper Aurornis is a small, yet powerful library designed to help testing command line programs. The name is
Discord bot that plays cricket with the user
CricBot Table of content Commands Installation Game rules License Commands S.No Command Use 1. cric Open the home window. This command is not necessa
Projects for AI/ML and IoT integration for games and other presented at re:Invent 2021.
Playground4AWS Projects for AI/ML and IoT integration for games and other presented at re:Invent 2021. Architecture Minecraft and Lamps This project i
Here use convulation with sobel filter from scratch in opencv python .
Here use convulation with sobel filter from scratch in opencv python .
Erosion and dialation using structure element in OpenCV python
Erosion and dialation using structure element in OpenCV python
ETHGreen blockchain is a fork from STAI and Chia blockchain including features implemented by Covid blockchain.
Welcome to ETHGreen Blockchain ETHGreen blockchain is a fork from STAI and Chia blockchain including features implemented by Covid blockchain. About t
Earth centric orbit propagation tool. Built from scratch in python.
Orbit-Propogator Earth centric orbit propagation tool. Built from scratch in python. Functionality includes: tracking sattelite location over time plo
Zotero references script (and app)
A little script (and PyInstaller build) for a very specific, somewhat hack-ish purpose: managing and exporting project references with Zotero and its API.
An open-source Discord Bot Project based on programming!
An open-source Discord Bot Project based on programming!
Leaderboard, taxonomy, and curated list of few-shot object detection papers.
Leaderboard, taxonomy, and curated list of few-shot object detection papers.
Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On
Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On [Project website] [Dataset] [Video] Abstract We propose a new g
A package for music online and offline rhythmic information analysis including music Beat, downbeat, tempo and meter tracking.
BeatNet A package for music online and offline rhythmic information analysis including music Beat, downbeat, tempo and meter tracking. This repository
NLP From Scratch Without Large-Scale Pretraining: A Simple and Efficient Framework
NLP From Scratch Without Large-Scale Pretraining This repository contains the code, pre-trained model checkpoints and curated datasets for our paper:
Entity-Based Knowledge Conflicts in Question Answering.
Entity-Based Knowledge Conflicts in Question Answering Run Instructions | Paper | Citation | License This repository provides the Substitution Framewo
This codebase proposes modular light python and pytorch implementations of several LiDAR Odometry methods
pyLiDAR-SLAM This codebase proposes modular light python and pytorch implementations of several LiDAR Odometry methods, which can easily be evaluated
Readings for "A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polypharmacy Side Effect, Combination Therapy, and Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction."
Polypharmacy - DDI - Synergy Survey The Survey Paper This repository accompanies our survey paper A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polyp
Part-aware Measurement for Robust Multi-View Multi-Human 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking
Part-aware Measurement for Robust Multi-View Multi-Human 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking Part-Aware Measurement for Robust Multi-View Multi-Human 3D P
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of the Adaptive Convolution architecture for image style transfer
AdaConv Unofficial PyTorch implementation of the Adaptive Convolution architecture for image style transfer from "Adaptive Convolutions for Structure-
Kalidokit is a blendshape and kinematics solver for Mediapipe/Tensorflow.js face, eyes, pose, and hand tracking models
Blendshape and kinematics solver for Mediapipe/Tensorflow.js face, eyes, pose, and hand tracking models.
Code for paper "Role-oriented Network Embedding Based on Adversarial Learning between Higher-order and Local Features"
Role-oriented Network Embedding Based on Adversarial Learning between Higher-order and Local Features Train python main.py --dataset brazil-flights C
Plock : A stack based programming language
Plock : A stack based programming language
Guess Your Card - A Multiplayer Python Game
Guess Your Card - A Multiplayer Python Game This is a guessing card game having two levels - Developed in Python and can be played between two to four
Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for atlassian-python-api
Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for atlassian-python-api
A GUI widget for Linux to show current time in different timezones.
A GUI widget to show current time in different timezones (under development). To use this widget: Run scripts/startup.py Select a country. A list of t
A OSINT tool coded in python
Argus Welcome to Argus, a OSINT tool coded in python. Disclaimer I Am not responsible what you do with the information that is given to you by my tool
Scraping comments from the political section of popular Nigerian blog (Nairaland), and saving in a CSV file.
Scraping_Nairaland This project scraped comments from the political section of popular Nigerian blog www.nairaland.com using the Python BeautifulSoup
A simple Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) API created using Flask and running in a Docker container.
emovoz Introduction A simple Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) API created using Flask and running in a Docker container. The SER system was built with
Small project to interact with python, C, HTML, JavaScript, PHP.
Micro Hidroponic Small project to interact with python, C, HTML, JavaScript, PHP. Table of Contents General Info Technologies Used Screenshots Usage P
Wikipedia Extractive Text Summarizer + Keywords Identification (entropy-based)
Wikipedia Extractive Text Summarizer + Keywords Identification (entropy-based)Wikipedia Extractive Text Summarizer + Keywords Identification (entropy-based)
cottonformation is a Python tool providing best development experience and highest productivity
Welcome to cottonformation Documentation Full Documentatioin Here cottonformation is a Python tool providing best development experience and highest p
Pipetools enables function composition similar to using Unix pipes.
Pipetools Complete documentation pipetools enables function composition similar to using Unix pipes. It allows forward-composition and piping of arbit
A python package containing all the basic functions and classes for python. From simple addition to advanced file encryption.
A python package containing all the basic functions and classes for python. From simple addition to advanced file encryption.
Python program for analyzing the output files of phonopy.
PhononTools Description Python program to analyze the results generated by phonopy. Using the .yaml and .dat files that phonopy generates one can plot
A GUI-based (PyQt5) tool used to design 2D linkage mechanism.
Pyslvs-UI A GUI-based (PyQt5) tool used to design 2D linkage mechanism. Planar Linkages Simulation Python-Solvespace: Kernel from Solvespace with Cyth
pvaPy provides Python bindings for EPICS pvAccess
PvaPy - PvAccess for Python The PvaPy package is a Python API for EPICS7. It supports both PVA and CA providers, all standard EPICS7 types (structures
TMTC Commander Core
This commander application was first developed by KSat for the SOURCE project to test the on-board software but has evolved into a more generic tool for satellite developers to perform TMTC (Telemetry and Telecommand) handling and testing via different communication interfaces.
Workbench to integrate pyoptools with freecad, that means basically optics ray tracing capabilities for FreeCAD.
freecad-pyoptools Workbench to integrate pyoptools with freecad, that means basically optics ray tracing capabilities for FreeCAD. Requirements It req
PwdGen is a Python Tkinter tool for generating secure 16 digit passwords.
PwdGen ( Password Generator ) is a Python Tkinter tool for generating secure 16 digit passwords. Installation Simply install requirements pip install
Discord RPC Generator With Python
Discord-RPC-Generator Thank you for using this Discord Custom RP Generator. This is 100% safe and open source. Download Discord for your computer here
Chess bot can play automatically as white or black on lichess.com, chess.com and any website using drag and drop to move pieces
Chessbot "Why create another chessbot ?" The explanation is simple : I did not find a free bot I liked online : all the bots I saw on internet are par
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
Chatbot with python code!
Chatbot Python Chatbot with python! How to Run Installation requirements. pip install -r requirements.txt Sample Chatbot The required files must be d
A python youtube search module
A python youtube search module
An example of python package
An example of python package Why use packages? It is a good practice to not code the same function twice, and to reuse common code from one python scr
Checkers Project Built Using Python
Checkers Project Built Using Python
Rates how pog a word or user is. Not random and does have *some* kind of algorithm to it.
PogRater :D Rates how pogchamp a word is :D A fun project coded by JBYT27 using Python3 Have you ever wondered how pog a word is? Well, congrats, you